What If I Die On The Way To Baptism? | Truth on Wheels

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • The emotions go wild at the implications of this question, but what does the Bible say? You might be surprised. Join Don and Joey Treat as they discuss this topic of eternal consequence.
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  • @user-qv8ex8pu8f
    @user-qv8ex8pu8f Місяць тому +5

    Excellent truthful lesson may God continue to bless y'all

  • @larrysergent5478
    @larrysergent5478 Місяць тому +2

    God knows the intent of a man's heart. His mercy will outweigh.

  • @daisiespeak5619
    @daisiespeak5619 26 днів тому

    I think the individuals who give the hypothetical, unknowingly assume that God isn’t powerful enough to keep you from dying on the way to baptism. God wants everyone everywhere to be saved. God that spoke the universe into existence, that brought life into your body is more than capable to keep you on your way to obey His gospel.

  • @sareenamorrow4150
    @sareenamorrow4150 Місяць тому +4

    Great discussion!! ❤️📖

  • @davidgoetz2737
    @davidgoetz2737 Місяць тому +1

    Baptism is soooo important, Acts 2:38, for forgiveness of sins and receive the Holy Spirit

  • @jamesstrohl2016
    @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому +2

    I've heard these hypothetical questions as well. First question that I ask is "how old is the person?" For sake of argument let's say the person is 21 years old. My answer is, then they are old enough to know right from wrong. They needed to follow the Gospel plan before getting into this situation.
    Another thing is that I quote Annanias from Paul's dissertation in Acts 22. He told Paul not to delay but get up and be baptized.
    God said that He has written His words upon our hearts. Meaning that there is a desire to seek God out.
    In regard to being baptized I have told people, when they wanted to be baptized to interrupt the sermon. This is how important I know baptism is.
    The sad part is that there are popular televangelist telling people they don't need to be baptized for salvation. So many souls they have sent to hell.
    I am not sure there is any hypothetical question the Bible cannot answer.

    • @georgekavanagh8220
      @georgekavanagh8220 Місяць тому

      Was the thief on the cross lost because he wasn't baptised? God reaces people in war zone fox holes who literally have no time for baptism. Woe to him who says let God hurry. Trust God's timing.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      @@georgekavanagh8220 The thief on the cross was saved only because he showed a contrite heart, and because Jesus told him that he would be in Paradise with Him.
      Second, part of the answer is that baptism had not been instituted for salvation. This is because the Church had not been established
      People have the opportunity to be baptized. This is a choice that they can make at any time. If they tarry, then they are putting their salvation at risk.
      With that said there are those who are not mentally competent or haven't reached the age of accountability.
      Annanias said it best to Saul. "Why do you tarry. Arise and be baptized.
      God's timing is be baptized as soon as you reach the age of accountability.

    • @RandyBrowning-x4j
      @RandyBrowning-x4j 13 днів тому

      @@jamesstrohl2016 Hey James, you want to declare Christ has no saving power in His presence, irregardless of a baptism ceremonyor not???? CoC leadership seems to believe that the most important events occurred on the day of Pentecost with the baptism of the 3,000 souls, start of a new church, and advent of the Holy Spirit. Coming of the Holy Spirit was important, but these events cannot compare to what God accomplished with the events that led to the salvation of Saul of Tarsus; (Apostle Paul). The Book of Acts details most of the events regarding Saul's conversion. I have watched or listened to a good bit of commentary about his conversion, specifically when, or at what point he was saved, as well as other details about his interactions with Ananias. The answer lies in a few verses of scripture outside of the Book of Acts. First, 1 Cor. 15:10 and Gal. 1:15-17 adds to the Acts 9 account, and second, the Lord Jesus said to the nation Israel in Mat. 12:31-32; “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. [32] "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Paul himself said he was a blasphemer, so per Mat. 12:31-32, Paul could not be saved under the Kingdom Gospel. Paul had to be saved like the thief on the cross, in the presence of Jesus!!! A salvation bestowed upon Paul by the Lord Jesus, Himself!! In addition, he could not be saved into the Kingdom of Heaven, so what Church would you think he was saved into?? Yes, a new church!!!
      b. I have heard the question a number of times about why Ananias in Acts 22:16 said to Paul: "And now why tarriest thou? arise and be baptised, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. Let's analyze why he may have done that:
      i. That is normal procedure for a new convert.
      ii. That was standard procedure for the applicable gospel.
      iii. Paul had to be coverted to one of them as his reputation largely proceeded him. Without a proper conversion, there was no way he could minister to Jews, or Gentiles.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 13 днів тому

