Know what was really dumb of me, I spilled hot chocolate on my computer then I reacted to search up on youtube what do I do when I spill a hot drink on my computer and I searched it up on my computer that I spilled the drink on.
Nice, glad you had the balls to actually spill a drink on your laptop to show us viewers from the bottom up. Every other video I looked at just had people spilling like 4 drops on their keyboard and went with the tutorial.
DoctorNoob hey, I spilled like 20 ml of yogurt on the F5 part, but my laptop is advertised as with a spill proof keyboard, I think 70% of the yogurt went in, I didn't react quickly, maybe 1 minute till I flipped it upside down, I turned it off now, and left it with a dryer facing to the keyboard, I will wake it up in 48 hours, should I be worried? thanks
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I am so dumb. I spilled juice on my laptop and I turned it off but then turned it back on -_- I also need a screw driver on my laptop because it doesn't have a battery that I can just take out.
i spilled instant noodles on my laptop.... yup I have to be the first to do that Edit : I removed the noodles, and used cotton swabs to get the juice out, plus a hair dryer, it's been a year still using the same laptop.
DoctorNoob if I had a bucket of rice I would. I pulled the battery but it shut down from coffee spill before I had a chance to turn it off. Have it sat up against a dryer now.
I think i found a much safer solution: for all the sticky keys, just spill small amounts of rubbing alcohol over the button and click on it a few times. do this individually for *all* buttons that are sticky (and leave the functional buttons alone), and wait 5 minutes. now most of the buttons should be ok! for the buttons that are still sticky, just repeat the process. this worked great for my HP Elite Dragonfly laptop! on first round it fixed almost all buttons, after the 2nd round only the R button was still sticky, and after a 3rd round for the R button alone, all buttons are now working great!
All depends on what you do. Some only care about data, like the dozens of hours spent on projects or the hundreds of family photos. When devices are built only to last 3 to 5 years I have never seen the point in spending a lot on a device or worrying about its imminent failure.
Wow I had no idea that a laptop can handle this much fluid. Insane. Perhaps my small coffee spill will turn out ok afterall.. just waiting.. waiting.. happened 24 hrs ago. Thank You!!!!
I had coke spllied on my laptop for like 10 minutes before i got to know, then i turned it off and unplugged it cleaned it and now it is under fan, when i was typing some of keys were not registering, will my laptop be fine
Laptop should be okay you may want to try and replace the keyboard. Hopefully the soda did not get to the mainboard or the hard drive as it can potentially corrode it over time so back your data up. You might also want to attempt to clean the keyboard with anti static WD40 for electronics.
I spilled milk on my laptop, tried drying and immediatley left my online lesson and shut it down. Luckily my computer is working but im typing this with milk under my keycaps lol
actually if you spill sticky fluids into your keyboard or laptop, remove the battery and rinse it with lukewarm water can increase the possibility to repair it, or better use alcohol that are made to spray into electronics, the thing that breaks electronic is when you first spill it jolt something inside, but if it doesn't jolt anything unplug it fast and basically just rinse it with distilled water and use a blower blow it hard and let it dry for at least 24 hours put a fan constantly infront of it.
thanks for sharing your insight. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled coffee on my laptop n it's still struggling 😭 mine is asus it doesn't has this kind battery that can be removed 😩 a friend of mine told me the keyboard doesn't work n the hard desk is dead n im dead TOOO
@Lolz Lolz Thanks for the concern , I told the owner which is my aunt that I did something bad to her gadget. I told her, it is okay if she will strangle me to death lol. Whilst, the laptop is still now operational hehehe thank to God. And yes, I never borrowed her laptop again, and never will.🤣
sorry to hear about your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. Please note this is a last resort and one must wait the 72 hours. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns thanks also i got a new laptop, but if i can I may revisit getting my old one repaired. I do my best to be less clumsy and keep anything that is an open anything with liquid in it away from my newer laptop. Part because this one is super expensive and part because life without some sore of computer is sad and boring for me
I spelt a drink on my laptop keyboard. It's really annoying when I type with the keys where the spill occurred, and it takes like another second or two for them to pop back up.
Method 1, dissemble and clean. Method 2, try to wash/clean using electric contact spray WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner Spray Method 3, buy used replacement and install. recommend ebay or amazon for the part.
oh man something burnt out, it's probably dead. Well it's been a year and I am just now reading this. sorry about your laptop , hope you had a great year otherwise and you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you can 🙂
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled milk on my laptop. Its been 3 hours. I wiped it off. Everything works so far but the keys which got direct contact with are heavy, like there's something pushing under it.
@@deathstroke8639 i switched it on after probably 36 hours.. also i immediately wiped off the leftover liquid properly, kept it in a inverted position, removed the battery, kept the laptop over a bed of rice...lots of ppl suggested that i keep it that way for 48 hours but i couldn't wait so switched it on after almost 36 hours and luckily it was working fine
@Hurarah Bashir if you can detach the keyboard then clean with distilled water. Or there are certain isopropyl solutions available in the market which you can use to clean. Many people uses a blow dryer but i am not sure if it will remove the stickiness. And then there was this weird solution that i read somewhere of 'sucking it out'. I am not sure if it even work, not to mention how unhygienic it will be!!
you only waited 3 hours, not long enough my friend. Hope this all worked out for you in the end,. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
could have tried WD40 for electronics. Sorry for the delay and potential loss of laptop, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
Folks - this is a great video.....however please be careful depending on the area you live in concerning your tap water. Hard water can contain high mineral content which can leave iron or calcium residue on the electronic components. I would recommend distilled water instead. (Think of the same with your cars radiator....they recommend distilled in that as well for the same reason)
Don't know if you joking or not, but I've spilt water on my laptop and got it fixed. Satire is great but don't discourage others if you don't know shyte. To those who really have this issue ,it fixable. Send it to a laptop repair shop.
@@fr1nceG0ar1n Just let your teacher know what happened. Say it was an accident and that you are truly sorry. Sometimes they have accidental damage warranties. Trust me the longer you wait the worse it can get as corrosion can start to eat away certain components. Not sure how old you are nor do I care to find out but your Mom will not go to jail for a broken school laptop. Worst case she might have to pay for the repair.
Lightning got my first computer. A fall down the stairs got my second computer, now coffee got my 3rd computer, and like an idiot I turned it back on. That's why I buy cheap from Tiger Direct. Luckily I have more stored on my phone than on my computer.
i was exporting a video from premiere pro and i accidentally spilled some hot coffee over my laptop :)) my 72 hours of work gone in a flash just like that
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Agree with john, also WD40 electronic contact cleaner might also help. Hope everything turned out okay for you. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
if it has an SSD drive or an M.2 get it in as soon as possible. There is usually a short window were the chips are dry and no corrosion has occurred yet. Please sub if you have not already 😋
I just spilt a little bit of Coca Cola in the middle of my keyboard. I acted fast, picking it up and turning it upside down so the liquid would drip out. I then carefully wiped it down with a paper towel and put it in front of a small, portable fan. This was 10 minutes ago. My keyboard is working fine and my laptop is working the same as it did before I spilt it. It also never turned off or made any sounds during any of this. I hope it is okay.
