Addis Ababa July 1989

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025


  • @sassefak
    @sassefak 4 роки тому +15

    I didn't know just a random rolling out of the camera captures the life of a city! This is a wonderful video. I have memories of this period and those places. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Yared542
    @Yared542 5 років тому +15

    It's 30 years back am exactly 30 I was born 89 thanks for sharing I love to see old videos

  • @addisaddis3562
    @addisaddis3562 4 роки тому +4

    በስመአም በደን ገብቼ በት ተመስጬ ነበር ድንገት ከትምህርት ቤት ፎርፊ ዘው ዘው ስል አንድጋ እራሴን ባገኘው ብዬ አልተሳካም ምርጥ ዘመን እናመሰግናለን!!!

  • @at8148
    @at8148 4 роки тому +10

    መንጌ ጥሩ ስለሆነ እግዚአብሔር በህይወት አኑሮት እማማ ኢትዮጵያን የህፃን መንግስት መጫወቻ መሆኑን እያየ ነው

    • @mastwale..704
      @mastwale..704 4 роки тому


    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому

      ትክክል እሱ በስልጣኑ ስመጡበት ነው ያ ደሞ የመንግስታት ባህሪ ነው ወያኔ ሌባ ግን መሬት ለመንጠቅም ትገላለች

  • @dawitmekonnen3439
    @dawitmekonnen3439 4 роки тому +11

    የሚገርም ዘመን ነበር፡ 30 ዓመት እንደ ቀልድ፡ "ለካ ነበር እንዲህ ቅርብ ነው" አሉ ጣይቱ!!! እናመሠግናለን ወንድማችን።

  • @wedisegen
    @wedisegen 4 роки тому +5

    I was born in July 1989 in Addis Abeba. It feels amazing to see this. Thank you!

  • @Exploratorium360
    @Exploratorium360 5 років тому +28

    omg. I feel like i wake up from a dream. Classic time...everyone mind own business..I want bannna favorite...cinamon ...

    • @mussiebeyene8834
      @mussiebeyene8834 5 років тому

      Yonas?. It's yr old school mate. 😲. Felt the same. Right about when I left the Country. Shock to the system.

    • @ethiopialove9780
      @ethiopialove9780 5 років тому +1


  • @S.m543
    @S.m543 4 роки тому +5

    እናመሰግናለን ለወርቃማው ጊዜ ቪዲዮ

  • @abenetwoldesenbet9117
    @abenetwoldesenbet9117 2 роки тому

    Kalatoch yaterungal men beye legeletsew wooow zemen.banana mastika eskahun shetaw yenafekengal.Thank you for sharing

  • @MN-xf8xu
    @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому +10

    I like Mengistu he’s an hero.

  • @SF-jc1jl
    @SF-jc1jl 4 роки тому +5

    The year I went to Kenya for boarding school.Memories are flooding in.

  • @GeneralHensaleey
    @GeneralHensaleey 4 роки тому +6

    Old is gold

  • @እመቤቴአንቺታውቂያለሽ

    በስመአም እንዴታባቱ ደስስስስ እንደሚል

  • @φγπφ
    @φγπφ 4 роки тому +1

    ትዝታዪ እናቴ እምየ ሃገሬ!
    "ምነው አምና በሞትኩ እንዲያ እንዳማረብኝ..." አሉ። አይ ዘመን አይ ጊዜ!

  • @yonasteshome8995
    @yonasteshome8995 4 роки тому +2

    this is generation very good has been but now...thank you for sharing

  • @Hana-3838
    @Hana-3838 4 роки тому +3

    ወይ በዝናሕ ብቻ ማወቄ መንግስቱ ወይ አገሬ ሕይወት ይዛውም እንዲሕ አልተጨፈጨፍንም ወጥተን እንገባለን አሑን ሐይማኖት መታረጅያ ሖነ ጌታ መላ ስጠን

