I actually won with all 9 classes... Seven times against mage, once against warrior and once against paladin. All falls down to dumb luck - sometimes deck generated by game for other dude is so trash that even massive inbalance between hero powers can't overcome that. It wasn't worst brawl ever, but maaaannn, SO_MUCH_WASTED_POTENCIAL. Wich sadly is general theme with HS brawls recently. It's not rocket sience to make 9 death knight themed decks, and work a bit to somewhat balance them. But no, Blizz just decided to go lamest way and slap DK onto random decks, and not even "good" random deck ( like in Encounter at the Crossroads ), just something stright from 0-3 arena.
I don't know if it's just me, but the players I matched up against in this brawl were just terrible. I also won with all 9 classes, during which I played against 6 mages which to me seemed to play worse than any other class (bad trades, not knowing when to ping own stuff, going face and then loosing the board etc)
Hunter has the best hero power in the long run. Paladin can otk on 4. Mage always gets a good deck to make up for their weak hero power. Warlock is the ultimate control. Every other class is not worth mentioning. Hated the fact that the legendary quest required 5 wins.
@@lucasnadamas9317 Yeah, the mage dk is really weak. The reason why it is seeing play is because the mage deck is so much better than every other deck for some reason.
This brawl is boring af. Jaina vs Jaina in a long ass control match. I beat Jainas with other classes though. Finished the brawl quest and stopped caring after that.
I managed to crush mage with warlock and paladin. But like anything there is some rng if frost lich gets a one health minion at turn 1 it is hard. But if you play patiently you can beat frost lich but if you keep giving her one health minions thats not frost lich being powerful thats you playing terribly.
As Warlock, I'm pretty sure all you have to do is play conservatively, so that once your lack of minions and continuous 3 damage to face have forced the opponent mage to play minions just to get ping targets, causing his hand to be much smaller than yours, you just summon only things with really big health and try to avoid giving him water elementals at all cost.
Yeah but she has spells too. And once she gets one elemental it's over because she can then start playing minions and the hero power cannot keep the board in check. If they have ANY 1 health minions in their deck you're done.
Thanatos To a degree, but you also have minions and spells to mix with hero power to keep board in check - I found warlock can edge mage out if played well, but card quality can really swing those matches and the decks seem to have a high variability
Warlock can't do jack against Mage by "playing well" - Warlock can only win through luck - do they get the right cards and does the Mage get terrible cards. Or if the Mage is an idiot, like the one I played who didn't even understand what the hero power did. Warlock needs to get twice as lucky even since their average spell is far worse than Mage and you get trash like Sense Demons, Treachery, and Sacrificial Pact
I wish some heroes had their powers as spells, like 0 mana "give your hero Stealth until your next turn" for Valeera and something of the same style for Rexxar, Gul'Dan(~7 mana spell?) and other DKs that do stuff on summoning. Might as well add that water elemental that Jaina summons into her hand at the start of the game.
I find it weird that the Paladin and Warrior gets their weapons but mage doesn't get a water elemental. Sure i get the fact that mage is extremely good already but it seems like a weird ruling.
Maybe fun for some, but I found 2 Jainas was too much thinking that wasn't fun. The reason I didn't want to play Jaina was that I might end up with another Jaina.
KoFT is my favourite part of Hearthstone. It's so good. It bringed DKs, divine shields for paladin. A lot of cancer to priest. Impresive amount of overvalue for druid. I just love it. Lich king after 2 years was finally added to hs. When this expansion will go wild i am probably going to wild too. Bluether forever.
Playing mage vs mage for the quest was so fun, i cant wait for the next tavern brawl, i wonder whatll be; Jaraxxus vs Mecha Jaraxxus in some kind of personality crysis battle? "You face Jaraxxus!!! Eredar lord of the Burnin...." "You face MECHA JARAXXUS!!!!" "NO!!!! YOU FACE JARAXXUS!!!" "NO YOU DO!!!"
I played as Shaman, all my evolves were TERRIBLE and often worse than the minion I evolved. Lost by turn 5. I played against Shaman, all their evolves were AWESOME. I lost by turn 7. Shaman is only as good/terrible as the RNG on those evolves. (Edit: Example of terrible evolve, I turned a 4 drop into a Fungalmancer.)
