Having Bert's daughter help cook and then finding random gifts for the guests should definitely become a recurring segment. Really brought this episode to another level
Love how casually Bertsky brough his beautiful daughter on. And how wholesome the Kreischers home is. Very happy for him and damn. Super transparent guy. I feel like Bert is my spirit animal I love him haha
It’s awesome to see that they love each other so much. It’s refreshing to see, especially with Hollywood people. It seems like so much family members in Hollywood need to fight and they love it. But these three are just genuinely happy to be around eachother
These guys were my entire childhood. Who knew they'd be such cool, down to earth dudes. They'd be such a blast to hang out with hope they do more podcasts with comedians
Just rewatched Boy Meets World / listened to Matthew Lawrence on Pod Meets World, he’s a good dude. Seems like they all are. Crazy to see the youngest with grey hair, but I have it too and I’m probably the same age. Woof, time flies.
I’ve been waiting for this episode since the Lawrence brothers were on your podcast. Your energies mesh so well 😊 it was also wholesome to see your daughter on the episode & I know Joey felt good when she thought he was 32 lol all of the brothers are aging like fine wine, especially Andy ❤ great episode & honestly great conversation. Never lacking & the food looks incredible 🤌🏼
You can tell Bert has a diverse group of friends because of how he holds space for perspectives other than his own. Great episode. The energy was great.
@@kayteebarga9694 "I havent drank in 2 weeks! Well I kinda tied one on a couple nights ago. *clicks tongue three times* and then actually Im gonna drink tonight. Im gonna make a special drink and maybe hop in the hot tub with Leeann." And ya know what, good for him. Im not talking shit. Whatever he's doing, its working! Lmao
I am not sure if he is high or something but I love joey Lawrence's energy. so positive and upbeat. all three of them are great. someeone get them a show, or a series
Man, if you were a kid in the 90s you knew who the Lawrence brothers were. Between Joey on Blossom and Matthew on boy meets world and then all of them on Brotherly Love. I’m glad they’re all doing well, such down to earth dudes.
Bert, seriously, i love you as a dude, and good luck with not drinking for a while! I love you AS you are and if this is what you’re getting after, mad support dawg!! Cheers from Freddy NB.
I love how Bert asks them about if they had to sit through an entire tv series which one would it be, and Andy mentions few and they were some good ones but the one that I really caught was Sons of Anarchy which I have to say is one of the best and one of my favorites!
I agree with Joey there's more to real Mexican food than just tacos. Just like there's more Italian food than just spaghetti and cannoli. You shouldn't judge anyone's culture especially by something that isn't authentic. I've noticed that authentic food has more flavor. Yes it was great to see Bert and the Lawrence brothers having a good time.
The Lawerence Bros are really good dudes. Each one being different from the other but also much alike. I love seeing Joey letting loose and having some laughs, i enjoy seeing him light up when he’s talking, you can tell he’s worked really hard all of his life, has had a ‘wild’ but successful life yet he remains humble and kind. That’s really refreshing to see coming from a successful guy like him. I think he taught his younger brothers to be the same way and that’s what makes them all so damn lovable. I think a funny idea would be to put Bert and Joey in an escape room without a time limit, I bet both of them together wouldn’t stop talking long enough to try to escape. 😂 But I love that about both of them, because I am the same way! I hope to see more collabs with the Lawrence Bros because their vibes are immaculate. 🤌🏼❤
4:19 dude… lmfao!! Andy is legit all of us caught in between the L & R right now! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 we’re just sitting here waiting for one side or the other to stop bickering 😂😂😂❤❤❤
Joe makes me feel old because all his stories of the 80s and 90s is exactly my generation. Saturday cartoons. Music stores lol good ol days!! This episode is epic!! I'm new York born and raised and have been living in Cali for the past 13 years. I'm half puerto rican and raised by my Italian mom. And boy do I love a homemade Italian dish!!! This Mexican shit is not even close. This episode is making me miss home
Matt is so adorable! I'm gonna eat this and then take a nap! @56:12 So relatable. Also so funny that Matt and Bert were thinking about totally diff Boom Boom songs. @56:20 😂
nice to see some wholesome people in Hollywood. i watched a lot of stuff of theirs as a kid. including Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad! anybody else? haha.
You're so entertaining and my son turned me on to you and now I can't get enough. This is my first Something's Burning and now I'm hungry 🎉🎉🎉 love you Bert 💋💋💋
First thing...Joe Lawrence is my dream guy now...he's friggin' PERFECT! Always liked him, but now that he's old like me...DAYUM! Also, BEND OREGON! I love Bend! I love on the west side of the Cascades, but Bend is where I want to retire! Love this series, Bert...Great show!
