Your fate is written in blood

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @albusvoltavern4500
    @albusvoltavern4500 Рік тому +199

    Mann lit a cigarette and inhaled. The ember glowed in the shadows “You don’t understand what you are doing Steven” I simply huffed. I had enough of the lies, the intrigue, the pain.
    “There is no point Mann. It. Never. Ends.” I managed to sound like stone, even though my foundations were shaking at their core.
    Mann took another swig of his cigarette, put it out by dropping it into a puddle at his feet, and reached into his coat. “Well you’re the one who set yourself on this path” he took out a book, it was old, leather bound. He presented it to me. “Why don’t you see what that means”
    I took the book cautiously. This man had pestered me for ages. I couldn’t decide if he was some sort of angle, demon, or a fragment of my imagination. I opened the book to its first page.
    In a white and red text it read ‘by the union of Ally Windgate, and Ralph Griffin your journey began’ I stopped and skipped ahead. Much of the book was written in a red brown skript. There was some red, some white, some black, some text seemed to be nearly visible as if written in a powder, some seemed to be letters made of iron. The pages around them burned. The however was about my life…. all my life.
    “What is this?” I asked as I read the recent events in excruciating detail. The pain of it all coming back all over again.
    “Fate doesn’t like parting with his books, but we have an agreement.”
    “And what is the point of this?” I had reached the end. I was in the alley in the book, the writing was slowly scrawling across the page in a green and red text, wet marks were smearing it, and looked to be written in water? Tears?
    Mann motioned to the back of the book and I turned there. It was names and names of people I had known, many I recognized, many were crossed out, but the ones that stood out were written in a bright red.
    “Your past present and future is written in blood sweat and tears. You are formed like iron and steal, all you can give is yourself, and all people give is themselves. Everything compounds. I’m not saying you have no reason to fear or doubt yourself, but know this. Every person who has given a little of themselves to you deserves to be thought of carefully when you make your next decision. Don’t make it selfishly”
    I was shaken, frozen. When I finally was able to move I was alone. Man was gone and so was the book. I had seen my past written in blood, and I assumed my fate would be as well, but now I was no longer the center of my own universe. I would now fight to deserve the blood given to me.

    • @Vixxmista
      @Vixxmista Рік тому +8

      good God! please tell me this is an expert of an actual Besteller cause if not, it ought'a be

    • @nakyiapotteros1079
      @nakyiapotteros1079 Рік тому +8

      if this ain't a story or soon to be, imma lose my shi-
      In all seriousness thought, this is outstandingly well writen!

    • @aliharajli95
      @aliharajli95 Рік тому +3


    • @candlegarden01
      @candlegarden01 Рік тому +1

      um wow , Nothing to add just , um hi!,🤭😻🤓Good job. wow . Yes .more please

    • @normified
      @normified Рік тому +1

      @@Vixxmista it's pretty good

  • @edwardcooper3097
    @edwardcooper3097 Рік тому +41

    I like how these songs inspire people into writing. Many of the comments wrote something interesting and unique. These songs make you want to create something epic and memorable for others to talk about for years to come. Thank you for this.

  • @stephenmatthews4588
    @stephenmatthews4588 Рік тому +71

    His weapon, too big to be called a sword, was dripping in the blood of those monsters that called him ‘food’. He panted, exhausted, having pushed himself farther and harder than any other mortal man believed that could be done. His single remaining eye starred ahead at the countless legions of demons that came, and his mouth curled up into a crazed smile.
    They came, all at once, thinking he was nothing more than a bug to be crushed. He lifted his sword back up, and charged forward. When the morning came, all that was left was a pile of demonic limbs and viscera, and a pair of footprints, stained with blood, leading to the next battlefield.

    • @aliharajli95
      @aliharajli95 Рік тому +4


    • @guitarcamo5473
      @guitarcamo5473 Рік тому +3

      How grandparents describe their daily trip to school

    • @QuanticDreamer
      @QuanticDreamer 6 місяців тому

      ​@guitarcamo5473 Dude, you killed me 😂😂😂

    • @stephenmatthews4588
      @stephenmatthews4588 6 місяців тому +1

      @@QuanticDreamer What can I say? I'm a massive Berserk fan

  • @colebailey2578
    @colebailey2578 Рік тому +227

    "If you wish to cross it out, you must do so in the same ink that wrote it."

    • @JhadeSagrav
      @JhadeSagrav Рік тому +27

      * Quietly puts away gel pens *

    • @Blondiekuy
      @Blondiekuy Рік тому +20

      With that logic I can write fate as well
      *takes out knife

    • @colebailey2578
      @colebailey2578 Рік тому +3

      @@Blondiekuy Ok, THAT'S funny

    • @jonathancampbell8503
      @jonathancampbell8503 Рік тому

      As awqwqqaaaaaaaaaqqaa1

    • @godsson1410
      @godsson1410 Рік тому +1

      Says follow the blind man I say the world is Yours!

  • @wrathfulcoma4357
    @wrathfulcoma4357 Рік тому +9

    There is evil in this world of ours, but there’s also those who fight it, never give up hope, for your Savors you may not see, but they are always there

  • @mercuryvenus7388
    @mercuryvenus7388 Рік тому +19

    "You can't stop this, Vrs. No one in a thousand years has been able to stop this so why do you believe that you will be the one to stop it?"
    "Because you're my friend. Ain't that enough?"
    I avert my gaze to the ground, smoke tangling around my ankles. Ash and soot is everywhere, flames burning everything around us. My voice breaks when I speak next. "No, it's not." A heavy sigh leaves me. "My story has already been foretold. It's in every fairytale book we've read as a child. I am meant for this and this alone. So please," My hands shake as I turn away from the only friend I've known. "Please, leave. Go live your life as I finish mine."

  • @sandstorm1123
    @sandstorm1123 Рік тому +102

    Open your eyes and see the world that protected you, they said.
    Look at the home that raised you, they said.
    Look at the people who loved you, they said.
    Yet, when I open my eyes, my vision is stained by their hate and running red with their blood.

