Christian Jokes and Idle Talk

  • Опубліковано 26 січ 2012
  • As children of God we are called to be holy men and women, saints. We are not of this world. We are of the Kingdom of God and that must be reflected in everything that we do and also in what we say, our vocabulary. We cannot talk like the world talks, we must be holy in every respect, in every word that we speak, as Paul also wrote in Ephesians 4:29: "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. " Friends, as children of God we must be very careful what we say.
    We are called to be saints, we are not of this world. We cannot be conformed to this world and carry on with joking and coarse jesting, doing what other people in this world are doing. With modern technology people have got these acronyms that they use in their messaging and much of that is unholiness, (OMG etc.) We cannot participate in the jokes of the world and as children of God our vocabulary must be sanctified.
    I read Ephesians 5:3-6 Paul says: "But do not let immorality or any impurity or greed EVEN BE NAMED AMONG you, as is proper among saints; and THERE MUST BE NO FILTHINESS NO SILLY TALK, OR COARSE JESTING, WHICH ARE NOT FITTING, but rather give thanks. For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS THE WRATH OF GOD COMES UPON THE SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE." Dear friends, our words are extremely important because our words reflect what is inside of us. If we are a child of God, then we will speak what is inside as Jesus also said (Matthew 12:34) "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure brings forth what is evil. "And I say to you THAT EVERY CARELESS WORD THAT MAN SHALL SPEAK, THEY SHALL RENDER ACCOUNT FOR IT IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. "FOR BY YOUR WORDS YOU SHALL BE JUSTIFIED, AND BY YOUR WORDS YOU SHALL BE CONDEMNED."
    Our words are important, dear friend, we will be judged by our words. As a child of God our words must reflect that Jesus Christ is inside and that we are of the Kingdom of God.
    May Jesus bless you.


  • @Divalady845
    @Divalady845 5 років тому +6

    Thank you, I got rid of all the bad language, talking about people. I work on my walk with JESUS CHRIST every day to keep drawing closer:)

  • @christjesusisthelivinggod
    @christjesusisthelivinggod 3 роки тому +8

    Am guilty of this. May the Living God have mercy on me

    • @gravityfallscanada
      @gravityfallscanada 3 роки тому +3

      I saw you repost this video on your channel. May he have mercy on us all. Jan was a good man I am still morning his death.

    • @christjesusisthelivinggod
      @christjesusisthelivinggod 3 роки тому +5

      @@gravityfallscanada we should not mourn, we have to be happy that he is with Christ Jesus, its where we all going, if we live for Christ on this earth. This world is not our home. Amen. May he continue resting in peace by God's grace

  • @OscarAndres214
    @OscarAndres214 12 років тому +6

    God through his Holy Spirit can give you the strenght to overcome ANYTHING! I was a dirty talker. I cursed everyone,even to say "hello". Thats how the world talks. When I hear people saying the same things around me on the streets, I tell to myself "thats how bad it sounds? God help them" James chapter 3 was one of the chapters of the Bible that God used most to encourage me on how to talk. I read it several times and everytime I did it was painful because I knew I still used bad words.

  • @jamesmcallister9645
    @jamesmcallister9645 2 роки тому +2

    Let no unwholesone word proceed from your mouth, the word of God is living and active sharper than any double edged sword.
    Hallelujah, Glory to God.

  • @recien2254
    @recien2254 5 років тому +7

    Speak little and only speak what is important. Think well before you speak and let no one rush you into speaking. Say nothing you will regret as it may be unrighteous. Sometimes saying nothing is best.

  • @Sasuke81a
    @Sasuke81a 6 років тому +4

    Amen brother, I listened to this again and I learned that you are describing the true heavenly language.
    God bless you.

  • @Itcomz
    @Itcomz 12 років тому +4

    Amen my brother.

  • @Sasuke81a
    @Sasuke81a 6 років тому +3

    God bless you brother. I really hate False Shepherds that are Jesting at the pulpit and stirs deep anger for blaspheming Jesus.

  • @carlaifera5254
    @carlaifera5254 4 роки тому

    .......that was the hardest thing.......being in a social setting with the 'church crowd'.......the jesting and loud laughing was a grief to my place given the heart for be ready to speak His Words.......His ministry ........i tell you, i knew i was not a part of that fellowship and was so grateful when God finally released me from their company........thank you dear Jan for this message........🙋‍♀️💜✝🙏

  • @Eggnoodlesandketchup3
    @Eggnoodlesandketchup3 Рік тому

    I can't do this in my own strength. It's the Holy spirit that does the work.

