You guys have asked me a crap tonne, so here it is. Remember, you will ALWAYS be the most successful on your best role, even if that role is not considered by me to be all that good for carrying. EVERYTHING has the potential to carry in solo queue. So what's your go-to role for winning in yolo q?
I main top but i can also play mid adc and support, I struggle in the jungle even though I watch your and NB3´s videos and streams quite alot. I have trouble recognising when i should farm and when I should gank. I also have no clue on how to counterjungle or prevent it. Any tips?
"you saw nothing" xD i love it when he puts stuff like that , that one time it said smthing like " enemy dc and i survived and lived happily ever after" xD
with new money items i build damage anyhow but i like tanky cc supports best few exceptions but you still have to rely on the power of others and its hard for solo que like that (for me at least)
but sona is high damage and heals i cant say much though ive gotten pentas as support shen and carried plenty of games just a lot harder when i am also responsible for keeping others alive
Flicle as a fellow support main i can relate :) my most played champ in ranked is thresh, i tend to be a playmaker and managed to carry games almost alone. HOWEVER. sometimes your adc just doesn't want to get fed. you present them an easy kill all they had to do is 1 more autoattack and they cancel it, or they run away without kiting even though you manage to lock down the enemy adc so hard, that even the support has to deal with you, meaning that your adc could get off free damage on the enemies :/ or when your adc just isn't any good at last hitting. i tend to not say anything as a support, besides basic stuff like "if we get an early level 3 i go in" "go in on my hooks only when i go in as well" "concentrate on farm, let me zone them for you", but i really go on tilt sometimes, when my adc accuses me of being bad, even though it was him who screwed up. also you have to find a good balance between not talking and talking too much, because if you say nothing, your adc might not be on the same wavelength as you are, and if you say too much, they get angry and start tilting (cause you know, adcs have a huge ass ego :D). i feel a support has a bigger job than just zoning, setting up for ganks, keeping an eye on the map and enemy positions, warding and estimating whether or not you could win a 2v2 fight. a support very much has to keep the team in a stable mindset. not only via words but also via actions. it has been more than once, that my teammates started to try harder after i hit a crucial hook or bubble, made a successful disengage or even 1v1'd the enemy adc as alistar support :D also a support can be a real menace to the enemy team, if he knows what he's doing. if you know when you can leave lane and help other lanes, you can basically win the game by carrying all lanes as support :D if you dominate botlane hard, but have good disengage so you never get caught, you can really get into your enemies head and mess with them :) btw my favorite supports for solo queue are: thresh - obviously great engage and disengage, the faster you can get 40% cdr, the higher the chance is you win the game nami - imo the strongest supp atm, she has propably the best cc, provides sustain, buffs your adc, great disengage and peeling potential and is every adc's best friend. also a MUST have in your team or bans, if the enemy has tristana, cause you don't want that tristana nami botlane as enemies, trust me :D lulu - works best in teams with strong engage or against teams with assassins, doesn't have much sustain, but a nice palette of cc combined with massive amounts of damage for a support and my honorable mentions: blitzcrank - obviously the best support you could pick to win lane in lower elos. people can hardly dodge in silver and gold and just get punished over and over for mispositioning. you can also just zone enemies by using your w, as they will run in terror :D i just feel that blitzcrank falls off a bit lategame; yes, he's slippery as fuck with his movementspeed, silence, knockup and manashield, and he does a considerable amount of damage. however he just kinda relies too hard on hitting his grabs to shut down one target. zyra - a very very very strong support, and a really good lane bully. is able to use her plants to stop enemy skillshots, while at the same time poke with those very plants. can get fed and carry a whole team due to her aoe cc, however falls off hard when behind, as her resources are just really sparse :(
Are ranked games harder on your wifi then normals? Because my wifi is shittttttttt. XD i think i'm almost ready to carry myself to Bronze 4 with my jungle Darius...
gabrielcassaro i was once a good player but the unskilled ones picked op champs i got mad for losing and picked riven even tho i went 0/5 in lane i won the game by being rly op
gabrielcassaro i was once a good player but the unskilled ones picked op champs i got mad for losing and picked riven even tho i went 0/5 in lane i won the game by being rly op
Your aspect about supports is so right, I have mained support for a while because it was something I was quite good in, in my opinion. But as a support you really need your team to push the advantages that you're giving them. Else you're still able to lose a "won" game.
i feel that support is one of the strongest roles to main in low elo for a few reasons that werent mentioned, although more specifically i mean CC heavy supports like leona/morgana etc. you nearly always get your role, which is hard for mid and adc. most supports except thresh, nami are relatively straight forward and not mechanically intense supports like leona have obvious engages which people know to follow up on. and even if your adc is trash, you can protect your mid or whoever else has the highest carry potential. imo CC is the strongest tool you can have, in low elo especially
I carried myself to Gold IV and still rising playing almost nothing but support, and never duo queuing. I find that support has a ton of impact not only babysitting your adc and feeding them kills, but if you can zone and prevent the enemy adc from farming or getting any gold, then you have massively influenced the game in your favor. Keep your chin up and keep at it!
I was almost about to forget to like this video! Great video, just like the rest! :) Luckily you reminded me in the moment i clicked "Back" and i just felt so bad that i needed to come like it for ya :p
I think what champion to carry solo Q is a better question to ask/answer than what role to play. There are champs in every role that if they can get ahead can single handedly carry a game, even supp champs
Thank you fox as a jungler main I hope that other people realize that junglers aren't meant to win your lane they are simply there as an extra hand to help you either snowball a lead, give your team an an advantage in an even matchup or make plays to help drag your team out of the hole and start building on the little plays that are made and also that all lanes need to ward not just the support, I usually buy a pink and 2 greens with a sweeper by my first or second back as a jungler who is stuck in Gold Elo I hope people learn from this video
I think what you said about adc's in low elo is a little off. People seem to dedicate too many resources to shutting down an adc, to the point where they abandon their own adc in order to dive the other. This results in both teams losing their adc at the start of the fight and slugging it out from there. This is why the carry potential of traditional adc's in solo queue at low elo is significantly lower than at higher elo.
The Matticus So true, everyone has this idea that they can only win by killing the enemy carry. Good idea to counter this is play safe carry (trist, cait) and don't touch the other carries until you have a teams that can successfully defend you.
I've been trying my best lately to climb on ADC, and positioning just makes you a beast. I have carried so many games on ADC especially reaching the late game, even against a Vayne that went 22/9/13 and I was left behind until I managed to get items on Lucian. Completely, destroyed from positioning advantage with flash and E. tl;dr ADC is so great.
The league Family goes as said: Top being the father, the tough figure. he will mostly be the tank. Mid the mother, the care taker influencing the rest of the family in all stages of the game. Jungle being the uncle, Making up for what mid or top does not have the uncle drops off gifts for everyone from time to time and you never say fucking thank you. The support the big sister, You look after your lil brother ,the ADC, while being treated like shit by said brother. And the ADC the baby brother, One day he will be strong but until then he will need every scrap of food until then and if he does not get his way he will throw a tantrum and be a little shit.
if all your team feeds like mid + top + mid u cant do much as an adc appart from getting focus and start feeding aswell but if you play like jungle u can help losing lanes and save teamates so i thin jungle is the best role to climb
I really liked the part about support i don't think its rude or demeaning i think the dependency in your adc using their advantages is a good point great vid btw
This is why when you main support you give no fucks about a league rating system based on WINNING when support takes more skill than is recorded in the game stats.
Well no. Cause if your playing sona, and you have more deaths on avg than the front liners, then you're doing it wrong. And depending on which site you use, they also track your ward usage. So keeping track of deaths, gold income, and warding. Says alot about the player.
XerShade I must have missed them in my last 200 Leona games this season. So what these "intangible stats" that supports have, that the other roles don't?
So for example the game tracks the amount of team communication you co-ordinated, shots called, fights defused, and other communication related stuff? That's just the start, supports are essentially the ones who keep track of ALL the information in the game, be it from the HUD, scoreboard, common sense, or making predictions into enemy movements and they need to use that information to keep their team up to speed. No other lane has the TIME to do this as they need to worry about farming, ganking, roaming, pushing, etc. Support are essentially the team's tactician who helps the shot callers.
