On the first board, slam is ugly, This is contemporary biding at its worst. they should stop at 3NT. Failing that, it could go 1 Spade - 2 Hearts - 3 Clubs - 3 Diamonds - 3NT - 4 Diamonds - 4 Hearts - Pass. Playing 2/1, South has no way to know that North has a good hand. If he does choose to go forward, RKC is a suicidal convention. Playing a sensible version of Blackwood, North would show two aces (not key cards), and they could arrive at 6NT, still not good, but clearly better than 6 Hearts/Spades.
Really well bid by Tom and Andy
I was in awe as I watched during the recording 😀
Superbly bid, but also incredible reasoning by Gavin to even think seriously of the spade ace underlead.
On the first board, slam is ugly, This is contemporary biding at its worst. they should stop at 3NT. Failing that, it could go 1 Spade - 2 Hearts - 3 Clubs - 3 Diamonds - 3NT - 4 Diamonds - 4 Hearts - Pass. Playing 2/1, South has no way to know that North has a good hand. If he does choose to go forward, RKC is a suicidal convention. Playing a sensible version of Blackwood, North would show two aces (not key cards), and they could arrive at 6NT, still not good, but clearly better than 6 Hearts/Spades.