The Magic of Breast Milk: From Gut Health to Immunity - Dr Sioned Jones

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @shahnoorahmed1462
    @shahnoorahmed1462 2 місяці тому +24


  • @hjqw1pe
    @hjqw1pe 2 місяці тому +25

    Homelander's favorite type of videos

  • @danielalvarez-galan3702
    @danielalvarez-galan3702 2 місяці тому +12

    On my Homelander era rn.

  • @trinidad428
    @trinidad428 2 місяці тому +12

    I have always said Cow's Milk is for baby cows so why feel so much more comfortable drinking cow's milk in preference for milk for baby humans?

  • @peaceseeker52
    @peaceseeker52 2 місяці тому +4

    I totally agreed with Breast Milk being best until my second child was born.
    Mom wanted to nurse but couldn't so we had Formula. 1952 Formula I had colic constantly for six weeks until her doctor suggested she get Formula without added iron. It was added to stop the problem of babies being anemic on Formula alone. It can happen very occasionally with Breast Milk if pureed foods are withheld for too long . My next sister did ok on Formula and in 1954 we still got unhomoginized milk delivered every morning. People often took the cream off for beverages or cooking. Some shook it up to temporarily mix it for more butterfly, others skimmed all cream off and drank leaner milk. My sister could not tolerate homogenized milk. There was never any indication as to what was added to homogenized milk but it had to be something. We were able to get that milk at dairies just outside the suburbs as late as when my kids were born in the middle 1970's. My youngest sister born 1967 also could not drink homogenized milk.
    I went to an Air show in Menomonee Wisconsin in 1974 with My fiance. No sunscreen other than zinc paste but I am extremely fair and burn not ten unless I really limit sun and slowly increase a few minutes a day. I was starting to burn so we moved up on a hill with a stand of young pine trees and watched than last 3/4 of the show but my burn continued to develop even there. When we were driving home I started running a fever but the air cooled down after 6p and I took aspirin and we stopped for iced drinks.
    After two nights of not sleeping from the pain, no blisters my fever stopped running as high and the sunburn started to fade but the fever continued and I decided I had picked up a rare summer flu as well. When the sunburn faded I had bright read rings bigger than grapefruit on my thighs and stomach up to my navel. Those took weeks to fade.
    I got married in early December. Our life plan was to get to know each other better, advance in jobs and buy a house before having kids. Things were wonderful until the second week in January when a particularly bad flu happened but I got far sicker than I ever had before. I was too weak to get out of bed by myself and needed my husband to help me. I had no appitite, fever.
    My husband insisted we go to U of M hospital ER. There I was diagnosed with infected ears, throat and sinuses. I had bronchitis and a UTI. BYW they told me I was pregnant. I never totally recovered from that flu. At first I thought it was the pregnancy but it persisted after my son was born. He was fortunate he got my Dad's immune system and was healthy and happy from the start. Dad, who lived to 84 was never sick until his final illness.
    2 years later we welcomed a second son into our lives but he came home with a rash on his groin and screaming and throwing up constantly between feedings. He was not gaining any weight but Doctors went down the wrong path of believing all colic was from stressed out Mom's. So I wasn't. I subordinated my stress and concentrated on being calm and singing him into the 10-15 min he would sleep. My Aunts were afraid of him. Doctors just repeated their newest mantra. At 3 mos I tried formula there was some more sleep but still no weight gain. Then I got formula no iron remembering my two sisters and a switch was turned off. He lagged 6 months behind and it was obvious until he started school which he loved and soon he was more mature than his older brother and became the leader in home mischief and button pushing but he was a natural comedian like his Dad so I never could stay mad at him after we dealt with the incident. They were very very creative in their mischief a trait that became an asset as he grew and started being able to do more things.
    I got mastitis 3 weeks after he was born and so we both were on antibiotics until I was cured and so was the groin rash.
    But we were constantly sickly requiring antibiotics almost once a month. The headache from the flu after my wedding continued on unabated. Diagnostics and meds made little difference and it would go on until 1990 when another flu had knocked me off My feet but it wouldn't leave. My regular Doctor had been following protocol over the years but things that happened to me periodically since I was 11. I was raised to keep house, be a good Mom and keep going no matter what but I was losing the few good days I had each month. So when my neurological symptoms were peak I self to the MS Clinic at U of MN in Jan 1990 A battery of tests we done and I was told it appeared to be MS but I also had Late Lyme Disease. The only treatment for NS was steroids and they knew enough about treating Lyme to.know I could not take Steroids without first hitting the Lyme hard with antibiotics at least 2 or 3 rounds before using steroids because they shut down the immune system and could be enough to let the Lyme run rampant and kill me.
    A lot of research and connecting with a Support group with a lot of Medical Persons stricken and I learned about the bulls eye rash I had in 1974 and the rash my son had at birth in 1977. I also.learned that without my Dad's immune system my first son was a miracle because Lyme killed 70-80% of fetuses before birth and left those born sickly and subject to crib death.
    As American Medicine progressed we got Protocols which are great for 90% of people but totally fail 10% which I was one. I had good health insurance and some of the best Medical Care in the world. Sadly that is no longer the case here. My boys were cured at age eleven and 12 when each got a very serious secondary infection to the Lyme I gave them before birth and from my milk. The months long treatment cured them. I was in a clinical study for Late Lyme in 2011 and was finally cured and my immune system worked well and I healed except for the scaring on my nerves from MS. No tropical vacations for me, I turn to Jello but recover when cooled. I never got my hair back but I am used to wigs. It was both illness and the stress I was told.
    Are they better with colicy babies these days? Only two of the Grand's had that and not nearly as bad. The next generation believes HIPPA means medical conditions are totally secret so I will never know until another generation has babies and they always change rules to make sure generations don't get or stay too close. If you think they don't we will never be free of the suits doing such Evil things.

