Moga Bro Lim Jooi Soon teruskan dakwah ...agar rakan2 non muslim terbuka pintu hati untuk mendekati Islam. Jika telah disampaikan dengan benar , mereka enggan mendengar....serahkan kepada Allah yang memberikan hidayah...
Alhamdulillah... Allah Subhanahuwata'ala kirimkan bro Lim Jooi Soon dimuka bumi ini.. Hanya orang yg mau berfikir yg pasti merasakan sangat cinta isi tausiah bro Lim Jooi Soon yg jujur langsung berdasarkan sumber utamanya Alqur'an, sunnah rosul & hadith.... Smoga Allah slalu mmberkahi Bro Lim Joo Soon & keluarga dlm sgala hal & khusnul khotimah..aamiiiiiin.. Subhanallah...Allahuakbar...
Saya dr indonesia akhir2 ni jd rutin mengikuti kajian yg diSampaikan Ust.Bro Liem..wlo ada sedikit perbedaan bahasa tp bs dipahami dg jls..terlebih penyampaian Cerdas scra keilmuan..
Alhamdulillah semoga brooLim selalu mendapat perlindungan dari Allah dan dipermudah dalam urusan dunienye maupun dalam urusan aheratnye dan mendapatkan Husnul khotimah di Ahir hayatnya Amin Yarobbal Alamin.
Sy dr Indonesia Assalamualaikum saudaraku seiman di Malayasia, teruslah berda'wah ust Lim kami terus menyimak, sy suka.....semoga Alloh membimbing, meridoi dan melindungi langkah2 anda
Best jugak..malu aku dengan org baru masuk islam berfikir setinggi ini..kita selesa sebab kita lahir2 dah muslim..bila org baru masuk islam sibuk suruh pakai tudung..tengok cara bro ni dakwah, pertamanya kena kenalkan tuhan dulu baru bab hukum..kita sekarang sibuk menghukum..itu sbb dakwah susah nak bukan islam akan pandang islam agama yg rigid, susah..padahal tak sebegitu..jadi nak dakwah memang kena berfikiran dan pendidikan tinggi..
Benar & tepat sekali katamu itu Maju atau mundur sesuatu bangsa itu bukanlah kerana apa-apa agama tetapi kerana daya ussha sesaorang atau bangsa itu. Allah tidak memilih kaum atau bangsa & agama untuk di beri kejayaan asalkan mereka berusaha bersungguh-sungguh akan mendapat apa yg dihajatinya.
One of the leader in Tabligh Jamat in Malaysia is Abdullah Chong...syura Malaysia in Sri Petaling. Chinese when reverted to Islam will be better than Malay Muslim that not doing DAKWAH😊
Ada ayat dlm AlQur'an yg sebut ttg ini. Jika hdk berkahwin juga, sebelum itu belajar ilmu pengetahuan agama Islam Al Quran dan Sunnah2 Nabi SAW dan peluk Agama Celupan Allah , Islam AdDeen. Dan belajar serta praktik Agama Islam Celupan Allah secara berterusan. In syaa Allah.
Bro Lim... bukalah kelas agama esp.akidah dll muamalat2 Islam di JB supaya iman kami x turun-naik dan sentiasa mantap hingga ke akhir hayat...saya sedihh sgt dan mahu kekal kata,kalau nak baik maka bergaul/bercampurlah dgn yg truly baik-beragama, disekeliling saya tiada org2 demikian ( mostly x mahu bljr agama dan suka mencampuradukkn yg halal-haram-subahat/muslim yg suka sesat ). Tk.
Islam bukan agama orang miskin. Buktinya 4 negara yg nilai tukar mata uangnya tertinggi ada pd negara2 islam ( kwait, oman, bahrain, yordania ). Makanya amerika ngotot ingin mengahancurkan negara2 islam dg cara DEVIDE ET INPERA agar negara tsb mereka cekoki dg hutang bunga tinggi shg negara tsn sll tergantung thd mrk dan dgn demikian mereka bs menaikkan nilai mata uangnya. Contohnya indonesia yg sd masuk ke perangkap mrk, makanya mata uang indonesia (Rp....)akan mereka kendalikan, termasuk IPOLEKSOSBUDHANKAMNAS nya, paham tidak????
