Big thank you to Cory from Aquarium Co-Op for being a part of this video, if you don't know already he has one of the best websites on the internet for all things fish keeping, check it out!
My favorite story. As a teen age guy, a local fish store was shutting down. I offered to buy a display tank from them. So they call and say your tank is ready ( a 40 long I think). It was the "Plant tank" and filled with algae. They drained it and I took it home, in October in Buffalo, Ny. Put the tank in the back yard and hosed it out for 30 mins with cold, chlorine, public water. I left it full to soften the old algae. It got down to 40 * that night. The next day I come out and there was a Zebra swimming around. It had been in the wet gravel for hours, then dosed with hose water, and lasted the night. I had that fish for years after. I use Zebras to cycle new tanks, fun and great fish! Thanks for your videos!
@@mikaelafox6106 The first fish in a tank, to build up bacteria. Now with several tanks, I can get active bacteria from other filters to help start. Zebras are very hearty fish.
Chuck Schmidt Thanks that makes a lot of sense. I’m only a year into fish keeping so I feel I’m still white a newbie. Definitely glad for all information. I always overlooked these fish. Maybe I’ll look more into them now!
Chuck Schmidt what a god damm champ!!! I thought my fish were hardcore when they just survived a medication overdose. 2X the tank water dosage with the temp at 80 degrees F. My neon tetras all died with the last one dying right now and all my mollies wanted to do was eat and mate. Not a single care was given by them throughout the whole tank meltdown. I’m loving these hardcore breeds.
@@danioking5369 thanks for the comment stranger. I'm looking for an active small fish to make my tank a bit more active, since my neon tetra school is a bit inactive and shy. You probably saved me from a lot of regret lol... They would probably scare my neons
My first ever 6 gallon nano tank had 2 zebra danios, shortly after they started growing (rather large, in fact!) I moved them to a 29 gallon and added 5 more leopard long fins. They are by far my favorite small community fish and I could not be happier that I started with them! I’m afraid I wouldn’t appreciate them as much if I hadn’t kept them first. They are easy to overlook. But man, do I love my danios!
Lol I love how you start and end with "They're crazy" XD Yes, there truly is never a dull (or still) moment with these fish. Personal favourite is the Kyathit danio, gotta love those bright orange fins and blue stripes! Are the White Cloud Minnows actually a member of the danio family? I thought this was a mislabel. Due to their high activity level, I would hesitate to put them with significantly slower or long-finned fish. I've had cases where they've even nipped the tails of my long-finned cherry barbs. Plus they might tire or stress out other fish like bettas or angelfish that might feel like they constantly have to be on guard with these guys zooming around. However, they make a fantastic pairing with semi-aggressive tetras or barbs that might be tough to pair with other community fish. Blue, emperor, and silvertip tetras come to mind. Danios have a very similar personality to these types of tetras IMO, and I've had them get along great! Thanks for all the cool info about these guys!
I got Danios for my brand new 10 gallon tank for my office and I love them! So much fun! Also, thanks for putting out great content. I tried looking at other Danio videos just to learn more, but the quality of your videos is just so much better than others on UA-cam!
Danios can tank jump. They are very curious and playful which means they’re smart. They go stir crazy if they can’t entertain themselves so they jump to get out. They definitely need environmental enrichment and a bare tank or one that’s too small stresses them out and is no good for them. I’ve seen them throwing pebbles in the water with their mouths and re-catching them. I’ve seen them do the same thing with water snails, bouncing them back and forth between each other. Amazing little fish. Entertain them with an interesting environment. Really important.
I started off with a school of 6 White Clouds in my 10G, and they have really grown on me. They use every layer of the tank, and sometimes when I look in there, I can’t even see them because they are exploring the bottom, in and around my plants and driftwood. They don’t just swim back and forth all day long. It is also fun to watch them chase each other around. Cool little fish, especially when in a group.
Thank you sooo much for a danio video. I want to get them and have been scouring the internet for care/fact videos. In the Future could you maybe do a video on honey gourami? I love your channel it is so informative and entertaining 😁
I have 4 Giant Danios in my 40 breeder and they actually school with the 5 really large Buenos Aires Tetras. Fast aggressive feeders as well. Great video.
I just got 9 Rose Danios to join my out of control dwarf crawfish colony...its a blast to watch! They have joined the three little clown killis I have and the little killis dont seem to mind them at all. The crays, on the other hand, are exhausted by the energy of the danios. It keeps them on their toes and so fun to watch how they react to fish faster then their pincers. They have almost given up being defensive. Haha!
