Testing myself, I've come up with this idea built around your circuit PEG cell that drives a 555 timer, going into an efficient boost converter. A pretested flyback, custom, at resonance hopefully receives the boosted voltage to the neon bulb (is the neon just to limit the voltage, so we can use higher volt caps) so if I designed the step up to only be 100v, is that worse or better? I'm going to assume higher voltage is preferred and better, but I'm missing the secondary importance of the neon. I then want to drive a capacitor charging system that is setup to match a pulse need to drive a solo electromagnet. I've successfully programmed them before to maintain rotation. I'd then have a 3d printed pendulum with a strong neodymium magnet passing by another coil in an attempt to draw back EMF for a much larger battery system? Scaled up, this could provide a lot more power? (considering just 1 PEG cell) Have you tested size? How long does your tiniest one last?
@@joellagace1679 I researched this a bit more and realized I can use Royer or ZFS and probably save a lot of draw. I'll def be going through all your PEG videos again. Sodium silicate be a good binder you think?
It seems to be ok, Needs a little something more for a boost. Still waiting for chemicals for those tests so I mixed it with PEG layers and it seemed to do the trick. As far as I know seems to give or take do the same as just a PEG but it might help on reducing the amount of PEG needed etc :)
@@joellagace1679 Very cool stuff! I'm savvy with Fusion 360 design and planning to do a Zamboni pile design as you suggested. Would aluminum foil and copper work as cathode/anode or another material combination work best? Picking up the PEG tomorrow locally and ordering some black copper oxide tomorrow. I do have conductive carbon paint if you think that would work better. Looking forward to this and honestly Solar is very inefficient, doesn't work at night etc so I prefer these power cells for theory and longevity.
Hey Joel great work! Is that just a simple circuit board from a small plasma ball? If I wanted to replicate, it would need to be a 0.6v input boost converter, into a signal generator, then into a small flyback? Can this be created off a 555 timer? Definitely going to try some peg cell stuff, this is awesome demo
@@joellagace1679 I believe I found a solution to this. A miniature Robert Adams pulsed generator. It naturally wants to draw low current when up to speed.
Thank you for the demonstration. I expected the system running on the capacitor for a short time, after disconnecting from the PEG cell. Or is the time so short?
It’s just a small capacitor to help keep things balanced-no, it’s not the power source! It performs even better with supercapacitors because they utilize special dielectrics, which, according to Tom Bearden, can contribute additional energy when operating at resonance. Materials like barium titanate, among others, are particularly effective. The spark gap supplies the capacitor with a wide range of frequencies, allowing it to resonate with some of them for enhanced performance.
Prob would need to charge a cap first and dump it into a coil for that effect. it would be slow without more current. Perhaps a stack of PEG cells could do it. But at that point, May as well just go solar hehe.
try them in series or in parallel. Depending on setup, product purity etc might need more cells for your setup. Try a dead "AAA" battery instead. See if the setup works at least.
It should work with a regular PEG cell. Can't say for sure. Was just something I had around as a low current source to try. I did run the oscillator with other cells so yeah.
Very helpful. Thanks for sharing this. Lots of possibilities for this. Have a good day.
Might be good for switching an earth coil. Oh shit did I just give away my next idea! oh well.
@@joellagace1679 😅
Basic setup good work..
What is?
Rock onwards and thanks a bunch
Nice tree art. More patience than I ever would have :)
Those little tesla coils from temu or aliexpress could be used? Anyway interesting setup Joel.
Testing myself, I've come up with this idea built around your circuit
PEG cell that drives a 555 timer, going into an efficient boost converter. A pretested flyback, custom, at resonance hopefully receives the boosted voltage to the neon bulb (is the neon just to limit the voltage, so we can use higher volt caps) so if I designed the step up to only be 100v, is that worse or better?
I'm going to assume higher voltage is preferred and better, but I'm missing the secondary importance of the neon.
I then want to drive a capacitor charging system that is setup to match a pulse need to drive a solo electromagnet. I've successfully programmed them before to maintain rotation. I'd then have a 3d printed pendulum with a strong neodymium magnet passing by another coil in an attempt to draw back EMF for a much larger battery system?
Scaled up, this could provide a lot more power? (considering just 1 PEG cell)
Have you tested size? How long does your tiniest one last?
Sure if you know what your doing build your own oscillator :)
@@joellagace1679 I researched this a bit more and realized I can use Royer or ZFS and probably save a lot of draw. I'll def be going through all your PEG videos again.
Sodium silicate be a good binder you think?
It seems to be ok, Needs a little something more for a boost. Still waiting for chemicals for those tests so I mixed it with PEG layers and it seemed to do the trick. As far as I know seems to give or take do the same as just a PEG but it might help on reducing the amount of PEG needed etc :)
@@joellagace1679 Very cool stuff! I'm savvy with Fusion 360 design and planning to do a Zamboni pile design as you suggested.
Would aluminum foil and copper work as cathode/anode or another material combination work best?
Picking up the PEG tomorrow locally and ordering some black copper oxide tomorrow. I do have conductive carbon paint if you think that would work better.
Looking forward to this and honestly Solar is very inefficient, doesn't work at night etc so I prefer these power cells for theory and longevity.
Hey Joel great work! Is that just a simple circuit board from a small plasma ball? If I wanted to replicate, it would need to be a 0.6v input boost converter, into a signal generator, then into a small flyback? Can this be created off a 555 timer?
Definitely going to try some peg cell stuff, this is awesome demo
Keep in mind the PEG cell is electrostatic. So you get maybe 1 volt 1ma max out of well built cell.
@@joellagace1679 I believe I found a solution to this. A miniature Robert Adams pulsed generator. It naturally wants to draw low current when up to speed.
Thank you for the demonstration. I expected the system running on the capacitor for a short time, after disconnecting from the PEG cell. Or is the time so short?
It’s just a small capacitor to help keep things balanced-no, it’s not the power source! It performs even better with supercapacitors because they utilize special dielectrics, which, according to Tom Bearden, can contribute additional energy when operating at resonance. Materials like barium titanate, among others, are particularly effective. The spark gap supplies the capacitor with a wide range of frequencies, allowing it to resonate with some of them for enhanced performance.
Makes Sense, thanks
Does it do anything?
Nothing at all just asilly100v continuous discharges. Nothing to see here at all. LOL
@@joellagace1679 anyway to pulse this into a different system? Like an electromagnet?
Prob would need to charge a cap first and dump it into a coil for that effect. it would be slow without more current. Perhaps a stack of PEG cells could do it. But at that point, May as well just go solar hehe.
100 volt pulses with zero actual power doesn't seem to do anything useful
What’s your capacitor made of ? I am a bit confused
My cell doesn't seem to power my oscillator. ☹️
try them in series or in parallel. Depending on setup, product purity etc might need more cells for your setup. Try a dead "AAA" battery instead. See if the setup works at least.
@@joellagace1679 my oscillator takes 4 aaa batteries. Ok I'll add more cells.
Now I need to buy sodium Metasilicate or should I try it without that?
It should work with a regular PEG cell. Can't say for sure. Was just something I had around as a low current source to try. I did run the oscillator with other cells so yeah.