Honestly tho if I think about neeko I think she's less interesting than ivern, situationally pick and probably with less mains than ivern, champs like her just suck.. also where is magikarpusedfly ivern spotlight can't find it anymore, I used to love the daisy lines
I think Ivern is more likely to cry than get angry. I think Ivern is more likely to apologize for being angry then he is to let his anger control him. Ivern is more interested in tea parties then he is with judgement. The only thing that's different from the Ivern players and Ivern, is exactly everything that I just mentioned.
Him and Braum dude, are the best champions that I wish I could just fucking main. They just make me so god damn happy to listen to. Both are just so nice and wholesome in a world full of edgelords.
xDDDD Man I love Skarner like for real, I don't personally play him but we always have a good game with a Skarner on our team. He just snatches their Ass I don't think Skarner is boring, he would fit into the "underrated" Category
Yeah, skarner, i play him always i get autofilled in jungle, and actually with the buffs they give them, i have seen a little more skarners out there, im happy
Weird thing is I see a kindred at least once a month so id say shes pretty well played, more then vlad which they just gave a skin to (from my experiences at least)
@@LikeTheVinci in all fairness ornn isnt played alot and after Ivern didnt sell after ppl begging for him to get a skin its no surprise there not acting on it.
Are you crazy? EVERYONE loves him ! that's why nobody pick him! they have so much respect for his pacifism that they want to honor him by not forcing him to fight !
I'll take that reasoning. There's a lot of LoL fans who adore the art and lore but don't really play the game. If anyone does play him then it's really just him helping out his 4 new friends every game!
I'm sure the fact that the least liked jungler is also the only one who cares about the jungle instead of wanting to destroy it for personal gain is just a coincidence... right ?
@@Marssnowable Janna is boring as hell and yet she has solid numbers, the difference? Shes a half naked chick, so yeah, Iverns problem its more complex that just being "boring"
I just played Ivern for on of my first times, the day of making this comment. I got S+ one game. We completely lost another. Both were some of the most fun games I've ever played. I don't remember another jungler I've had as much fun on. I'm a Volibear main. He was my first m7. But Ivern is something special. He makes me feel tilt proof. He makes me feel like nothing will go wrong. He is honestly the coolest champion I've played. Now people might say I just have low mmr. I often play with diamonds and golds while being silver 4. I think he is one of my more favorite junglers now. I was yelling at one of my friends because they were attacking scuttle. It was so weird, but I actually cared about the jungle monsters. He is fun as hell and highly recommend him. Daisy is buggy, but I think it's somewhat easy to get a hold of by just getting used to shift+5. His early game isn't horrible, bushes are good, but kinda meh(probably at my elo) and future's market is hella fun on him. People don't expect you to buy you're items so soon. And when Akali dies to you're shield in her shroud twise, you can't help but smile.
@@simonvillarreal623 Feels really good. Kind of like old Voli. Q + E is still the best combo. Not a huge fan of the healing nerf coming next patch. And I kind of miss his op passive. His ult is weird. It's not good for tower diving until rank 2, and isn't helpful with the meta is about BorK top layers. I still main him in the jungle, but I think he is still to meh to be constantly banned. His best counters for top are Renekton, Kled, and Fiora. For jungler Trundle, Olaf, and Graves. His top is FAR better then jungler and they seem to want that with the new healing nerfs which sucks because I love him in the jungler. Also if you want to try it, don't buy boots. Just rush RG right after Cinderhulk, trust me, fun time. If you want to learn more about Voli then friend request, TheAlmightyHugo on league.
@vinyl boas I'm so glad you find it so wholesome. It's been a long while, but I want to play him more soon. Sadly it's hard to play him unless I'm with friends.
I am an Ivern Main, and i am happy Riot took time to make him. He is tons of fun to play, and his gameplay is really really relaxing. Sure you need your Team in order to win, since you are a support, but still, i find myself not tilting even when losing the game because champ is just so much fun.
When I'm playing ranked, and I see someone lock in Ivern, it's been in my experience that the respective player is pretty good at him. A good Ivern is entertaining to lose and win with, and a great Ivern is a genuine joy to win with. The major thing I see that holds back Ivern's potential to succeed is, as this video correctly points out, how incredibly ignorant most low elo players are of his abilities and general playstyle. It's a shame he isn't played more. I would play him if I weren't an ADC main. His voicework, theme, and fantasy elements are well suited to the type of fantasy RPG/MMORG games I like, not to mention his incredible back story.
Fuckint hell mate, ivern is powerful when played right. Take it if your team doesnt have a true support ect a bot lane with both adc/carry sp type of champ ( pyke, senna, brand lux and more ) Ivern present is wicked because he have cces and barrier to support your laner . He cant solo kill yes, but for a team game. Hes good enough to stay there .
He's awesome! Love the guy and was happy the whole day when I got his Dunkmaster skin in My Shop and now I could buy all the chromas for it in Essence Emporium. The thing is when your team is struggling, you can't really keep them in the game cause you can't kill people, only stall a teammates death so they can kill them for you. I think it is sad that he can do so much but no one sees what you do. Shields and cc deal not enough damage to get high unto the damage charts.
@Lance Clemings Well, Im a bronze and I know my way around an Ivern pretty well. I actually like the fact that they changed him to a full ranged champion because he's meant to stay back and provide for his allies. I just never really played him in a Norms or Ranked game because the last thing I want is for people to blame me for theyre terrible experience, or the fact that I picked Ivern in general. I could probably be in a high Silver rank if I actually put in the effort. My brother, who hit Gold rank last season, thinks the same thing. The reason I dont because what I realized about LoL is that no matter how the game is going, someone is getting yelled at...
I always wanted to play him, but he’s never in free rotation, costs REALLY A LOT, with that price you could buy champs like Yasuo, and it’s really rare to find in pieces.
@@dieptrieu6564 kind of is considering you earn blue essense at a snail's pace. 50 guaranteed each day, plus a level up every couple of days adding anywhere from 125 to 2750 blue essense, plus missions that are timed and are only available at certain times. It'll take more than a week for a single champion, that's for sure.
i think ivern should ride daisy when he ults. daisy could give him tankiness and change his abilities maybe. that would be way less buggy and easier to control
Or they should actually make his bushes useful... Maybe it should actually do something instead of buffing the enemy rengar or maybe buffing his actual jungling and buff his passive.