This is how tough a danio is. At the pet store the lady who waited on me accidently missed the bag and the fish ended up on the floor and after she got more fish for me I noticed the danio wasn't there. I found the danio on the floor. She picked up the fish and before she got him in the bag she dropped him a 2nd time. I took him home anyway, his fine and swimming all over the place.
@@Thirsty4Thirst They are good! We got 5, (tank is only a 5 gal, so couldn’t do a big school) and one passed within two days of getting them in (tank pre-cycled) but the 4 remaining are strong and happy and energetic and entertaining. They recognize which of my 3 kids feeds them and visibly get more excited when he is near the tank. I have noticed when I clean the water they are not huge waste producers, but I did have a beta and a large mystery snail on there previously that were both pooping machines, so probably not the best comparison. But, yes, very happy with them, and they function as a great night time calming strategy for my autistic son. Between them and the ambient light of the fish tank itself, it helps him a lot.
I'm currently thinking of getting rid of my ceestial danios and buying a nice group of giant danios for my 100 gallon. I'd lose my mind with excitement if I had a 500 gallon to stalk with fish lol 😆
I just started a 20 long over the weekend and have 4 zebras getting it cycled. My plans were to make it a one species tank with glo light or neon tetras, but I’m now considering making it a zebra tank. It’s not something most would think about as it’s not a super flashy fish, but they remind me of miniature trout and their rambunctiousness is certainly entertaining to watch. I put a taller 2 foot long piece of fake driftwood in the tank and they swim through the openings in it . I’ll be adding live plants later on down the road.
Blue danios and 24k gold white clouds are among the most beautiful freshwater fishes in my opinion. With good water quality, good lighting, and the right background/substrate, these fish pop.
I like to put Danio in with stuff like guppies, molly and neon tetras. They do work out well with different tetras like black skirts and white fin tetras, dwarf guarumi and other moderate aggressive fish. Not generally something for barbs tanks.
Yes , Zebra Danio are great aquarium fish for beginners , I started them to feed on mosquito larvae in almost a big vase , shame on me! They graduated to my community tank with Neon Tetras later on with no problem! Have to give them away when started working overseas , but yes , still remembered them fondly! Nowadays I noticed the good varieties of those leopard zebra danio , enjoy looking at on the UA-cam! Thank You So Much for the Valuable Tutorials on Fish Keeping! Stay Safe & Stay Humble! 🕯🌷🌿
I'm not sure why, but I just really love all your videos. I have glowlight danios and love them -- started w/ 10 or 12 and now have at least 20 -- just moved them into a 75G community tank with corys, 6 melonotania rainbows + 6 12+ silvertip tetras. I need a few taller plants, but they're loving the bigger space so far!!!
I can't wait to restart a smallish tank up and all I've been thinking about to serve as the main attraction has been zebra danios. Hardy, not fussy, playful, a great choice for almost any aquarium. :)
So, a white cloud is a danio? This is good news. I am waiting for my first tank to be ready for fish. It has been running for 3 weeks, the plants will be here next week - Thanks Cory. I have it designed to look like the edge of a pond and want only one kind of fish, some shrimp and snails. I have been wanting White Clouds all along but I also want Danios. Now I can have both!
Oh, and Cory, thanks for being an ambassador for goldies too :) I've been keeping them for the last 3 years and love them but hate the way they eat plants ! :)
Great tips for beginners. I'd like to see you guys do a 10 things segment on wild bettas specifically Wild plakat Fighters. That's what I'm keeping & breeding.
Just got 6 colorfull danios on my 1st ever tank. A 15 gallons tank. They look amaizing in it. So cool to watch them swim around with those bright colors
Watching them try to eat something too big for them is HILARIOUS btw 😂 they will munch and munch and chew and chew for like 20 mins straight all WHILE dodging other danios trying to steal the food right out of their mouth lmao. These fish are BRATS 😂 I love em
I kept the Danios Rerio, Choprae and frankei (the black dot's one).. that was really amazing and really cool for having them. But There is something that was going wrong. all the little dies and only the bigger was still alive...after that I lost a lot of them when it was really so hot outside... Also, they eat a lot. They are always looking for food, take precautions. Choprae are beautilful, but they are more sensitive then Rerio. The most crazy when I saw 2 rerio becoming blue gray mettalique with black lines and orange fin's (maybe trying to hang out with the choprea?)...Wow !