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 4 Hagar and Ishmael: Hagar is a woman from Egypt, at that time Egypt was not an Arab tribe. Ishmael's age was one hundred and thirty-seven years (137 years). After that he died. He died and was gathered to his forefathers. They inhabited the area from Havilah to Shur, which is located east of Egypt towards Assyria (= Syria). They settled down face to face with all their brethren. (Genesis 25:17-1)
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 6 The children of Ketura gave birth to many tribes, where they lived in the Troglodyten Desert, Felix Arabia and so on - evenly over the land of Midian, and the city of Midian which stood in the desert through the Arabian Land of Paran, to the east of the Red Sea. Thus, the people who inhabited the area east of the Red Sea were the descendants of Abraham's second concubine named Keturah. Muhammad was from Mecca. Mecca is a city east of the Red Sea. Let's see the location of the city of Mecca from the following map:
Assalamualaikum brother. My best suggestion to u is bring this question and ask him directly. It's much less likely u'll be answered right here, simply because this is not his channel, Bro Lim's UA-cam channel is DAKWAH_MY. But then again, I'd say u PM him personally, Insyaallah, I'm sure he'll answer. Hope this helps.
Jika manusia yg terlampau tumpu masa terhadap agama dan pasti dia akan mundur, tak maju dan kurang berjaya kerana masanya terlampau buang masa kepada agamanya jadi dia tidak dapat menumpu masa kepada kerja dan kejayaannya
Brother Lim Can You Explain: Part 2 Arabs do not have the slightest record of the history of the life of their ancestors, unlike Israel which has the history books of the Old Testament. From the results of historical searches, we can get an interesting note from historians and scientists of the 2nd century, that the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula east of the Red Sea were the children of descendants of Abraham's second concubine, namely Ketura.
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 5 Kedar Tribe: During this time, the Kedar tribe (Ishmael's second son) was used as a candidate for Muhammad's ancestor after Ishmael. But it turns out that the Kedar tribe inhabited the north of the Arabian Peninsula according to the instructions of the history book "Genesis 25:17-18". Thus, it is highly probable that the “Quraish” of Mecca and Medina descended from the descendants of Ketura's concubines, and not from Hagar. Ketura's children include: #Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Suah. (Genesis 25). #Just choose: Who is Muhammad's ancestor among the 6 names above!
SATU SAJA PARA MUALAF tak sanggup menjawab silsilah keturunan Muhammad, maka diragukan ke Islama mereka. Mualaf2 keturunan seperti Bro Lim, dllnya tak mampu menjawab dan menjabarkan silsilah keturunan Muhammad, apakah beliau benar2 keturunan Ismael atau bukan. Kalau ini tak terjawab, maka gugurlah sejarah sesungguhnya. Para mualaf2 ini hanya bisa menunjukan kitab2 bidaa Kristen, atau buku2 bidaa yang anti kristus. Buku anti Kristus itu sudah ada sejak ribuan silam hingga sekarang.
Tak pernah pun tengok muslim mendahwah kepada non- muslim di Malaysia? Tapi, dengar selalu muslim murtad. Lepas itu, kata orang tipu, murrtad kita. Leaps itu, tangkap dia, guna undang- undang untuk menakutkan muslim yang murtad. Tapi, soalan yang mendalam, mengapa hanya muslim yang kena murtad? Senang nya muslim murtad. Klau guna fornat sama, kristian pun senang di murtad kan. Tapi, jarang dengar pun. Pergi murtad kan non- muslim (termasuk kristians). Kata Allah benar, tapi dahwah takada. Tangkap sini, tangkap sana power. Benar kamu tahu ke percayaan kamu?
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 3. ABRAHAM had 1 wife named Sarai with their son Isaac, Abaraham's first concubine was Hagar (Egyptian woman) with her son Ishmael. His second concubine was Ketura with his children: Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Suah. (Genesis 25). Looking at this history, according to you which one Muhammad came from?
Yg tggalkn Islam selepas tonton UA-cam christian prince tu.. video2 tu semua kajian yg xbetul tentang Islam..bkn xtgok video2 kt situ..sbb kita Islam..kita tau apa yg di sebar di situ..dikupas di situ semua tipu
I've been watching his talks recently, he was a Buddhist, then a Christian and he become a true muslim. The thing that I come across is he, not even ones criticise the other religion. How come zambri Vinod preach, he only talk the bad things about his previous religion only. What's the different between this two people. Both converted to Islam but their attitude is far different. So not Islam, but the people who had taught them in a different way that brings out their true inner side. Maybe Lim, did he own research to become a Muslim, without any influence from the fanatic ustaz that alway teach their students the other way round, negative taught.
Brother Lim Can You Explain: Part 1 So far the Quran mentions Muhammad as a descendant of Ishmael, the son of Abraham by his wife Hagar: During this time, the Arabs claimed their prophet Muhammad was a direct descendant of Ishmael, Abraham's son from his first concubine, Hagar. But it is difficult to prove, because at that time the Arabs were not an educated nation and they did not have a convincing lineage record, apart from the results of the interpretations of the scholars of the last century. There are many versions issued by the Arabs, in order to convince Muslims around the world that their prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael.
islam is a peaceful religion or religion of peace...those leaving islam for another belief or religion is their on choice and privacy, Only God could punish them and not human.