    • @alemasefa3402
      @alemasefa3402 4 роки тому +1

      no lemen ywashal suk yetelakena yedetese lej aymelesem nebere dergen aymelsew gen conerel aby saybes aykerem cahunu yasegal abeyen bachru E/r ykchelen wshetam asmesay new ethiopan lemafres yemysera sew new andneten ayfelgem ethiopan syman keyrwat kuch endayl mefrat new adamey afeshen zegtesh tekemteshal

    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому +1

      በደርግ ግዜ ሰላም ነው

  • @kitty-vk8ic
    @kitty-vk8ic 4 роки тому +5

    Watching this took me back my childhood memories thank you for sharing 😊

  • @kahsayalem5736
    @kahsayalem5736 4 роки тому +4

    መንግስቱ ኃይለማርያም የኢትዮጵያ እድገት ያሳይህ ፈጣሪ

  • @Cometooromia
    @Cometooromia 5 років тому +10

    where did you get this videos? Thanks for sharing. This are indeed treasures!!!

  • @TK_1448
    @TK_1448 5 років тому +4

    Thanks for sharing us ! 30 amet wedehual aye gize

  • @መዓዛጊዮርጊስ-ነ6ፈ
    @መዓዛጊዮርጊስ-ነ6ፈ 4 роки тому +4

    አንዲት እናት ሀገር ወይንም ሞት !!! ያለምንም ደም ኢትዮጵያ ትቅደም !!! ሁሉም ለእናት ሀገሩ ዘብ ይቁም !!! ይላል የመንጌ፡መፎክር መንጌን እወደዋለሁ ለሀገሩ ባለው ፍቅር 😍

  • @mesfinabdul6705
    @mesfinabdul6705 3 роки тому +2

    5:15-5:26 I know this Artist ,do you know him ???? still alive, # Seyoum Tefera
    #Biniam Hirut's History Tube thanks for uploading historical Video .

  • @babububa862
    @babububa862 5 років тому +2

    i think it is very historical and such videos should be promoted to post on youtube especially for young generation like us to know what this country looks like back...

  • @temesgenamlake5778
    @temesgenamlake5778 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing 💓💓

  • @lisaftaddesse8883
    @lisaftaddesse8883 5 років тому +19

    ያ ደግ ዘመን ሰው እድር በአንድነት የሚገባባት ወቅ በጎጥ ሳይከፋፈል

    • @alemasefa3402
      @alemasefa3402 4 роки тому

      ayzog yederg zemen eyemeyalachew new yesew nebs endektel yemaregef enat yalelej yemtykerbet zemen eyetemegachew new yaltenka glgel yakal dadel yemybalew ferg ahun metal lawem yebase hahaaa

  • @christopherherrera921
    @christopherherrera921 5 років тому +13

    The taxis are still blue and the public buses are still yellow and red. I think minute 12:27, where the portrait of Mengistu is, i think that is Meskel square. That area is so different. You got the museum there ,tall modern buildings, especially that tall one that by meskel square the overpasses,all kinds of stuff that a modern city has. If that is Meskel square; it has changed so much. Now in Addis you see tall rise building, modern buildings everywhere and many are going up as I text this. Also there seems to be way more people now in the streets walking and driving. Bole Airport is modernizing. Addis has metro, it has big road like the West ,for example Ring road and Airport Rd. Highways like Addis-Sidama Express way. It also has rendezvous and overpasses too. They are building a big modern soccer stadium. The city is super big in people and territory. Now there is condomiuns being buit at the outskirts of Addis; where Addis meets Oromo region. In the West of Addis like West of Bole Airport thete are building new real estate passing the Goro area. Goro area is whete the Addis-Adama Express way starts. That highway takes you to Adama. But even pass that,where Goro is,all the way to summit Condominiums the city extends. The city and the country are moving forward that is for sure. May God continue to bless Addis and all of Ethiopia. Once you go to a place like Ethiopia, like me being from the US ,once you go and experience the culture ,there is no going back. These people are good people. These are real people not like in the US. These people really got culture and tradition and values. But make no mistake these people will bravely defend their country and homes.

    • @Natiworku
      @Natiworku 5 років тому +1

      well said!