Nice job,got to meet you and your guest at Aquatic my gold white clouds (But John you still haven’t converted me to cichlids) still love your videos.
One day I went to a fish shop and saw a bunch of pink fish that were so beautiful. I bought 3 of them and was told they are pink danios. I thought they will be hard to keep as they are so beautiful and you know beautiful fish die easily. Turned out they are so hardy and easy to keep ! I bought another 3 zebra danios. Now I have 6 in my 5 gallon.
I used Zebra danios for a fish in cycle, started off with 5, ended up buying 5 more because they are very interesting fish. Had them for close to a year before giving them to my bff to put in her 55g tank.
They are the best! I couldn't help but lean back and watch my Barilius ardens for the course of this video, and just nod my head in agreement with everything you said.
I have a small group of celestial danios, but now I'm thinking of getting rid of them and adding a group of giant danios instead 🤔 They'd do great in my 100 gallon!
@@MattKeepsFish Since I only have space for the one tank I plan on putting an Oscar in the tank at some point down the road(along with a few other appropriate sized cichlids), but that won't be for a while. I have 3 plecos in there that I'm growing out until they're big enough not to get eaten by the oscar, which can take a good year. Until they grow to a safe size the tank is going to be a nice little community tank. I currently have some balloon mollies, some danios(which I'm going to replace with a few giant danios), a pearl gourami, 2 beautiful rams(1 blk and 1 white with an orange head), 7 albino cory catfishes, and a few snails(because, why not). I'm sure there are 1 or 2 more fish I missed, but its a fairly stocked 100 gallon.
Just found this video. I love my golden leopard and golden clouds. They act like they have had too much caffeine. Trying to catch that last danio to move to a newer bigger tank was a nightmare. I swear the other danios I had previously moved were laughing lol.
I have 5 giant danio in my 110 gallon. When they were younger I had them in a 36 and they made my live bearers and dwarf gourami's crazy because they were so spastic. Between the tank being bigger and being in with Severum and Electric Blue Acara - they are a little less hyper.
I kept zebras, pearls and minnows before And a warning to keepers, if one of your stockier fish suddenly looks bloated but is still very healthy, don’t worry its a she. And I know this is about dainos but for those that want a tetra that acts like a daino, Conchu’s King Blue. I might even argue they’re even more crazy.
The 10 things you need to know is how I got hooked with KGtropicals! Keep up the videos great stuff 👍🏽 Ps: a 10 things on Senegal bichirs would be amazing *wink wink* my favorite fish haha
I have one danio and she is fin-nipping other fish. Do I have to buy more danios to company with her and will that lower her fin-nipping habit? i am concerned that all other new bought danios might also become fin-nippers and I will have not just one but a few fin-nippers in the tank.
I tried keeping pearl and glow light danios in my tetra community and they chased every tetra nonstop stressing them to near death. The only danio i find good with tetras are gold ring ones
Big thank you to Cory from Aquarium Co-Op for being a part of this video, if you don't know already he has one of the best websites on the internet for all things fish keeping, check it out!
I just got 3 danios
I have 8 Zebra Danios in my 10g tank, and i dont have air pump, only filter, is it okay?
@@jophielgracilla8800 you probably want something for the gas exchange. Thats alot of livestock for the method you are trying.
Love you all getting together on this. We all share the hobby.
My favorite story. As a teen age guy, a local fish store was shutting down. I offered to buy a display tank from them. So they call and say your tank is ready ( a 40 long I think). It was the "Plant tank" and filled with algae. They drained it and I took it home, in October in Buffalo, Ny. Put the tank in the back yard and hosed it out for 30 mins with cold, chlorine, public water. I left it full to soften the old algae. It got down to 40 * that night. The next day I come out and there was a Zebra swimming around. It had been in the wet gravel for hours, then dosed with hose water, and lasted the night. I had that fish for years after. I use Zebras to cycle new tanks, fun and great fish! Thanks for your videos!
Really neat story!! How do you use the zebras to cycle a tank?
The first fish in a tank, to build up bacteria. Now with several tanks, I can get active bacteria from other filters to help start. Zebras are very hearty fish.
Chuck Schmidt Thanks that makes a lot of sense. I’m only a year into fish keeping so I feel I’m still white a newbie. Definitely glad for all information. I always overlooked these fish. Maybe I’ll look more into them now!