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I didn't find this in time. So my laptop is useless. I spilt coke on it and didn't find this in time. I feel like crying rn. This is my only laptop for ages.
Sorry to here for your loss. Hope something worked out for you in the end. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
Bahhahaahha thanks so much man I dropped my soda on my computer in online class I didnt know what to do but I turned it sideways and waited for 24 hours it works just sticky😂 Edit: I lost it when it said *ThiS coumpter lOokS tHirSty*
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you are are talking about a take home device and not like an in school computer lab. Now I feel old, only take home devices we had were calculators. Please subscribe if you can 😃
i have used the oven with a very low temperature, ab 44-55 degrees c and the front of the oven a bit open with a stopper so it cant shut itself, this makes the process much much faster have done the same with phones and pods, walkmans (back in the day) and portable radios etc etc
Thanks for sharing, I would be so worried to melt something LOL. Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns hi, thankyoufor your reply! its very easy to avoid, melting its completely risk-free if it is an oven without an internal fan. but you should of course, since the product is valuable, watch the process closely to make sure the temp is alright(and inform other family members not to disturb the settings) there is also a risk connected to the "rice bag method" that i see as much higher than the oven method, see below for expl. the products, phones pads, etc are made to withstand pretty high temperatures to make it possible for them to survive being left in the sun for a period of time (with the screen away from the sun) I have heard figures like 80 degrees Celcius being the standard testing temp during engineering. but i use a much lower temperature. if the oven has a fan test how the oven behaves first, test the temperature inside and the setup of open oven front before using it in a sharp situation, "rice bag solution" increases the risk of destroying the phone, etc, through corrosion, and swelling of plastic composites and paper materials inside the product etc
Hi.i spilt coffee with stopped working but after 3 days its now working.should i still take it to get cleaned up to avoid corrosion or is it okay?
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
NEVER RINSE ANY ELECTRONICS WITH TAP WATER!!!! there is a possibility of corrosion if you do, due to the various minerals in tap water. distilled water or better is the only thing you should use to rinse/clean electronics.
You are correct. Distilled water is proffered as well as contact cleaner. This is of course a last resort. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I was eating instant noodles and I spilled a huge amount of it's water on my laptop, I turned it off instantly, what should I do? Is it okay if I just let it dry? Or do I have to wash it
If just water let it sit for 72 hours, leave it open in a dry place. 🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it informative. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled hot tea on my Acer laptop. I unplugged everything (mouse, headphones, charger), grabbed a towel and dried the outside, held it sideways so most of the water could come out, and now i have it at a 30 degree angle above a towel and now i'm gonna wait like 1-2 days before i even attempt to turn it back on. When i spilled the hot tea, my laptop shut off immediatly. I think its because the tea was so hot that it recognized it was overheating and shut off immediatly (at least i hope thats what it was lol). It was quite alot of tea, and i hope it still works!
Best of luck and let us know how it turned out. Best case the thermal detection shut it down. bad case the tea arched a connection and may have damaged something. Worst case, the tea was so hot that it loosened some solder. Please sub if you can 🤖
oh my! um... ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Thx for this it helped a lot... One question if you have time, I spilled a drink on my helios 300 gaming laptop last night, immediately unplugged, cleaned and turned it upside down to let it dry... This morning I turned it on and I'm thinking it was too soon as it immediately turned back off. I then took the back panel off and dried it out as much as I could and it will still not turn back on. What would you suggest? Wait awhile longer maybe? Or do you think I probably fried it by turning it on too soon?
Since this was 2 months ago how did it turn out? Hope all is well. For future anyone reading this it was turned on too soon. if jumped connection you can wait longer and it will probably turn on. if you heard a popping sound or there was a smell after chances it fried something. Please sub if you can.
@@TheThorns yes it turned out well!! My second attempt drying it out, I removed everything I could and found liquid had hidden under several pieces. I used a dry cloth and also alcohol to clean multiple pieces. When I was sure all was dry I still waited a day to put everything back together and luckily it has been working well since. I realized it could have used an upgrade (graphics card ect) so since I was more familiar with the equipment I went ahead and upgraded what I could while I was at it. Great Video thanks so much for sharing!
Whats the chances with the new laptops that u can't access the battery. And I quickly turned it upside down, wiped off what i could. Sprayed with a spray bottle 9f water to remove what may have seeped in. Its now drying upside down with some silca packs I seran wrapped to it. Do the new laptops hv a buffer between data/mother board and keyboard. My son threw something and spilled my coffee...grrr i just bought the laptop 2 months ago. Whats the chances of it being ok? Your thoughts? BTW it was upside down when i sprayed water on it. And I caught it within seconds of coffee spillage. I dripped coffee along the floor as I took it to the sink. I rather try and save what I can i have a lot of data on it (floor can be wipes)
Since its been w months how did this turn out? since it was upside down I would have skipped the silca packs and just create some air flow with a fan, unless you live somewhere really humid. The good news is if m.2 or 2.5 ssd there is a good chance your data can be saved even if the laptop is dead. If the laptop is still not functional Take it somewhere to have the drive removed. If the laptop still works I would still backup the data just in case corrosion occurs in the coming months.
Keyboard replacement on a laptop is pretty easy. Just lookup a tear down video for your laptop model then purchase a third party keyboard off Ebay. Please sub if you have not already 😋
So um- basically this vid is 8 yrs old and idk if youre gonna answer, i spilled acetone on my laptop's keyboard and immediately turned it off, i took out the usb of my mouse and turned it upside down, now im letting it dry out in the sun, do i have to do anything else?
I was DJing a party with my brand new 2000$ laptop and some drunk asshat spilled pop on it lol. Everything works and I managed to clean it all but Ive been super paranoid haha
i couldn’t be able to fix my device cuz the battery and ram stuff wasn’t removable, but your tutorial couldve helped me if these stuff was removable on my laptop.
These days many devices just have everything soldered to the board itself. It's a pain when trying to repair or upgrade. Hope everything worked out in the end for you. Please sub if you can. 🙂
I spilled water on my laptop about a year ago and it worked completely fine and it was a lot of water but I spilled a little bit of coke and it barely touched the bottom and now the touchpad and mouse doesn’t work
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Well, I turned it off quickly. I cleaned it. Flip it upside down. Back after 30 minutes.turn it on. Start coding. All of the sudden my keyboard is not functioning. Now I am on UA-cam seeking solutions
30 minutes was not long enough. keyboard is probably fried or really messed up and may need to be replaced. since you flipped it upside down hopefully the mobo is okay. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
God I hate myself, today this night I was drinking boba and I accidentally spilled boba on it because I was pulling up the straw since something was blocking it and boba spilled. I wiped it with wipes or a tissue. Everything was fine the computer was fine, but my mouse was stuck and could hardly press down. I don’t know if my data is going to be erased- I hope not
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
soak up as much as you can, contact your employer as they may have accidental on the unit. Your works IT department should be able to help you out. Please sub if you can 🤖
Thank you so much unfortunately I wiped everything down but did not rinse. 24 hours later I got a message to add an operating system to the hard drive or hit F2. Is it safe to assume my laptop is dead and the data is gone? Is there anything I can do to retrieve my data?