Wanting to play everything but mage, I actually conceded whenever I was matched against one (a lot) after two very drawn out matches in which it was impossible to overcome the value of our Queen...
I feel like I had different decks when I played mage. Sometimes it felt like it had mostly 1 health minions for the hero power, other times it felt like elemental, and sometimes a big hand mage
Mage looses to board control + on curve mind breaker or whatever that card is that disabled hero powers. Also the mage can’t have removal. Very balanced if you think about it
Warrior is surprisingly pretty good. I've won against mage every time except for once when I made a completely bad move. The warrior's hero power just keeps the board clean of one health minions if you play it right. At least that's how it worked out for me. And that weapon is really good at clearing those elementals.
You know the best part of this tarven brawl is the turn 1/2 snow flipper penguin then mage hero power. I'm glad that with my infinite skill I'm able to counter this, as well as the turn 3 water elemental and 4 and 5 and 6 because my opponent got a hand full of 1 hp minions.
They should've made it so you can activate the dks battlecrys once per game once you reach whatever amount of mana you need to play the dk normally. Shaman would stand a chance if they took early board control and Paladin and Warrior would get an extra free weapon. Would probably make priest slightly op tho
Got tired as hell of all the mages so played warrior. Went from 10% winrate against mages to 70%. Really useful to be able to put pressure on and use rush/self-inflicted damage to help avoid new water elementals.
I actually beat a mage with a warrior. Only reason was that I had played Explore Un'Goro to replace all the garbage cards in my deck with the 1 mana discover cards. Got some much better cards that way.
I did like 20 games of this dumb mode with all the classes for quests etc and Mindbreaker with Paladin works great. You kill them through face damage by holding the board hard with your weapon
Heres a quick guide to handling jaina this tavern brawl. Do not play anything early on that can be pinged down in two or one turn. Take your time waiting for jaina to make the first move in the early game that way you can trade your creatures into hers without her getting a 3/6. With warrior and paladin conserve your weapon for keeping her big creatures down. Dont try to smorc her you need sustained damage with some burst at the end. Make poor value trades to deny her 3/6 water elementals if she runs the threat of pinging one of your creatures. By mid game you want to start to play your win conditions. So if you get a lot of buff and taunt cards go for playing the 4 horseman with paladin. Removal isnt to common so you will be mostly aimming to keep board control. If you get good stated minions aim to win through tempo put down your win cons in the mid game and stampede jaina down while denying her water elementals as much as possible. Its not easy but a skilled hearthstone player can outwit this icy nemesis. I ve beaten my opponet jainas with nearly every deathknight and while rng can screw you if you focus on denying her of those elementals jainas will often struggle to maintain tempo against other classes.
I beat a mage with a warrior earlier today, I got STUPID lucky with my opener buffing my shadowmourne, and I just didn't play minions and killed them by turn 5 by only going face xD
Guldan and Rexxar are pretty good as well. Their hero power might not be as consistently OP at all game stages, but they are both good enough to win unless the deck is utter garbage or Jaina has a bunch of 1 health minions in hand. But Jaina vs Jaina fights are pretty fun as well, it's all about that math and not giving your opponent a free 3/6.
I made a challange to win with all classes took me 38 games Fair enough I would say And kripp said in many occasions that he cant understand people playing same op op agro deck for hours in constructed but keeps on playing mage in this brawl. I had an hunter warlock matchup for example it was really fun.
Yes Jaina is pretty much the strongest one here, but I played Warrior for funnzies and have to say the 4/3 aoe weapon alrdy equipped at the start can limit the choices of you opponent that much that you win the game of it bcz there are not rly aoe removal spells in this brawl, I only lost against jaina when I drew rly rly badly and she played on curve, got my 5 wins within 8 games with warrior, ALL against our queen
Call me a salty dude or whatever but I just instant conceded every time the opponent was running mage in this tavern brawl. I found my games way more fun when neither of us ran mage especially since I was trying to win with every class.
Opposite actually. Hunter may win late game if they can stabilize, but the problem is mage has ridiculous early tempo. You can't play small drops early or you'll give her a free water elemental. You also don't have removal like other classes so you can't stop her from pinging her own dudes either. It's literally an insta concede if they have a 1 health minion on turn 1/2.
