Does Nobel count as a horrible bad lego champ? Or does the fact you can use him to give Ninja a +1 negate his unusefulness? Even though new players can no longer GET Ninja? OMG THIS IS A TOP TEN RAID MORAL DILEMMA!!
i'm gonna be rude, don't take it wrong... shard is shard, charred is like choice.. champ... ch ch ch. i don't suffer from OCD, i benefit from CDO which is exactly like OCD only in alphabetical order... LIKE IT SHOULD BE
at least there is no way that you can pull those horrible DT champions with shards. so, i think it's not fair placing them on the top of list tbh. Jingwon will be always the worst legendary champion in the game, because his kit sucks and he is a void leggo.
@@sigurd6909 jingwon is NOT BAD ANYMORE! He´s the best debuff extender (A2) and his passive is bonkers against many teams. He´s the only champ that can 100% can take care of the crowdcontrol debuffs, even more reliable than a 1200effective resistance mithrala. Especially in live arena, where enemy´s don´t get to see your team from the start jingwon is rly good as a counterpick for kymar and many stun/provoke/frezze/sleep champs.
hakkorn was my 2nd legendary after scylle so i probably have a bit of nostalgia for him but i think he's great if you get him early when you're just starting to learn how to gear champions because he's really easy to build. his big damage ability cannot crit so straight away that's 2 stats you don't need crit rate or crit dmg, he's hp based so don't need atk either. so the way to build him is speed to make up for the bad cooldowns and a tonne of hp so he smacks and heals as much as possible, if you want the single target stun then add some accuracy and your good to go. imo they just need to make the hp sacrifice skill give him unkillable buff like the epic in the same faction taurus.
SMASHLORD was my first Leggo. I think the's still underrated, but he's still MID. He had one of the best group heals in the game, but now outdone by Woad Painted. Great call above on lack of needs for building, HP, SPD and good to go. Reflex or Relentless make the poor cooldowns more tolerable.
Nogdar had In the sun (or however long it was) when he was the best lego EVER when Sand Devil came out, though. HE HAD A MOMENT, DAMMIT!!! AND IT WAS RED HOT!!
What I like about Queen Eva is that she can farm effectively at lvl 50. For a new player she is so easy to build and use, but for an endgame player her value decreases.
MY BOY GROHAK!?!!?! First leggo I ever pulled, me and him go way back. I love Grohak as a champ he can do insane damage plus awesome turn meter manipulation
I pulled Lanakis and Nethril today during the extra legendary event and wasn't all that hyped about them but after seeing this video, I'm thankful I pulled them and none of these 20. Thank you Ash, you saved my night.
@@speachless88 Yeah I'm gonna try building her out and seeing if she improves my CB team. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the other champs for the infinity comp and this is my first Lanakis so that's not an option.
I am actually using an increase resistance hydra Brutal team because i dont have a mischief tank (mid game account), so a resistance aura + Oella for the increase res meant that my whole team could resist the buff steal and i didn't have to worry, took me comfortably past a one key
I dont use Narma much these days but for a long time she was my best poisoner (and the healing and buff extension does not hurt). Helped me get through clan boss and two key UNM. Also helped me get through nightmare campaign. I wish they make her poison attack AOE because then I would definitely start uysing her again.
@@MindlessTube Yeah I can not understand why people seem to hate her. I admit there are many better champs, but she has heal, some debuffs, poison sensitivity, and up top three poisons that she can extend if I remember correctly? Once I got Bad-El it was pretty much goodbye as he is better with the poisons, heals and cleanses but she did wonders for me when I had few other alternatives. The only real issue, i suppose, is the insane amount of books you need. Luckily when I built her I had next to no other leggos to spend books on anyway...
Won't be long before Razelvarg ends up on this list. I put so much effort into fusing him and he sucks. Then as salt in the wound,I pulled a Mortu during the double leggo event and got another Razelvarg as my bonus champ. Absolutely brutal.
Her buff made her more viable in certain areas of the game, however I wish they would redo her A2 ability, as she only places weaken on enemies with freeze. I would say that in order for this to work, her A3 needs changed yet again. It needs to be changed to "Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% of placing a freeze for one turn. Grants an extra turn" Or Remove the conditional freeze and just place the weaken without having a freeze. There is no synergy in her kit because of this. Although I went up against her paired with Yakarl the scrouge. When she's paired with another freeze champion, she's great, or if used in Faction wars, pair her with Shirimani. But I agree, she's a B- to C+ tier legendary
I'm a level 100 player and I just slaughtered another level 100 player with Fortus. Elva/Krisk/UDK/Fortus Vs Deliana/Arbiter/Ghostborn/Trundle UDK is a slow tanky punching bag, Krisk is a speedy relentless debugger, and Elva is a tanky cleanser with Hugh resist. Fortus slaughtered the other team with 170k damage. Krisk 77k, UDK 42k, Elva 26k. The highest damage on other team was deliana at 57k. --i built Fortus slow, with defense % chest and boots. Only have 50% crit rate on him but his crit damage is 280. His accuracy is also 280. Staltus was the champ I had that the other player banned. I expected Elva or even Krisk to be banned, but I wasn't worried that Staltus was. Fortus has, apparently, no damage cap on that A3. Provided you can stay alive long enough, he'll smash through the incredibly tanky live arena defenses.
Those of these I've built; Agnar: he actually helped me in HP secret rooms. I have him in a Provoke set, he's a control beast. Guurda, Fun with a poison exploder, and someone like Gisnak to keep the debuffs coming and the turnmeters of other team dropping. SMASHLORD: see Rowan's post below. Great content Ash, thanks as always.