There are lots of data recovery companies, unfortunately you really have to put a price on your data. Based on what you said though it may just be a bios setting that got reset. Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
curious to know how this went as the sugar content in that is really high, but shop vacuuming it might be a good solution as long as it get the majority and you wait until dry. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
tap water is an emergency course of action. If done properly it can save the unit. But you are correct, using something like wd-40 for electronics or distilled water is best suited for this.
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
just make sure it is off and you wait at least 72 hours. This will greatly increase your chances. If it does turn back on immediately backup any data you need, photos docs etc. . Even if it turns on and appears to be working fine there is still a chance for corrosion to occur, hence the "better back it up" 🎃 Have a Happy Halloween & please sub if you can.
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
i spilled gatorade on my latop (del inspiron 15 3000 series) and a got disinfecting wipes and squeezed the liquid out of it onto my keyboard because when i tapped on my keys it would take a second or 2 for it to pop back up. so basicly i got sticky keys but i hope this vid helps (i wiped the liquid with a napkin and it kinda helped the sticky keys for a couple of minutes).
hope it all worked out for you in the end. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Key board not working after liquid spill. I sprayed clean and let dry. Turns on and can get on screen key board to open. HPPavillion Laptop. Please advise.
It is always a 50/50 shot when you have a spill. Might have to get it replaced. If you have some knowledge of disassembly I would just buy a compatible generic off amazon or Ebay. If you have not already, Sub if you can 😋
So I accidentally spilled a bit of coffee on the keyboard of my laptop. The thing is that I cannot remove the battery since it doesn’t have easy access to be removed. I’m laying it down on a towel for 24 hours do you think that would work? Do you recommend taking it to geek squad or someone who can check it up if it’s OK?
if after the 72 hours it seems okay you should be fine. however if you have the funds I always recommend getting the keyboard professionally cleaned or out right replaced. any non distilled liquid can be corrosive the the electronics.
sorry for your loss, literally looking at over 2,000 comment to reply to before I am caught up for the year. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
i dropped water on my laptop yesterday. i turned it off, turn it upside down and everything. and then this morning i turned it on. everything seems to work fine. except the 2 bottom lines of keys. what do i do to fix the keyboard? or can i just use a another usb plug in keyboard or do i still need to fix the actual keyboard to avoid further damages
@@NoOne-cl8my haan bhaai ye depend krta h.. mera v hua tha jb ye ques puchhe the.. coffee gira hua tha.. hm turant power button press kiye rkhe so that force shutdown ho jaaye.. fir laptop ka back hta kr battery nikal kr rkh diye the.. aur laptop ulta krke jitna ho ske coffee bahar nikalne ka try kiye.. 2 din baad wapas battery lgaye to sahi kaam kr rha tha sb..
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
So if you spill nailpolish remover on the keyboard (non-acetone nail polish remover) is there even anything you can do? I tried getting the battery out but with the kind of laptop I have, I wasn't able to.
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hi, thank for your video... I have one Question that you can hopefully answer... what if I just found out that someone had a spill on my laptop 4 months ago ? IS IT STILL RECOVERABLE ? IF SO THEN I REALLY WOULD LIKE IF YOU COULD SHOW ME HOW TO GO ABOUT IT. Thanks
Data is probably recoverable but not the computer itself. depends on what was spilled. 🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it informative. Please sub if you can & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled ramen noodles on my macbook but I can't open it because they don't open and i just turned it upside down and placed it on top of pieces of cloth with rice on it
If you left your laptop running while the ramen juice was going inside the laptop (through the fans etc) then that means that most likely your motherboard or ANYTHING else in the laptop got burnt.
The upside down part is fine but the rice is really not needed. Hope it worked out for you in the end. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Hope you have a Happy Holiday season. ⛄ Please sub if you can.🙂
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled coffee on my laptop, didn’t know what to do so I wiped it with a towel. The next day I realised some of the keys don’t work. It’s not even mine. It’s a family friends’...
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
So I fell asleep and I accidentally spilled Fanta on my laptop, I spilled it on the side of the laptop if I’m not mistaken, but I didn’t spill it on my keyboard or the screen, the charger work, the light is on like everything is working but the screen won’t turn on ( this happened a couple months ago ) and I didn’t tell my parents yet.
I took out everything, wipe it off with a tissue and then I just leave it alone and the next day I tried to charged the computer for a couple days and check it again if it working but nope so I just leave it charged. I told my parents and they gonna buy me a new one
@@donnaprettycia792 I just bought a 600$ laptop and i had it for 1 month, and i accidentally spilled tea all over it. Also, on the sides of the laptop there will be most likely a fan, and if fanta goes through that fan the motherboard and any other components will probably go berserk, or probably just... Get ruined. Just check if the battery and motherboard are okay. If you don't know how to check, then just ask your parents to help you. They probably know some stuff. Plan 2 is to take it to a laptop/pc expert.
Months ago I accidentally split lemonade on my macbook air's keyboard. I didn't know what to do since it immediately shut off. When I try to turn it on, the keyboard still lights up and the keys seem to be working but the display is completely black and won't turn on. Does this mean my laptop is fried or is there still a chance that I could fix it?
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Not sure of that's a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully good. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
My 8 year old brother just spilled chocolate milkshake all over my laptop after I opened it for him. SERIOUSLY HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO HOLD A FUCKING BOTTLE also I cant get anything else out just the battery so im literally SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW. I swear I could chuck a jug of water over his xbox rn
sounds like you might have some moisture still inside or the spill has caused battery issues. Hope it clears up for you eventually. Please sub if you can 🙂
isopropyl alcohol bath is also really good, because not only will it actually clean the sticky gunk, it will also evaporate faster allowing you to use it in maybe a day?
if you rinse make sure you remove the hard drive. If you can not remove the hard drive I would just wait the 72 hours to see if it still turns on. Much cheaper to replace the keyboard rather than the whole machine. If you have accidental damage on your warranty you might be able to get it replaced for free. Please note: the 72 hours starts after the spill or rinse.
Just spilled ginger ale on my laptop today... didn't have to open the chassis because I had work today.All i did was turned off my computer immediately, turned it downwards facing the floor and use my sister's hair blower. So far it seems as if nothing happened. Laptop works fine still. I must be lucky
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Why dont take it apart and clean it with isopropyl alcohol ? i think by washing it with water will start a corrosion process and laptop will be ruined.
