Tears in my eyes... any time I need hope I go back to this. We need spiritual leaders who can speak with conviction like this today, who are willing to risk everything to speak truth to power.
I have listened to, watched , and read most of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's speeches and writings. 'Beyond Vietnam' is the best speech he ever made. He rose beyond nationalism to globalism to speak about the ills of his government. This speech still speaks to the wars and conflicts fueled by the west, especially the United States, in Africa and the Middle East.
I am 67 years old, and so I was 12 years old when Dr. King was taken from us. Some years ago, I was in Atlanta for a conference, and was lucky enough to stand a few feet away from Yolanda King when she was being interviewed in front of the Reflection Pool at the King Center. Recently, I had a celebrellar stroke, and my speech was a bit affected. I’ve been looking for a speech to read out loud, and maybe memorize. My search has ended; and it is this speech I shall read out loud and to work on my enunciation-and to soak up the speech’s message, and in the process, remind myself of those values I want to embody the rest of my life.
Thank you for your comment. It is very inspiring. I just finished reading “KING: A Life” by Jonathan Eig. It is a wonderful book and I highly recommended it.
This is by far his most compelling speech. I understand why this speech is purposely hidden from the textbooks and history in America. I imagine it's just the opposite in Vietnam. I have a deeper appreciation and love for Dr King 💞👑
It is believed it was this speech that led to his murder exactly one year later to the day. His friend Thich Nhat Hahn had worked on it with him. How terrible for Thay knowing that his friend was murdered for it.
And that was not a coincidence that he was killed one year to the day. He frightened a lot of people who were in power during that time, they figured he had to be silenced.
Political activism is a dangerous sport. Injuries to the team collective do not end the game, just increase the resolve. War is a contradiction in human conscience. Necessary, adversarial, and capable of moving beyond.
I am compelled to listen to this speech a few times each year because it is still so relevant. I also add it into the courses that I teach. I man of brilliance taken way too soon from our world.
Very real talk. It needs to be taught. To all young, mainly black young for encouragement, not discouragement! I believe, if it would've been a blessing to myself. Had I heard these speeches, sermons as a youth....
King's legacy is so large that unless one studies his life, it's hard to realize just how tragically short it was. Especially the transformation he took to make this speech and for the version of America he envisioned, which seriously addressed poverty and war. If he came back, he could pick up almost literally where he left off.
I am so glad I listened to this speech today. I have heard and read excerpts from it for half a century now. It feels like the mighty waves of hate are crashing over us today, and we are thrashing about in the water. It is helpful for me to remember that Dr. King had decades where he sometimes felt discouraged and despairing. And yet he did not let those feelings prevail in his words and in his actions. He overcame pessimism and hopelessness and lived to urge us to gather ourselves in strength and rededication. Let us honor him.
Amen brother! I have not seen American produce another moral exemplar like MLK. There are many who speak truths, but it is always partial, incomplete. King was among a very few who saw the whole picture and wore the burdens of an entire nation on his shoulders. His life of outwardly dignity in the face of enormous despair is an example for us all.
This is Dr. King’s most important speech and it ought to be studied as such. He is celebrated by liberals for his stress on non violent protest, but ignored for his stances on war and the radical redistribution of wealth. Praise this man for what he was, not what the world has pretended him to become. His spirit ought to haunt every movement as a reminder that we need a catalyst. We need a radical speaker, willing to be educated enough to speak the truth.
As a child I was thought not to cry for it shows weakness,but each time I listen to any of the speeches from MLK, tears row down my cheeks,now not as a sign of weakness but strength and courage to stand-up for that which is right and good, even if it means standing alone . we re proud of you, they said old soldiers never dies, Martin Luther king Jr., Died the death of great men, our lord Jesus Christ as well was killed....
Sad to see our country is still mostly in the same place, backing the worst thugs the world can offer and making life difficult for the global poor. We must make a renewed effort to break away from colonialism and repair the damage we have caused. This speech gives me hope in the fight for Palestinian liberation. Thank you for making these speeches available to us.
, Good God, what will he have to say about this present circumstance we find ourselves in? He gave us life in order to give the speech. I hang my head and sorrow and praise.
More than that, if we hope to avert future pandemics and chaos and socioeconomic crises, we must all take up the challenge, which Dr. Martin Luther King has laid out for us, at whatever capacity we can, as he said. We must self-educate for correct political action. It's never too late to begin helping the righteous struggle Dr. King advanced for all of us.
@@philmessina476 Your comments and assessments of Dr. King are encouraging and thoughtful! I think many people don't understand or appreciate that Dr. King was focusing on the international problem of poverty and oppression. In this speech about his opposition to Vietnam, he urges people to recognize that we are all brothers in the human race, that we must see that to achieve real peace and prosperity. The issue is human rights on a broad scale more so than civil rights on a national level. I agree that we need to read and study Dr. King's words, to advance the "righteous struggle."
To Dr.King family, Only once In life time God will send a wonderful manor of man like this our way May God continue to bless his family and All who continue fight with the struggle . thank goodness Lord Sharon Smith soprano sister T.u.c.c!!
To me this must be Dr Martin Luther King's best speech ever. You can simply replace Vietnam with anyother country. The problems are still the same today.
This is BY FAR one of the most powerful and educational speeches I have ever heard. The history and the Spiritual depth explains the plight of good vs evil in the hearts of man from the beginning of time. Take time to listen and research that which you do not understand herein brothers and sisters, then you WILL KNOW TRUTH.
It's strange how a race of people are finally listening to someone that stayed on the battlefield.I saw what you are witnessing coming a long time ago In house chaos between father/son.etc You can listen to whomever you want it want make a difference (This is Book of Revelation fulfilling itself, natural disasters wars pandemic.It don't matter if you are purple
He was a beautiful Man, and willing to tell the Truth, as he saw it, even to the point of sacrificing his life. He will be remembered, while the greed-heads will be forgotten, and good riddance. What balls he had.
This is a closest definition of a Christian, Martin Luther King Jr is what what every Christian should be and strive to be.. God bless Martin Luther King Jr. Even if I prescribe to atheism.. I believe that if Christians would have lived or live like Martin Luther King Jr some of the problems we have would not exist..
It is my prayer that you come to know Jesus Christ as you Lord and savior! Please don't prescribe to atheism!!! God loves you and is ready to save your soul.