    • @Jdaman_official
      @Jdaman_official Рік тому +2

      ahhhhhhhhhhhhh GFDAMNIT that shit's fire🔥 like damn this is so f*cking true yet so damn sad at the same time tho once you see the light at the end of the tunnel after a long hard days work the road doesn't always get easier rather most of the time it gets even harder to deal with as time goes by and eventually you'll struggle to even see the good from within the bad

    • @echodelta2172
      @echodelta2172 6 місяців тому

      go outside

    • @sandstorm1123
      @sandstorm1123 5 місяців тому

      @@echodelta2172 no

  • @-_K.-_
    @-_K.-_ Рік тому +33

    “Sister, do you really believe our fates were set in stone?” He laughed before a scowl settled onto his face. Harsh violet colored eyes clashed with gentle violet eyes.
    “What are you getting at.” She knew him well enough that he preferred dramatics over bluntness. The opposite of her, yet they were twins.
    “The moment we were born into existence, our fate was set in our blood. The gods weren’t willing to officialize something as… important.. as fate into an object that was easily broken.” He went on to explain as he circled her. His eyes scanned her figure, searching for any weaknesses.
    “Is that what you truly believe?” She scoffed at him. But deep down, she knew he was right. Why would gods place something so important into something so weak?
    He only grinned. “I see you agree with me. Let us complete the fate that we were given, shall we?”
    Without another word, the eldest of the twins, the sister, lunged with inhuman speed. “May the fight.. begin.”
    *”May one fall defeated”*
    *”May one rise victoriously”*

  • @blufu8727
    @blufu8727 Рік тому +2

    Even Heroes aren't saved from the people they protect. When you make a mistake, people don't hesitate to brand you as a menace. A criminal. Shunned. They need to win endless battles and villains only needs one. Just like the Devil was once an Angel. Villains were once heroes. People that even heroes couldn't save. Heroes that had their virtues crushed, distorted and ruined. Or they became so strong they became villains themselves. - A lot of famous quotes.

  • @MadLadMJ
    @MadLadMJ Рік тому +3

    My official Bloodborne playthrough background music

  • @cybertronian1616
    @cybertronian1616 Рік тому +16

    Another mix, another story to come soon!! Might draw as well. Wonderful title as well!!

  • @zacharyhawley1693
    @zacharyhawley1693 Рік тому +16

    "You didn't have to give him a blood moon."
    Stated the god of war to the goddess of the moon. She smiled as she clutched her face and shivered in delight. "Why would I not?" She asked, "not even you can deny the exquisite symphony of blood!" Temples, languages and civilizations came and went. even the greatest monuments eventually fell to time.
    Why not indulge the immortal swordsmen's latest campaign of triumph? Their greatest feat of all an inexorable and unfading proof of their existence! Let the other pantheons tremble as they came and went in the world below. Their influence rose and fell. Not theirs however.
    He was the ultimate temple. The unyielding temple that would outlast all others. Unequivocal and unvarnished truth that they were as they said they were. Let the other god tribes play with their ephemeral sandcastles. They continued to thrive unhindered.
    His every kill a fitting tribute, he would endure until the very end of time itself ageless and unbowed. She would make sure of it. She would ensure it! She personally tied death's hands against the swordsman herself and pinned it tight!.
    "Shouldn't we allow him to retire? Is not multiple millennia of dedicated service enough?" The war god asked. Their strength continued to wax as the unification wars continued unabated. "So soon after promotion? She asked honestly surprised, the world would be theirs soon within the decade. Empires toppled like dominoes. It was... joyously rapturous. Rivers of blood by him. Millions cut down after the traitors prayed for absolution! And the second conquest joyously began!
    Who was worthy of the honor of ruling a world? The Immortal swordsmen and him alone. The one whom never wavered once in thousands of years. Everyone else paled in comparison.
    The stars themselves were again within reach! Great hive minds bowed in supplication at their feet! Artificial Intelligence supplicated at their temples!
    "And you want to stop?" She asked amused. "Never"
    The war god shuddered. "I am the god of war itself!" He began and she shut him down at once.
    "And I... am the goddess of BLOOD! Do not forget yourself lover mine. Fertility is mine, Love and Lust and Desire is mine. Without me there would be none to war. Without me, it would be a dead world. Without me there is *nothing of worth in the world below!*
    The war god grit his teeth and bowed. "Are you admitting he's a better lover than thou?" He attempted to draw his weapon as suddenly her unbreakable grip encircled his throat and lifted him off his feet.
    "He should indeed be rewarded. For so long a service" She rasped enraptured. "You may return... In an age or two at his request... Or stay as his replacement! Grovel at his feet, fettered and feckless mortal eunuch! Forget your burgeoning treason! If you will not act like a dutiful man. Then at the very least you can be the loyal sheath of one!" And with her other hand she tore his divinity and manhood both away and smote his dregs to the mortal world.
    She returned to look upon He Who Was Promised in bloodstained delight. The blood moon complimented him nicely. "Be a beast." She whispered to him ecstatically. Perhaps he heard her. Perhaps he didn't. It mattered not. For another river was about to run... Red.

  • @bikillni7072
    @bikillni7072 Рік тому +2

    the amount of writers in the comment section feeds my wattpad obsession.

  • @Taevarth
    @Taevarth Рік тому +8

    It's funny to me the comments are filled with people writing short stories based off this one sentence.
    As someone with my own OCs who I want to make a story for, I can relate.