Might be a good idea next time you look at some legos that are trash or need a buff, is explain what could be changed on their current kit to make them not trash.
I have used Nogdar in Doom Tower to kill the Frost Spiderlings. His a3 makes that fight shorter. Aside from FW, that is the only other place I have tried him.
8:30 hey now, that happens to be my first legendary champion ever. I tried getting him in a fragment event, but failed having only 15 fragments, and then, for no reason, I randomly summoned a ancient shard after all the events and tournaments were gone, and SOMEHOW got him. He helped me and my champions win impossible tasks such as defeating the scarab king for the first time. He also helped me win arena battles against level 60 legendary champions even when he was the last one standing in my team.
I use Raf in my dt team he is great as a provoke and the a1 help me to deal with the Siphi and all those champion, I don’t think he is bad, just not top tier that’s for sure.
And what does this immunity give him? Well, Mitral doesn't control him, but what's the use? He can't attack, has no useful skills. Just meat that cannot be controlled)). Pifiona is much better. And it puts immunity on everyone.
1st of all, Nodgar is the most underrated Arena champion in Raid. I love when players play against my team in Arena. He has a very good ability against tank champions, he can suck their life from them as well as self revive from critical attacks. The Frenzy set up is a bonus because, he keep going turn after turn until the enemies are dead. Along with Frenzy, if Nogdar kills an enemy with his basic ability, he goes again making very useful in Arena. He is on my speed Arena team on Gold 5. Not as bad as you think, I also use him in dungeons. No good in Spider and Clan Boss.❤❤❤❤
I agree with your entire list minus grohak, but solely in live arena, sneaky nuker they don't see coming, or paired with tuhak in pve stuff, I think there are plenty more to add to your list as well, great video ash 👏
Narma is also 16 books... *16-frigging-leggo-books!* That's one thing that no buff can change! Can you imagine Plarium reducing the book amount and returning the books to those who used them? Heh... Raf Matab was great when released, along with Nari he was clutch for me to finish DT hard for the first time. But now, yeah, waiting for a gear removal discount... Roric! Aw man, was that a disappointment. Fohr-Toos (you said it right!) was a *rip off,* a guaranteed they promised to fix and the buff was crap. A swindle, grift, brutal, outright theft. Annd the rest were spot on brother. Fun fact: Got your recently released Guurda guide opened on a tab next to this one hahaha was about to watch it next 😂 Will regardless! TYVM for the vid!
I've had Queen Eva for a couple years now. Still level 50, no Masteries, no books. And she's still my campaign farmer. I can't say she's terrible because I spent Zero resources to get a 10 second farmer. She even farmed her own EXP once I had her built.
You're spot on about Queen Eva. She's the only legendary I've ever gotten when she was in a 10x, but that was way back when there were far less leggos in the game. She is my campaign farmer - and was a warm body in FW until I got to the higher levels where she became useless. I can't believe HH has Minaya ranked so low. She is insane for low-mid level accounts. I got her on my baby account and she's darn near immortal. I think if her A2 was changed and she had a rez or revive on death or something along those lines she'd be ranked much higher.
for me i made roric super fast, turn off his a3, and i use him for tm and cc of enemy team, fun to note in arena if they have udk, you can target someone else and a chance to stun both the person you target and udk cause the first hit transfers over. but if they dont get stunned you just get more tm on the a1 to cycle back to tm drop and stuns, use him for my spider team control and for alot of doom tower hard waves
I have my Roric in retaliation with high speed and acc with some ok dmg. But ya he's great for spider and arena control and with the right great he'll use his a3 passive to help chip away at people. Not the best champ but definitely underrated. Just don't book him... Lol
Is Sniktraak any good? I just started yesterday and I have Kael, Deacon, Ronda, & Sniktraak. Got Sniktraak from the event thing. Also any tips on who I should focus next after I 6 star Kael?
Thanks, Ash. For F2P and low/moderate spenders a trash leggo is the absolute worst, because building them out requires a bunch of legendary books. It also stings when you finally get your mercy legendary pull, but it's one of these guys.
I'm going to make a +4 Nogdar and answer that same Question Ash. Video coming soon! Also I'm sad to see sooo many champs that I have (in the vault, with multiple copies) on your list. Plarium really need to go hard at some of these Champ buffs, they need to go through more than they currently do. PS - Hakkorn "Smashlord" should be the Skinwalkers equivalent to Mortu imo, needs a massive damage buff.
I'm still sore I spent cash to get Fortus during the guaranteed event and he just instantly went into the vault to seemingly never come out. I also got a six star soul for Gamuran and Hakkrohn, so this list stings.
So as an Ultan event winner i think he is pretty decent the sleep comes with an extra turn most of the time and his a2 has a crazy high dmg when paired with gerptuck (like 500k unbooked) hes not gonna be great end game im sure but in the mid game to early hes not bad idk if i could put him lower than narma as shes not as good and needs the books. You should do a vid on how to improve these champs.
Has anyone tried out Thea as nuker in spider hard along with another hexer like mithrala? Would she be easier to build with enough damage than say, a royal guard?
