Growing mushrooms at home is super easy with a bucket - Anyone can do it

  • Опубліковано 2 лют 2023
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,5 тис.

  • @EYGardening
    @EYGardening  Рік тому +594

    I have made detailed subtitles of the content. Turn on subtitles and choose your language.
    If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments
    Mushroom embryos, Mushroom seeds, Meal fungus :
    - You can buy it online, on e-commerce platforms, Amazon...
    - Or buy at mushroom farms near you
    - Keep mushrooms in a shady place: no sun, no wind
    - Keep mushrooms moist by misting 1-2 times a day
    - The type of mushroom in the video : Abalone mushroom

  • @lucyjoseph7062
    @lucyjoseph7062 Місяць тому +101

    Mushrooms did wonders in my life. I was diagnosed with cptsd since my teenage, spent my whole life fighting cptsd. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. This is something that really need to be use globally to help people with similar health challenges.

    • @KimeCastro
      @KimeCastro Місяць тому +9

      Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here

    • @CanamyLots
      @CanamyLots Місяць тому +3

      Can you help me with the reliable source. I'm 61 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Spain. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them.

    • @teresamartim6173
      @teresamartim6173 Місяць тому +9

      YES very sure of Dr.raymycology. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.

    • @MichealDavid-lj8od
      @MichealDavid-lj8od Місяць тому +10

      Ive done shrooms last month in my house. It taught me how severely traumatized I was from alcohol. I healed from many mental traumas from my past and was able to forgive, let go. Shrooms to me is a remedy not a vice. I even felt more refreshed the morning after. So no hangovers. No depression mood for days. No anxiety.l now have a more calm mind

    • @SokMark
      @SokMark Місяць тому +6

      How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta

  • @user-wk5ti5uy6r
    @user-wk5ti5uy6r Рік тому +250

    Я выращивала грибы-вешенки в большом полиэтиленовом пакете. Но сначала надо купить мицелий грибов в садовом магазине. Вместо соломы очень хорошо подходят опилки от дерева. Берёшь опилки, складываешь их в большой тазик или детскую ванночку. Заливаешь кипятком из ведра металлического. Даёшь опилкам пропитаться горячей водой. Пакет предварительно в нескольких местах надрезаешь крестиком. Затем набиваешь опилки в пакет, пересыпаешь послойно мицелием, затем снова опилки и посыпаешь мицелием. Пакет сверху завязывешь и ставишь на стул или табуретку в обычной комнате. Через 2 недели из прорезей в пакете начнут вылезать грибы.Бывает 2-3 волны грибов. Затем надо ставить новый пакет, а этот использованный можно отвезти в сад-на дачу и рассыпать под кусты или деревья.

    • @mokoto8270
      @mokoto8270 Рік тому +4

      Ассаляму -алейкум. В простом прозрачном мешочке ?

    • @user-wk5ti5uy6r
      @user-wk5ti5uy6r Рік тому +19

      @@mokoto8270 Да, можно прозрачный мешок, можно черный, но плотный, т.к.при набивании опилок тонкий мешок может порваться.

    • @user-wk5ti5uy6r
      @user-wk5ti5uy6r Рік тому +28

      @@mokoto8270 Две недели мешок держать при комнатной температуре. Дырок для выхода грибов надо всего 3-4 с разных сторон мешка.Можно опрыскивать тёплой водой в эти дырки.Когда начнут вылезать грибы, надо комнату проветривать 2 раза в день/до появления грибов это не надо делать/. Успехов вам,Настя.

    • @MagicGamer69
      @MagicGamer69 Рік тому +13

      You should make a video of that

    • @user-ds5ch2il8f
      @user-ds5ch2il8f Рік тому +5

      Спасибо я очень хочу тоже выростить дома хочу попробовать

  • @hamida5743
    @hamida5743 14 днів тому +4

    أول مرة أكتشف أنه للفطر بذور 😮 ما شاء الله تبارك الله في خلقه و نعمه الكثيرة في الطبيعة ❤

  • @jefferyscott8148
    @jefferyscott8148 11 місяців тому +222

    Psychedelic is the answer to most severe anxiety and depression...The use of magic mushrooms completely helps one get over depression and makes you feel like yourself...I used antidepressants for some years but it only made me feel like a zombie but with immediate use of mushroom 🍄 in few months I feel like I'm living a whole new Life.