      @@RandyBrowning-x4j What are you bloviating about?

  • @Alisha127
    @Alisha127 Місяць тому +3

    You guys need to read the book of Galatians. Water baptism, repenting of sins and perfecting the flesh is NOT the gospel of salvation! Ephesians 2 makes it extremely clear that an individual is saved by grace thru faith, not of works. Its a gift of God so no one can boast. You have an accursed gospel if you add anything to it, it is by faith alone in Christ alone!

    • @Alisha127
      @Alisha127 Місяць тому +3

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou yes, we as the church/body of Christ are not under the law. We have been crucified with Christ.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      @@Alisha127 Then what you are saying is that when Jesus, after He arose from the grave, when He said in Mark 16:16 that "if one believes and is baptized, they will be saved." Is this a true statement? If it is a true statement, "how can you change what He said about being saved?" Do you have that authority?

    • @Alisha127
      @Alisha127 Місяць тому +2

      @@jamesstrohl2016 In this passage, Jesus is speaking to the eleven disciples after His resurrection, so when we read it in context we understand He was telling them to go into all the world and preach the gospel. He says, anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved in verse 16, the next two verses are very telling of the kind of baptism He was speaking of because without Holy Spirit baptism that comes when the gospel is believed, (the death, burial and resurrection of Christ) then the "signs that shall follow them that believe" which are casting out devils, speaking in tongues, taking up serpents, drinking deadly poison and not dying, laying hands on sick and recovering wouldn't be able to be done. Only Christ's Holy Spirit indwelling them could perform such miracles.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      @@Alisha127 Actually you interpretation is technically correct.
      Verse 16 is a standalone verse. Yes, he is talking to the eleven disciples, and Jesus is telling them that they need to baptize those that believe. Then they will be saved.
      The next two verses is for the disciples alone. Jesus is telling them that the following gifts would follow them, and is theirs alone. The drinking of poison, handling of serpents, etc.
      We know that this is a fact because no other believer, even if they were baptized, received any Gifts from the Holy Spirit without the Apostles laying hands on them.
      The only way to be saved, in conjunction with the other steps is to be baptized. Without being baptized by being immersed in water then one is not saved.

    • @Alisha127
      @Alisha127 Місяць тому +2

      @@jamesstrohl2016 if you believe an individual must do a work (water baptism) PLUS belief in the gospel then you are preaching an accursed gospel because you have added a work. Ephesians 2:8-9 says it clearly. Nowhere does it say in the bible that being immersed in water saves anyone. John 3:16 mentions nothing about water baptism being a requirement either. The blood of Christ is what saves, to add anything else as a prerequisite for salvation is an accursed gospel as Paul says in Galatians 1:8. Understanding dispensations is extremely important when reading the Bible.

  • @truthprevailsalways4421
    @truthprevailsalways4421 Місяць тому +1

    This is the lesson of the bridesmaids, I think. Those who didn’t prepare and were left out because they were not prepared. Now is the time for salvation, not when it’s convenient. On the other hand you would have to accept that god is not capable of keeping that person alive until they can be baptized, which denies gods power.

