What really surprised me while I was playing Doom 2016 it's how much they took a lot of inspiration from Doom 3, at least regarding the visuals of the levels (enemies were way more scarier in D3, tho). That being said, I liked Doom 2016, but I do prefer Doom 3 a bit more.
Doom 3 is a great game, but it's not doom. There's a certain way that doom presents itself which this one doesn't. It is a great game in its own way, but a disappointing doom title. It's simply the opposite of every other doom game before and after.
I like the Plasma Rifle in DOOM 3 better. It's very useful in DOOM (2016), but it has more impact and feels more satisfying in the previous game! I also like the sexy reload sound it made...
The plasma rifle is better in Doom 3 is because it has closed enviroments and enemies who are mostly "slow" and bullet-sponges, so this works better there. In DOOM, it's ther opposite; there are many open large enviroments and agile enemies, so the plasma rifle doesn't work as well.
I like the design of the weapon better in Doom 3, largely because the colour scheme is more faithful to the 1993 Doom Plasma Rifle and the Doom 2016 version just looks like a repeat of the Doom 3 one with a white paint job. However, I like the plasma effects and sounds better in Doom 2016 - has this "glowy liquid" feel to it that I've always liked about classic Sci-Fi plasma.
G Truesdale the plasma rifle in Doom 3 its more slow but with a grear damage (and good sound) and the plasma rifle in DOOM its like a SMG (hight RPM, moderate damage and with some crazy recoil) PD: Personally, i like more the plasma rifle in Doom 3 than in DOOM (in 3, seems like it has the same damage than the original PG, but more slower)
For those who dont know, the handgun of Doom 3 is based in the gun from the Bladerunner movie (it appears in Fallout New Vegas too) and the Doom 4 handgun is based in the Blaster from Quake 4.
Uuuuh, no. Doom Slayer is the new "Doom Guy" in the DOOM continuity, that Doom Marine you see in Doom 3 is a weaker version of doom guy, I'm not even sure if he can even be considered a Doom guy. Considering how weak he is compared to the Doom Guys of DooM, DooM II, DooM 64, and DOOM.
@@spookson5679 Plus the animations in Doom are supposed to be exaggerated, like Doom Slayer's anger while his first person animations are supposed to be purely functional. It'd be pretty boring if his first and third person animations are the same.
@@MintToastIvan no it's not, when im paying for a 60 dollar games i expect good animations even for 3rd person, but 3rd person animations aren't bad, there are no 3rd person animations, and not only does it look funny but also it makes the weapons look weak, when your guy holds your weapon still when shooting from a gun, the gun looks weak, also the shitty 3rd person "animations" didn't benefit the gameplay at all, they didn't do it to make the gameplay better they did it because of laziness
At the time, it was one of the most graphically advanced games on the market. The hate Doom 3 gets is mostly from people who were turned off because of it being a slower paced horror themed game vs the run and gun slaughterfest the series was known for. While I was a hardcore Doomer as a kid in the 90s, I also enjoy the series for it's lore as well as the massacre. Doom 3 was a satisfying story while still being a solid shooter overall. For the Doom purists, it wasn't happy trails but it definitely wasn't a bad game.
The weapons look good but the demons are kind of bad and the main problem was it was a slow paced horror game when DOOM is a action genre series about slaughtering everything that moves as fast as possible
Никита Бородин same but the reason we have problems with doom 3 was because it had very little in common with the original doom because it was a horror game that wasn't fast paced and doomguy had a personality which isn't supposed to be there because you're supposed to fill that in. It was a fine horror game, but a horrible DOOM game
@jay dabs I personally forgot everything about Doom 3, I don't remember anything about it, I am currently nine hours in and nothing seems familiar to me and nothing is making me remember anything.
Doom3 gets hard run these days but I still think it had merits. 2016 is a whole other world of awesome, but I still find doom 3 enjoyable in its own way
Doom 3 was just as awesome as Far Cry and almost as good as Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime 2. The problem in 2004 is that there were several great shooters taking the pedestal that year including Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2 (First-Person Adventure), Far Cry, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Doom 3
NarrowKilla Its not possible to carry it Unless if you're Doom Slayer, then you'd be carrying that around no sweat His raw strength is like Hundreds or thousands times more powerfull rhan the normal hooman
meanwhile in some random doom 3 audio log: "the new bfg models arrived this week, i really love them, i can lift them without feeling my arm is going to fall apart, the most notable disanvantage is that high charge time to unleash a plasma mass with a effective explosive capability..." idk why i remember it but is just curious
Nice video. And thank you for the music comparison at the end I can't believe I had no idea Mick Gordon's composed theme track for DOOM 2016 is a remix of the theme track for Doom 3 which totally makes sense since both of those games are DooM reboots (DooM3 = DooM, RoE & DOOM 2016 = Ultimate DooM).