What I would love to see is Daisy getting stronger when Ivern dies kind of like Annie's Tibbers. I come from Warcraft 3 and I always wanted to play a character that can control other units , this is why I love this champion u,u
Maybe, they should make it to where you get Daisy early on, and as you lvl up she gets stronger? She can be his actual passive and if she dies, once the CD comes up. she’ll spawn after an ability use. So it’s sort of like amici’s egg except for another basic champ that stays forever. Give him an actual R? I think they should remake Kindred and make them a switch champion like Nid, Jayce, Elise. One is Lamb and the other Wolf. Lamb should be more support range, while wolf is bruiser melee. Which would mean that the ult would need to go away.
Well look at the bright side, at least he's a popular pick in TFT when u want to run a druid/woodland comp... Guess he'll just have to chill there while he recovers :/
I agree with this. If you ask people "do you like ivern concept?" they most likely say "yes. It's interesting". If you askem em "will you play him?" the answer is "no"
I don't know if you guys can still remember era where you get a buff when you smite a jungle monster like poisonous cape from Gromp or a walking wisp patrol from the wolves, I think it's a great idea if they'll put it all on ivern's passive
@@bluiry6490 A solid buff to Ivern would be to let him give the red/blue buff copy to anyone, instantly. Instead of having to make them leave lane and come get it. Because forcing laners to run into jungle goes against what the game teaches you to do, and missing a wave of farm can be detrimental. If he could just pick up the buff and click on a teammate (like how Neeko's passive's UI works) that would be much better.
Ivern is actually my favorite jungler. I enjoyed him so much when he was first release when everyone was at a 36% Winrate and I had an 80% at the time. I'm not sure what it is about Ivern, but he is always so fun for me. I really am just waiting for him to be better for me to play him/jungle again.
I adore Ivern. I'm so happy to see people play him and always give him extra attention during matches. It takes a special kind of person to play a champ like that.
Skarner took some time to see the light of day, but after his rework and the introduction of predator to the game its almost 3 years he's a consistent soloq and competitive pick
Just look at treant protector from dota, it's almost exactly the same character (a jungle support tree) yet treant in dota is a very popular support. I don't think the issue is Iverns theme at all, it's his kit.
Having the highest base damage and one of the easiest kill lane set ups helps a lot as well. You have to have a REALLY bad matchup or be literally afk to loose a lane as Treant.
Exactly treant hits like a truck early game, has huge impact in teamfights, can split push and juke well in the trees and ivern can only hope his team is good
This channel has become my favorite on YT. A+'s across the board. I'd like to see a history of the transforming champions (nid jayce and Elise ) all of them have been busted in pro and soloq at different times.
@@mostafaelzohirey9187 Jayce? Doing wel in solo queue? With a win rate of 46% across the board? Even in D+ he's only at 46%. Nidalee even has a higher pick rate and win rate and she's exclusively played by Nidalee mains, yet still somehow maintains a higher pick rate in just jungle than Jayce does in Mid and Top COMBINED.
Yo I LOVE Ivern. From the moment I saw his walk cycle I was hooked, and as a degenerate Nunu main starting in season 2, I love the game cycle of just screwing over everyone, including your team. Easily the best champion in the game. All the funny lane comps (old morde adc, rengar, any bruiser, cait, Mao, etc) combined with the successful troll jungle play style. Honestly I only play league for that dopamine hit of watching Ivern walk
Dude, your right. I played morde the other day and I got drake I was trying to make him go bot with me to take towers but he just went to the base, and then enemy top tower was getting damaged for no reason and then got destroyed and the same happened to T2 tower and T3 and the drake was in the base this whole time doing AA animation.
Ivern is one of those champions that everyone who plays him loves him. For example most adc's hate their character cause they jump into a 1v5 and die. But ivern mains just so wholesome.
Tyler was the last who did it. After range change which is buff Bunny was first to play him adc. Actually Bunny is almost first at most of new possible content from League and did a lot of records.
Haha, that's nothing strange. My teams sometimes don't even play around their adc... which is me. They are afraid to engage when they are tanks and they engage when I'm on another lane. :/
It also sucks when you get flamed for calling over a mid laner for blue buff and smite it and they walk away without taking the drop and flame you because they have no idea how he works
i like ivern, he just isnt reliable. he doubles a teammates power, so if someone is strong, they are gods. if someone is feeding, they are feeding double so much. same goes with yuumi, except you can make sandwiches while playing yuumi
@@ngngye that's why any ivern player perma rengo except if his toplaner pre-pick him kinda sad, having to perma a champ just because he counters your kit uh AT LEAST IT ISN'T WITH THE STRONGEST ENCHANT IN THE WHOLE GAME ISN'T MORG (nvn senna's E exist)
Ivern was the first champ I got to Mastery 7 because I liked him so much when he was released. I played him almost everyday doing jungle and support roles. Watching this video makes me miss playing the friend of the forest.
Life as Ivern: Root an Enemy: Meelee carry walks normally towards them anyway. Put down a brush: Ally walks away. Put a shield on ally: Ally FLASHES away. Put a shield on yourself: Allies flame you for not shielding. put a shield on Daisy: She's chasing down the ADC while everyone else attacks the tank anyway.
I just find her play style really fun. There is something enjoyable about sniping people from a mile away and if they thought they were going to escape with 10 hp left you ult in and finish them off.
@@aoe776 I've never experienced someone banning Ivern because he's hovered, as an adc player I thought everyone loved having an extra support on your team o.O
I like to play him because no one knows how to play against him. Easiest person to counter jungle, yet no one below plat does. Really passive playstyle, yet no one punishes by being aggressive. No need to know how to clear, so all the focus is on how to macro. As a supp main, ivern was such a fun pickup.
Is there an episode on a champion everybody likes? You know...Braum? The real bro. An honorable opponent, or a trusty old friend. Braum just gives off super good vibes, and his kit kind of reflects that.