As an Iñupiaq from Barrow, Alaska. Duck soup and goose soup are some of our favorites! No matter how you cook it make sure you try to use everything from it you can. The neck and head/brains are my favorite part lol, but the whole frigging thing is delicious!
Am I right about Mexican food???
But the same can be said about Italian food. In defending one you end up defending the other.
💯 😂 I had all those things in a fajita form tonight
I enjoy food where ever its from
Yep. Many shirts
waaaaay wrong.
The Lawrence Brothers need a Netflix show!!! Right away !!!!!
I never thought there would be a guest that could bring more energy than Bert......
You haven't been around many Italians have you?
@wolffisu I am italian. Lol my maiden name is Mognaga.
I feel like they all have severe ADHD and it is hilarious tbh, I love their podcast :')
Having Bert's daughter help cook and then finding random gifts for the guests should definitely become a recurring segment. Really brought this episode to another level
I'm so jealous of the Lawrence family bond. So cool to be that close to each other and be blood related.
Chili got Matt at those BBQs eating the soul food. I love that for him. Love the Lawrence brothers 😍
I love it when Joey just randomly breaks out in song. XO
His voices are surprisingly great
I sincerely hope the Lawrence brothers are going to be reoccurring guests in the bertiverse ❤😂
The Lawrence Brothers are soild dudes. Thanks Bert, this was great!
Best cooking show ever ! Lawrence bros are some down to earth guys man , crushin’ it with Bert !
Their podcast is great
We need more content with Bert and these guys it’s just an unmistakable energy that needs to be brought out even more!
The Lawrence Brothers brought some great energy. I'm gonna check out their pod.
You can tell the Lawrence bros needed some vodka and a good meal. They are the greatest and really genuine and entertaining.
Holy crap, the Muppets and Disney impressions are frighteningly good. Nice to see the bros being childish bros.
They do even more! I love that they started a podcast haha you hear all kinds of impressions during it.
I can't wait for Bert to be on the pod-da-pod!
Now he has been! 😊
Love how casually Bertsky brough his beautiful daughter on.
And how wholesome the Kreischers home is. Very happy for him and damn. Super transparent guy.
I feel like Bert is my spirit animal I love him haha
It’s awesome to see that they love each other so much. It’s refreshing to see, especially with Hollywood people. It seems like so much family members in Hollywood need to fight and they love it. But these three are just genuinely happy to be around eachother
Bert with the Lawrence Brothers are a good time. I love watching you all together on various podcasts!!!!
Let black shirt talk, he was so helpful with the serving of food too.
the rare guest that can talk more than anyone else
I have become a huge fan of the Lawrence Boys!
Get Joe List on since you guys are on good terms. And make Thai Food and Pizza! 😂
Heck ya😁
Joe DeRosa too!
I don't like Joe list that much 😂 I say Bert goes to war with him.
@DuderofDudeness I hated Joe at first cause it seems like he tries to be normad on the podcast but he's not bad after all
Where’d it say they were in good terms? Lol
These guys were my entire childhood. Who knew they'd be such cool, down to earth dudes. They'd be such a blast to hang out with hope they do more podcasts with comedians
I grew up with these guys love them and I love Bert!
My favorite episode of all time I love the lawrence bothers always such amazing vibes
Just rewatched Boy Meets World / listened to Matthew Lawrence on Pod Meets World, he’s a good dude. Seems like they all are. Crazy to see the youngest with grey hair, but I have it too and I’m probably the same age. Woof, time flies.
I’ve been waiting for this episode since the Lawrence brothers were on your podcast. Your energies mesh so well 😊 it was also wholesome to see your daughter on the episode & I know Joey felt good when she thought he was 32 lol all of the brothers are aging like fine wine, especially Andy ❤ great episode & honestly great conversation. Never lacking & the food looks incredible 🤌🏼
I've been waiting for this episode since they were on Bert's regular podcast.
That's why these guys are dope. They are the only guest to give thanks before eating that this show has had
Wow, really??!!
You can tell Bert has a diverse group of friends because of how he holds space for perspectives other than his own. Great episode. The energy was great.
I really honestly love him. He is precious af 👌. He must be just the best friend to have.
OMG I love the Lawrence brothers!!!!!! The best. XOXO
This is a trip seeing these bros this grown
Bert should give us all a dollar every time he says he's done drinking 😂
Shiet make it 25 cents and we all will still be rich
He does small breaks. He said right after he needs to get healthy so he can keep drinking.