The problem with Narma is that she's seen as a clan Boss champion, but it's not the place where she shines. She works amazing to support your team and especially Geo in Iron Twins (disable her A3 here). her 4 debuffs on 1-hit makes her a semi-replacement for Riho on Sand Devil. Plus she's really good against the hard hitting hard mode dragon, especially paired with another poisoner (like Teo). You should really give her a chance on a champion guide
Raf-Matab. I actually am running this guy in bolster and immortal gear with as many HP stats as possible and currently he's a crucial part for me against scarab king. His very high health and heal together with the invincibility from Stampede make him able to outlast scarab king even with the freaking provoke onslaught.
Fortunately I only have 3 of those champions! Thankfully I haven’t built any of them. I don’t have good enough gear and champions to do doom tower hard so won’t be getting some of those. All good! Thanks Ash!! I love all your content!! You are my top two raid content creators!!
Hey Ash. Narma is one of the best champions in the game. She makes 25 mio Damage at CB6. She is great. If you pull this Champion , you can be happy. I can really not understand, why you think, this is a bad Legi 🙂 Happy weekend from Germany. Sorry for my english
Some days I swear the game gives me the worst it can.... The ones I have: Narma (literally only useful in CB and out-classed by epics), Raf-Matab x2, Gamuran x2, Roric x2, Hakkorhn, and dishonorable mention to Nobel (x2) since I don't have a Ninja! My 'S tier leggos' (4.5+): Acrizia, Cardiel (bit overrated tbh), Duchess, Teodor, Baron, Cupidus (no Venus, so not really S tier), Geogrid, and Leorius. Not including 'free'/progression champs like Arbiter and Mithrala since I don't have dupes of them and not have the RNG on shards for them...unlike those awful champs. I got a TON more garbage leggos (Pyxniel x2, Nari, Var-Gall x2, Bystophus) I would not waste time or resources leveling beyond level 1. Never mind 6* them. Bet my next void is Jingwon. Since my ratio is 5:4 and getting too close to even on 'garbage to quality' (only including ones on list).
Where's Opardin Clanfather? I've had him for 6 months and I constantly have to fight the urge to save a day upgrading 5 star food and feed him out of my life.
Hotter in Massechusettes (91) than here in Florida (82) today? 😆 Time to visit Disney World again to "cool off"? 😁 I unfortunately have Nogdar, Gromlok, Thea, Grohak, Elegaius, Roric and Guurda all collecting dusk in the vault.😭 I have used Hakkorhn in a shield set. He helped me finish faction wars and was useful in some dungeon and doom tower teams and even good for an arena go 2nd team with other shield set champs to block the other teams 1st round of nukes if they don't have a stripper to rip my shields.
Ash, brother, all 3 of my Pyxniel's would like to have a word with you. She literally cannot be used anywhere in this game, not even in Faction Crypts. This is a huge wiff on your part. I used Guurda at lvl 50 with no masteries to get through faction crypt. She isn't nearly as bad as you make her out to be.
I've got 2 Nogdars. 1 built for the fun frenzy set and got me through some content, but haven't used him since. The other sits with the built one as faction guardians now. Gamuran's kit is really interesting and I really wish I could put him to use, but yeah... he needs a buff. Ultan, I don't have, but he reminds me so much of the late 80s cartoon/comics/toys, Sectaurs! Just for that I kind of want to pull him, but obviously have a long list I rather get before him. Recently pulled Fortus. I think he looks cool... needs a buff. When I pulled Jingwon and read his kit, I was kind of hoping for a great champ for arena or maybe CB or hydra. I think Deadwood did something with him for CB? But he isn't great. Needs a buff. I don't have Gronjarr, but I hope he gets a big buff some day and that I manage to get him. The kit is meh in the current state, but I get what they were aiming for him to do. Again, he needs a buff. HH's list... Suzerain Katonn? I'm honestly surprised he is on the list. Sure, he isn't a nuker, but all of his attacks are AOEs with debuffs. I find him to be pretty useful. Samar?! HH, why? Samar is my go-to for Scarab King. So sure, a niche use, but enough that I don't think I could get by the Scarab King without him. Opardin as well? He is a really good healer/utility champ that I use in my current 2-key CB team. He put MK and Nari on the list too? I mean... Nari I just like, but I get isn't top tier in the slightest, but worst...? MK on the other hand can smack like a truck, granted single targets. He has won me some arena fights, even though I have him geared "wrong". I'm surprised Bystophus wasn't on your list or even HH's list. A champ I have, but I can't find a use for him. Nor do I ever see him recommended for anything.
Fortus has suprised me acouple of times in live arena. Met him as a defensive nuker with that secret skill and his survival skill aint bad for arena either
I don' t agree with Thea the Tomb Angel on this list. Besides raw damage, one thing she does have since her buff is a fast rotation back to her smack and constant veil protection. She is really neat for wave-based content. Great for Doom Tower if you don't have a fixed Seer team
3 months in as a f2p and Holsring was my first leggo pulled. I saw the hate he gets and I haven't ranked him past 50. Surprised he didn't make the list? Is he really worth investing in or should I save resources for the next f2p leggo I pull in like 6-8 months.
Haha! and autumn started here. I can feel the scorching heat leave this country, and OH LALA! Welcome to the cold, comfy sleeps without rolling all over the place, hot beverages, soups! stews! comfy clothes! You guys can keep the heat up there.
I'd swap Roric for Pixnel all day everyday. But I appreciate the respect for Warchief he's the king of lock down. No books but he'll keep the head of decay doing 2 things. Jack and squat.
Thank god at least i haven't pull any of this trash. I got an elder skarg and a harvest who are pretty weird though. Also, i got a Shamrock today but I think he is ok with Seer for wave clearing.