I do not disagree with your statement. under better circumstances I would recommend it. however this is a worst case scenario that still has a high potential to work. Please sub if you can 😊
i spilled soda on my acer aspire e5-573 six months age the laptop turned off it self ,i waied till it dry the turned it on it worked fine .should i clean it from inside now?
I would have told them, some schools have accidental protection on devices. 🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it interesting. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
These are most likely not fixable. Your best bet is to replace the keyboard. Keyboards are one of the cheapest and easiest parts to replace in most laptops. eBay would be the best place to look. Just make sure the replacement is backlit because it may not be!
Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Hope you have a Happy Holiday season. ⛄ Please sub if you can.🙂
React quickly. Ok after 20 minutes of watching UA-cam videos telling me what to do lol.
It happens. Sorry if I wasn't fast enough, and also hope your device is okay.
Please sub if you can.🙂
Know what was really dumb of me, I spilled hot chocolate on my computer then I reacted to search up on youtube what do I do when I spill a hot drink on my computer and I searched it up on my computer that I spilled the drink on.
Dude why! LOL
Whoa!!!! glad I'm not the only one... haha
that just what i did though i spilled milk from my cereal bowl.
Echo DD
Echo eoee
Nice, glad you had the balls to actually spill a drink on your laptop to show us viewers from the bottom up. Every other video I looked at just had people spilling like 4 drops on their keyboard and went with the tutorial.
I do not mind sacrificing old hardware for the sake of teaching others.
DoctorNoob hey, I spilled like 20 ml of yogurt on the F5 part, but my laptop is advertised as with a spill proof keyboard, I think 70% of the yogurt went in, I didn't react quickly, maybe 1 minute till I flipped it upside down, I turned it off now, and left it with a dryer facing to the keyboard, I will wake it up in 48 hours, should I be worried? thanks
yogurt.. yeh, right.
chad bennett it was ok
@@tea_with_pukie2840 bro did it on
:him: *:sprays it with water:*
:me: i-
Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
@@TheThorns took u a year?
I spilled cereal milk on my laptop and then my mom grabbed the blow dryer, put it on the coldest setting, dried it and it works perfectly
How long did you wait before using it again?
Welp thats what my moms doing I NEED IT FOR FREAKI G SCHOOL
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I am so dumb. I spilled juice on my laptop and I turned it off but then turned it back on -_- I also need a screw driver on my laptop because it doesn't have a battery that I can just take out.
Depressed Trash exactly same, now some of the buttons on keyboard don’t work.
*have you tried turning off and back on?*
Just what my keyboard on my laptop I spilled milk and my laptop still works and I had to get another keyboard
@@randompersonontheinternet2722 same omg
i spilled instant noodles on my laptop.... yup I have to be the first to do that
Edit : I removed the noodles, and used cotton swabs to get the juice out, plus a hair dryer, it's been a year still using the same laptop.
Varuni Sukhtankar my friend also spilled some, that’s why I am here 😂
Holy shit me too
Bowl on noodles is actually very common as college students tend to be on a laptop eating a cup of good old noodles. please sub if you can 😀
Happened to me, it got all over my trackpad and bottom of my keyboard and I barely spilled any
Lol the most Asian thing I ever heard is spilling noodles on an laptop xD
Place the laptop in rice. Over the night the rice will attract chinese workers that will come and repair your laptop.
Nice, LOL
But ya don't use rice.
Sub if you can 😋
DoctorNoob if I had a bucket of rice I would. I pulled the battery but it shut down from coffee spill before I had a chance to turn it off. Have it sat up against a dryer now.
What the fuck
I think i found a much safer solution: for all the sticky keys, just spill small amounts of rubbing alcohol over the button and click on it a few times. do this individually for *all* buttons that are sticky (and leave the functional buttons alone), and wait 5 minutes. now most of the buttons should be ok! for the buttons that are still sticky, just repeat the process. this worked great for my HP Elite Dragonfly laptop! on first round it fixed almost all buttons, after the 2nd round only the R button was still sticky, and after a 3rd round for the R button alone, all buttons are now working great!
Thanks for sharing, personally I am a fan of the WD40 for electronics as it is not conductive and loosens everything up.
Please sub if you can 🤖
I dont care about my data i care about my 2k dollors :))
All depends on what you do. Some only care about data, like the dozens of hours spent on projects or the hundreds of family photos. When devices are built only to last 3 to 5 years I have never seen the point in spending a lot on a device or worrying about its imminent failure.
For me it's always been data since you can make money back but not memories and time spent on proktecs
Wow I had no idea that a laptop can handle this much fluid. Insane. Perhaps my small coffee spill will turn out ok afterall.. just waiting.. waiting.. happened 24 hrs ago. Thank You!!!!
Did it end up being okay? Hope all is well.
after 3 months is your laptop fine?
After 11 months is your laptop okay?
@@user-db9vy2gh3v 100% Yay
@@TheThorns all is well at 11 months Yay
I had coke spllied on my laptop for like 10 minutes before i got to know, then i turned it off and unplugged it cleaned it and now it is under fan, when i was typing some of keys were not registering, will my laptop be fine
Laptop should be okay you may want to try and replace the keyboard. Hopefully the soda did not get to the mainboard or the hard drive as it can potentially corrode it over time so back your data up. You might also want to attempt to clean the keyboard with anti static WD40 for electronics.
“‘This laptops look thirsty”
I’m dead 😂
To be fair it was a homestarrunner reference when strong bad pours mountain dew on homestarrunners laptop.
please sub if you can 😀
I spilled milk on my laptop, tried drying and immediatley left my online lesson and shut it down. Luckily my computer is working but im typing this with milk under my keycaps lol
could always plug up a USB keyboard, or try to clean it with WD-40 FOR electronics. Hope all is well please sub if you can.
This feels like such a bad ideal to rinse it underwater. there could still be charged capacitors on the mother board and this could short it.
actually if you spill sticky fluids into your keyboard or laptop, remove the battery and rinse it with lukewarm water can increase the possibility to repair it, or better use alcohol that are made to spray into electronics, the thing that breaks electronic is when you first spill it jolt something inside, but if it doesn't jolt anything unplug it fast and basically just rinse it with distilled water and use a blower blow it hard and let it dry for at least 24 hours put a fan constantly infront of it.
thanks for sharing your insight. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled coffee on my laptop n it's still struggling 😭 mine is asus it doesn't has this kind battery that can be removed 😩 a friend of mine told me the keyboard doesn't work n the hard desk is dead n im dead TOOO
Your profile picture is perfect for your comment xD
I am dead. Double dead because the laptop is not mine.😭
@Lolz Lolz Thanks for the concern , I told the owner which is my aunt that I did something bad to her gadget. I told her, it is okay if she will strangle me to death lol. Whilst, the laptop is still now operational hehehe thank to God. And yes, I never borrowed her laptop again, and never will.🤣
sorry to hear about your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns wtf ur replying after 4 yrs
So... I did everything you said and my laptop is doing nothing at all....
