Many people ask me how to make Garritan CFX sound better. I've sent the settings by email so far, for those who ask, but I decided to share my setting on my website as comments with email addresses are getting deleted by UA-cam. For my Garritan CFX setting, please check the link below. *Track Info 1. 0:00, Production Voices Concert Grand Compact(Steinway D, 99$) 2. 2:52, Spectrasonics Keyscape(YAMAHA C7 LA Custom, 399$) 3. 5:46, Impact Soundworks Pearl Concert Grand(YAMAHA C7, 119$) 4. 8:39, Modartt Pianoteq 6 Bechstein DG(Bechstein DG, 55$) 5, 11:32, Garritan Abey Road Studios CFX Concert Grand(YAMAHA CFX, 199$) 6. 14:25, VI Labs Ravenscroft 275(Ravenscroft 275, 199$) 7. 17:18, Emebertone Walker Steinway Concert D Lite(Steinway D, 49$) 8. 20:11, Soniccouture Hammersmith Pro(Steinway D, 219$) *악보(Sheet Music) - Korea : - Global : *Website :
Thanks for the review. I heard comments in the past that Hammersmith sounds too bright or harsh, but you managed to play it nicely. I really liked that you finished a song to create overall impression for the listeners which is good but also there is the phrasing comparison for different parts of the song like left hand playing notes back to back or a few high notes playing an arpeggio, etc. that is focusing on one particular quality and task and since it is only a few seconds long, it can be played back to back for all the libraries and this way it’s much easier to compare the quality differences and give the audience a better idea for the tone of the attack vs. body, and the tail when a note is held, vs. sustain pedal, etc. The other very useful comparison is playing a single note or a chord starting from ppp and bring it up to fff. I found that some libraries suddenly reveal the high frequency of the attack above let’s say p or mp almost like an on off switch. I think one would think this issue is because of lack of enough velocity sampling layers but I think it is more to do with treatment of those layers and averaging things out to create that sense of harmonious gradual changes.
Hi. Thank you for the long and detailed comment. Still, many people prefer compariosns with short pieces of music because they don't want to listen to whole songs. But you are true. If you want to know the whole characteristics of one VST, you need to listen to a whole song. In this way, you can hear the transition between phrases very clearly. What is your favorite piano VST?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong I'm still searching. I found that something I tried and it worked suddenly it doesn't work for another piece. I think the issue is not the software, is my expectations that keep changing depending on my objective. I haven't come across a sample library that addresses all the expectations like a real piano. Honestly I'm not even after a grand sample, even an average upright piano can create more satisfaction just the way that everything plays back naturally and there is no flaw sticking up i.e. there is a perfect imperfection that creates a continuity of the tone, dynamics, response, etc. for all the notes and create a harmonious character. I think that natural harmonious character is missing in the sampling libraries. I have a feeling that the modeling could be the answer, may be a few years from now.
I also love the realistic feels from modeled pianos, especially the Pianoteq series. But still I can clearly hear the metallic sound from the Pianoteq. Pianoteq would definitely be my go-to piano if there is no metallic sound there.
@@teoman_acikgoz do you even know what is torrent and how it works? I can't be 100% sure if it is free of viruses, but when there are a lot of people seeding, it seems a bit more trustable. Anyway, I install it using a sandbox software, so if there is some virus, it will be caged in an isolated environment and my system won't be affected. For some people, buying it should be easier 😁
Hi! @Keunyoug Song, how would you compare the Soniccouture Hammersmith to the VI Labs Ravenscroft? I'm about to buy one and I'd like some advice :) Thank you
Hello my friend. I would go for the Ravenscroft if I can buy only one as it could be used for all kinds of music I guess and quite light to run. Hope this helps :D
Thank you Jose for the comment. I have PTQ 6 Standard license and also 7 instrument packs. I mentioned the price only for the single instrument pack as I was not sure if I need to include the license price.
@@johnmanire3380 If Pianoteq is your thing, go for it, but I think it still has a clear modeled sound that makes it too artificial for me to prefer it over something like Garritan or Ravenscroft. It's about as good as modeling gets, though, to be fair.
Nice piece of music! About the test: I'd like to know your order of preference for all the 8 vst pianos :) .... I think that the Walker 55 sounds not so good because the lite version has “just“ 12 velocity sets... in various points of the song the tone and volume vary too much with little variation of the velocity. Did you have the same feeling?