Searsha was an odd decision. If she had been op/ good, everyone would blame plarium for forcing player to spend money on her. Now, she is so bad, everyone is blaming plarium for making her bad
Wow you're getting cooked for this time of year. I'm in southern AZ and your temps are nearly what we're seeing. I pulled Angar pretty early on and thought he was going to be great, but wow. He's just useless. Boo! Anyway, more cat content, please. Also, "exaggetory" is my new favorite word. 😄
I don't have Narma, but her kit screams CB absolute boss. Just put her in reflex and she is gonna go nuts. (turn off the heal) I feel like it's legitmately stupid to put her in a worst legendary list. Why do I feel like this is just the case of CC's not using her and having a consensus of "she's bad". Also your hate on searsha is just because you spent so much, she has good multipliers and great provoke set usage. Also her base stats aren't bad what are you talking about lol.
I use haskrouls increase resist to get past bommel works pretty well as far as I can get to the second bommol on the doom tower hard track also on the team is drex, thylssia, and bad el kazar
I have all of these in my vault except the $$$ Charred champion and the new guy (Ultan of the Shell), Angar, and Jingwon. Most of them I even have as dupes! I would have included Annie, Suzerain Katonn, Pyxniel, and my first Lego: Skartosis!
What’s crazy is I’ve been playing for a long time, but took a long break and just got back into it last month. Also been watching your vids for years and on one of them Teela and I believe Skull Lord were up there on the list and I was upset I had them. So crazy that they’re quite useful now haha, built Skull to solo Scarab and for Hydra and Teela for hydra.
I thought I'd have more of those ... but only a few. I don't count Drokgul or Thea, fusion and reward (and I don't use either). Angar actually was helpful in FW and early Doom Tower for crowd control for me. Queen Eva is sitting in my vault. So I do disagree a bit with the Angar, he might not be a huge hitter, he is decent at crowd control early on.
I know there will be a LOT of disagreement on this one :D Let me have it in the comments!!!
Does Nobel count as a horrible bad lego champ? Or does the fact you can use him to give Ninja a +1 negate his unusefulness? Even though new players can no longer GET Ninja? OMG THIS IS A TOP TEN RAID MORAL DILEMMA!!
I feel like there’s a bomb in the room not being addressed and her name is Pixniel easily worst lego in game she is trash even after 2 buffs
i'm gonna be rude, don't take it wrong... shard is shard, charred is like choice.. champ... ch ch ch. i don't suffer from OCD, i benefit from CDO which is exactly like OCD only in alphabetical order... LIKE IT SHOULD BE
at least there is no way that you can pull those horrible DT champions with shards. so, i think it's not fair placing them on the top of list tbh.
Jingwon will be always the worst legendary champion in the game, because his kit sucks and he is a void leggo.
@@sigurd6909 jingwon is NOT BAD ANYMORE! He´s the best debuff extender (A2) and his passive is bonkers against many teams. He´s the only champ that can 100% can take care of the crowdcontrol debuffs, even more reliable than a 1200effective resistance mithrala. Especially in live arena, where enemy´s don´t get to see your team from the start jingwon is rly good as a counterpick for kymar and many stun/provoke/frezze/sleep champs.
For once, I have almost the whole list :)
😂😂 same lol
hakkorn was my 2nd legendary after scylle so i probably have a bit of nostalgia for him but i think he's great if you get him early when you're just starting to learn how to gear champions because he's really easy to build. his big damage ability cannot crit so straight away that's 2 stats you don't need crit rate or crit dmg, he's hp based so don't need atk either. so the way to build him is speed to make up for the bad cooldowns and a tonne of hp so he smacks and heals as much as possible, if you want the single target stun then add some accuracy and your good to go. imo they just need to make the hp sacrifice skill give him unkillable buff like the epic in the same faction taurus.
SMASHLORD was my first Leggo. I think the's still underrated, but he's still MID. He had one of the best group heals in the game, but now outdone by Woad Painted. Great call above on lack of needs for building, HP, SPD and good to go. Reflex or Relentless make the poor cooldowns more tolerable.
The one thing I will say about Eva is she can farm campaign at level 50 without books or masteries. So her value is about 5 chickens.
Nogdar had In the sun (or however long it was) when he was the best lego EVER when Sand Devil came out, though. HE HAD A MOMENT, DAMMIT!!! AND IT WAS RED HOT!!
What I like about Queen Eva is that she can farm effectively at lvl 50. For a new player she is so easy to build and use, but for an endgame player her value decreases.
MY BOY GROHAK!?!!?! First leggo I ever pulled, me and him go way back. I love Grohak as a champ he can do insane damage plus awesome turn meter manipulation
Time to see like 8 of my fave leggos let's gooo
i've pulled 3 leggos so far... all of which were on this list. (ultan, guurda, angar)
I pulled Lanakis and Nethril today during the extra legendary event and wasn't all that hyped about them but after seeing this video, I'm thankful I pulled them and none of these 20. Thank you Ash, you saved my night.
Thanks for watching, John! :)
bro those are great pulls tbh. Atleast better than mine , Pixniel and Skull Lord Shit bag
Lanakis has a buff extension and can be speed tuned with her CRIT BUFF to be a huge part of a team. She's on the infinity clan boss team
@@speachless88 Yeah I'm gonna try building her out and seeing if she improves my CB team. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the other champs for the infinity comp and this is my first Lanakis so that's not an option.
@@SushiParty Only use her if you want the buff extension then, she won't help otherwise.
