My Son did Something Very Cruel & I don’t like him Anymore

  • Опубліковано 12 чер 2024
  • My son did something very cruel and I don’t like him anymore
    #redditaita #askreddit #redditstories #reddit #subwaysurfers #aita #redditrelationship


  • @YazeedArtt
    @YazeedArtt 4 дні тому +32

    Worst parent ever.. they only to listen one side the story hais..

  • @DraxXThanos
    @DraxXThanos 4 дні тому +32

    so i guess we all expected something CRUEL right?

  • @Orange_Swirl
    @Orange_Swirl 4 дні тому +38

    Okay, but why did the son ghost her? That's what I want to know.

    • @Zebrastreifen77
      @Zebrastreifen77 2 дні тому +3

      He was probably chesting already, and it seemed the easiest way for him to replace Sarah

  • @TheKhashan
    @TheKhashan 4 дні тому +32

    You haven't even heard his side of the story but you've already decided that you don't like him anymore? He might have had his reasons, either way I couldn't imagine suddenly not liking my child just because he ghosted someone. Honestly can you even call yourself a parent if you give up your affection for him that easily

  • @VRDejaVu
    @VRDejaVu 4 дні тому +7

    Love how the top commenter on that story was acusing OP's son of R'ing the girl...
    Reddir trully is a cesspool.

  • @sou0taku
    @sou0taku 3 дні тому +2

    Always listen to the other side before forming an opinion.

  • @JohnDoe-wn7vi
    @JohnDoe-wn7vi 4 дні тому +19

    Honestly judging by the title I thought the son was gonna be physically abusing the gf, sure ghosting is a dick move but a lot milder than what I was expecting

  • @GrimmyRu13
    @GrimmyRu13 4 дні тому +4

    I mean he can more than likely have a reason for it, if he doesn’t than maybe be disappointed. But there’s worse things to do than ghost someone 😂

  • @Garoslol
    @Garoslol 4 дні тому +5

    Why does nobody talk to eachother in those stories.

  • @legiontepes3474
    @legiontepes3474 4 дні тому +21

    From the title I expected much worse. I mean, ghosting is rude sure, but cruel? I mean most women dump you without giving you an explaination. It's the same here.

  • @elade7857
    @elade7857 4 дні тому

    0:20 "Not that we care" aaaand here's the problem. On the aspect of teaching your kid how to socially interact, both parents failed him miserably. And By the way the post ends, sounds like they don't really care for him.

  • @nancyriggs8170
    @nancyriggs8170 День тому

    So many people pull this shit that most people don't even think it's that bad anymore.. You wanted a regular son, dad: well you got one.. It's a Cowardly, shitty thing to do to someone; but damn; you hate him now?? Geez

  • @Shree0402
    @Shree0402 4 дні тому

    W parents but L parenting. Confront your son nd ask explanation for indeed ghosting such a lovely girl

  • @codyjones8153
    @codyjones8153 3 дні тому +1

    *Where's The Video With The Updates!*

  • @smsff7
    @smsff7 4 дні тому +1

    We need more information before judging. There might have been a reason. Neither the ex or OP's son told why just how it happened. For all we know one of them cheated or was emotionally abusive and just hid it well.

  • @jeremiahjohnson7232
    @jeremiahjohnson7232 3 дні тому

    Like being ghosted sucks but its not the end of the world asl him why he did it though is what i wanna know

  • @bunnyloves6975
    @bunnyloves6975 4 дні тому +4

    For people confused about why something mild like ghosting is cruel here, it's most likely because she met him as an anxious, socially awkward person, helped him overcome his anxiety and boosted his confidence, then he ghosted her in return.
    I did the same for my partner and if they ghosted me after all that and a 9 month relationship I'd be incredibly hurt

    • @happynightmares4688
      @happynightmares4688 4 дні тому +4

      I mean even if it wasnt like that, ghosting anyone you are in relationship with is just bad.

    • @VRDejaVu
      @VRDejaVu 4 дні тому +4

      Funny how your logic only works with multiple assumptions:
      - that she did nothing to deserve being ghosted;
      - that OP wasn't lied to;
      - that she is the reason he came out of his shell
      - that he actually came out of his shell and wasn't just being forced by her to match her energy;

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig 4 дні тому +5

    Honestly, from all the information given, it sounds like Michael has an undiagnosed neurodivergence. He is "socialy awkward," and his parents jumped to calling him psychotıc when he ghosted Sarah. Given how quickly he jumped ship, I would even fathom to say it might be ADHD.
    Not saying he wasn't a jerk, but if my hunch is correct, even the timeline matches up. ADHD naturally has a very low dopamine production and hight thought traffic. With a combination of both, the person would experience the dopamine rush of a new relationship like a sugar rush, with a rather high but short-lived peak leading to an emotional drain. During that drain, the thoughts start to get dark, questioning how much of a screw up you are, and evokes a flight response (hence the running away. Ghosting would be due to his parents having dismissed these issues in the past). Then, Michael would naturally start chasing the dopamine rushes to quiet the doubt, repeating the pattern over and over again in hopes that, one day, he'll find a forever rush.
    Michael also displayed the ADHD trait of masking, where he became another person to match with Sarah's personality. The way to break this sycle and get a better life would be to get Michael diagnosed, get him follow-up therapy to learn how to deal with his situation, and likely medication to make up for the damage his upbringing caused.
    Btw, source: this is how my own ADHD lines up with what Michael did.

  • @MayankKumar-bl2dy
    @MayankKumar-bl2dy 4 дні тому
