The Holy Ghost will take you into WILDERNESS not to "church"

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • Immediately after Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit came on Him and the Holy Spirit led Him away into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And we all know that He overcame the devil, He resisted all temptation and after that the devil fled from Him. If we decide to follow Jesus Christ and we obey Him, we repent of sin and our self and we are baptized in water and we ask Him for the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit will also lead us into the wilderness. He will take you where you will be alone and the devil will tempt you and he will test you and you will need to overcome. Your faith will be severely tested. Without the Holy Spirit you just won't make it. When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, He took them through the Red sea, which is a type of a baptism and then He took them into the desert. They had the fire column by night and the cloud by day to guide them. But these people kept on longing to go back to Egypt, to the flesh pots of Egypt. They never got to know the ways of God. They never got to trust God and they annoyed God so much that in His wrath He swore that they would not enter His rest. He killed them all in the desert and of the original multitude that left Egypt only Joshua and Caleb and the children of the sinners, those who rebelled against God, only their children were allow to go into the land that the Lord had promised. Dear friends, exactly the same today. The majority of believers are saved, the Lord Jesus saves them from sin, from the world, but they don't want to be saved. They don't want to follow Jesus. Many of them do not even cross the water, they will not even follow Jesus and be baptized. Many of them reject the Holy Spirit, they don't want the Holy Spirit because they've got a Bible. They do not follow the Holy Spirit, they go to church, they reject Jesus Christ. Jesus saved them but they will not go into the promised land, they will not go into the Kingdom of Heaven because they will not follow the Holy Spirit. It is not easy to follow Jesus. You will be severely tested and tried and you must overcome. You must overcome and be victorious over yourself, the flesh, sin and the devil. You must be equipped to be a true son of God. The majority of people don't want that, they don't want to follow Jesus. They just want salvation, they want the Promised Land but they don't want the Lord, the King of the Promised Land. They are not willing to follow the Holy Spirit. Dear friend, if you follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit will take you into the WILDERNESS, He will not take you to church. He will not take you to fellowship, He will not take you to Bible study, He will take you alone where you follow Jesus and get to know Him, truly get to know Him. And that is why He will say to many believers, who believed that they were saved. He will say to them: "Go away I never knew you, you workers of wickedness." They did not follow Jesus. They did not overcome sin, they were still sinners, they were still part of the world. They love the world and the things of the world, they thought they were saved, yes but they did not realize that they would not have eternal life. The only way dear friend that we will have eternal life is if we overcome and you can only overcome if you have the Holy Spirit of Christ guiding you. You can only overcome, if you follow Jesus and obey Him. You can only overcome if you are thoroughly tested and you stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Are you in the WILDERNESS or are you longing to go back to the flesh pots of Egypt? Are you sitting in church having a holiday, going with the flow, or are you following Jesus through the wilderness? Are you getting to know Him? Do you know His voice? His sheep know His voice, they follow Him. Are you one of His sheep? Do you want to enter the Promised Land? Do you want eternal Life? Then you need to follow Jesus friend. Pick up your cross every day, deny yourself and follow Him or else you will not go through the narrow Door. May Jesus bless you.


  • @bango56
    @bango56 13 років тому +33

    Right on Brother. The Lord pulled me out of these Babylonian churchs long ago. We all need to step out of the boat of eternal security and walk on the water of faith. You cannot do it by yourself. But you can do it when you follow Jesus. Follow no man, trust no other voice. Not even your own. The Lord will take you to places you never dreamed of and show you great and mighty things you knew not.

  • @michaelsrod3065
    @michaelsrod3065 6 років тому +7

    Thank you brother i am Right now in the desert of Saudi Arabia. God gave me a vision about 10 years that I will be going into the wilderness. I am now 5 years in the desert and believe me. I have been tested. God kicked me out of the church. He did not want me in the church. Believe me . It's been hard but I been praying seeing many visions and dreams.

  • @MichelelovesJesus
    @MichelelovesJesus 6 років тому +11

    I am finally waking up, thank you Lord Jesus! Oh my heart aches for all who are deceived! I believe that I am entering the wilderness. I will trust you Lord!