    • @dwbid42
      @dwbid42 12 днів тому

      Please list every NT verse where saved people are referred to as "the baptized"! If Baptism is necessary then then as y'all preach believers and unbelievers are all children of the devil and are damned to hell for eternity without baptism. The NT ALWAYS refers to those that are saved as believers and there are MANY scriptures that refer to them this way. Instead of listing every verse where saved people are referred to as "the baptized" just give me ONE. I guess they didn't have any CoC inspired people writing the NT.

  • @georgekavanagh8220
    @georgekavanagh8220 Місяць тому +4

    Would God let Salvation be dependent on man's clock? I think not. Trust God.

    • @debbie316
      @debbie316 Місяць тому

      If he’s had plenty of chances to repent and chose not too, He just might, so why put it off? We are not promised for tomorrow! Why take that chance?

    • @georgekavanagh8220
      @georgekavanagh8220 Місяць тому

      @@debbie316 True if he had plenty of chances, but some, such as in times of war, literally have no time to be baptised. God understands and he is never fooled. My concern is with pastors unnecessarily raising fear of going to hell.

    • @RandyBrowning-x4j
      @RandyBrowning-x4j 13 днів тому

      We started this discussion by looking at the likeness a believer has in Christ. We reviewed earthly life of trusting Christ for salvation and consecration in service to God. We will now look at the last two events: being spiritually in Christ and putting on Christ. We have already identified both of these events as being spiritual, thus they are metaphorical in their context. Those who support the belief of being submerged under water have therefore determined these things are gained metaphorically through the baptism ceremony. In other words, one contacts the "Blood" of Christ and their sins are washed away, one is buried and risen again, by submersion, thereby joined with Christ through baptism and death. However, regardless of how one views baptism, and its necessity, the presumption gave way a long time ago to the workings of the Holy Spirit and by what is necessary to meet the truth contained in the Word of God. You say "How so??" I am glad you asked that question!!! It has been said that baptism was given to the nation of Israel as a physical sign. "A physical sign of what?" Of proclaiming who Christ is, of identifying oneself with His calling, by belief, and of receiving the Holy Spirit, by faith. Man's long-time attempt to align Baptism with the forgiveness of sins and as a companion to the Mystery Gospel given to the Apostle Paul, by Christ, is a failed theology. It is heresy to the Word of God and very much leads people astray. Scripture says one is saved by Christ, baptized into Christ, and puts on Christ, through faith. Man says you receive those things, IF you are baptized, if you repent, and if you live a holy life in the sight of God. Thus, if a man has works, but no belief, scripture is still true, but if a man has faith but no baptism, scripture is wrong. Consequently, the Word of God becomes a lie when one is not saved by faith alone, through Christ alone. Here is the scripture, you decide: Col. 2:6-15 says "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: (7) Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. (8) Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. (9) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. (10) And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: (11) In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: (12) Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. (13) And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; (14) Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!! (Sorry!!!! I got carried away!!!) (15) And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it." Nowhere are these actions accomplished through water baptism!!

  • @Seekingchristdaily
    @Seekingchristdaily Місяць тому +1

    Baptism is like the new circumcision right? According to Colossians 2. Well Paul says this about circumcision which to me sounds like it would cover the person who believes in Christ for justification and is striving to follow his commandments but something happens on the way.
    “For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭2‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭‬‬

  • @michelefortino3233
    @michelefortino3233 Місяць тому +1

    I do not agree… my fiancé died in 2019. June 13 of 2019 him and I sat together in my apartment because the Holy Spirit was prompting me to pray with him and talk to him about forgiveness and repentance. I had some of my holy anointing oil that I put on his forehead, and I put my hand on his forehead, and I prayed with him and he asked God into his heart. And now what you are saying is I needed to tell my fiancé to hurry up and rush out to find water, a pastor, set up a time or class to get baptized or your SOL? I witnessed with others what the Holy Spirit did in him. That November same year he had a massive heart attack and died, and you’re gonna sit here and tell me that he’s not saved?
    I do believe that God put baptism in scripture for us to follow, but I think there are a ton of circumstances like mine and so you’re going to sit there and tell us or Mr. Hypothetical battlefield guy oops sorry we have no water so even though you believed and accepted Christ might as well just die now and save your body some bullet holes. No wonder people don’t like Christians.