Pertama, bukan Al-Quran yang mengkayakn manusia tetapi Allah swt. Kedua, konsep takdir ada Qada dan Qadar. Pengertian Qada ialah sesuatu yg sudah Allah tetapkan atau takdirkan yang tidak boleh di ubah atau berubah contoh jantina seseorang, ada perempuan ada lelaki yang tidak boleh di ubah kewujudanya. Contoh kedua, seperti bumi, bulan dan bintang yg tidak boleh di ubah wujud kejadianya. Contoh ketiga, takdir kejadian Malam dan siang iaitu tidak boleh berubah kepada malam menjadi siang atau pun siang menjadi malam ataupun kita ubah kepada tiada malam dan siang. Qadar pula takdir yang boleh di ubah. Contoh pertama, kita dalam situasi miskin tetapi dengan berusaha kita boleh jadi kaya. Contoh kedua, kita dalam keadaan takdir sakit, dengan asbab kita minum ubat kita sembuh dengan izin Allah, Semoga menjawab.
Bro lim ada buat kursus utk bljr islam.. so pergi bljr dulu dgn dia.. masa tu tanya lah mcm2 soalan kt bro lim.. u nak terima @ tidak terpulang pd u.. yg penting pergi jumpa & bljr dulu.
PROPHET YESUS@ISA a.s And the king said unto the children of Israel, What aileth the LORD with the whole earth? And (remember) when the angel said: O Mary! Lo! Allah hath chosen you, hath made you pure, and preferred you above all women in the world. 3:42 43 يمَرْيَمُ اقْنُتِيْ لِرَبِّكِ أسْجُدِيْ وَارْكَعِي مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ O Mary! Obey thy Lord, prostrate thyself, and bow down with those who bow down. 3:43 44 ذلك من انباء الغيب نوحيه اليك وما كنت لديهم اذ يلقون اقلامهم ايهم يكفل مريم وما كنت لديهم اذ يختصمون Such are some of the unseen tidings which We have revealed to you (O Muhammad). but you were not present with them when they cast their arrows (to vote) which of them would take care of Mary. And you are not present by their side when they quarrel. 3:44 45 اذ قالت الملىكة يمريم ان الله يبشرك بكلمة منه اسمه المسيح عيسى ابن مريم وجيها فى الدنيا والاخرة ومن المقربين (Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily Allah gives you glad tidings with a word (coming) from Him, the name of Christ Jesus son of Mary, a leader in this world and the Hereafter and among those who are brought near (to Allah), 3:45 46 وَيُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِى الْمَهْدِ وَكَهْلا وَمِنَ الصّٰلِحِينَ and he spoke to man in the cradle and when he was grown up and he was among the pious. " 3:46 47 قالت رب انى يكون لي ولد ولم يمسسني بشر قال كذلك الله يخلق ما يشاء اذا قضى امرا فانما يقول له كن فيكون She said: "My Lord! How could I have a son, when no man has touched me!" Allah said (through Gabriel): "Thus Allah creates what He wills. When Allah wills to decide something, then Allah simply says to him:" Be ", and so be he. 3:47 48 And gave him the scripture, and the wisdom, and the glory, and the multitude. And Allah will teach him the Book, Wisdom, Torah and Gospel. 3:48 49 ورسولا الى بني اسراءيل ە اني قد جئتكم باية من ربكم اني اخلق لكم من الطين كهية الطير فانفخ فيه فيكون طيرا باذن الله وابرئ الاكمه والابرص واحي الموتى باذن الله وانبئكم بما تأكلون وما تدخرون في بيوتكم ان في ذلك لاية لكم ان كنتم مؤمنين And (as) a messenger unto the Children of Israel (who said to them): "I have come to you with a sign (miracle) from your Lord, that I made for you of earth the shape of a bird, then I blew it, so it became a bird. By the leave of Allah, and I heal the blind from birth and the lepers, and I raise the dead by the permission of Allah, and I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. A sign for you, if you are believers. " 3:49
setiap agama ada aturan dan undang undang nya yang tersendiri.. jadi buat apa beragama kalau tidak patuh pada agama sendiri .. baik jadi ateis.. tak ada agama..hidup buat peraturan sendiri .. bukan tuhan yang mengatur... wkwkwk..
