I was talking with some friends of mine about how to reprint Sorcery Contested Realm TCG, and to me it made sense to add a boarder to the reprinted cards. Let the first edition copies of cards be the attractive beautiful cards they are, sell game pieces as such.
I really like that idea as well. Just a small difference between the cards. Grand archive does it super well. They create a set and then later down the line create an alter version with new art for some cards and few new cards to adjust the meta.
Thank you for these topics because it really does speak to the heart of the issue Sorcery players have, we just want something! News, events, a storyline, lore, anything! Not to turn this into a rant but comparisons with other games are not a bad thing, they allow you to say "I want to try something new" Which Sorcery and its team are doing but that doesn't mean not doing any of the other things that makes games enjoyable and successful. (More in the comment down below) But thank you! I haven't played a real game since AL released and I had a party with my friends to enjoy it so I feel you there
This is not a nitpick but just constructive criticism for the game overall. Yeah maybe its a rant but its a passionate rant from a fan that has no one to play with in his local area. I just love this game and hope someone who enjoys it as much sees this! In my own passionate eyes i see a few problems that the game realistically faces and have a few solutions for these problems given my own local friend group and what they respond well with. Problems: 1 - Lack of New *meaningful* cards coming into the game. - if you want to make only 1 set a year that is your choice but you better be able to make sure that a lot of these cards do fun or interesting things and can be used in a variety of different ways, if you don't....well look at a lot of AL, a majority of cards in the set are limited bombs but constructed duds. And despite what everyone may say, constructed is the way Sorcery is normally played, so a set needs to have cards that fill in that gap. Small sets might be realistic what can be produced given the model they have, which is understandable but when those small sets in all fairness "waste" their artwork and spots on cards that just don't do much in the context of the game it really feels like a waste. in all honesty, as much as I want 300+ card sets I will take another 220 card set so long as most of those cards do something different and impactful, note I'm not saying "powerful" but they have an impact on the game and give the players something exciting to explore. There will be tries and misses that is fine, the multi color cards are something i really want to see! but maybe when they are made in the future we buff their original stats to above the curve to help with jumping through the hoops of getting all their threshold, rather than just being half a point better than a mono color card for so much more work to play them. 2. Beginner Products - We all know currently the Beta Starters are great, great cards, great value a true homerun as a product. but you just really need one of those with each set, is you wish to grow a player base you need a starter product to get that person into the game. 3. Organized Play - Not everyone is a tournament players, many are casual. Just as the game is designed to be, a kitchen table game, and that is fine, awesome and wonderful. but you need something more for players rather than just playing at the kitchen table. they need another option, if they try out competitive play and don't like it that's fine too, but give them that choice to try something new. Have a rule set, host an event, I understand a lot of this is placed on the players or game stores at the moment, but even if EC just had 1 event they hosted themselves it would go a long way to build excitement for the game. I would love to know that even if I can't go to an EC event hosted by the company that at least there is one happening. And I know EC helps events like Sorcery Con and March of the Mortals with prizing and guest appearances and that is AWESOME! We just need more of that energy. Things the game could use to great effect: 1- Lore - The fact that the game has no official lore for this game is criminal! Yes I know that we are intended to make our own adventures but they have such a rich base to start with! A lore for the game that maybe has a chapter each month would help people engage with the game. A lore and story shows that there is just more to a game going on, it shows you have an idea and want to share it. 2. Seasonal Events - if we had a Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall style tournament structure that would give people something to look forward to year round. At the time of this message we know Dragon lord is coming and we know Gothic is coming, Dragon lord is a 13 card mini set and Gothic is a "big" set and will have starter decks, (small ones). but we don't even know if both will happen in the same year, and tbh I'm not sure if anyone knows yet? The uncertainty of the future is what hurts the most, we look around and all of games in the same sphere, even the new indie games are pushing out sets every quarter and we don't even know when our 1 set of the year is coming. Its hard to build a base of fan when you can't give them an idea of when to look forward to the product that is coming. if I try for the 4th time to get my friends hyped for Sorcery they instinctually ask "sweet, when is the next set?" and I have to respond "We don't really know, probably this year, honestly probably at the end of the year" that is just not reassuring. And if you talk to them about what is known about the mini set and how its 13 cards.....well that's cool, we got a pack of new cards to play with....a new pack. 3. 