Just fix the bugs in general. Daisy randomly stopping from attacking a champion unless you hit Q is retarded and Q pulling ALL RANGE CHAMPIONS into melee range is still dumb
@@hatakenewt348 that's because he is almost never played and when he is, most players who play him rely on the fact that noone knows what he does and thus can't counter him
I actually love Ivern as a champion the way he speaks and walks, he’s so kind. But every time I’ve played him he just doesn’t do enough to help my team :/
@@Zerhapy Nah, the void champions are fantastic designs (maybe not so much Cho but he's still okay). The biggest problem with Ivern's design, at least for me, is that his freaky vine body and blank, emotionlessly smiling semi-human face drop him squarely into the uncanny valley. I don't even like LOOKING at him, especially when he's moving around...it just looks gross to me. Comparing him to something like a Rek'sai, who looks weird due to being completely inhuman and alien, there's no competition. Rek'sai has a cohesive visual appearance, excellent silhouette, fun and unique animations, and also stands out visually from Summoner's Rift because of her colour (that is surprisingly important). Ivern has approximately none of these. His animations are weird to look at and his design is just straight up ugly. His silhouette really tells you nothing about him other than that he's awkwardly tall and lanky. He's boring brown and green and looks more like a jungle camp than a champion. Add all that to the fact that for 99% of people Ivern is completely mind numbingly boring to play, and it should be no surprise he's unpopular.
Totally It's like the reason why no one likes to play support, but this time not only you have to be the support to every lane, you also have to do all the stuff a jungler is required to, which is already heavy enough on it's own.
I love Ivern. Listening to his voicelines is the closest I have ever been to achieving absolute zen. Also if selling skins is all he needs just give him Nightmare Before Christmas cosplay of Jack Skellington, they both got the vibes already! We're going to get that spike back just because everyone wants to be Ivern/Fiddlesticks duo on Halloween.
@M A One thing I agree with : Needs moar itemization. One thing I disagree with : The meta doesnt change every two weeks; up until this last preseason patch it's basically been "Tanks, The Meta" since season 5. One thing you didn't even mention, but I think we can agree on anyways : Their game is spaghetti and it sucks.
How is it to main Ivern? How many games did u need to master him? What do you like about him that made u main him? Im just askin i wanna main him aswell
So far whenever I play him(every. Single. Match) There’s always that one person that doesn’t know what Ivern’s perk does and expects me to smack jungle monsters
In a game filled with musician snipers, edgy anime boys with talking scythes, and about 50 different furries why would you want to play pacifist stoner Bob Ross? Even in the jungle alone you have a werewolf, a guy with a shotgun, several badass ninjas and soldiers, or... pacifist stoner Bob Ross.
I know this is a bit late, but why not??, I mean, you have Braum, a big ass ultra lovable boy and he is one of the most played supps, in part, because of his ultra friendly personality
@@Cape18 More like because it offers so much utility for the team, I haven't met anyone that plays Braum solely because of his ultra friendly personality. Cut the bullshit already, people mostly play champions that are overtuned or flashy, that is all to it. Take Kai'sa for example, flashy as hell, has one of the most overloaded kits (seriously, how come an ADC is able to have stealth, AP and AD ratios, get to use every item somewhat in the game and have the ability to use the most broken item in the game Zhonya's Hourglass) and is considered quote on quote 'hot'. I am going to ask you the question, would you play Sivir when Kai'sa exists? Literally the same question as with pacifist stoner Bob Ross vs Guy with a shotgun, who is pretty fucking busted at the moment, mind you.
The biggest reason of being underrated character, he is not handsome or beautiful human - like characters like Yasuo or Kai'sa. He is just a monster, and these monster models always never work for most of players especially of from Asia.
Everyone just dodges during the champ select when I pick Ivern because I got Jungle from auto filling, no one trusts me even if I am a m7 Experienced Ivern
We officially hit 200k Subs!!! Thank you guys so much, go check out my community post and leave a vote on what type of video you want to see!
np broski
Honestly tho if I think about neeko I think she's less interesting than ivern, situationally pick and probably with less mains than ivern, champs like her just suck.. also where is magikarpusedfly ivern spotlight can't find it anymore, I used to love the daisy lines
@@pasf4118 it's still on UA-cam
love the fact that he mentioned it
Hay man ever think about doing an azir doc? I love playing him but he feels underpowered.
Because the jungler and the support are always the one to blame, and he's both.
Gregory this hurts
XD ye thats kinda true lol
i actually think this is a pretty legit part of an explantation
What ? I always flame top and adc, while honoring supp that he had to deal with such a pice of shit as diamond i am a mechanic god adc xd
@@magieenvtuber9783 sure you do buddy
putting Ivern in LoL is like putting a beautiful flower on top of a nuclear waste. It can't work unless it benefits in that toxicity
We want a beautiful mutated flower.
@@BraveLilToasty zyra?
I feel like zyra used to be that mutated flower...
But currently she just... Isn't.
She's just a really bitchy rose
@@chriwehl7173 Bitchy rose uwu
I feed on salt. Maybe I'll pick Ivern up.
"Ivern is just not a cool edgy Swordsman."
Ivern Players: "Let me tell you the story of Ivern, the cruel."
I think Ivern is more likely to cry than get angry. I think Ivern is more likely to apologize for being angry then he is to let his anger control him. Ivern is more interested in tea parties then he is with judgement.
The only thing that's different from the Ivern players and Ivern, is exactly everything that I just mentioned.
@@amberslahlize7961 than*
you wont ever see Ivern the cruel on Summoners rift, not all the players care about the lore :(
His lore is cool but well meh
I kind of feel like his lore is kinda meh myself.
I don't care if he sucks, I play him just because every time he says something it makes my day better
Him and Braum dude, are the best champions that I wish I could just fucking main. They just make me so god damn happy to listen to. Both are just so nice and wholesome in a world full of edgelords.
@@cindthialarrabee6544 exactly, like some champion interactions with ivern insult him and all he says back is something really nice
My favorite colour is spring
*BLOOM* 🌸 ~
Lareen Krugs, hows the wife
He might be the least popular champ called Ivern, but he is also the most popular champ called Ivern.
@@WWEWomen-g2d its because he's the only champion called ivern smh
@@anonofDeath no way mr Genius
you are trying way too hard to be funny
Man Hin Mok nah he has a big brain
“I can’t attack the jungle they are my friends”- 1, Tyler
you forgot the "dipshit"
1, Tyler I’m ded
Lmao imagine getting nerfed ever. This post was made by the bard gang.
Meeps rise up
we out here
Kayn Gang's out here with you boys too, unless you count the bug fix for DOT items giving orbs each tick
imagine never getting nerfed but still being super broken and op. this post was made by the talon gang.