    • @adamovwole4585
      @adamovwole4585 5 років тому

      The small Lada Taxis are being planned to gradually to be replaced with Avanza cars or other ratheer bigger cars and increase the meter taxis around so I heard.Mnay Thanx for your kind words.Greetings from Ethiopia!!

    • @Yared542
      @Yared542 5 років тому

      It's a very positive encourage thank you

    • @MrLowrevia
      @MrLowrevia 5 років тому

      Culture? In the USA they do not circumsize young girls like in Ethiopia, it is a shame!

    • @A.D.540
      @A.D.540 4 роки тому

      @@MrLowrevia that is sin its a law god didn't create only men. Even science help people understand why God didn't ask for woman. Women die for it men don't unless u that person non-experience

  • @amourgagnetoujours
    @amourgagnetoujours 4 роки тому +2

    ድንቢጦቹ በጣም እወዳቸው ነበረ

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому +2

    very historical video thank you.

  • @abuhalidjemal1721
    @abuhalidjemal1721 5 років тому +9

    let's talk about the quality of the video

    • @hyper-novaa
      @hyper-novaa 4 роки тому

      musema jemal I know right!

  • @Medhanemichael-k1i
    @Medhanemichael-k1i 4 роки тому +1

    በጣም ደስ የሚል ቪዲዮ

  • @iamnate6415
    @iamnate6415 4 роки тому

    Wow classsic! I was born 2 months after the making of this video

  • @መደምደሚያበቀለ
    @መደምደሚያበቀለ 4 роки тому +3

    እኛ እኮ ጊዜ ሲቆይ እንረሳለን እንጅ የደርግ ፓሊስ በሉት ወታደር ክፉ ነበር የመጨረሻ ክፉ እኛ ብንረሳ ግን ግን እግዚአብሔር አይረሳም በኢትዮጵያ ላይ ግፍ ሚሰራ ሁሉ ሁሉ ጊዜውን ጠብቆ የከፈለዋል የዘራውን ሁሉም ሁሉም ያጭዳል የደርጉ ይየ ተከፍሎታል ይቀጥላል ለ30 አመታት ስልጣኑን እየተቀያየሩ ሚገዙት ከደረግ ቢከፋ እንጅ መቼ አየን ደግ ስረአት??? እንጠብቅ የእግዚአብሔርን ሰአት!!!!

  • @أميرةالحبالعلوي
    @أميرةالحبالعلوي 4 роки тому +1

    ይህንንካኪ ማየት አልፈልግም በተለይ የኢሰፓን ቱታ

  • @messyworld3577
    @messyworld3577 2 роки тому +1

    even if this was not a perfect Ethiopia, it is much better compared to the current horribly divided Ethiopia were innocent are dying in every corner of the country.

  • @mamokilo
    @mamokilo 5 років тому +9

    i was 9 at the time of this video but recall everything. My father used to take us for hair cut at the barber near the Lottery place. I also remember the Arada building when it was under construction. wow easy to navigate from point A to B but again it was 20 million population vs 100 million population

  • @adamovwole4585
    @adamovwole4585 5 років тому +3

    starting from '9:41 Ethiopin Television and Radio under construction.It took more than a decade to finish.5:10-5:15 Madonna and Rambo pictures.from 5:25 on Building Unconstruction of the Arada Building scene.It has on the entrance which says 1986 G.C

  • @zerihunlema8159
    @zerihunlema8159 5 років тому +2

    Thanks sir!

  • @getasewalemu4999
    @getasewalemu4999 9 місяців тому

    I am intersted to watch oldies video like this...😊

  • @achildofgod9954
    @achildofgod9954 4 роки тому +1

    The Golden times

  • @amourgagnetoujours
    @amourgagnetoujours 4 роки тому +3

    ከተማችን አየር ነበረው ያኔ። አሁን ገና ስንገባ አፍንጫችን ይቆስላል።

  • @አለንበጌታሁሉንአልፈንበጌ

    I miss tore mastika

  • @ethiopialove9780
    @ethiopialove9780 5 років тому +3

    beautiful time 🤔

    • @A.D.540
      @A.D.540 4 роки тому +1

      How was it beautiful the country people were more poor than today, their was so much war and death outside Addis. Stop taking drug

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      Thomas ABABA I know man Mengistu stole my Grand fathers land and my Grand mothers land also.