@@kayteebarga9694 "I havent drank in 2 weeks! Well I kinda tied one on a couple nights ago. *clicks tongue three times* and then actually Im gonna drink tonight. Im gonna make a special drink and maybe hop in the hot tub with Leeann." And ya know what, good for him. Im not talking shit. Whatever he's doing, its working! Lmao
Ila with the Lydia vibes
He'd be broke in a month 😂
Why aren’t we talking about Joey’s amazing singing voice?!?!?! & Andy??? Wowzaaa!!! 👌
If anyone is wondering that is Casa Dragones Blue Label Tequila. Depending where you get it, it ranges from $50 to $100. Super smooth.
I am not sure if he is high or something but I love joey Lawrence's energy. so positive and upbeat. all three of them are great. someeone get them a show, or a series
They have a podcast, it’s great!
He's not high, lol He's just got a lot of energy. He may be ADD. Lol
I have now come to realize, that any of the Kreischer family helping cook makes the show that much better.
there should be one episode of something's burning with the kreischers.. cant wait to see the mess 😂😂
Man, if you were a kid in the 90s you knew who the Lawrence brothers were. Between Joey on Blossom and Matthew on boy meets world and then all of them on Brotherly Love. I’m glad they’re all doing well, such down to earth dudes.
The nineties weren't the start of the world.
Gimme A Break.
@@JovanGaluit-vy5hr…. He is literally referring to the guests. What are you goin on about? Go cry somewhere else
@@JovanGaluit-vy5hr????????????????????? Wat ???
@@JovanGaluit-vy5hrhahaha. Are you embarrassed?!?! That’s so embarrassing 😂
@@JovanGaluit-vy5hrnah man you had to be there very different times brother.
The Lawrence brothers are so freaking funny.❤
THE BROTHERS LAWRENCE.....I'D LOVE TO MEET THEM. huge fan since the 90's
Joey missed an opportunity to say his trademark “Whoa” when they REPEATEDLY said wow tasting the food.
Joey talks as much as Bert and I’m loving it haha.
I’m so excited the Lawrence brothers are going to be in my UA-cam que now!! Can’t wait for the pod!
Bert did a great job at listening!
These guys are a good vibe
You should do a monthly show together the way you all interact is great
I’m here for it!!!!
This weekend and the last fewe days has been a rabbit hole of watching all three podcast episodes of these four.They need to do more together.
What’s the 3rd one?
Joe is one of the few to be able to talk over Bert. I love it lol
I love all of your shows but definitely love this episode! Bert your the best your the man keep doing what your doing never change!
Had never heard of these 3 before but I love the eldest Brothers energy yall seemed to have a good time
Bert, seriously, i love you as a dude, and good luck with not drinking for a while! I love you AS you are and if this is what you’re getting after, mad support dawg!! Cheers from Freddy NB.
Great ep, loved this and the pod you all did!
Damn I really love these guys . There so real . They where definitely raised well ❤❤❤❤❤
I love how Bert asks them about if they had to sit through an entire tv series which one would it be, and Andy mentions few and they were some good ones but the one that I really caught was Sons of Anarchy which I have to say is one of the best and one of my favorites!
The magic is gone, the great times of the 80's and 90's. Early morning cartoons, the nation came together for the olympics!! it was great times.
They all look great and seem to be doing well .. can’t say that about most child stars / Disney kids
I agree with Joey there's more to real Mexican food than just tacos. Just like there's more Italian food than just spaghetti and cannoli. You shouldn't judge anyone's culture especially by something that isn't authentic. I've noticed that authentic food has more flavor. Yes it was great to see Bert and the Lawrence brothers having a good time.
Gifts for the guests! Best episode yet!
Love the Lawrence Bros! ❤❤❤
The Lawerence Bros are really good dudes. Each one being different from the other but also much alike. I love seeing Joey letting loose and having some laughs, i enjoy seeing him light up when he’s talking, you can tell he’s worked really hard all of his life, has had a ‘wild’ but successful life yet he remains humble and kind. That’s really refreshing to see coming from a successful guy like him. I think he taught his younger brothers to be the same way and that’s what makes them all so damn lovable.
I think a funny idea would be to put Bert and Joey in an escape room without a time limit, I bet both of them together wouldn’t stop talking long enough to try to escape. 😂 But I love that about both of them, because I am the same way! I hope to see more collabs with the Lawrence Bros because their vibes are immaculate. 🤌🏼❤
This was the best episode I had to rewatch it again and again 😂😂
This is the first time I have ever seen Ila and she is so beautiful! I love her hairstyle!