@@tougespyder6586 Rework and ultimate CD were nerfs
Exil: Some champion are underpower and sometimes boring
lvl 6 Skarner:Ok, time to go kidnap some adc again
xDDDD Man I love Skarner like for real, I don't personally play him but we always have a good game with a Skarner on our team. He just snatches their Ass
I don't think Skarner is boring, he would fit into the "underrated" Category
Love him thematically, can't stand him mechanically.
Exactly, is like morgana with faster jungle clean
Céfiro De Winter ka
Good, us Ivern mains don't want him to be popular, more Ivern for us
Holy shit has it really been 3 years since Ivern's release? WTF
same, i thought he released like 5 months ago lmao
*"How Riot Games Created A Champion NO ONE Likes"*
*Mr. Beast:* _* proceeds to plant 20 Million Iverns *_
Nah man those are maokais, everyone loves maokai
@@ENFIKEFEPOKETC Maokai is like the big brother
@@Ray.6406 THICC brother from 5th branch
Exil: Ivern the most forgotten champion
Me: you forgot skarner
Wait, is there a champion named Skarner?
Skarner is so forgotten that he forgot that Skarner was forgotten
Captain flowers is that you?
i actually mained skarner before all the reworks, i dont play him anymore but he still has a special place in my heart
Yeah, skarner, i play him always i get autofilled in jungle, and actually with the buffs they give them, i have seen a little more skarners out there, im happy
I freaking love Ivern. He is so nice.
When I get up in the morning it is because of him.
Is it because"wood"
@@ReigoVassal nah. Just because he is the kindest thing ever created.
@@ACDC60332 oof missed opportunity
Pantheon does that for me lol
I agree with you, but-, thats fair
no one:
tyler1: ivern adc
Never get underestimated by Ivern. Daisy can fuk you up fam :/
I actually play him top
@@nella_paulina OK L9 HARD SMURF
Whoever plays this champ is either a troll or a psycho. Like, why would any human being enjoy playing this shit?!
“The guy is not popular enough to sell skins”
_cries in kindred_
Weird thing is I see a kindred at least once a month so id say shes pretty well played, more then vlad which they just gave a skin to (from my experiences at least)
*Ornn pocket pickers snorts*
Dan Estocado lol
@@LikeTheVinci in all fairness ornn isnt played alot and after Ivern didnt sell after ppl begging for him to get a skin its no surprise there not acting on it.
*Cries in Ornn*
Video: Why no one plays ivern
Me, a person who started playing in early 2020:
Who tf is Ivern
hello me 3 weeks ago
Imagine starting in early 2020
I started in late 2019
Me too xF
Early 2016 for me
Bruh, i started last month
The thing that makes me concerned the most is the fact that people actually give leash to Iverns in 2020...
Deadass I played 5 games in a row with Ivern and 3 out of the five tried to leash 😭
My friends deadass do it every time even back to back when I remind them I don’t need a leash
Well i still ask for a leash because i always try to start in the enemy's jungle lmao
I do really like Ivern, his lore, his playstyle but... I'm a terrible jungler.
Watching junglers will help
Like T1 I was able to learn how to play ivern pretty decent
Are you good as a support? If you are...
Rengar + Ivern botlane...
Lol me too
LagUnus issue with ivern in low elo is that you end up supporting dog shit solo lanes and I get perma invaded since I won’t get back up
that vid where he protects the puppys instantly made me an ivern main.
Skate Game Fun
ivern is not sad.
Ivern is now sadder than Amumu
My teamate wont give me the permission
Are you crazy? EVERYONE loves him ! that's why nobody pick him!
they have so much respect for his pacifism that they want to honor him by not forcing him to fight !
I'll take that reasoning. There's a lot of LoL fans who adore the art and lore but don't really play the game. If anyone does play him then it's really just him helping out his 4 new friends every game!
Or playing him time-to-time vs AI, where he can roam the jungle whole game peacefully =)
When you’re an ivern main and see this in your recommended
Uff it's been 84 years
You got no likes since no one main ivern 😥
I like you!
I've been looking to buy Ivern and his candy rush skin because he's just such an appealing champion to me, being a support/jg main
I am making him lately , The only thing I dislike is Daisy not hiring champions sometimes she just stays there
. Specially with Senna
damn he's been out for 3 years???? i legit remember him being released like last week wtf
@amari 😟
League of Legends Mandela effect?
well , at least someone remembers him
@amari too far omegalul
must be all dat xanax
this intro actually made me feel bad for how lonely ivern must be
hes not lonely he has his jungle friends
Now you know what it's lile to be a zilean main
"it's reassuring how alone we aren't"
- ivern
but he has D A I S Y
Have you heard of Skarner
Jungle support with teleport and smite to enemy jungler:
"Hippity hoppity your jungle's my property"
I'm sure the fact that the least liked jungler is also the only one who cares about the jungle instead of wanting to destroy it for personal gain is just a coincidence... right ?
imagine thinking it's deeper than the fact that hes not fun to play
@@Marssnowable just ignore Antoine
@@Marssnowable Janna is boring as hell and yet she has solid numbers, the difference? Shes a half naked chick, so yeah, Iverns problem its more complex that just being "boring"
@@VeritasEspiritoria it really isnt because of that
*No one likes Ivern*
Rengar: But..... that's my buddy!! :(((((
khazix splashes water on your face and slap slap wake up
But that's the thing, both of them are junglers. Which one of the two do you play in which other lane to have them both on the same team?
Rengar top and ivern jg, ultimate cheese
@@shielz20013 not cheese, rengar top is abuse with ivern
Nobody likes you either cat
I just played Ivern for on of my first times, the day of making this comment. I got S+ one game. We completely lost another. Both were some of the most fun games I've ever played. I don't remember another jungler I've had as much fun on. I'm a Volibear main. He was my first m7. But Ivern is something special. He makes me feel tilt proof. He makes me feel like nothing will go wrong. He is honestly the coolest champion I've played. Now people might say I just have low mmr. I often play with diamonds and golds while being silver 4. I think he is one of my more favorite junglers now. I was yelling at one of my friends because they were attacking scuttle. It was so weird, but I actually cared about the jungle monsters. He is fun as hell and highly recommend him. Daisy is buggy, but I think it's somewhat easy to get a hold of by just getting used to shift+5. His early game isn't horrible, bushes are good, but kinda meh(probably at my elo) and future's market is hella fun on him. People don't expect you to buy you're items so soon. And when Akali dies to you're shield in her shroud twise, you can't help but smile.
i have been thinking about getting this champ and trying it out for like a month... good job...you made me do it....thank you😌👑
@@sampsu4666 YOU FUCKING GO MH MAN!!!