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      Thomas ABABA stole*

    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому


  • @mimishaadmasu5956
    @mimishaadmasu5956 4 роки тому


  • @at8148
    @at8148 4 роки тому

    ጥሩ ዘመን

  • @wedimeretertrawi7179
    @wedimeretertrawi7179 4 роки тому

    like it

  • @dubisatalkiye7712
    @dubisatalkiye7712 5 років тому +1

    I was born 6 years after this

  • @fauzisalh469
    @fauzisalh469 2 роки тому

    Iwas there before 8months everything was very easy and very cheap the transport through the city is 20 cents. .

    • @fauzisalh469
      @fauzisalh469 2 роки тому

      I mean before 8 months of this video

  • @andrewrichards8366
    @andrewrichards8366 4 роки тому +1

    Aĺl frenz and family of mengistu i would love to kno u

  • @africaunite3823
    @africaunite3823 4 роки тому +1

    I was 8 years old

    • @BB-mt2cl
      @BB-mt2cl 4 роки тому

      +8=40ፈርቅ መያዝ አይቻልም ክክክ

  • @esayaszewdie9519
    @esayaszewdie9519 4 роки тому

    Arada Building -Piassa wow great memory

  • @nabadraadshe
    @nabadraadshe 3 роки тому

    The look of the priest at the end of the video is priceless .

  • @belaydejene3547
    @belaydejene3547 5 років тому

    Thank you @Biniam Hirut !!!!!!!!!!

  • @Dior768
    @Dior768 4 роки тому

    በዚህ፡ግዜ፡እንደ፡እኔ፡አብዮት፡አደባባይ፡ትርኢት፡ያሳየ፡ like ፡በማድረግ፡አሳውቁኝ፡ለትውስታ።

  • @shemsedinsalih7740
    @shemsedinsalih7740 4 роки тому

    A moving video!

  • @abutiglu3641
    @abutiglu3641 5 років тому +8

    አይ ጊዜ!!!! ታኪሲ አይደለም አይ ጠብ ቅም ቆሞ

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому

    very Frofessional Camera Man. no one this time profe camera.

  • @johngoodman2762
    @johngoodman2762 5 років тому +8

    This video was made just after coupe attempt against Mengestu's regime which was may 1989. Two years later, after 17 years dictatorship Mengestu left the country.

  • @afromedz310
    @afromedz310 4 роки тому


  • @hyper-novaa
    @hyper-novaa 4 роки тому +2

    1981 መሆኑ ነው in EC?

  • @AMR_k400
    @AMR_k400 4 роки тому


  • @eth9546
    @eth9546 Рік тому

    ደጉ ዘመን፡፡

  • @SF-jc1jl
    @SF-jc1jl 4 роки тому +1

    Shout out if you remember that yellow bleach container next to the listro.😃

  • @alemababe6100
    @alemababe6100 4 роки тому +1

    bedhntem westm webet Ale leka

  • @ghirmaiyy
    @ghirmaiyy 5 років тому

    most of the cars are still on the road, especially the blue taxi.

  • @mahmudm7407
    @mahmudm7407 5 років тому

    Is the calendar GC or EC?

  • @tamerat8690
    @tamerat8690 4 роки тому

    Owww everybody was cool!!!

  • @reallifesomalilander441
    @reallifesomalilander441 4 роки тому

    Look Addis was cleaner in 1989 than 2019

  • @fuadmohamad6874
    @fuadmohamad6874 4 роки тому

    Des ymel tezta

  • @tsigeredatafese3672
    @tsigeredatafese3672 4 роки тому

    The population now is tripled now, it's almost impossible to see the road you walk in.