@@Villagevip654 siapa yang suruh kalau masuk islam kena tukar bangsa? tuhan yang suruh? wkwkwk.. kalau tak ada ilmu jangan cakap. nanti kelihatan bodohnya .mana mana bangsa yajg ada di dunia mana ada yang folow peraturan 100 peratus.. nama juga manusia.. bukan sempurna .. yang sempurna cuma tuhan
Lim dulu Kristen & Buddha tak dapat dekati dewa2, than baru pilih Islam? Jadi sales man. Bila manusia di Malaysia pergi kerumah2 sebagai salesman ketuk rumah, ada bagi masuk Tak? Surh dia balik kan.
I've been watching his talks recently, he was a Buddhist, then a Christian and he become a true muslim. The thing that I come across is he, not even ones criticise the other religion. How come zambri Vinod preach, he only talk the bad things about his previous religion only. What's the different between this two people. Both converted to Islam but their attitude is far different. So not Islam, but the people who had taught them in a different way that brings out their true inner side. Maybe Lim, did he own research to become a Muslim, without any influence from the fanatic ustaz that alway teach their students the other way round, negative taught.
i leave in singapore , after watching UA-cam christian prince on islam last year i decide to leave islam.. all religion is for peace so leaving islam in singapore hve no problem because everyone respect you decision if there is pushment from God then God will punish after you died. for those leaving islam and converting to christian they believed that Jesus will save them as in John 11:14 Jesus said I am your saviors....
Islam itu mudah. Sy pun memeluk Islam. Syukur Alhamdhulillaah. Hidayah itu milik Allaah🤲🤲🤲
Salam dari Bandung..luar biasa koh Lim jooi soon wawasannya luas... berbeda seperti saya .saya Islam dari lahir malu sama para muaallaf
Semoga Allah pelihara bro Lim sekeluarga. Semoga terus sihat dan teruskan berdakwah. ❤ inshaAllah...
Masyaallah, sy suka dengar stiap kata2 brother lim
terbaik bro lim. Teruskan. Begitulah.
cina muslim kena usahakan. Begitulah.
betul tu bro lim. begitulah.
Pintar sekali Uztad Lim jooi soon,. Hebat
Terbaik ustaz
Melayu indonesia... menyomak kajian Bro Lim, mantab dan trm ksh
Luar biasa ustad.mantap ceramah nya
Mantab sekali 👍👍👍
Moga Bro Lim Jooi Soon teruskan dakwah ...agar rakan2 non muslim terbuka pintu hati untuk mendekati Islam. Jika telah disampaikan dengan benar , mereka enggan mendengar....serahkan kepada Allah yang memberikan hidayah...
Alhamdulillah.. semoga ramai lagi yg memahami islam .aqidah itu paling penting .
Alhamdulliah terbaik ustaz 👍👍
Best explanation ever
Allah Subhanahuwata'ala kirimkan bro Lim Jooi Soon dimuka bumi ini..
Hanya orang yg mau berfikir yg pasti merasakan sangat cinta isi tausiah bro Lim Jooi Soon yg jujur langsung berdasarkan sumber utamanya Alqur'an, sunnah rosul & hadith....
Smoga Allah slalu mmberkahi Bro Lim Joo Soon & keluarga dlm sgala hal & khusnul khotimah..aamiiiiiin..
Alhamdulillah Amiin Amiin
Sangat setuju dengan Ustard
Saya dr indonesia akhir2 ni jd rutin mengikuti kajian yg diSampaikan Ust.Bro Liem..wlo ada sedikit perbedaan bahasa tp bs dipahami dg jls..terlebih penyampaian Cerdas scra keilmuan..
Saya dari pilipina saya ada download video² beliau
Smoge saudare Bro Lim boleh sehat sehat selalu lah supaya kite semue dapat mendenga ceramahnye yg mantap
betul sekali....,penyebab kemunduran islam karena jauh dari alquran dan sunnah....
Panjang sangat. Sepatutnya admin boleh potong ikut tajuk sebab ustaz ni best
Alhamdulillah semoga brooLim selalu mendapat perlindungan dari Allah dan dipermudah dalam urusan dunienye maupun dalam urusan aheratnye dan mendapatkan Husnul khotimah di Ahir hayatnya Amin Yarobbal Alamin.
Sy dr Indonesia Assalamualaikum saudaraku seiman di Malayasia, teruslah berda'wah ust Lim kami terus menyimak, sy suka.....semoga Alloh membimbing, meridoi dan melindungi langkah2 anda
Alhamdulillah, senang mendengar kajian Koh Lim Joo son, kapan ke Indonesia
Sehat selalu ustad lim.
