You could lift up the bellows, and rush to the other side to play for a few seconds, then rush back and lift the bellows again. Rinse and repeat like a madman for an impressive and captivating performance. Add in some comedy and it's Mr. Bean playing the Apfelregal.
Communication between the player and the bellows operator is important. At my local church, the player would sometimes randomly stop playing to make the operator jump while he was trying to put his full weight on the bellow, saying something like "This happens when you put too much force into it!". It was a rude discipline measure, but eventually the got along.
@@Testgeraeusch I don't get it. The bellows man just lifts the weight on top of the bellow, right? It will just fill the bellow (suck air inside) regardless of what the player is doing?
@@AkwkyAkass On a huge organ, the man has to stomp down a large wooden pedal to lift the weight. If the player stops playing, the pressure inside both bellows builds up as the air can no longer excape throught he pipes, creating a similar effect to when you want to step down a staircase and suddenly hit the hard ground instead. You stumble, and maybe fall, and additionally the bellow will bounce back if the man opeating it has put his full weight into it.
If I live to be 100, I will never understand how I get here on UA-cam… Watching bricklaying, old Victorian Britain, ice cream making, a cat playing a piano, then this!
@@peterwaldner3755It's a reed instrument, isn't it? The Äpfel are resonance cavities? Very cool to hear and to look at. The bellows fellow doesn't let the bellows fall far before he lifts them. They almost seem oversized for the task. Do you have another video where you discuss this horn, sowie Rezepte für Apfelknödel? (Certainly something useful was done with the insides of the apples during construction! 😜)
@@77thTrombone This type of reeds is very sensitive to pressure changes, which made it howl (much like bagpipes) if bellows did not move very evenly. That's why they needed 2 to keep pressure constant.
Ancestor of the great organs of bach's time. And a step on from the bagpipes. Really interesting to see, and hear. Life, and music, before electricity!
@@tomowenpianochannel Perhaps a theme for a science-fiction story with a parallel universe??? The instrument has a pleasant, unusual sound (to my tin ear).
I wonder what the renaissance era audience would have looked like, their clothing, mannerisms, and response to the music. So intriguing. Thank you for this delightful music.
@@joshuakuehn I can't figure out what sort of exchange is happening. Is the Apfelregalist scorning him for doing it wrong? Praising his consistency? Or is there something more?
I am a keyboard player, and I approve this video. What a beautiful reproduction, of this unique instrument. It has a special sound, that is nicely recorded and displayed here. Thanks very much to the craftsmen who made it, and the nice people who uploaded this video, to share with us. Best wishes for your continued success. Love, from America.
I saw the entry for this instrument on the Encyclopedia of Organ Stops, but I had never seen one played! This is an incredible piece of organ building, made only more perfect by the skill of the organist.
@@taylordiclemente5163 Exactly! For all he knows, she's got gifts he'd appreciate more than the finest "turn of phrase." It's also true that German culture and that of the English were full of both hardships and full on celebrations involving religious feasts and late night partying. I'm sure some got very inebriated. (Buzzed.)
Besten Dank für Ihr positives Feedback! Es war mir ein veritables Vergnügen und eine helle Freude, dieses außergewöhnliche Instrument im Konzert zu bespielen und zum Klingen zu bringen.
Meine Tochter lernt gerade zu Hause diverse, auch mittelalterliche Instrumente kennen. Eigentlich sollten die Kinder laut Lehrplan einen Wandertag machen, um verschiedene Instrumente live zu hören, aber der fällt unter den gegebenen Umständen natürlich aus. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass so viele Musiker das Weltpublikum übers Internet teilhaben lassen an ihrem Spiel. Wir hören zwar viele Film- und Computerspielsoundtracks, in denen oft außergewöhnliche Instrumente vorkommen, aber das Instrument zu sehen, während es gespielt wird, ist nochmal was vollkommen anderes. Ich wollte Sie nur wissen lassen, dass Sie uns den erschwerten Alltag in der Kriese erleichtern und mich dafür herzlich bedanken.