Chuck Schmidt what a god damm champ!!! I thought my fish were hardcore when they just survived a medication overdose. 2X the tank water dosage with the temp at 80 degrees F. My neon tetras all died with the last one dying right now and all my mollies wanted to do was eat and mate. Not a single care was given by them throughout the whole tank meltdown. I’m loving these hardcore breeds.
Danios: gotta dash! Whoops wrong way, gotta go this way instead!
And they make my black stripes think there’s danger for a sec
@@danioking5369 thanks for the comment stranger. I'm looking for an active small fish to make my tank a bit more active, since my neon tetra school is a bit inactive and shy. You probably saved me from a lot of regret lol... They would probably scare my neons
I had a school of danios and one of them lived for 10 years!! But she died today so I am super sad she lived in a 20 gallon with 8 other danios
Wow 10 years
Wow that's amazing
Had no idea they were so energetic, just added some to my tank and everyone else is awakened by them. They remind me of my kids.
Great info! I love how everyone contributes to each others channel! Its made getting into the hobby really easy! Thank you!
My first ever 6 gallon nano tank had 2 zebra danios, shortly after they started growing (rather large, in fact!) I moved them to a 29 gallon and added 5 more leopard long fins. They are by far my favorite small community fish and I could not be happier that I started with them! I’m afraid I wouldn’t appreciate them as much if I hadn’t kept them first. They are easy to overlook. But man, do I love my danios!
I call danios zippy minnows, because ive never seen a danio stand still, and they are aways zipping around
True, never a dull moment with these ones. Yay Danios finally - one of my favourite group of fish! A new aquarium = danios first.
@@anotherthez7598 same. Always danios first for me.
@@RealDocJames Cheers :)
They sleep as torpedoes
@@adelginovin3073 Hah funny lol
Lol I love how you start and end with "They're crazy" XD Yes, there truly is never a dull (or still) moment with these fish. Personal favourite is the Kyathit danio, gotta love those bright orange fins and blue stripes! Are the White Cloud Minnows actually a member of the danio family? I thought this was a mislabel. Due to their high activity level, I would hesitate to put them with significantly slower or long-finned fish. I've had cases where they've even nipped the tails of my long-finned cherry barbs. Plus they might tire or stress out other fish like bettas or angelfish that might feel like they constantly have to be on guard with these guys zooming around. However, they make a fantastic pairing with semi-aggressive tetras or barbs that might be tough to pair with other community fish. Blue, emperor, and silvertip tetras come to mind. Danios have a very similar personality to these types of tetras IMO, and I've had them get along great! Thanks for all the cool info about these guys!
I got Danios for my brand new 10 gallon tank for my office and I love them! So much fun!
Also, thanks for putting out great content. I tried looking at other Danio videos just to learn more, but the quality of your videos is just so much better than others on UA-cam!
Danios need a bigger tank thsn that! They are highly athletic, very fast swimmers! Wouldn't keep them in under 3' tank.
Danios can tank jump. They are very curious and playful which means they’re smart. They go stir crazy if they can’t entertain themselves so they jump to get out. They definitely need environmental enrichment and a bare tank or one that’s too small stresses them out and is no good for them. I’ve seen them throwing pebbles in the water with their mouths and re-catching them. I’ve seen them do the same thing with water snails, bouncing them back and forth between each other. Amazing little fish. Entertain them with an interesting environment. Really important.
I don't believe any of this. It's a total fabrication.
I started off with a school of 6 White Clouds in my 10G, and they have really grown on me. They use every layer of the tank, and sometimes when I look in there, I can’t even see them because they are exploring the bottom, in and around my plants and driftwood. They don’t just swim back and forth all day long. It is also fun to watch them chase each other around. Cool little fish, especially when in a group.
Except for those people who put fish in vases... shame on you!
That's how you become a smex smife
Why do they sell them at the pet shop then
I don't but it depends on size buddy
I really wish they would just make fish bowls and keeping fish in vases illegal.
"They're crazy"
Yep, they are. You find the crazy real fast if you ever have to catch them to move to another tank, 😂
True dat!
This fish made me destroy mg planted tank :p
Net them from underneath. Works like a charm
Thank you sooo much for a danio video. I want to get them and have been scouring the internet for care/fact videos. In the Future could you maybe do a video on honey gourami? I love your channel it is so informative and entertaining 😁
I have 4 Giant Danios in my 40 breeder and they actually school with the 5 really large Buenos Aires Tetras. Fast aggressive feeders as well. Great video.