  • @kathryndebbage
    @kathryndebbage 2 місяці тому +1

    My twins were born at 24 weeks and I strove to produce enough milk, but my son got NEC and lost most of his bowel. This is fascinating to me. Now with a toddler with short gut, Our life revolves around gut health xxxxx

  • @Rationalizer-cp3ml
    @Rationalizer-cp3ml 2 місяці тому +11

    Comments will be WILD on this one 😂

  • @sonnet158
    @sonnet158 2 місяці тому

    Thanks a lot for your expertise on this, Dr Jones. Also your vocal fry is wild 😅

  • @Golightly354
    @Golightly354 2 місяці тому

    I breastfed all my 4 boys until they were 2 years old. I lost my baby weight within 6 weeks of giving birth with each one and my children never had allergies or stomach upsets. O was also less tired and was advised to eat chocolate by my midwife and health visitor (and I STILL lost weight). Also, when i had visitors, I wasn't running around looking after them instead of resting, THEY rushed around getting things done for me. A win/win situation.

  • @Cheesepuff8
    @Cheesepuff8 2 місяці тому

    I thought the thumbnail was talking about what to have in cereal and coffee so her answer shocked me a tad

  • @cathynbrooks
    @cathynbrooks 2 місяці тому

    Where did that nap episode go? I thought I saw it yesterday and was coming back to watch today? Did I dream this? ;)

  • @gretagordon9512
    @gretagordon9512 2 місяці тому +5

    Thank you for highlighting breastmilk, but like always you have to mention formula. Why not just focus on one of the two? You will never be able to replicate breastmilk, and even if you come close, most people won’t be willing to pay for it. I see people not being able to afford formula and it cannot be any cheaper considering they are using fat free cows’ milk, seed oils and corn syrup. I don’t think you can make it cheaper than that.
    We are perfectly made, our bodies can do amazing things. If only women who actually can’t breastfeed (cancer survivors for example) didn’t breastfeed, we would be able to donate our breastmilk to them. Unfortunately the majority of women who don’t breastfeed it’s because of lack of support and/or not wanting to breastfeed. In Italy, less than 10% of women breastfeed after 6 months.

    • @yanyuet
      @yanyuet 2 місяці тому +2

      Agree we need to recognize the health benefits and savings in medical bills. Lots of mums pump early on cos they can control the timing, and see how much milk the baby drinks; we gotta trust the biological process of direct latching better.

  • @freespeech7747
    @freespeech7747 2 місяці тому +5

    I always ask for breast milk 😂

  • @samthomas1457
    @samthomas1457 2 місяці тому +5

    The UK has the lowest rates of breastfeeding in the world, only 5% of mothers breast to 1 year, shocking imo.

    • @jhutch1681
      @jhutch1681 2 місяці тому +1

      Absolutely shocking!

  • @stranger.since2003
    @stranger.since2003 2 місяці тому +2

    Liked by HOMELANDER

  • @Fridaahs
    @Fridaahs 19 днів тому

    Fascinating. Thank you for this episode. 💙🍼🩷

  • @denisehyman6668
    @denisehyman6668 2 місяці тому +6

    Breast fed babies have a different kinda poop. If you know, you know. This podcast shed some light on that....🤢🤢

  • @heikachan8052
    @heikachan8052 2 місяці тому +6

    I have a question for someone with more knowledge than me. If a vegetable is moldy, then obviously the whole thing is inedible, but what if only part of it is rotten, or some animal has eaten part of it? Can you cut off part and eat the rest?

    • @trinidad428
      @trinidad428 2 місяці тому +3

      The doctor here covered it a few times. Basically mold is a plant and it actually has roots that we don't always see so the mold may be way deeper in the fruit than we see. You can cut it but you're better off tossing it for the animals.

    • @heikachan8052
      @heikachan8052 2 місяці тому +1

      @@trinidad428 Yes, it is true. But I'm asking about other situations. I have a cherry tree and sometimes magpies eat some of the fruit and I wonder if I can eat the rest of what the bird didn't eat, or in one of my tomatoes when I cut it, some of the seeds inside were blackened, it wasn't mold, and I was wondering if I could cut it off and eat the rest.