Wunderbar! This is completely unrelated, but I am learning German and I loved reading your comment and picking out what I could understand 😊 Thank goodness for translators and dictionaries for the rest! But anyway. I agree that seeing the instruments that create those unique sounds is a real treat. And I do really love the passion that so many musicians have for their art that they go out and find or recreate these lost instruments to share with us!
Amazing, this instrument seems to be a distant relative to harmonium (reed organ) that travelled to the East from Europe, became more portable and took a significant place in some styles of Indian classical music. I didn't know that this group of instruments in full size is still being operated. Such an intricate skill to play it! The cooperation between the player and the bellow operator is also remarkable! Thank you for this!
This instrument is a recent reproduction of an old instrument, made by an organ builder from Austria. The video description says, that he had only a picture of the organ and that picture was made in the year 1519 with the technique of wood engraving (that wood engraving resulted in a print plate which could be used to print the picture together with letters on a page). So it is a very rare instrument. (The organ builder who reconstructed this Apfelregal recently (orgelbau-koegler) has made several church organs, and I am guessing - it's just a guess, that he might have had some additional information how Apfelregals were made, what kind of pipes were used for them. And with his knowledge about pipe organs he could build this Apfelregal reconstrution - that's my guess).
Do you mean the Sheng (笙) or Yu (竽) as the distant relative to reed organs? If so, it's very curious how modern free reeds instruments underrated resonating pipes, unless organ-like ones with beating reeds. There's some Hohner Claviola working somewhat, using free reeds either.
Judging by the organ’s sophisticated sound and appearance, I would guess it modeled after 16th century instruments at the earliest. The bellows are amazing. It is a treat to hear and see such an instrument played so well. Thank you You Tube for this surprise!
@@afordjones The harmonium works well though - ever since the first caveman blew on a blade of grass between his thumbs, so musical instruments have been around in all their weird and wonderful glory. :-))
@@peterwaldner3755 I watched you play twice to be certain I'd really "absorbed" your artistry and that of your assistant. I am very appreciative, and I learned a lot about an interesting instrument. I made a humourous comment earlier about my musical masochism, but with no intention to be rude. I'm just a country "rube." Thank you for the"Uplift, Angel Hands!" Lisa Rae Rousseau
Super! Endlich mal ein Instrument, welches den Ursprung der Orgel dokumentiert und zeigt, dass Zungenstimmen die ersten Orgelregister waren und sich am Instrumentarium der damaligen Zeit orientierten, um sie auf der Orgel zu imitieren! Bravo!
Wouw that is something very different. Never heard and seen a instrument like this one. The sound is a huge surprise and puts me back to the 15 century, thats the feeling I have. Really a very beautiful sound and its pure enjoyment listening to it. Thank you for charing.
I've been very critical of the UA-cam algorithm, so credit where it's due, this was a great recommendation. I didn't want to listen to the whole thing as music, but I love that YT allows me to hear a lovingly restored very old instrument.
Wunderschoen! Ich moechte gerne "Innsbruck ich musz dich laszen" auf diesem tollen Instrument hoeren. Gruesze aus dem Land vom organist Johannes Sweelinck 🙂
Just gorgeous! A gorgeous looking instrument matched by a glorious sound in a glorious setting. Thank you. My late father pumped the church organ as a boy for a few pennies a service so enjoy the combined work of blower and player to match air supply to demand. Blowing is not a job that permits a lapse of concentration or a little sleep between hymns!
Herzlichen Dank ! Als Alter Hase auf der Orgelbank habe ich vor 50 Jahren zuletzt im Klotz - Orgelbaubuch vom "Apfelregal" gelesen und konnte mir nichts darunter vorstellen. Inzwischen hat sich sooo viel getan in der Szene , daß man staunen muß und der Alten Musik ehrfürchtig und ergriffen lauscht ! Dazu noch die Ungleichschwebung ! Himmlisch !
Mir gefällt der Klang außergewöhnlich gut. Auch wird hier sehr gut auf diesem traumhaften Instrument gespielt. Besonders das erste Lied gefällt mir besonders, schade daß es so kurz ist. Würde das Regal gerne live im Konzert erleben.