  • @fuadworkuahmed
    @fuadworkuahmed 5 років тому +3

    10:56 ስድስት ቁጥር ባስ😁😜

    • @aberhammelaku958
      @aberhammelaku958 5 років тому

      አንዳንዱ ምንም አይስትም,,,,,,,ሌላኛው ምንም አያይም

  • @debrituwoldekidan8348
    @debrituwoldekidan8348 4 роки тому +8

    ሁሉም በሀገሩ ላይ ሳይሸማቀቅ እንደፈለገ የሚሄድበት ዘመን ነበር እንተ ጉራጌ አንተ አማራ ከንባታ ወዘተ ሳይባባል የተኖረበት ዘመን አይ ጊዜ አሁን እድሜ ለወያኔ ሕውሓት እና ጃዋር በቀለ ገሪባ የጎሪጥ እየተያየን ዘር እየቆጠርን መኖር ጀመርን ወይ!ያጊዜ ተመልሶ ቢመጣ ምን ነበረበት?

    • @BB-mt2cl
      @BB-mt2cl 4 роки тому +3

      የፍለገ ብከፋን የ ደርግ ዘመን መናፈቅ ግን ያለ ማወቅ ነው የደርግ ግዜ መልካም ነገር በዘር ያለ መከፋፈል ነው ግን ዛሬ መን ይገደላል እየተባለ ምታደርበት ምዋልበት ግዜ ወንድ ልጅ ባል ወለድኩ ብላ እናት ምትፀፀትበት ግዜ አንዱ ቀይ ሽብር አንዱ የ መንግስት ደጋፊ ነክ እያሉ በየ ተራቸው ወጣቱን ከናቱ ስር ኣውጥተው የምረሽኑበት እናት ልጁዋን መቅበር ማትችልበት ግዜ ሀብት ማፍራት ወንጀል የሆነበት ግዜ የደርግ ግዜን በጭራሽ መመኘት አያስፈልግም የለቅሶ የጦርነት ዘመን ልይነቱ አንድ የኢትዮጵያ ይባላል ግን ሁሉም ይገደላል።ህዋት ያመጣቺው ክፉ ነገር ዘረኝነት ክልል እያሉ አገር ማከፋፋል ነው።

    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому +1

      ትክክል ደርግ በወያኔ አይንመልሀክ ነው ደርግ ስሄድ በዛ አበቃ ወያኔ ተባራ ግን መርዙ አሁንም ያባላናል ወደፍትም እንደአገር ለመቀጠል ፈጣር ይግባ ወያኔ እባብ ነው

    • @redaeastbeha5034
      @redaeastbeha5034 4 роки тому

      wishatam dedeb be addiss ababa bicha now selam neber. beteley be Tigray ena Eritrea gin hizb bejimal eye regefe neber.