  • @Mav04954
    @Mav04954 Рік тому +24

    1st song: Our duty is our call, our fate. We have no choice, though it may seem like that. We're under the illusion of choice and our duty cares not. Our duty is war and violence, destruction and blood. We rise and fight, serving as the steady hand against tyranny. Duty cares not for personal opinion, it only cares for itself, and demands to be fulfilled. You must serve it, as we all do. You will no longer understand or have control, but you must do your duty. It defends and protects despite the violence it brings and that's all one needs to understand. In this duty, we fight, no matter the cost for the future and next of us.
    Our evil, our violence is necessary. Our fight gives creation a purpose to survive and exist. Each of us in this line of duty have fallen to madness and violence, and fallen into our lulls of destruction and chaos; but our existence is a necessary thing, even though it may not make sense now. Our evil gives rise to heroes and bastards, murderers and protectors, even to Gods and Demons. Those know it though, and they accept it. Gods, Demons, and even us, despite our duty, were average people. However, Fate and Time care not. They twist and turn us into gods and beasts, all tools at their disposal. This is an everlasting truth, and they will create until they are stopped, but it is not your place to remove their power yet. There will be another with strength that surpasses those beings. When that time does come, be proud that we have fulfilled our duty and fate, and that we have all seeked and succeeded in ending this cycle. My only hope, since it is not your time to defy Fate, is that you become fruitful before you lose sanity, and your mind is lost to madness before you become only a tool of violence, because we cannot control our Fate and duty we are bound to that fate. Being sane only causes more pain and suffering, and none of us with that upon our successors.
    2nd song: You bring peace and joy, safety and protection. Your power is a constant threat, and they fear it. You bring pain and suffering to your enemies, but bring a understanding and peace to those under you. Those under you wish your reign to never end, while those against you plot to bring you down. They will never succeed, for you are too powerful and ancient. Your reign will never end, and they will be the spectators to their own destruction
    3rd song: The pinnacle of all, a God-King. Chosen by Fate and Time. You were given a choice, as they all were. Only difference is you took it. You push yourself farther and higher than all those, beyond the Gods and Demons. The Gods and Demons fear you, for they know what your power presents to them. You will never stop growing in strength and wisdom God-King, and you will one day, if you remain unhindered, grow beyond the powers of a Fate and Time. These beings will never understand their own creation, and will come to the day when you wrench their powers, ascending to something beyond a God-King, to something even more powerful. Time will age and destroy itself, becoming a tool of subservience and use. Fate will become a thread that you spin, to a thread that even Gods and Demons are powerless against.
    You are chosen by Time and Fate as a tool, but now you must show them their hubris. You shall make them fools and tools of your own. Our history of life has been trapped in a cycle of theirs, and now it falls to you to break it, and to become a being that can never be broken, but moldable and adaptable. Defeat Time and Fate themselves, and show them the tenacity of humanity, and the generations of forgotten rage from Gods and Demons alike, and from fallen heroes and fallen villains. Bring them to their knees and make them regret starting this cycle in the first place.
    (More in the comments)

    • @Mav04954
      @Mav04954 Рік тому +5

      4th song: A dark sky, choked with smoke and death. Yet you remain, despite Death's best attempts. You lie on a battlefield, discarded and thrown away by those you served, but the strangest sight appears. An individual, constantly changing ages from you to old to ancient to a toddler. This being bears an ever changing light, calling forth those you fought alongside and those you fought against. The being constantly moving, expecting some response of any of your comrades. Until this being comes to you, and you respond. This being, deciding upon a form of an elderly man looks down at you. He sees you, dying and bleeding out and whispers, though it seems like a shout to you. "You unfortunate soul, it seems that Fate has decided that Time needs a new keeper and told me there'd be someone who can take this position." As the being is speaking this, you see the flesh starting to break apart on the body, and a faint blue light underneath. Millions of expressions shift across this individual's face, many of them pity and sadness. It continues "You must take this mantle, as I did eons ago. It will be long and hard, and there will be much pain. This is your mantle, as Fate has decided." Memories of your own begin mixing with the beings blue light. You see memories of even those before them, see millions of nations, empires, and beasts, all their creation and endings.
      When you awaken once more, you are now that being. You see your own body, but you also see the being looking at you. You unite those memories, feeling your dying body no longer in pain. Instead it is flowing with knowledge and power. You understand the power the instant you are revived. Time is a weapon and a shield, protecting but also hurting those around you. Despite your new found abilities you know one fundamental truth- Time itself is a power that can't be controlled, despite various individual's attempts. You become aware of the cycle that Fate and You have created, and all those times of life and death become known to you. You are now Time itself, and now you must fulfill the Fate of it, until another soul is chosen to take up your mantle. Your mantle is heavy, but is nothing compared to the responsibilities you owe now.
      5th Song: You are running, hunted and wanted, you are the monster that is responsible. You can never rest, as that allows the hunter to catch and kill you, but you must be the monster that creates death and violence, as Fate demands it and so does the truth of it be to you. You must be the monster, but you also must be hunted. You can never know peace, as you're only surrounded by death and violence. You are only a tool of violence, serving your purpose on a side, and then fleeing because of your Fate and Duty. Trust is a commodity you can not spare, nor will you ever be able to. You are reminded of past trust, and how each individual has always betrayed you, ruining you and making you return to your cycle. You are to live as a cycle of being in fear, then being feared and it can never be broken...
      Or that is what you thought. Until you met the God-King, an ultimate being who has worked to defy Fate. They broke your cycle by absorbing your responsibilities, becoming the monster you were forced to be. You were then offered a choice. Be free of your Fate and live a normal life, or join your responsibilities with the God-King and defy Fate. This wasn't a choice, as you were aware that another would simply take your place if you rejected your responsibility, and you knew the burden this caused to you. You wished this upon no other, so you have joined the God-King to break this cycle of pain and suffering.
      6th song: You cling to life with a harbinger of Death, a raven. They are your friends, being your only connection to a chance at life. The truth is, you know you won't be rescued, despite your attempts. It is done to preserve your sanity, and to prove you still with to reman alive. Your sacrifice and past actions cannot allow that though, as your memories of home and the peace with it can no longer be seen by you. You are too far from home, and you know the madness will consume you in time. You feel sad because you know the truth and can do nothing to change it. You lose your hope as the last raven is sent, a harbinger of Death, simply to a land to be ignored, and for you to arise again as a monster, becoming an evil for hope to grow from.
      You join the spirits of predecessors before you as your mind passes, and your mind and body become corrupted to an evil Fate and duty. Death collects your spirit, but you see somewhere in the realm, a being who could destroy this cycle set by Time and Fate, and now you must await a successor to you and hope that they will be able to aid the being destroy the cycle and free you and your predecessors from this eternal damnnation.