I watched a video of David Munrow and a consort of racketts, and the next day this video pops into my feed! I had heard of the regal but not the apfelregal. What a glorious instrument and beautifully played. Well done!
Im Urlaub haben wir vor wenigen Tagen das Organeum in Weener besucht, wo wir auch diesmal wieder die eindrucksvolle Baldachinorgel gesehen und gehört haben. Auf UA-cam schaute ich daraufhin, ob ich etwas zum Orginialinstrument auf der Churburg in Schluderns finde. Über diese Suche bin ich nun auch bei diesem Video "gelandet" und bestaune, was sich Instrumentenbauer in der Renaissance einfallen lassen haben und was ein kundiger Orgelbauer aus heutiger Zeit aus einem Holzschnitt "herauslesen" und wieder zum Leben erwecken kann.. Der Name des Instruments ist in der Tat gerade für deutschsprachige Ohren etwas kurios. Der Klang hingegen und das Aussehen ist wirklich beeindruckend. Verwunderlich, dass sich dies nicht als gängiges Orgelregister durchgesetzt hat. Danke für die schöne musikalische Präsentatiion des Instruments! Ist dieses Instrument in Privatbesitz oder kann man es irgendwo in einer öffentlichen Sammlung anschauen?
Vom Namen her noch verrückter ist das "Bibelregal" - eine Miniversion die sich zur Aufbewahrung in ein Buch verwandeln kann. Bibelregal - Musikmuseet tester:
AFAIK keeping it in tune was the most difficult task to make a regal instrument (which reeds swing asymmetrical and so howl by wind pressure change). That's why it took so long to make usable harmonium and harmonica (which reeds swing symmetrically but lack that sawtooth timbre).
A sound from a different world. In the olden days one had to work for their music: build it, tune it, & play it. Am mush the wiser for doing this myself.
@@gehirndoper In theory, this pipe is indeed of the regal class. This type of pipe depicted is called apfelregale to seperate itself from its father pipe due to its apple-like resonator. To this day, it is one of the oldest form of regal class.
imagine being home alone and desperately want to play your apfelregal
You could lift up the bellows, and rush to the other side to play for a few seconds, then rush back and lift the bellows again. Rinse and repeat like a madman for an impressive and captivating performance. Add in some comedy and it's Mr. Bean playing the Apfelregal.
Or just rig up a set of pedals that you can step on as you play, connected to the bellows. Kind of like a pedal parlor organ. :)
@@warriormaiden9829 EXACTLY what I was thinking! Why weren't they built that way? >_>
Pro tip: Buy an electric blower. :-P
This sounds like the distant ancestor of the Otamatone, and not just because of the little “faces” that the pipes have! It’s cool!
Oh my gosh! You’re right haha
HOLY SHIT YOU’RE RIGHT! You also just activated my paraiedolia (seeing faces in nonhuman objects) that’s heightened by my autism.
But it also is the faces like it's the same mouth and cheek dots
@spitfirebird I didn't know that had a name.... I think the "apfel" is referring to the appleish shape of those facey things
@spitfirebird I'm autistic too but thank god I don't have heightened paraiedolia
"Dude - stop looking at me every other bar" - every Apfelregal bellows operator.
LOL He should have dressed better for the occasion. Oraginst is unhappy.
Communication between the player and the bellows operator is important. At my local church, the player would sometimes randomly stop playing to make the operator jump while he was trying to put his full weight on the bellow, saying something like "This happens when you put too much force into it!". It was a rude discipline measure, but eventually the got along.
@@Testgeraeusch I don't get it. The bellows man just lifts the weight on top of the bellow, right? It will just fill the bellow (suck air inside) regardless of what the player is doing?
@@AkwkyAkass On a huge organ, the man has to stomp down a large wooden pedal to lift the weight. If the player stops playing, the pressure inside both bellows builds up as the air can no longer excape throught he pipes, creating a similar effect to when you want to step down a staircase and suddenly hit the hard ground instead. You stumble, and maybe fall, and additionally the bellow will bounce back if the man opeating it has put his full weight into it.