    • @RandyBrowning-x4j
      @RandyBrowning-x4j 26 днів тому

      This document, though it may not change minds, did a decent job of addressing the baptism issue. The heresy of the application is deeply ingrained within many denominations in the world today. There is no denying that the literal reading of scripture concerning the Great Commission appears to require baptism for the nation of Israel, but the application of applying baptism in order that a person must be saved, by baptism, is not believable. It is not believable for the reasons already cited within, nor is it believable based upon the nature of God. He would have all to be saved. He has been silent for almost two thousand years, while mankind has been wicked upon this earth and blasphemed His name into the heavens. He subjected His Holy Son, who knew no sin, to the utmost egregious abuse imaginable, and had Him crucified upon a cross, for a human being who could not be saved, because he could not be baptised?!!!! I do not believe that, do you?? These people are heretics, stay far from them!!! The gospel being preached by the CoC is the Kingdom Gospel, the message preached by Jesus and the Apostles. Because this message is preached, therefore the reason for baptism. It is a works based gospel, tied to the works of the Law, and intended for the Jews. Gentiles could become a proselyte if they wanted to be saved and included in the covenants of promise. This gospel was preached to the Jews, for the kingdom was at hand during the ministry of Jesus. This gospel was rejected by the religious leaders, who then went about ensuring the kingdom was also shut to those to whom it was preached. After Jesus, the 12 continued to preach: repent and be baptized. The resurrection of Jesus was added, once they understood it.
      B. The gospel required for the current age is the Gospel of Grace, preached by Paul. Most believe they all preached the same gospel, they did not. Paul preached the mystery gospel to the Gentiles: Eph. 3:1-12 and Rom. 16:25-26 “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.” The message preached: Eph. 2:8-9; "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

  • @_jasonmartinez_
    @_jasonmartinez_ Місяць тому

    How about the thief who was next to Jesus? He couldn't be baptized, although he was saved.

  • @montyeason3973
    @montyeason3973 Місяць тому +2

    It's either a trying to get around baptism and the necessity of it(looking for a loophole) or it's a moral question of will God really punish someone for eternity who greatly desired to be baptized(made right with him) but was providentially hindered from doing so? I would ask the person asking the question which is it? If they say it's the moral aspect of God they are most concerned about as in the case of Abraham who believed God wouldn't destroy the righteous with the wicked in Sodom , would he? And just wanted confirmation from God. Then what the questioning person wants to know is what kind of God do we claim to serve? Is he loving and merciful or the kind of God who destroys people eternally based on "technicalities" , such as dying while they are climbing into the baptistry or a toe was sticking up out of the water when they were being baptized therefore negating it all together. In such a case where a person is climbing into the baptistry, and dies, if it were to ever happen, I'm leaning towards the God who often surprised the Pharisees with his answers by his graciousness(which they interpreted as lawlessness). When in actuality it was a misunderstanding of the true nature of God(I desire mercy and not sacrifice) on there part. Let us speak where the Bible speaks and be silent on the things we know not of.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      God did say that He would not destroy the righteous with the wicked. He would spare the entire place. Here is the problem with your conclusion. God knew there were not five righteous people there. The fate of the city was sealed. God did not destroy the righteous with the wicked. He told Lot to get out.
      Another problem with your understanding, of God in general, is that God's righteousness is in His laws. Therefore, we serve a God who is true to His word, not a God who looks for technicalities to save people. He didn't save His Son from a cruel death.
      While God throughout human history extended mankind grace, it at no time violated His Laws.

    • @montyeason3973
      @montyeason3973 Місяць тому

      @@jamesstrohl2016 You need to read what JEsus said about David and his men eating the Shewbread. Was it lawful or not?