    • @Mav04954
      @Mav04954 Рік тому +4

      7th song: Born into the shame and shadow, we were given no chance at a life. Fate had been decided, and Time took it's toll. Our end was different though, as we were given another chance because of Fate and Time. They wanted us , US, to be warriors of them. They, who designed and acted out our Fate and Time, wanted us poor souls to become warriors of theirs. Most of us refused, but us 5 felt like we wanted a purpose, a reason to live again. We found it, as agents and tools of being far greater than us. We became clay in Fate and Time hands'. We've been assassins, rebels, kings, rulers. We were given a place and time for our service, and we were always expected to serve. We did, faithfully, for what felt like years. Then our faith was broken. We encountered a being, a God-King. We were massacred, but our Deaths aren't true deaths.
      Time and Fate didn't like this though, and we were sent out against this being, this God-King, to dispatch him. Despite our awareness of being tools of Fate and Time, we had hoped our servitude had meant something. Now we knew that our use had come to an end, as there was no possible way we could defeat this God-King. Then an idea occurred to us; what if in place of the tools of Fate and Time we served this God-King? We knew this would be blasphemous if Fate and Time knew about this, but we decided this was our only time to get revenge for our abandonment against our creators'. We encountered the God-King again, but approached with an agreement in mind. If we could become tools of the God-King, and if they could sever our connection, then they would have us in their extermination of those beings. The idea was proposed, and the God-King accepted, asking for our knowledge that we have of Time and Fate. All we knew that was of use was that Time had become a new keeper, but the God-King separated our connection to Fate and Time. We were sure they knew the moment we became detached from their servitude, and we knew our next Deaths would be True Deaths. We accepted our fate, and joined the God-King is his crusade, and became indispensable to them.
      8th song: The city is in ruin, and there's a massive battlefield where your home once sat. Your company did all they could, but Time was simply not on your side. You, a 16 year old child, sent off to war because your king and his nobles were too scared to fight their own war. You should've been in the store, leather working, but you've been dragged to another's war. You think about your mother. Is she safe? Where is she? Is she even still alive?! With a wound on your abdomen, you don't know if you could make it home, but you had to try. Time will not win. You will defy it and instead of dying on a street in the city, you will die at home. Clutching your wound, you walk past the bodies of friends, bullies, even some girls you liked. None of that matters now though, everything is gone, and now it is only your ruined home and thoughts of your mother. You keep traveling, coming across others from companies of the kingdom, fighting a pointless battle against the invaders. You see broken store fronts, bodies of children and women, anyone not drafted into the army, laying on the streets. Bodies of horses and mules, bloody weapons held in death grips by new corpses. You didn't think this is how it'd go, but Time chose against all you had. You continue pushing and pushing, feeling yourself bleeding out. You're close to home now, only a few blocks away. Even closer, a block away, You see flames in the area of your home, and you rush, not caring about bleeding out anymore. You push yourself to a near limit, but when you get to your home you see charred wood, collapsed parts of the house and ceiling. You go inside and search and search. Your mother isn't downstairs, there's no remnants of her body either. You check the second floor, having to scoop away piles of timber and some still burning thatch. You go to her room and your heart drops. Your mother's body, an arm with her wedding ring sticking out from under a pile of pillars. You move forward, but as you do your body is dying. You don't have long. You keep pushing, asking for more and more and more Time. You just need Time! But how does one get time? You do not know. You push those thoughts from your head and feel yourself fading away as you collapse at the bedside. You collapse, knowing you'll die here. Your nation has come to an end, and a footnote, which you are aware of, you are being another body in this city. You curse Time. If only we had more time, more time more ti...
      You feel yourself alive...but that shouldn't be possible. You died. You felt yourself fade away at your mother's bedside. Then you look around your surroundings. It's your home, with your mom waking up. Everything feels like it's a dream. You hug her, and cry. She's comforting you, and as you do you hear another's foot steps. You go for your sword, but all you grab is a little wooden dagger. You see a man enter, your father. Your mother greets him as if he was, but you can see that that man isn't. He's weirdly similar, but also completely alien. Your mother and the man continue talking, and you're ushered out with the man as your mother prepares to get ready. The man, looks familiar, and that's when you put it together. A mad tyrant, one who is the reason your kingdom was even attacked. You attempt to hurt him, but all you see is sadness on the man's face. A deep and unexpected sadness. You stop, and the man picks you up. He gazes at you, with great sadness and pity. You resist, but you can feel there's no escape. As he carries you downstairs he starts talking, "I know your pleas, I heard them. Boy, your mother is truly dead. The beams were her end. You're dead too, but this is the afterlife you wished for. However, I cannot grant you peace unfortunately. What I can offer is revenge. Not against me, as killing who I am would only begin the cycle anew, but against Time and Fate. I suffered under them too, being made mad by them, as Fate decided and this has led to the death of many many innocents, like you, your mother and father. My lord I can offer you one thing though. I see your Fate, that even though you die here, you continue to live. You become a God-King, a being of unimaginable power. I have stolen you away for a Time, but I don't have enough Time to explain it to you. I can only tell you this. You must break the cycle that Time and Fate have made and wreak havoc upon them. You must break this cycle to free us." The man begins to fade into your father again, but he continues "Fate and Time have come for you and I cannot have you for much longer. Break the cycle, take control of Fate and Time, and be the weapon that brings their own hubris and ruin upon them. The mad emperor shade is dispelled, your father taking his place. You know you can't rest, not yet. You tell your parents you love them before coming to life in front of Fate and Time. They create you anew and send you out as a tool, but you know something they don't.
      The cycle can be broken, and you are the one to break it. They will regret this. Time and Fate will know fear, and they will know a true Death.