Bro Lim luar biasa cerdasnya, masya Allah, semoga sihat selalu dalam rahmat dan perlindungan Allah Swt. Aamiin Aamiin YRA
Masya Allah... Broo lim
Assalamualaikum Bro Lim,dakwah bijaksana,berwawasan dan ilmiah, Alhamdullillah Allahuakbar
Suka sangat dengar ceramah broo lim joo son i dr indonesia
Sama sudariku, akupun suka pencerahan brother Lim ini
Amazing dakwa
Barokalloh .
Mantap....sangat jelas
Masyaallah, ustdz Lim Jooi Soon....
Best jugak..malu aku dengan org baru masuk islam berfikir setinggi ini..kita selesa sebab kita lahir2 dah muslim..bila org baru masuk islam sibuk suruh pakai tudung..tengok cara bro ni dakwah, pertamanya kena kenalkan tuhan dulu baru bab hukum..kita sekarang sibuk menghukum..itu sbb dakwah susah nak bukan islam akan pandang islam agama yg rigid, susah..padahal tak sebegitu..jadi nak dakwah memang kena berfikiran dan pendidikan tinggi..
Mantap sangat
Benar & tepat sekali katamu itu
Maju atau mundur sesuatu bangsa itu bukanlah kerana apa-apa agama tetapi kerana daya ussha sesaorang atau bangsa itu. Allah tidak memilih kaum atau bangsa & agama untuk di beri kejayaan asalkan mereka berusaha bersungguh-sungguh akan mendapat apa yg dihajatinya.
I'm non muslim but agree with bang lim
One of the leader in Tabligh Jamat in Malaysia is Abdullah Chong...syura Malaysia in Sri Petaling. Chinese when reverted to Islam will be better than Malay Muslim that not doing DAKWAH😊
Sehat sll ya Ustadz lim, berdakwa terus senang cara dakwanya
Masya ALLAH sangat bermanfaat...smg ALLAH panjangkan umurnya , sehat badan dan murah rezekinya amin Ya Rabbal alamin...👍💪🤲🙏🥰
Semoga Allah jaga bro Lim dalam misi dakwahnya.
Semoga terus diberi kejayaan dalam usaha dakwah, 🤲.
Saya ada doa kpd kawan non muslim, saya adik angkat cina, saya ada kawan baik orng keristen, saya doa sebut nama dia
Doakan mereka agar dapat hidayah Islam
Masya allah
Dinar wujud sebelum zaman nabi isa as lg yg panggil denarius. Di zaman umayyad dinamakan dinar. Wiki
bagi non muslim.. agama mereka membenarkan kahwin muslim, bagi yg muslim tidak dibenarkan kahwin non muslim.. ok.. faham.
Ada ayat dlm AlQur'an yg sebut ttg ini. Jika hdk berkahwin juga, sebelum itu belajar ilmu pengetahuan agama Islam Al Quran dan Sunnah2 Nabi SAW dan peluk Agama Celupan Allah , Islam AdDeen.
Dan belajar serta praktik Agama Islam Celupan Allah secara berterusan.
In syaa Allah.
Apa maksud agama celupan Allah tu?
Ndak ad, 🕉 memperbolehkan kahwin dengan 🕉☸️🙏🏻
Kalau alien 👾 Muslim boleh kahwin Muslim ke
Boleh tau nggak apa itu jissi, kalau ruang dan waktu saya tau ma'af serius nanya🙏
Bro Lim... bukalah kelas agama esp.akidah dll muamalat2 Islam di JB supaya iman kami x turun-naik dan sentiasa mantap hingga ke akhir hayat...saya sedihh sgt dan mahu kekal kata,kalau nak baik maka bergaul/bercampurlah dgn yg truly baik-beragama, disekeliling saya tiada org2 demikian ( mostly x mahu bljr agama dan suka mencampuradukkn yg halal-haram-subahat/muslim yg suka sesat ). Tk.
Thanks Bro
Teknik menjawab pakai akal fikiran manusia..kan lim
saya seronok mendengar
Islam bukan agama orang miskin. Buktinya 4 negara yg nilai tukar mata uangnya tertinggi ada pd negara2 islam ( kwait, oman, bahrain, yordania ). Makanya amerika ngotot ingin mengahancurkan negara2 islam dg cara DEVIDE ET INPERA agar negara tsb mereka cekoki dg hutang bunga tinggi shg negara tsn sll tergantung thd mrk dan dgn demikian mereka bs menaikkan nilai mata uangnya. Contohnya indonesia yg sd masuk ke perangkap mrk, makanya mata uang indonesia (Rp....)akan mereka kendalikan, termasuk IPOLEKSOSBUDHANKAMNAS nya, paham tidak????