    • @dearity33
      @dearity33 11 місяців тому


    • @allybee342
      @allybee342 11 місяців тому +1

      I just finished weaning off all these terrible psych meds that made me crazy and worse.It’s hard for me to imagine that, but watching all these studies has given me hope.

    • @hazeemakhan5301
      @hazeemakhan5301 11 місяців тому

      Please is he on instA?

    • @thomasmaxime2340
      @thomasmaxime2340 11 місяців тому

      I live in Michigan….suffering for awhile now but didnt realize how serious I may have it until recently - probably bc of @self medicating” with alcohol

    • @tessymitch
      @tessymitch 11 місяців тому

      Please can myco_louiis ship to me in the UK?

  • @MarkBrown-vd4dr
    @MarkBrown-vd4dr 3 місяці тому +228

    Psilocybin mushrooms saved my life honestly. They helped me see the pure beauty in life, and made me realize how dumb it would be to take myself out.

    • @larrydiaz9013
      @larrydiaz9013 3 місяці тому +1

      I've been looking to try some recently, but I can't find anywhere to get them, anyone?

    • @alberthall6687
      @alberthall6687 3 місяці тому

      doc.jeanne is your guy. Got all kinds of psychedelics stuff. Guided me through my first ever experience

    • @paulwilson1727
      @paulwilson1727 3 місяці тому

      Is on Instgram?

    • @alberthall6687
      @alberthall6687 3 місяці тому

      Yesss, doc.jeanne

    • @bradleygreen5109
      @bradleygreen5109 3 місяці тому

      I just had my first experience with golden teachers, it was really great! I loved it.

  • @TracyJake-wt5zn
    @TracyJake-wt5zn 11 місяців тому +218

    Psilocybin saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. Imagine carrying heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not in a couple years the be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.

    • @JamesMichael-kh6fk
      @JamesMichael-kh6fk 11 місяців тому

      0:02 Yes , dr.johnsonshroom

    • @JohnChristopher-jq1ef
      @JohnChristopher-jq1ef 11 місяців тому

      ​@@jojo-ow5wh 0:18
      Of course, dr.johnsonshroom 0:26

    • @ThomasDaniel-kw4je
      @ThomasDaniel-kw4je 11 місяців тому

      ​@@JohnChristopher-jq1ef Can dr.johnsonshroom send to me in OH?

    • @Iconic_moment
      @Iconic_moment 11 місяців тому

      ​@@ThomasDaniel-kw4je He delivers anywhere and also it's discreet. That's if you're worried about.

  • @NicoleCtirad
    @NicoleCtirad 4 місяці тому +82

    I could remember several years ago, I was actually diagnosed with ADHD. Also suffered severe anxiety and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

    • @SusanaGomez-mp8sk
      @SusanaGomez-mp8sk 4 місяці тому +1

      Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.

    • @Malikrooney-hq5jj
      @Malikrooney-hq5jj 4 місяці тому +4

      Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Greece. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them.

    • @Edennnn926
      @Edennnn926 4 місяці тому +2

      Hey! Yes Dr.medshrooms.

    • @DonnHowes
      @DonnHowes 4 місяці тому +1

      I hate that psilocybin gets grouped with drugs like cocaine and heroin. Mushrooms are a remedy, not a vice! I went on a microdose treatment for a couple of months and within the first week, every sight of a cigarette got me questioning why I was doing all that to myself. It really works.

    • @gefferystones2814
      @gefferystones2814 4 місяці тому

      How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta

  • @nicolettedekock9962
    @nicolettedekock9962 Рік тому +277

    I would like to see a video on when and how to harvest spores/seeds so as to be able to continue growing

    • @illagerbot.
      @illagerbot. Рік тому +35

      Для этого нужно вспомнить строение грибов. Грибные споры находятся в шлапе гриба. Обычно мы собираем грибы когда они ещë только начали распылять споры, чем они моложе тем и вкуснее(грибы имеют свойство накапливать мочевину). Если вам нужны грибы для спор то берите средний размер, в шапке должно быть достаточно спор для посадки. Храните их в достаточно хороших условиях.

    • @JackSilver1410
      @JackSilver1410 Рік тому +95

      They're fungi. They don't act like plants do, you don't need to replant them after harvesting. Just keep tossing in food to keep the mycelium happy and they'll keep fruiting. Coffee grounds are a good way to go.