I think part of the reason is information overload. The resonation of his voice holds true now more than ever. I believe he broke his silence and took a direct shot at the deep state. Only to be stuck down exactly one year to the day of this speech.
We honor the spirit of Dr. King when we share his words of wisdom, and continue to advocate for his "revolution of values". Deliver the word. "We will be heard," Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ("The Three Evils of Society") Cf. Lumpenproletariat.org
No matter where a person stands on Dr. King (like or not like him), his appeals were so all-encompassing for oppressed people everywhere, that it would be ludicrous to think he was representative of only oppressed people in the United States! And to think that he stood up for. and was firm in his stance regarding non-violence! He was an amazing God-sent; he will never be forgotten!
All of us still prizing our humanity, we pray we will always voice our human values and frustrations. Never have I felt my humanity betrayed so constantly by the silence of our leaders and the hardness of heart manifest everywhere. Thank God this sane, humane voice. A plumb line for humanity.
Dr. King recognised the new pattern of warfare developing, where war thousands of miles away was used as a distraction from social issues occurring in one's own neighbourhood. These wars continue to this day, and while the blame for starting them lies with a small group of opportunistic individuals, it is our responsibility to cast aside our apathy and protest clearly non-defensive uses of our defense budget. We should campaign for nuclear arms reduction, attempting to reduce the number of active warheads in the world from tens of thousands to a few dozen per nation kept under strict supervision. Dr. King supported in some capacity, all of these causes. He was not a radical. He was a man of reason. He believed in non-violence as to him, living in a world where a full scale nuclear war could end all human life in a few hours, non-violence was not only the right path but also the only path that would lead to the survival and well being of all people.
He heard they sold countries to salvage profit. That the elements from the African countries we're their jobs and finance. That he could not say all he wanted. That was my take on how this went that way. He knew the facts of seeing midst of technologies and war. He was saying our boys were being sent for another taking ..who all involved whilst busted? It had to be more than just top reps.
Unfortunately MLK got extremely whitewashed by our education systems. Teaching us all the facts about even people like MLK would destroy the anti-socialist McCarthyism that is integral to the system's hold on power.
This speech electrified white farmer boy me when I heard it a few years later at Ohio State in 1972, thanks to a local black FM radio station. I dropped out of ROTC the next day (no offense to soldiers, but I personally could not go forward on that path). I had heard only the smears about MLK up until then, but the truth in this speech was exactly in tune with how I felt about 1776 and the US Civil war. It came just in time to vote against Nixon and every Republican since then. Thanks, Rev., you sure as hell woke me up all those years ago.
I am 45. I have listened to a great deal of Dr. King this year. Glad to finally be able to listen and bring meaning from it having collected enough experience to relate or understand. It's quite imaginable to me that with him still alive we could have seen the energy and unity of the recent BLM movement 40 years ago. Find new ones. Don't be leaderless. If the best you can do is be a good mentor to future leaders...do that!
You said the key word 40 years I asked my dad and we both found it was 40 years (Dr King death and Obama comes on the scene) BLM is right on that Bible timeline.However,BlM cut against the taboo don't bring a kid in this world and don't know how you are going to feed house educate or clothed I know because I put a lot of overgrown out Act your age and not your shoe size
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. - St. Francis of Assisi prayer said everyday by Mother Teresa (Noble Peace Prize recipient).
We were privileged to have this preacher, some of us really young ones at the time of the movement didn't know what we had till he was gone or probably until Now in the year 2020.
This speech by Dr. King is right there along with his "I've been to the Mountian Top" I was 12 years old in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY ( Brownsville / East New York) section. When he was killed. A day that I will never forget together with The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy... Please remember the phrase "I am A Man"
"I think for the ultimate peace and security of the situation it will probably be necessary for Israel to give up this conquered territory, because to hold on to it will only exacerbate the tensions and deepen the bitterness of the Arabs," - Martin Luther King
The very moral conscious of American lies in the struggle of our values and morals. We as a people has to stand up for what is right. The justice of our lives and how we treat one another is the answer of a peaceful world. Those who are saved and lived the creed of Christ are a light in a dying world.
I couldn't have listened to this man of Gods words at a more designated time. He was given the truth, had the courage to share it and we are living it now. The dis connection and blindness as the evil one laughs in the confusion of the most loved and prized of the Almighty.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is very prolific in his address to the world. Currently his speech is timeless relative to the social and political ill that plague the world. His perspective on policy change resonates with his agenda, but do those politicians that generously idolize his personality actually believe and push for his ideals currently? Nothing has changed? Really?! He constantly reminds us in his speech.
Baba Martin Luther King spoke compassionately about America unjustly invading Vietnam. Baba Martin even agreed with Baba Malcolm before Baba Malcolm was killed fifty eight years ago that America wasn't interested civil rights but committing actocities in Vietnam. Baba Martin condemned America as the greatest purveyor of violence ever.
45:06 I come often to listen to Wisdom justice and love, but when the sentence that follows right after seems to encapsulate a big problem part of what's wrong with the US and I believe Dr King would condamn the predatory and un-serviceable function of the US' government and nation right now “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”
@@thescoobymike Dude. The capitol assault was just 2 weeks ago. I wrote that comment 8 months ago, before George Floyd, the ensuing riots and deployment of authoritarian militarized police forces and army/guard? For Trump's propaganda trip to the Church, Breonna Taylor's death or the Cooper Cooper thing. The expansed on military of the US is "only" emblematic of a larger insidious issue with the "soul" of the US (morality ethics etc) Seriously. (Sarcasm) The Capitol was very well defended on jan 6 2021 against the new confederacy Edit: Breonna Taylor was killed in March, so it was before my comment. But the topic of her murder gained considerable momentum and volume when George Floyd was killed.
Now our government is so big with a web so woven that it's hard to see it because we are stuck in it. What we see on television is part of the script in an ongoing narrative. That's why they killed him, that makes this speech even more sad and yet more important. The general public did not receive the message and now we allow actors to portray there parts on the TV in order to swing the pendulum of division. So now the United States is a nation conquered because it's people are completely unaware of their bondage. What Dr. King was trying to say is this: the threat of War and War itself it's not the problem. Terrorism or the threat of Terror it's not the problem. These are symptoms of the greater problem of systemic miseducation and division. What is the definition of terrorism? Government by intimidation. Where do we live in 2021? He knew why they were building those Towers in 1968.... God bless you sir😥
Don't hate those of us have seen their cowardly acts demonstrated should not be surprised (ask the native American.etc it's a pattern that has come full circle
Today, where can we find selfless distinguished leadership? That's both here and abroad. I am most sadden by the clergy & the church which once served as a bridge. Now, it seems to have become a financial institution plus inner turmoil. And, so, I continue to pray my imperfect prayer for all of us.