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 4
Hagar and Ishmael:
Hagar is a woman from Egypt, at that time Egypt was not an Arab tribe. Ishmael's age was one hundred and thirty-seven years (137 years). After that he died. He died and was gathered to his forefathers. They inhabited the area from Havilah to Shur, which is located east of Egypt towards Assyria (= Syria). They settled down face to face with all their brethren. (Genesis 25:17-1)
I love you karena Allah. Jakarta
terbaikkk bro
Debate with CP
وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللّهُ وَبَرَكَاتهُ
*اللّٰهُمَّ* *صَلِّ* *عَلَى* *سَيِّدِنَا* مُحَمَّدٍ,
*وَعَلَى* *آلِ* *سَيِّدِنَا* *مُحَمَّدٍ* ..
*آمِيْنَ يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ..*🤲 semoga sihat selalu bro lim
Dia kaya karena menjajah dan menggarong harta ,gadis gadis ,tambang,makanan ,rempah ,1/10 an persis politiknya nato dkk plus AS U
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 6
The children of Ketura gave birth to many tribes, where they lived in the Troglodyten Desert, Felix Arabia and so on - evenly over the land of Midian, and the city of Midian which stood in the desert through the Arabian Land of Paran, to the east of the Red Sea. Thus, the people who inhabited the area east of the Red Sea were the descendants of Abraham's second concubine named Keturah. Muhammad was from Mecca. Mecca is a city east of the Red Sea. Let's see the location of the city of Mecca from the following map:
Assalamualaikum brother. My best suggestion to u is bring this question and ask him directly. It's much less likely u'll be answered right here, simply because this is not his channel, Bro Lim's UA-cam channel is DAKWAH_MY. But then again, I'd say u PM him personally, Insyaallah, I'm sure he'll answer.
Hope this helps.
Jika manusia yg terlampau tumpu masa terhadap agama dan pasti dia akan mundur, tak maju dan kurang berjaya kerana masanya terlampau buang masa kepada agamanya jadi dia tidak dapat menumpu masa kepada kerja dan kejayaannya
Ape kena mengena dgn kau kalau kaya atau tidak??
Brother Lim Can You Explain: Part 2
Arabs do not have the slightest record of the history of the life of their ancestors, unlike Israel which has the history books of the Old Testament. From the results of historical searches, we can get an interesting note from historians and scientists of the 2nd century, that the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula east of the Red Sea were the children of descendants of Abraham's second concubine, namely Ketura.
Kalau Lim mati dia masuk neragam atau sorgam, boleh record
Boss, I tengok you komen semua tempat. If you look for an answer you should meet him in person
Lim u kata Muslim sebagai permainanke. Kalah 16-1 betul2 u pun permainan👍🍿
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 5
Kedar Tribe:
During this time, the Kedar tribe (Ishmael's second son) was used as a candidate for Muhammad's ancestor after Ishmael. But it turns out that the Kedar tribe inhabited the north of the Arabian Peninsula according to the instructions of the history book "Genesis 25:17-18". Thus, it is highly probable that the “Quraish” of Mecca and Medina descended from the descendants of Ketura's concubines, and not from Hagar.
Ketura's children include:
#Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Suah. (Genesis 25).
#Just choose: Who is Muhammad's ancestor among the 6 names above!
Patutlah Lim masuk Islam mudah
SATU SAJA PARA MUALAF tak sanggup menjawab silsilah keturunan Muhammad, maka diragukan ke Islama mereka. Mualaf2 keturunan seperti Bro Lim, dllnya tak mampu menjawab dan menjabarkan silsilah keturunan Muhammad, apakah beliau benar2 keturunan Ismael atau bukan. Kalau ini tak terjawab, maka gugurlah sejarah sesungguhnya. Para mualaf2 ini hanya bisa menunjukan kitab2 bidaa Kristen, atau buku2 bidaa yang anti kristus. Buku anti Kristus itu sudah ada sejak ribuan silam hingga sekarang.
Tak pernah pun tengok muslim mendahwah kepada non- muslim di Malaysia?
Tapi, dengar selalu muslim murtad. Lepas itu, kata orang tipu, murrtad kita. Leaps itu, tangkap dia, guna undang- undang untuk menakutkan muslim yang murtad.
Tapi, soalan yang mendalam, mengapa hanya muslim yang kena murtad? Senang nya muslim murtad. Klau guna fornat sama, kristian pun senang di murtad kan. Tapi, jarang dengar pun.
Pergi murtad kan non- muslim (termasuk kristians). Kata Allah benar, tapi dahwah takada. Tangkap sini, tangkap sana power.
Benar kamu tahu ke percayaan kamu?