Ho Roby. Thanks for enjoying my music :D About the order of my preference, the best 3 VSTs are PV Concert Grand Compact, Hammersmith Pro, and Keyscape. About Walker D Lite, as you mentioned, it has a limited velocity layers and of course the playability is not that good. Personally it was really hard to fully express my feeling playing this. What piano VST do you use most?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong I own the Ravenscroft 275 and Garritan cfx: I use at the moment only the Garritan: still the most realistic in my opinion, especially because of its incredibly sound “expansion“ when holding down the notes with or without the sus. pedal. It has some small defects, through: some sampling noises (usually not audible), a sort of weakeness in the timbre on the octave above the middle one, and the lack of half pedal.
For soft songs, I use the Garritan CFX most. Its long sustain and rich room ambient make me feel really good when playing soft songs. For pop music, I use Ravenscroft 275 often too. Keep in touch :D
@@PianistKeunyoungSong cool! yes the R275 is quite powerful... but it has a sort of embedded reverb that I cannot eliminate in a good way. I need to test it more and experiment.
@@PianistKeunyoungSong 가상악기 불러오는 방법은 해냈는데요.. 랩탑에 디지털피아노(마스터키보드) 하나만 연결해서 기록용으로 daw를 쓰려고 합니다. 그런데 레이턴시가 있어서 asio를 쓰려 하는데 그렇게 되니 출력 제어가 어려워서 소리가 안 납니다. 게다가 디피가 저가라서 그런지 샘플링 44.1 고정이라 48k asio4all과 호환이 안 되는지 소리가 끊겨 현재는 생으로 연결하고 레이턴시때문에 가상악기 소리를 들으면서 치지는 못 하고 디피 자체 소리로만 치고 있습니다.ㅜㅜ
@@잔바람 저는 지금 오디오인터페이스를 쓰고 있어서 Asio4all 드라이버 설정 관련해서는 드릴 수 있는 도움이 별로 없네요.. ㅠㅠ 기회 되시면 10만원 대의 오인페 하나 장만하시는 것도 괜찮습니다. 소리 퀄리티도 훨씬 더 좋고 DAW도 안정적으로 운영이 가능합니다. ^^
Many people ask me how to make Garritan CFX sound better. I've sent the settings by email so far, for those who ask, but I decided to share my setting on my website as comments with email addresses are getting deleted by UA-cam.
For my Garritan CFX setting, please check the link below.
*Track Info
1. 0:00, Production Voices Concert Grand Compact(Steinway D, 99$)
2. 2:52, Spectrasonics Keyscape(YAMAHA C7 LA Custom, 399$)
3. 5:46, Impact Soundworks Pearl Concert Grand(YAMAHA C7, 119$)
4. 8:39, Modartt Pianoteq 6 Bechstein DG(Bechstein DG, 55$)
5, 11:32, Garritan Abey Road Studios CFX Concert Grand(YAMAHA CFX, 199$)
6. 14:25, VI Labs Ravenscroft 275(Ravenscroft 275, 199$)
7. 17:18, Emebertone Walker Steinway Concert D Lite(Steinway D, 49$)
8. 20:11, Soniccouture Hammersmith Pro(Steinway D, 219$)
*악보(Sheet Music)
- Korea :
- Global :
*Website :
Thanks for the review. I heard comments in the past that Hammersmith sounds too bright or harsh, but you managed to play it nicely. I really liked that you finished a song to create overall impression for the listeners which is good but also there is the phrasing comparison for different parts of the song like left hand playing notes back to back or a few high notes playing an arpeggio, etc. that is focusing on one particular quality and task and since it is only a few seconds long, it can be played back to back for all the libraries and this way it’s much easier to compare the quality differences and give the audience a better idea for the tone of the attack vs. body, and the tail when a note is held, vs. sustain pedal, etc. The other very useful comparison is playing a single note or a chord starting from ppp and bring it up to fff. I found that some libraries suddenly reveal the high frequency of the attack above let’s say p or mp almost like an on off switch. I think one would think this issue is because of lack of enough velocity sampling layers but I think it is more to do with treatment of those layers and averaging things out to create that sense of harmonious gradual changes.
Hi. Thank you for the long and detailed comment. Still, many people prefer compariosns with short pieces of music because they don't want to listen to whole songs. But you are true. If you want to know the whole characteristics of one VST, you need to listen to a whole song. In this way, you can hear the transition between phrases very clearly.