    • @Mav04954
      @Mav04954 Рік тому +4

      9th song: You see a scene, Fate and Time are talking while Fate spins threads. Fate spins threads of all the colors, expanding and creating new stories, new people, and new endings. Time mentions the cycle they've begun and that they can't break, and how marvelous it is. Fate sees it differently, as this cycle has become boring. One sides wins for a time, then another rises up and the other side wins, and this continues on for centuries. Fate has grown bored, and suggests to Time, an old man, about trying something new. A new type of "character" to join the cycle. Fate nor Time understand what'll happen to them, but the being of Death, sees a new vision, one where the beings of Fate and Time are killed, their power stole. Death simply smiles, excited for the adventure to begin.
      10th song: Heroes live forever in legends and stories. Their death isn't True death, as Death itself sees to that. These heroes fight for all they believe in, and fight to protect and defend the lives of those around them and all those living creatures. Death acknowledges these Heroes, giving them the ability to fight an everlasting battle to defend their people, the nations, or their lives. A heroes death isn't a True death, rather a time for rest before entering an everlasting fight. Death gives them their desires, allowing them to forever uphold their Fate and Duty.
      11th song: Those who do not know, one's will is paramount to survival. The mad ruler is an example of this. Throughout the generations, each mad ruler has had a very strong will, but Time and Fate wore it down to fit their goals. The ruler's will made sure to fight as long as possible, making every ruler's will stronger as the successors became more knowledgeable and resistant. There would be a time where Fate and Time held no effect on these mad rulers, but the Time is not now or soon. It is so far beyond that Fate itself cannot see it.
      A god-king's will is extremely impressive. Though they're created by Fate and Time, they have a strong will to do something unknown to even Death, me, thus ensuring Fate and Time's power only work for a Time before being useless. Time can reverse the age of a God-King, but cannot revert the will; nor can Fate alter the reality that the God-King creates. The willpower of the God-King is truly something impressive, and it is something I can't even encompass. Death has seen the ends of Fate and Time, and I look forward to the end they meet. They've certainly had it coming.
      12th song: The God-King awakes to a slaughter of a town nearby, and that makes him recoil in memory of his past. Who he was before being ruined by Fate and Time. The God-King knows how cruel this world can be, and the world he creates will not have cruelty, and this is a small step to removing cruelty. At the town, the God-King recognizes the scene. Ruined storefronts, bodies slain in the street, a village guard fighting a mad ruler's soldiers. The God-King knows how this ends, and can only grimace. The God-King won't let his past happen another as much as they can. They approach, decimating every soldier that isn't a guard or a villager, sparing many lives from the same trauma of his. The soldier's present began reacting to the God-King, but that was too late. None stood a chance when faced with this much power, much less average soldiers. The God-King slew each and every soldier that was found, with his companions joining the fray eventually. Saving this town was a small step, but a necessary one. As long as the God-King and his people can reduce the suffering and pain, it was always a success.

    • @Mav04954
      @Mav04954 Рік тому +9

      13th song: A child's heart, one who picked up a weapon to defend their family. The attacker wasn't prepared, distracted by the carnage outside. A feeling of burning occurred in that child, alongside many of the individuals in the town. Fate that the town should be destroyed shouldn't become true. The Time it takes is too much, because another town would suffer the same fate. Those already lost were even more hot-blooded, feeling a call of combat and resistance. This can't be their end. This won't be. THEY HAVE MORE TIME! THEY WILL HAVE MORE TIME! MORE TIME! MORE TIME! was the message that shook the village, and began spreading unprecedented to all the other villages, towns and cities.
      Time felt a disturbance in the cycle when the God-King acted. Time thought that Fate would help him control the God-King, and while they attempted they felt their control slipping. Then Time and Fate sent their agents, and those agents defected. Time grew furious and began trying everything, threatening the Gods and Demons, demanding that they interfere, thinking that Time could still save themselves. This only stirred the Heavens and Hells into chaos, with the Demons and Gods allying together once more to defy this vicious cycle they lost people, friends, lovers, and companions to.
      14th song: A chant of one's blood began, "MORE TIME MORE TIME MORE TIME", in a small village saved by the God-King. It began to spread and spread like a wildfire with tons of fuel. Soon towns became filled with this feeling, then it spread to cities. Then across the continents. These people knew that Time and Fate held sway over them, but now they can be defied. Time and Fate don't have ultimate power. The people's God-King will be an usurper, an avenger, a new ruler. No longer are individuals trapped by constraints of Time and Fate. These can be made their own, and they were made their own! They can't be stopped, and they will simply continue to grow in volume until that's all one could ever hear.
      Fate was displeased with Time's attempt to save themselves, and Fate decided to alter the threads that had been made so long ago by them, but when they found their precious cycle, it was ruined. Strands were loose, all their control being lost. They understood the mistake they made when creating the God-King and knew Fate couldn't alter anything to save either of them.
      Death found this quite humorous, and went to go meet with Fate and Time. Fate, more composed, said, "Can you do anything to solve this threat? This God-King will threaten you as well, surely. They seek the end of this cycle which has maintained balance for eons. We all made this, and you won't interfere at all to protect your own creation." Time spoke up now, sniveling like a child, 'Please Death do something. You can see when things True Deaths happen, you know everything in Death. Me and Fate can't and won't be dispatched by our own creation.' and with a more furious tone shouted, 'I won't be destroyed. Fate, you and I are ultimate beings, we control Time and Fate. So why can't WE use our powers to solve this!? Time prepares to begin yelling and shouting when Death interrupts: Death shouts

    • @HeroMusicOfficial
      @HeroMusicOfficial  Рік тому +5

      thank you very much😘

  • @shadowlessmoonlight1072
    @shadowlessmoonlight1072 Рік тому +5

    We are still here hearing those banger mixes

  • @KennyRivard
    @KennyRivard Рік тому +3

    I was writing down plans to fix lifelong problems when this music came along. Thanks you.

  • @deathsroommate96
    @deathsroommate96 Рік тому +2

    a lot of Tommee Profitt in this one, nice.

  • @peterwilliambonney9255
    @peterwilliambonney9255 Рік тому +2

    And our blood draws lines..mind mapping...x

  • @novanexus9112
    @novanexus9112 Рік тому +17

    "The moment you start written about it, tragedy will tale it itself."

  • @abyssreader1446
    @abyssreader1446 Рік тому +3

    It was a tormenting, power, a power that non would dare to even imagine, a power so horrific that it would bring eternal tragedy. Any yet, right in front of me, it lay grasped within my hands. It was fearsome, it was awestriking, and yet, I felt no emotion. I chuckled, this, this was power. A power beyond the gods themselves. I looked around me, at the blood-stained world that had fallen in wake of my conquest. And yet I did not care, it had all led up to this moment and it truly did not disappoint. I had fulfilled what was prophesized about me. I had brought about this world's destruction, and I loved every single step of the way. After all my fate was written in blood...