  • @thelordisthespirit
    @thelordisthespirit 5 років тому +9

    My gosh God has just spoken to me through you, I can relate to everything you’ve said in this video, I go to church but it’s like church makes up about 1% of the time that I actually spend with God and I always feel like the preaching is ‘lightweight’ I don’t how to explain it, I’ve been having a lot of personal encounters with God through the Holy Spirit and I can’t share with my fellow Christians because I don’t even know how to explain the encounters in the way that won’t make me look crazy, I don’t know how to describe what I’m going through at the moment it’s like I’m obsessed with God, He is all I think about, it’s like I’ve been isolated from the world I’m always in my room either praying, reading the bible or listening to a preaching, when I go to work I’m always thinking about getting home to lock my self in my room and spend time with God, I think God has called me to be a prophet but not sure.

  • @carlaifera5254
    @carlaifera5254 5 років тому +6

    .......the wilderness is a place of hidden treasure.......unearthed, if one will press into God in prayer and not resist being emptied.......Bless you Friend, Jan......💜

  • @MrExspectator
    @MrExspectator 13 років тому +7

    Thanks Jan for telling me about the true Jesus Christ 2 years ago! The Holy Spirit convicted me of sin and i repented. Now i desire to be more like Jesus every day! I seek Jesus, and i listen to the Holy Spirit.

  • @julzee111
    @julzee111 4 роки тому +6

    This is truth.

  • @lionsden2835
    @lionsden2835 3 роки тому +7

    The True Gospel is being rejected by most.
    LAST DAYS WARNING SCRIPTURE 2Ti_4:3 The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers and turn away from the way of truth,

  • @finalcall07
    @finalcall07  3 роки тому +5

    He passed on to be with Jesus on January 19, 2020.

  • @dnkomos1
    @dnkomos1 7 років тому +15


  • @sarali8017
    @sarali8017 3 роки тому +5

    Very true and important message and amen brother! Rip you brother!

  • @bb-yj3yt
    @bb-yj3yt 8 років тому +13

    yes pick up your cross and follow him

  • @244liza
    @244liza 5 років тому +2

    Thankyou. I'm definitely in the wilderness... I have to ask Jesus what He would like me to do, a lot. I find I'm *just starting* to get quiet... after so many storms. Often I get distracted for a bit about the recent past, it exhausts me, and I am glad to focus on Jesus. Thankyou for (relaying) your message, it's so true.

  • @miraclesforus2
    @miraclesforus2 6 років тому +2

    Deepest gratitude for this truthful lesson.
    Blessings in the mighty name of God.

  • @MonsterSlayer14
    @MonsterSlayer14 13 років тому +3

    blessed words. i also got some blood off my hands and started to spread the news. i pray that i will spread more, the feeling you get when you do it is refreshing. may Jesus bles you.

  • @johnhagi9459
    @johnhagi9459 6 років тому +4

    No room for unholy period!

  • @smooothlegs
    @smooothlegs 6 років тому +2

    JESUS bless you Glory to father GOD to send his spirit of. TRUTH.

  • @dynamicdestiny7799
    @dynamicdestiny7799 4 роки тому +1

    The wilderness is not necessarily in the woods. It can be there or anywhere. I am currently in my wilderness, and it happens to be my job. The Devil(temptation) happens to be my manger. The holy spirit lead me here to develop my gifts of the spirit. So O have been working on leadership ability 7 years now! If it be the Will of God, not sure if I will become a manager here. So I ask God to please, take this cup away from me. But I am still here. So we will see🧐. The wilderness is where we go to prepare for our "life work" as Jesus done. You will not find many people, family, friends, loved ones, Christians, politicians etc. You will be alone...🚶you will have more friendship with strangers than brothers and sisters. It's deep!