Doom 3 stays iconic in my eyes, since Doom 4 looks more like having upgrades in their arsenal, they could easily play Unreal Tournament with it. But if you say the skin of the new Doom looks better than of Doom 3, remember they are games from two different times.
lol...Doom 2016 godstomped doom 3 in every category since Doom 2016 sticked to the roots of the classic doom while incorporating the awesomeness of brutal doom....even classic doom without mods stomps doom 3.
Doom 3 went to a horror type game it didn't stick to it's fast paced gameplay,it was shit because doom is suppose to be brutal and hellish like wolfenstein is,though in the end of the day i liked its mild gameplay of the game.
There's no setting for 3rd person so I think he's using No Clip. And that's why he holds the guns so high to his face, so it seems more First Person. The effects only look like they are coming from the weapons in 1st Person but in reality they are strategicly placed so you don't know
Honestly, DooM 3 relies more on the player's skill, speed and technique, while DOOM simply relies too much on the upgrade. I prefer the first 3 games because your skill is put to a test. DOOM almost doesn't at all. As much as the game being good, the first time I saw it, it didn't feel like Doom that much.
I thought the same thing, TBH. However, near the end of Doom 3 the gameplay was a bit easier thanks to the Soul Cube. Also, Doom 3's gameplay was surprisingly closer to the OG Doom than Doom 2016's, IMO.
My issue with Doom 3 is it played more as a horror it didn't feel like Doom at all it had too many jumpscares and their never was any reloading in the original DOOM games and the movement was slow doomguy was never slow anyway those are my thoughts on DOOM 3
Aunque sea contradictorio de mi parte (ya que siempre me gustan más las armas futuristas de energía en cualquier juego), siento que los sonidos de las armas de fuego de Doom 3 le dan mas peso, ese sonido "metálico" le da más fuerza, cosa que no he visto en Doom 4. Es cierto, en Doom 4 las armas se ven mas futuristas y sofisticadas, pero no sé, siento que el excesivo diseño futurista y poco primitivo, los sonidos de recarga y disparo poco impactantes, y los tonos de color tan claros en las armas, le hacen restar "potencia", "peso" e "impacto", a comparación de las armas de Doom 3 (tanto en la parte estetica como sonora), haciendo que, por lo menos en este caso, me gusten mas las armas de fuego rusticas y "primitivas" de Doom 3, que las armas de energia sofisticadas y futuristas de Doom 4, para un buen ejemplo, no mas comparemos la potencia del "¡BOM!" sonoro de la escopeta disparando en Doom 3, a diferencia del de la escopeta en Doom 4, ademas de que, si lo notan, tambien se escucha mucho mejor los sonidos de la corredera y de los casquillos de las balas al caer, tambien el de las balas introduciendose en el cañon al recargar, e igualmente el del impacto de las balas sobre una superficie metalica al disparar (tambien de las armas en Doom 3). En todo caso, es solo mi opinión. Por cierto ¡Como amo el sonido desfibrilante de recarga del rifle de plasma de Doom 3! (y tambien el "¡pew! ¡pew! ¡pew!" que produce al disparar, pese a que a otros les parezca gracioso o ridiculo).
Вова Зацарный I prefer Doom 4 because realism isn't a key conponent in the Doom series imo. I prefer the playstyle of kicking ass and having fun, plus the weapons in Doom 4 feel more badass. Doom 3 is still a great game though. Just my opinion.
Amadeus Eisenberg nah. I would hate magazins. Especally for the mg. I hate those reload times,where the screen shakes like at a earthquake,and you need to wait like one minute to use the weapon again.
Lul when I saw this new release I thought it was weird that you're running Doom 3 and 2016 at this quality since you could run it pretty well but then I read the description
Doom 3's Plasma Gun and BFG has that adorable sound when reloading. also makes the reloading worth it. time to waste my time replying on shitty comments.
Didn't like the way weapons were glowing with colorful outlines and sometimes neatly placed, it just feels more of a death-match game like Unreal Tournament or Quake 3.
The Plasma Gun is useless in DOOM 4 after you get the Gauss, and so is the assault rifle once you get the minigun for the most part apart from using the scope at range and using less ammo.
Naaaah, you just aren't thinking outside the box. I use it often because the Gauss gun is unwieldy in its two firing modes. The zoom mod is great for awesome headshots and weakspot sniping, and the siege mode is great when you just want to kill everything, but neither are particularly useful for CQC. Plasma gun does two things: shockwave and grenade. Grenade is useful at range and adds DOT to enemies on fire. Shockwave is even better when you're gunning hot and in a pinch.
I think Doom games have the best double barrel shotgun.Doom 2, Doom 3 RoE and Doom 4 all have it implemented as extremely useful and really fun to use :P for me.