  • @finalcall07
    @finalcall07  2 роки тому +1

    He passed on to be with Jesus on January 19, 2020.

  • @generalmax4252
    @generalmax4252 5 років тому +1

    Beautiful Brother!!!! How true.

  • @thelightbeforemeshadowbehi873
    @thelightbeforemeshadowbehi873 5 років тому

    Amen!... "Be careful little mouths what you speak"

  • @iamanoobiecheez
    @iamanoobiecheez 9 років тому +8

    I didn't know about this... Thank you so much Jan. Bookmarked.

    • @iamanoobiecheez
      @iamanoobiecheez 9 років тому

      Jan - Since I got close to Jesus and got baptized with Holy Spirit I have been dreaming *every day*. About one third of them are demonic attack / temptation dreams. It's painful. :( I feel tired everyday because of it when I'm at work. I sleep 8 hours a day but feels like I only got 4 hours.
      This is definitely not normal. Before I got close to the Lord I never dreamed like this. I rarely dream except in cases when I'm ill or if the room temperature I am sleeping is very warm or hot. My room is kept cool at 67~ 68F. Regardless, I get dreams every day!

    • @tonycostanzo383
      @tonycostanzo383 9 років тому +1

      iamanoobiecheez they will eventually go away , i went through the same thing , and some times you will be attacked again
      because you are with the lord now you an enemy of Satan
      satan hates christians first
      remember that

    • @iamanoobiecheez
      @iamanoobiecheez 9 років тому +1

      I dream *every-single-day* even now... I rarely get attack now but the demons set up stages to play with me or fool me many times. you responded to my message that is several months old.... Don't go try preaching me keep your pride down. God hates that.

    • @tonycostanzo383
      @tonycostanzo383 9 років тому +1

      the reason why you still get demons is because your still with them , or still up to no good with something i can tell just in how you responded to me

    • @iamanoobiecheez
      @iamanoobiecheez 9 років тому

      Tony - We *all* have demons and cannot get rid of them as long as we are alive in the flesh. If you no longer get these dreams (most are demonic, btw) then something is wrong..... I would suggest you watch on pride and judging, as you are doing to me right now.. Seek Jesus and ask for guidance. He will teach you.

  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 5 років тому


  • @boxingforfitness1221
    @boxingforfitness1221 5 років тому +1

    Sir, please pray for this backslider that wishes to return, come to my senses, MISSES his place with Jesus.

  • @michaelwhipple2374
    @michaelwhipple2374 5 років тому +1

    I know but my Christian jokes are so limited. Thanks for that, now I know why people lived to be 900, it took that long just to get it all together and acted on. Now we only have 90 years, I feel restricted slightly.....maybe.

  • @markaraujo06
    @markaraujo06 5 років тому

    that sounds like trinity broadcast network on cable.they do that every day.jokes and idle talk. plus silliness.