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. Please note this is a last resort and one must wait the 72 hours. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns thanks also i got a new laptop, but if i can I may revisit getting my old one repaired. I do my best to be less clumsy and keep anything that is an open anything with liquid in it away from my newer laptop. Part because this one is super expensive and part because life without some sore of computer is sad and boring for me
POV: You are watching this and you have a MacBook Air 😂😂
The video is a bit dated, as most laptops no longer have a door or removable battery.
I spelt a drink on my laptop keyboard. It's really annoying when I type with the keys where the spill occurred, and it takes like another second or two for them to pop back up.
Method 1, dissemble and clean.
Method 2, try to wash/clean using electric contact spray WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner Spray
Method 3, buy used replacement and install. recommend ebay or amazon for the part.
@@TheThorns Oh. That's why it's delayed
I spilled my laptop with coke and my laptop doesn’t turning on i just hearing some pshh
oh man something burnt out, it's probably dead. Well it's been a year and I am just now reading this. sorry about your laptop , hope you had a great year otherwise and you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you can 🙂
So... anyone wanna attend a funeral? I just spilled water on my dad's laptop. Guest list still open... Hurry!
What happened when you told your dad ?
@@xxextremexx69 The person you are trying to reach has died and now unavailable to respond to you.
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled milk on my laptop. Its been 3 hours. I wiped it off. Everything works so far but the keys which got direct contact with are heavy, like there's something pushing under it.
Hey is your laptop still worked after that? I spilled milk last night, immediately turned it waiting for it to dry out
@@nishidutta3484 how long did you wait? This just happened to me about 2 hours ago
@@deathstroke8639 i switched it on after probably 36 hours.. also i immediately wiped off the leftover liquid properly, kept it in a inverted position, removed the battery, kept the laptop over a bed of rice...lots of ppl suggested that i keep it that way for 48 hours but i couldn't wait so switched it on after almost 36 hours and luckily it was working fine
@Hurarah Bashir if you can detach the keyboard then clean with distilled water. Or there are certain isopropyl solutions available in the market which you can use to clean. Many people uses a blow dryer but i am not sure if it will remove the stickiness. And then there was this weird solution that i read somewhere of 'sucking it out'. I am not sure if it even work, not to mention how unhygienic it will be!!
you only waited 3 hours, not long enough my friend. Hope this all worked out for you in the end,. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
........I searched this after I spilled Sprite on m labtope it been 3 hours well f
could have tried WD40 for electronics. Sorry for the delay and potential loss of laptop, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
Folks - this is a great video.....however please be careful depending on the area you live in concerning your tap water. Hard water can contain high mineral content which can leave iron or calcium residue on the electronic components. I would recommend distilled water instead. (Think of the same with your cars radiator....they recommend distilled in that as well for the same reason)
You went scientist on us
A very good point! thanks for sharing, please sub if you can 😀
great... online school starts tomorrow and i just spilled milk on my laptop
sorry to hear that. Hope you have a desktop or tablet.
please sub if you can. 🙂
DoctorNoob haha yeah i have a spare laptop. and you’ve earned a new subscriber :)
I used a leaf blower to try to dry it out.
Why when I read this do I imagine the keys on my laptop just flying off LOL.
Please sub if you have not already 😋
Don't know if you joking or not, but I've spilt water on my laptop and got it fixed. Satire is great but don't discourage others if you don't know shyte. To those who really have this issue ,it fixable. Send it to a laptop repair shop.
a repair shop is always a great idea especially if you have hard water. Also any remaining water in nooks and crannies can cause additional issues.
i was too late and never did any of the steps and now keybaord not working usb ports not working
It happens. Sorry for your loss.
Please sub if you can 😋
it was a school laptop now my mom will go to jail if they find out
@@fr1nceG0ar1n Just let your teacher know what happened. Say it was an accident and that you are truly sorry. Sometimes they have accidental damage warranties. Trust me the longer you wait the worse it can get as corrosion can start to eat away certain components. Not sure how old you are nor do I care to find out but your Mom will not go to jail for a broken school laptop. Worst case she might have to pay for the repair.
Ah, I remember the days when I used to actually give a damn. Now I'm just scrolling through the comments looking for memes while my laptop dries
Lightning got my first computer. A fall down the stairs got my second computer, now coffee got my 3rd computer, and like an idiot I turned it back on. That's why I buy cheap from Tiger Direct.
Luckily I have more stored on my phone than on my computer.
I personally never really cared for tiger direct.
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i was exporting a video from premiere pro and i accidentally spilled some hot coffee over my laptop :))
my 72 hours of work gone in a flash just like that
Did it die instantly???
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I spilled soda on my laptop a little while back, but now my keys are sticky. How do I clean them?
Isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush.
Agree with john, also WD40 electronic contact cleaner might also help. Hope everything turned out okay for you. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns thanks so much! Happy holidays and stay safe ❤
Doctor Noob thank you for this video. I was able to help a friend of mine clean her laptop after she spilled soda on her laptop.
Thanks for sharing glad it helped.
Also glad you liked the video.
Please sub if you can.🙂
I did subscribe and will check out your other videos. Keep u the great work and educating the masses about computers and how to fix issues.
I wish I knew this before I spilled juice all over it. Now were gonna have to repair it and probably have no data
if it has an SSD drive or an M.2 get it in as soon as possible. There is usually a short window were the chips are dry and no corrosion has occurred yet. Please sub if you have not already 😋
I just spilt a little bit of Coca Cola in the middle of my keyboard. I acted fast, picking it up and turning it upside down so the liquid would drip out. I then carefully wiped it down with a paper towel and put it in front of a small, portable fan. This was 10 minutes ago. My keyboard is working fine and my laptop is working the same as it did before I spilt it. It also never turned off or made any sounds during any of this.
I hope it is okay.
i did the exact same
expet mymakes very faint sounds
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
My mom bought me a new laptop and i fear that it may not last a week because im too clumsy so that's why im watching the video rn
you know the easiest solution is not to eat or drink while using the new laptop. I guess that's just me. I don't use my phone and drive either.
I spilled soda on my laptop,and my laptop still work perfectly
consider yourself lucky.
What did you do after that? Did you dry it?
I didn't find this in time. So my laptop is useless. I spilt coke on it and didn't find this in time. I feel like crying rn. This is my only laptop for ages.
Sorry to here for your loss. Hope something worked out for you in the end. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
Bahhahaahha thanks so much man I dropped my soda on my computer in online class I didnt know what to do but I turned it sideways and waited for 24 hours it works just sticky😂
Edit: I lost it when it said
*ThiS coumpter lOokS tHirSty*
i was also in online lesson when i spilled milk on my computer lol
Glad everything worked out for you. Please sub if you can 🙂
So you didn't remove the stuff like he said ? I spilled half a cup of soda but I quickly wiped it off, I'm scared I can't fix it if it's damaged ..
i spilled cranberry juice on my fucking school cpu
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you are are talking about a take home device and not like an in school computer lab. Now I feel old, only take home devices we had were calculators.