1:19 I don't understand why the handle for the Chaingun seems set off to the side in 1st person, but is above the center of the weapon in third person.
im a huge doom fan and i've always have been but I have never been interested in playing the new doom game, sure the gameplay is similar to the original doom, but it LOOKS no where close to the original doom, they completely changed the style of what Doom is, its basically halo with demons now... but with that being said, i am looking forward to Doom Eternal, the teaser trailer interests me.
I've got a soft spot for the Doom 3 shotgun. Sure, it sounds like Nerf, but it looks futuristic, industrial, and simple, yet deadly. The Doom 4 shotgun looks to blocky and unwieldy, and the classic shotgun looks like what it is, a Toys R us version of the Evil Dead 2 shotgun. The BFG Edition for Doom 3 also made the shotgun sound more beefy.
nah i like the original doom shotgun best. it sounds satisfying and the overkill pellets hitting targets behind your primary target was absolutely satisfaction. it was only topped by the sawed-off shotgun in doom2. doom3 shotgun was pretty bad, it sounded weak and didn't sound satisfying at all to shoot. but the prize for worst shotgun ever goes to quake 1, no question. what the hell where they thinking? omfg.
Jaygon! You do have to remember that the every weapons from even Original DOOM were based on toys like nerf or water guns Its never solidified in reality, its over the top Like Warhammer 40k c:
I know that is right direction for DooM is from 1994-98, but still... I also know that the storyline isn't important for pure DooM... But... Was it trouble for you with looking around weapons and ammo in Doom 3? Was it terrible that Doom turned into horror and shooter in one time?.. I respect the original DooM, but Doom 3 looks good even now, at least as horror and atmospheric game. Also, you may use some graphic mods (which will not overcome current DooM, but still may look good) About weapons - i like more plasmagun from Doom 3, it shoots a little bit strange, but has well-animated reloading. The same about machinegun and chaingun, other is just perfect in original DooM (well, actually, i like modified chaingun more, because it has 9 barrels! But i also more have sympathy to machinegun from Doom 3, because it looks more futuristic i think), The BFG design from original DooM looks similiar to BFG from film (which is not well, i agree), but weapon itself looks awesome! I know it's difficult to compare the new game from old beginning, and the old game from other line, Doom 3 is still holding what it cointains about guns, atmosphere and even monsters... Note that this is only opinion, it doesn't try to impose or enforce you to think same.
SuperSailorsenshi Star actually back thn when I was a little munchkin, I actually thought that the Doom series was a horror amd action game because I mean those monsters from the original doom creeped me out same with the satanic imagery.
Johnathon Beaumont if you're calling doom 3's shotgun's ridiculous spread balanced then I have no idea what to tell you. it's a very situational weapon to use.
Alexandr Димяти It doesn't effect gameplay? I imagine a chaingun with recoil would effect the player's stratedgy. Also I'm sure either way, the shotgun isn't a fast fire rate weapon so recoil doesn't really matter that much. I'm think it is meant to show off the power of the shotgun.
trash bag I did not mean to imply the Doom 3 shotgun was balanced. I meant how it is used for balance reasons in most games for the same reason as letting you carry miniguns/chainguns in the first place. I'm gonna reword that comment.
lol at these millienials talking shit on DooM3. In 2004 literally everyone upgraded their PC just to play this game, that's how awesome it is. It's art direction were alot better than DOOM4, they did redesigned the pinky demon, an iconic monster, into a new iconic design of its own. Had DOOM4 ever try to deviate from it's generic techbase scifi demon shooter theme? DooM3 build tons of creepiest looking room in the business with simple blood pentagrams, candles, giant tendrils, ribcage and fleshy growth of gods know what from the depth of hell. DOOM4 makes every room a giant bland arena. There're many bad things to say about DooM3 but it was never a bad game, it's a class on it's own.
the soul cube is useful for the last levels of doom 3 because the last levels were frustrating as fuck, there's no meds that much, it could heal you after you kill 5 or 4 demons and use it.
Man i wish they'd put the D3 machine gun into 2016 and Eternal, its like a P90, oh shiet i already hear the russian kids yelling "rush b cyka blyat" Oh and lets not talk about the soul cube, that little mean bitch tear apart anything, i got to say few weapons from D3 would fitt perfectly into 2016 and Eternal Machinegun would be great against trash like possesed or possesed soldiers and imps, while the soul cube against heavy demons like pinky, hell knight, baron of hell and etc and while its attack it would heal you. The D3 shotgun tho is an utter trash, even for close range its had a very big spread, basicly you had to crawl into the face of an enemy to kill them in one shot. when i got the SSG (Super Shotgun) damn that was a relief from heaven, i used machinegun more than the CSG (Combat Shotgun).
The BFG look beautiful like always
Yeah! The most coveted weapon of all games!
You forgot the SSG (Super Shotgun)
@TrippShotAE AETrippShot, well, technically the super shotgun wasn't in Doom 3, it came with Resurrection of Evil.