XerShade in lower elo yes, but as you go up, everyone is doing all the things you said. your job is to protect your teammates, whether it is by healing, by ccing or by offering a little bit of extra damage. dont think so highly of yourself...
I agree with the toplane statements. I can't remember how many times I have played nasus and by the time I get to mid game, my whole team is losing except me. I feel guilty for not helping but at the same time I feel like I need to spend even more time in top to stack so I can carry. I guess there is a balance
I can agree with the jungler comments, personally as a jungle main aswell Ive beenn able to clget myself from bronze 2 to gold 5 so far this season with about a 54.2% win rate. I recent went on an 8 game win streak i played jungle, 5 maokai, 1 vi, and 2 support as leona and tho I didnt carry in the traditional sense I was able to be an amazing front line tank for my teams and allow the mid/adc players to carry
What you say about carrying as support is right. The thing is that you need in the laning phase an adc who can follow up, how can farm anf how doesn't feed. Your play is really depending on how good your adc is. I'm main support and I have a partner with which I can dominate Bot Lane easily and really hard. But when you search soloq and pick support the chance is really high that you aren't comfortable with, that means that i.e. you hook the adc and engange but your adc is still focusing the support. A support can carry for sure, but you have to keep in mind that you are on a duo lane and not soloing a lane. When I play soloQ I'm used to play mid, to climb. soz for grammar mistakes and stuff, I try to improve my english ^_^
I feel that in higher elo, junglers and supports are what make or break games due to the objective control, vision control, and peeling they do for carries. Fights are cleaner here than at lower elo, and keeping your damage dealers alive are crucial to winning teamfights. As you go down the ladder, champions that are capable of dealing huge amounts of burst and/or sustained DPS (i.e. mid and adcs) are the best for climbing elo primarily because players of low elo tend not to react in time or make very poor use of their summoners/abilities/skillshots and so forth. I could write a whole lot more intricately as to why I think of the above, but I think it should make sense with the one/two points given for each role.
Fox have a question would it be possible for you to make a video explaining how to make item builds it relates to your 5 mistakes lower elo makes but i think people learning how to decide what will work vs such and such scenarios would be really beneficial to many people myself included. ;3
I main ADC and like you said in this video, without a good support I am useless. If the Support does a good job and I become fed then I can often win as is expected of a carry. But the right support is everything and I wish Support players were recognised for how important they are more often.
Here's some advice from someone who started this season in bronze 5 (because i did my first 10 ranked games the day I hit level 30) and is now silver 1 in just 3 weeks of playing. I played zyra support and I built her full movement speed AP and kiting. Despite being the weakest champion on the map i could 1v1 anyone and even had a penta kill one time. If you try this you need the frost queen's claim, boots of swiftness alacrity, twin shadows, mikael's crucible, rylai's crystal scepter and then whatever you like as your last item maybe sight stone. build these in any order and by late game you have the power to insta kill the AD and AP carry and kite bruisers to death. Your only real weakness is assassins but you can just use your last item appropriately to stop them murdering you. In lane you stay at the max range of your E you level the E first and rely on plants to both keep you out of fights and poke down your enemies. The final thing is that Zyra has the ability to solo drake as soon as you can build 30% cool down reduction regardless of level placing melee plants behind the drake causes it to look at them for 5 seconds so you can summon another and then repeat until the drake dies. With this I was able to consistently win bot lane, make up for our jungler not securing drake, keep the team at a safe distance while I poked the enemy down and even take out important targets. Just remember to take an objective every time you kill 2 or more enemies. Hope this helps.
My biggest tip to climbing is that when you are in picks, evaluate your team comps. If your team has a vayne adc, mid tf and support blitzcrank then I'd suggest dodging. Dodging is a really good strategy, since most of the time you can obviously see if your team has roles they're bad with and lanes which are really bad for them and bad comps. Dodging is one of the best things to climb, since you lose 0 MMR, only LP so it doesn't affect your climbing at all. .
I think supporting is honestly one of the hardest roles considering in the bottom lane early game you have all the pressure of initiating a 2v1 or 2v2 in your favor and posssibly failing. Its also the fact that if you don't have a rather great adc in the beginning you have to literally carry your adc all the way to a kill and end up killing yourself for. But obviously a support is supposed to die for their adc to get a kill but its not as easy as one might think. What I think the hardest lanes on a hardest to easiest scale would be: Support, Mid, ADC, Jungle, and then top. But then again its my opinion.
I love the points you make about junglers. So many games it's like people expect the jungler to work for them and get the fed. Honestly. People are better off assuming the jungler wont gank for them so they play their best to win the lane on their own and not flame like idiots if they keep dying and end up feeding.
Well, I've been doing my best to practice my main junglers (Main Elise and Lee right here). They are the junglers I feel confortable with, even though they are quite hard to play with. Sometimes I fail miserably, while sometimes I can get some realy nice plays on the table. I never /ff, because I like to believe that there is always a minor chance. Has a jungler, I love to babysit the ones that seem to have more potential of carry, because me, the tank, don't have enough damage to carry the game myself that hard. But I try my best from early/mid to feed the lanes that seem to play nicely enough to carry the game "for me". Being carried is also a skill that needs some practice.
I know this video was a long time ago. But I notice low elo players have gotten a lot better. They are much better at prioritizing high valued targets and i include myself in that.
tl;dr: My list= Mid>Jungle>Support>Top=Adc. Based on ability to control own position,as well as the ability to influence other positions. top\adc tied because both of their abilities to influence other parts of the game are dependant on how well they do in lane. My order is definitely different. Given I don't rate adcs as good carries for soloq. My order would probably be Mid>Jungle>Support>Top=Adc(interchangable to comp). Reasoning is that as a season 2\3 adc main. The adc used to have a lot more power in carrying his own lane. However with late S3 and S4 buffs to supports dmg and gold income, the supports play a much bigger role in lane(as well as better roam potential with that additional gold income able to carrying more than your own lane). And it becomes impossible to carry the early game. Which is the most important part of the game as any games really only last 25-30minutes. Really strong early adcs can still carry their lane(Like Draven, Lucian, Cait, or Twitch). But given supports can carry their own lane(esp low elo with Annie, Zyra, lissandra, or any other high damage\cc support) As well as roam effectively gives them the chance that even if their lane partner sucks, they can still help out the jungle with invades\invading, and mid laner with ganks\counterganks. Much is the same Reasoning I rate Mid and jungler so high. Is they have the ability to manipulate many lanes and the jungle. Mid can gank top, bot, invade\counterinvade pretty well(depending on champ). And GOOD junglers can obviously control\influence every single lane.