I am actually using an increase resistance hydra Brutal team because i dont have a mischief tank (mid game account), so a resistance aura + Oella for the increase res meant that my whole team could resist the buff steal and i didn't have to worry, took me comfortably past a one key
What was funny to me. HH did a live video with a Kraken guest star who used Searsha in all the hard mode dungeons. HH was so confused lol.
I dont use Narma much these days but for a long time she was my best poisoner (and the healing and buff extension does not hurt). Helped me get through clan boss and two key UNM. Also helped me get through nightmare campaign. I wish they make her poison attack AOE because then I would definitely start uysing her again.
Yah she seems amazing for CB, +debuffs, Psn, psn sensitivy, and 50% decrease attack with heals! seems amazing compared to champs I have.
@@MindlessTube Yeah I can not understand why people seem to hate her. I admit there are many better champs, but she has heal, some debuffs, poison sensitivity, and up top three poisons that she can extend if I remember correctly? Once I got Bad-El it was pretty much goodbye as he is better with the poisons, heals and cleanses but she did wonders for me when I had few other alternatives.
The only real issue, i suppose, is the insane amount of books you need. Luckily when I built her I had next to no other leggos to spend books on anyway...
Norma got me to unm clan boss I don’t use her anymore but I think she’s great for progression
The problem is that it takes so freaking many books to max her out... I think something like 17 books?..
I use her as slow boi in my budget unkillable team. Might not be the top job for a legendary but she does it really well.
Won't be long before Razelvarg ends up on this list. I put so much effort into fusing him and he sucks. Then as salt in the wound,I pulled a Mortu during the double leggo event and got another Razelvarg as my bonus champ. Absolutely brutal.
I have nearly all of these champs guarding my vault...but I cannot believe Pyxniel didn't make this list.
Her recent buff made her a decent B- tier Lego
Her buff made her more viable in certain areas of the game, however I wish they would redo her A2 ability, as she only places weaken on enemies with freeze. I would say that in order for this to work, her A3 needs changed yet again.
It needs to be changed to "Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% of placing a freeze for one turn. Grants an extra turn"
Remove the conditional freeze and just place the weaken without having a freeze. There is no synergy in her kit because of this.
Although I went up against her paired with Yakarl the scrouge. When she's paired with another freeze champion, she's great, or if used in Faction wars, pair her with Shirimani.
But I agree, she's a B- to C+ tier legendary
Aoe freeze is not bad.
@@Lilliana1 True, it isn't bad. It's actually a great ability. I just wish her A2 had more value.
I'm a level 100 player and I just slaughtered another level 100 player with Fortus.
UDK is a slow tanky punching bag, Krisk is a speedy relentless debugger, and Elva is a tanky cleanser with Hugh resist.
Fortus slaughtered the other team with 170k damage.
Krisk 77k, UDK 42k, Elva 26k.
The highest damage on other team was deliana at 57k.
--i built Fortus slow, with defense % chest and boots. Only have 50% crit rate on him but his crit damage is 280. His accuracy is also 280.
Staltus was the champ I had that the other player banned. I expected Elva or even Krisk to be banned, but I wasn't worried that Staltus was.
Fortus has, apparently, no damage cap on that A3. Provided you can stay alive long enough, he'll smash through the incredibly tanky live arena defenses.
At 14:43 BROOO!! that scared me.. thought it was a roach on my screen for real..😫
@@ASH-RAID hes watching on a gameboy colour screen :D
I've pulled 30 Legendaries... you and HH have listed 20 of them...including a dupe Guurda.
No wonder I've got no time for Live A.
Those of these I've built; Agnar: he actually helped me in HP secret rooms. I have him in a Provoke set, he's a control beast. Guurda, Fun with a poison exploder, and someone like Gisnak to keep the debuffs coming and the turnmeters of other team dropping. SMASHLORD: see Rowan's post below. Great content Ash, thanks as always.
We got up to 87° in Tewksbury MA last week. Weird 2 days in the 80's, then back to the 50's.
Good videos Ash!
Hi Ash , hope you and your family have a great rest of the week. Love & respect from me and my family 😊
Might be a good idea next time you look at some legos that are trash or need a buff, is explain what could be changed on their current kit to make them not trash.
I have used Nogdar in Doom Tower to kill the Frost Spiderlings. His a3 makes that fight shorter. Aside from FW, that is the only other place I have tried him.
8:30 hey now, that happens to be my first legendary champion ever. I tried getting him in a fragment event, but failed having only 15 fragments, and then, for no reason, I randomly summoned a ancient shard after all the events and tournaments were gone, and SOMEHOW got him. He helped me and my champions win impossible tasks such as defeating the scarab king for the first time. He also helped me win arena battles against level 60 legendary champions even when he was the last one standing in my team.
I use Raf Matab in Iron Twins coupled with some buff extenders and a resist aura, he makes it much easier for me due to the increase resist buff.
Solid, just needs something else in the kit
I use Raf in my dt team he is great as a provoke and the a1 help me to deal with the Siphi and all those champion, I don’t think he is bad, just not top tier that’s for sure.
I was enjoying the video, but I smashed the Like button when Osama dropped in the "technical difficulties" screen on the dad joke. lol
Jingwon is a beast, his passive makes him immune to mithras, mashalleds and kymars. I made mine into a nuker and hes pretty great.
And what does this immunity give him? Well, Mitral doesn't control him, but what's the use? He can't attack, has no useful skills. Just meat that cannot be controlled)). Pifiona is much better. And it puts immunity on everyone.
I agree
I have all of these heroes literally built out except 5 of them that i don't have. a couple of them being Doom Tower heroes. THanks for the content.