Doom 3 is far too underappreciated. It's a fantastic game to this day.
I liked the new doom, but same. I don't think it's bad afterall.
What really surprised me while I was playing Doom 2016 it's how much they took a lot of inspiration from Doom 3, at least regarding the visuals of the levels (enemies were way more scarier in D3, tho).
That being said, I liked Doom 2016, but I do prefer Doom 3 a bit more.
Doom 3 is a great game, but it's not doom. There's a certain way that doom presents itself which this one doesn't. It is a great game in its own way, but a disappointing doom title. It's simply the opposite of every other doom game before and after.
The exact reason why I'm getting doom 3 for Christmas. It's the bfg edition but it's still doom 3
DOOM 3 was excellent and so ahead of it's time
the 2016 doom guy looks like hes jaming to the music
lolo27234 he is bfg division
I like the Plasma Rifle in DOOM 3 better. It's very useful in DOOM (2016), but it has more impact and feels more satisfying in the previous game! I also like the sexy reload sound it made...
I agree with you on the effect and reload sound of the plasma rifle, but for the designer I prefer the doom 2016 :)
The plasma rifle is better in Doom 3 is because it has closed enviroments and enemies who are mostly "slow" and bullet-sponges, so this works better there. In DOOM, it's ther opposite; there are many open large enviroments and agile enemies, so the plasma rifle doesn't work as well.
I like the design of the weapon better in Doom 3, largely because the colour scheme is more faithful to the 1993 Doom Plasma Rifle and the Doom 2016 version just looks like a repeat of the Doom 3 one with a white paint job.
However, I like the plasma effects and sounds better in Doom 2016 - has this "glowy liquid" feel to it that I've always liked about classic Sci-Fi plasma.
G Truesdale the plasma rifle in Doom 3 its more slow but
with a grear damage (and good sound) and the plasma rifle in DOOM its like a SMG (hight RPM, moderate damage and with some crazy recoil)
PD: Personally, i like more the plasma rifle in Doom 3 than in DOOM (in 3, seems like it has the same damage than the original PG, but more slower)
“I also like the sexy *reload* sound it made.”
*! reload !*
For those who dont know, the handgun of Doom 3 is based in the gun from the Bladerunner movie (it appears in Fallout New Vegas too) and the Doom 4 handgun is based in the Blaster from Quake 4.
doom 3 guy is calm af but the doomslayer is a fking killer
in the whole game (doom 3) you only see him impressed once in the final of the game, against the final boost
Uuuuh, no. Doom Slayer is the new "Doom Guy" in the DOOM continuity, that Doom Marine you see in Doom 3 is a weaker version of doom guy, I'm not even sure if he can even be considered a Doom guy. Considering how weak he is compared to the Doom Guys of DooM, DooM II, DooM 64, and DOOM.
he is weaker because is a "common" marine, not a doom slayer
yet he was good enough to survive all the shit happened there
@@DrZubey this didn't age well lmfao
I hate it when the third person view looks nothing like how they're holding the weapon in first person
Gameplay first, looks second
@@MintToastIvan that's not an excuse
It actually is. I'd rather have a good game with average animation than average gameplay with the best animation
Plus the animations in Doom are supposed to be exaggerated, like Doom Slayer's anger while his first person animations are supposed to be purely functional. It'd be pretty boring if his first and third person animations are the same.
@@MintToastIvan no it's not, when im paying for a 60 dollar games i expect good animations even for 3rd person, but 3rd person animations aren't bad, there are no 3rd person animations, and not only does it look funny but also it makes the weapons look weak, when your guy holds your weapon still when shooting from a gun, the gun looks weak, also the shitty 3rd person "animations" didn't benefit the gameplay at all, they didn't do it to make the gameplay better they did it because of laziness
You forgot the Super Shotguns. Still a great video
To be honest doom 3 doesn't look that bad.
At the time, it was one of the most graphically advanced games on the market. The hate Doom 3 gets is mostly from people who were turned off because of it being a slower paced horror themed game vs the run and gun slaughterfest the series was known for.
While I was a hardcore Doomer as a kid in the 90s, I also enjoy the series for it's lore as well as the massacre. Doom 3 was a satisfying story while still being a solid shooter overall. For the Doom purists, it wasn't happy trails but it definitely wasn't a bad game.
It was good shoooter and nice scary-jump horror. As kid I had problem to beat some levels. Especially with baby spiders.
That damn mirror.
The weapons look good but the demons are kind of bad and the main problem was it was a slow paced horror game when DOOM is a action genre series about slaughtering everything that moves as fast as possible
Aside from most of the demons no, it doesn’t look that bad but the game story was bad cause it was a slow horror game. DOOM is an action game series
holy fuck Doom 3's Plasma Rifle sounds so sexy and also satisfying.