'Upgraded" Mini Sets - Honestly if we just added even 1 extra artist to mini sets and there were 25 new cards in each mini set that is a sizable difference that could make real change in the game. the game needs a sizable influx of new cards in the game for its players to stay engaged and stay active in it, we don't need to make 100+ card sets but if we could have at least 1 or 2 mini sets of 25 cards each year and a big or small set this would do wonders to help the game out, think of a release schedule of 25 new cards in the beginning of the year, a small or big set in the middle of the year and then a small 25 card set to end the year on, i think that could be done but if it isn't adopted by the company then they will continue to face lulls and droughts of interest in their game. Sorry if this is a rant, I mean well by all this and I have no one to talk one on one with about it but if any of these changes could be brought in it would go a LONG way to help interest in the game and just the game as a whole. And I put the point on the company doing these things and not the fans because if the company cannot steer the ship and they allow the players to do the heavy lifting for too long, well, that can only last for so long until players don't see it worth the effort anymore. I just want Sorcery to be in control of their own narrative that's all. And silence is not taking control of your game, TLDR: But I get it, growth is slow. And these things take time, more time than we imagine, but something needs to be done otherwise Sorcery will just be a great game we play every once in a while, rather than a great game we play all the time. I love the commentary please keep these topic videos alive!
I think the new metazoo is going to turn a lot of heads. If people can get past the bad past decisions it can make a big come back. The new art is amazing!
Thanks for the video and your thoughts. Maybe something to consider when having a release once per year is to have a set size of around 400-500 cards. So people need more boxes to complete a (play)set and it creates more possiblities to create and explore new decks in the 1-year period when a new set is coming.
I think with the set sizes moving forward they will look at a few things. 500 cards is ALOT to commission art wise. Alpha/beta was 400 cards and that seemed perfect. With Arthurian being a smaller expansion I think it would have made a good supplemental set. Other card games with multiple sets a year are around the 200 card mark. I think moving forward a 400 card set with maybe a supplemental set would be perfect. Thank you for your comment!
@ 400 cards is indeed great. The main point is that due to the higher size it takes more time in developing the decks in the meta and makes collecting a bit harder too.
Great thoughts, and look forward to hearing more of your insight. Subbed. I think EC would benefit to have a "Sorcerer Deck Builder" Product containing Beta staples from each Element: 30 Spells/20 Sites per Element (since we'll be at 60/40 soon). Sorcerer is a very approachable Avatar compared to the Pre-Con Avatars for both new & experienced TCG Players, in my opinion, and at the very least new players will get staple cards and have enough cards to build a 2-Element deck. And, like you said, have a seperate symbol printed on them to differentiate from Alpha/Beta etc. As far as future releases like Gothic, maybe they could split it. Half on release, other half later with a mini-set in between to help give players something to save up for/look forward to. Or have a "Draft Set" containing ~100 cards half-way between larger sets. I know the Artist shouldn't be rushed, so this may not be feasible for EC & Artist in the long run, and it goes against the one-set per year idea, which I personally greatly appreciate. Just some thoughts....oh hey, some people with torches & pitchforks are outside my house...
This my boy Big B!! Keep doing your thing dawg!! Proud to support you my boy! We gotta talk about this year's fantasy draft order tho lol. Anyway, keep it up! Here to support you bruh!
I don’t think it pissed off a lot of lgs as I bet with how small Sorcery is that mod I love you so most didn’t event know about the TC stock. TC has done a lot to grow the game and Sorcery kind of needed TC and Rudy to take off. Sorcery needs to do a better job of getting into lgs on their own.
@@EndFazeGames You realize local stores don't hold tournaments right? it makes no money it makes no sense.What you suggest them to do? take a subscription and pay $150 a box at tc and sell them locally for $175 while their customers can buy a tc sub and pay $150? Stores should have boxes for msrp with $25 bux profit or more. It makes them money and they grow enthusiastic and start building communities. Now they just see a handful of prefered people making good money and they stand on the sideline TC / Rudy dont host tournaments and gatherings, this is really needed if you want to grow a player base. Rudy is good to bring the game to attention to his subs and promotes the game but dunno man, I am from Europe and the same happend here, there where very little beta boxes and none now for MSRP and one guy is selling trillions of Beta commons as a figure of speech but I guess he hoarded the pallets and just opened them. Its common sense man if you want your new game to spread invest your money in shipping handlers and get stores boxes for a lucrative price so they are enticed to make extra steps. You can easely ship pallets to companies and supply digital order lists and they will handle local shipping for you.