1st of all, Nodgar is the most underrated Arena champion in Raid. I love when players play against my team in Arena. He has a very good ability against tank champions, he can suck their life from them as well as self revive from critical attacks. The Frenzy set up is a bonus because, he keep going turn after turn until the enemies are dead. Along with Frenzy, if Nogdar kills an enemy with his basic ability, he goes again making very useful in Arena. He is on my speed Arena team on Gold 5. Not as bad as you think, I also use him in dungeons. No good in Spider and Clan Boss.❤❤❤❤
Thanks for the video, man! how about a Top 10 best CC champions?
Ultan absolutely sucks. Got him in the champ training event he was a reward for, on a brand new account, and I didn't even build him basically
great vid. you got it right for every champ except for thea HH did a spotlight on her and ruel she slaps
JGigs just pulled Nogdor, he said he wanted to build him for a while now.
Fortus is a really good nightmare campaign farmer, but that's about his use-case.
well, that and his animations look absolutely stunning
I agree with your entire list minus grohak, but solely in live arena, sneaky nuker they don't see coming, or paired with tuhak in pve stuff, I think there are plenty more to add to your list as well, great video ash 👏
Narma is also 16 books... *16-frigging-leggo-books!* That's one thing that no buff can change! Can you imagine Plarium reducing the book amount and returning the books to those who used them? Heh... Raf Matab was great when released, along with Nari he was clutch for me to finish DT hard for the first time. But now, yeah, waiting for a gear removal discount...
Roric! Aw man, was that a disappointment. Fohr-Toos (you said it right!) was a *rip off,* a guaranteed they promised to fix and the buff was crap. A swindle, grift, brutal, outright theft.
Annd the rest were spot on brother. Fun fact: Got your recently released Guurda guide opened on a tab next to this one hahaha was about to watch it next 😂 Will regardless! TYVM for the vid!
This vid makes me even more thankful for the so-so leggos that I did roll (Skull Lord Vargall, Samar the Gemcursed)!
I've had Queen Eva for a couple years now. Still level 50, no Masteries, no books. And she's still my campaign farmer. I can't say she's terrible because I spent Zero resources to get a 10 second farmer. She even farmed her own EXP once I had her built.
You're spot on about Queen Eva. She's the only legendary I've ever gotten when she was in a 10x, but that was way back when there were far less leggos in the game. She is my campaign farmer - and was a warm body in FW until I got to the higher levels where she became useless.
I can't believe HH has Minaya ranked so low. She is insane for low-mid level accounts. I got her on my baby account and she's darn near immortal. I think if her A2 was changed and she had a rez or revive on death or something along those lines she'd be ranked much higher.
I tried really hard to make Roric work, thought maybe the counter attack and the +15% passive would eventually stack up damage in Hydra. It didn't.
for me i made roric super fast, turn off his a3, and i use him for tm and cc of enemy team, fun to note in arena if they have udk, you can target someone else and a chance to stun both the person you target and udk cause the first hit transfers over. but if they dont get stunned you just get more tm on the a1 to cycle back to tm drop and stuns, use him for my spider team control and for alot of doom tower hard waves
I have my Roric in retaliation with high speed and acc with some ok dmg. But ya he's great for spider and arena control and with the right great he'll use his a3 passive to help chip away at people. Not the best champ but definitely underrated. Just don't book him... Lol
Raf Matab...I pulled him, then pulled a 6* soul for him, so I maxed him..
And he still fkn sucks
I have him too. Feels bad man.
@@USMCOgre1 sad thing is that with small tweaks he could be badass
He can solo bommal if you struggle with that.
@@trungkienhuynh8581 oh yeah? I'd definitely be interested in seeing g that build. He's definitely hard to kill
Look up BOMMAL HARD SOLO 2.0 WITH RAF-MATAAB by soda dragon. No books required.
Is Sniktraak any good? I just started yesterday and I have Kael, Deacon, Ronda, & Sniktraak. Got Sniktraak from the event thing. Also any tips on who I should focus next after I 6 star Kael?
1/20 LoL! Out of 15, still... 😆 Ultan was my pull at the END of the Oella chase, what a let down! NO MERCY Ash, keep 'em coming Bro! 👊🤘
Thanks, Ash. For F2P and low/moderate spenders a trash leggo is the absolute worst, because building them out requires a bunch of legendary books. It also stings when you finally get your mercy legendary pull, but it's one of these guys.
I live in western Mass, and I was right there with you!! I don't mind the warmer temperatures, so I soaked it all up!
"A little dwarf you may never heard of, his name is Gronjarr, he's got the hands of flame, and this dude really really sucks!" xD
you are the hardest working raid content creator !!!!!!!
Much appreciated, thanks for watching :)
I fed my Nogdar and Roric to Skrank :D worth it :D
And also, I'm kind of surprised not seeing Nobel here.
I’m surprised Nobel isn’t here either …I pulled him during fusion . Maybe because you can empower ninja with him?
Love your videos, Ash. What do you think of the ability to use Drokgul instead of Valk in Hard FK 10?
I'm going to make a +4 Nogdar and answer that same Question Ash. Video coming soon! Also I'm sad to see sooo many champs that I have (in the vault, with multiple copies) on your list. Plarium really need to go hard at some of these Champ buffs, they need to go through more than they currently do. PS - Hakkorn "Smashlord" should be the Skinwalkers equivalent to Mortu imo, needs a massive damage buff.
Nogdar is better than most players give him credit for. Play against Merashad, in Gold 5 Arena.