Brother Lim, Can You Explain: Part 3.
ABRAHAM had 1 wife named Sarai with their son Isaac, Abaraham's first concubine was Hagar (Egyptian woman) with her son Ishmael. His second concubine was Ketura with his children: Zimran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Suah. (Genesis 25).
Looking at this history, according to you which one Muhammad came from?
You can search channel youtube bro Lim jooi soon Dakwah_my
Yg tggalkn Islam selepas tonton UA-cam christian prince tu.. video2 tu semua kajian yg xbetul tentang Islam..bkn xtgok video2 kt situ..sbb kita Islam..kita tau apa yg di sebar di situ..dikupas di situ semua tipu
Kalau ketuk pintu 3 Kali atau Salam, kalau Tak jawap u kena Tengo apa masalahnya buka lari. Munkin mati ditikam atau macam2
I've been watching his talks recently, he was a Buddhist, then a Christian and he become a true muslim. The thing that I come across is he, not even ones criticise the other religion. How come zambri Vinod preach, he only talk the bad things about his previous religion only. What's the different between this two people. Both converted to Islam but their attitude is far different. So not Islam, but the people who had taught them in a different way that brings out their true inner side. Maybe Lim, did he own research to become a Muslim, without any influence from the fanatic ustaz that alway teach their students the other way round, negative taught.
Ustadz ini dari Malaysia,,,mantap sangat2 mengipirasi...🤲💪👍🙏
Proof to the world ,that religion is real..not man made
Brother Lim Can You Explain: Part 1
So far the Quran mentions Muhammad as a descendant of Ishmael, the son of Abraham by his wife Hagar:
During this time, the Arabs claimed their prophet Muhammad was a direct descendant of Ishmael, Abraham's son from his first concubine, Hagar. But it is difficult to prove, because at that time the Arabs were not an educated nation and they did not have a convincing lineage record, apart from the results of the interpretations of the scholars of the last century. There are many versions issued by the Arabs, in order to convince Muslims around the world that their prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael.
Agama ciptaan manusia...semua agama.
Debate with CP
islam is a peaceful religion or religion of peace...those leaving islam for another belief or religion is their on choice and privacy, Only God could punish them and not human.
Lim lompat2 ugama macam katak
bagaimana alqoranboleh memberikan kekayaan kepada seseorang sedangkan nasib dan rezeki seseorang sudah tertulis sebelum kita lahir lagi?? wakakakaka
Pertama, bukan Al-Quran yang mengkayakn manusia tetapi Allah swt.
Kedua, konsep takdir ada Qada dan Qadar. Pengertian Qada ialah sesuatu yg sudah Allah tetapkan atau takdirkan yang tidak boleh di ubah atau berubah contoh jantina seseorang, ada perempuan ada lelaki yang tidak boleh di ubah kewujudanya. Contoh kedua, seperti bumi, bulan dan bintang yg tidak boleh di ubah wujud kejadianya. Contoh ketiga, takdir kejadian Malam dan siang iaitu tidak boleh berubah kepada malam menjadi siang atau pun siang menjadi malam ataupun kita ubah kepada tiada malam dan siang.
Qadar pula takdir yang boleh di ubah. Contoh pertama, kita dalam situasi miskin tetapi dengan berusaha kita boleh jadi kaya. Contoh kedua, kita dalam keadaan takdir sakit, dengan asbab kita minum ubat kita sembuh dengan izin Allah,
Semoga menjawab.
Kalu dorang ceramah secara kpd public ok je,tpi yg bukan sealiran dorang tdk buli......mcm la yg lebih benar segala galanya....ignore ja
Boleh je ....siapa kata tak boleh, dlm UTube pun melambak juga video yg tak sealiran.
Brother lim Joi Soon pengatahuan mu seperti kain buruk a. Alkitab katakan baca kitab klu tak percaya?
Bro lim ada buat kursus utk bljr islam.. so pergi bljr dulu dgn dia.. masa tu tanya lah mcm2 soalan kt bro lim.. u nak terima @ tidak terpulang pd u.. yg penting pergi jumpa & bljr dulu.
And the king said unto the children of Israel, What aileth the LORD with the whole earth?
And (remember) when the angel said: O Mary! Lo! Allah hath chosen you, hath made you pure, and preferred you above all women in the world.
يمَرْيَمُ اقْنُتِيْ لِرَبِّكِ أسْجُدِيْ وَارْكَعِي مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ
O Mary! Obey thy Lord, prostrate thyself, and bow down with those who bow down.
