I've had these for about a month now and can't complain at all. Great bit of kit. Took me a little while to figure out how to connect the recover to multiple alarms but I got there in the end. I haven't however messed about with tone or colours, sensitivity ect but they are great so far. Would fully recommend.
Does the alarm save your settings when your turn it off then on again? My sensitivity, and led settings dont save when turning the alarm head on the off again
Bought these alarms within a week reciever had stopped making noise nash replaced it but now one of the alarms has stopped making a sound when u get a run but makes a sound on the reciever an when u turn it on tbh I'm going to sell them an invest in delkims
Disagree i have had Delkims and fox but found the Nash r3 to my liking had them since they come out and never had a issue with them. Awesome alarms. So i can only guess the R2 are going to be just as good.
I've had these for about a month now and can't complain at all. Great bit of kit.
Took me a little while to figure out how to connect the recover to multiple alarms but I got there in the end. I haven't however messed about with tone or colours, sensitivity ect but they are great so far. Would fully recommend.
I have just purchased these alarms. The 2 rod presentation set. Up to now , no complaints.
whats is the brand/name of the rod pod?
Does the alarm save your settings when your turn it off then on again? My sensitivity, and led settings dont save when turning the alarm head on the off again
i cant keep the alarms paired on these it just keeps going off!!!
Bought these alarms within a week reciever had stopped making noise nash replaced it but now one of the alarms has stopped making a sound when u get a run but makes a sound on the reciever an when u turn it on tbh I'm going to sell them an invest in delkims
Do they have a drop back indication like the r4s
Do the R2 alarms pair with the r3 sounder box?
Can receiver be used on vibration only like r3's?
R3s have vibration only function?? 🤔
@@Senno_101 yh
You will be lucky to get a reply
How much are these items
There just like the s5 alarms with snag ears on them
They look same as R3 with receiver from s5r
Hi, what pod were you using in this video? Thx
Summit colosseum rod pod
Retails about: £250
Thanks mate!
Thats a summit black cobalt pod mate great pods
S5 and S5R are the cheapest in the range!
More Gash
I'm also having pairing problems not impressed 😢
Delkims better
Float fishing better
Disagree i have had Delkims and fox but found the Nash r3 to my liking had them since they come out and never had a issue with them. Awesome alarms. So i can only guess the R2 are going to be just as good.
😂 delkim top range vs r2 bottom range and it’s still close lol
@@Juggos noddy 😉
@@bloodlinesoffire5633 I ain’t no noddy lad I’m just a old school carper me