I'm still sore I spent cash to get Fortus during the guaranteed event and he just instantly went into the vault to seemingly never come out. I also got a six star soul for Gamuran and Hakkrohn, so this list stings.
So as an Ultan event winner i think he is pretty decent the sleep comes with an extra turn most of the time and his a2 has a crazy high dmg when paired with gerptuck (like 500k unbooked) hes not gonna be great end game im sure but in the mid game to early hes not bad idk if i could put him lower than narma as shes not as good and needs the books. You should do a vid on how to improve these champs.
Guurda though; She takes alot of gear, but she can solo IG 25 in about 3:30 on average.
Has anyone tried out Thea as nuker in spider hard along with another hexer like mithrala? Would she be easier to build with enough damage than say, a royal guard?
The problem with Narma is that she's seen as a clan Boss champion, but it's not the place where she shines. She works amazing to support your team and especially Geo in Iron Twins (disable her A3 here). her 4 debuffs on 1-hit makes her a semi-replacement for Riho on Sand Devil. Plus she's really good against the hard hitting hard mode dragon, especially paired with another poisoner (like Teo). You should really give her a chance on a champion guide
...and lack of nipples.
So you're saying my 2nd legendary will most likely be one of these 20? That tracks.
I really wanted Narma back when i had a speed cb team...
I pulled Grohok and Warchief on the double leggo event today :(
Feels bad to have pulled 12 legendaries and have 6 in the top 14 worts legendary list 😂
Raf-Matab. I actually am running this guy in bolster and immortal gear with as many HP stats as possible and currently he's a crucial part for me against scarab king. His very high health and heal together with the invincibility from Stampede make him able to outlast scarab king even with the freaking provoke onslaught.
Hmmm, I have been considering trying Thea in hard spider, with Mithrala setting up the hex
Fortunately I only have 3 of those champions! Thankfully I haven’t built any of them. I don’t have good enough gear and champions to do doom tower hard so won’t be getting some of those. All good! Thanks Ash!! I love all your content!! You are my top two raid content creators!!
You can use Nogdar to one shot UDK. ;)
😂😂 great vid mate and good info 👍🍺🍺 . Also I knew U was a guurda lover those big saggy U know what's 😂😂😂
Ash forgot about Pyxniel , Cillian the Lucky, Vergumkaar,Nobel
Ol Cillian!! I have him on my other account and he got replaced asap
Lol!! I use Nogdar quite a bit in potion keeps. He's also good for knocking down some of those tanky high hp champs.
Hey Ash. Narma is one of the best champions in the game. She makes 25 mio Damage at CB6. She is great. If you pull this Champion , you can be happy. I can really not understand, why you think, this is a bad Legi 🙂
Happy weekend from Germany. Sorry for my english
Some days I swear the game gives me the worst it can....
The ones I have: Narma (literally only useful in CB and out-classed by epics), Raf-Matab x2, Gamuran x2, Roric x2, Hakkorhn, and dishonorable mention to Nobel (x2) since I don't have a Ninja!
My 'S tier leggos' (4.5+): Acrizia, Cardiel (bit overrated tbh), Duchess, Teodor, Baron, Cupidus (no Venus, so not really S tier), Geogrid, and Leorius.
Not including 'free'/progression champs like Arbiter and Mithrala since I don't have dupes of them and not have the RNG on shards for them...unlike those awful champs.
I got a TON more garbage leggos (Pyxniel x2, Nari, Var-Gall x2, Bystophus) I would not waste time or resources leveling beyond level 1. Never mind 6* them.
Bet my next void is Jingwon. Since my ratio is 5:4 and getting too close to even on 'garbage to quality' (only including ones on list).
Where's Opardin Clanfather? I've had him for 6 months and I constantly have to fight the urge to save a day upgrading 5 star food and feed him out of my life.
He’s really good in ice golem and pretty ok in hydra
Ash has said he’s underrated and I agree, he’s the best healer in the faction and has cleanse to go along with it.
Ya opardin is a beast. He is underrated and can be a great healer. I beat faction wars because of him
If built with some damage in mind he does solid damage while keeping you topped up
He's actually good. It depends when you got him. If you're late game he will be not much use outside of Faction Wars
Hotter in Massechusettes (91) than here in Florida (82) today? 😆
Time to visit Disney World again to "cool off"? 😁
I unfortunately have Nogdar, Gromlok, Thea, Grohak, Elegaius, Roric and Guurda all collecting dusk in the vault.😭
I have used Hakkorhn in a shield set. He helped me finish faction wars and was useful in some dungeon and doom tower teams and even good for an arena go 2nd team with other shield set champs to block the other teams 1st round of nukes if they don't have a stripper to rip my shields.
I use a thea team in SS, and it's one of my best teams for 3v3 or against tormin/hege teams
Ash, brother, all 3 of my Pyxniel's would like to have a word with you. She literally cannot be used anywhere in this game, not even in Faction Crypts. This is a huge wiff on your part.
I used Guurda at lvl 50 with no masteries to get through faction crypt. She isn't nearly as bad as you make her out to be.
I've got 2 Nogdars. 1 built for the fun frenzy set and got me through some content, but haven't used him since. The other sits with the built one as faction guardians now.
Gamuran's kit is really interesting and I really wish I could put him to use, but yeah... he needs a buff.
Ultan, I don't have, but he reminds me so much of the late 80s cartoon/comics/toys, Sectaurs! Just for that I kind of want to pull him, but obviously have a long list I rather get before him.
