Percentage difference = difference between the values/ the smaller value x 100 *Usually they also accept divided by the larger value. 2 decimal places are enough, but look carefully if the question had mention how you should write your answer.
@DBiologyClassroom hi sir, thank you for replying I just want to know in ratio questions for examples the ratio 95: 22 what would be the simplest whole ratio here?
Deserve way more views. Great video straight to the point.
Thank you for the kind words 🙏🏻
Hi sir... just finished p3.. it was very good... Thank you for uploading all these videos...they were all very helpful
You are welcome!
Sir I also had one more I allowed to use mechanical pencil 0.7mm just for the drawing section?
Yes that is fine
how do we calculate percentage difference between two values? and to what number of sfg should an answer be given in practical exam?
Percentage difference = difference between the values/ the smaller value x 100
*Usually they also accept divided by the larger value.
2 decimal places are enough, but look carefully if the question had mention how you should write your answer.
thank you!!!
You're welcome!
sir also for labelling... should the line be in pencil and the label written in pen?
Thankyou sir
sir do mammalian structures still come.. or has the syllabus changed to only have plant structures in the drawing part for p3 Q2)
They seldom ask mammalian structures but I won't say it's totally impossible
hi sir i had a doubt.. e.g i got 2345.332X as the magnification.. to how many s.f should i round this off for my final ans in p3?
Whole number
What about actual diameter how many do you round it off?
@@joudmansour8777 usually the question will tell u what they want, if no, give maximum 2 decimal places
@DBiologyClassroom hi sir, thank you for replying I just want to know in ratio questions for examples the ratio 95: 22 what would be the simplest whole ratio here?
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Thank you 😊😊😊