  • @firebreaker2262
    @firebreaker2262 7 місяців тому +10

    People say "it's the thought that counts..." But I disagree, it is not the thought that counts. It is the actions of the person, and whether you act on said thoughts. A man can think "that is wrong" when he sees an atrocity committed, or when he is committing them himself; however, if he doesn't do anything to correct it, it is just a thought, and that is all it will remain.

  • @battlemusicvevo
    @battlemusicvevo Рік тому +2

    I really like this music, I do not know if my comment will be seen, but I wanted to congratulate this beautiful work!

  • @realreview1285
    @realreview1285 Рік тому

    Amazing mix, the idea, the picture.
    great theme

  • @noahfernelius8414
    @noahfernelius8414 Рік тому +1

    Amazing my friend and thank you

  • @dawnrays6161
    @dawnrays6161 Рік тому +2


  • @manishavaghela6985
    @manishavaghela6985 Рік тому +1

    My fav one is the noble one

  • @marcusiA-immortalistMarcus
    @marcusiA-immortalistMarcus Рік тому


  • @aaroninfam
    @aaroninfam Рік тому +1


  • @shanevanloon7773
    @shanevanloon7773 Рік тому

    Blaidd is still standing there......menacingly

  • @powerofman8632
    @powerofman8632 Рік тому +1

    Σας ευχαριστούμε για αυτό το βίντεο και τη μουσική

  • @shaiyii9064
    @shaiyii9064 5 місяців тому

    Father tell me, Am I still making it worth it? Do theyre blood and life wasn’t enough for me to bear the sin, its too heavy, no matter how many times I told myself Ill pay it back to get what their soul wanted before their last breath before I take their life, is this not enough? Answer me father! Tell me! Tell when Im going to stop?! Where should I stop! Should I I still continue this? Am I creating more war? Should I be the one need to shred a blood? But father my life wasn’t enough this is not enough for a thousand blood I shreds for a soul I take, this life of mine wasnt enough!
    You said I am the strongest yet I couldn’t do anything! Why I can’t do something! please answer me! How? How can I stop the war!?
    Or maybe I should be the one who needs to be killed? Please tell me… tell me….I couldn’t take it anymore…. Someone please….answer me… please….

  • @dr.skillz77mgpl92
    @dr.skillz77mgpl92 Рік тому

    9:12 music kicking

  • @eduaravellaneda2780
    @eduaravellaneda2780 Рік тому +1

    nice misic

  • @crusademan2930
    @crusademan2930 Рік тому +1


  • @trevortague4721
    @trevortague4721 Рік тому

    And I saw a dream, a dream where there was an idea, an idea that was, that is but a distant memory, is a prophetic purpose doomed to fail, though the path must be walked

  • @someguywithapencil508
    @someguywithapencil508 Рік тому

    "Orion, you aren't like any other human." SF began. "Not because you're the first human to enter the Enchanted Realm; there's a different reason." The teenager looked towards the war-ridden shadow. "You have a mission. You were born with it." The shadow continued. "You have something Eclipse wants. Something she's never had."
    "Comfort?" Orion guessed.
    "No. You have a heart. That's what she wants." Orion thought. All the pain he endured. All the suffering he went through. "Make your choice. Either the Realm dies, or you sacrifice yourself to save it." Orion looked out at dark-cast land that was once a beautiful haven. A flame of vengeance flashed in his purple eyes.
    "If it's my heart she wants, it's my heart she'll get." Orion took the amulet off, feeling an infection of the past return. "The Dark Queen will suffer to her own."

  • @GAMEV333
    @GAMEV333 Рік тому

    You Can say thank you for the publicity

  • @doggogamez
    @doggogamez Рік тому


  • @pizzalock1760
    @pizzalock1760 Рік тому

    ''may I ask you a simple question? young hero'' as he adjust his posture showing some of his scares which becomes a physical calendar on the many battle fields he went to. ''do you have a strong will to enact your goal unto becoming the hero? or are you yet another young soul who said that they can and freeze like a statue when they see blood or limbs being rip off.'' as a slight chuckle comes yet with an saddened tone that he attempts to hide. '' sorry if this is too blunt but I just am tired of people giving out the same tune and can't follow through with. thus become another tombstone that makes a beautiful day into a mournful cloudy night. which the only sounds are the sounds are the father and mother who lost yet another child in an unfair war. as he stares down on a list of the dead who he only talk to a little yet makes him just tired and sorrowful how even as a major he couldn't save them which frustrates him to no end. before looking back up to the young hero who remind him of his youth that he had long lost. ''so tell me are ready to go into the fields of death and terror knowing that you may one day join them as yet another statistic? to give your all to save others from those statistic of death? to become someone who rises as the man who will stop this war from those psychos who destroyed everything they touch?'' as some of his frustration starts leaking out before he readjusts himself.
    ''sorry about that just so tired of the young dying in this dammed war. just promise me your will stick to those conviction and be the person that you say you are.'' then he gets up grabs his blade that seems too heavy for others to prepare for the next battlefield as the hero thinks about his words before muttering ''I will you have my promise on that''.

  • @theaxolotlmafia7673
    @theaxolotlmafia7673 Рік тому +1

    I've defeated gods. I've defeated heros if this world, yet I can't defeat you? A damn villager with a little stands before me. But his power emits, I feel it in the air. He might be a true competition, it isn't my fate to die yet, is it?

  • @akinsanyayussuf1890
    @akinsanyayussuf1890 Рік тому

    You know Alien I been at the edge of time I need a doctor
    Before my soul fades away or you can stop applying the pressure I have had enough
    Just so I don't ever wake up again

  • @leidyuzumakis.t.5730
    @leidyuzumakis.t.5730 Рік тому +1

    Hello ✨✨❤️

  • @akinsanyayussuf1890
    @akinsanyayussuf1890 Рік тому

    You sound exactly like her mimics

  • @Iraklikrik
    @Iraklikrik 4 місяці тому

    string red pink kinck i mean stron g strong ___ )))(

  • @akinsanyayussuf1890
    @akinsanyayussuf1890 Рік тому

    Tell me what was written

  • @silenteverdusk5537
    @silenteverdusk5537 Рік тому

    they never asked to become the hero, nor the villain, in this sought after black and white world. But, what the ignorant do not understand, that this world is not black and white, its a mixture of grays, where the term of hero and villain are an attempt to give themselves a title to shout to the world. They keep on fighting for what they believe is right, but wouldn't that all make them heros in all but title? doing what follows their morals and believes, fighting for what they believe is right? or would that make them all villains, seemingly fighting for selfish reasons that light up a path that many view as the worst to go down. but they ignore titles, they exist not for glory or to show the world they are brave and unbreakable, but that they are human, that they do not and will never follow the path set out in front of them, theyd rather lose themselves within a forest or through alleyways and carve their own path.
    Do not lose yourself to meaningless titles, build your own path, write your own story, find the truth you wish to seek, do not hide behind secrets and lies, fight for others and yourself, and do not choose one or the other.
    Fate is within your own hands, mold it to fit your story and roll with it. Do not run away and do not look back, for the sun and the moon and the vast stars above you are watching, and its up to you to live your own life.

