白菜粉丝(素) Braised cabbage and sweet potato noodles/《心居》Life is a Long Quiet River

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • 白菜粉丝(素):
    白菜: 300克
    鸡汤料 :¼ 茶匙
    盐: ¼ 茶匙
    香油: ½ 茶匙
    蚝油: ½ 汤匙
    油: ½ 汤匙
    1. 70克红薯粉条在温水中泡1小时,同时准备白菜300克。把白色和绿色部分切开。白菜帮的部分纵向切成一厘米的长条,放一旁备用。绿色叶子部分纵向切成2厘米的条,白色和绿色分开放。蒜3瓣,切成薄片。青葱2根,切小块。
    2. 准备酱料:小碗中放鸡汤料 ¼ 茶匙,盐 ¼ 茶匙,生抽1茶匙、香油 ½ 茶匙,蚝油 ½ 汤匙,搅拌均匀。一小时后,粉条能用手指这样轻松切开就泡好了。然后切成15厘米长的段。然后在锅里倒入开水,把粉条放里边煮开,另一个小碗中倒入1茶匙老抽,把煮熟的粉条捞进碗里。搅拌均匀上色,盖个盖子,焖10分钟。
    3. 锅中放入 ½ 汤匙的油,当油冒泡时,倒入青葱,搅拌至有香味出来。然后把白菜白色的部分放进锅里,翻炒至六成熟后,加入白菜绿叶部分,翻炒至变软。然后倒入刚才调好的酱料,搅拌均匀。再加入焖好的粉条。把菜和粉条混合均匀。最后加入蒜片,搅拌至有香味出来。最后装盘即可食用。
    Cabbage and sweet potato noodles:
    Napa Cabbage: 300g
    Sweet potato noodles:70g
    Garlic:3 cloves, thin slices
    Green onion:2, chopped
    Chicken bouillon :¼ Tsp
    Salt: ¼ Tsp
    Light soy sauce:1Tsp
    Sesame oil: ½ Tsp
    Oyster sauce: ½ Tbsp
    Oil: ½ Tbsp
    1. Soak sweet potato noodles in warm water for 1 hours until the noodles could be cut easily with fingers. Cut the noodles in to 8-inch pieces. Pour some hot water in the pan, over medium heat, pour dark soy sauce in a bowl, once the noodles are boiling, take out the noodles in a bowl with dark sauce, mix evenly. Cover a lid and set aside for 10 minutes.
    2. Make the sauce: mix well salt, light soy sauce, chicken bouillon, sesame oil, oyster sauce.
    3. Separate the white part and green part, cut the white part in to ½ -inch stripes, and green part into 1-inch pieces.
    4. Add ½ tbsp oil in a pan, over medium heat, once the oil is bubbling, put in green onion, cook until fragrant. Then add white part of the cabbage, stir fry until 60% cooked, then add the green part cook until tender. Add sauce and mix well, then add the noodle, combine evenly, at last put in garlic and cook until fragrant. Ready to serve.