Hunter wins the late game on average against mage because you can out value the mage. Hunter can not make it to late game if the mage gets decently lucky with water elemental activators early.
i'm not sure bout jaina , i'm playing hunter and winning like 80% games doesnt matter vs who. Actually problems are when enemy got sick cards like 3x lich king in deck ( once Jaina had 3x Lich King, turn 8 - 9 and 12 somethink like that) They were not discovered
The tavern brawl seems to be a very rock paper scissors type of thing. Paladin can pressure hunter with the win condition and the 5/3, as can warlock. Warlock counters paladin, as does mage. Mage beats paladin, and has a close matchup to warlock, but the hunter CAN out value frost lich. Shaman seems alright but will lose to a lot of mages, and warrior/druid/priest/rogue just don't hold up to it. Weird brawl.
I like Kripp but its okay with the Hearthstone videos he should play some other Games but Hearthstone is his Main income so as long he is milking the cow, i rarely watch the Videos anymore because Hearthstone is boring
Sometimes UA-cam is kicking some inactive subscribers out. And he doesnt really do anything to raise that count up again. (Or atleast Im not aware of it)
I had 2 different quests for hunter and I thought this tavern brawl was a good opportunity to play a hunter deck... People played so badly that I actually managed to go 2 and 2 even playing with hunter.
Lol, got almost 50 wins in this brawl, Step 1: play mage, Step 2: no... not yet ???, get a wisp/penguin when going second before the enemy mage (everyone plays mage anyway, played only like 4 times vs non-mages and they just conceded half way), not getting a wisp/penguin means enemy have a chance to get their own, must at all cost get as many 1 health cheap minions, Step 3: keep snowballing faster than oponent, Step 4: ???, Step 5: profit!... And yes, those games take sometimes more than half hour bcs as pointless to go face when oponent have elementals that will heal them back, the brawl is kinda boring and repetetive... but at the same time... control!, if both sides get some cheap one health minions and can start trading early without one side snowballing out of control it actualy becomes fun trying to outsmart oponent, sad tho that other DKs have literaly no use, maybe thrall if he had only beefy minions and tons of evolving, otherwise once his first beefy main target for evolving dies there's no way to stop the water elemental spam/heal. EDIT: Perhaps if theymade that the expensive DKs activate later in the game insteed of at the start, so if a DK costs 6, and Jaina 9, they will get their DK at turn 1 while Jaina will become at turn 4 so other DKs have time to develop board and make any use of their hero powers without being denied usage of low health minions.
The last game was litteraly "play like shit, get lucky draws, win the game" only because of DK Jaina hero power. Some of the DKs really break the game.
Actually after playing Jaina trying to win 5 30 min mirror matches of brain strength I found a solution.. Play Warrior.. if you can play as few minons as possible, and keep your weapon, you can forcethe mages to only have 1 elemental at a time most of the time, or none at all.. won a fair share that way
The Mage has lots of synergistic cards and most of the rest are strong in general while the Paladin seems to have just a bunch of random minions. Blizzard's idea of balance I suppose
I went 7-0 with mage after I raged because people just kept spamming it, beat 5 other mages. Guess my game experience pulled me ahead, but either way fuck that brawl lol.
i was stupid enough to pick valeera, i put up a good fight and almost won against my jaina opponent thanks to mindbreaker but eventually mind breaker got polymorphed and then the mage won because its hard to deal with 2 mana 3/6 lifesteals. i gave up on the brawl after that fuck the pack.
I actually took it upon myself to win with every death knight. It was a fun challange until I had to win with shaman. Warlock can easily beat mage from what I experienced. But mage beats almost all the rest. Mage = constructed players that just wanted to win and not really experience the joy of Tavern brawl.
Unless u Play vs a nub u cant really beat Mage if u dont Play it urself. The hero power kills Paladin and many Cards of ur Opponent decks, especialy ofc 1 life minions, if u Play the number u get so much Advantage that Nothing can hang .. and well, big spells r Always good in something like tavern brawl / Arena.