Zoe Baker it was also the alt.plasma rifle sound for brutal doom.
DOOM and Doom 3 are awesome games, love them both
Никита Бородин same but the reason we have problems with doom 3 was because it had very little in common with the original doom because it was a horror game that wasn't fast paced and doomguy had a personality which isn't supposed to be there because you're supposed to fill that in. It was a fine horror game, but a horrible DOOM game
Amadeus Eisenberg a lot more is always going on in DooM than in Doom 3
Benidu GAMe ok
+Paul Dominique Dee yes but the HORROR has to survive you
@jay dabs I personally forgot everything about Doom 3, I don't remember anything about it, I am currently nine hours in and nothing seems familiar to me and nothing is making me remember anything.
I love that Doom 2016 uses the themes from both the original and Doom 3.
Doom3 gets hard run these days but I still think it had merits. 2016 is a whole other world of awesome, but I still find doom 3 enjoyable in its own way
Doom 3 was just as awesome as Far Cry and almost as good as Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime 2. The problem in 2004 is that there were several great shooters taking the pedestal that year including Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime 2 (First-Person Adventure), Far Cry, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Doom 3
Halo 2?
av3nger3 Doom 3 is better than Half Life 2.
@Amadeus Eisenberg and painkiller
Maybe Doom 3 plasma rifle looks better but.
It's better than Doom 4's subtle "slurp" plasma sound IMO
The plasma gun in Doom 1 and 2 sounded so crunchy. I don't know what the fuck happened.
Plasma gun in Doom 3 is more satisfying than Doom 2016.
just curious how it's actually possible to carry the BFG , I mean by the just look it weights 100 kg at least lol
Power Armour...
Not armour, actually
Doom slayer has super human strength
Angels gave it to him
Because he's 2cool4hell
Its called the big fucking gun for a reason xD
NarrowKilla Its not possible to carry it
Unless if you're Doom Slayer, then you'd be carrying that around no sweat
His raw strength is like
Hundreds or thousands times more powerfull rhan the normal hooman
meanwhile in some random doom 3 audio log:
"the new bfg models arrived this week, i really love them, i can lift them without feeling my arm is going to fall apart, the most notable disanvantage is that high charge time to unleash a plasma mass with a effective explosive capability..." idk why i remember it but is just curious
"Doom 3's weapons... they are so tiny!"
Doom 3's plasma gun is so beautiful. I love reloading that gun :)
Nice video.
And thank you for the music comparison at the end I can't believe I had no idea Mick Gordon's composed theme track for DOOM 2016 is a remix of the theme track for Doom 3 which totally makes sense since both of those games are DooM reboots (DooM3 = DooM, RoE & DOOM 2016 = Ultimate DooM).
Resurrection of Evil is disgustingly underrated, an improvement over Doom 3, gameplay almost like the original doom games.
Doom 3 stays iconic in my eyes, since Doom 4 looks more like having upgrades in their arsenal, they could easily play Unreal Tournament with it. But if you say the skin of the new Doom looks better than of Doom 3, remember they are games from two different times.
TrippShotAE AETrippShot So you're saying doom 3 is better than the new one
If he is saying that than he is wrong on so many levels
SomekidWhoMakesMemes ose Lol true I was about to ask if he has even played the original doom
lol...Doom 2016 godstomped doom 3 in every category since Doom 2016 sticked to the roots of the classic doom while incorporating the awesomeness of brutal doom....even classic doom without mods stomps doom 3.
Doom 3 went to a horror type game it didn't stick to it's fast paced gameplay,it was shit because doom is suppose to be brutal and hellish like wolfenstein is,though in the end of the day i liked its mild gameplay of the game.
Would have been cool if you played on higher settings , to see how weapons actually look
I did not saw the Soul Cube Easter Egg! XD
the doom slayer in third person looks like he needs to go too the bathroom constantly
Doom 3 pistol: pea shooter
Doom 4 pistol: shiny pea shooter
*dark pea shooter
can you do all weapons from doom vfr and doom 3 vr edition mashup?
What's wrong with smoke effect of chainsaw and plasma effect of BFG in DOOM in 3rd person?
There's no setting for 3rd person so I think he's using No Clip. And that's why he holds the guns so high to his face, so it seems more First Person. The effects only look like they are coming from the weapons in 1st Person but in reality they are strategicly placed so you don't know
Doom 3 looks like he's just crapped his pants while the other one looks like he causes people to crap their pants
Doom 2016 Chaingun looks epic af
After this video, Doom 3 looks way better.
Thom Poz pardon
Cinder's theme? Haha, very cool.
Nice video bro
yep! thanks :D
Doom 3 s guns sound and pack a bigger punch than doom2016
If only doom slayer would like pick up the soul cube and use it as a weapon
Honestly, DooM 3 relies more on the player's skill, speed and technique, while DOOM simply relies too much on the upgrade. I prefer the first 3 games because your skill is put to a test. DOOM almost doesn't at all. As much as the game being good, the first time I saw it, it didn't feel like Doom that much.