Brilliant informative and I have 8 of them so far I absolutely love them!
What are those yellow w/black dots/bars fish @0:55 ??? I tried googling them but I couldn't find any info on what they are!
I just got 9 Rose Danios to join my out of control dwarf crawfish colony...its a blast to watch!
They have joined the three little clown killis I have and the little killis dont seem to mind them at all.
The crays, on the other hand, are exhausted by the energy of the danios. It keeps them on their toes and so fun to watch how they react to fish faster then their pincers. They have almost given up being defensive. Haha!
This is how tough a danio is. At the pet store the lady who waited on me accidently missed the bag and the fish ended up on the floor and after she got more fish for me I noticed the danio wasn't there. I found the danio on the floor. She picked up the fish and before she got him in the bag she dropped him a 2nd time. I took him home anyway, his fine and swimming all over the place.
as a guy who loves fishing for trout - I LOVE MY DANIOS espeially the CPD - reminds me of a Brook Trout
I love my CPDs. When I get a chance I am setting up a tank to try my hand at breeding them.
Me too, as soon as I go back and get some, lol.
I'm planning to put zebra danios in my 52g tank. It's currently cycling with plants
Just got danios for the first time today! I remembered this video and came back to watch with my kids to make sure we care for them the best we can!
How are they doing?
@@Thirsty4Thirst They are good! We got 5, (tank is only a 5 gal, so couldn’t do a big school) and one passed within two days of getting them in (tank pre-cycled) but the 4 remaining are strong and happy and energetic and entertaining. They recognize which of my 3 kids feeds them and visibly get more excited when he is near the tank. I have noticed when I clean the water they are not huge waste producers, but I did have a beta and a large mystery snail on there previously that were both pooping machines, so probably not the best comparison. But, yes, very happy with them, and they function as a great night time calming strategy for my autistic son. Between them and the ambient light of the fish tank itself, it helps him a lot.
A couple hundred would look awesome in my 500gl 😜
Or convicts u will never have to buy a fish again
I'm currently thinking of getting rid of my ceestial danios and buying a nice group of giant danios for my 100 gallon.
I'd lose my mind with excitement if I had a 500 gallon to stalk with fish lol 😆
I just started a 20 long over the weekend and have 4 zebras getting it cycled. My plans were to make it a one species tank with glo light or neon tetras, but I’m now considering making it a zebra tank. It’s not something most would think about as it’s not a super flashy fish, but they remind me of miniature trout and their rambunctiousness is certainly entertaining to watch. I put a taller 2 foot long piece of fake driftwood in the tank and they swim through the openings in it . I’ll be adding live plants later on down the road.
Blue danios and 24k gold white clouds are among the most beautiful freshwater fishes in my opinion. With good water quality, good lighting, and the right background/substrate, these fish pop.
I've been keeping fish for years now and these are still my favorite fish to keep
I like to put Danio in with stuff like guppies, molly and neon tetras. They do work out well with different tetras like black skirts and white fin tetras, dwarf guarumi and other moderate aggressive fish. Not generally something for barbs tanks.
Yes , Zebra Danio are great aquarium fish for beginners , I started them to feed on mosquito larvae in almost a big vase , shame on me! They graduated to my community tank with Neon Tetras later on with no problem! Have to give them away when started working overseas , but yes , still remembered them fondly! Nowadays I noticed the good varieties of those leopard zebra danio , enjoy looking at on the UA-cam! Thank You So Much for the Valuable Tutorials on Fish Keeping! Stay Safe & Stay Humble! 🕯🌷🌿
I'm not sure why, but I just really love all your videos. I have glowlight danios and love them -- started w/ 10 or 12 and now have at least 20 -- just moved them into a 75G community tank with corys, 6 melonotania rainbows + 6 12+ silvertip tetras. I need a few taller plants, but they're loving the bigger space so far!!!
I can't wait to restart a smallish tank up and all I've been thinking about to serve as the main attraction has been zebra danios. Hardy, not fussy, playful, a great choice for almost any aquarium. :)
So, a white cloud is a danio? This is good news. I am waiting for my first tank to be ready for fish. It has been running for 3 weeks, the plants will be here next week - Thanks Cory. I have it designed to look like the edge of a pond and want only one kind of fish, some shrimp and snails. I have been wanting White Clouds all along but I also want Danios. Now I can have both!