    • @montyeason3973
      @montyeason3973 Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou 1 Corinthians 6:11 And such were some of you(drunkards, revilers, effeminate,,etc..) but ye are washed.... sancitified and justified.....how so? IN the name of the Lord. Acts 19:5 WHenthye heard this(JEsus is the CHrist) they were baptized in the name of the Lord JEsus. Scripture teaches that when through faith(thye heard about JEsus being MEssiah, they recived baptism into the name of JEsus (the possession of JEsus). Into then name... whosoever shall call upon the "name of the LOrd" shall be saved...Acts 2:21 now Acts 22:16 and now why tarriest thou? arise and be baptized, and "wash away thy sins", calling on the name of the Lord...BUt ye are washed. Plesae connect the dots laid out in scripture. JEsus said, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.. immediately after PEter quotes Joel in Acts 2:21, in verse 37 men cried out to Peter what do we do? WHat would you tell them? It doesn't matter what you would tell them . PEter told them what Jesus told him to say. Lk. 24: 47 and that REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS should be preached in his name(there it is again) DID PETER obey JESUS? ACTS 2:38 "Repent and be baptized everyone of you, in the name of JEsus (there it is again) for the remission of sins, just as Jesus said in LUke 24:47... They that gladly recieved his word were baptized. Acts 2:41 Doesn't sound like you would have taught the crowd what Jesus told Peter and the apostles to preach and they obeyed JEsus in teaching it verbatim or that you would have gladly received Peter's teaching and instruction to repent and be baptized as evidenced by water baptism into the name of Jesus for cleansing, to wash away your sins like Paul did in acts 22:16.BeIng baptized into the name of JEsus is how one calls on the name of the Lord to be saved. Salvation is inno other name. You come under the umbrella of salvation by being immersed into the name. We are baptizd into CHrist for the remission of sins.Thats not me thats scripture you deny. Those who cried out to Peter were not "in CHrist" when they cried out "tell us what to do"(yet they obviously believed they were in the wrong for crucifying Jesus/believing Jesus to be the Messiah) . What did they need to do? Repent and be baptized into the name of JEsus. THere is salvation in no other name. You enter the name through baptism into the name.. When they received baptism into the name they had a new status(washed, forgiven, sanctified). THey rejoiced! If you had never been taught wrong or knew nothing about the scripture this wouldn't be so hard for you to see. Honestly this isn't hard to understand. Jesus made it simple. It's men that have the problem who teach it differently. How many times have you heard a preacher tell people just say a sinner's prayer. Maybe Jesus and Peter were wrong? No, people who disagree with them are wrong.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      @@montyeason3973 1st Sam. 21 3Now then, what [a]do you have on hand? Give [b]me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.” 4The priest answered David and said, “There is no ordinary bread [c]on hand, but there is consecrated bread, if only the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5David answered the priest and said to him, “Be assured, women have been denied to us as previously when I left and the [d]bodies of the young men were consecrated, though it was an ordinary journey; how much more then will [e]their bodies be consecrated today?” 6So the priest gave him consecrated bread; for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which was removed from its place before the LORD, in order to put hot bread in its place on the day it was taken away.
      Three points here that made it ok for the priest to give the shew bread to David and his men.
      First point is that the bread that was given to David was bread that was being replaced by freshly baked bread.
      Second point was that David's men had to have kept themselves away from women. David assured the priest that they had been.
      Third point is that the bread was the priests now. They could do with it what they saw fit.
      Finally, in regard to Matthew, the disciples plucking grain and eating eat, Jesus stated that the Sabbath was made for man, and man was not made for the Sabbath. Therefore, Jesus was the Lord of the Sabbath.

    • @jamesstrohl2016
      @jamesstrohl2016 Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou First, as many do you are cherry picking verses.
      The second item is that Paul was talking to Christians. They were Christians because they had been baptized, immersed, which had been practiced for four hundred years.
      The word baptize originally only meant by immersion. When King James decided to write the Bible for all, the word was changed to mean sprinkling. However, the word is tied back to immerse into water.
      Finally, when one reads Acts 2: 38, there is a pattern that is to be followed. If a person is baptized they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Without baptism then you do not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This results in the Holy Spirit not speaking on your behalf to God.
      Study to show yourself approved.