    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому +1

      @@BB-mt2cl ክክክክክ እወሀት ያመጣችው ብለክ አቀለልከው የደርግን ግን ዘረዘርከው የወያኔን መከፋፈል አልከው??? ብቃ? ለእስካሁን መገዳደልስ የደርግ እኮ በስልጣኑ ካልመጣክ አይነካህም በቃ ለእናት አገር ዝግጁነት ያለ ነው ኤርትራም ሰዋ መሄድ ግድ ነው ወያኔም መቀሌ ሆና ጀምራለች የባሰ ከመጣ ደሞ እንብያላትን ትገላለች ግንግን ግን ከምንምበላይ ግብረሰዶም ማስፋፋት ነው የደርግ እኮ እንዴዳልከው በሁሉም እትዮፕያው ነው ወያኔ ግን የዘራው መርዝ ወያኔም ተባራ እስካሁን መገዳደል እና ስደት አለ አየክ? ደርግስ ስሄድ አበቃ የወያኔ መርዝ ግን እፅናት እስከመታረድ ሌላው ደርግ መሬት ከአራሹ አለ መሬት የህዝብ አለ ወያኔ ግን መሬት የመንግስት ብሎ ዘመናት ያፈሩትን ሜዳ እየጣለ ልጆቻቸው በስደት በየበረሀ የአውሬ እራት ሆኑ ደርግ መጠን ያለፈ ሀብት የሀብት ክፍፍል በምል ምንም ለሌላቸው ከተትረፈረፋቸው ሰዎች አካፍሏል ደርግ መሀይምነትን አስወግዷል ወያኔ ደሞ የት/ት ፖልስውንገላ እስከአስረኛ አለች መርከብ አይሮፕላን ዘረፋውን ተወው ከምንም በላይ ትግሬ ብቻ እንድበለፅግ ያለቀረጥ እንድነግዱ ተደርጏል ታርክ አይደለም አይናችን ያየው ነው ደሞ በወያኔስ እናት አላለቀሰችም? በየስር ቤት ወንዶችአልተደፈሩም? ከባዱ ነገር ክትግሬዎች በቀር ሌላው እንደሁለተኛ ዜጋ?! ከአይምሮ በላይ ነው በገዛ አገራችን ሌላው ደርግ ሀይማኖት የለሽ ነው ወያኔ ግን የ 666 ተከታዮች ናቸው ግብረስዶሞች ናቸው ደርግ በስልጣኑ ከመጡበት ነው አለቀ ወይኔ መሬትህን ሀብትህን ለመዝረፍ ይገልሀል በየት አገር ነው የገዛ አገሩን ለጠላት አሳልፎ የሚሰጥ??? ይአኝዋክ ዜጎችን ጨርሰው መሬት የሸጡ ናቸው የአማሮችን መሬት ለመውሰድ ጄኖሳድ የፈፀሙ ናቸው ብዙ መዘርዘር ይቻላል ደርግ ከማንም አገራት የምያገኘው እርዳታ የለም ግንያንያህል ስደት የለም ወያኔ ከአሜርካ ከአውሮፓ ህብረት ከአለም ባንክ ከስውድን ያንሁል ዶላር እያገኝ ህዝብ ግን እረሀብ ስደት ነበር ለምን ለራሳቸው ለሽርሙጥና ቻይና የምሄዱ ቀላላሎች ቆሻሾች ናቸው ብቻ እትዮጵይንም ህዝቡንም ይጠላሉ ብዙ ያልተነተንኩት አለ ደርግ የአገርም ፍቅር አለው ወያኔ ያቀበረው መርዝ ግን ተባራም አልቀረ ወደፍትም ያሰጋል አገር ያፈረሰን የብንዳ ውላጆችን ከደርግ ጋር???? በወያኔ አይን ደርግ መልሀክ ነው በርግጥ የወያኔ ተጠቃምዎች ወያኔ ይሻላችዋል

    • @MN-xf8xu
      @MN-xf8xu 4 роки тому +1

      @@redaeastbeha5034 ክክክክክክክ በትግራይ ህና በአስመራ??? እነሱ ግን ፀበል ነበር የምረጩት? ድንጋይ ራስ

  • @hyper-novaa
    @hyper-novaa 4 роки тому

    05:20 zemen drama lay emiseraw sweye 😅😅

  • @corydee9449
    @corydee9449 4 роки тому +1

    So they had 4K cameras in 1989? 🤣

  • @berhanali1658
    @berhanali1658 4 роки тому +1

    መንግሥቱን እጠላዋለሁ

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому

    Hair style, wearing style.

  • @MikeMike-bc7jg
    @MikeMike-bc7jg 4 роки тому +1

    At 12:21 is that Chinese flag?🤔🤔

  • @ismaelhabib7035
    @ismaelhabib7035 5 років тому +1

    እስከ አሁን

  • @hashahsa9409
    @hashahsa9409 5 років тому +7

    መንጌ ጀግናው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የሚመራው አጥቶ በቄሮ እየተመራ ይገኛል በቁም ሞተናል ተዋርደናል

    • @mahmudm7407
      @mahmudm7407 5 років тому


    • @ghirmaiyy
      @ghirmaiyy 5 років тому

      menge fertach feri new. Ethiopia lewidket yedaregat menge new.

    • @adadis2002
      @adadis2002 4 роки тому

      @@ghirmaiyy yematakewn atawra

    • @adadis2002
      @adadis2002 4 роки тому

      @Hannah Cabana tikkl bleshal

  • @tamerat8690
    @tamerat8690 4 роки тому

    No much change from the then Addis!

