Why Did the U.S. Army Major End Himself in "Dances With Wolves"?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • The major's tragic end was a surprise to both Lieutenant Dunbar and the audience. Let's look at why it happened.
    If you'd like to watch "Dances With Wolves" again or read the novel, here are affiliate links to Amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate this channel earns from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support!
    - "Dances With Wolves" streaming video at amzn.to/3TYYFKG or DVD at amzn.to/3VUl8LC
    - "Dances With Wolves" novel at amzn.to/4aBH2b5


  • @chaptersofwisdom
    @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому

    If you'd like to see or read what happened for yourself, here are affiliate links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate this channel earns from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support!
    - "Dances With Wolves" streaming video at amzn.to/3TYYFKG or DVD at amzn.to/3VUl8LC
    - "Dances With Wolves" novel at amzn.to/4aBH2b5

  • @chaptersofwisdom
    @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому +3

    Correction: I said "In the film he does not end himself" and should have said "In the novel he does not end himself"

  • @mattpope1746
    @mattpope1746 3 місяці тому +1

    My interpretation was that the major had lost his mind due to a combination of syphilis and alcoholism. I agree, as a plot device his immediate suicide conceals Dunbar’s orders to Fort Sedgwick. As story element I always felt the major represented the spiritual decay of the “civilized” world that Dunbar was about to depart from.

  • @dandavis8300
    @dandavis8300 3 місяці тому +5

    Syphilis was my guess from the remark: "I just pissed in my pants and there's nothing anyone can do". There was no cure so he knows his condition is only going to get worse and he's become a laughing stock to his men so chooses to "do the right thing" and end his life while he still has the wit to do so.

    • @chaptersofwisdom
      @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому +1

      @dandavis8300 That's pretty grim but it makes sense

  • @richardmardis2492
    @richardmardis2492 3 місяці тому +2

    I’d be worried how am I going to get my pay check.🤣

    • @chaptersofwisdom
      @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому

      @richardmardis2492 Was Lieutenant Dunbar the original remote worker?

  • @kevinoverbeck4250
    @kevinoverbeck4250 3 місяці тому

    The truth is, he doesnt matter.

  • @mauserwaffen982
    @mauserwaffen982 3 місяці тому +4

    To your journey! To my journey!

  • @classicgunstoday1972
    @classicgunstoday1972 3 місяці тому

    Because every white man in the movie, except Dunbar, is crazy. All the Indians are normal Leave it to Beaver neighborhood people living in tee pees and speaking Sioux (or some other language?)

    • @chaptersofwisdom
      @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому

      @classicgunstoday1972 A couple of groups were overly demonized in the story and I'll have videos coming out about that. I suspect that will anger people who love the film (like I actually still do) but haven't looked too deeply into the controversy. Read the books and you'll see what I mean

    • @classicgunstoday1972
      @classicgunstoday1972 3 місяці тому +1

      @@chaptersofwisdom the movie had good cinematography, music and some good action scenes...but it’s almost like watching a PC cartoon for three hours. Very 1990s.
      The Pawnee, I think, were usually at the mercy of the Sioux contrary to what appears in the movie.

  • @adamdavis8082
    @adamdavis8082 3 місяці тому +1

    Jordan Peterson? Really? He is more delusional than Fambrough 😆

    • @chaptersofwisdom
      @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому +1

      @adamdavis8082 I always considered him a tradcon but a quick Internet search reveals he's a classical liberal. That makes him more center than the extremes we often see these days. Still he has a lot of good ideas

    • @adamdavis8082
      @adamdavis8082 3 місяці тому

      @chaptersofwisdom he has done some interesting things in his field back when he was interested in science. But ever since has accepted his title as MAGA talking head, he has used his expertise in psychology to fool people into thinking he's an expert when parroting extreem right wing talking points in subjects that have nothing to do with his field of study.
      Just like if hitler had stuck to painting, if peterson had just stuck to His area of expertise, it would be a lot less destructive for everyone around him. Lol

    • @madmeh2929
      @madmeh2929 3 місяці тому +1

      Peterson has helped countless men not ‘end’ themselves. Perhaps he is more a scholar than you are aware. Don’t let political hatred blind you to things you can learn from another person.

    • @adamdavis8082
      @adamdavis8082 3 місяці тому

      @madmeh2929 it sounds like some of his psychological theories are important to you. And that's fine. Again.. he has said some interesting things regarding areas of his expertise. If he would stick to those areas of his expertise, that would be fine. However, after gaining popularity from being an interesting "anti-feminist", he become a conservative mouthpiece. Now, peterson pretends to be an expert on things like climate change, vaccines, military strategy, and economics. And since he has a PHD, people assume he knows what he is talking about when he meanders outside of his field of study. I would just call perterson an opinionated guy, but he parrots political narratives, and a lot of those narratives contradict the actual experts in those areas.

  • @johngaither9263
    @johngaither9263 3 місяці тому +5

    By ending himself and not documenting Dunbar's orders he is setting the stage for Dunbar's confrontation with the army in the future. They do not know his identity but do know he is in the company of Indians considered hostile wearing garb unlike that of an army officer and more like that of an associate of the hostiles. Appearances Dunbar cannot dispute or prove otherwise. The major was in a remote outpost far away from the cataclysmic battles to the east. He's an alcoholic, incontinent and depressed by all of those factors. Dunbar's mission and normalcy in comparison to his is unbearable.

    • @chaptersofwisdom
      @chaptersofwisdom  3 місяці тому +2

      @johngaither9263 Those are some good points, too. Dunbar was already on his way to switching sides, when the soldiers shot his horse, beat him up and threatened the Sioux, he had to make a choice of who to betray. We'll look at this transition more in another video. Thanks for sharing

      @THORFXMX 3 місяці тому

      I agree 100%. It was necessary for the story that nobody knew he was there