  • @user-lx4nm6lk2o
    @user-lx4nm6lk2o Місяць тому +4

    What if I die just before before I say the "sinners prayer"?? So, sauce for the objector to baptism the same sauce for the "believe only" .
    folks. Fact is, if a person is UNABLE to obey God, it is not counted against him bc God looks at the person's INTENT to obey
    and movement in that direction. What if he gets bit by a poison snake the moment he gets into the creek and dies right then!
    Doesn't his heart which God sees count? I think so.

    • @user-lx4nm6lk2o
      @user-lx4nm6lk2o Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou Jesus sdaid (Mk 16;16) Belief followed by baptism=salved. Water needed.

    • @user-lx4nm6lk2o
      @user-lx4nm6lk2o Місяць тому

      Please excuse typos above.

    • @user-lx4nm6lk2o
      @user-lx4nm6lk2o Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou Yes, we are saved by what Jesus did n on the cross. No one doubts that.
      But the LORD simply said " belief + baptism =saved (Mk 16:16). That is the Great Commission that
      all worked under..the over-arching command. Making it Belief -- baptism =saved is man's doctrine not
      Jesus' doctrine. When Philllip preached to the Samaritans about THE KINGDOM of GOD, they believed and
      were baptized (Acts 8:12) And when he preached JESUS to the Eunuch, the Eunuch saw the need for baptism
      (Acts 8: 37). These "concrete examples" reflect the Great Commission of Mk 16: 16. It all fits together.
      ( Thank you for you lengthy response which show conclusively that one must BELIEVE ...the first part of
      Mk 16:16. For Baptism -- Belief = 0 . )

    • @user-lx4nm6lk2o
      @user-lx4nm6lk2o Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou What if I die knowing I have CHANGED Jesus' words in Mk 16:16 to
      Believe MINUS Baptism = Saved rather than Believe PLUS baptism -= Saved. Thinks I will stay with the "plus "

    • @RandyBrowning-x4j
      @RandyBrowning-x4j 26 днів тому

      @@user-lx4nm6lk2o "Yes, we are saved by what Jesus did n on the cross. No one doubts that." Well, no,,, actually that is not true!!! YOU, doubt that!!!! If you are truly saved by what Jesus did on the cross, you have no need to be baptized!! That is TRUE, however your gospel needs help, so you are forced to add a work, (baptism is a work).
      The gospel being preached by the CoC is the Kingdom Gospel, the message preached by Jesus and the Apostles. Because this message is preached, therefore the reason for baptism. It is a works based gospel, tied to the works of the Law, and intended for the Jews. Gentiles could become a proselyte if they wanted to be saved and included in the covenants of promise. This gospel was preached to the Jews, for the kingdom was at hand during the ministry of Jesus. This gospel was rejected by the religious leaders, who then went about ensuring the kingdom was also shut to those to whom it was preached. After Jesus, the 12 continued to preach: repent and be baptized. The resurrection of Jesus was added, once they understood it. Question??? Why not preach the correct gospel so you can be saved!?!?! You cannot be saved by works!!! And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

  • @Yertville1967
    @Yertville1967 Місяць тому

    Why would Jesus die on the cross if all we needed to do was confess,believe and be dipped in water. Not one verse in the Bible says if you’re not baptized in water you will not be saved. Not one. It’s man’s opinion on what one thinks it means. Jesus Christ blood washed away my sins.