    • @christophersmith9237
      @christophersmith9237 Рік тому +4

      @Alex Xavier Very sound and smart advice. 👨‍🍳🍄👩‍🍳

    • @gavinhalacy6775
      @gavinhalacy6775 Рік тому +26

      ​@@JackSilver1410 one thing I do is brew the used coffee grounds again and then strain. Then I use the diluted coffee water to pasteurize the wild bird seeds or straw.
      Personally I prefer wild bird seeds. Cheap and it increases the surface area of your substrate by 5+ times. Also seeds have natural mold resistant enzymes.

    • @elizaleroux9173
      @elizaleroux9173 Рік тому +10

      They grow with spores.. Keep a eye under the hat.. Collect the spores, dry them like you would any other seed.

  • @raulbajuyo3812
    @raulbajuyo3812 Рік тому +88

    That's a big help to those who have a small area and a good livelihood for all mothers.

  • @TheMistis.
    @TheMistis. 11 місяців тому +16

    That was so lovely to watch. Simple yet precise step by step. Your mushrooms look delicious 😋

  • @Anna-yk2pv
    @Anna-yk2pv 5 місяців тому +40

    0:05 I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

    • @JosephRichard-zo6wf
      @JosephRichard-zo6wf 5 місяців тому

      Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episodeenough to start working on my mental health

    • @marshalpeters
      @marshalpeters 5 місяців тому

      ​@@JosephRichard-zo6wfCan you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate itMany people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in
      Germany. Really need

    • @RyanMaerck
      @RyanMaerck 5 місяців тому

      ​@@marshalpetersdr.johnsonshroom is your guy. Best shrooms and psychedelics guy I know.

    • @LynneStoner
      @LynneStoner 5 місяців тому

      0:02 they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here. and mushrooms are one of the most amazing things on this planet i wish people would all realize. they could solve a lot of problems, more than just mental treatments, environmental clean up; the possibilities are endless with fungus

    • @WilliamJames-ji5rk
      @WilliamJames-ji5rk 5 місяців тому

      ​@@RyanMaerckHow do I reach out to him? Is he on insta?

  • @user-yz7wn1ol2m
    @user-yz7wn1ol2m Рік тому +21

    신선하고 친환경적인 방법이네요ᆢ만들고싶은 생각도 드는군요 잘봤습니다~^^

  • @NathanSarah-nh3qy
    @NathanSarah-nh3qy 4 місяці тому +209

    I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

    • @user-yp2dc3kv6y
      @user-yp2dc3kv6y 4 місяці тому

      Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episodeenough to start working on my mental health

    • @TumeloBonolo
      @TumeloBonolo 4 місяці тому +1

      Can you help me with the reliable source I would really appreciate it Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them, is very hard to get a reliable source here in Spain i Really need

    • @JulianMartina-pk4mz
      @JulianMartina-pk4mz 4 місяці тому +1

      Dr.Jeolshroom is your guy. Best shrooms and psychedelics guy I know

    • @DibokoBaholoPaul
      @DibokoBaholoPaul 4 місяці тому +1

      they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here. and mushrooms are one of the most amazing things on this planet i wish people would all realize. they could solve a lot of problems, more than just mental treatments, environmental clean up the possibilities are endless with fungus

    • @ThutoKamohelo
      @ThutoKamohelo 4 місяці тому

      How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta

  • @tanis1111
    @tanis1111 8 місяців тому +3

    Yet another great idea and video. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ways of growing....anything! It's just perfect😃

    • @Davewheelz
      @Davewheelz 8 місяців тому

      On telegram🔑✅

    • @Davewheelz
      @Davewheelz 8 місяців тому

      Got different kinds
      Of 🍄🍁🍫 and
      Psychedelic stuff
      They're highly

  • @umbilicalbeat
    @umbilicalbeat Рік тому +8

    You've totally inspired me to try this out!

  • @user-cf3ok1qx8l
    @user-cf3ok1qx8l Рік тому +6


  • @debbiereilly900
    @debbiereilly900 Рік тому +13

    Thank you for sharing have a blessed day stay safe and healthy. Love mushrooms yummy 🙏❤🙏❤🙏

  • @tlb2732
    @tlb2732 Рік тому +18

    Ok. Here are my questions.
    1. Why do you make holes in some lids but not others?
    2. Why do you tape the lids on?
    3. Why do you spray water mist on the outside of the buckets, getting no water at all to the mycelium, before mushrooms start forming in the holes?
    4. Since no description is indicated, what is the best location to place the buckets for optimal success regarding sun exposure, shade, wind, dryness, and dampness, not to mention temperature?
    5. Do the mushrooms have any flavor at all considering they're being grown in straw instead of nutrient rich soil which certainly affects flavor?