@@Testgeraeusch Thanks
If I live to be 100, I will never understand how I get here on UA-cam… Watching bricklaying, old Victorian Britain, ice cream making, a cat playing a piano, then this!
My 4 year old son Fred calls this "Happy Castle Music". So do I, now. 😊
Fred has to learn to happy castle music one of these days .
That's an absolutely perfect description. Fred is a Wordsmith.
🏰 :)
I'm blown away by this awesome instrument! I've never heard of such a thing... it sounds like an adorable choir of oboes 😂
Great performance!
Thank you very much!
@@peterwaldner3755It's a reed instrument, isn't it? The Äpfel are resonance cavities? Very cool to hear and to look at.
The bellows fellow doesn't let the bellows fall far before he lifts them. They almost seem oversized for the task. Do you have another video where you discuss this horn, sowie Rezepte für Apfelknödel? (Certainly something useful was done with the insides of the apples during construction! 😜)
Yes, that's how it is.
There is no other video from me about this instrument.@@77thTrombone
@@77thTrombone This type of reeds is very sensitive to pressure changes, which made it howl (much like bagpipes) if bellows did not move very evenly. That's why they needed 2 to keep pressure constant.
I'd say it sounds like crumhorns.
A sound that few people have heard in the last 400 years
"Now that's a sound I haven't heard in 500 years"
Amazing, isn't it. Like a Renaissance painting for the eyes, but for the ears instead, and quickly to vanish.
Thank God for the internet
@Giuliano Skywalker The force is strong with this instrument. :-)
I wonder why? Its worse than a student learning bagpipes.
The sound of the Apfelregal has such a renaissance-like flair, and it is so mood uplifting! 😃
Thanks for your feedback!
@@peterwaldner3755 Would you play the Apfelregal again, please! Some day. Its sound is unique! 🙂
The sound of the renaissance was nothing more than screams of pain and wailing with all the rampant disease. Ok, I am beginning to get what you mean.
@@UpcomingJediWhat a joy to live in a time where pain and diseases are a thing of the past!
Fantastische Musik. Man fühlt sich sogleich zurückversetzt in alte Zeiten. Vielen Dank für die Zeitreise.
Sehr gerne, besten Dank für Ihr positives Feedback, das mich natürlich sehr freut! 🙏
The UA-cam algorithm is definitely up to something here and I like it
Hail the algorithm!
Ancestor of the great organs of bach's time. And a step on from the bagpipes. Really interesting to see, and hear.
Life, and music, before electricity!
@@tomowenpianochannel Perhaps a theme for a science-fiction story with a parallel universe??? The instrument has a pleasant, unusual sound (to my tin ear).
🚬🥃 Gotta fill the gap left by all of that wacky Q stuff.
@@badger1296 yes, right, and why not fill it with this; human culture, precision workmanship, and the fusion of feeling and geometry in Bach's music.
I wonder what the renaissance era audience would have looked like, their clothing, mannerisms, and response to the music. So intriguing. Thank you for this delightful music.
I half expected to hear golden bells ringing at first.
Me too- I was pleasantly surprised!!
Das Herz der Südtiroler Obstbauern schlägt jetzt höher.
"What kind of musical instrument do you play?"
"The Apfelregal."
"Cool, so you play what kind of music on it?"
"No, I just work the bellows."
Ahahahahahahah 😂😂😂😂😂🤣
The eye contact between the two guys is magical 💀💀💀
@@joshuakuehn I can't figure out what sort of exchange is happening. Is the Apfelregalist scorning him for doing it wrong? Praising his consistency? Or is there something more?
@@chrisshabatowski4349 they're fuckin vibin dude
Historical instruments are cool. Nice that we can still get an idea of what this music sounded like way back then.
What a wonderful instrument, a true masterpiece. My organbuilder's hat is off and swept low!
Thank you very much for your feedback, dear Mr. Louder!
What is the purpose of those large bellows or whatever that is?
@@dAvrilthebear In these two large bellows, the wind is generated by hand that makes the reed pipes sound.
@@peterwaldner3755 Thank you!
@@dAvrilthebear You're welcome!