What about a staggered release between the precons for a set then the booster box release at a later date? The precons would give a taste but the booster box is the full delivery.
I think you’re definitely onto something here. Maybe just like a month in advance do a precon but it might be important to not put a pack in it. The way tcg players are now those precons would go wild in price for a month while everyone tries to get as many packs as possible. I think a second small set per year might go a long way. Either way I’m glad precons are coming back. They just need to be done the right way.
I just think this is just how they want the game to be. We're used to a pretty constant hype cycle and sets being released before the last one even had a chance establish a meta with other card games. I don't think that's the pace they're going for. They want a slow and steady trickle of events and announcements while supporting local events.
It’s clear that might be what they want or what the initial practice was supposed to be but that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. I’m all for not being like magic or other game with 8 sets a year but a little more would be great.
True dat. And we don’t really need exact dates. Just anything will work at this point. A release month or something would work wonders. Delays are part of life and I wouldn’t hold that against anyone.
@EndFazeGames the art style isn't that impressive either. The new set is going to look like Nosferatu but not the new one but the original. Their "style" is ok, but the whole game looks old.
@@MrRayRockstarthe game definitely has a vintage feel and that is part of the games atmosphere. All hand painted and commissioned art. No AI artwork here!
I was talking with some friends of mine about how to reprint Sorcery Contested Realm TCG, and to me it made sense to add a boarder to the reprinted cards. Let the first edition copies of cards be the attractive beautiful cards they are, sell game pieces as such.
I really like that idea as well. Just a small difference between the cards.
Grand archive does it super well. They create a set and then later down the line create an alter version with new art for some cards and few new cards to adjust the meta.
Thank you for these topics because it really does speak to the heart of the issue Sorcery players have, we just want something! News, events, a storyline, lore, anything! Not to turn this into a rant but comparisons with other games are not a bad thing, they allow you to say "I want to try something new" Which Sorcery and its team are doing but that doesn't mean not doing any of the other things that makes games enjoyable and successful. (More in the comment down below) But thank you! I haven't played a real game since AL released and I had a party with my friends to enjoy it so I feel you there
This is not a nitpick but just constructive criticism for the game overall. Yeah maybe its a rant but its a passionate rant from a fan that has no one to play with in his local area. I just love this game and hope someone who enjoys it as much sees this!
In my own passionate eyes i see a few problems that the game realistically faces and have a few solutions for these problems given my own local friend group and what they respond well with.
1 - Lack of New *meaningful* cards coming into the game. - if you want to make only 1 set a year that is your choice but you better be able to make sure that a lot of these cards do fun or interesting things and can be used in a variety of different ways, if you don't....well look at a lot of AL, a majority of cards in the set are limited bombs but constructed duds. And despite what everyone may say, constructed is the way Sorcery is normally played, so a set needs to have cards that fill in that gap. Small sets might be realistic what can be produced given the model they have, which is understandable but when those small sets in all fairness "waste" their artwork and spots on cards that just don't do much in the context of the game it really feels like a waste. in all honesty, as much as I want 300+ card sets I will take another 220 card set so long as most of those cards do something different and impactful, note I'm not saying "powerful" but they have an impact on the game and give the players something exciting to explore. There will be tries and misses that is fine, the multi color cards are something i really want to see! but maybe when they are made in the future we buff their original stats to above the curve to help with jumping through the hoops of getting all their threshold, rather than just being half a point better than a mono color card for so much more work to play them.
2. Beginner Products - We all know currently the Beta Starters are great, great cards, great value a true homerun as a product. but you just really need one of those with each set, is you wish to grow a player base you need a starter product to get that person into the game.