    • @tinof5829
      @tinof5829 Рік тому +5

      Your questions are funny due to the fact that the people who made the video don't give a damn about answering "one" question, let alone 5! Aaaaahahaha....

    • @cortholiopezorama8879
      @cortholiopezorama8879 Рік тому

      No idea on the other stuff but:
      3. Humidity bump probably.
      4. Oyster mushrooms require near 100% humidity with good airflow as they will expire CO2 and new O2 transfer (CO2 will “flow” and “pool in low spots). They’ll grow towards light but don’t require it.
      5. Oysters only grow on dead plant material, you’re thinking of portabellos (I recommend hardwood pellets mixed with an equal volume of water)

    • @tlb2732
      @tlb2732 Рік тому +1

      Humidity bump? 100% humidity?
      Why not just water the straw through the holes?
      Portabellos? No, I WASN'T thinking of portabellos, which I also love. Had some yesterday for Sunday dinner in a pot roast, by the way.
      And thanks for talking down to me. That's polite of you.
      I know what an oyster mushroom is. I've harvested them in the wild and enjoyed them many times.
      I rank them second only to morels in flavor, texture, and shelf life between harvest and consumption, right up there with Hen Of The Woods and Chanterelles. I also like very fresh Chicken Of The Woods, but it's far more temperamental between harvest and consumption and is most enjoyable immediately after cooking and does not reheat well like the others.
      In my question about flavor, my reference to the soil as a medium was meant as a general term for naturally ocurring, dead or decomposed plant material at whatever stage of decomposition a particular fungus grows in.
      Since the maker of the video did not say a word at all, did not identify the mushrooms he was growing, and one or two of the buckets grew mushrooms that looked somewhat different and whiter than others, I thought he was growing more than one type of mushroom.
      Only two or three of the buckets had fruit that looks like the oysters that grow on dying hardwoods in my region. The rest all had a shape more akin to the Hen Of The Woods I mentioned, although were lighter in color.
      One last question?
      Do you usually answer questions directed at other people?

    • @yuyuhawai5466
      @yuyuhawai5466 Рік тому


    • @catadams3776
      @catadams3776 Рік тому +2

      Select "Closed Captions" in your language of preference, and you will find most of your answers. I'm not sure about the holes in the lid, but I can answer a couple of your other questions. #2 Lids are taped to prevent them from coming off, and also to prevent moisture from escaping. #3 Water is sprayed to draw the (mycelium) forming mushrooms towards the holes so they they will develop and grow outward. #4 Place buckets in a shade area, out of the wind which would dry it out faster, in an area that does not have mold or other moisture issues but has decent humidity. Mushrooms are a fungus that "breathe" air, not carbon dioxide like plants, so they do not require sunlight for growth or coloration. (One type of propagation requires blue light on hardwood logs but is not an issue here.) #5 Mushroom do not grow in moisture rich soil where they would be competing with other microbes, straw has good nutrients for mushrooms as the mycelium breaks down the straw. If you were to allow more mushrooms to grow in the same straw substrate after the initial harvest, they would likely suffer and have less flavor. Hope that helps-I'm on here just doing a lot of reading on the side, haven't grown any myself yet. Best!

  • @theamazonrainforest5073
    @theamazonrainforest5073 Рік тому +3

    This is absolutely amazing!
    Thank you very much for sharing!
    Blessings to you! 💯👏🏻🙏👌😍

  • @Suavache
    @Suavache Рік тому +13

    Xin cảm ơn đã chia sẻ với khán giả cách trồng nấm tại nhà hiệu quả

    • @mychaunguyenthi9785
      @mychaunguyenthi9785 Рік тому

      Ở đây họ làm méo bằng gì vậy bạn bạn cột thể hướng dẫn cho mình làm cho nhà chùa

  • @user-mw3vh1cy9t
    @user-mw3vh1cy9t Рік тому +9

    Вы просто супер молодец всё чётко, ясно,подробно.👍👍👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰благодарю

  • @ronaldob6109
    @ronaldob6109 Місяць тому

    I Love it

  • @noahautumn7611
    @noahautumn7611 17 днів тому

    Nice technique. 👍 good to know

  • @user-yz4qm9py6j
    @user-yz4qm9py6j Рік тому +15

    오우 !
    좋은 정보 감사합니다 ^^
    어렵게 생각하는 것인데 이렇게 쉽게도 재배가 되는군요 ^^;

  • @Liv_musel
    @Liv_musel Рік тому +17

    Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress disorders. Saved my life

    • @ronalddavis9762
      @ronalddavis9762 Рік тому +1

      I'm feeling the same way too. I put so much on my plate and it definitelv affects mv stress and anxietv levels.