I am a keyboard player, and I approve this video.
What a beautiful reproduction, of this unique instrument.
It has a special sound, that is nicely recorded and displayed here.
Thanks very much to the craftsmen who made it, and the nice people who uploaded this video, to share with us.
Best wishes for your continued success.
Love, from America.
Thank you very much!
Wonderful comment, thank you.
You badly need to practice your grammar!
@@Gebox68 You badly need to practice your manners.
He chose the perfect pieces to demonstrate this instrument! Beautiful.
I saw the entry for this instrument on the Encyclopedia of Organ Stops, but I had never seen one played! This is an incredible piece of organ building, made only more perfect by the skill of the organist.
My burning question is, can I, with my nearly nonexistent making-stuff skills, make a children's version of this?
Don’t forget the person operating the bellows. The “bellowsman”?
I apfelenjoyed this apfelregal regal concert.
I love the rich pungent timbres of the Renaissance.
they sure loved a good buzz
People are losing the ability to use English....
@@elonmust7470 relax
@@taylordiclemente5163 Exactly! For all he knows, she's got gifts he'd appreciate more than the finest "turn of phrase." It's also true that German culture and that of the English were full of both hardships and full on celebrations involving religious feasts and late night partying. I'm sure some got very inebriated. (Buzzed.)
@@lisasmith516 Break out the crumhorns and racketts.
Beautiful music and wonderful playing of it. Thank you Peter.
With pleasure, thank you very much for your positive feedback!
Apfelregal, ein neues Wort ! Danke.
Nein... ein alter Begriff... lernen - dann schreiben
Ein sehr schönes Instrument und darauf fabelhaft gespielt,. Danke!!
Besten Dank für Ihr positives Feedback! Es war mir ein veritables Vergnügen und eine helle Freude, dieses außergewöhnliche Instrument im Konzert zu bespielen und zum Klingen zu bringen.
My world education has just been so wonderfully broadened at 77 years of age...
Vielen dank!!!
Wie gut! Hier verbindet sich kunstvoller Orgelbau, großartige Musik und wunderbares Spiel!
Danke für das positive Feedback!
Meine Tochter lernt gerade zu Hause diverse, auch mittelalterliche Instrumente kennen. Eigentlich sollten die Kinder laut Lehrplan einen Wandertag machen, um verschiedene Instrumente live zu hören, aber der fällt unter den gegebenen Umständen natürlich aus.
Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass so viele Musiker das Weltpublikum übers Internet teilhaben lassen an ihrem Spiel.
Wir hören zwar viele Film- und Computerspielsoundtracks, in denen oft außergewöhnliche Instrumente vorkommen, aber das Instrument zu sehen, während es gespielt wird, ist nochmal was vollkommen anderes.
Ich wollte Sie nur wissen lassen, dass Sie uns den erschwerten Alltag in der Kriese erleichtern und mich dafür herzlich bedanken.
Sehr gerne!
Besten Dank für Ihren freundlichen Kommentar und alles Gute!
This is completely unrelated, but I am learning German and I loved reading your comment and picking out what I could understand 😊 Thank goodness for translators and dictionaries for the rest!
But anyway. I agree that seeing the instruments that create those unique sounds is a real treat. And I do really love the passion that so many musicians have for their art that they go out and find or recreate these lost instruments to share with us!
I like the way it's tuned, the major thirds are flat like they're supposed to be
Amazing, this instrument seems to be a distant relative to harmonium (reed organ) that travelled to the East from Europe, became more portable and took a significant place in some styles of Indian classical music. I didn't know that this group of instruments in full size is still being operated.
Such an intricate skill to play it! The cooperation between the player and the bellow operator is also remarkable! Thank you for this!
This instrument is a recent reproduction of an old instrument, made by an organ builder from Austria. The video description says, that he had only a picture of the organ and that picture was made in the year 1519 with the technique of wood engraving (that wood engraving resulted in a print plate which could be used to print the picture together with letters on a page).
So it is a very rare instrument.