3. Organized Play - Not everyone is a tournament players, many are casual. Just as the game is designed to be, a kitchen table game, and that is fine, awesome and wonderful. but you need something more for players rather than just playing at the kitchen table. they need another option, if they try out competitive play and don't like it that's fine too, but give them that choice to try something new. Have a rule set, host an event, I understand a lot of this is placed on the players or game stores at the moment, but even if EC just had 1 event they hosted themselves it would go a long way to build excitement for the game. I would love to know that even if I can't go to an EC event hosted by the company that at least there is one happening. And I know EC helps events like Sorcery Con and March of the Mortals with prizing and guest appearances and that is AWESOME! We just need more of that energy.
Things the game could use to great effect:
1- Lore - The fact that the game has no official lore for this game is criminal! Yes I know that we are intended to make our own adventures but they have such a rich base to start with! A lore for the game that maybe has a chapter each month would help people engage with the game. A lore and story shows that there is just more to a game going on, it shows you have an idea and want to share it.
2. Seasonal Events - if we had a Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall style tournament structure that would give people something to look forward to year round. At the time of this message we know Dragon lord is coming and we know Gothic is coming, Dragon lord is a 13 card mini set and Gothic is a "big" set and will have starter decks, (small ones). but we don't even know if both will happen in the same year, and tbh I'm not sure if anyone knows yet? The uncertainty of the future is what hurts the most, we look around and all of games in the same sphere, even the new indie games are pushing out sets every quarter and we don't even know when our 1 set of the year is coming. Its hard to build a base of fan when you can't give them an idea of when to look forward to the product that is coming. if I try for the 4th time to get my friends hyped for Sorcery they instinctually ask "sweet, when is the next set?" and I have to respond "We don't really know, probably this year, honestly probably at the end of the year" that is just not reassuring. And if you talk to them about what is known about the mini set and how its 13 cards.....well that's cool, we got a pack of new cards to play with....a new pack.
3. 'Upgraded" Mini Sets - Honestly if we just added even 1 extra artist to mini sets and there were 25 new cards in each mini set that is a sizable difference that could make real change in the game. the game needs a sizable influx of new cards in the game for its players to stay engaged and stay active in it, we don't need to make 100+ card sets but if we could have at least 1 or 2 mini sets of 25 cards each year and a big or small set this would do wonders to help the game out, think of a release schedule of 25 new cards in the beginning of the year, a small or big set in the middle of the year and then a small 25 card set to end the year on, i think that could be done but if it isn't adopted by the company then they will continue to face lulls and droughts of interest in their game.
Sorry if this is a rant, I mean well by all this and I have no one to talk one on one with about it but if any of these changes could be brought in it would go a LONG way to help interest in the game and just the game as a whole. And I put the point on the company doing these things and not the fans because if the company cannot steer the ship and they allow the players to do the heavy lifting for too long, well, that can only last for so long until players don't see it worth the effort anymore. I just want Sorcery to be in control of their own narrative that's all. And silence is not taking control of your game,
TLDR: But I get it, growth is slow. And these things take time, more time than we imagine, but something needs to be done otherwise Sorcery will just be a great game we play every once in a while, rather than a great game we play all the time.
I love the commentary please keep these topic videos alive!
Good takes here. Hope to see more content from you.
Ayyyyy 2Fluent!
I hope MetaZoo comes back, and it's better than before ☺️ Great takes!
I think the new metazoo is going to turn a lot of heads. If people can get past the bad past decisions it can make a big come back. The new art is amazing!
Thanks for the video and your thoughts. Maybe something to consider when having a release once per year is to have a set size of around 400-500 cards. So people need more boxes to complete a (play)set and it creates more possiblities to create and explore new decks in the 1-year period when a new set is coming.
I think with the set sizes moving forward they will look at a few things. 500 cards is ALOT to commission art wise. Alpha/beta was 400 cards and that seemed perfect. With Arthurian being a smaller expansion I think it would have made a good supplemental set. Other card games with multiple sets a year are around the 200 card mark. I think moving forward a 400 card set with maybe a supplemental set would be perfect. Thank you for your comment!
@ 400 cards is indeed great. The main point is that due to the higher size it takes more time in developing the decks in the meta and makes collecting a bit harder too.
And the game is great indeed!
Great thoughts, and look forward to hearing more of your insight. Subbed.
I think EC would benefit to have a "Sorcerer Deck Builder" Product containing Beta staples from each Element: 30 Spells/20 Sites per Element (since we'll be at 60/40 soon). Sorcerer is a very approachable Avatar compared to the Pre-Con Avatars for both new & experienced TCG Players, in my opinion, and at the very least new players will get staple cards and have enough cards to build a 2-Element deck. And, like you said, have a seperate symbol printed on them to differentiate from Alpha/Beta etc.