One of the worst brawls they have ever made. They could have made a deck optimized for each death knight, but no. That would require work. RANDOM GARBAGE INSTEAD.
Paladins actually counter Mages, starting with the weapon is too strong and it locks mages out of early game plays. They have to ping your horsemen to stop you from winning on turn 5.
I actually won with all 9 classes... Seven times against mage, once against warrior and once against paladin. All falls down to dumb luck - sometimes deck generated by game for other dude is so trash that even massive inbalance between hero powers can't overcome that. It wasn't worst brawl ever, but maaaannn, SO_MUCH_WASTED_POTENCIAL. Wich sadly is general theme with HS brawls recently. It's not rocket sience to make 9 death knight themed decks, and work a bit to somewhat balance them. But no, Blizz just decided to go lamest way and slap DK onto random decks, and not even "good" random deck ( like in Encounter at the Crossroads ), just something stright from 0-3 arena.
I don't know if it's just me, but the players I matched up against in this brawl were just terrible. I also won with all 9 classes, during which I played against 6 mages which to me seemed to play worse than any other class (bad trades, not knowing when to ping own stuff, going face and then loosing the board etc)
Hearthstone players are so brainless, even the moron above who can't spell "losing" correctly easily beats them.
Hunter has the best hero power in the long run. Paladin can otk on 4. Mage always gets a good deck to make up for their weak hero power. Warlock is the ultimate control. Every other class is not worth mentioning. Hated the fact that the legendary quest required 5 wins.
@@grantmiller7257 WEAK MAGE POWER, WHAAAAAAAAAATT???!!¡?!¡!
@@lucasnadamas9317 Yeah, the mage dk is really weak. The reason why it is seeing play is because the mage deck is so much better than every other deck for some reason.
On the face of Jaina in Blizzard. It's like the 7th time this is used. I'm running out of jokes for this one monkaS
just write regular dad jokes, no one will notice
Bálint Gyuri Hmm, lemme try. Which uhh...animal would make the best sailors? Dogs, they're great at em...barking.
Let us be real here where dem feminist jokes
@@ongweekiat4316 what is a "feminist"? Never heard about any mithical monster with that name.
Rania 1 - WhereIsKripperinoInTheThumbnailerino 0
Most terrible brawl of all time. Random garbage decks, glaring hero power imbalance. Got the quests done and ran.
HighLanderPony No it’s not. The Boss hero power brawl with Astral Druid was much more unbalanced.
flamewaker banana brawl?
This brawl is boring af. Jaina vs Jaina in a long ass control match. I beat Jainas with other classes though. Finished the brawl quest and stopped caring after that.
I played as a Warrior today and went 3-0, then lost once.
Vs Jainas. It's kind of a challenge.
I managed to crush mage with warlock and paladin. But like anything there is some rng if frost lich gets a one health minion at turn 1 it is hard. But if you play patiently you can beat frost lich but if you keep giving her one health minions thats not frost lich being powerful thats you playing terribly.
You're just salty you can't play the same braindead aggro bullshit as on ladder.
Custom Carderino Kripperino if you use paladin and go second you always win by turn 4 using your weapon and hero power it’s so busted
I won with Garrosh against Jaina every single time.
As Warlock, I'm pretty sure all you have to do is play conservatively, so that once your lack of minions and continuous 3 damage to face have forced the opponent mage to play minions just to get ping targets, causing his hand to be much smaller than yours, you just summon only things with really big health and try to avoid giving him water elementals at all cost.
Yeah but she has spells too. And once she gets one elemental it's over because she can then start playing minions and the hero power cannot keep the board in check. If they have ANY 1 health minions in their deck you're done.
Thanatos To a degree, but you also have minions and spells to mix with hero power to keep board in check - I found warlock can edge mage out if played well, but card quality can really swing those matches and the decks seem to have a high variability
Warlock can't do jack against Mage by "playing well" - Warlock can only win through luck - do they get the right cards and does the Mage get terrible cards. Or if the Mage is an idiot, like the one I played who didn't even understand what the hero power did. Warlock needs to get twice as lucky even since their average spell is far worse than Mage and you get trash like Sense Demons, Treachery, and Sacrificial Pact
Dont skip the kripp! He has lots of knowledge to share via his mouth
I don't think battlecries should activate
for most of them it's like "do nothing", and mage's destroys everything thanks to that
I wish some heroes had their powers as spells, like 0 mana "give your hero Stealth until your next turn" for Valeera and something of the same style for Rexxar, Gul'Dan(~7 mana spell?) and other DKs that do stuff on summoning. Might as well add that water elemental that Jaina summons into her hand at the start of the game.