  • @Itcomz
    @Itcomz 13 років тому +6

    They commit all manner of idolatry & harlotry worshipping idols but claiming God with their lips with the endorsement of LYING PREACHERS. Their hearts have NEVER KNOWN JESUS. They have all the OUTWARD SHOW with church, preacher, & scripture , but do not KNOW THE TRUE CHURCH, HOLY SPIRIT, & LIVING WORD which desire the INSIDE OF THE CUP. The wilderness is for us to learn to DIE to the flesh & live to the SPIRIT. However, people r STIFFNECKED & UNCIRCUMCISED in heart which is full with the WORLD.

  • @bb-yj3yt
    @bb-yj3yt 8 років тому +4

    you are correct am so glad I found this video I really thought no one knew the way very few find it God bless you brother thank you

  • @nancycaplan6171
    @nancycaplan6171 6 років тому +4

    I needed to hear this so much .. thank you, it gave me strangth to move on

  • @SpeckledBird1
    @SpeckledBird1 4 роки тому +1

    I'm following Jesus through the wilderness...watching this May 2 2020...just found you🙂..Ty and God bless You!

  • @WandofDinner
    @WandofDinner 6 років тому +1

    AMEN! the Holy Spirit will take us OUT OF THIS WORLD! WE ARE GOING TO WALK NAKED WITH THE NAKED CHRIST!!#@!! God bless you all on't ever give up and don't be afraid! Even if you fall lean on Him! He's a rope to everyone who holds on!!!!!! GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!

    @SOPEACEBESTILL 2 роки тому +1


  • @dailydoseofvitaminm7007
    @dailydoseofvitaminm7007 6 років тому +3

    Thank you so much for this wonderful message!💚 God bless you!

  • @christiawheeler4579
    @christiawheeler4579 4 роки тому +1

    God Bless you immensely my Brother in Christ Jesus⚘. Amen, amen my friend👑

  • @thenarrowgate8495
    @thenarrowgate8495 4 роки тому +2

    Powerful message. Thank you

  • @EvilFleesBeforeMe
    @EvilFleesBeforeMe 5 років тому +1

    Wow fire
    Praise God, holy holy holy
    My Abba how I love you

  • @cassiechu6812
    @cassiechu6812 11 років тому

    im an alcoholic in recovery and the holy spirit visits meetings and it can be seen in the direction of the conversation I felt it in my early years of sobriety it gave me shelter and strength

  • @sandy239b6
    @sandy239b6 5 років тому +2


  • @damoneclark7950
    @damoneclark7950 7 років тому +5

    Bless u brother

  • @saludanite
    @saludanite 6 років тому +1

    "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."
    John 4
    He tells us everything we need to know, so we WON'T miss it!

  • @albertbradburn5024
    @albertbradburn5024 5 років тому +1

    Jesus went to the wilderness to crucify the flesh he proved it when the devil tempted him even in his agony when sweat came out as blood even when he was whipped and nailed to the cross he made no sound but did the Father's will . amazing revelation flesh is your enemy that the devil uses fast for 7 days your flesh will start talking to you drink water as you do it and read those temptations I pray you will get understanding Amen

  • @Bassmastr-ly5vf
    @Bassmastr-ly5vf 6 років тому +2

    I Love all your videos. Thank you and God bless you.

  • @cassiechu6812
    @cassiechu6812 11 років тому

    now it whispers the teachings of mercy and a zen understanding that for any of us to be at peace we must understand we are all connected and that the universe is exactly as it should be

  • @allthingswithpharan.5676
    @allthingswithpharan.5676 5 років тому +1

    I needed this video thanks

  • @jesuschristislordoflordsan427
    @jesuschristislordoflordsan427 4 роки тому +1

    thanks for sharing.
    actually i have an experience like this. in 2013 i was locked up in psych ward for several months, until The Lord created a new and pure heart in my soul.
    idk how many months/days after that but one day i just felt the need to go to "the church" you know one of the manmade buildings in our lands? and i was there, i mean i was outside of the building, satting myself on a bench and started to cry like a woman...

