Aye thanks for the shout out! I 100% agree with your One Ring assessment in this version. When I cast it, I didn’t really want to draw cards and when I did, I was worried about dying to it. Looking good 👍🏼
at ~8:45, usually on tron you fetch tower last so if you have to tap out to activate a map you can play your land thats worth 3 mana rather than one of the 2 mana lands.
100%. It's also why, when I'm playing against Tron and I'm going to destroy a tronland, I destroy a non-Tower tronland. This way when they use the mana to fetch the replacement, the opponent has one less mana to operate with when they get Tron back online.
Aye thanks for the shout out! I 100% agree with your One Ring assessment in this version. When I cast it, I didn’t really want to draw cards and when I did, I was worried about dying to it. Looking good 👍🏼
at ~8:45, usually on tron you fetch tower last so if you have to tap out to activate a map you can play your land thats worth 3 mana rather than one of the 2 mana lands.
100%. It's also why, when I'm playing against Tron and I'm going to destroy a tronland, I destroy a non-Tower tronland. This way when they use the mana to fetch the replacement, the opponent has one less mana to operate with when they get Tron back online.
Good to know, I know which one to destroy but wasn't really thinking about it when I searched
This is really making me appreciate the hand hate in most lantern lists. 😂
Thanks for putting in the work!
Definitely need something to stop cards opp has in opener, whether its hand hate or counterspells (mono blue version)