Please subscribe if you can 😃
i have used the oven with a very low temperature, ab 44-55 degrees c and the front of the oven a bit open with a stopper so it cant shut itself, this makes the process much much faster
have done the same with phones and pods, walkmans (back in the day) and portable radios etc etc
Thanks for sharing, I would be so worried to melt something LOL. Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns hi, thankyoufor your reply!
its very easy to avoid, melting its completely risk-free if it is an oven without an internal fan. but you should of course, since the product is valuable, watch the process closely to make sure the temp is alright(and inform other family members not to disturb the settings)
there is also a risk connected to the "rice bag method" that i see as much higher than the oven method, see below for expl.
the products, phones pads, etc are made to withstand pretty high temperatures to make it possible for them to survive being left in the sun for a period of time (with the screen away from the sun) I have heard figures like 80 degrees Celcius being the standard testing temp during engineering. but i use a much lower temperature.
if the oven has a fan test how the oven behaves first, test the temperature inside and the setup of open oven front before using it in a sharp situation,
"rice bag solution" increases the risk of destroying the phone, etc, through corrosion, and swelling of plastic composites and paper materials inside the product etc
Hi.i spilt coffee with stopped working but after 3 days its now working.should i still take it to get cleaned up to avoid corrosion or is it okay?
same situation
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Is it working now?
NEVER RINSE ANY ELECTRONICS WITH TAP WATER!!!! there is a possibility of corrosion if you do, due to the various minerals in tap water. distilled water or better is the only thing you should use to rinse/clean electronics.
You are correct. Distilled water is proffered as well as contact cleaner. This is of course a last resort. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I was eating instant noodles and I spilled a huge amount of it's water on my laptop, I turned it off instantly, what should I do? Is it okay if I just let it dry? Or do I have to wash it
If just water let it sit for 72 hours, leave it open in a dry place.
🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it informative. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Do not ever run it under a faucet you're better off to take the keyboard off and clean it with 91 percent rubbing alcohol !!!!!!!!
only humans drink alcohol though.
other animals love alcohol also.
Please sub if you have not already 😋
So this is what my IT dad missed..
Motherboard rinsing is not common knowledge nor is it recommended unless a last resort. Hope all is well, please sub if you can. 🙂
I spilled hot tea on my Acer laptop. I unplugged everything (mouse, headphones, charger), grabbed a towel and dried the outside, held it sideways so most of the water could come out, and now i have it at a 30 degree angle above a towel and now i'm gonna wait like 1-2 days before i even attempt to turn it back on.
When i spilled the hot tea, my laptop shut off immediatly. I think its because the tea was so hot that it recognized it was overheating and shut off immediatly (at least i hope thats what it was lol). It was quite alot of tea, and i hope it still works!
Best of luck and let us know how it turned out.
Best case the thermal detection shut it down.
bad case the tea arched a connection and may have damaged something.
Worst case, the tea was so hot that it loosened some solder.
Please sub if you can 🤖
i came on mine a few months ago.
now i can't afford rising my 101 cyber babies.
thankfully everything else works fine.
I ran
oh my! um...
☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Thx for this it helped a lot...
One question if you have time, I spilled a drink on my helios 300 gaming laptop last night, immediately unplugged, cleaned and turned it upside down to let it dry...
This morning I turned it on and I'm thinking it was too soon as it immediately turned back off.
I then took the back panel off and dried it out as much as I could and it will still not turn back on.
What would you suggest?
Wait awhile longer maybe?
Or do you think I probably fried it by turning it on too soon?
Since this was 2 months ago how did it turn out? Hope all is well.
For future anyone reading this it was turned on too soon. if jumped connection you can wait longer and it will probably turn on. if you heard a popping sound or there was a smell after chances it fried something.
Please sub if you can.
@@TheThorns yes it turned out well!!
My second attempt drying it out, I removed everything I could and found liquid had hidden under several pieces.
I used a dry cloth and also alcohol to clean multiple pieces. When I was sure all was dry I still waited a day to put everything back together and luckily it has been working well since.
I realized it could have used an upgrade (graphics card ect) so since I was more familiar with the equipment I went ahead and upgraded what I could while I was at it.
Great Video thanks so much for sharing!
Whats the chances with the new laptops that u can't access the battery. And I quickly turned it upside down, wiped off what i could. Sprayed with a spray bottle 9f water to remove what may have seeped in. Its now drying upside down with some silca packs I seran wrapped to it. Do the new laptops hv a buffer between data/mother board and keyboard. My son threw something and spilled my coffee...grrr i just bought the laptop 2 months ago. Whats the chances of it being ok? Your thoughts? BTW it was upside down when i sprayed water on it. And I caught it within seconds of coffee spillage. I dripped coffee along the floor as I took it to the sink. I rather try and save what I can i have a lot of data on it (floor can be wipes)
Since its been w months how did this turn out? since it was upside down I would have skipped the silca packs and just create some air flow with a fan, unless you live somewhere really humid. The good news is if m.2 or 2.5 ssd there is a good chance your data can be saved even if the laptop is dead. If the laptop is still not functional Take it somewhere to have the drive removed. If the laptop still works I would still backup the data just in case corrosion occurs in the coming months.
Ever since mt lil brother spilled sprite on my laptops keyboard, i couldnt type the words, A S D Z. My X key press C.
Keyboard replacement on a laptop is pretty easy. Just lookup a tear down video for your laptop model then purchase a third party keyboard off Ebay. Please sub if you have not already 😋
So um- basically this vid is 8 yrs old and idk if youre gonna answer, i spilled acetone on my laptop's keyboard and immediately turned it off, i took out the usb of my mouse and turned it upside down, now im letting it dry out in the sun, do i have to do anything else?
I would not put it out in direct sunlight but other than that you are doing what you should. I just hope it does corrode the electronics.
I was DJing a party with my brand new 2000$ laptop and some drunk asshat spilled pop on it lol. Everything works and I managed to clean it all but Ive been super paranoid haha
yikes that sucks!
Please Sub if you can 😊
Well I don't know where the battery or the screw driver is in my laptop, so I'll leave it to dry itself for an extra 24 hours or so
Hope that worked out for you!
Please sub if you can 😊
Did it work? Struggling right now 😢
i couldn’t be able to fix my device cuz the battery and ram stuff wasn’t removable, but your tutorial couldve helped me if these stuff was removable on my laptop.
