Great information! My grandbaby is 3 months old. His eating pattern is exactly how you explained it. I have two kids of my own and now a new grandbaby and I've never really noticed the "milk gauge" that you mentioned. But right after you said it I could recognize those motions in all of my kids. Pretty cool that their little bodies give you all the signs.
Great information! My grandbaby is 3 months old. His eating pattern is exactly how you explained it. I have two kids of my own and now a new grandbaby and I've never really noticed the "milk gauge" that you mentioned. But right after you said it I could recognize those motions in all of my kids. Pretty cool that their little bodies give you all the signs.
Isn't it amazing what they tell us if we listen? And congrats on the grandbaby. I'm still waiting on one of my three to give me one!