What is your favorite piano VST?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong I'm still searching. I found that something I tried and it worked suddenly it doesn't work for another piece. I think the issue is not the software, is my expectations that keep changing depending on my objective. I haven't come across a sample library that addresses all the expectations like a real piano. Honestly I'm not even after a grand sample, even an average upright piano can create more satisfaction just the way that everything plays back naturally and there is no flaw sticking up i.e. there is a perfect imperfection that creates a continuity of the tone, dynamics, response, etc. for all the notes and create a harmonious character. I think that natural harmonious character is missing in the sampling libraries. I have a feeling that the modeling could be the answer, may be a few years from now.
I also love the realistic feels from modeled pianos, especially the Pianoteq series. But still I can clearly hear the metallic sound from the Pianoteq. Pianoteq would definitely be my go-to piano if there is no metallic sound there.
Very well done. Beautiful arrangement and a great way to present these beautiful libraries side by side.
Thank you Simeon. Hope this helps.
What piano vst do you play often?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong 그의 채널에 가면 대부분의 피아노리뷰를 볼수있습니다 ( 많은 회사들이 그에게 제품을 제공하는)
어느 한제품을 꼭집어 말하지는 않지만 (그가 연주하면 다좋음^^), Gerritan CFX를 제일 우선순위로 사용한다는듯..
Production Voices Concert Grand Compact ... and the full version even better :)))
I have Gold and compact version of it. But still prefer compact one. Just sounds much better for me :D
영상 늘 잘보고 있습니다.
개인적으로 피아노텍6
과 게리탄 CFX의 소리가
마음에 드네요^^ 참고로
저는 더 그랜져 유저입니다
앞으로 좋은 ccm곡들 더욱
자주 올려주시면 넘 좋을
것 같습니다. 기대할께요^^
저도 더그랜저로 가상악기 입문을 시작하였습니다. ^^ 그래서 초반에는 거의 다 더그랜져 통해서 녹음을 했던 것 같네요.
CCM 곡들 앞으로도 많이 업로드 예정이니 많이 기대해 주세요 ^^
덕분에 좋은 가상악기 소리들을 들을 수 있어 좋은 시간이었습니다:-) 향후 앨범작업때 쓸 피아노 소리를 고르고있는데 송근영님의 채널이 앞으로 많은 참고가 될 것 같아요☺️
도움이 되었다니 다행입니다. 요즘은 가상악기가 평준화되어서 어느 악기를 사용하든 만족도가 높을 거에요.
즐거운 음악생활 하시기 바랍니다 ^^
Thank you very much
Thank you for emjoying my review. :D
잘 보고 있습니다.
바이노럴(연주자 관점)만 비교해주시면 좋을 것 같아요 또, 최저음역대 최고음역대 비교도 부탁해요
연주자 관점도 한 번 비교해봐야 겠습니다. 아이디어 감사합니다.
연주자 관점도 한 번 비교해봐야 겠습니다. 아이디어 감사합니다.
I love how the first piano requires your credit card and name and address and absolutely everythign to download the $0-00 demo.
I didn't know there is a free demo for Production Voices Concert Grand. Thanks :D
I just bought the full version for $0 in piratebay and no credit card required.
Eduardo M :) omg
Eduardo M Wait, how do you download from the website? And how can you know if it isn’t a virus?
@@teoman_acikgoz do you even know what is torrent and how it works? I can't be 100% sure if it is free of viruses, but when there are a lot of people seeding, it seems a bit more trustable. Anyway, I install it using a sandbox software, so if there is some virus, it will be caged in an isolated environment and my system won't be affected. For some people, buying it should be easier 😁
1 & 6!!
Those are one of my favourite :D
Hi! @Keunyoug Song, how would you compare the Soniccouture Hammersmith to the VI Labs Ravenscroft? I'm about to buy one and I'd like some advice :) Thank you
Hello my friend. I would go for the Ravenscroft if I can buy only one as it could be used for all kinds of music I guess and quite light to run. Hope this helps :D
@@PianistKeunyoungSong: Thank you so much for answering and...that fast!! :)
@@68caribou I'd go with the Production Voices library over either of those.
Price on Pianoteq 6 Bechstein is not exact, as you should have already a Pianoteq license. All in all, great demo!
Thank you Jose for the comment. I have PTQ 6 Standard license and also 7 instrument packs. I mentioned the price only for the single instrument pack as I was not sure if I need to include the license price.
@@PianistKeunyoungSong 그렇게 계산하면 키스케이프는 36개 악기에 $399입니다^^ (대략 $20짜리 피아노죠)
Pianoteq Standard를 살려면 세일을해도 최소구매가가 $200~300 입니다 ( 3가지 악기 포함) 프로는 여기에 $100 이상 추가해야하고.