They are not danios.
Hahaha, I love the comment you made about cichlids waiting for the right moment - that was a hilarious line😆
hmm. unless you are talking about a different fish. Please correct me if if I'm wrong. I thought White Clouds were a type of minnow.
Zebras are my favorite type. Fun to watch them swim and make tight turns and circles
Oh, and Cory, thanks for being an ambassador for goldies too :) I've been keeping them for the last 3 years and love them but hate the way they eat plants ! :)
Few community fish bring to the table what Danios bring. They are one of my fave to get people on the fence about aquariums to take it seriously.
Love this video! Danios forever. I had one live for over 5 years, a beautiful long-finned zebra I named Biggie. Passed away 2 days ago.
Great tips for beginners. I'd like to see you guys do a 10 things segment on wild bettas specifically Wild plakat Fighters. That's what I'm keeping & breeding.
Danios are my favorite in the hobby although I do recommend some natural decor in the tank like wood and live plants.
I have 5 danios! Been trying hard to keep them healthy and happy
Just got 6 colorfull danios on my 1st ever tank. A 15 gallons tank. They look amaizing in it. So cool to watch them swim around with those bright colors
I saw the title and I was "yay! 10 things episode" it was out loud, there's no one here 😂
It's ok, your neighbors heard you lol. Hopefully they're excited too
Nice job! My 'go to' dither fish for Discus and Angelfish.
Sorry for this, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 10? For the record, I love your channel.
💘 Love my Giant Danios!! Never a dull moment. Watching them feed, is amazing. 😊
Hi, what size tank do you house them in?
@@antoniowyckoff2 "Hi" I have a 30 gallon.😊
You guys are the best thanks so much
Watching them try to eat something too big for them is HILARIOUS btw 😂 they will munch and munch and chew and chew for like 20 mins straight all WHILE dodging other danios trying to steal the food right out of their mouth lmao. These fish are BRATS 😂 I love em
Cool fish. A friend raised dozens of zebra danios in a125 gals tank. They're all close to an inch long.
Talkin" energetic!" 😊
I kept the Danios Rerio, Choprae and frankei (the black dot's one).. that was really amazing and really cool for having them. But There is something that was going wrong. all the little dies and only the bigger was still alive...after that I lost a lot of them when it was really so hot outside... Also, they eat a lot. They are always looking for food, take precautions. Choprae are beautilful, but they are more sensitive then Rerio. The most crazy when I saw 2 rerio becoming blue gray mettalique with black lines and orange fin's (maybe trying to hang out with the choprea?)...Wow !
Great video! #8 is my favorite thing about Danios - They are community friendly!
Danios are a great fish 😊 They we’re the first egg laying fish to breed in my aquarium
Nice job,got to meet you and your guest at Aquatic my gold white clouds (But John you still haven’t converted me to cichlids) still love your videos.
I have zebra ones and they are amazing!!
My favourite danio I saved from a horrible store jumped out of my tank, I was devastated!
Finally got mine and I love them. They love the filter cave lol
One day I went to a fish shop and saw a bunch of pink fish that were so beautiful. I bought 3 of them and was told they are pink danios. I thought they will be hard to keep as they are so beautiful and you know beautiful fish die easily. Turned out they are so hardy and easy to keep ! I bought another 3 zebra danios. Now I have 6 in my 5 gallon.
Love my Danios! They are such a characterful fish with some beautiful patterns!
I used Zebra danios for a fish in cycle, started off with 5, ended up buying 5 more because they are very interesting fish. Had them for close to a year before giving them to my bff to put in her 55g tank.
Ive got the celestial pearl danios in a 55 gallon tank and they shine awesome. Colors have improved a lot.
This video changed the course of the hobby for me. Thanks for making this video.
Love this !! I love long fin zebras....
I love danios got some emerald dwarf ones love them beautiful fish
They are the best! I couldn't help but lean back and watch my Barilius ardens for the course of this video, and just nod my head in agreement with everything you said.
I love you and your wife's video's sir . you do good work and your advice and info is second to none .
I want to get some for my new 125 gallon planted tank 👍😉💛
what species or morph is 0:54 exactly. Ive never seen these ones
who else is already thinking of a tank design for theses guys
Already done. 40 gallon
I have a small group of celestial danios, but now I'm thinking of getting rid of them and adding a group of giant danios instead 🤔
They'd do great in my 100 gallon!