  • @raygrover7397
    @raygrover7397 5 років тому +1

    This is excellent, however I don't believe in most cases God does not want us to fellowship with other believers. Especially with with those who are more spirituality mature than we are. Proverbs 11:14 KJV
    Where no counsel is , the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. During much fasting and prayer God brought the most Godly people into my life that I had ever met, to help me get through this! Thank you Jesus!
    Yet at the same time everyone's wilderness experience is different, God custom makes yours just for you! Because He made us all different and loves you that much! God bless

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  5 років тому +1

      Did Solomon get his wisdom from counselors or from God, dear friend?

  • @LauraZlovesJesus
    @LauraZlovesJesus 6 років тому

    Thank you for this word

  • @miraclesforus2
    @miraclesforus2 6 років тому

    In the name of Jesus. Amen

  • @ericahoward1059
    @ericahoward1059 6 років тому +1


  • @elohisakinan7868
    @elohisakinan7868 5 років тому

    2 years ago my life completely disintegrated and almost everything in it!!! My marriage and also identity people family just fell out of range. I was saved from the 25 years in the new age cult and landed in the walk with Christ only to discover a short while later that even Christians are in many types of ' personal cults' not mentioning the apostasy in churches and anything from witchcraft the Jezebel Spirit prosperity preaching and down right showmen in ciecuses. As for me I was taken straight into the wilderness and have been there since then (2 years now) . I struggled as at times I felt deeply depressed alone abandoned and forgotten abd that I no longer belong in this world (literally I don't seem to fit in anywhere in society and that includes churches) Nothing of this world interest me yet I still have to live in it and try to function in worldly demands I. E work in jobs I dislike for pennies that I then have to pay bills with. All the fun and joy of life has been taken away only sacrifice remained but It's like the lights have gone on and I look around and see only dead people in the sense that I cannot resonate with anyone at all. I've tried going to churches and then I walk out because it's like going to a circus. People talk spiritual but they are totally "absent" in their hearts and thus is no joke. I hv reached out many times to groups as I've experienced severe distress whilst rebirthing into this new way of being and there is absolutely no one there to help. So I go home enter the closet for the thousands time I go on my knees weep and pray that God will hear my cry and distress. As for churches I believe The trouble is I don't think people realise their self deception. Most of them are in it to please their flesh one way or another. I pray I fast I sit with the Lord sometimes I feel i am totally alone the world has rejected me and God is silent most of the time. Now and again I feel I get a little glimpse of something then I am not sure if I am just imagining because life has become quite painful so I need to soothe myself with some hope else it would be totally unbearable. Jesus stayed 40 days in the desert well I've been in it for 2 years I honestly don't understand why God is keeping me here this long. Pastor if you are willing would you help me understand better? All I am asking is to receive the peace and joy of God so I can live my days without this pain. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you Amen 🙏

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  5 років тому +1

      Dera friend. I am not a pastor, just a fellow follower of Jesus. Get your focus on Jesus and His kingdom and you will experience His peace. Being with Jesus is all that matters. May Jesus bless you.

    • @donteebrown849
      @donteebrown849 4 роки тому

      Look deep... ABBA send those to you that have the same walk and is abiding with Christ Jesus. Always remember you are never alone when he's with you. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. You are truly living because you're dead to the world. Don't make an idol of fitting in just be it's hard and tough but there's peace that surpasses understanding when Christ is in you and you are of the Father. There's a promise just believe, remember Jesus asked where do you place your treasures on Earthly things or Heavenly things that are above. Keep your eyes to the hills from whence your help comes from and my help comes from the Lord. Love you keep walking the strait and narrow path to eternal life.

  • @avooconnor647
    @avooconnor647 3 роки тому

    You read my mind pastor I was thinking on that same line

  • @godsbow8703
    @godsbow8703 6 років тому

    That was good! God bless.

  • @netuser5238
    @netuser5238 4 роки тому

    Mana still exists in the wilderness, the lords bread, farmers call it a weed and spray it with poison. God sent me into the wilderness, I eat bread root and berries, fish and fruit. When I saw men on four wheelers spraying poison via GPS in the wilderness I knew they knew not what they were doing.

  • @AnzhelikaBombushkar
    @AnzhelikaBombushkar 7 років тому +1

    You can switch to Russian subtitles on the video bar at the bottom right corner.