(The organ builder who reconstructed this Apfelregal recently (orgelbau-koegler) has made several church organs, and I am guessing - it's just a guess, that he might have had some additional information how Apfelregals were made, what kind of pipes were used for them. And with his knowledge about pipe organs he could build this Apfelregal reconstrution - that's my guess).
A harmonium is a free reed. This is not.
Do you mean the Sheng (笙) or Yu (竽) as the distant relative to reed organs? If so, it's very curious how modern free reeds instruments underrated resonating pipes, unless organ-like ones with beating reeds. There's some Hohner Claviola working somewhat, using free reeds either.
@@Gharib-iv1iy There is a harmonium used in India which was brought there by Christian missionaries & adapted to Induan music.
Absolutely wonderful. What a delightful instrument and performance. 😊
Thank you very much for your positive feedback! 🙏
Never heard of such an instrument…..fabulous!
Ich liebe diese alte Musik. Interessantes Zungenpositiv! Danke Herr Waldner für das Konzertchen 👌
Sehr gerne!
Yaay! How fantastic that a thing like this exists! And someone who plays it, too! Marvellous. Thankyou.
Einfach wunderschön..Frohe Weihnachten 🎄 allen zusammen..dieser klang..einzigartig
Frohe Weihnachten !!!!!!
Frohe Weihnachten, und ein gutes neues Jahr!
Judging by the organ’s sophisticated sound and appearance, I would guess it modeled after 16th century instruments at the earliest. The bellows are amazing. It is a treat to hear and see such an instrument played so well. Thank you You Tube for this surprise!
Do you know what the sounding mechanism is? It sounds like wind cap double reeds.
@adamsouza I think that's what it is-- capped double reeds, so it operates similarly to bagpipes.
Great instrument to bring with you when you're duck hunting
This is extraordinary! Instantly in love with the sound and cadence of this remarkable instrument!
Well played, too, sir! Well played!
Thank you very much for this positive feedback! 🙏
Ich finde dieses Instrument wunderbar. Der vorbarocke Ton ist unglaublich anmutend.
Vielen dank für diese schöne Entdeckung !
Sehr gerne!
Fantastic! First I discovered the Crumhorn, now this Apfelregel!!! Ausgezeichnet und Perfekt! Ich habe Gänsehaut (und genieße ALLES)! Vielen Dank.
Sehr gerne, besten Dank für Ihr positives Feedback!
I never leave the house without my Apfelregal
This was a wonderful experience hearing such an extraordinary instrument
Thank you for sharing
Bravo bravissimo
Thank you very much!
This beautiful, bizarre instrument produces such a clean sound - hand operated bellows, slightly bonkers, but this is truly lovely music. Thank you!!
Thanks, with pleasure!
Have you ever seen trad Indian music being played on a harmonium? The player can only play with one hand as He has to pump the bellows with the other!
@@afordjones The harmonium works well though - ever since the first caveman blew on a blade of grass between his thumbs, so musical instruments have been around in all their weird and wonderful glory. :-))
@@peterwaldner3755 I watched you play twice to be certain I'd really "absorbed" your artistry and that of your assistant. I am very appreciative, and I learned a lot about an interesting instrument. I made a humourous comment earlier about my musical masochism, but with no intention to be rude. I'm just a country "rube." Thank you for the"Uplift, Angel Hands!" Lisa Rae Rousseau
@@lisasmith516 Thanks for your feedback!
Heartfelt thanks for all the hours, resources, and expertise that were expended to make it possible for us to experience this.
Super! Endlich mal ein Instrument, welches den Ursprung der Orgel dokumentiert und zeigt, dass Zungenstimmen die ersten Orgelregister waren und sich am Instrumentarium der damaligen Zeit orientierten, um sie auf der Orgel zu imitieren! Bravo!
Herzlichen Dank!
Das ist ein Regal, keine Orgel. Die Orgel ist deutlich älter.
@@insatsuki_no_koshou scusami, natürlich ist das ein Regal und die Orgel entstand als Aulos viel früher.
Wow -- I have never in my life seen or heard of this instrument. How fascinating!! Like a miniature pipe organ. Neat!
Renaissance pur. Das geht einem runter wie Öl. Grossartig und tausend Dank ! ♡
Danke für das Feedback!