I completely agree with almost everything said here. But about the ADC position being a good role to carry in low elo, I'd have to agree and disagree with a couple reasons. Recently got to plat this season and was silver at the beginning , so I know the struggle in gold and low elo(gold 4 and below), and I've also been duoing on a smurf account with a bronze friend of mine, so I have fresh, relevant experience in elo hell- s5ish to bronze. You can carry ADC pretty well in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, but there are some pretty different qualifications to carrying in each of those divisions. ADC is all about positioning well with respect to the enemies zone of threat, getting as much dps as possible, and kiting, this is just a general description in trading against the enemy team, not the lane mechanics itself. The position is also very team reliant, and in the early game very support reliant-- given if you and your enemy bot are playing it right. In low elos, barely anyone knows how to play their respective roles to a competent level, which enables you, if you are a skilled ADC, to fully abuse this advantage and completely dominate your enemies in all phases of the game. This is because the ADC position is all about DPS, meaning you are consistently dishing out large amounts of dmg very quickly in trades just through aa'ing and kiting, etc. Whereas, mid is focused on short bursts of huge dmg, relying on cds for their dmg source, top lane and jg, for the most part, are the tanks and cc sources, and the support for utility-- the ADC can always trade. While the enemy burns cds, you're just kiting/aa'ing them until yours are up. In bronze and low silver, mechanical ability is pretty low, so you can easily outplay anyone as an ADC, given that you're good yourself. And teamfighting is easy too, since the focus is just horrible(mid and adc focusing your tanks while you free hit them) and if you're good at positioning yourself you can just aa/kite everyone without taking much dmg. You really do not need to worry about your teammates or the enemy team since you can pretty much outplay everyone. But this all changes a lot when you get to around s2 to gold 4. People in this elo are actually quite competent mechanically, I'd even say are about 75% to almost as good mechanically as a low plat player(being plat 5 myself), but still lack good strategical/objective sense and focus in teamfights. However, this does not appy to all of them, a good amount of players have good objective sense and focus in teamfights-- i'd say about 40%. Now it's that 40% of players that will give you a problem as an ADC, and actually make it very hard to carry some games, if you are not significantly more skilled than that respective elo, or have competent teammates that can peel/ absorb dmg for you. If you don't have a good team that knows how to peel/engage/ absorb/block dmg for you, it'll be very hard to carry in s2-g4 because these players are good mechanically, making it harder to outplay them, and actually have some focus to kill you in teamfights. Which is why having an advantage for teamfighting is for the most part what secures wins at this elo, since most don't have the game knowledge/experience/focus to know how to win teamfights. I can't tell you how many times I had a Nidalee jg, while the enemy team had a Sej, Amumu, or some aoe, cc jgler, and my top was someone like Tryn, while they had a Malphite, and just get stomped in teamfights due to strong wambos/ heavy cc focus and my teammates not knowing how to play against their team comp with our respective comp. For instance, I actually stopped playing ADC-- even though I main it-- at this elo and instead played Mid or JG to climb out because of the difficulty of carrying those games as ADC. As the ADC you have to play much higher than a s2-g4 level, atleast 2 divisions above your respective league to carry in most cases. And most people in their league rank don't play above their rank. Sometimes you just can't win games when you have the enemy support place a pink as soon as you, being Vayne, ult and have an Annie flash ignite, tibber 100-0 combo you, while my support is chasing a low health Shaco. Yes, when the enemy midlane, or other assasin, heavy cc person, make it their life goal to kill you, and you have not a single teammate to peel for you, you just can't win as ADC. I mean sure, you can still climb out of these elo's as ADC, but it is significantly harder imo because you have to be much more skilled than everyone you play against, and the ADC position is the most mechanically and positionally intensive because you HAVE to know how to orbwalk/animation cancel perfectly, which is hard in high pressure situations, and be able to position yourself well enough to maximize your dmg output will being safe. Also the variability of the quality of your teammates at these elos is what makes it harder. Some games you'll have really good supports, tanks, etc, that help you out a lot, and some games where you feel like everyone in your team are bots. Being the squishiest role in the game also makes it difficult since one mistake can result in your death. Which is why I believe in these elos, roles that are more forgiving to mistakes-- poor positioning, mechanics-- are much easier to climb/carry games. You can play leblanc or zed, dive into 3 people kill the enemy carry and instantly blink out like nothing happened. Or you can just be someone like Sej, Amumu, Malphite and just barrel into the whole team and ult and absorb dmg for lifetimes, setting up kills for you and your team. Also another point being is that ADC's are weak early game, and mid if they aren't fed/farmed, effectively reducing their overall influence. Now if you have an enemy mid laner, or jgler, that knows this and will try to shut you down early, it will make the chances of you carrying/winning much, much harder. Say a notoriously weak early game ADC like Vayne gets camped by the enemy mid and jg, while your support doesn't ward or your jgler or mid doesn't help, you will have a hard time coming back, if you even can. Pick lanes that have the highest influence in the game, especially early to mid, and also pick a champion with insane outplay potential or aoe/cc, if you want an easier time climbing out of low elo. If you can completely demolish and shutdown a lane, you can use these advantages to eventually win. Plus people at lower elos have much weaker mentalities and will just get demoralized/give up. I'm sure you guys can relate to this. LOL.
It all depends on the champion and division really. Toplane Tryn can easily carry a game in Bronze and Silver while gold might be harder (speaking from experiences), while Nidalee can be better in higher divs. Same with supports, BC can easily steamroll a botlane simply cause of the fear and indirect pressure it gives to the opposing team, while in lower divs, an inexperienced player may easily lose cause he fails every single grab. It's pure situational if you ask me, personally
If you're below gold.. especially bronze I agree that mid is probably the best to carry yourself. You don't have to rely on anyone else and you aren't against total tanks so your chance of getting fed is a bit higher. Gold and above I think it evens out...
I have 68% winrate with sona, 64% as braum, 59% as thresh, 67% as leona, 70% as zyra, 75% as nami and 87% as janna in solo q... As a good support you can win the botlane for your adcarry if he's decent, you can get plenty of vision for your team and deny ennemy vision. An other thing you can do even if you have no damages whatever role you play, is making good calls, included support.
I play as a filler. I let my team take all the roles that they feel comfortable with, while I take what is left. I feel equally comfortable on all roles and have a quite wide champion pool and so far this method alone has gotten me to gold 3, and still climbing, fast.
Fox is taking for granted that the person in question knows what he\she's doing. But if you're low elo chances are you don't. If you're not particularly god with ADC or MID or JUNGLE (in low elo it's probably the hardest role) play a tanky champion top or supp, Even if you make a few mistakes you have higher chances to survive laning and later can contribute in teamfights absorbing damage.
Well I do say towards the end that you'll always do better on a role than you are comfortable on than just picking something because I say it's good. Of course if you don't know how to play something you'll do bad on it!
Vi/fizz/zed/riven/irelia are really op in my opinion if you splitpush. Always mute your team, since if you're playing in d4 or lower then people will start flaming you for not "grouping" and going 5v5 against a team with amumu, yasuo and leona and when your team has a 0/3/2 kassadin with 2 items completed and 5/9 adc who complains. Splipush is always the easiest tactic to win in low elo, if you're good enough you can easily 1v1 or even 1v2, and always escape if 3+ comes. Although you need to be a way better player to splitpush really effectively.
I main support/top. I play malphite with tp a lot and I find him easily the easiest champ to carry a game with. One good bot tp and you have a double kill + free drake. TP is so OP in low elo holy shit. Support might have main task to make sure adc gets fed , but if you are a little experienced you can set up wards right and not only make picks, but also get the midlaner fed. I feel that tp and support have the most control of the game now.
Well hello i main support and top too.Let's talk about 2 things I have to deal with 80% of the time 1) I'm fed top but later on my team just 4v5 whenever they got a chance eventhough I told them to wait for me 2) As a support I can get the good one fed and the dumb one alive BUT the worst case is...My AD is fed but then he gets cocky and went rambo.Which sever or you...bronzodia ban malp 90% of the time...In Gold well...Malphite can get shit on and fast..
In this s5 meta id say either jungler or top lane all the assasins taking a nerf. Problem as jungler is in lower elo, even if you get all the lanes fed, the players don't know how to utilize the advantage.
Fourteen Walri I cannot think of a game more similar to the intro than one finger death punch, although I don't think it's very similar to his intro at all. Although it does help practice mechanics.
Nasus top is absolute free elo as long as you farm decently and build decently. I'm a plat jungle main,a friend of mine quitted league and gave me his bronze account, and it's absolute bullshit how hard he carries down there. They can camp you how much they want, you can go 1/8, you'll make all that gold back up anyway by farming better then them and having invisible gold stacking up with your Q, eventually you reach a point where if you have a big enough minion wave and you're 1v1 with the enemy laner you should be able to just W the laner and proceed to stomp the tower while they are barely doing any damage to your supertank triforce-boosted nasus. This only works if you have a skill level superior to the one you play in though. If you're one of the people who build phantom dancer and infinity edge on braum, then sell them, buy randuins, then sell it, and buy warmogs (IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN A BRONZE GAME I WAS IN), you're not skilled enough to make this work. If you're decently good at farming, Nasus is absolute FREE ELO in bronze/silver. Of course there are game you will lose, 4v5s or 3v5s happen, but you should be able to win all the other games. When you get to gold people start to bully you in your lane and it becomes a bit harder to do this constantly, so you can switch to heavy midlane roamers and snowballers (read: katarina and fizz, maybe zed if u want), these guys are decent 1v1 in lane and can easily create advantages for themselves and for the team. You can carry decently well in jungle too. In platinum, CROWD CONTROL = WIN. Amumu and Rammus can just roflstomp games if they get the optimal conditions, and are still useful even if they fall behind. The thing with CC in plat is people know how to abuse it, they know how to make picks and when to go in where you use your cc in a good moment. Support is pretty much the same, but you are absolutely reliant on your adc's play, so it's riskier.
