  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Revenue
    500 gr of wheat
    1 tablespoon of sugar
    1 teaspoon of salt
    3 tablespoons of olive oil.
    1 teaspoon of organic yeast.
    ✔200 ml of water or more (start with 200 ml and hydrate the flour, in my case I needed another 100 ml of water, it will depend on whether the flour is drier or wetter)
    Preparation: Mix the wheat, sugar and salt in a large bowl, add the yeast to the wheat and mix again. Mix in water (200 ml) with olive oil and gradually add the flour and mix, it is quite possible that you will need more water. There must be no completely dry flour left in the bowl.
    In my case I used another 100 ml because my flour was very dry (I used special orchid wheat for breads. But if the flour is wetter, there will be less water.
    Once done, take the dough to a counter and knead well for about 10 minutes, cover and let it rise for about 30 minutes. (She doesn't grow much but that's the goal)
    Roll out the dough with the help of a rolling pin, always greasing the counter and the dough well with flour, because it is very sticky, and this flour will make the dough crispy.
    Pre-bake the dough. Place in a pan that has been thinly greased with oil and poke holes with a fork to avoid creating bubbles. The oven needs to be preheated to 250 degrees, so it will bake quickly. Don't let the dough brown, it will turn white even if it doesn't then become hard.
    Makes two large pizzas.
    Why pre-bake? because if you don't use both doughs, you can freeze one.
    I've also tried filling this raw dough and baking it and the result wasn't the same.
    While you fill your dough, raise your oven temperature to maximum. The oven needs to be very hot and at maximum temperature because this will bake the pizza quickly, giving a result similar to that in pizzerias.