I wonder if Dr. King was murdered because he had the courage to speak against the war. I miss him. Dr. King made the world a better place to live. I still miss him.
@@rodneyharper2275 He would be appalled by the gross apostasy and the spirit of greed and materialism in the Prosperity Gospel, the the compromise of the Emergent Church and the hubris and duplicity of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and he also frown on the impostor Hebrew Roots
@@TonyChaney you got that right; people want to get cute and sophisticated with what you see today, but they have no backbone so anyone can see right through them
@@TonyChaneyPersonally I could see the house dividing long before now,the handwriting is on the wall and nobody wants to own up, not even the church who is supposed to know better (they wanted a king-Remember what Samuel said to God,God said let have one) but you going to find out what goes with having one -tyranny)Bro don't debate with a fool because if you do it too long we won't be able to tell the difference 👍👍🙏👍🙏
He kept his word for this speech. Others watched ..still he had half his heart broke finding out. They didn't. So I look into the late measures that were added. Rights to hold decision of people's responsible..rights to assembly at fair status for bringing up issues. Right to even keep his life safe because he understood the violence moreso than anyone saw .. yes I think he knew what some were not seeing. A tragic recognition of tragedy. He spoke part of the same discussion..to be trapped in a nightmare and dream. He stood his ground. They took it anyway. Yet too it sounds at times the very help is under duress when they put speech up front. He knew they'd explode the then NASA space testing too. Stay strong in afterlife if you can..
Perhaps the OP of the video should have mentioned that this speech was made on April 4, 1967, exactly one year prior to his assassination. It is important for anyone watching, particularly young people who are not getting any useful information about Dr. King from their schools, to understand that the 'racial motivation' narrative of Dr. King's death was perpetuated by the very government which took his life. His opposition to the Vietnam War was was viewed by Lyndon Johnson as a personal betrayal as King had, right up until April 4, 1967, been an ally of Johnson's. It is easy to understand why King initially supported Johnson given that Johnson was running on a civil rights platform. Johnson had, not long before this point, abandoned his "War on Poverty," angering King, who also felt obliged to his constituents; who were being drafted into military service en masse; to take action. Had King survived, the duration of the Vietnam War may have been drastically shortened and King, I truly believe, would have gone on to win other battles on behalf of the poor. I can't imagine for a second that he would have stood idly by when in 1971, Richard Nixon announced the establishment of HMOs, which were the beginning of the end of quality medical care in the United States. Upon his death, the government was an active participant in stoking the race riots which immediately followed and his anti-war legacy was immediately de-emphasized. 60 days later, like clockwork, RFK; the one man who had both the will and the capacity to hold both King's and JFK's killers accountable; was himself shot by agents of the CIA. Although Sirhan Sirhan was likely brainwashed into taking the actions he did and he did fire shots at the Ambassador Hotel that night, only one of his rounds so much as grazed RFK. A security guard who had passed a background check only a day prior named Cesar was standing immediately behind Kennedy and took the shots at point-blank range during the brief window of diversion created by Sirhan. In 1969, the U.S. House Committee on Assassinations was empaneled. Although it officially found that foul play was not involved in the cases of any of the four major assassinations of the prior decade, shortly after the establishment of that committee, a school called Special Training School #103 in Canada, which had been a training site both to facilitate the initial training of the newly formed OSS during WWII and was subsequently kept running in order to conduct training and planning for illicit operations, principally the smuggling of narcotics, also having provided highly advanced training in mortal combat to its graduates, was quietly shuttered. In the case of the actual King shooter, this was the school where that individual received their training. We need to completely revamp the way in which Dr. King's story is treated by our schools. The killing was not racially motivated and King was not obsessed with race in the way that those who usurped his movement were. Beyond this, anyone who has actually listened to his many sermons would have discovered that King was not merely a righteous man, but a wise man with bountiful insights into the human condition who was the go-to person wherever he found himself for those seeking wise counsel. I am not certain of how Dr. King would feel about receiving the honor of a Federal Holiday when that honor comes from the very entity which caused his death and sabotaged his movement. At best, the push for a King Holiday in the 1980s was a political ploy and had nothing to do with a genuine resolve on the part of our government to discontinue the practice of assassinations around the world. This is a practice which continues to this day on our own shores and is happening with alarming frequency. Most often, corporations are now responsible for these heinous acts and they have become so adept at masking those acts that they are no longer called assassinations; they are called accidents. If we want to change the disastrous course this world now finds itself on, we need young people who do not allow things like fear of death to stop them from doing what they know to be morally right. We would need, if we are to succeed, for extraordinary numbers of young people to adopt what is an increasing rare attribute, indeed.
"And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. Nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy - all we've seen is hypocrisy" ....*Malcolm X*
I remember watching king talk about this war on tv. They showed us troops running from bombs in vieatnam. How sad. War was no good. King wanted peace and spoke some great facts.
What got him killed was organizing the sanitation workers in Tennessee that included both black and white employees. Getting the poor and middle class to recognize that it isn't about race but economics is what was so dangerous.
@@rnursemd War is BIG business. MLK speaking out against the war raised his platform to a global level. He was rising above what J Edgar Hoover called a 'Black Messiah' into World Messiah. At this point the powers-that-be could not afford him to continue.
"I come to this... magnificent house of worship tonight.... because my conscience leaves me, no other choice. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war, "This way of settling differences is not just." This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nations' homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into the veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, It cannot be reconciled with Wisdom, Justice, and Love." Wisdom, Justice, and Love - Linkin Park
The European colonialist,(of America) came into vietnam , to rescue the french colonialist , in their efforts to re-colonialize Vietnam .Colonialism was the real purpose of the American involvement , in Vietnam !!!!!!!
This speech🤔😳🧐is just as real & relevant today 01/15/23, as it was the day he stepped up to that podium to deliver the message 4yrs after the Dream Speech🔥💯♍💎😷😎
Jesus followers were also in darkness for a while. When the new followers wanted to call down fire upon a group, Christ told them they did not know what spirit they were of, for the son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them. This message brother Martin gave is refreshing to my ears.