I managed to get up to P3 with Support "only". Probably 80% of my games are on support and I do feel that carriying as a support is quite easy as long as you adc knows a bit what to do. If your adc however isn't a main adc, then you won't be able to do anything as a support :(
I've carried games HARD as thresh. Example: the other team had a fed kat, and every time she ulted I hooked her and we won. I was something like 1/5/21.
The race is on for me, was given a ban soon as the new patch came out 48 game chat ban and I need to win 26 unranked games before Nov 11 so I can start ranked again. I may need a miracle to escape this ban and bronze (I'm Bronze II)
Foxdrop! i've been playing ranked and i've been using my main kha zix jungle for a while now and i tend to max my w with the evolution and then q or e depending on the situation, do u have any tips on how i can improve on khazix?
I find akali or jayce top in lower elos is extremely easy to utilize, as long as right calls are made. I have not yet had any problems carrying with a top laner, even if every other lane fed throughout the game. The only thing my teammates have to actually accomplish is to be tanky enough to soak up damage, since behind, damage wont help.
I think it remembers a bit so when you where gold last season they'll keep it in mind and you'll get a decent rank around that if you ofcourse play decent aswell.
yea it does. There is this thing called mmr, wich is pretty much a hidden statist that matches you vs other players and there is usually an mmr rating assossiated with the different leagues. If you win many games, your mmr will become higher and you will be placed against higher level players. Now, after the season ends, you "lose" your ranking, but your mmr stays, so you be put with players in your mmr level. Then after the games, based on your mmr you will be placed on a league, wich, is usually not to different from the previous season, unless your mmr is very different from the average of your league before the season ends
at bronze and silver support is the best to carry. because at these elos alot of players dont know how to play sup but most of them will be ok (in respect to the elo) in mid top jungle or adc because thats what they are used to play. so if you alerdy just ward corectly, what alot of low elo sups dont do, you alredy did much more then the enemy sup. just pick sup so that you dont have to play with a sup how has no idea what to do.
Support is the worst role to carry with, as you have to rely on SOMEONE ELSE to carry the game for you. Often, I get my adc 6-0 and they still end up failing to carry. However, this problem gets milder as you climb the ladder.
IMO, it doesn't really matter what lane you play. If you you are good enough with whatever you main, you will naturally climb to higher elos because you will have a positive impact in you game regardless of your teammates. This is why duo queuing with higher elo players is pointless because even if you manage to get to a higher point, you will naturally drop back to the elo you belong in.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player imo kha is one of the strongest junglers. i main jungle kha aswell and i can tell u that in my elo no1 can handle the power of the voidreaver. since i am able to learn from guides and videos/streams i got from silver to plat in 2 weeks - only with kha - and only with the help of foxdrop and nightblue. elise got changed to a champ who needs hella practice to perform well. TLDR:K6 OP
only thing I dislike is that unless your stuck in a very low level then adc will get focused 9 times out of 10 but in mid to low level games it seems like people do not know how to position in teamfights leaving ad carries at risk so unless you are a strong adc you kinda get screwed over by your team and worst bit is they don't realise its there fault and blame the adc
My friend and i duo alot and we loss alot because bot always does bad so we go bot now and we win more but what we do is as soon as we get the tower on bot we jump other lanes mainly mid which works alot of the time so its kinda like we play jungle after we won bot lane its alot of fun lol
how high does low elo go in your opinion ? curently gold 1 and i can tell the adc is usualy the main focus, wich makes it difficult if the enemy has champs suchs vi.
I think mid and jungle are best for carrying in low elo, not adc like u said, adc start to get a lot of impact in the lategame and in low elo a lot of games are already "decided" at that point.
I wonder how wide the spread in soloQ ratings is among pro players. Are there pro or even world class players who aren't better than say platinum in soloQ? How do you deal with the fact that your own performance only affects the outcome of a game in a small way? (the other 9 players, matchmaking, DCs, attitude, luck etc. being much more important) In many games I played poorly and win, while in others I play way above average and lose. Variance seems huge, like in a Texas Hold'em poker tournament.
I Jungle and its soooo hard when you get unresponsive teamates or simply unaware ones. In low elo they are more likely to flame you for trying to doyour job but arent able to due to the lack of teamwork. I've sort of moved out of jungle and into top and mid as i can get mid fed from top and completely force atleast 2 of the enemy top lane to fight me. Mid I just snowball as hard as i can and make picks on the enemy ADC or jungler (assuming its not a tank) as I would have shut the enemy APC down
my main problem is my team doesn't push after winning fights, they go and farm, also when there are like 4 bot or something or like you said draw attention my team doesn't do anything just keep farming... its like kills and cs is the most important in this game objectives mean nothing
farid seyidov For that reason try to pick champs that aren't too team reliant. For this reason supporting does have its drawbacks, but if you play something like vi/heimer you can solo dragon/push 4 turrets
Good video, but srsly... thresh (support) is one of the best champs to carry soloq in my opinion. i play alomost only thresh and i got from silver 4 to plat 3 this season ...
Good video but I strongly disagree on the AD carry not being properly focused in low elo. Being the squishiest champion on the team (even a mid laner often has zhonya's and/or more mobility) you get focused a lot. This is not because the other team realizes the value of an adc but because low elo is all about getting kills and wanting to carry as an individual, rather than trying to win teamfights. There may be up to 3 assassins on the opposite team while your own support does not actually follow you. Trying to play adc in low elo can be very frustrating.
One can make the argument that the above is just an example of a bad game but, no joke, I got trolled in 5/5 placement matches way back when. I think it's safe to assume that if you're below gold (?) you need to have a playstyle which can accommodate one or more people trolling or feeding.
Until Gold 2 i easily carried all games with Jinx. As the Support becomes more important with higher elo i couldnt find myself consistently carry as adc with random supports
God it's hard to carry from top. I got placed in Silver 3 after my promotion series by doing it though. Even when you do it though it sucks. I am a firm believer though that if you can't at least sometimes carry from support role you can't expect to escape elo hell. Even though I got to Silver top I did it using Tryndamere so everyone would come top and waste time. I've carried far more games playing as Leona, Blitz, and even Sona. I do think Mid is the most important for carrying though. Whenever I had a competent mid we typically won.
Nowadays, people in my elo know how to focus the adc. I play adc a lot and the amount of times I've been bursted down by the fed jungler while my whole team goes on and fights without me is ridiculous. This is coming from experience in Bronze 1.
You guys have asked me a crap tonne, so here it is. Remember, you will ALWAYS be the most successful on your best role, even if that role is not considered by me to be all that good for carrying. EVERYTHING has the potential to carry in solo queue.
So what's your go-to role for winning in yolo q?
I main mid, but people usually push me to support or jungle which I don't know how :S
I main top but i can also play mid adc and support, I struggle in the jungle even though I watch your and NB3´s videos and streams quite alot. I have trouble recognising when i should farm and when I should gank. I also have no clue on how to counterjungle or prevent it. Any tips?
I main mid, but I do play a lot of top aswell :)
Jungle- Jarvan 4
"you saw nothing" xD i love it when he puts stuff like that , that one time it said smthing like " enemy dc and i survived and lived happily ever after" xD
I really like how you positioned the camera when you switched and talked about each role, great video fox. Love your work.
Freaking love the openings to your interviews. I rewind at least 5 times for that.
the curse of support main
carry the adc
but they cant shoulder the burden when their time comes
this is why i zyra supp, build damage anyways
with new money items i build damage anyhow but i like tanky cc supports best
few exceptions but you still have to rely on the power of others and its hard for solo que like that
(for me at least)
i would agree, but i got a penta as sona supp
but sona is high damage and heals
i cant say much though ive gotten pentas as support shen and carried plenty of games
just a lot harder when i am also responsible for keeping others alive
as a fellow support main i can relate :)
my most played champ in ranked is thresh, i tend to be a playmaker and managed to carry games almost alone.
