Going through some old drives. This was a group project from 2016 where all of us had to draw an animal and then animate it turning into the next animal that the next student was drawing. As far as I know, it never made it online anywhere so I decided to be that guy. I was responsible for the llama exploding.
Ok that's such a fun idea and the execution is hilarious. It's great that you saved this stuff! I wish I still had a lot of the projects I worked on at school.
This is really cool !! a while back I thought I got a message from you but couldn't find it so figured my mind was playing tricks on me 😅 thanks for sharing 👍🏽
Going through some old drives. This was a group project from 2016 where all of us had to draw an animal and then animate it turning into the next animal that the next student was drawing. As far as I know, it never made it online anywhere so I decided to be that guy. I was responsible for the llama exploding.
Ok that's such a fun idea and the execution is hilarious. It's great that you saved this stuff! I wish I still had a lot of the projects I worked on at school.
This is really cool !! a while back I thought I got a message from you but couldn't find it so figured my mind was playing tricks on me 😅 thanks for sharing 👍🏽
Oh hey! Been a hot minute man. Hope you are doing well.