They seem to be forgetting that Emilia slept with Othello to make her husband Iago advance in position. Without that layer of guilt from Emilia this scene is literal, boring, and frankly pointless. Nevertheless, this is not an attack on the actresses or the director. Cheers.
desdemona wouldn’t act that rude
Woah I totally didn't read their relationship as being that way.
same! why is she so angry and rude towards her??
Why is Desdemona bonkers?
They seem to be forgetting that Emilia slept with Othello to make her husband Iago advance in position. Without that layer of guilt from Emilia this scene is literal, boring, and frankly pointless. Nevertheless, this is not an attack on the actresses or the director. Cheers.
Please tell me why two professional RSC actors are pronouncing "troth" like a PIG TROTH????!! It's Troth, like "truth" You pronounce "oo" sound.