  • @brettcarter6189
    @brettcarter6189 Місяць тому +2

    In logic class they called arguments that use those kinds of scenarios a “false dilemma fallacy.” The poor logic behind using such scenarios is a “personal incredulity” logical fallacy, which is the false idea that because one can’t comprehend how something could possibly be true, it must be untrue. Pure logic dictates that truth is intrinsic, and doesn’t depend on our ability to comprehend it or our willingness to recognize it as truth. So while someone not being saved because they died before they made it to the water is unthinkable to people, that doesn’t affect the facts surrounding what God said we must do to be saved. And who’s to say that person wouldn’t have changed their mind before they went through with being baptized. Only God knows for sure…and that’s the point.

  • @dwbid42
    @dwbid42 13 днів тому

    We most definitely are baptized into Christ. You are both 100% right and 100 % wrong. You're right because we are baptized into the body and you're wrong because there is NO WATER involved.
    1Co 12:13 For BY ONE SPIRIT ARE WE ALL BAPTIZED INTO ONE BODY, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

  • @RHC3-ls3bk
    @RHC3-ls3bk Місяць тому +3

    1 Corinthians 12:13 is how a person is immersed into the body of Christ.
    1. The baptizer is the Holy Spirit.
    2. The baptizee is the person who has faith in Jesus dying for their sins.
    3. The element they are baptized into is the body of Christ.
    This has nothing to do with water. You can add water if you want, but it is not in the text.

    • @Ekipsogel
      @Ekipsogel Місяць тому +1

      What about Acts 8:38?

    • @RHC3-ls3bk
      @RHC3-ls3bk Місяць тому +1

      Acts 8 is before the mystery of being in Christ that Paul introduced later.

    • @Ekipsogel
      @Ekipsogel Місяць тому

      @@RHC3-ls3bk what mystery in Christ?

    • @user-qv8ex8pu8f
      @user-qv8ex8pu8f Місяць тому +3

      Baptism requires water Mathew 3:11 much water John 3:23 go to water Acts 8:36 go into water Acts 8:38 burial Colossians 2:12 raised Romans 6:4. Come out of the water Acts 8:39 Christ commanded it Mathew 28:19

    • @trevorbostwick8894
      @trevorbostwick8894 Місяць тому +3

      ​@Ekipsogel I'm not sure what he will respond with, but from my understanding, the mystery of Christ was that salvation was for everyone and not just the Jews. The Jews were God's chosen people and they viewed the Gentiles as lowly people. Jesus taught salvation was available to not just Jew or Greek but to everyone and that was a hard pill for some of the Jews to swallow at the time

  • @gr8god4u
    @gr8god4u Місяць тому +1

    What are the specific scriptures which communicate that the blood of Christ is applied in the act of baptism?

    • @cHickzc
      @cHickzc Місяць тому +4

      Tune in at 6:10

    • @gr8god4u
      @gr8god4u Місяць тому

      ​@@cHickzc only one scripture is sighted in the presentation and I asked for multiple scriptures for plural scriptures.

    • @user-qv8ex8pu8f
      @user-qv8ex8pu8f Місяць тому

      Baptism and the cross cannot be separated Mathew 26:26-28 Romans 6:3-4 baptized into his death we can read John 6:53 Ephesians 2:13 Hebrews 9:22. Hebrews 13:12 Mathew 26:28 revalation 1:5

    • @user-qv8ex8pu8f
      @user-qv8ex8pu8f Місяць тому

      ​@@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ouMark 16:16 and Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16

    • @cHickzc
      @cHickzc Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou Acts 22:16