0 mana immortal hero?.. cmon dude..
Simon Sunnerholm did you ever hear the tragedy of ice block.
yes, I can still hear its faint echoes from that cursed hall of Hame O.o
I find it weird that the Paladin and Warrior gets their weapons but mage doesn't get a water elemental. Sure i get the fact that mage is extremely good already but it seems like a weird ruling.
Maybe fun for some, but I found 2 Jainas was too much thinking that wasn't fun. The reason I didn't want to play Jaina was that I might end up with another Jaina.
"A new expansion just came out last month , what should we do our new event on ? An old expansion? That sounds like a great idea" Blizard Logic
KoFT is my favourite part of Hearthstone. It's so good. It bringed DKs, divine shields for paladin. A lot of cancer to priest. Impresive amount of overvalue for druid. I just love it. Lich king after 2 years was finally added to hs. When this expansion will go wild i am probably going to wild too. Bluether forever.
She's badass as fuck right now.
Playing mage vs mage for the quest was so fun, i cant wait for the next tavern brawl, i wonder whatll be; Jaraxxus vs Mecha Jaraxxus in some kind of personality crysis battle?
"You face Jaraxxus!!! Eredar lord of the Burnin...."
"You face MECHA JARAXXUS!!!!"
"NO YOU DO!!!"
I figured this out before he uploaded hahaha. But before playing mage I actually managed to beat Jaina with warlock and priest. However Jaina is op af
shaman was TERRIBLE! blizzard should've made an exception & made a decent deck that exploits power or just start as the witchwood hero instead.
Hagatha is not a death knight, wouldnt fit the theme
Actually I did pretty good with shaman against a Saladin and a mage. Just got to keep the ball rolling.
I played as Shaman, all my evolves were TERRIBLE and often worse than the minion I evolved. Lost by turn 5.
I played against Shaman, all their evolves were AWESOME. I lost by turn 7.
Shaman is only as good/terrible as the RNG on those evolves.
(Edit: Example of terrible evolve, I turned a 4 drop into a Fungalmancer.)
Shaman is always terrible
I knew it!
Wanting to play everything but mage, I actually conceded whenever I was matched against one (a lot) after two very drawn out matches in which it was impossible to overcome the value of our Queen...
I feel like I had different decks when I played mage. Sometimes it felt like it had mostly 1 health minions for the hero power, other times it felt like elemental, and sometimes a big hand mage
I'm pretty sure Rania is the true queen around these parts
Mage looses to board control + on curve mind breaker or whatever that card is that disabled hero powers. Also the mage can’t have removal. Very balanced if you think about it
druid doesn't get to choose tho
Warrior is surprisingly pretty good. I've won against mage every time except for once when I made a completely bad move. The warrior's hero power just keeps the board clean of one health minions if you play it right. At least that's how it worked out for me. And that weapon is really good at clearing those elementals.
Uther of the ebon blade....
Use your 4 hourseman to destroy every frost lich jaina you approuch!
Sooooo in this tavern brawl... Thats a lot....
What I did
I tried that as well, but it was so much easier to win with Jaina.
You mean bluether? When he drinks too much he turns blue lmao.
I never lost against Jaina with Rexxar.
You know the best part of this tarven brawl is the turn 1/2 snow flipper penguin then mage hero power. I'm glad that with my infinite skill I'm able to counter this, as well as the turn 3 water elemental and 4 and 5 and 6 because my opponent got a hand full of 1 hp minions.
You went down with subs bro that 1 mil is so close
Won a game against Mage with *Rogue*
Felt like I was living in an alternate reality.
I played mage against an uther.I coined an ooze on turn 2 and he immediately conceded.