  • @grym_tv1022
    @grym_tv1022 Рік тому

    Yea, lets clean that shitty fate starting from today. You write your own fate.

  • @andryennor1091
    @andryennor1091 Рік тому

    Tem quatro piqueno e quatro grande yes bonitão não Victor não tá bem yes ele e o fortinho yes bonitão eu sei ele da muita paixão e vou aqueta meu coração sabendo da verdade yes bonitão ele tem um inimigo parecido e ele

  • @markdraper7452
    @markdraper7452 Рік тому

    Always strive to do better

  • @andryennor1091
    @andryennor1091 Рік тому

    Ele tem na casa Blanca na casa de garagem e na casa de condado tem quatro pra eu não saber yes bonitão eu não dormia não yes floresta vá não tá certo yes bonitao

  • @نیلارزگل
    @نیلارزگل Рік тому

    Becaz keeping war to best level hiomen us booomb 5 time i distroid porbelem

  • @arda6785
    @arda6785 Рік тому +2

    Nice ads cant even listen

  • @andryennor1091
    @andryennor1091 Рік тому

    Fortinho salve valeu agente foi curti o mundo nas custas de andryes e melhor desse geito e agora sou pai de nove sem brinquedo só dando fama e vento vai voa de verdade yes bonitão eu sou licor barão com toda misera yes e vou salve salvo yes da um salve pra fortinho quando eu volta e a o tapete e tão parado quem viu sabe faço nada yes

  • @brunaborbab8204
    @brunaborbab8204 Рік тому

    Undone reminds me song of Cersei lannister light of seven

  • @YaBoiTheGrimReaper
    @YaBoiTheGrimReaper Рік тому +43

    "Everybody writes their own story. You wrote your last chapter with my family's blood... The viscera of children the binding to your sick tale. The bones of the old and weary the spine of the book. The flesh of the innocent its cover.
    I only it'd be right to do the same to you and those you hold dear..."

  • @zellafae
    @zellafae Рік тому +9

    These songs seemed to get all the writers out of the wood works lol

  • @anaellebrunet5647
    @anaellebrunet5647 Рік тому +13

    We have the same love for all this singer, feel music of Tommee Profitt and Fleurie ♥️🎶

  • @yuridapted7459
    @yuridapted7459 Рік тому +9

    that’s it. im adding the lore of my own stories.
    “I recognise you…”
    The witch I had sought out extended a crooked finger at me with pale eyes disregarding my flesh and instead peered into my soul.
    “You are the one hunted by that fearsome creation… the creature with only one purpose. To hunt the Comptons.”
    A chill traversed down my spine like thunder striking a lightning rod. The creature which she spoke of could only be the Royal Incinerator. But who created it? And why hunt just me?
    “I pray you survive… although I doubt it as your fate is written in blood.”
    probably not canon tbh

  • @majdhaddad6184
    @majdhaddad6184 Рік тому +21

    Just pure greatness, each and every song is absolutely amazing

  • @razorwhipqueen8972
    @razorwhipqueen8972 Рік тому +4

    She huffed a sigh, tipping her head to the side to regard the tall shadow next to her.
    "So you decided to hunt him. Why?"
    The winged shadow shifted its shoulders in an approximation of a shrug, leaning against the wall behind them.
    "I simply decided it was the best choice."
    "And what?"
    "Was it?"
    The shadow huffed a laugh, tipping his head back to rest against the rough brick.
    "I suppose. Though there wasn't really much of a choice, in the end."
    The shadow chuckled, parts becoming more defined. Definitely male in build, with the tips of his bright red wings starting to fade into view. She wondered why his figure was so familiar.
    "Turns out I'm nothing more than a puppet. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have."
    And that was it. She recognised him now. The flippant tone, the red wings, the casual stance.
    "Well, I suppose it makes sense, in a sick, twisted way." She glanced at the vague sliver of moonlight tracing its way across the alley floor. She stood from her slump, stretching, as dark shapes slowly unfurled from her back, further blocking the low light in the already-dark space. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Takami-San, but I'm afraid I have to go."
    The Wing Hero rose with her, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He followed her to the mouth of the alley and watched her leave, wondering how she'd known.

  • @lazaruscodex7359
    @lazaruscodex7359 Рік тому +4

    at this point i am not even living my life for myself but for those who i love and want to protect , so who cares what happens to me..... i just have to make sure they do well... as for me , well its years too late to start caring.

  • @Sun-st6yt
    @Sun-st6yt Рік тому +62

    "I was born to killed. My blood is the ancestors of a death god. And each time I walk another life is gone. Until I am stopped, the path of genocide will continue. For my history is written in blood." A single tear fell.

    • @ninjaghost83
      @ninjaghost83 Рік тому +3

      Because those who trifall against god will all perish.

    • @Sun-st6yt
      @Sun-st6yt Рік тому +1

      As we are binded by their will.

    • @henri9929
      @henri9929 Рік тому +1

      Where is this from ? It feels like it's from Aatrox in League of Legends.

    • @Sun-st6yt
      @Sun-st6yt Рік тому +1

      @@henri9929 I made it up on the spot

    • @Sentience12
      @Sentience12 Рік тому +2

      @@Sun-st6yt more we need a full as story in here

  • @Starless404
    @Starless404 Рік тому +10

    Once upon a time, in a close world an human with the travel time power could change the destiny, but if he changes anything in the past he'll loose blood, He met someone who could go in the future and he said "You can save the world from total war ! Go in the past and kill the hero !"
    The human was okay but when he travel in past he saw the hero but killed himself...
    He woke up in paradise and said to God "Did I saved the world ?"
    God respond "Yes, you saved em all. Hero !"