    • @phillipXx
      @phillipXx Рік тому

      I was having this constant and unbearable anxiety because of university stress. Not until I came across thomas cliton, a very intelligent mycologist, He saved my life honestly.

    • @Babarakrimbel4884
      @Babarakrimbel4884 Рік тому

      yeah mate... @ Thomas_cliton21

    • @garypeters7261
      @garypeters7261 Рік тому

      Does Mr thomas ship?

    • @ruthmaryanne7514
      @ruthmaryanne7514 Рік тому

      Saw reviews about Mr Thomas, checked him out and be I must say he is very good at what he does and his products are pure.

  • @fullcircle4723
    @fullcircle4723 Рік тому +4

    That looked easy enough! Love your video.

  • @ramvicmed-sz3lc
    @ramvicmed-sz3lc Рік тому +19

    Beautiful, but how did you get your starters seed ,and what kind of grass did you use ,thank you for the video

  • @foodkajahan
    @foodkajahan Рік тому +25

    I'm obsessed with ur channel and ideas that you come up with 😍
    I love plantation 🥺😍

  • @ahmadismail5632
    @ahmadismail5632 7 місяців тому

    Terima kasih. Ini cara kerja pengetahuan yang bermanfaat

  • @davidgiroux1385
    @davidgiroux1385 Рік тому +6

    I have worked in a mushroom factory and learned alot how to grow them. This video will help for my residential growing.

  • @dawgmarley-sw2to
    @dawgmarley-sw2to Рік тому +5

    So satisfying to watch on a Sunday morning. Music in these videos are super relaxing aswell. Great job. 👍

  • @jovancabs
    @jovancabs Рік тому +6

    Amazing technique to grow mushrooms.

  • @markbrayan-ub6vg
    @markbrayan-ub6vg Рік тому +18

    i've never tripped on mushroom.. scared because i've heard pretty bad experience about it
    but deep, i wan to try this fr

    • @melissaann-gx7qf
      @melissaann-gx7qf Рік тому +2

      haha not had your first try lol

    • @markbrayan-ub6vg
      @markbrayan-ub6vg Рік тому +3

      @@melissaann-gx7qf funny enough, yeah..

    • @elizabethrotharmel
      @elizabethrotharmel Рік тому +5

      @@markbrayan-ub6vg The only problem with psychedelic therapy is the brain damage it causes in every dose. Every dose causes damage, there’s no lower limit where psychedelic becomes safe.

    • @melissaann-gx7qf
      @melissaann-gx7qf Рік тому +3

      @@markbrayan-ub6vg Not so hard..just find someone \a plug/ close to you

    • @markbrayan-ub6vg
      @markbrayan-ub6vg Рік тому +3

      @@melissaann-gx7qf New to all this, and don’t know how to get one.. got any ?

  • @valentinadiaz8272
    @valentinadiaz8272 Рік тому +24

    Me encantó, gracias por la traducción al español, saludos desde Uruguay 🇺🇾

  • @piaolivero492
    @piaolivero492 11 місяців тому

    Se ve facil, gracias por compartir!!

  • @johnright528
    @johnright528 Рік тому +8

    THAT'S AWSOME!!! Good video!! 😁👍

  • @Leoviliti1
    @Leoviliti1 Рік тому +21

    Yum! .. This will suit my lifestyle ..As I eat mushrooms regularly and it soon diminishes my budget
    So this has got to be worth the initial outlay on straw, buckets and mycelium spores in the long term.

