Love how compact it is. What’s the down side of removing the soller slit? I am planing to do the same on my Empyrean forca GIXRD measurement, but was afraid to reduce the quality of the data.
Removing the soller slit increases counting statistics and results in a generally higher intensity in measurements. This of course is very interesting for GIXRD measurements as it will speed up measurements. The “downside” is that removing the secondary Soller slit (but keeping the primary soller slit!) theoretically results in a more asymmetric peak profile. But since GIXRD measurements generally show significantly broader peaks compared to Bragg-Brentano measurements due to the measurement geometry, the effect on peak resolution is rather small and in many cases even negligible. So the user ends up with higher intensities with similar peak resolution compared to a 2 soller slit setup. If the highest posible data quality is desired and measurement time is not an issue then of course 2 soller slits are always the preferred solution.
Love how compact it is. What’s the down side of removing the soller slit? I am planing to do the same on my Empyrean forca GIXRD measurement, but was afraid to reduce the quality of the data.
Removing the soller slit increases counting statistics and results in a generally higher intensity in measurements. This of course is very interesting for GIXRD measurements as it will speed up measurements. The “downside” is that removing the secondary Soller slit (but keeping the primary soller slit!) theoretically results in a more asymmetric peak profile. But since GIXRD measurements generally show significantly broader peaks compared to Bragg-Brentano measurements due to the measurement geometry, the effect on peak resolution is rather small and in many cases even negligible. So the user ends up with higher intensities with similar peak resolution compared to a 2 soller slit setup. If the highest posible data quality is desired and measurement time is not an issue then of course 2 soller slits are always the preferred solution.