@@thealmightyhugo9329 so what do you think of the volibear rework I'm really curious
@@simonvillarreal623 Feels really good. Kind of like old Voli. Q + E is still the best combo. Not a huge fan of the healing nerf coming next patch. And I kind of miss his op passive. His ult is weird. It's not good for tower diving until rank 2, and isn't helpful with the meta is about BorK top layers. I still main him in the jungle, but I think he is still to meh to be constantly banned. His best counters for top are Renekton, Kled, and Fiora. For jungler Trundle, Olaf, and Graves. His top is FAR better then jungler and they seem to want that with the new healing nerfs which sucks because I love him in the jungler. Also if you want to try it, don't buy boots. Just rush RG right after Cinderhulk, trust me, fun time. If you want to learn more about Voli then friend request, TheAlmightyHugo on league.
@vinyl boas I'm so glad you find it so wholesome. It's been a long while, but I want to play him more soon. Sadly it's hard to play him unless I'm with friends.
I am an Ivern Main, and i am happy Riot took time to make him. He is tons of fun to play, and his gameplay is really really relaxing. Sure you need your Team in order to win, since you are a support, but still, i find myself not tilting even when losing the game because champ is just so much fun.
Litteraly Bard gameplay. Have fun too, my friend.
When I'm playing ranked, and I see someone lock in Ivern, it's been in my experience that the respective player is pretty good at him. A good Ivern is entertaining to lose and win with, and a great Ivern is a genuine joy to win with. The major thing I see that holds back Ivern's potential to succeed is, as this video correctly points out, how incredibly ignorant most low elo players are of his abilities and general playstyle.
It's a shame he isn't played more. I would play him if I weren't an ADC main. His voicework, theme, and fantasy elements are well suited to the type of fantasy RPG/MMORG games I like, not to mention his incredible back story.
Fuckint hell mate, ivern is powerful when played right. Take it if your team doesnt have a true support ect a bot lane with both adc/carry sp type of champ ( pyke, senna, brand lux and more ) Ivern present is wicked because he have cces and barrier to support your laner . He cant solo kill yes, but for a team game. Hes good enough to stay there .
He's awesome! Love the guy and was happy the whole day when I got his Dunkmaster skin in My Shop and now I could buy all the chromas for it in Essence Emporium. The thing is when your team is struggling, you can't really keep them in the game cause you can't kill people, only stall a teammates death so they can kill them for you. I think it is sad that he can do so much but no one sees what you do. Shields and cc deal not enough damage to get high unto the damage charts.
@Lance Clemings Well, Im a bronze and I know my way around an Ivern pretty well. I actually like the fact that they changed him to a full ranged champion because he's meant to stay back and provide for his allies. I just never really played him in a Norms or Ranked game because the last thing I want is for people to blame me for theyre terrible experience, or the fact that I picked Ivern in general. I could probably be in a high Silver rank if I actually put in the effort. My brother, who hit Gold rank last season, thinks the same thing. The reason I dont because what I realized about LoL is that no matter how the game is going, someone is getting yelled at...
Who's here after Tyler1 got to challenger with Ivern?
He actually didn’t get it with ivern he played him shortly after he got it tho
@@snooze294 which champ did he climb with?
@@Seelenfresser51 He climbed as jungle only while maining ivern because he said that it is his tilt proof champ.
*laners kill jungle camps*
Cry baby, cry.
The irony
ferre feys 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ahahahha im 12 ahaha funy
I always wanted to play him, but he’s never in free rotation, costs REALLY A LOT, with that price you could buy champs like Yasuo, and it’s really rare to find in pieces.
Very fcking true . Champs that never get played at all don't deserve to be fcking expensive
@@jacekmaraj1774 They get reduced after new champs show up. So just wait if you want him to be cheaper
@@dieptrieu6564 yeah, after like 8 years he'll go down to 4800. What a steal, right guys?
@@thosebloodybadgers8499 Well, if you only want him then grind for him. It's not hard to do that
@@dieptrieu6564 kind of is considering you earn blue essense at a snail's pace. 50 guaranteed each day, plus a level up every couple of days adding anywhere from 125 to 2750 blue essense, plus missions that are timed and are only available at certain times.
It'll take more than a week for a single champion, that's for sure.
i think ivern should ride daisy when he ults. daisy could give him tankiness and change his abilities maybe. that would be way less buggy and easier to control
That's actually a really good idea
His ult should be a 'mad ivern', transforms triggers aoe proc and turns into something from lotr
yuugen or he can fuse with daisy and be a tank shapeshifter
Or they should actually make his bushes useful... Maybe it should actually do something instead of buffing the enemy rengar or maybe buffing his actual jungling and buff his passive.
please no, daisy is love life. Even if she is buffy, she saves more lifes then your support soraka will
What I would love to see is Daisy getting stronger when Ivern dies kind of like Annie's Tibbers. I come from Warcraft 3 and I always wanted to play a character that can control other units , this is why I love this champion u,u
i would love to see Daisy getting upgrades every ult upgrade, something like more types of cc or burning skin something like that
@@nikoyh4477 that is a really nice idea , kind of like kha
@@JorgitoInSpace ye
Maybe, they should make it to where you get Daisy early on, and as you lvl up she gets stronger? She can be his actual passive and if she dies, once the CD comes up. she’ll spawn after an ability use. So it’s sort of like amici’s egg except for another basic champ that stays forever. Give him an actual R?
I think they should remake Kindred and make them a switch champion like Nid, Jayce, Elise. One is Lamb and the other Wolf. Lamb should be more support range, while wolf is bruiser melee. Which would mean that the ult would need to go away.
Jorge Espinoza daisy is already strong, just maybe change daisy and the way you control her for noobs will make a change
I cannot get mad when I play Ivern, he makes me feel good, even with 0 and 10 I am still smiling
“Friend of the Forest” is just a way to say you have no friends
Lol so rude.
OR a pedophile
Trees are better persons than most humans though.
"Protector of the Forest" sounds so much better.
You know why?
Because everyone wants to be an edgyboi who hardcarries
everyone wants to be an anime man who carries
no its bcs this game demands it from players in order to climb.
and anytime a tank or a hard counter get's buffed, the edgybois cry
Ivern usually hard carries because of his cc and shield
edit: bois i was joking calm down
Ivern is everyone's favorite champ that no one plays.