As far as future releases like Gothic, maybe they could split it. Half on release, other half later with a mini-set in between to help give players something to save up for/look forward to. Or have a "Draft Set" containing ~100 cards half-way between larger sets. I know the Artist shouldn't be rushed, so this may not be feasible for EC & Artist in the long run, and it goes against the one-set per year idea, which I personally greatly appreciate.
Just some thoughts....oh hey, some people with torches & pitchforks are outside my house...
Watch out for the pitch forks!!!! Great thoughts and thanks for the sub!!!!!
This my boy Big B!! Keep doing your thing dawg!! Proud to support you my boy! We gotta talk about this year's fantasy draft order tho lol. Anyway, keep it up! Here to support you bruh!
Thanks for the support C Roy!!!!!
Thank you!!!!
Great topics i agree with alot here.
Its better to have small ammount of boxes in many local lgses than stack them all at team covenant. That pissed off many lgs owners
I don’t think it pissed off a lot of lgs as I bet with how small Sorcery is that mod I love you so most didn’t event know about the TC stock. TC has done a lot to grow the game and Sorcery kind of needed TC and Rudy to take off. Sorcery needs to do a better job of getting into lgs on their own.
@@EndFazeGames You realize local stores don't hold tournaments right? it makes no money it makes no sense.What you suggest them to do? take a subscription and pay $150 a box at tc and sell them locally for $175 while their customers can buy a tc sub and pay $150?
Stores should have boxes for msrp with $25 bux profit or more. It makes them money and they grow enthusiastic and start building communities. Now they just see a handful of prefered people making good money and they stand on the sideline TC / Rudy dont host tournaments and gatherings, this is really needed if you want to grow a player base.
Rudy is good to bring the game to attention to his subs and promotes the game but dunno man, I am from Europe and the same happend here, there where very little beta boxes and none now for MSRP and one guy is selling trillions of Beta commons as a figure of speech but I guess he hoarded the pallets and just opened them.
Its common sense man if you want your new game to spread invest your money in shipping handlers and get stores boxes for a lucrative price so they are enticed to make extra steps. You can easely ship pallets to companies and supply digital order lists and they will handle local shipping for you.
What about a staggered release between the precons for a set then the booster box release at a later date? The precons would give a taste but the booster box is the full delivery.
I think you’re definitely onto something here. Maybe just like a month in advance do a precon but it might be important to not put a pack in it. The way tcg players are now those precons would go wild in price for a month while everyone tries to get as many packs as possible.
I think a second small set per year might go a long way. Either way I’m glad precons are coming back. They just need to be done the right way.
But.. the real question is.. do you like Mechs.... would you like a Mech tcg? It's certainly not Sorcery.... but it is damn fun ;)
I just think this is just how they want the game to be. We're used to a pretty constant hype cycle and sets being released before the last one even had a chance establish a meta with other card games. I don't think that's the pace they're going for. They want a slow and steady trickle of events and announcements while supporting local events.
It’s clear that might be what they want or what the initial practice was supposed to be but that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. I’m all for not being like magic or other game with 8 sets a year but a little more would be great.
Slow and steady doesn’t win the race in the dog eat dog world of tcgs right now. People will just move on to other things.
They are definitely gun shy with dates. I'm guessing because of the issues with the beta dates
True dat. And we don’t really need exact dates. Just anything will work at this point. A release month or something would work wonders. Delays are part of life and I wouldn’t hold that against anyone.
I see you, Taylor Swift! 😀
She is the GOAT
Stop. The gameplay is not THAT good.
Gonna have to agree to disagree. The gameplay of Sorcery is amazing.
@EndFazeGames the art style isn't that impressive either. The new set is going to look like Nosferatu but not the new one but the original. Their "style" is ok, but the whole game looks old.
@@MrRayRockstarthe game definitely has a vintage feel and that is part of the games atmosphere. All hand painted and commissioned art. No AI artwork here!
Flaming hot takes
@IneptCardCollector i just think their biggest appeal might just be their very own downfall. It's 2025, and they're acting like 1995.