The irony of Bert exclaiming “That’s how you tell a fkn secret!” 😂 Bert, my man, you sir need to work on how to KEEP a secret 😂
♥️♥️♥️ #SecretTime
4:19 dude… lmfao!! Andy is legit all of us caught in between the L & R right now! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 we’re just sitting here waiting for one side or the other to stop bickering 😂😂😂❤❤❤
Wipes the floor, touches your food. Seems in character.
I saw that too. 🤢
I can't get over how Joey looks now! And it freaks me out how amped up Joey looks! It's like he is artificially amped up, if you know what I mean. Lol
Drugs? Yeah, he is the next TMZ special.
Nah he ain’t on that stuff
Andy swooping in with plates is why he’s a director…sees a need to assist and manage
Joe makes me feel old because all his stories of the 80s and 90s is exactly my generation. Saturday cartoons. Music stores lol good ol days!! This episode is epic!! I'm new York born and raised and have been living in Cali for the past 13 years. I'm half puerto rican and raised by my Italian mom. And boy do I love a homemade Italian dish!!! This Mexican shit is not even close. This episode is making me miss home
Exactly right about the pre shredded cheese! They also some times use sugar substitutes to prevent caking and clumping
Da pod da pod is the best; everyone needs to watch it Brotherly Love pod da pod...
1 of the best something's burning! What you do makes me laugh an happy! Thank you for what you do!
Matt is so adorable! I'm gonna eat this and then take a nap! @56:12 So relatable. Also so funny that Matt and Bert were thinking about totally diff Boom Boom songs. @56:20 😂
I love these guys!!! Thank you Bert
Bert finally met his match in someone who interrupts him repeatedly!!! Lol!! I love it!! 😂
The fact that the bros hate guilt !! Their parents did well lol 😆 😂
This whole show was most enjoyable. And I learned how to easily stuff manicotti.
1:37 So true...the 80's & 90's were the best times to be a kid. Nothing like the GenX era!!!!
Seem like great dudes! Great episode
I’d love to see a remake of the Martin Short movie Pure Luck!! I could watch it a thousand times. Something about it makes me giggle!
I don’t think I could stomach eating any of that after watching Bert touch his face that many times!
Dude, it took me over 20 minutes to realize these guys are who they are. Wow, what a trip! Mind: blown
I love the expression, "Ate like a lunatic" lol
nice to see some wholesome people in Hollywood. i watched a lot of stuff of theirs as a kid. including Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad! anybody else? haha.
Such a big brother thing to say " Andy needs to pee " 😂😂 aww 😅😅
Bert rocking the Blue Jays, classiest logo in the minors. Most are fun and wild, this is class.
Can't believe he didn't realize it's the Dunedin Bluejays. He only grew up 40 mins from that stadium.
Id love to see Louie and joe list on here, gotta make it happen!
Joe List and bart hate each other lol
I really enjoy this podcast very much thanks u guys made my day thanks again😊❤
Andy has some fabulous forearms!
You're so entertaining and my son turned me on to you and now I can't get enough. This is my first Something's Burning and now I'm hungry 🎉🎉🎉 love you Bert 💋💋💋
This show is great and will definitely make you hungry lol
First thing...Joe Lawrence is my dream guy now...he's friggin' PERFECT! Always liked him, but now that he's old like me...DAYUM! Also, BEND OREGON! I love Bend! I love on the west side of the Cascades, but Bend is where I want to retire! Love this series, Bert...Great show!
I'm Mexican, I loooove Mexican food but Italian is a close second. Love Italian. Hahahaha! And "Life with Louie" was amazing, btw!
ila appearance after the jiujutsu story makes it perfect 😂
This was great episode. Never had a hour go by so fast and had me smiling whole time.
So right about mexican food but they are all so good
Andy said well I guess I'm done with that drink 😂😂
As an Iñupiaq from Barrow, Alaska. Duck soup and goose soup are some of our favorites! No matter how you cook it make sure you try to use everything from it you can. The neck and head/brains are my favorite part lol, but the whole frigging thing is delicious!
Been waiting for this episode loved it
"that's a changing of the guard, when your child can render you unconscious" haha
Ila asking JOEY LAWRENCE if he is bald is truly the highlight 😂
I love the presents at the end. It gives great content, you could talk for a half an hour about the presents, I enjoy this alot.
Rocking the Dunedin Jays cap! Love it!