  • @CheenTheCat
    @CheenTheCat Рік тому +3

    "You say our fate is written in blood, but have you ever considered its meaning?"

  • @ajking4773
    @ajking4773 Рік тому +3

    Just change the title to "good tomme profitt songs"

  • @inari_fox95
    @inari_fox95 Рік тому +2

    "A man in dull, gilded-plated armor made his way up the steps of the marble palace, his steps those of a tired man. His grey eyes reflected the dullness of his armor. They were eyes that had watched his wife and son get slaughtered in front of him; his daughter left with a scarred face, and the massive cost of this war. Thousands lay dead just to reach this moment.
    As he reached the massive stone doors, he studied them with disinterest; the scenes depicting the deeds of hundreds of heroes covered the doors. The man scowled and put his shoulder to the cold marble doors, shoving them open slowly. As he walked to the main audience chamber, his steps echoed across the softly glowing marble. As he entered the chamber, its vaulted ceiling towering high above him, he studied the scene before him with the same cold, dull gray eyes. Awaiting him were twelve non-human beings. No. Not non-human. Non-mortals. A bellow of rage tore from his throat and the battle began…"

  • @arnaudfigon8532
    @arnaudfigon8532 Рік тому +2

    "if i'm going out, i'm going out big"

  • @theodorehazel6920
    @theodorehazel6920 Рік тому +3

    fuckin hella good

  • @atttaibn3naa39
    @atttaibn3naa39 Рік тому +3

    The BEST BEAST 👏👏👏🎖🏆❤

  • @anaellebrunet5647
    @anaellebrunet5647 Рік тому +4

    C'est exactement mon mix automatique de youtube. I love epic music 🎧🎶😍♥️

  • @alexandervoncrowley5181
    @alexandervoncrowley5181 Рік тому +1

    Looking at the sky, ths city is in former friends trying to stoping me.
    ''Come back to us!'' - they say, my heart skip a bit.
    '' You dont need to do this, we can find another way! we can cure you'' - they say, my brain is killing me.
    '' We can fight this, you dont need to make all alone!'' they say.....i cry.
    - Sorry guys... Its too late, i already have ruined everything, my birth make this thing come...So its was i who have to end this....
    ''YOU GONNA DIE!''
    - Yeah...such a mess, i wanted to drink more with you guys, laugh more, sing more, live all are my pilar, liked a Nephelin like me, protected a weirdo like me....Love a monster like me....For that i am very i have just one request....
    I Open my wing, my human flesh transforms, the monster within come to light ...One ....last...time....
    - Live a great...Long....and Happy Life.....Goodbye... - Fly towards the hells last look....they are too.
    I colide with the hell gate and close from the inside...
    - You all wanted a piece of me? come and get it demons! i will RIP AND TEAR!!!

  • @ezrathing
    @ezrathing Рік тому +2

    Why can't this be played in mini mode? T-T

  • @samanthaspero3466
    @samanthaspero3466 Рік тому +2

    Love what every Tommee Profitt does!!!!!

  • @lilcenorfar2330
    @lilcenorfar2330 Рік тому +1

    It rains red when god himself cries, accepting his mistake. Free will. It should never have been given. He thought deamons would end the worlds, destroy all souls, as beings of destruction. His play was coming to an end. Written in blood. Striking out his own design. Deamons feast on fear and inspire it. Monsters strive to be feared and bathe in screams of terror. Humans? They are fear itself killing all that seek to end them and help them even themselves. The finale name, his name, the creator of all. It was crossed out, off the list of enemies of mortals, as an Angel took his life. It was always his favored. Lucifer. Azreal. Now Michael. Threes. Humans were obsessed with it. Threes and sevens. He should’ve known. The heavens, the earth, and Hell itself. Not even the neither could be spared. Aether infected since the beginning. Limbo not much long after. It’s a wonder, both humans and gods bleed red. Made in his image indeed. What a wonderful tale his children have told him. In god is all seven deadly sins. Whom amongst them will be god next. Will make lives for entertainment just as he.

  • @itsmerard
    @itsmerard Рік тому +1

    Freedom?? Never heard of it, life is always a war under shackles of this world, every day you face difficulties do you regret it?? My friend.....

  • @seanrochon9240
    @seanrochon9240 Рік тому +1

    You lost light

  • @Kratos_DCUO
    @Kratos_DCUO Рік тому

    I deleted my recent comment I meant to do it on a post but youtube is tripping again

  • @TEST-ws5ge
    @TEST-ws5ge Рік тому +1


  • @JohnreyAguisando
    @JohnreyAguisando Рік тому

    Your death is written in blood

  • @ilovehorses38
    @ilovehorses38 Рік тому

    wow, hauntingly resonating picture. thnx!

  • @realreview1285
    @realreview1285 Рік тому

    onward and upward + MONSTERS + HEROES RISE

  • @agustinrodriguez4539
    @agustinrodriguez4539 Рік тому +1

    amazing bro

  • @livingEcaveman
    @livingEcaveman Рік тому

    And everyone was an author in it.

  • @akinsanyayussuf1890
    @akinsanyayussuf1890 Рік тому


  • @cacaeug
    @cacaeug Рік тому


  • @marlongrimm4606
    @marlongrimm4606 Рік тому

    And then i looked in the mirror, locked inside this dusty, smelly, dim lit room where my parents died decades ago and the now black blood stain is still on the carpet, and for the first time since only god knows how long i saw myself on it, full of scars, specialy the long one acros the left side of my face, half blind, only bones, long black hair and pale skin. the collar that blocks gifts keep showing a small red light, A weak blue flame burns atop of my head, spinning around me as if its dancing, my "gift" power has grew so much that now it keeps burning all the time, even with the suppressor on.
    - so thats why they call me "the Undying"
    took myself the downright sin of picking a cigarette, the blue flame glows, ignites it, and i take long inbreath of smoke
    -killed them all, dad, mom, and now? what do i do with myself? it looks like it will take too long for these to kill me.