When you spend this kind of money on your Van hoping to travel in your retirement people often don’t know what the builders plan for maintenance is. Traveling thousands of miles back to your builder is not efficient costs a lot of money and if they aren’t going to stand behind the quality of the systems they installed in your Van then what’s the point? The point is the entire industry needs stricter quality and warranty policies. Upgrading every system in just a few years would never be acceptable with a vehicle or a home! But when you are in the buying process everything they are installing is the best of the best! A bit hypocritical wouldn’t you think? When you are stranded and need urgent repairs the builder should be covering these costs! Especially when you just had the builder install an upgraded system only 3 months earlier!
Completely agree about builder quality issues and inconvenience trying to get service. Great video. Thanks for sharing
@@vanlifewithsteve9875 thanks, this video is just the beginning.
When you spend this kind of money on your Van hoping to travel in your retirement people often don’t know what the builders plan for maintenance is. Traveling thousands of miles back to your builder is not efficient costs a lot of money and if they aren’t going to stand behind the quality of the systems they installed in your Van then what’s the point? The point is the entire industry needs stricter quality and warranty policies. Upgrading every system in just a few years would never be acceptable with a vehicle or a home! But when you are in the buying process everything they are installing is the best of the best! A bit hypocritical wouldn’t you think?
When you are stranded and need urgent repairs the builder should be covering these costs! Especially when you just had the builder install an upgraded system only 3 months earlier!