The gospel as according tooo Jesus?? Find that gospel for me. If you can. And I be the first to be a Christian. Until then. I will not put my eternal salvation in the gospel according to Matthew Luke or John. Are you nuts
Yes makes you wonder why so much violence followed him to this day, and after getting everything he wanted for the black community, that's exactly when fornication adultery the broken family, fatherless households, dropping out of school, drug-dealing, pimps and prostitutes, robberies, burglaries, violent crimes and murders escalated. It only got worse Why do you think that is?
Just about every policy he urged for to withdraw from and repair the damage in Vietnam could have been applied just as usefully to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The voices who stood for peace deserve our highest honor and that among many other great reason is why Dr. King and all his allies in the civil rights movement are irrefutable fixtures of American history and icons of how it can become the nation it promises to be.
I'm saddened by the efforts of our ability to rise above. Rise to the most highest frequency to take back what belongs to us. This sadness is reflected upon my soul because I have not figured out how to rise high enough for this to still not affect me. I pray to The Most High God, The God whom lives within me to increase my vibration to know how to deal with these issues. Most people sit in the comments and talk about what beings should do and what they not doing. I am saying that revolution starts on an individual level and effort. And that I must play a high role in getting more than close enough to touch the Holy levels of the planet. Praise to The Most High God for allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me on writing this message. We must rise high Holy being. Rise above this wickedness.
Mr. Martin Luther king is the best. He loved everyone just like Jesus did and was killed for it like Jesus did. He inspired so many nations and changed the world forever. I know God is extremely proud of him. I know I am.
Dr King spent his best years trying to get us to a promised land down HERE! But this world is shutting down. Paul tells the fashion of this world passes away. It seems by Dr King's lifestyle, that he HARDLY spoke about 1 Peter 1:16! "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Holiness is the key to GOD'S Everlasting Promised Land! To gain temporary freedom in this life, and miss out on ETERNAL Freedom is frightening and unnecessary! Our Lord paid the price for our redemption on Calvary! Thank You LORD! JESUS is returning sooner now than when we FIRST believed! Rev. 22:20! Believe the Gospel and enter into abundant life FOREVER! St John 3:16 BELIEVE 1 John 1:9 REPENT Romans 10:9 RECEIVE HALLELUJAH! 💖💖💖
He knew that we would NEVER deserve to enter the promised land up there if we had not done all we could to help those around us in this life. He could not sit by and watch any injustice happen.
Tears in my eyes... any time I need hope I go back to this. We need spiritual leaders who can speak with conviction like this today, who are willing to risk everything to speak truth to power.
I have listened to, watched , and read most of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's speeches and writings. 'Beyond Vietnam' is the best speech he ever made. He rose beyond nationalism to globalism to speak about the ills of his government. This speech still speaks to the wars and conflicts fueled by the west, especially the United States, in Africa and the Middle East.
Owengeye webale nnyo!
And do you understand that this is why he was killed
@@brucesmith6315 😢💔
This is also what he said and believed:
Don't run ads during this sermon, please.
Agreed. It seems disrespectful, ironically MLK is speaking of excessive materialism.
I got no ads up to halfway, perhaps they break in
1:43 “I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscious leaves me no other choice.”
I am 67 years old, and so I was 12 years old when Dr. King was taken from us. Some years ago, I was in Atlanta for a conference, and was lucky enough to stand a few feet away from Yolanda King when she was being interviewed in front of the Reflection Pool at the King Center. Recently, I had a celebrellar stroke, and my speech was a bit affected. I’ve been looking for a speech to read out loud, and maybe memorize. My search has ended; and it is this speech I shall read out loud and to work on my enunciation-and to soak up the speech’s message, and in the process, remind myself of those values I want to embody the rest of my life.
Thank you for your comment. It is very inspiring. I just finished reading “KING: A Life” by Jonathan Eig. It is a wonderful book and I highly recommended it.
How is it going?! What a great idea.
Blessings and healing prayers 🙏🏾
How's it going??
A man like this, a voice like this, comes along once in a lifetime, once in a generation.
Right that's why you have to pay attention, because of what did we are reaping the benefits
I am so Proud to have been in that Era. MLK gave Black People Hope and Made Us Aware of Our Blackness. Rest .Well Soilder
This is by far his most compelling speech. I understand why this speech is purposely hidden from the textbooks and history in America. I imagine it's just the opposite in Vietnam. I have a deeper appreciation and love for Dr King 💞👑
It is believed it was this speech that led to his murder exactly one year later to the day. His friend Thich Nhat Hahn had worked on it with him. How terrible for Thay knowing that his friend was murdered for it.
And that was not a coincidence that he was killed one year to the day. He frightened a lot of people who were in power during that time, they figured he had to be silenced.
Political activism is a dangerous sport. Injuries to the team collective do not end the game, just increase the resolve. War is a contradiction in human conscience. Necessary, adversarial, and capable of moving beyond.
This is the speech that got him killed.
His womanizing was hidden too.
I am compelled to listen to this speech a few times each year because it is still so relevant. I also add it into the courses that I teach. I man of brilliance taken way too soon from our world.
Very real talk. It needs to be taught. To all young, mainly black young for encouragement, not discouragement! I believe, if it would've been a blessing to myself. Had I heard these speeches, sermons as a youth....
You are a good teacher
King's legacy is so large that unless one studies his life, it's hard to realize just how tragically short it was. Especially the transformation he took to make this speech and for the version of America he envisioned, which seriously addressed poverty and war. If he came back, he could pick up almost literally where he left off.
I am so glad I listened to this speech today. I have heard and read excerpts from it for half a century now. It feels like the mighty waves of hate are crashing over us today, and we are thrashing about in the water. It is helpful for me to remember that Dr. King had decades where he sometimes felt discouraged and despairing. And yet he did not let those feelings prevail in his words and in his actions. He overcame pessimism and hopelessness and lived to urge us to gather ourselves in strength and rededication. Let us honor him.
Amen brother! I have not seen American produce another moral exemplar like MLK. There are many who speak truths, but it is always partial, incomplete. King was among a very few who saw the whole picture and wore the burdens of an entire nation on his shoulders. His life of outwardly dignity in the face of enormous despair is an example for us all.
Everyone should also be aware of the other things he said and believed:
Well said. I totally agree 💯
This is Dr. King’s most important speech and it ought to be studied as such. He is celebrated by liberals for his stress on non violent protest, but ignored for his stances on war and the radical redistribution of wealth. Praise this man for what he was, not what the world has pretended him to become. His spirit ought to haunt every movement as a reminder that we need a catalyst. We need a radical speaker, willing to be educated enough to speak the truth.