These days many devices just have everything soldered to the board itself. It's a pain when trying to repair or upgrade. Hope everything worked out in the end for you. Please sub if you can. 🙂
I was using my Lao top then out of the sudden my bowl of cereal falls on the keybored
When that happens, you know that *You.. Fucked up.*
Anytime I read that it was cereal I always think of it's always sunny.
please sub if you can 😀
Apple installed special screws that only they have the correct screwdriver for
That's apple for you.
I spilled water on my laptop about a year ago and it worked completely fine and it was a lot of water but I spilled a little bit of coke and it barely touched the bottom and now the touchpad and mouse doesn’t work
It's the sugar
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Well, I turned it off quickly.
I cleaned it.
Flip it upside down.
Back after 30 minutes.turn it on.
Start coding.
All of the sudden my keyboard is not functioning.
Now I am on UA-cam seeking solutions
30 minutes was not long enough. keyboard is probably fried or really messed up and may need to be replaced. since you flipped it upside down hopefully the mobo is okay. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
If someones mouse pad stops working for no reason try reseting you're drivers.
LOL, mouse pad eh.
Right back at ya, please sub if you can 😀
Daughter dumped cup of tea on my desktop i9 13900 4070ti I unplugged immediately and tried to dry as much as possible
Best of luck hope it worked out for you. Please sub if you can 😊
God I hate myself, today this night I was drinking boba and I accidentally spilled boba on it because I was pulling up the straw since something was blocking it and boba spilled. I wiped it with wipes or a tissue. Everything was fine the computer was fine, but my mouse was stuck and could hardly press down. I don’t know if my data is going to be erased- I hope not
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
@@TheThorns ty very much! :D
@@TheThorns and don't worry, my laptop is fixed :)
Okay I'm here right after spilling my cereal bowl with sugar and milk on my 1 month old new laptop 😐😐 that too my office laptop 😐
soak up as much as you can, contact your employer as they may have accidental on the unit. Your works IT department should be able to help you out. Please sub if you can 🤖
Thank you so much unfortunately I wiped everything down but did not rinse. 24 hours later I got a message to add an operating system to the hard drive or hit F2. Is it safe to assume my laptop is dead and the data is gone? Is there anything I can do to retrieve my data?
There are lots of data recovery companies, unfortunately you really have to put a price on your data. Based on what you said though it may just be a bios setting that got reset. Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hahah. Someone should make a video about kids reading these comments. So many milk drinkers here...
Hey man , it's milk it does a body good. please sub if you can 😀
is it ok if i spilled a 20% pineapplejuice and i vacumed it is it ok???? i spilled it just know
Was it ok in the end bruh?? Going through it rn, I'm waiting for my laptop to dry in rice ....
curious to know how this went as the sugar content in that is really high, but shop vacuuming it might be a good solution as long as it get the majority and you wait until dry. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
plz any one help i spilled everything works but the enter key and the h key dont work plz help my parents are gonna kill me
dre 2k did you solve it?
hes dead
UnfairAimbot _ps3d still alive?
sorry for a late answer, but remove the key and put was it, and the make sure its not wet when you put it back on,
F to pay respect.
I repeat
tap water is an emergency course of action. If done properly it can save the unit. But you are correct, using something like wd-40 for electronics or distilled water is best suited for this.
I spilled some juice on it and it didn’t do anything but made my space bar sticky, how on earth do I fix an Aero 15X’s sticky space bar?
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
spilled tap water, can't remove the battery and internal parts. will it be okay after drying it out?
just make sure it is off and you wait at least 72 hours. This will greatly increase your chances. If it does turn back on immediately backup any data you need, photos docs etc. . Even if it turns on and appears to be working fine there is still a chance for corrosion to occur, hence the "better back it up"
🎃 Have a Happy Halloween & please sub if you can.
Just what I needed. Thank you so much.
hope it helped.
Please Sub if you can 😊
I spilled juice on my laptop and now it not turning on pls help😦😯
It’s dead
I spilt orange on mine and wont turn on
@@mcclucka7521 try using rice or a blow dryrer
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
help i came back after a week and when i come back after a small spill it doesnt work please help this laptop is too young
Jigglysos sammeeeee fickkkk
lol i broke my brand new 600$ laptop in 1 month just because i spilled tea on it and it burnt my motherboard together with my battery
how young? accidental damage young?
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i spilled gatorade on my latop (del inspiron 15 3000 series) and a got disinfecting wipes and squeezed the liquid out of it onto my keyboard because when i tapped on my keys it would take a second or 2 for it to pop back up. so basicly i got sticky keys but i hope this vid helps (i wiped the liquid with a napkin and it kinda helped the sticky keys for a couple of minutes).
hope it all worked out for you in the end. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Key board not working after liquid spill.
I sprayed clean and let dry.
Turns on and can get on screen key board
to open.
HPPavillion Laptop.
Please advise.
It is always a 50/50 shot when you have a spill. Might have to get it replaced. If you have some knowledge of disassembly I would just buy a compatible generic off amazon or Ebay.
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i spilled it on my hp pavilloin
how did yours go
So I accidentally spilled a bit of coffee on the keyboard of my laptop. The thing is that I cannot remove the battery since it doesn’t have easy access to be removed.
I’m laying it down on a towel for 24 hours do you think that would work?
Do you recommend taking it to geek squad or someone who can check it up if it’s OK?
if after the 72 hours it seems okay you should be fine. however if you have the funds I always recommend getting the keyboard professionally cleaned or out right replaced. any non distilled liquid can be corrosive the the electronics.
Too late, it's been a day since I spilled chocolate milk on it
sorry for your loss, literally looking at over 2,000 comment to reply to before I am caught up for the year.
Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
@@TheThorns it's all good bro, I'm the one stupid enough to use a wine glass just to drink some milk so... It's fine
i dropped water on my laptop yesterday. i turned it off, turn it upside down and everything. and then this morning i turned it on. everything seems to work fine. except the 2 bottom lines of keys. what do i do to fix the keyboard? or can i just use a another usb plug in keyboard or do i still need to fix the actual keyboard to avoid further damages
Same thing I did, I mean. I dropped some coffee on it earlier. So I just turned it off, & flipped it upside down. Hopefully tomorrow it works fine.😧
@@anonymous_yo_mama6728 was it fine the next day? Is it still fine?
@@abhijeetgupta4583 same question
@@NoOne-cl8my haan bhaai ye depend krta h.. mera v hua tha jb ye ques puchhe the.. coffee gira hua tha.. hm turant power button press kiye rkhe so that force shutdown ho jaaye.. fir laptop ka back hta kr battery nikal kr rkh diye the.. aur laptop ulta krke jitna ho ske coffee bahar nikalne ka try kiye.. 2 din baad wapas battery lgaye to sahi kaam kr rha tha sb..
@@abhijeetgupta4583 mery pe coke giri keyboard pe or mn rakha hoa towel pe battery remove ni ki
I spilled cocoa on my laptop, everything works fine except O and P keys...