  • @tammystringer5704
    @tammystringer5704 9 років тому


  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 8 років тому +1

    "Христианские шутки и пустые разговоры.
    Как дети Божьи, мы призваны быть святыми мужами и жёнами, святыми. Мы - не от этого мира. Мы - от Царства Божьего, и это должно быть отражено во всём, что мы делаем, а также в том, что мы говорим, нашем словарном запасе. Мы не можем говорить, как этот мир говорит, мы должны быть святыми во всех отношениях, в каждом слове, которое мы говорим, как Павел также писал в Ефесянам 4:29: "Никакое гнилое слово да не исходит из уст ваших, а только доброе для назидания в вере, чтобы оно доставляло благодать слушающим". Друзья, как дети Божьи, мы должны быть очень осторожны с тем, что мы говорим.
    Мы призваны быть святыми, мы - не от этого мира. Мы не можем быть подобными этому миру и вести шутки с грубым смехотворством, делая то, что другие люди в этом мире делают. С помощью современных технологий люди получили аббревиатуры, которые они используют в передаче информации, и многое из этого не является святостью. Мы не можем участвовать в шутках мира, и, как дети Божьи, наш словарный запас должен быть освящён.
    Я читаю в Ефесянам 5:3-6: "А блуд и всякая нечистота и любостяжание НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ ИМЕНОВАТЬСЯ У ВАС, как прилично святым. Также СКВЕРНОСЛОВИЕ И ПУСТОСЛОВИЕ И СМЕХОТВОРСТВО НЕ ПРИЛИЧНЫ ВАМ, а, напротив, благодарение; ибо знайте, что никакой блудник, или нечистый, или любостяжатель, который есть идолослужитель, не имеет наследия в Царстве Христа и Бога. Никто да не обольщает вас пустыми словами, ПОТОМУ ЧТО ЗА ЭТО ПРИХОДИТ ГНЕВ БОЖИЙ НА СЫНОВ ПРОТИВЛЕНИЯ". Дорогие друзья, наши слова - чрезвычайно важны, потому что наши слова отражают то, что находится у нас внутри, как Иисус также сказал (Матфея 12:34-37): "Потому что от избытка сердца говорят уста. Добрый человек из доброго сокровища выносит доброе, а злой человек из злого сокровища выносит злое. Говорю же вам, что ЗА ВСЯКОЕ ПРАЗДНОЕ СЛОВО, КАКОЕ СКАЖУТ ЛЮДИ, ДАДУТ ОНИ ОТВЕТ В ДЕНЬ СУДА: ПОТОМУ ЧТО ОТ СЛОВ СВОИХ ОПРАВДАЕШЬСЯ, И ОТ СЛОВ СВОИХ ОСУДИШЬСЯ".
    Наши слова - важны, дорогой друг, мы будем судимы по нашим словам. Как чадо Божье, наши слова должны отражать то, что Иисус Христос находится внутри нас, и что мы - от Царства Божьего.
    Да благословит тебя Иисус".

    • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
      @AnzhelikaBombushkar 5 років тому

      Можно переключить на русские субтитры на панели видео в правом углу внизу.

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 5 років тому

    You can switch to Russian subtitles on the video bar at the bottom right corner.

  • @giovannicorraliza4393
    @giovannicorraliza4393 2 роки тому

    Please study Revelation 14:12 & 18:23,Run away from the PCR test

  • @laurasan491
    @laurasan491 5 років тому

    How about if we talk to our pets? Like saying "hi sweetie, mama is gonna feed you now" ?

  • @drummerboy69n
    @drummerboy69n 5 років тому

    Is this a blanket renunciation of humor? We need to be careful not to be ascetic Christians.

  • @lukekeene881
    @lukekeene881 5 років тому

    There's nothing wrong bout saying silly or doing silly things.. i dropped things on my foot and say " oh fish" "pigs and blanket"

    • @michaelquintana678
      @michaelquintana678 5 років тому +1

      then u are silly

    • @NiceOCGuy1981
      @NiceOCGuy1981 5 років тому +1

      Isn't that not of God.

    • @lukekeene881
      @lukekeene881 5 років тому

      @@NiceOCGuy1981 i don't believe it is unholy. Because it's only the offensive things... Swearing/cussing/ dirty sexual/ toilet humour... But there is something about making light of sensuality which is basically making a joke about something that's not funny. But also says that if you basically laugh about a friend who falls over that gets a cut on the leg it's a sin. But I personally believe if your friend falls over and doesn't hurt his/herself and laughs it's not a sin. Because the person is laughing and not in pain and u can laugh too

    • @NiceOCGuy1981
      @NiceOCGuy1981 5 років тому +1

      @@lukekeene881 that's possible because God shows us humility, so dropping something on your foot must have mean't he wanted you to humble yourself.

    • @lukekeene881
      @lukekeene881 5 років тому

      @@NiceOCGuy1981 true but it's a good pint don't you think? About laughing if your friend isn't hurt. And they laugh

  • @seekTruth45
    @seekTruth45 12 років тому

    Why did God create viruses and bacteria? To harm us?

    • @christiaanf503
      @christiaanf503 6 років тому

      seekTruth45 probably a way to kill us? We all die one way or another.

    • @avtaga
      @avtaga 6 років тому +5

      God created a perfect world, but because of sin, death came to this world. Plants gave thorns instead of leaves, animals became carnivorous and all kind of parasites and bacterias showed up.