    • @mikyiecruz5685
      @mikyiecruz5685 Рік тому

      Tienen página en Español por favor. Gracias.. 💕

    • @monabedinier9797
      @monabedinier9797 Рік тому +1

      Le mycélium on peut trouver ça où ??
      Merci de votre réponse

    • @mdb45424
      @mdb45424 Рік тому +2

      Technical you can harvest your on mushrooms spores if you let them grow enough. Just change the straw every few harvests and watch for mold and pests

    • @thespook1482
      @thespook1482 Рік тому +1

      Mycelium spores? I think you meant mushroom seeds.

    • @Leoviliti1
      @Leoviliti1 Рік тому

      @@thespook1482 mushroom seeds are the mycelium of a mushroom

  • @NinaLopes-tj9jx
    @NinaLopes-tj9jx Рік тому +6

    Parabéns, muito lindo!

  • @lorenacottaramosino2752
    @lorenacottaramosino2752 Рік тому

    Genial Julia! Crack total❤😊

  • @user-ov9bc6ws7i
    @user-ov9bc6ws7i Рік тому +11

    Класс! Захотелось тоже такие грибы вырастить.

  • @Valenciavlogtv
    @Valenciavlogtv Рік тому +3


  • @jitendrasonawanevlog4862
    @jitendrasonawanevlog4862 11 місяців тому +2

    👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍 बहुत अच्छा तरीका है मशरुम उगाने का 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @migelmagoo5343
    @migelmagoo5343 3 місяці тому

    Great video, thank you.
    Can you please explain about the plastic drum and the 8.
    What are they called, having trouble finding them online.

  • @channel-ge7gs
    @channel-ge7gs Рік тому +6

    Wow good idea 👍

    • @indrawati3527
      @indrawati3527 2 місяці тому

      Kalau membuat conten siapkan jawaban bagi pemirsa yg bertanya tentang beli bibit dan jerami yg dimasak termasuk dari jenis rumput apa...? Thank U...🙏🙏🙏

  • @ramonduarte9647
    @ramonduarte9647 Рік тому +6

    Gracias se ven maravillosos. Disculpa la temperatura existe donde los has cultivado?

  • @girishsonawane5225
    @girishsonawane5225 8 місяців тому

    Hi! Gram floor is the food for mushroom. You dont use gram ffloor???

  • @RaimundaNonata-hq7js
    @RaimundaNonata-hq7js 7 місяців тому +8

    Que aprendizado!! Nunca tinha visto isso 👏👏👏👍👍👍🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @franfriel2
    @franfriel2 Рік тому +3

    Amazing. Thank you! ❤

  • @nathanielbravo4464
    @nathanielbravo4464 Рік тому +8

    Very informative and inspiring 👍

  • @premalabonisiddiqui3256
    @premalabonisiddiqui3256 9 місяців тому

    Can you please tell me how much mushroom seed was in that one bag which you used for 1 bucket?

  • @anisyahanis4
    @anisyahanis4 Рік тому +1

    Ternyata gampang banget, semoga bermanfaat buat saya nanti 👍

  • @carmemsilvia7037
    @carmemsilvia7037 Рік тому +26

    Que coisa mais linda de se ver 🙏.

  • @vivianosekre9010
    @vivianosekre9010 Рік тому +17

    Very interesting, will try.
    Please where do we get the seeds?
    I love gardening. Thanks so much for sharing

  • @SuasanaPedesaan-
    @SuasanaPedesaan- Рік тому

    Jamur memang enak di buat jadi sayur.
    Rasanya sangat lezat.
    Di Indonesia banyak juga jenis jamurnya.

  • @JanesPlantCollection
    @JanesPlantCollection 2 місяці тому

    Wow nice one. I like it.

  • @user-sv3rd8us6n
    @user-sv3rd8us6n Рік тому +5


  • @user-ko9rj1nm6r
    @user-ko9rj1nm6r Рік тому +5


  • @fatimachowdhury6011
    @fatimachowdhury6011 11 місяців тому

    I love this idea ❤😊

    • @georgestrait1329
      @georgestrait1329 11 місяців тому

      *Hey I'll refer you to this legit plug I got hooked up with he's got pure MDMA for good rates,also ship acids,DMT, mushes,ket,percs,lean, Adderal an a lot more discreetly*

    • @georgestrait1329
      @georgestrait1329 11 місяців тому

      He's on telegram as

    • @georgestrait1329
      @georgestrait1329 11 місяців тому

      Rubby_tripstore ✓✓

  • @user-he2qs6cr7c
    @user-he2qs6cr7c Рік тому +5


  • @user-fc8de9rc5b
    @user-fc8de9rc5b Рік тому +3

    귀한버섯재배생활정보 감사합니다요 끝까지 경청하고 힘찬응원 과함께 큰박수로 응원하며 손잡고감니다요 화이팅임다요 늘건강하시고 행복하세요 2023년도 대박나세요 👍