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
So if you spill nailpolish remover on the keyboard (non-acetone nail polish remover) is there even anything you can do? I tried getting the battery out but with the kind of laptop I have, I wasn't able to.
1 word screwdriver
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Hi, thank for your video... I have one Question that you can hopefully answer... what if I just found out that someone had a spill on my laptop 4 months ago ? IS IT STILL RECOVERABLE ? IF SO THEN I REALLY WOULD LIKE IF YOU COULD SHOW ME HOW TO GO ABOUT IT.
Data is probably recoverable but not the computer itself. depends on what was spilled. 🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it informative. Please sub if you can & have a safe new year. 🙂
Same I just spill my juice and its 2 in 1 laptop you can take off the keyboard but the mouse pad not work
Best case use antistatic wd40 to clean it up, let it dry and try again. Please sub if you can.
I spilled ramen noodles on my macbook but I can't open it because they don't open and i just turned it upside down and placed it on top of pieces of cloth with rice on it
Victoria PD did it work?
That exactly what happened to me
If you left your laptop running while the ramen juice was going inside the laptop (through the fans etc) then that means that most likely your motherboard or ANYTHING else in the laptop got burnt.
The upside down part is fine but the rice is really not needed. Hope it worked out for you in the end. Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Hope you have a Happy Holiday season. ⛄ Please sub if you can.🙂
Spilled pop, right on top of my laptop
top closed or keyboard?
Please sub if you can 🙂
i fell asleep and spilled iced tea on my mac and it sat there for 6 hours and my keys dont make any noise but still work
Try to take out the battery and put warm water on the keys but make sure you take all of the parts out like the graphics card the ram etc and wash it
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
What do I do if I spilled tea over my keyboard but it didn't have sugar in it? Do I have to rinse it with the water?
you actually might be okay. best of luck
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I spilled coffee on my laptop, didn’t know what to do so I wiped it with a towel. The next day I realised some of the keys don’t work. It’s not even mine. It’s a family friends’...
Ouch, sorry
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
So I fell asleep and I accidentally spilled Fanta on my laptop, I spilled it on the side of the laptop if I’m not mistaken, but I didn’t spill it on my keyboard or the screen, the charger work, the light is on like everything is working but the screen won’t turn on ( this happened a couple months ago ) and I didn’t tell my parents yet.
Donna Prettycia same problem and same soda, what do you do? Mine doesn’t work at all, give me an upgrade of your issue
I took out everything, wipe it off with a tissue and then I just leave it alone and the next day I tried to charged the computer for a couple days and check it again if it working but nope so I just leave it charged. I told my parents and they gonna buy me a new one
@@donnaprettycia792 I just bought a 600$ laptop and i had it for 1 month, and i accidentally spilled tea all over it. Also, on the sides of the laptop there will be most likely a fan, and if fanta goes through that fan the motherboard and any other components will probably go berserk, or probably just... Get ruined. Just check if the battery and motherboard are okay. If you don't know how to check, then just ask your parents to help you. They probably know some stuff. Plan 2 is to take it to a laptop/pc expert.
Sorry for your loss. sub if you can 😀
I tried to turn it back on as soon as I cleaned it. Am I fucked now?
you might be okay, just wait the time. Hope everything worked out. Please sub if you can, & happy holidays.
Months ago I accidentally split lemonade on my macbook air's keyboard. I didn't know what to do since it immediately shut off. When I try to turn it on, the keyboard still lights up and the keys seem to be working but the display is completely black and won't turn on. Does this mean my laptop is fried or is there still a chance that I could fix it?
same i think i need anew battery
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
Out of context but this guy reminds me of Chandler
Not sure of that's a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully good.
Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Have a Happy Halloween 🎃 & please sub if you can.🙂
My 8 year old brother just spilled chocolate milkshake all over my laptop after I opened it for him. SERIOUSLY HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO HOLD A FUCKING BOTTLE also I cant get anything else out just the battery so im literally SO FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW. I swear I could chuck a jug of water over his xbox rn
were you at least able to get the data off it? please sub if you can 😀 and hope you didn't kill the Xbox
just spilled soda on my laptop and although I have dried and turned it off, sometimes it turned on again by itself like paranormal activity
sounds like you might have some moisture still inside or the spill has caused battery issues. Hope it clears up for you eventually. Please sub if you can 🙂
isopropyl alcohol bath is also really good, because not only will it actually clean the sticky gunk, it will also evaporate faster allowing you to use it in maybe a day?
Although alcohol does have this potential ,The following method is intended to clean it before is gets dry and sticky.
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DoctorNoob sorry i wasn’t specific but i meant rinsing it with water and then putting it in alchohal bath
spelt coffee last night it shut down didnt rinse it off didnt know about that but did uplug and removed battery. is it too late to rinse it off?
if you rinse make sure you remove the hard drive. If you can not remove the hard drive I would just wait the 72 hours to see if it still turns on. Much cheaper to replace the keyboard rather than the whole machine. If you have accidental damage on your warranty you might be able to get it replaced for free. Please note: the 72 hours starts after the spill or rinse.
ok thanks
Just spilled ginger ale on my laptop today... didn't have to open the chassis because I had work today.All i did was turned off my computer immediately, turned it downwards facing the floor and use my sister's hair blower. So far it seems as if nothing happened. Laptop works fine still. I must be lucky
Ricky Castle aye that's what I did and Milk spelled on it and it perfect still
Ricky Castle I put my password and it work everything and my games youtube
Hope it all worked out for you in the end , if not sorry for your loss. ☃️ Happy Holidays. Sorry for the delay in response, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
I had one of those HP laptops
they weren't all that bad back then. Now I really wouldn't advice still using it.
Why dont take it apart and clean it with isopropyl alcohol ? i think by washing it with water will start a corrosion process and laptop will be ruined.
I do not disagree with your statement. under better circumstances I would recommend it. however this is a worst case scenario that still has a high potential to work. Please sub if you can 😊
i spilled soda on my acer aspire e5-573 six months age the laptop turned off it self ,i waied till it dry the turned it on it worked fine .should i clean it from inside now?
if it did not go below the keyboard you should be okay. if the keys are sticky you might waht to try "ELECTRICAL CONTACT CLEANER SPRAY"
I spilled soda on my school laptop and I just told everyone I lost it cuz I’m to scared to tell my uncle Nd aunt
I would have told them, some schools have accidental protection on devices.
🎄Happy Holidays🕎 Hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least found it interesting. Please sub if you haven't already & have a safe new year. 🙂
What about the backlight on the keys? Some of mine went dim, how do i fix that?
These are most likely not fixable. Your best bet is to replace the keyboard. Keyboards are one of the cheapest and easiest parts to replace in most laptops. eBay would be the best place to look. Just make sure the replacement is backlit because it may not be!
Sorry for the delay, as I'm sure you know I can't reply to everyone. Hope you enjoyed the video. Hope you have a Happy Holiday season. ⛄ Please sub if you can.🙂