HOWEVER. sometimes your adc just doesn't want to get fed.
you present them an easy kill all they had to do is 1 more autoattack and they cancel it, or they run away without kiting even though you manage to lock down the enemy adc so hard, that even the support has to deal with you, meaning that your adc could get off free damage on the enemies :/
or when your adc just isn't any good at last hitting.
i tend to not say anything as a support, besides basic stuff like "if we get an early level 3 i go in" "go in on my hooks only when i go in as well" "concentrate on farm, let me zone them for you", but i really go on tilt sometimes, when my adc accuses me of being bad, even though it was him who screwed up.
also you have to find a good balance between not talking and talking too much, because if you say nothing, your adc might not be on the same wavelength as you are, and if you say too much, they get angry and start tilting (cause you know, adcs have a huge ass ego :D).
i feel a support has a bigger job than just zoning, setting up for ganks, keeping an eye on the map and enemy positions, warding and estimating whether or not you could win a 2v2 fight.
a support very much has to keep the team in a stable mindset.
not only via words but also via actions.
it has been more than once, that my teammates started to try harder after i hit a crucial hook or bubble, made a successful disengage or even 1v1'd the enemy adc as alistar support :D
also a support can be a real menace to the enemy team, if he knows what he's doing.
if you know when you can leave lane and help other lanes, you can basically win the game by carrying all lanes as support :D
if you dominate botlane hard, but have good disengage so you never get caught, you can really get into your enemies head and mess with them :)
btw my favorite supports for solo queue are:
thresh - obviously great engage and disengage, the faster you can get 40% cdr, the higher the chance is you win the game
nami - imo the strongest supp atm, she has propably the best cc, provides sustain, buffs your adc, great disengage and peeling potential and is every adc's best friend.
also a MUST have in your team or bans, if the enemy has tristana, cause you don't want that tristana nami botlane as enemies, trust me :D
lulu - works best in teams with strong engage or against teams with assassins, doesn't have much sustain, but a nice palette of cc combined with massive amounts of damage for a support
and my honorable mentions:
blitzcrank - obviously the best support you could pick to win lane in lower elos. people can hardly dodge in silver and gold and just get punished over and over for mispositioning. you can also just zone enemies by using your w, as they will run in terror :D
i just feel that blitzcrank falls off a bit lategame; yes, he's slippery as fuck with his movementspeed, silence, knockup and manashield, and he does a considerable amount of damage. however he just kinda relies too hard on hitting his grabs to shut down one target.
zyra - a very very very strong support, and a really good lane bully. is able to use her plants to stop enemy skillshots, while at the same time poke with those very plants.
can get fed and carry a whole team due to her aoe cc, however falls off hard when behind, as her resources are just really sparse :(
well, i just wanted to say thanks to you fox, with YOUR tips i carried my self all the way out of bronze. thanks mate, keep doing what you're doing
Grats dude :) Thanks for watching!
Are ranked games harder on your wifi then normals? Because my wifi is shittttttttt.
XD i think i'm almost ready to carry myself to Bronze 4 with my jungle Darius...
dude, dont pick shitty things, pick things that are op, and that you know you like to play and have somewhat "mastered"
gabrielcassaro i was once a good player but the unskilled ones picked op champs i got mad for losing and picked riven even tho i went 0/5 in lane i won the game by being rly op
gabrielcassaro i was once a good player but the unskilled ones picked op champs i got mad for losing and picked riven even tho i went 0/5 in lane i won the game by being rly op
I really like how you learn people things and give tips, and also make funny background jokes! KEEP IT UP!
Your aspect about supports is so right, I have mained support for a while because it was something I was quite good in, in my opinion. But as a support you really need your team to push the advantages that you're giving them. Else you're still able to lose a "won" game.
i feel that support is one of the strongest roles to main in low elo for a few reasons that werent mentioned, although more specifically i mean CC heavy supports like leona/morgana etc.
you nearly always get your role, which is hard for mid and adc.
most supports except thresh, nami are relatively straight forward and not mechanically intense
supports like leona have obvious engages which people know to follow up on.
and even if your adc is trash, you can protect your mid or whoever else has the highest carry potential.
imo CC is the strongest tool you can have, in low elo especially
I kinda already knew this but I love how I can say for sure it's always good hearing you advice foxdrop thanx
I carried myself to Gold IV and still rising playing almost nothing but support, and never duo queuing. I find that support has a ton of impact not only babysitting your adc and feeding them kills, but if you can zone and prevent the enemy adc from farming or getting any gold, then you have massively influenced the game in your favor. Keep your chin up and keep at it!
"You saw nothing." That one cracked me up. :) Simple, subtle, funny.
I was almost about to forget to like this video! Great video, just like the rest! :) Luckily you reminded me in the moment i clicked "Back" and i just felt so bad that i needed to come like it for ya :p
2:28 Fox's personal pot of salt has just been opened
I love watching your videos and stream. Keep up the good work! :) :)
I think what champion to carry solo Q is a better question to ask/answer than what role to play.
There are champs in every role that if they can get ahead can single handedly carry a game, even supp champs
Thank you fox as a jungler main I hope that other people realize that junglers aren't meant to win your lane they are simply there as an extra hand to help you either snowball a lead, give your team an an advantage in an even matchup or make plays to help drag your team out of the hole and start building on the little plays that are made and also that all lanes need to ward not just the support, I usually buy a pink and 2 greens with a sweeper by my first or second back as a jungler who is stuck in Gold Elo I hope people learn from this video
I think every role is good to carry but you have to play it well and obv. it is easier to carry as a dmg dealer than a support. :)
Have a good day
"smiting the box for isolation" omg that was nice to watch
I think what you said about adc's in low elo is a little off. People seem to dedicate too many resources to shutting down an adc, to the point where they abandon their own adc in order to dive the other. This results in both teams losing their adc at the start of the fight and slugging it out from there. This is why the carry potential of traditional adc's in solo queue at low elo is significantly lower than at higher elo.
This. Or they start to engage and then run for some reason and u get caught bc u are generally slow as an adc
The Matticus So true, everyone has this idea that they can only win by killing the enemy carry.
Good idea to counter this is play safe carry (trist, cait) and don't touch the other carries until you have a teams that can successfully defend you.
I've been trying my best lately to climb on ADC, and positioning just makes you a beast. I have carried so many games on ADC especially reaching the late game, even against a Vayne that went 22/9/13 and I was left behind until I managed to get items on Lucian. Completely, destroyed from positioning advantage with flash and E.
tl;dr ADC is so great.
Thanks for the video man, It was really helpful!
The league Family goes as said: Top being the father, the tough figure. he will mostly be the tank. Mid the mother, the care taker influencing the rest of the family in all stages of the game. Jungle being the uncle, Making up for what mid or top does not have the uncle drops off gifts for everyone from time to time and you never say fucking thank you. The support the big sister, You look after your lil brother ,the ADC, while being treated like shit by said brother. And the ADC the baby brother, One day he will be strong but until then he will need every scrap of food until then and if he does not get his way he will throw a tantrum and be a little shit.
Talk about copied
I think sky said this first man give him some credit
Patrick Johnson copied and gay
if all your team feeds like mid + top + mid u cant do much as an adc appart from getting focus and start feeding aswell but if you play like jungle u can help losing lanes and save teamates so i thin jungle is the best role to climb
I really liked the part about support i don't think its rude or demeaning i think the dependency in your adc using their advantages is a good point great vid btw
This is why when you main support you give no fucks about a league rating system based on WINNING when support takes more skill than is recorded in the game stats.
Well no. Cause if your playing sona, and you have more deaths on avg than the front liners, then you're doing it wrong. And depending on which site you use, they also track your ward usage. So keeping track of deaths, gold income, and warding. Says alot about the player.
Those are TANGIBLE stats. Supports have to play with ALOT more then the skills that can be measured by stats.
I must have missed them in my last 200 Leona games this season. So what these "intangible stats" that supports have, that the other roles don't?
So for example the game tracks the amount of team communication you co-ordinated, shots called, fights defused, and other communication related stuff? That's just the start, supports are essentially the ones who keep track of ALL the information in the game, be it from the HUD, scoreboard, common sense, or making predictions into enemy movements and they need to use that information to keep their team up to speed. No other lane has the TIME to do this as they need to worry about farming, ganking, roaming, pushing, etc.
Support are essentially the team's tactician who helps the shot callers.
XerShade in lower elo yes, but as you go up, everyone is doing all the things you said. your job is to protect your teammates, whether it is by healing, by ccing or by offering a little bit of extra damage. dont think so highly of yourself...
