29th Oct 2022 VWH Open Meet, South Farm

  • Опубліковано 26 січ 2025
  • ** HIT REPORT **
    29th October 2022
    Vale of the White Horse Hunt
    Open Meet, South Farm
    Today was the first open meet of the season for VWH at South Farm. We started the day by presabbing a few areas we know the hunt like to frequent, which involved sett checking and spraying any wildlife trails in advance with citronella.
    We proceeded back to the meet along the bridleway known as Phyo, which is another of their favourite locations. Today the hunt stayed close to the marshy areas close to the rivers. On numerous occasions they appeared to be picking up and a couple of times they doubled back on themselves to pick up on the trial they would have laid earlier. It was very strange to see so many terriermen present as we all know that they have no place on a trail hunt? The suspicious actions of people hanging around in fields on quad bikes did however give us cause for concern.
    They did end up at an area known as the punch bowl, which was an area we had presabbed earlier. Today was very successful and we were able to keep up with them all day, giving them a few surprises when they thought they must have lost us. Reluctantly they packed up at 4.30pm so a long day but a good result for our foxes.
    We understand this is a tough time for everybody at the moment, but if you can please spare a couple of quid as a donation this would mean a great deal to us. Our bank details are below along with links to purchasing prints by the amazing Kate Louise Powell. 50% of the profits are given to South West Sabs so not only will you be supporting us but you will also be supporting a talented animal rights artist at the same time.
    Thank you all for your continued support.
    Link to Kate’s shop
    Please send donations to:
    South West Hunt Sabs
    Our online shop:
    #keeptheban #trailoflies #enoughisenough #unitedagainsthunting #strengthentheban #huntsaboteurs #animalrights #animalsmatter #trailhunting #huntsabs #trailhuntlies #animalactivists #animalcruelty #saveourfoxes #southwestsabs #huntsabssavelives #smokescreen #AHAB #saveourbadgers #stopthecull #endthebadgercull