Not even PETA cultists play Ivern. Let that sink in.
Well look at the bright side, at least he's a popular pick in TFT when u want to run a druid/woodland comp... Guess he'll just have to chill there while he recovers :/
@@imightdeletethislater3810 what does it want now?
I agree with this. If you ask people "do you like ivern concept?" they most likely say "yes. It's interesting". If you askem em "will you play him?" the answer is "no"
Basically the Hufflepuff of League champs
I don't know if you guys can still remember era where you get a buff when you smite a jungle monster like poisonous cape from Gromp or a walking wisp patrol from the wolves, I think it's a great idea if they'll put it all on ivern's passive
Which season was that? Sounds very interesting
@@TheLokoIl season 6 and before i guess
I remember the rock monster at jungle giving us mini stun every 3rd attack
These intros give me Chills all the time. Pls dont stop making These kind of videos!!
Thank you!!
Yeah they give me chilis too
mmm chilis
But this video was so sad :((
Hi welcome to chilis
"Daisy is so buggy rivaling azir"
Does no one remember old morde?
dont make us remember
Which old mord?
@@ourlife4545 he means before the rework
@@no1shock3dca12 He means the reworks I think lol
Ivern doesn’t deserve this 😭 He’s so wholesome
and a lot of people do like him, he's just not very strong.
He murdered for years on end until the gods turned him into this wood lover
actually, before he became Ivern he was like really into children killing so not exactly wholesome
SomePancake yeah for sure my dude, I love his lore, just joking around haha
@@dude5167 There are so many things wrong with your comment lmao
Did you know that Ivern is another way to write Riven.
Yeah i created a new account maining ivern named TheDyslexicRiven
@@TheKokiche nice name haha
The stars have aligned, Riven was the one who was sitting crying next to the Tree that was Ivern cause her sword was broken
@@TheKokiche This is what i call a 200IQ Name Bro. Wow 😲🤯
@Theunwantedwings Or Vi is basically Viktor without "ktor"
Ivern is probably less greedy and more giving than other botlane enchanters tbh
I always try to tell my team there’s a free buff but nobody ever picks them up so my friend just takes every buff lol
A solid buff to Ivern would be to let him give the red/blue buff copy to anyone, instantly. Instead of having to make them leave lane and come get it. Because forcing laners to run into jungle goes against what the game teaches you to do, and missing a wave of farm can be detrimental. If he could just pick up the buff and click on a teammate (like how Neeko's passive's UI works) that would be much better.
@@bugjams yes.
The quality of writing on these videos is top notch my dude.
Fiddlesticks video when?
Thank you!!
I up this comment as i share the same thoughts.
Ivern is actually my favorite jungler. I enjoyed him so much when he was first release when everyone was at a 36% Winrate and I had an 80% at the time.
I'm not sure what it is about Ivern, but he is always so fun for me. I really am just waiting for him to be better for me to play him/jungle again.
Just go Ivern and Rengar bot and everything is fine.
@@morgellon339 Maybe in normals. You won't win in a ranked game which is what I am guessing he wants to play.
@@awhegarkderton6334 Well its offseason. Nothing matters.
The fact that you don't play him anymore just because he's weak says everything.
He is my main jungle champ :D
I adore Ivern. I'm so happy to see people play him and always give him extra attention during matches. It takes a special kind of person to play a champ like that.
Ivern: *not relevant for almost 3 years*
Skarner: Hold my beer.
Skarner took some time to see the light of day, but after his rework and the introduction of predator to the game its almost 3 years he's a consistent soloq and competitive pick
@@bolobre4th yet he's nowhere to be seen. It's been a while since I've played a game with a Skarner player.
@@JM-vl3cy just played against one yesterday. Last time I played against or with an ivern in soloq has been about 2months
@@bolobre4th let me guess: you don't watch NA LCS...
Skarner is picked in LCS
And I play him in the top lane
"suports cant have damage" riot 2014
senna and pike 2019 yikes
*cough* lux *cough*
>Pyke having damage
@@slayerwolfx339 is not a support, just gets played as one in low elo
Karma, Morgana, Tahm Kench: Am I a joke to you?
brand and zyra have always been around though
Ivern: champion no one knows
*cries in ornn having less skins than ivern*
meanwhile taliyah
Latt lmao
Me too
Did someone say "More Lux and MF skins please"?
Cespie nc one haha
Just look at treant protector from dota, it's almost exactly the same character (a jungle support tree) yet treant in dota is a very popular support. I don't think the issue is Iverns theme at all, it's his kit.
Having the highest base damage and one of the easiest kill lane set ups helps a lot as well. You have to have a REALLY bad matchup or be literally afk to loose a lane as Treant.
Exactly treant hits like a truck early game, has huge impact in teamfights, can split push and juke well in the trees and ivern can only hope his team is good
"Nobody cares for the trees anymore" -Treebeard
Would love a ORNN documentary like this, its so well done im almost tempted to play Ivern.
You know why no one likes him? His name is just an anagram of RIVEN!
Mind *blown*
As a solo Ivern main, I feel as if people often underestimate his jungle clears aswell as his ability to gank with Daisy and his Q
O... Just me then.
WAIT. You're not supposed to be in here!
I love his voice lines tho. Really anti tilt.
This channel has become my favorite on YT. A+'s across the board.
I'd like to see a history of the transforming champions (nid jayce and Elise ) all of them have been busted in pro and soloq at different times.
Thank you!!
two of them are still busted in pro play (jayce and elise)
and two are doing well in solo queue (also jayce and nidalee)
@@mostafaelzohirey9187 Jayce? Doing wel in solo queue? With a win rate of 46% across the board? Even in D+ he's only at 46%. Nidalee even has a higher pick rate and win rate and she's exclusively played by Nidalee mains, yet still somehow maintains a higher pick rate in just jungle than Jayce does in Mid and Top COMBINED.
Yo I LOVE Ivern. From the moment I saw his walk cycle I was hooked, and as a degenerate Nunu main starting in season 2, I love the game cycle of just screwing over everyone, including your team.