What a wonderful sound, no doubt enhanced by the resonant space. Also, beautiful playing!
Thank you very much!
Wunderschön - danke für diese heilsame Musik 🙏👍❗❣
Danke, sehr gerne!
Einfach wunderschön... Herzlichen Dank !
I’m an organist and pianist. How I would love LoVe LOVE to play this. !!!!!!!!
Take a trip to Austria 🇦🇹
I’m sure they will set you up
Just remember to take someone with you to lift the bellows 😆
Wouw that is something very different. Never heard and seen a instrument like this one. The sound is a huge surprise and puts me back to the 15 century, thats the feeling I have. Really a very beautiful sound and its pure enjoyment listening to it. Thank you for charing.
Thanks, with pleasure!
Magnifique ! j'adore cette musique et ce son si particulier. / Magnificent ! I love this music and this particular sound.
Merci beaucoup, bien à vous!
Danke schön! Wunderbare Musik und Instrument 😃!
Sehr gerne, danke!
I really love these "reedy" sounds.
I've been very critical of the UA-cam algorithm, so credit where it's due, this was a great recommendation. I didn't want to listen to the whole thing as music, but I love that YT allows me to hear a lovingly restored very old instrument.
So tolles muss ich einfach abonnieren. Die Ursprünge der Orgelmusik, so urig
Very pleasant warm tone, it must sound wonderful in person!
Wunderschoen! Ich moechte gerne "Innsbruck ich musz dich laszen" auf diesem tollen Instrument hoeren. Gruesze aus dem Land vom organist Johannes Sweelinck 🙂
Vielen Dank!
Just gorgeous! A gorgeous looking instrument matched by a glorious sound in a glorious setting. Thank you. My late father pumped the church organ as a boy for a few pennies a service so enjoy the combined work of blower and player to match air supply to demand. Blowing is not a job that permits a lapse of concentration or a little sleep between hymns!
With pleasure, thanks to you!
Herzlichen Dank ! Als Alter Hase auf der Orgelbank habe ich vor 50 Jahren zuletzt im Klotz - Orgelbaubuch vom "Apfelregal" gelesen und konnte mir nichts darunter vorstellen. Inzwischen hat sich sooo viel getan in der Szene , daß man staunen muß und der Alten Musik ehrfürchtig und ergriffen lauscht ! Dazu noch die Ungleichschwebung ! Himmlisch !
Beautiful instrument with a wonderful vibrant sound.
This is just an acoustic otomatone with keys😂 change my mind
I still love it though
True 😂
Ye 'olde Otamatone.
@@steamedrice5659 traditionally handcrafted in Japan since the 18th century
Yeah and it's also called apple shelf (Apfelregal) which is amazing
I cannot un-hear that now. :'D
Mir gefällt der Klang außergewöhnlich gut. Auch wird hier sehr gut auf diesem traumhaften Instrument gespielt. Besonders das erste Lied gefällt mir besonders, schade daß es so kurz ist. Würde das Regal gerne live im Konzert erleben.
Ich spiele seit 12 Jahren Orgel. Das Apfelregal ist mir vollkommen neu.
Ein wunderbares Instrument, danke für dieses Video!!
Sehr gerne!
Ein sehr interessantes und schönes Instrument! Es ist so schön, diese alten Musikstücke auf dieser Orgel gespielt zu hören.
Vielen Dank!
Völlig neu für mich, grossartig,danke viel Erfolg.
Herzlichen Dank!
So it's a big Portative Organ! It's so beautifully made. Wonderful warm sound.
Absolutely beautiful. I love Early Music.
It sounds like a bagpipe and an oboe had a baby...
Glorified squeezable chicken. Change my mind.
@@lindseykubsch8384 you're right! And yet it sounds great.
To me it sounds like a harpsichord harmonizing with a pipe organ.
This was the equivalent of heavy metal distortion back in the day. Baroque and roll!
Fascinating! After a lifetime in music, this is the first time I see an instrument like this. Thanks!
With pleasure, thanks to you!
Phenomenal instrument!