I agree with the toplane statements. I can't remember how many times I have played nasus and by the time I get to mid game, my whole team is losing except me. I feel guilty for not helping but at the same time I feel like I need to spend even more time in top to stack so I can carry. I guess there is a balance
I can agree with the jungler comments, personally as a jungle main aswell Ive beenn able to clget myself from bronze 2 to gold 5 so far this season with about a 54.2% win rate. I recent went on an 8 game win streak i played jungle, 5 maokai, 1 vi, and 2 support as leona and tho I didnt carry in the traditional sense I was able to be an amazing front line tank for my teams and allow the mid/adc players to carry
What you say about carrying as support is right. The thing is that you need in the laning phase an adc who can follow up, how can farm anf how doesn't feed. Your play is really depending on how good your adc is. I'm main support and I have a partner with which I can dominate Bot Lane easily and really hard. But when you search soloq and pick support the chance is really high that you aren't comfortable with, that means that i.e. you hook the adc and engange but your adc is still focusing the support. A support can carry for sure, but you have to keep in mind that you are on a duo lane and not soloing a lane. When I play soloQ I'm used to play mid, to climb.
soz for grammar mistakes and stuff, I try to improve my english ^_^
I feel that in higher elo, junglers and supports are what make or break games due to the objective control, vision control, and peeling they do for carries. Fights are cleaner here than at lower elo, and keeping your damage dealers alive are crucial to winning teamfights.
As you go down the ladder, champions that are capable of dealing huge amounts of burst and/or sustained DPS (i.e. mid and adcs) are the best for climbing elo primarily because players of low elo tend not to react in time or make very poor use of their summoners/abilities/skillshots and so forth.
I could write a whole lot more intricately as to why I think of the above, but I think it should make sense with the one/two points given for each role.
fox~ learning from you got me from gold5 to plat 3 ~ cheers
Congrats dude :)
Fox have a question would it be possible for you to make a video explaining how to make item builds it relates to your 5 mistakes lower elo makes but i think people learning how to decide what will work vs such and such scenarios would be really beneficial to many people myself included. ;3
I main ADC and like you said in this video, without a good support I am useless. If the Support does a good job and I become fed then I can often win as is expected of a carry. But the right support is everything and I wish Support players were recognised for how important they are more often.
Here's some advice from someone who started this season in bronze 5 (because i did my first 10 ranked games the day I hit level 30) and is now silver 1 in just 3 weeks of playing. I played zyra support and I built her full movement speed AP and kiting. Despite being the weakest champion on the map i could 1v1 anyone and even had a penta kill one time. If you try this you need the frost queen's claim, boots of swiftness alacrity, twin shadows, mikael's crucible, rylai's crystal scepter and then whatever you like as your last item maybe sight stone. build these in any order and by late game you have the power to insta kill the AD and AP carry and kite bruisers to death. Your only real weakness is assassins but you can just use your last item appropriately to stop them murdering you. In lane you stay at the max range of your E you level the E first and rely on plants to both keep you out of fights and poke down your enemies. The final thing is that Zyra has the ability to solo drake as soon as you can build 30% cool down reduction regardless of level placing melee plants behind the drake causes it to look at them for 5 seconds so you can summon another and then repeat until the drake dies. With this I was able to consistently win bot lane, make up for our jungler not securing drake, keep the team at a safe distance while I poked the enemy down and even take out important targets. Just remember to take an objective every time you kill 2 or more enemies. Hope this helps.
My biggest tip to climbing is that when you are in picks, evaluate your team comps. If your team has a vayne adc, mid tf and support blitzcrank then I'd suggest dodging. Dodging is a really good strategy, since most of the time you can obviously see if your team has roles they're bad with and lanes which are really bad for them and bad comps.
Dodging is one of the best things to climb, since you lose 0 MMR, only LP so it doesn't affect your climbing at all.
I think supporting is honestly one of the hardest roles considering in the bottom lane early game you have all the pressure of initiating a 2v1 or 2v2 in your favor and posssibly failing. Its also the fact that if you don't have a rather great adc in the beginning you have to literally carry your adc all the way to a kill and end up killing yourself for. But obviously a support is supposed to die for their adc to get a kill but its not as easy as one might think. What I think the hardest lanes on a hardest to easiest scale would be: Support, Mid, ADC, Jungle, and then top. But then again its my opinion.
Love you vids and streams keep up good work
I love the points you make about junglers. So many games it's like people expect the jungler to work for them and get the fed.
Honestly. People are better off assuming the jungler wont gank for them so they play their best to win the lane on their own and not flame like idiots if they keep dying and end up feeding.
Well, I've been doing my best to practice my main junglers (Main Elise and Lee right here). They are the junglers I feel confortable with, even though they are quite hard to play with. Sometimes I fail miserably, while sometimes I can get some realy nice plays on the table. I never /ff, because I like to believe that there is always a minor chance. Has a jungler, I love to babysit the ones that seem to have more potential of carry, because me, the tank, don't have enough damage to carry the game myself that hard. But I try my best from early/mid to feed the lanes that seem to play nicely enough to carry the game "for me". Being carried is also a skill that needs some practice.
I know this video was a long time ago. But I notice low elo players have gotten a lot better. They are much better at prioritizing high valued targets and i include myself in that.
tl;dr: My list= Mid>Jungle>Support>Top=Adc. Based on ability to control own position,as well as the ability to influence other positions. top\adc tied because both of their abilities to influence other parts of the game are dependant on how well they do in lane.
My order is definitely different. Given I don't rate adcs as good carries for soloq. My order would probably be Mid>Jungle>Support>Top=Adc(interchangable to comp). Reasoning is that as a season 2\3 adc main. The adc used to have a lot more power in carrying his own lane. However with late S3 and S4 buffs to supports dmg and gold income, the supports play a much bigger role in lane(as well as better roam potential with that additional gold income able to carrying more than your own lane). And it becomes impossible to carry the early game. Which is the most important part of the game as any games really only last 25-30minutes. Really strong early adcs can still carry their lane(Like Draven, Lucian, Cait, or Twitch). But given supports can carry their own lane(esp low elo with Annie, Zyra, lissandra, or any other high damage\cc support) As well as roam effectively gives them the chance that even if their lane partner sucks, they can still help out the jungle with invades\invading, and mid laner with ganks\counterganks. Much is the same Reasoning I rate Mid and jungler so high. Is they have the ability to manipulate many lanes and the jungle. Mid can gank top, bot, invade\counterinvade pretty well(depending on champ). And GOOD junglers can obviously control\influence every single lane.
I completely agree with almost everything said here. But about the ADC position being a good role to carry in low elo, I'd have to agree and disagree with a couple reasons. Recently got to plat this season and was silver at the beginning , so I know the struggle in gold and low elo(gold 4 and below), and I've also been duoing on a smurf account with a bronze friend of mine, so I have fresh, relevant experience in elo hell- s5ish to bronze.
You can carry ADC pretty well in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, but there are some pretty different qualifications to carrying in each of those divisions. ADC is all about positioning well with respect to the enemies zone of threat, getting as much dps as possible, and kiting, this is just a general description in trading against the enemy team, not the lane mechanics itself. The position is also very team reliant, and in the early game very support reliant-- given if you and your enemy bot are playing it right.
In low elos, barely anyone knows how to play their respective roles to a competent level, which enables you, if you are a skilled ADC, to fully abuse this advantage and completely dominate your enemies in all phases of the game. This is because the ADC position is all about DPS, meaning you are consistently dishing out large amounts of dmg very quickly in trades just through aa'ing and kiting, etc. Whereas, mid is focused on short bursts of huge dmg, relying on cds for their dmg source, top lane and jg, for the most part, are the tanks and cc sources, and the support for utility-- the ADC can always trade. While the enemy burns cds, you're just kiting/aa'ing them until yours are up.
In bronze and low silver, mechanical ability is pretty low, so you can easily outplay anyone as an ADC, given that you're good yourself. And teamfighting is easy too, since the focus is just horrible(mid and adc focusing your tanks while you free hit them) and if you're good at positioning yourself you can just aa/kite everyone without taking much dmg. You really do not need to worry about your teammates or the enemy team since you can pretty much outplay everyone.