You use the weapon to protect and win on turn 4. If the weapon is gone, you are finished
They should've made it so you can activate the dks battlecrys once per game once you reach whatever amount of mana you need to play the dk normally. Shaman would stand a chance if they took early board control and Paladin and Warrior would get an extra free weapon. Would probably make priest slightly op tho
Bow to your queen is the best bm to ever exist
Got tired as hell of all the mages so played warrior. Went from 10% winrate against mages to 70%. Really useful to be able to put pressure on and use rush/self-inflicted damage to help avoid new water elementals.
I won with Hunter vs Mage. Against a 11 with Stealth and Windfury even Water Elementals are useless
Ohhh, I thought everyone else’s games had glitched and they only had Jaina as a hero choice! Who’d have thunk it.
I actually beat a mage with a warrior. Only reason was that I had played Explore Un'Goro to replace all the garbage cards in my deck with the 1 mana discover cards. Got some much better cards that way.
I did like 20 games of this dumb mode with all the classes for quests etc and Mindbreaker with Paladin works great. You kill them through face damage by holding the board hard with your weapon
Play Jaina. Win
Play Gudan. Win
Play Raxxar 50-50
Other classes :Lose
Garosh wins a lot if you can get lots of early game
I actually finished my quest with Paladin. Only lost once when I got unlucky
Heres a quick guide to handling jaina this tavern brawl. Do not play anything early on that can be pinged down in two or one turn.
Take your time waiting for jaina to make the first move in the early game that way you can trade your creatures into hers without her getting a 3/6.
With warrior and paladin conserve your weapon for keeping her big creatures down. Dont try to smorc her you need sustained damage with some burst at the end. Make poor value trades to deny her 3/6 water elementals if she runs the threat of pinging one of your creatures.
By mid game you want to start to play your win conditions. So if you get a lot of buff and taunt cards go for playing the 4 horseman with paladin.
Removal isnt to common so you will be mostly aimming to keep board control. If you get good stated minions aim to win through tempo put down your win cons in the mid game and stampede jaina down while denying her water elementals as much as possible.
Its not easy but a skilled hearthstone player can outwit this icy nemesis.
I ve beaten my opponet jainas with nearly every deathknight and while rng can screw you if you focus on denying her of those elementals jainas will often struggle to maintain tempo against other classes.
I beat a mage with a warrior earlier today, I got STUPID lucky with my opener buffing my shadowmourne, and I just didn't play minions and killed them by turn 5 by only going face xD
I swear last time the palladin i was up against didn't even have his sword....... which was why he died so fast
Guldan and Rexxar are pretty good as well. Their hero power might not be as consistently OP at all game stages, but they are both good enough to win unless the deck is utter garbage or Jaina has a bunch of 1 health minions in hand. But Jaina vs Jaina fights are pretty fun as well, it's all about that math and not giving your opponent a free 3/6.
I made a challange to win with all classes took me 38 games
Fair enough I would say
And kripp said in many occasions that he cant understand people playing same op op agro deck for hours in constructed but keeps on playing mage in this brawl. I had an hunter warlock matchup for example it was really fun.
Krast Sanguinar There’s a difference between getting quest completed and getting to legend.
Rick Felt no there is not. point was that it was boring And there were funnier ways, case still holds here.
Krast Sanguinar 20 minutes = hours according to you...
Yes Jaina is pretty much the strongest one here, but I played Warrior for funnzies and have to say the 4/3 aoe weapon alrdy equipped at the start can limit the choices of you opponent that much that you win the game of it bcz there are not rly aoe removal spells in this brawl, I only lost against jaina when I drew rly rly badly and she played on curve, got my 5 wins within 8 games with warrior, ALL against our queen
Warrior is actually amazing dont even try. Beat them 50% of the time and when facing any other class, you stomp them fast
2:10 where are you skipperino
Kripp starts bming and taunting, and gets punished... Almost
Saving that free gold for dual class arena gives me a chance for some extra dust pogchamp
400 IQ
Thanks for bringing me back,never realised how much I was missing being a Kripperino.
@@thetheorydude4521 no problem.
Thank you for the double update
i played 9 tavern brawls.. won all 9 with jaina, so broken
Rafael Gonzalez lol no
yes, just need to make a water ele every turn, by all means (even pingin your own minions) you get value, tempo, board control, infinite hp, etc..