Easily the best champion in the game. All the funny lane comps (old morde adc, rengar, any bruiser, cait, Mao, etc) combined with the successful troll jungle play style. Honestly I only play league for that dopamine hit of watching Ivern walk
''dopamine hit of watching Ivern walk''
You've convinced me to play Ivern
"Daisy is hard to control"
Try controlling the dragon ghost as Morde back in the day
Or Shaco Clone. Or Tibbers.
Riot's just really bad at making AI. Probably why there's not been any champions that AI in ages.
Haha what about yoricks maiden to this day.
Tbh Morde dragon ghost wasn't that hard :D
Dude, your right. I played morde the other day and I got drake I was trying to make him go bot with me to take towers but he just went to the base, and then enemy top tower was getting damaged for no reason and then got destroyed and the same happened to T2 tower and T3 and the drake was in the base this whole time doing AA animation.
@@mndel8509 "the other day" bruh morde was reworked 6 months ago
Is it weird that this just made me feel bad for Ivern? Like it's a real being.
Everyone likes Ivern, its impossible to not like him.
Peoples just dont like to play him.
I like both ways, but he and kalista are just too u.p
I bet he likes kids
idk man my team didn't seem too fond of me picking him
I never liked his design for some reason
@@cobble3317 Not just kids, look at the candy king skin recall animation.
Ivern is one of those champions that everyone who plays him loves him. For example most adc's hate their character cause they jump into a 1v5 and die. But ivern mains just so wholesome.
We love our green father he is friendly why shoudn't we be too
Except for Tyler. He picked him as a fun pick
Tyler was the last who did it. After range change which is buff Bunny was first to play him adc. Actually Bunny is almost first at most of new possible content from League and did a lot of records.
David Kunakovsky except bunny just plays custom games with viewers and pretends it's a real game on UA-cam
@@davidkunakovsky3155 W H OMEGALUL
Lee Song mmm. So not true.
I love ivern he's so fun
but my team never plays around my cc as him unless they know what i do..
Haha, that's nothing strange.
My teams sometimes don't even play around their adc... which is me.
They are afraid to engage when they are tanks and they engage when I'm on another lane.
i remember having a good ivern that actually landed his cc for us to follow
It also sucks when you get flamed for calling over a mid laner for blue buff and smite it and they walk away without taking the drop and flame you because they have no idea how he works
i like ivern, he just isnt reliable. he doubles a teammates power, so if someone is strong, they are gods. if someone is feeding, they are feeding double so much. same goes with yuumi, except you can make sandwiches while playing yuumi
Story of most supports tbh, either your ad facechecks a rengar bush or they stomp lane.
Except Ivern is shit. Just like you in Bronze.
Yuumi lacks solo play, while Ivern suffers from the fact that your allies don't know how his kit works.
@@ngngye that's why any ivern player perma rengo except if his toplaner pre-pick him
kinda sad, having to perma a champ just because he counters your kit uh
Ivern was the first champ I got to Mastery 7 because I liked him so much when he was released. I played him almost everyday doing jungle and support roles. Watching this video makes me miss playing the friend of the forest.
Life as Ivern:
Root an Enemy: Meelee carry walks normally towards them anyway.
Put down a brush: Ally walks away.
Put a shield on ally: Ally FLASHES away.
Put a shield on yourself: Allies flame you for not shielding.
put a shield on Daisy: She's chasing down the ADC while everyone else attacks the tank anyway.
LMAO it's been a week since I started playing Ivern (and I loved it) and this all had already happened
@@anactualbucket1082 Same. Very satisfying to soft carry your team
I mean, Kai'sa is so popular because A: She's hot, and B: She's overloaded and overpowered. Not much more to it.
C dat ass
I mean I think it honestly comes down to being both a sustained damage adc with her passive but also a burst mage with q and e with tons of wave clear
we need to make ivern hot time for a re-work Ivernia lets get that bush trimmed
I just find her play style really fun. There is something enjoyable about sniping people from a mile away and if they thought they were going to escape with 10 hp left you ult in and finish them off.
Gotta start playing him again. He deserves some love
It's rare to see this many consecutive nerfs
Aphelios: hold my beer
Me: like to play ivern because he is fun and no one like to ban him.
Jerry Jun yes
Unless I hover him, then my team bans him :(
@@aoe776 I've never experienced someone banning Ivern because he's hovered, as an adc player I thought everyone loved having an extra support on your team o.O
Matte imagine having a 4 support team with a hypercarry adc (like kog'maw)
I like to play him because no one knows how to play against him.
Easiest person to counter jungle, yet no one below plat does. Really passive playstyle, yet no one punishes by being aggressive. No need to know how to clear, so all the focus is on how to macro.
As a supp main, ivern was such a fun pickup.
5:50 A wild Garen getting out from a bush. Typical.
All people watching this:
Start playing ivern
yes sir!
Is there an episode on a champion everybody likes? You know...Braum? The real bro. An honorable opponent, or a trusty old friend. Braum just gives off super good vibes, and his kit kind of reflects that.
then there’s me with 100,000 mastery points on ivern
I'm at 260,000 points :P
520k ivern here, only champ that brings me fun at the game
330k ivern player, he is easily the most fun jungler i play nowadays :D
700k Mordekaiser main over here.
Lmao imagine being unrelevant for only 3 years. This post was made by the Mundo gang.
Imagine being relevant
This post was Made by the Rek'sai gang
@@frankhorrigan1508 imagine being
This post was made by Ao Shin gang
@@frankhorrigan1508 ?? When was Rek'sai not relevant? He is constantly picked in high elo and in major tournaments as well.
Vigilante Rorschach *she
mundo is very unpopular but super strong
Everyone would love him if they fixed daisys ai and gave him a few minor buffs instead of making him fully ranged
Just fix the bugs in general. Daisy randomly stopping from attacking a champion unless you hit Q is retarded and Q pulling ALL RANGE CHAMPIONS into melee range is still dumb
The range buff was actually super nice though
@@migs99o Yah it removes the clunkiness
It’s kinda hard to be a “support jungler” considering how many broken jungle carries there are. Like why’d you pick Ivern over Yi, Warwick or Kayn?
yi and warwick? ivern is 10 times more broken than that he is out here with a 60% winrate
@@hatakenewt348 that's because he is almost never played and when he is, most players who play him rely on the fact that noone knows what he does and thus can't counter him
@@hatakenewt348 Easy to get a 60% Wingate when the only Ivern players have 2 billion masteries on him
I actually love Ivern as a champion the way he speaks and walks, he’s so kind. But every time I’ve played him he just doesn’t do enough to help my team :/
I beg to differ, he is still my main, I'm trying my hardest to keep him alive. I've choose a very lonely and difficult road to travel.