  • @reginabrassolotto
    @reginabrassolotto Рік тому +9

    lindo demais, adorei

  • @dorisespinozaavendano8593
    @dorisespinozaavendano8593 Рік тому +1

    Saludos desde peru me encanta

  • @cristinafarias4253
    @cristinafarias4253 Рік тому +15

    Amei , vou fazer uma pergunta quantas vezes se reproduz os cogumelos ?

    • @ch457
      @ch457 Рік тому


  • @lovethegarden.kumariyeline4835

    Excellent process.

  • @ynietvlog
    @ynietvlog Рік тому

    Nấm rơm ngon quá ,cảm ơn anh đã chia sẻ

  • @Acsacal-cx3gh
    @Acsacal-cx3gh 3 місяці тому +5

    Прикрасный вид , выглядят как цветы. И живописно,и польза. Приятно видеть когда получается.

  • @user-hv7rt2zr1q
    @user-hv7rt2zr1q Рік тому +6

    Is it just a single harvesting per hole that sprouts?

  • @spicencens7725
    @spicencens7725 Рік тому +4


  • @The_Cat_Princess
    @The_Cat_Princess Рік тому +2

    amazing! !
    I've been wanting to try growing mushrooms for a while now, and I'll give it a try when the weather warms up! thank you!

    • @saraya-jadabevis
      @saraya-jadabevis Рік тому +1

      I'll recommend you to a store I got some of my psychedelic products meo5, LSD, Xanax, DMT, edible cannabis, XTC, mushrooms, vape pen and the also help out with newbie and they give good treat.

    • @saraya-jadabevis
      @saraya-jadabevis Рік тому +1

      They're on Instagram or telegram as

    • @saraya-jadabevis
      @saraya-jadabevis Рік тому +1


    • @The_Cat_Princess
      @The_Cat_Princess Рік тому


    • @saraya-jadabevis
      @saraya-jadabevis Рік тому

      @@The_Cat_Princess your welcome hope you where able to find him?

  • @mariaeugenialafontcabeza3304
    @mariaeugenialafontcabeza3304 11 місяців тому

    Sencillamente Espectacular!!!

  • @manimalabiswas6439
    @manimalabiswas6439 Рік тому +5

    Amazing.. Thank you 🙏

  • @mariadefatimasilva6032
    @mariadefatimasilva6032 Рік тому +11

    Lindo amei parabéns você e muito inteligente e criativa adorei.

    • @ninaricciminguie4964
      @ninaricciminguie4964 Рік тому

      Stp c'est très bien comment où je peux me procurer les semences ?

  • @tetiwahyuningtias-1608
    @tetiwahyuningtias-1608 8 місяців тому

    Thanks a lot

  • @user-ju8gp1pj2n
    @user-ju8gp1pj2n Рік тому +5

    Прикольно, очень люблю грибы.Спасибо 🎉

    • @user-wk5ti5uy6r
      @user-wk5ti5uy6r Рік тому

      Алёна, да, это прикольно. Мне очень понравилось выращивать вешенку/другие я не выращивала/ Это было давно/в начале 2000-х/ Сейчас снова хочу вырастить их. Но почитайте, пожалуйста, мою переписку с пользователем Кудеяра. Она пишет про негативный опыт выращивания грибов в жилом помещении. Якобы споры грибов залетели по воздуху в лёгкие одной женщины. И у неё развилась астма. У меня и моих детей ничего плохого, слава богу, не случилось со здоровьем.Хотя я в детстве из-за слабых лёгких состояла на учёте у пульмонолога. Но выращивание грибов в квартире никаким образом не повлияло на моё здоровье. Всё индивидуально.

  • @richarda.zerrudovlog3655
    @richarda.zerrudovlog3655 Рік тому +4

    Wow, good idea 💡👍🏻

  • @Union_Cooking
    @Union_Cooking Рік тому +3

    Excellent 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @numerohexdiaries981
    @numerohexdiaries981 Рік тому

    Thanks for planting the seed in my mind to try this.

  • @sel_able
    @sel_able Рік тому

    Thank you for the video

  • @s.alanasher8500
    @s.alanasher8500 Рік тому +3

    Does the type of grass used to make the straw matter at all?