  • @finalcall07
    @finalcall07  13 років тому +2

    @EasySavedEternalLife If you listen to Jesus you will get out of church and follow Him.

    • @NyyankeesThatguy
      @NyyankeesThatguy 6 років тому

      finalcall07 i want to get to know jesus but i feel so empty

    • @saythetruth1084
      @saythetruth1084 6 років тому

      finalcall07 that’s what is happening to me got out of church, lost a lot of things of this world and still loosing, I don’t mind it , its hard but this is the truth , if you don’t love God u can’t really love, truly love , Christians are divided a had attacks from some of them saying that Jesus is not God , you are saying the same testimony that Howard Pittman went through, he thought he was going to heaven but he wasn’t , you are doing very good , because some people believe is easy to go to heaven , and most of Christians are focussing in getting saved and what Gods will is , this is called selfishness.

    • @saythetruth1084
      @saythetruth1084 6 років тому +1

      finalcall07 it’s scary to hear your testimony, Im always scared thinking that I will see God and I might not make it , but Jesus has told that He will save me , I saw it at least 3 times His confirmation, the key to be right with God is to LOVE GOD , He has to be First for you , and if you love God you will love your neighbor, and obey God . Love is the key .

  • @Itcomz
    @Itcomz 13 років тому

    Amen my brother. People do not understand the ways of God neither to do most christian want the ways of God. They want the ways of the world ¬ the KING WHOSE KINGDOM has a builder and maker that IS NOT MAN. In the wilderness do the waters of God break forth. The flesh is not strengthened in the wilderness but because people do not let go of the the world in their hearts they ask for the WORLD from God in the wilderness who gives them what they want &they call it 'blessing' but it is NOT.

  • @carrick63
    @carrick63 5 років тому

    I am SO glad you are not sinless my friend. Where do you live so I can come to you for healing?

  • @belovedortiz4607
    @belovedortiz4607 6 років тому +1

    I keep on hearing in my spirit "Surrender" over and over again, I've been dry in the wilderness for 14 years and I'm out of strength to go on!! I had a vision as I was sitting on couch and everything was dark but in the distance there was a blue cross shining this serene blue light and I heard The Voice Of Jesus call out my name!! after the vision ended, I keep seeing blue crosses everywhere I go!! I saw a blue cross on billboard while driving in freeway and I saw a church which had a big blue cross at the entrance and I was jogging and found a necklace with guess what, a blue cross!! what does thus all mean!! I know I'm called into ministry as evangelist but its a difficult journey thru the wilderness and at times I just don't feel anymore strength to go on!! what do I do??

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  6 років тому +6

      Get serious. Go after Jesus.

    • @johnhagi9459
      @johnhagi9459 6 років тому +1

      Jesus is proving he is there and to take up your cross without any doubt about him and to let light shine and be holy awesome vision.

  • @jasond6770
    @jasond6770 8 років тому +6

    I feel like Jesus called me to be a Pastor, do you believe that Jesus calls some people to be a pastor? And if so, what would that look like since you do not believe in going to a church? Thank you.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  8 років тому +9

      +Jason D If Jesus called you He will guide you every step of the way,dear friend. Ask Him. May Jesus bless you.

    • @George040270
      @George040270 6 років тому +1

      He can't answer that question without being a hypocrite.

    • @slaughter4113
      @slaughter4113 6 років тому +4

      George Pierson Do not disrespect the man of God ..You Bless the man of God ..You've been warned " Never mess with a child of God in Christ Jesus Never".

    • @George040270
      @George040270 6 років тому +1

      The guy is no man of God. Jesus said to listen to the Church and to the Apostles. People like him tell you not to listen.

    • @Apersonintheworldtoday
      @Apersonintheworldtoday 6 років тому +11

      George Pierson the “church” *IS* the people of God, NOT a building, or place of worship!