I wish you luck on this road.
"Country roaaaaaads taaake me hooooome....."
Im with you on this road, I am tryin to show people that burst ivern, tank ivern and onhit ivern are funny af and still good
If Ivern was a half-naked female, you would see his popularity skyrocket even if nothing else changed.
Isn't zyra just that
@@pantelisvidakis9005 lol true
@@Zerhapy Nah, the void champions are fantastic designs (maybe not so much Cho but he's still okay). The biggest problem with Ivern's design, at least for me, is that his freaky vine body and blank, emotionlessly smiling semi-human face drop him squarely into the uncanny valley. I don't even like LOOKING at him, especially when he's moving around...it just looks gross to me. Comparing him to something like a Rek'sai, who looks weird due to being completely inhuman and alien, there's no competition. Rek'sai has a cohesive visual appearance, excellent silhouette, fun and unique animations, and also stands out visually from Summoner's Rift because of her colour (that is surprisingly important). Ivern has approximately none of these. His animations are weird to look at and his design is just straight up ugly. His silhouette really tells you nothing about him other than that he's awkwardly tall and lanky. He's boring brown and green and looks more like a jungle camp than a champion. Add all that to the fact that for 99% of people Ivern is completely mind numbingly boring to play, and it should be no surprise he's unpopular.
@@pantelisvidakis9005 And the only reason she isn't showered in skins [at least in Riot's words] is because they would have to also modify her plants.
He is too skinny. He need six packs and make him tank
Tyler1: I'm about to end this whole video's career
To be honest, I literally never remember Ivern being "OP". The perks of being so low ELO nobody cares enough to follow the meta, lul.
9.3 ivern was definitelly top tier
All I remember was early 2017 Ivern was strong af
playing ivern is like being in five abusive relationships at once.
It's like the reason why no one likes to play support, but this time not only you have to be the support to every lane, you also have to do all the stuff a jungler is required to, which is already heavy enough on it's own.
I love Ivern. Listening to his voicelines is the closest I have ever been to achieving absolute zen. Also if selling skins is all he needs just give him Nightmare Before Christmas cosplay of Jack Skellington, they both got the vibes already! We're going to get that spike back just because everyone wants to be Ivern/Fiddlesticks duo on Halloween.
'^' I literally love Ivern how dare you!
Matthew Henry was about to say the same thing. This is my champ for when I get autofilled to the dog role of jungle.
I like him too! Just watch the video, don't worry
You are no one.
@@Exil22 Great video glad to see some love for my favorite tree :)
As an Ivern otp, this title really offends me
riot: We have to nerf ivern again and again till hes so bad nobody whants to play him at all ever.
ivern: Why you bully me
Ijiranaide, Rito-san
@M A One thing I agree with : Needs moar itemization.
One thing I disagree with : The meta doesnt change every two weeks; up until this last preseason patch it's basically been "Tanks, The Meta" since season 5.
One thing you didn't even mention, but I think we can agree on anyways : Their game is spaghetti and it sucks.
Exil: No one plays Ivern.
Me an ivern main: *suprised pikachu face*
How is it to main Ivern? How many games did u need to master him? What do you like about him that made u main him? Im just askin i wanna main him aswell
I would main ivern but he's soooo expensive but I'm thinking on saving up my be for him I find him really fun even tho he's not that strong
Already 3 years since ivern came out...
Thought it was max a year ago, time flies
He said he's basically useless. That's it, I have to main him.
I mean at least I'd have a better excuse for why I'm bad.
So far whenever I play him(every. Single. Match) There’s always that one person that doesn’t know what Ivern’s perk does and expects me to smack jungle monsters
Mmmmm maybe I should try it
*2 weeks later* Last ivern main has committed die.
This tittle is wrong, i can confirm that one person likes Ivern, that is me
Reinado respect
Me too, I am waiting for an ivern to appear in my team
Everyone forgets skarner so much, that even this video did
And now they will release a champ that everyone hates
Didn't they already do that with Yuumi and Pyke though?
That's pretty much every champ made by CertainlyT
@@innosoul7837 because he makes these insane fucking kits, and broken mechanics that are just unfun to play against.
_I got a Vayne...I got a Kha'Zix....Uh!_
*Kai'Sa release!*
I want a tristana lee sin hybrid
@@akshaymishra3674 how would that work?
In a game filled with musician snipers, edgy anime boys with talking scythes, and about 50 different furries why would you want to play pacifist stoner Bob Ross?
Even in the jungle alone you have a werewolf, a guy with a shotgun, several badass ninjas and soldiers, or... pacifist stoner Bob Ross.
I know this is a bit late, but why not??, I mean, you have Braum, a big ass ultra lovable boy and he is one of the most played supps, in part, because of his ultra friendly personality
Dont talk shit about my musician sniper
@@Cape18 More like because it offers so much utility for the team, I haven't met anyone that plays Braum solely because of his ultra friendly personality. Cut the bullshit already, people mostly play champions that are overtuned or flashy, that is all to it. Take Kai'sa for example, flashy as hell, has one of the most overloaded kits (seriously, how come an ADC is able to have stealth, AP and AD ratios, get to use every item somewhat in the game and have the ability to use the most broken item in the game Zhonya's Hourglass) and is considered quote on quote 'hot'. I am going to ask you the question, would you play Sivir when Kai'sa exists? Literally the same question as with pacifist stoner Bob Ross vs Guy with a shotgun, who is pretty fucking busted at the moment, mind you.
i wanna play pacifist stoner bob ross that's sounds like a interesting happy little accident
pacifist stoner bob ross? time to main ivern
The biggest reason of being underrated character, he is not handsome or beautiful human - like characters like Yasuo or Kai'sa. He is just a monster, and these monster models always never work for most of players especially of from Asia.
Me: playing Ivern bcs hes fun
Every league player: REPORT HIM HES TROLLING!
Everyone just dodges during the champ select when I pick Ivern because I got Jungle from auto filling, no one trusts me even if I am a m7 Experienced Ivern
Lop true. But i play TF and im only silver and low elo think TF is bad so people always dodge cuz i pick him haha
@@孫子 don't give up! You can still learn to play a real jungler.
@@QuimFreecss Ivers is a wonderful jungler.