  • @endod8708
    @endod8708 5 років тому +3

    5:11 the bubble gums are bigger thab their current size

  •  5 років тому

    This is Mininilk, Hailesilase and Minilik II civilization.

  • @tamerat8690
    @tamerat8690 4 роки тому +1

    Owww my 'tor mastica'....hahahhahaha

  • @messyworld3577
    @messyworld3577 2 роки тому

    it looks like Eritrea now.

  • @israelmesfin4958
    @israelmesfin4958 4 роки тому

    89 የኛ ነዉ ወይስ የፈረንጆቹ?

    • @amourgagnetoujours
      @amourgagnetoujours 4 роки тому

      የፈረንጆቹ ነው እንጂ በእኛ 89 ወያኔ ነበረች። በ83 አይደል የገባችው?

    • @teddymeta6254
      @teddymeta6254 4 роки тому

      1981 Ethiopian 89 (European)

  • @andrewrichards8366
    @andrewrichards8366 4 роки тому

    Mengistu we kno your kids

  • @bettyb5813
    @bettyb5813 4 роки тому

    😮 😯 😲 🇪🇹

  • @sisaymersha8768
    @sisaymersha8768 4 роки тому

    i hope the lottery guy is now millionaire

  • @FreeSoul76
    @FreeSoul76 5 років тому +3

    weyeyet taxis😂

  • @natebersh6507
    @natebersh6507 4 роки тому +1

    we didnt know in about two years time a mafia group will take the power and take all the innocenous of this loving people! I am sure all the kids playing football on that field dont care about which conner of the country you came from!

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому

    ሽንኩርት የሚሰበስቡትም አሳቁኝ

  • @henosw3063
    @henosw3063 4 роки тому

    Menge ante koshasha ahya 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👎

  • @markgrund9677
    @markgrund9677 5 років тому +2

    Big thanks to wayane

    • @biblicalfacts3409
      @biblicalfacts3409 5 років тому +2

      i hope that is rhetorical

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      Real thanks to Mengistu the stealer he stole every thing from every one that didn’t agreed with him.

  • @onelove2817
    @onelove2817 2 роки тому

    The butcher of Ethiopia, Mengistu Haile Mariam.

  • @mulugetaseleshi7422
    @mulugetaseleshi7422 4 роки тому +1

    በአፄ ሃይለሥላሴ ዘመነ መንግስት የመንግሥቱ ሃ/ ማሪያምን ከንፈር የሚያክል ሥጋ በ0 ፡ 50 ሣንቲም ይሸጥ ነበረ።

    • @Tigist-j6h
      @Tigist-j6h 4 роки тому

      😂😂😂😂😂 ere gud

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому +1

    I love Mengistu

    • @debrituwoldekidan8348
      @debrituwoldekidan8348 4 роки тому

      Me too

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      Why do you love this guy he stole land form my grand father and grand mother these people that he stole for were the sons and daughters of people that fought Italian war in 1935-1941 and were kind people and saints he is a thief he has no right to steal land form people and he was an atheist he didn’t believe in a God.

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      @Hannah Cabana From the poor people what are you talking about???? Mengistu Near the end of his career gave land back

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      @Hannah Cabana Well I’ll tell you what stealing land form people is not justice.

    • @Hi-xu9xn
      @Hi-xu9xn 4 роки тому

      @Hannah Cabana First of All how do you know they stole the land you have no evidence that proves personally that my Family stole the land.

  • @gizachewalemnesh1611
    @gizachewalemnesh1611 4 роки тому


  • @berhanali1658
    @berhanali1658 4 роки тому

    ሌባ በመንግሥቱ ምክንያት ነው የኢትዮጲያ ህዝብ ያለቀው

    • @AMR_k400
      @AMR_k400 4 роки тому

      Weyane min libal new

  • @meseretgglove8093
    @meseretgglove8093 3 роки тому +1

    these people are not aware that they are looking straight into the future