As a child I was thought not to cry for it shows weakness,but each time I listen to any of the speeches from MLK, tears row down my cheeks,now not as a sign of weakness but strength and courage to stand-up for that which is right and good, even if it means standing alone . we re proud of you, they said old soldiers never dies, Martin Luther king Jr., Died the death of great men, our lord Jesus Christ as well was killed....
"The only way to heal it is to feel it," Meredith Miller (Inner Integration), "Awakening From the Matrix"
All glory goes to king Jesus of Nazareth true facts likewise I encourage growth😇😇😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Amen hallelujah true facts💯💯💯💯💯💯💯your not alone😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Amen all glory goes to king Jesus of Nazareth true facts😇😇😇😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Sad to see our country is still mostly in the same place, backing the worst thugs the world can offer and making life difficult for the global poor. We must make a renewed effort to break away from colonialism and repair the damage we have caused. This speech gives me hope in the fight for Palestinian liberation. Thank you for making these speeches available to us.
, Good God, what will he have to say about this present circumstance we find ourselves in? He gave us life in order to give the speech. I hang my head and sorrow and praise.
A true man of purpose. In this year of pandemic and social chaos, MLKs speeches and readings can be a light to turn to..
More than that, if we hope to avert future pandemics and chaos and socioeconomic crises, we must all take up the challenge, which Dr. Martin Luther King has laid out for us, at whatever capacity we can, as he said. We must self-educate for correct political action. It's never too late to begin helping the righteous struggle Dr. King advanced for all of us.
@@philmessina476 the same things he talked about are still going on. He was a wise man
@@philmessina476 Your comments and assessments of Dr. King are encouraging and thoughtful! I think many people don't understand or appreciate that Dr. King was focusing on the international problem of poverty and oppression. In this speech about his opposition to Vietnam, he urges people to recognize that we are all brothers in the human race, that we must see that to achieve real peace and prosperity. The issue is human rights on a broad scale more so than civil rights on a national level. I agree that we need to read and study Dr. King's words, to advance the "righteous struggle."
To Dr.King family, Only once In life time God will send a wonderful manor of man like this our way May God continue to bless his family and All who continue fight with the struggle . thank goodness Lord Sharon Smith soprano sister T.u.c.c!!
Every year. Truth always.
To me this must be Dr Martin Luther King's best speech ever. You can simply replace Vietnam with anyother country. The problems are still the same today.
@@slicedice577 definitely the Ukraine
This is BY FAR one of the most powerful and educational speeches I have ever heard. The history and the Spiritual depth explains the plight of good vs evil in the hearts of man from the beginning of time. Take time to listen and research that which you do not understand herein brothers and sisters, then you WILL KNOW TRUTH.
It's strange how a race of people are finally listening to someone that stayed on the battlefield.I saw what you are witnessing coming a long time ago In house chaos between father/son.etc You can listen to whomever you want it want make a difference (This is Book of Revelation fulfilling itself, natural disasters wars pandemic.It don't matter if you are purple
He was a beautiful Man, and willing to tell the Truth, as he saw it, even to the point of sacrificing his life. He will be remembered, while the greed-heads will be forgotten, and good riddance. What balls he had.
Amen!!! I wish i can thank him personally.
@@MegaDede25 Me too. What a wonderful man he was.
Courage is within all of us; through his courage, we are called to be courageous in the face of injustice.
His life is with God. That is why he didn't mind dying. Life truly begins with God.......
Good riddance
This is a closest definition of a Christian, Martin Luther King Jr is what what every Christian should be and strive to be.. God bless Martin Luther King Jr. Even if I prescribe to atheism.. I believe that if Christians would have lived or live like Martin Luther King Jr some of the problems we have would not exist..
It is my prayer that you come to know Jesus Christ as you Lord and savior! Please don't prescribe to atheism!!! God loves you and is ready to save your soul.
@@marcusbaker1186 Striving to be a good Christian through deeds as King did is far more likely to persuade others...
Than simply leaving a comment...
Jesus was a good carpenter. You make a pretty good one yourself. Bravo, nailed it.
@@marcusbaker1186 amen
The fact that this only has 93K views in 5 years says alot about who and where, we are.
To seek this out one must know it exists, we educate our children poorly in public schools.
I think part of the reason is information overload. The resonation of his voice holds true now more than ever. I believe he broke his silence and took a direct shot at the deep state. Only to be stuck down exactly one year to the day of this speech.
I thought the very same thing. So sad and feelings of despair
We honor the spirit of Dr. King when we share his words of wisdom, and continue to advocate for his "revolution of values".
Deliver the word.
"We will be heard," Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ("The Three Evils of Society")
Cf. Lumpenproletariat.org
Thinkin same. We gotta get off of youtube. Turning into a pile
This is such a powerful “SPEECH “ yo can’t help but get chills from listening to him.
No matter where a person stands on Dr. King (like or not like him), his appeals were so all-encompassing for oppressed people everywhere, that it would be ludicrous to think he was representative of only oppressed people in the United States! And to think that he stood up for. and was firm in his stance regarding non-violence! He was an amazing God-sent; he will never be forgotten!
A great man of integrity 👏 👍 👌
All of us still prizing our humanity, we pray we will always voice our human values and frustrations. Never have I felt my humanity betrayed so constantly by the silence of our leaders and the hardness of heart manifest everywhere. Thank God this sane, humane voice. A plumb line for humanity.
Where was god in memphis?
Dr. King recognised the new pattern of warfare developing, where war thousands of miles away was used as a distraction from social issues occurring in one's own neighbourhood. These wars continue to this day, and while the blame for starting them lies with a small group of opportunistic individuals, it is our responsibility to cast aside our apathy and protest clearly non-defensive uses of our defense budget. We should campaign for nuclear arms reduction, attempting to reduce the number of active warheads in the world from tens of thousands to a few dozen per nation kept under strict supervision. Dr. King supported in some capacity, all of these causes. He was not a radical. He was a man of reason. He believed in non-violence as to him, living in a world where a full scale nuclear war could end all human life in a few hours, non-violence was not only the right path but also the only path that would lead to the survival and well being of all people.
He heard they sold countries to salvage profit. That the elements from the African countries we're their jobs and finance. That he could not say all he wanted. That was my take on how this went that way. He knew the facts of seeing midst of technologies and war. He was saying our boys were being sent for another taking ..who all involved whilst busted? It had to be more than just top reps.