I thought the same thing, TBH. However, near the end of Doom 3 the gameplay was a bit easier thanks to the Soul Cube. Also, Doom 3's gameplay was surprisingly closer to the OG Doom than Doom 2016's, IMO.
Lmao, try playing Doom 2016 on nightmare scrub
Every Doom game was meant to be harder on Nightmare, so...
My issue with Doom 3 is it played more as a horror it didn't feel like Doom at all it had too many jumpscares and their never was any reloading in the original DOOM games and the movement was slow doomguy was never slow anyway those are my thoughts on DOOM 3
The weapons in DOOM (2016) sounds very weak in general. In Doom 3, except for the pistol and the machinegun, all weapons sounds very powerful.
DooM 3's Chain gun shoot's 30-06 rounds...DooM 2016's Heavy Machine Gun shoots .50 cal. It's obvious who has the superior firepower.
Aunque sea contradictorio de mi parte (ya que siempre me gustan más las armas futuristas de energía en cualquier juego), siento que los sonidos de las armas de fuego de Doom 3 le dan mas peso, ese sonido "metálico" le da más fuerza, cosa que no he visto en Doom 4. Es cierto, en Doom 4 las armas se ven mas futuristas y sofisticadas, pero no sé, siento que el excesivo diseño futurista y poco primitivo, los sonidos de recarga y disparo poco impactantes, y los tonos de color tan claros en las armas, le hacen restar "potencia", "peso" e "impacto", a comparación de las armas de Doom 3 (tanto en la parte estetica como sonora), haciendo que, por lo menos en este caso, me gusten mas las armas de fuego rusticas y "primitivas" de Doom 3, que las armas de energia sofisticadas y futuristas de Doom 4, para un buen ejemplo, no mas comparemos la potencia del "¡BOM!" sonoro de la escopeta disparando en Doom 3, a diferencia del de la escopeta en Doom 4, ademas de que, si lo notan, tambien se escucha mucho mejor los sonidos de la corredera y de los casquillos de las balas al caer, tambien el de las balas introduciendose en el cañon al recargar, e igualmente el del impacto de las balas sobre una superficie metalica al disparar (tambien de las armas en Doom 3). En todo caso, es solo mi opinión. Por cierto ¡Como amo el sonido desfibrilante de recarga del rifle de plasma de Doom 3! (y tambien el "¡pew! ¡pew! ¡pew!" que produce al disparar, pese a que a otros les parezca gracioso o ridiculo).
2016.. now its 2018.. time flies fast
That lovely doom 1 remix
Gotta love the chaingun from D3 (along with D3 itself) ❤️
I remeber as a kid me and my friend laughing at the DOOM marine from DOOM 3. He looks like Human Shrek.
I prefer Doom 3 weapons - more realistic.
Anyway I love Doom 3 more than Doom 4.
Amadeus Eisenberg true
Вова Зацарный I prefer Doom 4 because realism isn't a key conponent in the Doom series imo. I prefer the playstyle of kicking ass and having fun, plus the weapons in Doom 4 feel more badass. Doom 3 is still a great game though. Just my opinion.
Amadeus Eisenberg nah. I would hate magazins. Especally for the mg. I hate those reload times,where the screen shakes like at a earthquake,and you need to wait like one minute to use the weapon again.
You're a noob doom 2016 more popular
You forgot the grenades and double barreled shotgun.
Lul when I saw this new release I thought it was weird that you're running Doom 3 and 2016 at this quality since you could run it pretty well but then I read the description
Yep. It's hard to record doom 3 gameplay videos on my pc but the doom 2016 is different because I play it on xbox one
It Doesn't show the 2016 Doomguy shooting in action though
Doom 3's Plasma Gun and BFG has that adorable sound when reloading.
also makes the reloading worth it.
time to waste my time replying on shitty comments.
anyone else notice there's no super shotgun
Doom 3 BFG 9000 = Big Fucking Gun 9000
Doom 2016 BFG 9000 = Bigger Fucking Gun 9000
Dafuq is with the doom 3 shotgun reload animation?? 4:20
literally because since Doom was designed to be a first person shooter, the third person animations really didn't matter.
Humza Qureshi He went 420 dude
Humza Qureshi 420 weed time lol
Humza Qureshi What's wrong with it
The Doom 3 marine looks so goofy holding the pistol
Didn't like the way weapons were glowing with colorful outlines and sometimes neatly placed, it just feels more of a death-match game like Unreal Tournament or Quake 3.
Diva from overwatch:Nerf This!!!!!!!!