But this all changes a lot when you get to around s2 to gold 4. People in this elo are actually quite competent mechanically, I'd even say are about 75% to almost as good mechanically as a low plat player(being plat 5 myself), but still lack good strategical/objective sense and focus in teamfights. However, this does not appy to all of them, a good amount of players have good objective sense and focus in teamfights-- i'd say about 40%. Now it's that 40% of players that will give you a problem as an ADC, and actually make it very hard to carry some games, if you are not significantly more skilled than that respective elo, or have competent teammates that can peel/ absorb dmg for you. If you don't have a good team that knows how to peel/engage/ absorb/block dmg for you, it'll be very hard to carry in s2-g4 because these players are good mechanically, making it harder to outplay them, and actually have some focus to kill you in teamfights. Which is why having an advantage for teamfighting is for the most part what secures wins at this elo, since most don't have the game knowledge/experience/focus to know how to win teamfights. I can't tell you how many times I had a Nidalee jg, while the enemy team had a Sej, Amumu, or some aoe, cc jgler, and my top was someone like Tryn, while they had a Malphite, and just get stomped in teamfights due to strong wambos/ heavy cc focus and my teammates not knowing how to play against their team comp with our respective comp.
For instance, I actually stopped playing ADC-- even though I main it-- at this elo and instead played Mid or JG to climb out because of the difficulty of carrying those games as ADC. As the ADC you have to play much higher than a s2-g4 level, atleast 2 divisions above your respective league to carry in most cases. And most people in their league rank don't play above their rank.
Sometimes you just can't win games when you have the enemy support place a pink as soon as you, being Vayne, ult and have an Annie flash ignite, tibber 100-0 combo you, while my support is chasing a low health Shaco. Yes, when the enemy midlane, or other assasin, heavy cc person, make it their life goal to kill you, and you have not a single teammate to peel for you, you just can't win as ADC. I mean sure, you can still climb out of these elo's as ADC, but it is significantly harder imo because you have to be much more skilled than everyone you play against, and the ADC position is the most mechanically and positionally intensive because you HAVE to know how to orbwalk/animation cancel perfectly, which is hard in high pressure situations, and be able to position yourself well enough to maximize your dmg output will being safe. Also the variability of the quality of your teammates at these elos is what makes it harder. Some games you'll have really good supports, tanks, etc, that help you out a lot, and some games where you feel like everyone in your team are bots. Being the squishiest role in the game also makes it difficult since one mistake can result in your death.
Which is why I believe in these elos, roles that are more forgiving to mistakes-- poor positioning, mechanics-- are much easier to climb/carry games. You can play leblanc or zed, dive into 3 people kill the enemy carry and instantly blink out like nothing happened. Or you can just be someone like Sej, Amumu, Malphite and just barrel into the whole team and ult and absorb dmg for lifetimes, setting up kills for you and your team.
Also another point being is that ADC's are weak early game, and mid if they aren't fed/farmed, effectively reducing their overall influence. Now if you have an enemy mid laner, or jgler, that knows this and will try to shut you down early, it will make the chances of you carrying/winning much, much harder. Say a notoriously weak early game ADC like Vayne gets camped by the enemy mid and jg, while your support doesn't ward or your jgler or mid doesn't help, you will have a hard time coming back, if you even can.
Pick lanes that have the highest influence in the game, especially early to mid, and also pick a champion with insane outplay potential or aoe/cc, if you want an easier time climbing out of low elo. If you can completely demolish and shutdown a lane, you can use these advantages to eventually win. Plus people at lower elos have much weaker mentalities and will just get demoralized/give up. I'm sure you guys can relate to this. LOL.
Very helpful advises thanks bro
It all depends on the champion and division really. Toplane Tryn can easily carry a game in Bronze and Silver while gold might be harder (speaking from experiences), while Nidalee can be better in higher divs. Same with supports, BC can easily steamroll a botlane simply cause of the fear and indirect pressure it gives to the opposing team, while in lower divs, an inexperienced player may easily lose cause he fails every single grab. It's pure situational if you ask me, personally
If you're below gold.. especially bronze I agree that mid is probably the best to carry yourself. You don't have to rely on anyone else and you aren't against total tanks so your chance of getting fed is a bit higher. Gold and above I think it evens out...
I have 68% winrate with sona, 64% as braum, 59% as thresh, 67% as leona, 70% as zyra, 75% as nami and 87% as janna in solo q...
As a good support you can win the botlane for your adcarry if he's decent, you can get plenty of vision for your team and deny ennemy vision.
An other thing you can do even if you have no damages whatever role you play, is making good calls, included support.
I agree entirely.
I play as a filler. I let my team take all the roles that they feel comfortable with, while I take what is left. I feel equally comfortable on all roles and have a quite wide champion pool and so far this method alone has gotten me to gold 3, and still climbing, fast.
Oh yes we've seen! =)
LOL Remus xD
Great video :) Keep it up
Fox is taking for granted that the person in question knows what he\she's doing. But if you're low elo chances are you don't. If you're not particularly god with ADC or MID or JUNGLE (in low elo it's probably the hardest role) play a tanky champion top or supp, Even if you make a few mistakes you have higher chances to survive laning and later can contribute in teamfights absorbing damage.
Well I do say towards the end that you'll always do better on a role than you are comfortable on than just picking something because I say it's good. Of course if you don't know how to play something you'll do bad on it!
I completely agree with your video.
Vi/fizz/zed/riven/irelia are really op in my opinion if you splitpush. Always mute your team, since if you're playing in d4 or lower then people will start flaming you for not "grouping" and going 5v5 against a team with amumu, yasuo and leona and when your team has a 0/3/2 kassadin with 2 items completed and 5/9 adc who complains.
Splipush is always the easiest tactic to win in low elo, if you're good enough you can easily 1v1 or even 1v2, and always escape if 3+ comes. Although you need to be a way better player to splitpush really effectively.
I main support/top. I play malphite with tp a lot and I find him easily the easiest champ to carry a game with. One good bot tp and you have a double kill + free drake. TP is so OP in low elo holy shit. Support might have main task to make sure adc gets fed , but if you are a little experienced you can set up wards right and not only make picks, but also get the midlaner fed. I feel that tp and support have the most control of the game now.
Well hello i main support and top too.Let's talk about 2 things I have to deal with 80% of the time
1) I'm fed top but later on my team just 4v5 whenever they got a chance eventhough I told them to wait for me
2) As a support I can get the good one fed and the dumb one alive BUT the worst case is...My AD is fed but then he gets cocky and went rambo.Which sever or you...bronzodia ban malp 90% of the time...In Gold well...Malphite can get shit on and fast..
I main Urgot support, I should be in challenger but I'm stuck in bronze 5. Some advice on telling my team that Urgot support is viable would be nice.
did you make the opening stick fig scene and, if so, what program did you use? Thanks vm
Hey Fox. What headset do you use?
Can Sion smite during his new passive? If so, best baron steals NA?
Im pretty sure he can only and use the speed buff
In this s5 meta id say either jungler or top lane all the assasins taking a nerf. Problem as jungler is in lower elo, even if you get all the lanes fed, the players don't know how to utilize the advantage.
I wish there was a game just like his intro would be so fun!
One Finger Death Punch. Look it up.
Dat icon doe
Fourteen Walri I cannot think of a game more similar to the intro than one finger death punch, although I don't think it's very similar to his intro at all. Although it does help practice mechanics.
Nasus top is absolute free elo as long as you farm decently and build decently. I'm a plat jungle main,a friend of mine quitted league and gave me his bronze account, and it's absolute bullshit how hard he carries down there. They can camp you how much they want, you can go 1/8, you'll make all that gold back up anyway by farming better then them and having invisible gold stacking up with your Q, eventually you reach a point where if you have a big enough minion wave and you're 1v1 with the enemy laner you should be able to just W the laner and proceed to stomp the tower while they are barely doing any damage to your supertank triforce-boosted nasus. This only works if you have a skill level superior to the one you play in though. If you're one of the people who build phantom dancer and infinity edge on braum, then sell them, buy randuins, then sell it, and buy warmogs (IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN A BRONZE GAME I WAS IN), you're not skilled enough to make this work. If you're decently good at farming, Nasus is absolute FREE ELO in bronze/silver. Of course there are game you will lose, 4v5s or 3v5s happen, but you should be able to win all the other games. When you get to gold people start to bully you in your lane and it becomes a bit harder to do this constantly, so you can switch to heavy midlane roamers and snowballers (read: katarina and fizz, maybe zed if u want), these guys are decent 1v1 in lane and can easily create advantages for themselves and for the team. You can carry decently well in jungle too. In platinum, CROWD CONTROL = WIN. Amumu and Rammus can just roflstomp games if they get the optimal conditions, and are still useful even if they fall behind. The thing with CC in plat is people know how to abuse it, they know how to make picks and when to go in where you use your cc in a good moment. Support is pretty much the same, but you are absolutely reliant on your adc's play, so it's riskier.