Thank you its almost sad
I do know that it is easier to love my experience It takes effort you know
I realize this is a few years old now, but I wanted to share that in a world full of violence, love is a radical act.
I think that any highschool or college course on the Vietnam War should start with this speech.
They have that’s why I’m here 💀
Lol it would shatter the pro-war paradigm and destroy the white man’s mythology about a non controversial king
Unfortunately MLK got extremely whitewashed by our education systems. Teaching us all the facts about even people like MLK would destroy the anti-socialist McCarthyism that is integral to the system's hold on power.
@@simplevishal not a lot though unfortunately. Southern text books in america aren't the same as far as I know
This speech electrified white farmer boy me when I heard it a few years later at Ohio State in 1972, thanks to a local black FM radio station. I dropped out of ROTC the next day (no offense to soldiers, but I personally could not go forward on that path). I had heard only the smears about MLK up until then, but the truth in this speech was exactly in tune with how I felt about 1776 and the US Civil war. It came just in time to vote against Nixon and every Republican since then.
Thanks, Rev., you sure as hell woke me up all those years ago.
Feel the tears of love, justice and truth and may people know of their inner strength, light and forgiveness
I am 45. I have listened to a great deal of Dr. King this year. Glad to finally be able to listen and bring meaning from it having collected enough experience to relate or understand. It's quite imaginable to me that with him still alive we could have seen the energy and unity of the recent BLM movement 40 years ago. Find new ones. Don't be leaderless. If the best you can do is be a good mentor to future leaders...do that!
You said the key word 40 years I asked my dad and we both found it was 40 years (Dr King death and Obama comes on the scene) BLM is right on that Bible timeline.However,BlM cut against the taboo don't bring a kid in this world and don't know how you are going to feed house educate or clothed I know because I put a lot of overgrown out Act your age and not your shoe size
“...and so I was increasingly compelled to see the War as an enemy of the Poor, and to attack it as such.”
How deep is that statement?
Timestamp, please?
@@rainestoehr431 9:23
Djdon music I love Martin Luther King jr❤❤❤❤❤😢
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. - St. Francis of Assisi prayer said everyday by Mother Teresa (Noble Peace Prize recipient).
Beautiful. Thank You, very much, for sharing that prayer. God Be with You.
Thank you. That was beautiful.
Only in being born again will we see the Kingdom of God.
This is one of my favorite prayers. Thank you for sharing it here.
We were privileged to have this preacher, some of us really young ones at the time of the movement didn't know what we had till he was gone or probably until Now in the year 2020.
One of the great orations in American history.
worlds history. Ever. He earned that title.
qzMomcry . . NJ m
His ability to speak about specifics and bring the common ground to our shared human condition
This speech by Dr. King is right there along with his "I've been to the Mountian Top" I was 12 years old in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY ( Brownsville / East New York) section. When he was killed. A day that I will never forget together with The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy... Please remember the phrase "I am A Man"
Such a great leader, Dr King is rare in the history of humanity. He embodied what a human being should look like....
US Governments have been fueling wars all over the world so as rob the poor and rich nations. Shame on it
"I think for the ultimate peace and security of the situation it will probably be necessary for Israel to give up this conquered territory, because to hold on to it will only exacerbate the tensions and deepen the bitterness of the Arabs," - Martin Luther King
We are blessed to hear his voice.
The very moral conscious of American lies in the struggle of our values and morals. We as a people has to stand up for what is right. The justice of our lives and how we treat one another is the answer of a peaceful world. Those who are saved and lived the creed of Christ are a light in a dying world.
I couldn't have listened to this man of Gods words at a more designated time. He was given the truth, had the courage to share it and we are living it now. The dis connection and blindness as the evil one laughs in the confusion of the most loved and prized of the Almighty.
A week to celebrate MLK ISN'T NEARLY ENOUGH.
When we carry the spirit of peace, we are joined with him daily.
my favorite MLK speech. he truly was a prophet.
At the 4:44 mark he talks about a spiritual awareness. As if there is this entity moving in the empty space of every atom.
This is my first time hearing this speech. Really powerful
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is very prolific in his address to the world. Currently his speech is timeless relative to the social and political ill that plague the world. His perspective on policy change resonates with his agenda, but do those politicians that generously idolize his personality actually believe and push for his ideals currently? Nothing has changed? Really?!
He constantly reminds us in his speech.
Red and blue are responsible for the plagj6
Rest in Peace 🕊️, dear Reverend DR King ❤
The power of writing and articulating your ideas in real time.
RIP Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 💕💕💕💋💋 there is no one like you, only God. 💕💕💕💋💋🌹💐💐💐💐💖💖💖
Baba Martin Luther King spoke compassionately about America unjustly invading Vietnam.
Baba Martin even agreed with Baba Malcolm before Baba Malcolm was killed fifty eight years ago that America wasn't interested civil rights but committing actocities in Vietnam.
Baba Martin condemned America as the greatest purveyor of violence ever.
Thank you Linkin Park for introducing me to this speech.
What Linkin Park album is this on?
@@lonewolfman2312 "A Thousand Suns", track is called 'Wisdom, Justice and Love'.
Same. Introduced us to alot of great speeches in ATS
Thank you Dr. King 🙏🏾 Thank you Uncle Vincent Harding 🙏🏾
So much both neglected and forgotten. If only we remembered.
45:06 I come often to listen to Wisdom justice and love, but when the sentence that follows right after seems to encapsulate a big problem part of what's wrong with the US
and I believe Dr King would condamn the predatory and un-serviceable function of the US' government and nation right now
“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.”
Love that quote but it's a shame the US is still like this
@@thescoobymike Dude. The capitol assault was just 2 weeks ago.
I wrote that comment 8 months ago, before George Floyd, the ensuing riots and deployment of authoritarian militarized police forces and army/guard? For Trump's propaganda trip to the Church, Breonna Taylor's death or the Cooper Cooper thing.
The expansed on military of the US is "only" emblematic of a larger insidious issue with the "soul" of the US (morality ethics etc)
Seriously. (Sarcasm) The Capitol was very well defended on jan 6 2021 against the new confederacy
Edit: Breonna Taylor was killed in March, so it was before my comment. But the topic of her murder gained considerable momentum and volume when George Floyd was killed.