Wirklich Wunderschön. Vielen Dank für dieses Konzert.
Sehr gerne!
Thank you for the Holly Spilit Musik.
I like it
With pleasure!
a sound from centuries gone bye --wow!!
Very interesting instrument. Never seen it before.
So unusual and delightful. A joy to experience!
Great music, great playing,great instrument
Thank you very much!
I have never heard of one of those before. That's awesome.
I watched a video of David Munrow and a consort of racketts, and the next day this video pops into my feed! I had heard of the regal but not the apfelregal. What a glorious instrument and beautifully played. Well done!
Thank you very much! 🙏
I just learned about another musical instrument. Thanks.
With pleasure!
Im Urlaub haben wir vor wenigen Tagen das Organeum in Weener besucht, wo wir auch diesmal wieder die eindrucksvolle Baldachinorgel gesehen und gehört haben.
Auf UA-cam schaute ich daraufhin, ob ich etwas zum Orginialinstrument auf der Churburg in Schluderns finde.
Über diese Suche bin ich nun auch bei diesem Video "gelandet" und bestaune, was sich Instrumentenbauer in der Renaissance einfallen lassen haben und was ein kundiger Orgelbauer aus heutiger Zeit aus einem Holzschnitt "herauslesen" und wieder zum Leben erwecken kann..
Der Name des Instruments ist in der Tat gerade für deutschsprachige Ohren etwas kurios.
Der Klang hingegen und das Aussehen ist wirklich beeindruckend.
Verwunderlich, dass sich dies nicht als gängiges Orgelregister durchgesetzt hat.
Danke für die schöne musikalische Präsentatiion des Instruments!
Ist dieses Instrument in Privatbesitz oder kann man es irgendwo in einer öffentlichen Sammlung anschauen?
Vom Namen her noch verrückter ist das "Bibelregal" - eine Miniversion die sich zur Aufbewahrung in ein Buch verwandeln kann.
Bibelregal - Musikmuseet tester:
What a beautiful instrument!
The tuning of this instrument is awsome!
AFAIK keeping it in tune was the most difficult task to make a regal instrument (which reeds swing asymmetrical and so howl by wind pressure change). That's why it took so long to make usable harmonium and harmonica (which reeds swing symmetrically but lack that sawtooth timbre).
A sound from a different world. In the olden days one had to work for their music: build it, tune it, & play it. Am mush the wiser for doing this myself.
Just lovely! I love hearing of long forgotten instruments.
just imagine performing on it!
It sounds like a odd mix between a otomatone, a bagpipe and a oboe, I like it.
That's what it is! The otomatone! It does sound like it, Haha😂
I can't help but imagine Gentle Giant playing this live ! :-)
Or Gryphon? Especially doing their early stuff with krummhorns and etc. Richard Harvey plays keyboards. (Well, he plays *everything*, it seems).
I thought of Gryphon and their crumhorns, yeah
I wrote a review over this wonderful instrument! The Swedish Organ Society Organ forum. Such a wonderful instrument and playing!
Thank you very much!
Wunderschönes, besonderes Instrument... Coole aufnahme!
Liebe Grüße!
Danke Max. Liebe Grüße
Vielen Dank!
What a SUPERB sound!
What a particular instrument! Could be easily adapted to an actual pipe organ rank. Great job on the playing and thanks for the video.
Thanks, with pleasure!
Some organs I've played on have a register called "Regal", which consists of reed pipes with a similar sound.
@@gehirndoper In theory, this pipe is indeed of the regal class. This type of pipe depicted is called apfelregale to seperate itself from its father pipe due to its apple-like resonator. To this day, it is one of the oldest form of regal class.
Wonderful instrument with a wonderful name 😄 And of course fabulous musicians
Oh, this is just lovely.
Transports us to a time all but forgotten. Laden with spirituality. So different than our sadly secular world. Thanks so much.
Thank you very much for your feedback!
What an amazing instrument! And beautifully played!
Thank you!
Darn this makes me want to take the dust cover of my old Apfelregal and make some tunes again. Love it.
It sounds like a group of ducks. Lovely