Doom Guy:Nerf my ass
I don't know why but the weapons in doom 3 sound better to me.
i like how doom 2016 weapon designs are similar to that of doom 3
like the plasma rifle or the shotgun (sorta)
DOOM 3 was excellent and so ahead of it's time
The Plasma Gun is useless in DOOM 4 after you get the Gauss, and so is the assault rifle once you get the minigun for the most part apart from using the scope at range and using less ammo.
Pffft! Then you don't have any ingenuity.
assault IMO is far more useful with the missiles than the minigun considering it doesn't use as much ammo. Plasma I can agree on tho.
Naaaah, you just aren't thinking outside the box. I use it often because the Gauss gun is unwieldy in its two firing modes. The zoom mod is great for awesome headshots and weakspot sniping, and the siege mode is great when you just want to kill everything, but neither are particularly useful for CQC.
Plasma gun does two things: shockwave and grenade. Grenade is useful at range and adds DOT to enemies on fire. Shockwave is even better when you're gunning hot and in a pinch.
Mr. Mojo Risin' what about them micro missiles they destroy
It has no use? lol. Stunning shot with the plasma to the pinkies is extremely useful on Nightmare difficulty.
My boi doom slayer is always so... Uh... "Angry" only the person with that type of sanity can fight demons
The weapons in doom 3 and doom 4 looks beautiful
Doomguy 3 And Doomguy 4 Are Brothers :u
Jonathan Dee No they aren't, the doom guy from doom 3 isn't the same person from the first 2 games
Jonathan Dee I just looked it up, you right fam
Doom guy 3 is the weaker younger brother
DOOM 3's pistol and Plasma Rifle are my favorite versions in the series. DOOM 2016 has the best double barrel shotgun. The rest are equal, imo.
Except the rocket launcher,chainsaw,and BFG
I like doublebarrel shotgun in DooM (2016)!!!! its best gun ever!
I think Doom games have the best double barrel shotgun.Doom 2, Doom 3 RoE and Doom 4 all have it implemented as extremely useful and really fun to use :P for me.
It's called a Super Shotgun
And "The Lost Mission"
SwordLion The Double Barrel Shotgun can be modded into vanilla Doom 3 as well. One of the best mods I got for it.
1:19 I don't understand why the handle for the Chaingun seems set off to the side in 1st person, but is above the center of the weapon in third person.
I loved Doom 2016 but I hated how bright and colorful it is. There is nothing scary about it at all. Even Doom 1 had some horror elements.
Doom 3 was my shit for years.
Nice Video.....Song ?
1:05 where to look?
im a huge doom fan and i've always have been but I have never been interested in playing the new doom game, sure the gameplay is similar to the original doom, but it LOOKS no where close to the original doom, they completely changed the style of what Doom is, its basically halo with demons now... but with that being said, i am looking forward to Doom Eternal, the teaser trailer interests me.
I've got a soft spot for the Doom 3 shotgun. Sure, it sounds like Nerf, but it looks futuristic, industrial, and simple, yet deadly. The Doom 4 shotgun looks to blocky and unwieldy, and the classic shotgun looks like what it is, a Toys R us version of the Evil Dead 2 shotgun. The BFG Edition for Doom 3 also made the shotgun sound more beefy.
nah i like the original doom shotgun best. it sounds satisfying and the overkill pellets hitting targets behind your primary target was absolutely satisfaction. it was only topped by the sawed-off shotgun in doom2. doom3 shotgun was pretty bad, it sounded weak and didn't sound satisfying at all to shoot. but the prize for worst shotgun ever goes to quake 1, no question. what the hell where they thinking? omfg.
Jaygon! You do have to remember that the every weapons from even Original DOOM were based on toys like nerf or water guns
Its never solidified in reality, its over the top
Like Warhammer 40k c:
Jaygon! Just stick the Trent Reznor soundpack mod into Doom 3, and the sound effect problem is easily fixed.
I know that is right direction for DooM is from 1994-98, but still...
I also know that the storyline isn't important for pure DooM...
But... Was it trouble for you with looking around weapons and ammo in Doom 3? Was it terrible that Doom turned into horror and shooter in one time?.. I respect the original DooM, but Doom 3 looks good even now, at least as horror and atmospheric game. Also, you may use some graphic mods (which will not overcome current DooM, but still may look good)
About weapons - i like more plasmagun from Doom 3, it shoots a little bit strange, but has well-animated reloading. The same about machinegun and chaingun, other is just perfect in original DooM (well, actually, i like modified chaingun more, because it has 9 barrels! But i also more have sympathy to machinegun from Doom 3, because it looks more futuristic i think), The BFG design from original DooM looks similiar to BFG from film (which is not well, i agree), but weapon itself looks awesome!
I know it's difficult to compare the new game from old beginning, and the old game from other line, Doom 3 is still holding what it cointains about guns, atmosphere and even monsters...
Note that this is only opinion, it doesn't try to impose or enforce you to think same.