Now our government is so big with a web so woven that it's hard to see it because we are stuck in it. What we see on television is part of the script in an ongoing narrative. That's why they killed him, that makes this speech even more sad and yet more important. The general public did not receive the message and now we allow actors to portray there parts on the TV in order to swing the pendulum of division. So now the United States is a nation conquered because it's people are completely unaware of their bondage. What Dr. King was trying to say is this: the threat of War and War itself it's not the problem. Terrorism or the threat of Terror it's not the problem. These are symptoms of the greater problem of systemic miseducation and division.
What is the definition of terrorism? Government by intimidation.
Where do we live in 2021?
He knew why they were building those Towers in 1968....
God bless you sir😥
I hate they killed this man, this was his greatest speech, rest in peace Dr King!!!
Don't hate those of us have seen their cowardly acts demonstrated should not be surprised (ask the native American.etc it's a pattern that has come full circle
Today, where can we find selfless distinguished leadership? That's both here and abroad. I am most sadden by the clergy & the church which once served as a bridge. Now, it seems to have become a financial institution plus inner turmoil. And, so, I continue to pray my imperfect prayer for all of us.
I wonder if Dr. King was murdered because he had the courage to speak against the war. I miss him. Dr. King made the world a better place to live. I still miss him.
I wonder if both King and Kennedy , were murdered because they both didn't want America , to go to war in Vietnam !
He spoke against war and poverty, and for those who control wealth and power that is too far, because that is how they retain their position.
Me too, he was and will always be the most brilliant man born in America.
He was assassinated just before the launch of the Poor People's Campaign
Rage against the machine think so.
Love you even though you died when I was a child. On his birthday I am listening to the rest of his speeches. I did most last year.
How many ministers today is willing to speak truth to power?America is spiritually on life support.
They are in it for the money. I wouldn't want to in their place for anything in the world
@@rodneyharper2275 He would be appalled by the gross apostasy and the spirit of greed and materialism in the Prosperity Gospel, the the compromise of the Emergent Church and the hubris and duplicity of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and he also frown on the impostor Hebrew Roots
@@TonyChaney you got that right; people want to get cute and sophisticated with what you see today, but they have no backbone so anyone can see right through them
@@TonyChaneyPersonally I could see the house dividing long before now,the handwriting is on the wall and nobody wants to own up, not even the church who is supposed to know better (they wanted a king-Remember what Samuel said to God,God said let have one) but you going to find out what goes with having one -tyranny)Bro don't debate with a fool because if you do it too long we won't be able to tell the difference 👍👍🙏👍🙏
Amazing courage, amazing speaking of the truth to power, an amazing man.
He kept his word for this speech. Others watched ..still he had half his heart broke finding out. They didn't. So I look into the late measures that were added. Rights to hold decision of people's responsible..rights to assembly at fair status for bringing up issues. Right to even keep his life safe because he understood the violence moreso than anyone saw .. yes I think he knew what some were not seeing. A tragic recognition of tragedy. He spoke part of the same discussion..to be trapped in a nightmare and dream. He stood his ground. They took it anyway. Yet too it sounds at times the very help is under duress when they put speech up front. He knew they'd explode the then NASA space testing too. Stay strong in afterlife if you can..
Perhaps the OP of the video should have mentioned that this speech was made on April 4, 1967, exactly one year prior to his assassination. It is important for anyone watching, particularly young people who are not getting any useful information about Dr. King from their schools, to understand that the 'racial motivation' narrative of Dr. King's death was perpetuated by the very government which took his life. His opposition to the Vietnam War was was viewed by Lyndon Johnson as a personal betrayal as King had, right up until April 4, 1967, been an ally of Johnson's. It is easy to understand why King initially supported Johnson given that Johnson was running on a civil rights platform. Johnson had, not long before this point, abandoned his "War on Poverty," angering King, who also felt obliged to his constituents; who were being drafted into military service en masse; to take action.
Had King survived, the duration of the Vietnam War may have been drastically shortened and King, I truly believe, would have gone on to win other battles on behalf of the poor. I can't imagine for a second that he would have stood idly by when in 1971, Richard Nixon announced the establishment of HMOs, which were the beginning of the end of quality medical care in the United States.
Upon his death, the government was an active participant in stoking the race riots which immediately followed and his anti-war legacy was immediately de-emphasized. 60 days later, like clockwork, RFK; the one man who had both the will and the capacity to hold both King's and JFK's killers accountable; was himself shot by agents of the CIA. Although Sirhan Sirhan was likely brainwashed into taking the actions he did and he did fire shots at the Ambassador Hotel that night, only one of his rounds so much as grazed RFK. A security guard who had passed a background check only a day prior named Cesar was standing immediately behind Kennedy and took the shots at point-blank range during the brief window of diversion created by Sirhan.
In 1969, the U.S. House Committee on Assassinations was empaneled. Although it officially found that foul play was not involved in the cases of any of the four major assassinations of the prior decade, shortly after the establishment of that committee, a school called Special Training School #103 in Canada, which had been a training site both to facilitate the initial training of the newly formed OSS during WWII and was subsequently kept running in order to conduct training and planning for illicit operations, principally the smuggling of narcotics, also having provided highly advanced training in mortal combat to its graduates, was quietly shuttered. In the case of the actual King shooter, this was the school where that individual received their training.
We need to completely revamp the way in which Dr. King's story is treated by our schools. The killing was not racially motivated and King was not obsessed with race in the way that those who usurped his movement were. Beyond this, anyone who has actually listened to his many sermons would have discovered that King was not merely a righteous man, but a wise man with bountiful insights into the human condition who was the go-to person wherever he found himself for those seeking wise counsel.
I am not certain of how Dr. King would feel about receiving the honor of a Federal Holiday when that honor comes from the very entity which caused his death and sabotaged his movement. At best, the push for a King Holiday in the 1980s was a political ploy and had nothing to do with a genuine resolve on the part of our government to discontinue the practice of assassinations around the world. This is a practice which continues to this day on our own shores and is happening with alarming frequency. Most often, corporations are now responsible for these heinous acts and they have become so adept at masking those acts that they are no longer called assassinations; they are called accidents.
If we want to change the disastrous course this world now finds itself on, we need young people who do not allow things like fear of death to stop them from doing what they know to be morally right. We would need, if we are to succeed, for extraordinary numbers of young people to adopt what is an increasing rare attribute, indeed.