    • @lisastenzel5713
      @lisastenzel5713 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@heikachan8052Those tomatoes are not yummy. I would toss them. Sadly I bought some tomatos with that black inside too. But even if I just eat the red flash of those tomatoes...not very tasty and no, I hadn't had trouble after eating it.
      If you find a mag in your cheery, you can still just wash it and eat the rest. Maybe cut, what looks bad. I grew up eating cherrys right off the tree, I am sure I ate some protein by accident hiding in there too😂 I still live

    • @heikachan8052
      @heikachan8052 2 місяці тому +1

      @@lisastenzel5713 😂 my tomato even with this blackness was tasty, and I also say that my cherries are full of protein (free meat, LOL my cherries are not vegan because I don't use pesticides).

  • @cristiangligan-ignatescu771
    @cristiangligan-ignatescu771 2 місяці тому

    Where can I buy breast milk? 😮 (Legally)

  • @Psylaine64
    @Psylaine64 2 місяці тому

    Just me watchin the start and being scared .. btw my 1st was breast fed till 9m but my 2nd, a son never latched and was only bottle

  • @Gabriel-of-YouTube
    @Gabriel-of-YouTube 2 місяці тому

    I think they have breast milk at Tesco...

  • @atirma1
    @atirma1 2 місяці тому

    Yeah yeah . We know its good and all ... No mother doesnt want to give the best to their babies... But HER mental health, finances, ability to lactate, abitily of baby to latch... All these are important factors what baby gets. The purist mindset is the worst. Formula's have saved lives, so has expressed breastmilk.

  • @beurreamoustache3333
    @beurreamoustache3333 2 місяці тому +1

    I mean I ain't against it-

  • @swapnilmantra541
    @swapnilmantra541 2 місяці тому

    Speaking fir all the men in the comments... We all agree with that thumbnail 🗿

  • @jhutch1681
    @jhutch1681 2 місяці тому +2

    It is irresponsible for a credentialed medical professional to use a public platform to make the statement that for 'some women breastfeeding isn't an option', without pointing out what a very, very small percentage of the population this applies to.
    The vast majority of women CAN breastfeed with the right prenatal education (sooner if they are considering breast surgery), skilled supervision and assistance in the early days, and a supportive community around them.
    Because formula feeding has been normalized; feminism (rightly) teaches equality; and myths about breastfeeding and unscientific anecdotes about formula feeding abound; there are many perceived barriers to breastfeeding which could be overcome but aren't.
    Doctors and nurses are NOT breastfeeding experts, but are often the first and only contact women make about infant feeding, despite the fact that they are influenced by big pharma companies who profit from formula. Lactation consultants and breastfeeding support groups are far better resources.
    Because the incredible benefits of breastmilk for both mom and baby are dose-related, for the very few women (who for medical reasons) are unable to produce a full milk supply, supplementation at the breast is an excellent alternative.
    Informed choice means understanding the amazing science of breastmilk, immunity, long term health, etc.. Among myriad other considerations, breastmilk contains LIVING cells that will never be replicated in a lab. Stating that stored breastmilk is inferior to fresh, should not imply that formula is therefore an acceptable alternative; even stored breastmilk is far superior to any other alternative.
    Informed choice is often confused by perceptions of convenience, misinformation, challenges, absence of support, lack of education, personal feelings, advertising, and people like your guest who touts the 'almost there' advancements of formula.

    • @orionriley5154
      @orionriley5154 2 місяці тому +1

      I look forward to you sharing your credentials that are above what medical professionals would know including sources :)

    • @yanyuet
      @yanyuet 2 місяці тому

      Well put

    • @adina1858
      @adina1858 2 місяці тому

      I am an advocate of breastfeeding, I breastfeed my first until she self weaned and when my second was born I was shocked when she would not get enough milk. For 4 months I pumped, planned, set night alarms, weighed baby and all diapers. I had the best support, my gynaecologist, midwife, lactation consultant and paediatrician were focused on helping me to breastfeed but nobody knew what the problem was.
      Yes, I did it, but it was so hard that now I look back at stupid advice I gave after my first baby (almost everyone can breastfeed, listen to the baby’s cues etc) and just cringe. Writing this while breastfeeding my 8 month old and I am so grateful that I managed, but I would absolutely understand why someone in my position would give up.

  • @user-hello644
    @user-hello644 2 місяці тому

    Go watch RFK JR interview made by Joe Rogan, very interesting. You will learn who he is, a very good alternative for the elections that medias don't want people to consider

  • @Imnotadentist556
    @Imnotadentist556 2 місяці тому


    • @orionriley5154
      @orionriley5154 2 місяці тому

      Ahh yes, being unable to produce breast milk means you’re a bad parent now.
      You know what would be bad parenting? Starving a child because some negative IQ person on the internet (you) says the only way is breast milk. God forbid you ever lose one of your reductionist biological traits and become a “bad parent”
      But let me guess, it’d be okay once it’s you

    • @amat68890
      @amat68890 Місяць тому

      Woah woah woah. Some mothers are just not able to breastfeed physically or mentally and that is completely okay. Don't ever look down on someone or something because God can show you what you fear.