Hey please guide me...is there any part time jobs available??can we get a part time job easily as an international student??what is the ielts score required??
For getting part time job we need to go Oslo (Capital). My campus & Student Housing is in Kongsberg. In Kongsberg we hardly manage part time job. We all travel to Oslo for part time job. (It takes 1.15 hours to go Oslo from Kongsberg). In USN, they asked IELTS 6 Band. Thank You.
Hey please guide me...is there any part time jobs available??can we get a part time job easily as an international student??what is the ielts score required??
For getting part time job we need to go Oslo (Capital). My campus & Student Housing is in Kongsberg.
In Kongsberg we hardly manage part time job. We all travel to Oslo for part time job. (It takes 1.15 hours to go Oslo from Kongsberg).
In USN, they asked IELTS 6 Band.
Thank You.
What's tuttion fee for masters?
It's about minimum 13,000 Euro per year. But the amount can different depends on university and subject.
Thank You.