What a great way to spend Black History Month.🙏🏽
"And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. Nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy - all we've seen is hypocrisy"
....*Malcolm X*
2024 still relevant
There’s a time to be quiet and a time to speak
My children are blessed
June 18 2024
My conscience leaves me no other choice. CROWN
Why IS this speach hidden from the History Books of the US. Am so glad MLKJ walked the streets of our planet . Great he was..
History never stops rhyming…. Oh how I wish he were here now, but I would hate for him to see the state the world is in.
This Great man is the reason the VIETNAM WAR ended!!!! And the live of millions saved!!!! THANK U INEFFABLE FOREFATHER!!!
I remember watching king talk about this war on tv. They showed us troops running from bombs in vieatnam. How sad. War was no good. King wanted peace and spoke some great facts.
This Speech got him Killed
What got him killed was organizing the sanitation workers in Tennessee that included both black and white employees. Getting the poor and middle class to recognize that it isn't about race but economics is what was so dangerous.
@@rnursemd I agree with you, but when MLK start talking against the Vietnam War I believe that got him killed. Just my opinion
War is BIG business.
MLK speaking out against the war raised his platform to a global level. He was rising above what J Edgar Hoover called a 'Black Messiah' into World Messiah. At this point the powers-that-be could not afford him to continue.
I agree. To be killed a year to the day after making this speech was a statement.
"I come to this... magnificent house of worship tonight....
because my conscience leaves me, no other choice.
A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war,
"This way of settling differences is not just."
This business of burning human beings with napalm,
of filling our nations' homes with orphans and widows,
of injecting poisonous drugs of hate
into the veins of people normally humane,
of sending men home from dark and bloody
battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged,
It cannot be reconciled with Wisdom,
and Love."
Wisdom, Justice, and Love - Linkin Park
Why do they cut out parts of his speech
This guys was a prophet of🫶✌️👍 out times, and the evil forces try to silence him, but now he is between us
And like the prophets of old....... They killed him. A dam shame.
Amen. Rest in peace, Dr King.
July 20th, 2021.
The European colonialist,(of America) came into vietnam , to rescue the french colonialist , in their efforts to re-colonialize Vietnam .Colonialism was the real purpose of the American involvement , in Vietnam !!!!!!!
In here because of Linkin Park!
Great speech!
Truly moving
The laws of God are above the laws of man... My lifelong hero.
So true but man still thinks he knows more than God.He found out with the pandemic
Xin cảm ơn. Thế hệ con cháu chúng tôi không quên ơn các vị vì nền độc lập cho VN. Cảm ơn gia đình Norman Morrison .
When he spoke it was poetic. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I am pretty shure you did not get the message
Praise the truth of GOD
Wonderful history lesson.I always wonder what was the cause of his death .This speech said it all .
This speech🤔😳🧐is just as real & relevant today 01/15/23, as it was the day he stepped up to that podium to deliver the message 4yrs after the Dream Speech🔥💯♍💎😷😎
He has been to the mountain top.
The only winner of war, is war itself! It takes half the strength to love, or double the strength to destroy.
Jesus followers were also in darkness for a while. When the new followers wanted to call down fire upon a group, Christ told them they did not know what spirit they were of, for the son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them. This message brother Martin gave is refreshing to my ears.
The gospel as according tooo Jesus?? Find that gospel for me. If you can. And I be the first to be a Christian. Until then. I will not put my eternal salvation in the gospel according to Matthew Luke or John. Are you nuts
Were you a conscientious objector or what did you do
For a Kid born through the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr was a face of color I could relate to, his face alone emits Peace.
I was just thinking that he does look like a good man.
Yes makes you wonder why so much violence followed him to this day, and after getting everything he wanted for the black community, that's exactly when fornication adultery the broken family, fatherless households, dropping out of school, drug-dealing, pimps and prostitutes, robberies, burglaries, violent crimes and murders escalated. It only got worse
Why do you think that is?
I first heard that through Linkin Park's "Wisdom, Justice and Love"
Same brother.
Cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice, and love.
Just about every policy he urged for to withdraw from and repair the damage in Vietnam could have been applied just as usefully to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The voices who stood for peace deserve our highest honor and that among many other great reason is why Dr. King and all his allies in the civil rights movement are irrefutable fixtures of American history and icons of how it can become the nation it promises to be.
I'm saddened by the efforts of our ability to rise above. Rise to the most highest frequency to take back what belongs to us. This sadness is reflected upon my soul because I have not figured out how to rise high enough for this to still not affect me. I pray to The Most High God, The God whom lives within me to increase my vibration to know how to deal with these issues. Most people sit in the comments and talk about what beings should do and what they not doing. I am saying that revolution starts on an individual level and effort. And that I must play a high role in getting more than close enough to touch the Holy levels of the planet. Praise to The Most High God for allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me on writing this message. We must rise high Holy being. Rise above this wickedness.
Thank You.
Real Leaders can never be broken ❤❤❤
He was the first one to speak up and take punches and his life during that time
Not true.....Medgar Evers began advocating for civil rights in the 50s and was assassinated 5 years before Dr. King
Silence is betrayal....!!
Awwww 🥰 your comment to heart warming and heart touching... nice reading your comment, how are you doing
Good speeches ever
So sad that all the people for real change get killed.
barack obama
Mr. Martin Luther king is the best. He loved everyone just like Jesus did and was killed for it like Jesus did. He inspired so many nations and changed the world forever. I know God is extremely proud of him. I know I am.
Awwww 🥰 your comment to heart warming and heart touching... nice reading your comment, how are you doing
It is not against the law : To read and Value History . Teach the children . Of the sacrifices made and paid !
Dr King spent his best years trying to get us to a promised land down HERE! But this world is shutting down. Paul tells the fashion of this world passes away. It seems by Dr King's lifestyle, that he HARDLY spoke about
1 Peter 1:16! "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Holiness is the key to GOD'S Everlasting Promised Land! To gain temporary freedom in this life, and miss out on ETERNAL Freedom is frightening and unnecessary! Our Lord paid the price for our redemption on Calvary! Thank You LORD! JESUS is returning sooner now than when we FIRST believed! Rev. 22:20!
Believe the Gospel and enter into abundant life FOREVER!
St John 3:16 BELIEVE
1 John 1:9 REPENT
Romans 10:9 RECEIVE
He knew that we would NEVER deserve to enter the promised land up there if we had not done all we could to help those around us in this life. He could not sit by and watch any injustice happen.
this is good
A man of true wisdom