Mongolia Charity Rally - The only Mongol Rally all for Charity!

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
    The Mongolia Charity Rally is a pan-continental drive for charity across numerous mountain ranges, deserts and more barren and inhospitable lands than you care to shake a gear-stick at, that starts in London, with a final destination in Ulan Bataar, the capital of Mongolia. It is a charitable event which involves teams of two participants driving a vehicle to Mongolia that meets certain eligibility requirements, including that it be worth more than US$1,000 at auction in Mongolia. Participants are also required to raise a minimum of £1,000 for charity, split between UK based charities and destination based charities.
    The drive is completely unsupported, and teams may take any route from London to Mongolia that they choose. Typically, these routes either involve a drive via a northern route through Moscow, or a southern route through Turkmenistan. The length of the drive is approximately 10,000 miles, and takes approximately 25 days.
    Charity Rallies brings together a number of charitable vehicle related events under the domain, including the Mongolia Charity Rally, and the Roof of the World Rally (to Tajikistan).
    Charity Rallies is operated and managed by Go Help, a UK based registered charity, whose trustees are all unpaid volunteers.
    Interested in finding out more? Check out to sign-up to the adventure of a life-time!