  • @wowi86
    @wowi86 Рік тому +2

    What a great idea. I will try it too 👍

  • @tierrawalker7305
    @tierrawalker7305 Рік тому +2

    What type of straw do you use and where to purchase? Where did you purchase mushroom seeds from? What kind of water to use when boiling the straw and watering the mushrooms?

    • @HendrixTwo-rr9te
      @HendrixTwo-rr9te Рік тому

      You should check out (Anthony_mycology), he delivers psychedelics and mushrooms

  • @mywildflower-theadventures313
    @mywildflower-theadventures313 6 місяців тому

    Thank you, great idea. We are a new subscriber today.

  • @lopogil23
    @lopogil23 Рік тому +4

    Parabéns, lindo..
    Que tipo de palha é está?
    Precisa fazer furos em todas as tampas?

    • @Vicky-xk2ew
      @Vicky-xk2ew Рік тому

      Busca a wini ella ha plantado en su huerto en chile de una manera sencilla en cajas de madera

  • @jejakkularas
    @jejakkularas Рік тому +3


  • @albertubaldo8652
    @albertubaldo8652 Рік тому +2

    I'm sure all Mexican grandmas watching this video would be drooling,🤤🤤 they prepare delicious stocks and other dishes with mushrooms

  • @Righteous_ventures
    @Righteous_ventures Місяць тому

    I am a Nigerian mushroom farmer.... The business is cool and profitable... From seed production to value added chain...
    I love mushroom

  • @cantinhodanaturezaalice1016
    @cantinhodanaturezaalice1016 Рік тому +6

    Parabéns a voce

  • @patriciaayala6819
    @patriciaayala6819 Рік тому +9

    Dónde puedo conseguir las semillas de champiñones? Gracias por compartir que tengas un excelente día 🙏

  • @user-os4dc5cw1y
    @user-os4dc5cw1y 6 місяців тому

    احسنت النشر معلومة قيمة كنا نفقدها شكرا لكم باالتوفيق والنجاح الدائم

  • @AdamHafiqi
    @AdamHafiqi 7 місяців тому


  • @alfredobernalesguibo8410
    @alfredobernalesguibo8410 Рік тому +4

    Interesante gracias por el vídeo e información me gusta

  • @marialuciacarvalho3012
    @marialuciacarvalho3012 Рік тому +5


  • @Lorena-xk3jp
    @Lorena-xk3jp Рік тому

    ¡Hermosísimo! 😍

  • @galaxy333
    @galaxy333 Рік тому

    Great idea!

  • @Psycho-Ssnake
    @Psycho-Ssnake Рік тому +4

    Super easy, barely an inconvenience!

  • @user-cw9zh7dh1c
    @user-cw9zh7dh1c Рік тому +3

    я выращиваю на обычных березовых пнях в своем саду :)

  • @Polnic9989
    @Polnic9989 6 місяців тому

    Thanks for sharing 👍

  • @ingridsara213
    @ingridsara213 Місяць тому +8

    I am not spiritual at all, but after taking shrooms a few months ago I am much happier and am highly motivated, lost a ton of anxiousness and had a few epiphanies about how I should live my life. I decided to buy an ounce for backup, but haven’t yet felt the need to take any more since then.

    • @jimwoodman8101
      @jimwoodman8101 Місяць тому

      I have autism, I was diagnosed with it when I was 15. There are great qualities autistic people posses. I took shrooms and it made me function so much better. I believe shrooms can greatly improve shortcomings in autism.

    • @user-mt8nt6od4k
      @user-mt8nt6od4k Місяць тому

      This actually a great review, they saved me from death bud. Let’s be honest mushrooms are one of the amazing things on the planet.

    • @jimwoodman8101
      @jimwoodman8101 Місяць тому

      Well I didn’t scale weigh it coz all I had were sucky food scale but somewhere around 3grams. I would suggest taking a gram or half for a start and I got mine from doc.brent.

    • @user-mt8nt6od4k
      @user-mt8nt6od4k Місяць тому

      Can he be reached on IG?

    • @jimwoodman8101
      @jimwoodman8101 Місяць тому

      Yes doc.brent

  • @Evpatei-gu3yr
    @Evpatei-gu3yr 10 місяців тому +4

    Невероятный контент❤ спасибо большое человеческое