Rafael Gonzalez then youre enemies were just really stupid, jaina is easy to handle
Ratmations I dont know what you're smoking lmao, she is top tier in this brawl
Jaina is pretty easy to handle in this tavern brawl lmao. I played like 30 matches and in every one of them, one of the Jainas always lost.
this tabern brawl was aids, everyone playing lich queen jaina with control mage decks, 15 minutes per game sounds really fun
Neptune Vasilias ur just bäd
This tavern brawl was great. Got 4 of my 5 wins from instant concedes because i locked in mage.
Look, I found a zoo lock player!
Call me a salty dude or whatever but I just instant conceded every time the opponent was running mage in this tavern brawl.
I found my games way more fun when neither of us ran mage especially since I was trying to win with every class.
Paladin is OP, I went 6-1 playing Paladin and was 2-1 against mages. You win in less time and it’s an auto win against any class but mage
Isn't the Hunter dk better than mage?
I mean how can the mage survive against endless big minions?
Opposite actually. Hunter may win late game if they can stabilize, but the problem is mage has ridiculous early tempo. You can't play small drops early or you'll give her a free water elemental. You also don't have removal like other classes so you can't stop her from pinging her own dudes either. It's literally an insta concede if they have a 1 health minion on turn 1/2.
Hunter wins the late game on average against mage because you can out value the mage. Hunter can not make it to late game if the mage gets decently lucky with water elemental activators early.
Hunter can counter Mage if you manage to make beasts that are immune to hero power and spells
How to farm gold?
1. Pick Mage.
2. Exploit just how absurdly broken it is.
3. Profit.
"I dont want cards with one health" starting hand with a 2/1 and 2 1/1s
Cmon Kripp I did all 5 win with shaman, didn’t take long.. you need a challenge :)
Yesterday I played Warrior and won 10 out of 11 in Tavern Brawl, 9 were Mages. Today I lost 5 times in a row as Warrior. Where is my luck?
i'm not sure bout jaina , i'm playing hunter and winning like 80% games doesnt matter vs who. Actually problems are when enemy got sick cards like 3x lich king in deck ( once Jaina had 3x Lich King, turn 8 - 9 and 12 somethink like that) They were not discovered
i played a lot of warlock, had a lot of fun.
I like hunter, big lifesteal minions :D
won 10 games...only came up against ONE other mage, sat there scratching my head as to wtf the others were thinking.
Preparing in here
The tavern brawl seems to be a very rock paper scissors type of thing. Paladin can pressure hunter with the win condition and the 5/3, as can warlock. Warlock counters paladin, as does mage. Mage beats paladin, and has a close matchup to warlock, but the hunter CAN out value frost lich. Shaman seems alright but will lose to a lot of mages, and warrior/druid/priest/rogue just don't hold up to it. Weird brawl.
Could someone explain why his subscribers decreased and seem to never go up ?
Hearthstone is becoming less popular
I like Kripp but its okay with the Hearthstone videos he should play some other Games but Hearthstone is his Main income so as long he is milking the cow, i rarely watch the Videos anymore because Hearthstone is boring
Sometimes UA-cam is kicking some inactive subscribers out.
And he doesnt really do anything to raise that count up again. (Or atleast Im not aware of it)
Thank you guys
I beat mage once... with Uther. She made tons of mistakes.
TheRealGrimpaw same, but I beat a Jaina with uther fair n square. Hella game tho
I had 2 different quests for hunter and I thought this tavern brawl was a good opportunity to play a hunter deck... People played so badly that I actually managed to go 2 and 2 even playing with hunter.
Hunters good if you can get past the early game part. Which means against mage you just gotta hope they get no cheap hero power activators.