  • @kellyjones334
    @kellyjones334 Місяць тому

    The very simple answer is you must be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in order to go to The Kingdom of God. Paul was there and it is the third Heaven. If you are saved and God knows your heart and you aren't Baptized you will go to the Second Heaven.
    The trouble with almost all people who claim to be Christian's aren't even Baptized into Jesus Christ.
    The are either Baptized into The Father...The Son and The Holy Spirit
    Or The Father and The Son and The Holy Ghost.
    If you first understand Spirits and The Holy Spirit you would understand.
    If you don't believe that God doesn't do Miracles today...you are worshipping a False God.
    No where in the Scriptures does it state the God doesn't do Miracles today.
    I know for a fact he does and I can prove it by Scriptures and also by Evidence.
    God is still the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
    Over 3000 Religions out there and still not one knows the True Gospel.
    You can't take all the different Bibles out there that don't even read the same and come up with the Truth.
    I could take 5 top so called Bible Scholars and debate them and it would be over in 10 minutes. What would that profit a man. There is division in the Church and it is being destroyed from within. The preachers should be working together...not against each other for there personal cause. The Bible is a Spiritual Book and once again...if you don't understand Spirits...it is impossible to know The Truth. But with God nothing is impossible.
    One more thing...if God doesn't do Miracles today...what do you even pray about...why do you even pray...where is the Hope of being helped by God.
    Without Faith...Hope .and Believing...You have nothing. It's time to wake up folks and open your eyes and look around you. May God bless you all and may he prick your heart so that your eyes may be opened and your ears may hear....and that the Pride and Confusion that is in you from unclean Spirits that you are unaware of..that you may read these words and understand them. For without The Spirit of Truth you cannot and will not understand. One True Living God...The same from the start to the end.
    Jesus...The King of The Jews fulfilled the land of Israel.
    The Gentiles fulfillment isn't done yet but is close at hand. Very close.

    • @kellyjones334
      @kellyjones334 Місяць тому

      @@TheHeavenTestdotnet-gr2ou In John 3 Jesus says that if you are not baptized you can not go to the Kingdom of God. If you understand the Bible you would know that Jesus did a lot of prophet telling along with teaching. In the Old Testament you didn't need to be baptized.
      Abraham along with Moses and Jesus went straight to The Kingdom. Jesus told the thief he would see him in Paradise today.
      In the New Testament...you must be Baptized to go to The Kingdom of God.
      One more very important note.
      If you can count to four...you will see that there is 2 Sons of Man. The second one is to fulfill the the Gentiles.
      Unless you understand Spirits it is impossible for you to understand the Truth.
      I know where it is in the scriptures where I can start in Matthew 16 and take you all the way back to the beginning and take you forward to the back of Revelations.
      But now is not the time...but it will be soon.
      Man can not teach man this. Man has to learn this from The Spirit of God. Without The True Living God...man does not stand a chance on his own. Not even the Bible Scholars. There is only One Gospel...One Truth...
      There are unclean Spirits...and there are clean Spirits.
      The Holy Spirit will teach you this and the Holy Ghost will help you present it.
      How do you expect people to fully understand when they don't even know which Bible to preach from and sometimes use 3 or 4 different ones to preach the same message...yet these Bibles all have different words in them. People say that words mean different things now. God never changes..so why should the words in a Bible change.
      Satan has author's and he also has printing shops. Know the Spirits...know the Truth.

  • @bobconolty2692
    @bobconolty2692 Місяць тому +3

    Ergon is a greek word meaning any act, deed, or thing done. Ephesians 2 clearly teaches that we are saved by grace through faith, and it's NOT OF ERGON. How does the Church of Christ denomination reconcile that with all the ERGON items they teach must be done in order to be saved?

    • @Ekipsogel
      @Ekipsogel Місяць тому +1

      James 2:14-26

    • @bobconolty2692
      @bobconolty2692 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@EkipsogelJames is not written to the body of Christ. It's written to the twelve tribes of Israel.

    • @Ekipsogel
      @Ekipsogel Місяць тому +1

      @@bobconolty2692 but it’s in the scripture, and 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” so it is still valid teaching.

    • @bobconolty2692
      @bobconolty2692 Місяць тому +3

      ​@Ekipsogel All scripture is truth, but not all scripture is written to us. We are told to study it and to rightly divide it.
      2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    • @justinhuddleston9567
      @justinhuddleston9567 Місяць тому +3

      John 6:28-29 belief is a work. Honestly, simply being obedient to Gods commands does not equal working in order to merit/earn/deserve.