SuperSailorsenshi Star actually back thn when I was a little munchkin, I actually thought that the Doom series was a horror amd action game because I mean those monsters from the original doom creeped me out same with the satanic imagery.
the new bfg has bass
Who else heard BFG division at 0:40?
Tribe SixtySix Asura What?
Arithefox 2411 Its the backround music
the plasma gun model in doom 3 looks like the one in doom 4 (not sure but my opinion)
Honestly i like doom 3 Pistol
Weapons go to Doom 4. Theme song goes to Doom 3, because 4's sounds like Battlefield-styled music.
I loved DooM 3 so much
How come the recoil of a shotgun is so much harder than a freaking chaingun?
Alexandr Димяти Why do shotguns in games have less range than in real life? Most games have to sacrifice realism for game balance.
Johnathon Beaumont if you're calling doom 3's shotgun's ridiculous spread balanced then I have no idea what to tell you. it's a very situational weapon to use.
Johnathon Beaumont no I'm talking about graphical depiction here, not actual gameplay
Alexandr Димяти It doesn't effect gameplay? I imagine a chaingun with recoil would effect the player's stratedgy.
Also I'm sure either way, the shotgun isn't a fast fire rate weapon so recoil doesn't really matter that much. I'm think it is meant to show off the power of the shotgun.
trash bag I did not mean to imply the Doom 3 shotgun was balanced. I meant how it is used for balance reasons in most games for the same reason as letting you carry miniguns/chainguns in the first place. I'm gonna reword that comment.
doom 3 is fking creepy
killer instinct cinder soundtrack
Wait the theme comparison at the end , for Doom is it really official music?? If it is pls tell me the title of it i want to hear the whole thing
i just know it the cube still exist but he is not need those cube. he just need a gun
the shotgun in doom 3 has an stupid amount of spread it can almost reach the corner of your screen
doom 3 theme is the best one on my opinion
lol at these millienials talking shit on DooM3. In 2004 literally everyone upgraded their PC just to play this game, that's how awesome it is. It's art direction were alot better than DOOM4, they did redesigned the pinky demon, an iconic monster, into a new iconic design of its own. Had DOOM4 ever try to deviate from it's generic techbase scifi demon shooter theme? DooM3 build tons of creepiest looking room in the business with simple blood pentagrams, candles, giant tendrils, ribcage and fleshy growth of gods know what from the depth of hell. DOOM4 makes every room a giant bland arena. There're many bad things to say about DooM3 but it was never a bad game, it's a class on it's own.
Joey Diamond i agree
Benidu GAMe DooM is a fucking horror game since the beginning in case you didn't notice. :)
Joey Diamond FUCKING HOW?!
Maybe you stop acting like an ADHD kid and actually OBSERVE the game to see why?
Benidu GAMe
cinder theme is one of my favourts but I like omen theme more ;p
the bfg and the plasma rifle in doom 3 is actually better
XD KenMatt you're wrong triangle
James Theboi Wrong.
you vs the guy she tolt u not to worry about
Who needs a gay ass soul cube?
the soul cube is useful for the last levels of doom 3 because the last levels were frustrating as fuck, there's no meds that much, it could heal you after you kill 5 or 4 demons and use it.
Not me I'm the doom slayer from doom 4 or doom 2016
Man i wish they'd put the D3 machine gun into 2016 and Eternal, its like a P90, oh shiet i already hear the russian kids yelling "rush b cyka blyat"
Oh and lets not talk about the soul cube, that little mean bitch tear apart anything, i got to say few weapons from D3 would fitt perfectly into 2016 and Eternal
Machinegun would be great against trash like possesed or possesed soldiers and imps, while the soul cube against heavy demons like pinky, hell knight, baron of hell and etc and while its attack it would heal you.
The D3 shotgun tho is an utter trash, even for close range its had a very big spread, basicly you had to crawl into the face of an enemy to kill them in one shot. when i got the SSG (Super Shotgun) damn that was a relief from heaven, i used machinegun more than the CSG (Combat Shotgun).
Doom 3 points 13 Doom (2016) points 11
Doom 3 is a bit lackluster compared
Doom slayer .... I don't need this...... a ha I will send it through a time portal to my 4600746611th brother to help him with the invasion.
What's with Fulgore's theme? Why not use the plethora of DooM's amazing music?
Scruffy Black Templar its actually Cinders remixed theme.
Oh shit your right?
Elite have play in original Dooms
Super Shotgun...Is the best weapon ever
Why did i like doom 3 BFG sound than DOOM 4
DOOM 3 ( kid with a gun ) DOOM 2016 (YOU IS THE DOOM SLAYER
How did you get the 3rd person takes?
Everything in the new one just looks far too shiny!
One thing they've always got right though is the theme song for their games.
Takeme Rightnow the fuck you mean "too shiny" the guns made of fucking metal