  • @nikkibaxter5550
    @nikkibaxter5550 5 років тому

    Thank you for your reply, yes I have been asking Jesus, I thought I met someone who said he was a christian, seemed to be on fire for Christ, but the next time we had a bible group at my friends , he said he was a Seventh day Adventist, and as I had looked into that denomination, and found many contradictions with Ellen Whites.writings concerning what the scriptures say, I was not sure I wanted to be lead by someone who believes that archangel Michael is Jesus? And that we don't have our own spirit?
    I tried sending him passages out the kjv to show him where it said we had, but he didn't reply.
    I suppose I just need to be more patient,.And keeping praying on it. Thanks

  • @lazarusfowsta
    @lazarusfowsta 6 років тому

    I get what my man is saying but Jesus taught in the synagogue. In fact, he cleared it out so that the babies could lift up a perfected praise ordained to silence the enemy! Forsake the fellowship of the saints, and forsake the Word of God. Following Jesus and fellowshipping of the saints are not mutually exclusive. They certainly were not for Jesus. 2 of the major encounters I had with the Holy Spirit as I was born again happened in “church.” I respectfully disagree that one must leave the church to follow Jesus on the narrow way.

  • @jaytennesseebigsbee9346
    @jaytennesseebigsbee9346 5 років тому +1

    The holy spirit does that.

  • @tommihail6564
    @tommihail6564 4 роки тому +1

    I've been in my wilderness forty two years but have no idea why or if it's just my cross to carry??

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  4 роки тому +2

      My late husband cannot answer you. He passed on to be with Jesus on January 19, 2020. Press on and keep seeking Jesus. His Time is not our time. He has a Plan and Purpose with you. Seek His Will for you and Do it to be in His Perfect Will. Jesus Bless you and keep you safe in this time. Christiena Boshoff.

  • @nikkibaxter5550
    @nikkibaxter5550 5 років тому

    Hiya, how do you get baptized if you don't find the right church, and don't know.anyone whom is actually following Christ? Can we ask Jesus to baptize us in our own bath?

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  5 років тому +1

      You can ask Jesus to show you the right person who can baptize you.

  • @abrokenandacontriteheart1308
    @abrokenandacontriteheart1308 5 років тому

    If they dont go to heaven do they go to hell? Who are the people that will be on the new earth?

  • @finalcall07
    @finalcall07  11 років тому +1

    You are connecting to some other spirit dear friend, not the Holy Spirit of God. You need Jesus Christ, dear friend.
    May Jesus bless you..

  • @WormensLikeThat
    @WormensLikeThat 7 років тому +1

    have you searched jesus true hebrew name. i wouldnt want some one to call me suzie if my name was melinda.

    • @finalcall07
      @finalcall07  7 років тому +3

      I know Jesus and He knows me. Can you say the same, dear friend?

    • @WormensLikeThat
      @WormensLikeThat 7 років тому +1

      finalcall07. yeshua hamashiach. i love your teachings by the way. you speak truth.

    • @myecolife4333
      @myecolife4333 6 років тому +1

      God and Jesus Yeshua the Messiah is smart enough to know when we call him whether we use the name Jesus Yeshua father Abba Messiah and so many other names connected to him... That is what I think and in the deep underground military bases where the demonic entities inhabit and are in charge everybody is forbidden to use the name Jesus because it freaks the Demonic controllers out and they can't stand hearing the name Jesus for some reason and that must because of the power in the name... I personally know someone that used to work in the deep underground military bases where the Demonic reptilian entities are working and in charge you worked with these demonic entities reptilian creatures and you couldn't say Jesus or anything Godly or it was a very big problem

    • @MG-qm8if
      @MG-qm8if 3 роки тому

      I was affected by this for a little while. But Jesus comforted me and showed me the way. The truth is Jesus knows that we are calling him whether we say Jesus or Yahshua. Jesus had multiple names and his followers too. Which name you called didn't matter as long as you know the one whom you are calling on.

  • @carrick63
    @carrick63 5 років тому

    [A long beard does not wisdom or holiness make...]

  • @bb-yj3yt
    @bb-yj3yt 8 років тому +1

    you are correct am so glad I found this video I really thought no one knew the way very few find it God bless you brother thank you