Recently pulled Fortus. I think he looks cool... needs a buff.
When I pulled Jingwon and read his kit, I was kind of hoping for a great champ for arena or maybe CB or hydra. I think Deadwood did something with him for CB? But he isn't great. Needs a buff.
I don't have Gronjarr, but I hope he gets a big buff some day and that I manage to get him. The kit is meh in the current state, but I get what they were aiming for him to do. Again, he needs a buff.
HH's list...
Suzerain Katonn? I'm honestly surprised he is on the list. Sure, he isn't a nuker, but all of his attacks are AOEs with debuffs. I find him to be pretty useful.
Samar?! HH, why? Samar is my go-to for Scarab King. So sure, a niche use, but enough that I don't think I could get by the Scarab King without him.
Opardin as well? He is a really good healer/utility champ that I use in my current 2-key CB team.
He put MK and Nari on the list too? I mean... Nari I just like, but I get isn't top tier in the slightest, but worst...? MK on the other hand can smack like a truck, granted single targets. He has won me some arena fights, even though I have him geared "wrong".
I'm surprised Bystophus wasn't on your list or even HH's list. A champ I have, but I can't find a use for him. Nor do I ever see him recommended for anything.
I am building my Hakkorhn because I need him for a specific Doom Tower boss and he is the only option I have for that spot.
Plus he looks cool.
Fortus has suprised me acouple of times in live arena. Met him as a defensive nuker with that secret skill and his survival skill aint bad for arena either
If u have block debuffs fortus is pretty useless except for his revive
I don' t agree with Thea the Tomb Angel on this list. Besides raw damage, one thing she does have since her buff is a fast rotation back to her smack and constant veil protection. She is really neat for wave-based content. Great for Doom Tower if you don't have a fixed Seer team
3 months in as a f2p and Holsring was my first leggo pulled. I saw the hate he gets and I haven't ranked him past 50. Surprised he didn't make the list? Is he really worth investing in or should I save resources for the next f2p leggo I pull in like 6-8 months.
Great video Ash! I would add princess Garog to the list 😂 only decent if you build him out but his cooldowns are atrocious
Figures I've only ever pulled one void legendary, and it's the worst one in the game.
Your cat is so adorable!!
Haha! and autumn started here.
I can feel the scorching heat leave this country, and OH LALA! Welcome to the cold, comfy sleeps without rolling all over the place, hot beverages, soups! stews! comfy clothes!
You guys can keep the heat up there.
I'd swap Roric for Pixnel all day everyday. But I appreciate the respect for Warchief he's the king of lock down. No books but he'll keep the head of decay doing 2 things. Jack and squat.
This video is so fun, ASH keeping it real - love it, cheers
Thank god at least i haven't pull any of this trash. I got an elder skarg and a harvest who are pretty weird though. Also, i got a Shamrock today but I think he is ok with Seer for wave clearing.
Thx 4 the good vibes buddy
Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do a guide on battlesage I just pulled her very recently from a void shard PLEASE!
31:29 Darth Micro in the video :D :D
Me with 3 legends: “I sure hope mine aren’t on the list.”
bro straight roasted my entire roster for 32min thanks ash
Not playing raid anymore but always fun watching your ranking 😅
Searsha was an odd decision. If she had been op/ good, everyone would blame plarium for forcing player to spend money on her. Now, she is so bad, everyone is blaming plarium for making her bad
Wow you're getting cooked for this time of year. I'm in southern AZ and your temps are nearly what we're seeing.
I pulled Angar pretty early on and thought he was going to be great, but wow. He's just useless. Boo!
Anyway, more cat content, please.
Also, "exaggetory" is my new favorite word. 😄
Elegaius helped me with faction wars on those annoying Valkryie's but other than that I 100% agree.
Yeah I really wanted to make Gamuran work.. but he just doesn't. Not even in Faction Wars. Such a disappointment for a cool looking champion.
I don't have Narma, but her kit screams CB absolute boss. Just put her in reflex and she is gonna go nuts. (turn off the heal) I feel like it's legitmately stupid to put her in a worst legendary list. Why do I feel like this is just the case of CC's not using her and having a consensus of "she's bad". Also your hate on searsha is just because you spent so much, she has good multipliers and great provoke set usage. Also her base stats aren't bad what are you talking about lol.
I use haskrouls increase resist to get past bommel works pretty well as far as I can get to the second bommol on the doom tower hard track also on the team is drex, thylssia, and bad el kazar
I have all of these in my vault except the $$$ Charred champion and the new guy (Ultan of the Shell), Angar, and Jingwon. Most of them I even have as dupes!
I would have included Annie, Suzerain Katonn, Pyxniel, and my first Lego: Skartosis!
What’s crazy is I’ve been playing for a long time, but took a long break and just got back into it last month. Also been watching your vids for years and on one of them Teela and I believe Skull Lord were up there on the list and I was upset I had them. So crazy that they’re quite useful now haha, built Skull to solo Scarab and for Hydra and Teela for hydra.
Yeah, they're both quality now, Teela especially.
I thought ash was gonna say ultimate harrier. It's rare harrier with longer hair
So a hairier harrier.
@@izzyplusplusplus1004 yes!
I thought I'd have more of those ... but only a few. I don't count Drokgul or Thea, fusion and reward (and I don't use either). Angar actually was helpful in FW and early Doom Tower for crowd control for me. Queen Eva is sitting in my vault. So I do disagree a bit with the Angar, he might not be a huge hitter, he is decent at crowd control early on.