ذلك من انباء الغيب نوحيه اليك وما كنت لديهم اذ يلقون اقلامهم ايهم يكفل مريم وما كنت لديهم اذ يختصمون
Such are some of the unseen tidings which We have revealed to you (O Muhammad). but you were not present with them when they cast their arrows (to vote) which of them would take care of Mary. And you are not present by their side when they quarrel.
اذ قالت الملىكة يمريم ان الله يبشرك بكلمة منه اسمه المسيح عيسى ابن مريم وجيها فى الدنيا والاخرة ومن المقربين
(Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily Allah gives you glad tidings with a word (coming) from Him, the name of Christ Jesus son of Mary, a leader in this world and the Hereafter and among those who are brought near (to Allah),
وَيُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِى الْمَهْدِ وَكَهْلا وَمِنَ الصّٰلِحِينَ
and he spoke to man in the cradle and when he was grown up and he was among the pious. "
قالت رب انى يكون لي ولد ولم يمسسني بشر قال كذلك الله يخلق ما يشاء اذا قضى امرا فانما يقول له كن فيكون
She said: "My Lord! How could I have a son, when no man has touched me!" Allah said (through Gabriel): "Thus Allah creates what He wills. When Allah wills to decide something, then Allah simply says to him:" Be ", and so be he.
And gave him the scripture, and the wisdom, and the glory, and the multitude.
And Allah will teach him the Book, Wisdom, Torah and Gospel.
ورسولا الى بني اسراءيل ە اني قد جئتكم باية من ربكم اني اخلق لكم من الطين كهية الطير فانفخ فيه فيكون طيرا باذن الله وابرئ الاكمه والابرص واحي الموتى باذن الله وانبئكم بما تأكلون وما تدخرون في بيوتكم ان في ذلك لاية لكم ان كنتم مؤمنين
And (as) a messenger unto the Children of Israel (who said to them): "I have come to you with a sign (miracle) from your Lord, that I made for you of earth the shape of a bird, then I blew it, so it became a bird. By the leave of Allah, and I heal the blind from birth and the lepers, and I raise the dead by the permission of Allah, and I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. A sign for you, if you are believers. "
Siapa kata agama Buddha kenapatuh undang2 Lim taktau ajaran bangsa lain. Itulah cakap bukan bukan untuk pujian orang muslim
setiap agama ada aturan dan undang undang nya yang tersendiri.. jadi buat apa beragama kalau tidak patuh pada agama sendiri .. baik jadi ateis.. tak ada agama..hidup buat peraturan sendiri .. bukan tuhan yang mengatur... wkwkwk..
Bangsa u pun Tak follow peraturan?
Tuhan pun Tak suruh tukar bangsa, so fikir dulu
@@Villagevip654 siapa yang suruh kalau masuk islam kena tukar bangsa? tuhan yang suruh? wkwkwk.. kalau tak ada ilmu jangan cakap. nanti kelihatan bodohnya .mana mana bangsa yajg ada di dunia mana ada yang folow peraturan 100 peratus.. nama juga manusia.. bukan sempurna .. yang sempurna cuma tuhan
@@Villagevip654 beri satu contoh satu bangsa tidak pernah buat salah di bumi ini?
Mukzizat kmu ada ka lim joi son. Jangan asik syok kmu bila agama. Agama tak perlu dibela?
Orang macam Lim ini Tak sembayang 5 Kali satu Hari, sebab dia buat promise mana ada masa sembayang?
Bro lim ni buat ceramah pakai akal manusia..hanya untuk duniawi saja..
Another zakir Naik . opportunist
Lim dulu Kristen & Buddha tak dapat dekati dewa2, than baru pilih Islam?
Jadi sales man.
Bila manusia di Malaysia pergi kerumah2 sebagai salesman ketuk rumah, ada bagi masuk Tak? Surh dia balik kan.
lim ...klu ceramah jangan memburuk-burukkan ugama lain..
Brother Lim cerdaaass
I've been watching his talks recently, he was a Buddhist, then a Christian and he become a true muslim. The thing that I come across is he, not even ones criticise the other religion. How come zambri Vinod preach, he only talk the bad things about his previous religion only. What's the different between this two people. Both converted to Islam but their attitude is far different. So not Islam, but the people who had taught them in a different way that brings out their true inner side. Maybe Lim, did he own research to become a Muslim, without any influence from the fanatic ustaz that alway teach their students the other way round, negative taught.
i leave in singapore , after watching UA-cam christian prince on islam last year i decide to leave islam.. all religion is for peace so leaving islam in singapore hve no problem because everyone respect you decision if there is pushment from God then God will punish after you died. for those leaving islam and converting to christian they believed that Jesus will save them as in John 11:14 Jesus said I am your saviors....