4:10 its kinda funny that if janna flashed in time elise would end up being killed from lee's ult instead.
I managed to get up to P3 with Support "only". Probably 80% of my games are on support and I do feel that carriying as a support is quite easy as long as you adc knows a bit what to do. If your adc however isn't a main adc, then you won't be able to do anything as a support :(
nice video, you are awesome dude! could you do a fiddle tutorial maybe (: ?
I've carried games HARD as thresh. Example: the other team had a fed kat, and every time she ulted I hooked her and we won. I was something like 1/5/21.
The race is on for me, was given a ban soon as the new patch came out 48 game chat ban and I need to win 26 unranked games before Nov 11 so I can start ranked again. I may need a miracle to escape this ban and bronze (I'm Bronze II)
Im stuck in Plat II for a few months now lol. High School took away all my motivation of climbing... But Im so close ;-;
Foxdrop! i've been playing ranked and i've been using my main kha zix jungle for a while now and i tend to max my w with the evolution and then q or e depending on the situation, do u have any tips on how i can improve on khazix?
Cheng Zheng Hong always evolve your e second
I find akali or jayce top in lower elos is extremely easy to utilize, as long as right calls are made. I have not yet had any problems carrying with a top laner, even if every other lane fed throughout the game. The only thing my teammates have to actually accomplish is to be tanky enough to soak up damage, since behind, damage wont help.
I seriously cannot wait to get out of Bronze, but public exams pretty much restricts me kek.
i'm a bit curious, does your ranked position (I.E. in season 4) effect what rank you get from promos (I.E. in season 5)
I think it remembers a bit so when you where gold last season they'll keep it in mind and you'll get a decent rank around that if you ofcourse play decent aswell.
yea it does. There is this thing called mmr, wich is pretty much a hidden statist that matches you vs other players and there is usually an mmr rating assossiated with the different leagues. If you win many games, your mmr will become higher and you will be placed against higher level players. Now, after the season ends, you "lose" your ranking, but your mmr stays, so you be put with players in your mmr level. Then after the games, based on your mmr you will be placed on a league, wich, is usually not to different from the previous season, unless your mmr is very different from the average of your league before the season ends
at bronze and silver support is the best to carry. because at these elos alot of players dont know how to play sup but most of them will be ok (in respect to the elo) in mid top jungle or adc because thats what they are used to play. so if you alerdy just ward corectly, what alot of low elo sups dont do, you alredy did much more then the enemy sup. just pick sup so that you dont have to play with a sup how has no idea what to do.
Support is the worst role to carry with, as you have to rely on SOMEONE ELSE to carry the game for you. Often, I get my adc 6-0 and they still end up failing to carry. However, this problem gets milder as you climb the ladder.
IMO, it doesn't really matter what lane you play. If you you are good enough with whatever you main, you will naturally climb to higher elos because you will have a positive impact in you game regardless of your teammates. This is why duo queuing with higher elo players is pointless because even if you manage to get to a higher point, you will naturally drop back to the elo you belong in.
Should i buy elise or kha?
Both are good, I prefer K6.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player
imo kha is one of the strongest junglers. i main jungle kha aswell and i can tell u that in my elo no1 can handle the power of the voidreaver. since i am able to learn from guides and videos/streams i got from silver to plat in 2 weeks - only with kha - and only with the help of foxdrop and nightblue. elise got changed to a champ who needs hella practice to perform well.
foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player rengar or kha'zix?
kha and rengar are a bit different.
Kha' Zix
Main jungle..that's why i subscribed to your channel! ;-)
only thing I dislike is that unless your stuck in a very low level then adc will get focused 9 times out of 10 but in mid to low level games it seems like people do not know how to position in teamfights leaving ad carries at risk so unless you are a strong adc you kinda get screwed over by your team and worst bit is they don't realise its there fault and blame the adc
Thanks, you helped me ! :)
My friend and i duo alot and we loss alot because bot always does bad so we go bot now and we win more but what we do is as soon as we get the tower on bot we jump other lanes mainly mid which works alot of the time so its kinda like we play jungle after we won bot lane its alot of fun lol
Foxdrop da best.
how high does low elo go in your opinion ? curently gold 1 and i can tell the adc is usualy the main focus, wich makes it difficult if the enemy has champs suchs vi.
i think sup is best to play if u want to carry :) cuz one thresh hook on late game can win game :)
hey fox what would the best role to carry with be in plat elo?
I think mid and jungle are best for carrying in low elo, not adc like u said, adc start to get a lot of impact in the lategame and in low elo a lot of games are already "decided" at that point.
I wonder how wide the spread in soloQ ratings is among pro players. Are there pro or even world class players who aren't better than say platinum in soloQ?
How do you deal with the fact that your own performance only affects the outcome of a game in a small way? (the other 9 players, matchmaking, DCs, attitude, luck etc. being much more important)
In many games I played poorly and win, while in others I play way above average and lose. Variance seems huge, like in a Texas Hold'em poker tournament.
I Jungle and its soooo hard when you get unresponsive teamates or simply unaware ones. In low elo they are more likely to flame you for trying to doyour job but arent able to due to the lack of teamwork.
I've sort of moved out of jungle and into top and mid as i can get mid fed from top and completely force atleast 2 of the enemy top lane to fight me.
Mid I just snowball as hard as i can and make picks on the enemy ADC or jungler (assuming its not a tank) as I would have shut the enemy APC down
my main problem is my team doesn't push after winning fights, they go and farm, also when there are like 4 bot or something or like you said draw attention my team doesn't do anything just keep farming... its like kills and cs is the most important in this game objectives mean nothing
farid seyidov For that reason try to pick champs that aren't too team reliant. For this reason supporting does have its drawbacks, but if you play something like vi/heimer you can solo dragon/push 4 turrets
as tank support you can solo turret if your top laner or jungler are tanks. Thats because of zz portal
0:23 your black anwser on the screen is Lucian, and white Caitlyn LOL
I main lee jungle and draven adc so i think this will work
Good video, but srsly... thresh (support) is one of the best champs to carry soloq in my opinion. i play alomost only thresh and i got from silver 4 to plat 3 this season ...
0:22 Black and white answer, Lucian on the screen. Foxdrop the rasist confrimed :D
Good video but I strongly disagree on the AD carry not being properly focused in low elo. Being the squishiest champion on the team (even a mid laner often has zhonya's and/or more mobility) you get focused a lot. This is not because the other team realizes the value of an adc but because low elo is all about getting kills and wanting to carry as an individual, rather than trying to win teamfights. There may be up to 3 assassins on the opposite team while your own support does not actually follow you. Trying to play adc in low elo can be very frustrating.
One can make the argument that the above is just an example of a bad game but, no joke, I got trolled in 5/5 placement matches way back when. I think it's safe to assume that if you're below gold (?) you need to have a playstyle which can accommodate one or more people trolling or feeding.
What happened after? 1:06
Until Gold 2 i easily carried all games with Jinx.
As the Support becomes more important with higher elo i couldnt find myself consistently carry as adc with random supports
God it's hard to carry from top. I got placed in Silver 3 after my promotion series by doing it though. Even when you do it though it sucks. I am a firm believer though that if you can't at least sometimes carry from support role you can't expect to escape elo hell. Even though I got to Silver top I did it using Tryndamere so everyone would come top and waste time. I've carried far more games playing as Leona, Blitz, and even Sona. I do think Mid is the most important for carrying though. Whenever I had a competent mid we typically won.
Can u play jungle diana?
I love going ap mid and wrecking adc early as someone like Annie and veigar
Best role for carrying low elo is jungle. It's extremely easy to shut down the enemy jungle, snowball yourself out of control and win by yourself.
Nowadays, people in my elo know how to focus the adc. I play adc a lot and the amount of times I've been bursted down by the fed jungler while my whole team goes on and fights without me is ridiculous. This is coming from experience in Bronze 1.
Support not useless only in gold 3 and higher, ADC - 85% supports in pre-gold 5 is useless.