Lol, got almost 50 wins in this brawl, Step 1: play mage, Step 2: no... not yet ???, get a wisp/penguin when going second before the enemy mage (everyone plays mage anyway, played only like 4 times vs non-mages and they just conceded half way), not getting a wisp/penguin means enemy have a chance to get their own, must at all cost get as many 1 health cheap minions, Step 3: keep snowballing faster than oponent, Step 4: ???, Step 5: profit!... And yes, those games take sometimes more than half hour bcs as pointless to go face when oponent have elementals that will heal them back, the brawl is kinda boring and repetetive... but at the same time... control!, if both sides get some cheap one health minions and can start trading early without one side snowballing out of control it actualy becomes fun trying to outsmart oponent, sad tho that other DKs have literaly no use, maybe thrall if he had only beefy minions and tons of evolving, otherwise once his first beefy main target for evolving dies there's no way to stop the water elemental spam/heal.
EDIT: Perhaps if theymade that the expensive DKs activate later in the game insteed of at the start, so if a DK costs 6, and Jaina 9, they will get their DK at turn 1 while Jaina will become at turn 4 so other DKs have time to develop board and make any use of their hero powers without being denied usage of low health minions.
Skip the Kripp: 2:11
When you already like the vid because the video is *good*...
I won a lot against jaina with rexxar. I just conded when I got a match up against jaina after a while. The games just took to long.
The last game was litteraly "play like shit, get lucky draws, win the game" only because of DK Jaina hero power. Some of the DKs really break the game.
Actually after playing Jaina trying to win 5 30 min mirror matches of brain strength I found a solution..
Play Warrior.. if you can play as few minons as possible, and keep your weapon, you can forcethe mages to only have 1 elemental at a time most of the time, or none at all.. won a fair share that way
I made it a point to play any class BUT mage this brawl.
The Mage has lots of synergistic cards and most of the rest are strong in general while the Paladin seems to have just a bunch of random minions. Blizzard's idea of balance I suppose
Why the hell would they give the jaina decks an ooze??? Why??
It's been not even ten minutes since this Video dropped, and *EVERYONE* is now playing Mage.
Harry David mage succs tho
Everyone with a brain was already playing mage before.
It wasn't even 10 minuets into the tavern brawl and everyone was locking in mage.
I was getting real salty watching this.
If you use paladin and go second you literally always win with your hero power and weapon by turn 4, it’s so busted.
I played 3 games as a Warlock against mages, and win all of them, sooo, warlock is really good
I played hunter the whole time, beat about half the mages I played against.
I went 7-0 with mage after I raged because people just kept spamming it, beat 5 other mages. Guess my game experience pulled me ahead, but either way fuck that brawl lol.
Kreygasm Title
i was stupid enough to pick valeera, i put up a good fight and almost won against my jaina opponent thanks to mindbreaker but eventually mind breaker got polymorphed and then the mage won because its hard to deal with 2 mana 3/6 lifesteals. i gave up on the brawl after that fuck the pack.
20+ minute video on basically "just play mage"?
I played warrior because I also had two warrior quests and won 8 out of 10 games. Beat every single Mage. So... *shrug emoji*
I actually took it upon myself to win with every death knight. It was a fun challange until I had to win with shaman. Warlock can easily beat mage from what I experienced. But mage beats almost all the rest. Mage = constructed players that just wanted to win and not really experience the joy of Tavern brawl.
worst brawl ever
I killed so
many Jainas as Uther this brawl. People just suck at this game.
You're shivering, are you afraid?
for the 5wins you can just wintrade with a friend and playing all 4 uther horsemen to win
Mage gets dumpstered by Paladin ... 14 straight wins on Paladin, 10 mages T-T Just waaaay better tempo early on
Unless u Play vs a nub u cant really beat Mage if u dont Play it urself. The hero power kills Paladin and many Cards of ur Opponent decks, especialy ofc 1 life minions, if u Play the number u get so much Advantage that Nothing can hang .. and well, big spells r Always good in something like tavern brawl / Arena.
That pala was so baaaaad
Pala is broken AF in this brawl people don't have removal so just hero power and they will slowly die
Why not play hunter? It's fun and super good
Did Krip pwn Yunalesca, the attractive HOTS streamer?
One of the worst brawls they have ever made. They could have made a deck optimized for each death knight, but no. That would require work. RANDOM GARBAGE INSTEAD.
Paladins actually counter Mages, starting with the weapon is too strong and it locks mages out of early game plays. They have to ping your horsemen to stop you from winning on turn 5.
they counter the fuck out of hunters too