그럴 수도 있겠네요. 피아노텍은 별도로 악기팩을 구할 수 있어서 개별악기 가격을 표시하였습니다 ^^
Why did you not use Pianoteq 6 Steinway D?
Hi John.
Pianoteq's pianos didn't go well with the song. That's why I didn't put Pianoteq 6 for the comparison.
I've yet to hear any VST pianos that are superior to Pianoteq 6 Steinway D.
@@johnmanire3380 If Pianoteq is your thing, go for it, but I think it still has a clear modeled sound that makes it too artificial for me to prefer it over something like Garritan or Ravenscroft. It's about as good as modeling gets, though, to be fair.
First Pearl concert, and after ravenscroft
These days, I play with Pearl Concert Grand most of the time. Amazing sample library.
Nice piece of music! About the test: I'd like to know your order of preference for all the 8 vst pianos :) .... I think that the Walker 55 sounds not so good because the lite version has “just“ 12 velocity sets... in various points of the song the tone and volume vary too much with little variation of the velocity. Did you have the same feeling?
Ho Roby. Thanks for enjoying my music :D
About the order of my preference, the best 3 VSTs are PV Concert Grand Compact, Hammersmith Pro, and Keyscape.
About Walker D Lite, as you mentioned, it has a limited velocity layers and of course the playability is not that good. Personally it was really hard to fully express my feeling playing this.
What piano VST do you use most?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong I own the Ravenscroft 275 and Garritan cfx: I use at the moment only the Garritan: still the most realistic in my opinion, especially because of its incredibly sound “expansion“ when holding down the notes with or without the sus. pedal. It has some small defects, through: some sampling noises (usually not audible), a sort of weakeness in the timbre on the octave above the middle one, and the lack of half pedal.
For soft songs, I use the Garritan CFX most. Its long sustain and rich room ambient make me feel really good when playing soft songs.
For pop music, I use Ravenscroft 275 often too. Keep in touch :D
@@PianistKeunyoungSong cool! yes the R275 is quite powerful... but it has a sort of embedded reverb that I cannot eliminate in a good way. I need to test it more and experiment.
Roby Alt Garritan CFX does actually have re-pedaling and half pedaling
6번 악기가 듣기 괜찮네요. 연산처리된 건 이질적이라서 아쉽군요.
귀중한 자료 정말 감사합니다~
Ravenscroft 정말 명기에요. 장르 구분 없이 여기저기 잘 어울릴만한 톤을 가지고 있습니다. 잔바람님께서는 주로 어떤 가상악기 쓰시나요?
@@PianistKeunyoungSong 어제 처음 스튜디오 원 깔아서 모르는게 많습니다. 피아노 톤 듣는 건 daw초보도 할 수 있다보니 가상악기 찾다가 흘러들어왔어요 ㅎㅎ
@@잔바람 처음 시작만 조금 어렵지 DAW에서 가상악기를 불러오는 것까지만 하시면 끝납니다. 천천히 공부하시면서 가상악기의 세계에 푹 한 번 빠져보시기 바랍니다. ^^
@@PianistKeunyoungSong 가상악기 불러오는 방법은 해냈는데요.. 랩탑에 디지털피아노(마스터키보드) 하나만 연결해서 기록용으로 daw를 쓰려고 합니다. 그런데 레이턴시가 있어서 asio를 쓰려 하는데 그렇게 되니 출력 제어가 어려워서 소리가 안 납니다. 게다가 디피가 저가라서 그런지 샘플링 44.1 고정이라 48k asio4all과 호환이 안 되는지 소리가 끊겨 현재는 생으로 연결하고 레이턴시때문에 가상악기 소리를 들으면서 치지는 못 하고 디피 자체 소리로만 치고 있습니다.ㅜㅜ
@@잔바람 저는 지금 오디오인터페이스를 쓰고 있어서 Asio4all 드라이버 설정 관련해서는 드릴 수 있는 도움이 별로 없네요.. ㅠㅠ
기회 되시면 10만원 대의 오인페 하나 장만하시는 것도 괜찮습니다. 소리 퀄리티도 훨씬 더 좋고 DAW도 안정적으로 운영이 가능합니다. ^^
Peu importe le son du piano il faut savoir le faire sonner harmonieusement
Merci pour le commentaire!
embertone and pianoteq sounds bad compared to the others
I guess it all depends on the personal preferences. All sounds very unique.