@@stephengonsalves9705 Whoa. They would do great in a hundred gallon. What with?
@@MattKeepsFish Since I only have space for the one tank I plan on putting an Oscar in the tank at some point down the road(along with a few other appropriate sized cichlids), but that won't be for a while.
I have 3 plecos in there that I'm growing out until they're big enough not to get eaten by the oscar, which can take a good year. Until they grow to a safe size the tank is going to be a nice little community tank.
I currently have some balloon mollies, some danios(which I'm going to replace with a few giant danios), a pearl gourami, 2 beautiful rams(1 blk and 1 white with an orange head), 7 albino cory catfishes, and a few snails(because, why not). I'm sure there are 1 or 2 more fish I missed, but its a fairly stocked 100 gallon.
@@stephengonsalves9705 You’re playing the long game. That can be hard to do, but we’ll worth it. Good luck on the result!
Just found this video. I love my golden leopard and golden clouds. They act like they have had too much caffeine. Trying to catch that last danio to move to a newer bigger tank was a nightmare. I swear the other danios I had previously moved were laughing lol.
I have 5 giant danio in my 110 gallon. When they were younger I had them in a 36 and they made my live bearers and dwarf gourami's crazy because they were so spastic. Between the tank being bigger and being in with Severum and Electric Blue Acara - they are a little less hyper.
I tottaly agree with you....The frase I always used to say is ""they are super crazy"
Love the vid. Can't wait for more
Just discovered this video. I've subscribed and hit the bell 🔔
#11: They also have cute lil barbels that come out when they're ready to eat!! ♥️♥️☺️☺️
I started with zebras and love them
I have introduced barbs since and they seem to be good 👍🤷:)
I just had my 20gall. Tank and I had colorful danios, and I must agree,, they're hard core cute little creatures ❤️👍,
I'm thinking of doing a 40 gallon as my first planted tank, and possibly adding celestial pearl danios...the planning is half the fun!
I want to buy that celestial pearls. But they are a bit hard to find
Tristan Juatco
Definitely I’ve only found one store that had them in my area and they we’re $8 lol 😂
@@joshszooofanimals5416 where?
Tristan Juatco
A store in Pennsylvania lol
@@joshszooofanimals5416 lol. That is lol. I'm here in New Jersey. Still a bit too far
I believe you can get them at
I kept zebras, pearls and minnows before
And a warning to keepers, if one of your stockier fish suddenly looks bloated but is still very healthy, don’t worry its a she.
And I know this is about dainos but for those that want a tetra that acts like a daino, Conchu’s King Blue. I might even argue they’re even more crazy.
Thank you for all these videos they are really helpful and they really help me back when I got my first 10g! Now I'm enjoying my 30g Thank you guys!
Got 5 of them in a 10 G tank. Lovely rugged fish.
The 10 things you need to know is how I got hooked with KGtropicals! Keep up the videos great stuff 👍🏽
Ps: a 10 things on Senegal bichirs would be amazing *wink wink* my favorite fish haha
Thanks bud 🤜🏻🤛🏻
I have one danio and she is fin-nipping other fish. Do I have to buy more danios to company with her and will that lower her fin-nipping habit? i am concerned that all other new bought danios might also become fin-nippers and I will have not just one but a few fin-nippers in the tank.
I put some kind of danio in all tanks! They are fun to watch for sure
Awesome vid man I've only seen Danios once and I never reallu thought about them.
I have 6 zebras with my 2 RES and some shrimp in a 40gallon. It’s funny watching them swim around everywhere teasing the turtles 😂
I just adore danois.
Literaly, because of this video, I bought danios, pinks and blacks...and no regret whatsoever.
...the is never dull moment with this fish. :)
Thank you
I tried keeping pearl and glow light danios in my tetra community and they chased every tetra nonstop stressing them to near death. The only danio i find good with tetras are gold ring ones
Loving the guest spots💕👍
Indestructable fish pretty much. i would say White Cloud Mountain Minnows are a close second. I kept both in a large school and it looks great.
Are they compatible with betta fish ?
I just got my zebra danios and i was afraid that something was wrong with my aquarium because they were super super active. Great video, thanks!
white cloud are a bit more friendlier than the zebra and giant ..some do bully other fish a bit
Love them I got 15 zebra danios in my 54g with my guppy’s