Lecture 03: The Book of Genesis - Dr. Bill Barrick

  • Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
  • www.tms.edu


  • @skipsmominhouston
    @skipsmominhouston 4 роки тому +10

    Dr Bill is full of knowledge and wisdom. I admire that he is also a man of deep faith and his love for God’s holy word is evident.

  • @larryjones2901
    @larryjones2901 3 роки тому +4

    Great study of Genesis! Answers a lot of questions.
    The Truth is always in the details

  • @ewita7272
    @ewita7272 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you God for Your servants, teachers.

  • @goldenpeacock9598
    @goldenpeacock9598 3 роки тому +1

    Dr. Bill is a ardent faithful man in God Almighty and so his wisdom and knowledge . This kind of people is necessary for China nation. Dr. Bill Barrick Brother is a Russian national in birthright I think so
    Dr. Daniel Simon Keralam India

  • @SAOProductions1955
    @SAOProductions1955 3 роки тому +4

    "God has a plan "A" but no plan "B". " Brilliant!

  • @sallylauper8222
    @sallylauper8222 8 років тому +7

    Skip to 20:51 for a good schematic overview of Genesis Verse 1-7.

  • @chabito79
    @chabito79 15 годин тому

    00:01 - "Estábamos viendo el texto de Génesis 1 y habíamos comenzado a hablar sobre el versículo 2 y la teoría del vacío, que propone explicar largas edades de tiempo."
    00:40 - "La teoría del vacío sugiere que hubo una creación perfecta, seguida de la rebelión de Satanás, lo que causó destrucción y caos en la Tierra."
    01:25 - "La gramática hebrea en el versículo 2 no permite que la Tierra se vuelva vacía y desordenada; ya estaba en ese estado como resultado de la actividad creadora de Dios."
    02:05 - "La Septuaginta usa una forma de 'genomei' para enfatizar un estado de existencia continua, no de devenir."
    02:48 - "En Éxodo 20:8-11, se nos dice que Dios creó los cielos, la Tierra, el mar y todo lo que contienen en seis días, lo que incluye el versículo 1 de Génesis."
    03:31 - "Si Satanás cayó antes de los seis días de la creación, ¿cómo podría la creación de Dios ser llamada 'muy buena' al final del sexto día?"
    04:13 - "Es más lógico y consistente con las Escrituras colocar la caída de Satanás después del séptimo día, antes de la tentación en Génesis 3."
    04:57 - "Ezequiel 28:13 y Isaías 14 nos dan descripciones de la caída de Satanás y su naturaleza."
    05:38 - "La teoría del vacío solo se necesita para acomodar millones y miles de millones de años según las conclusiones teóricas de la ciencia secular."
    06:19 - "Tanto los científicos seculares como los creyentes en la Biblia creemos por fe en nuestras respectivas creencias sobre los orígenes."
    07:00 - "No hemos llegado a nuestras conclusiones sobre la creación por observación o razonamiento, sino por fe en la revelación divina de Dios."
    07:42 - "En Génesis 1:3, Dios dijo: 'Haya luz', y la luz vino a la existencia."
    08:25 - "El patrón en Génesis 1 es que Dios habla, sucede lo que Él dice, y luego Él evalúa y nombra lo que ha creado."
    09:18 - "La frase 'y así fue' enfatiza que lo que Dios dijo sucedió exactamente como lo dijo."
    10:37 - "La frase 'y así fue' es una declaración enfática de que lo que se registró como lo que Dios ordenó es exactamente lo que sucedió."
    11:22 - "El orden de 'y así fue' cambia en el tercer día, lo que puede indicar un énfasis en la importancia de ese día."
    12:01 - "El patrón de Dios hablando, actuando y evaluando se repite a lo largo de los seis días de la creación."
    12:22 - "La tarde y la mañana del primer día indican que la oscuridad existía antes de que Dios dijera: 'Haya luz'."
    13:04 - "La medida de los días en Génesis 1 es desde la tarde hasta la mañana, lo que establece el patrón del Sabbat judío."
    14:16 - "Un error en la traducción al bengalí resultó en una creación de ocho días en lugar de siete."
    15:26 - "Es importante confiar en los hablantes nativos y en los asesores lingüísticos al traducir la Biblia."
    16:05 - "El uso de 'akkad' en Números 7 también indica una unidad de dos partes en uno."
    17:20 - "La creación de Dios es buena, y Él lo declara así desde el principio."
    18:07 - "Dios es omnisciente y sabe todas las cosas, incluyendo cómo los hombres caídos distorsionarán las Escrituras."
    19:26 - "El patrón de Dios hablando, actuando y evaluando continúa en los días cuatro, cinco y seis de la creación."
    20:08 - "El sexto día tiene tres rondas de Dios hablando, lo que puede indicar la importancia de la creación del hombre."
    20:51 - "El séptimo día es diferente porque Dios descansa y bendice el día."
    21:40 - "Cualquier cosa fuera del orden común es una clave exegética para preguntar por qué es diferente."
    22:22 - "Dios es un buen Dios que crea un buen ambiente para la humanidad."
    23:08 - "La creación de Dios es buena y no debe ser malinterpretada como caótica o mala."

  • @JerseyGurl4Life
    @JerseyGurl4Life Рік тому +1

    I'm sorry, what is missing in day 5 in the first chapter of Genesis? I can't make out what he's saying.
    In the transcript, that word or phrase says "he came". I know that's not right.

  • @RobbertVeen
    @RobbertVeen 7 років тому +1

    At 17:51 he does not remember right, the text in Num. 7:12 says hajom harishon, the first, and not jom echad as in Gen. 1:5.

  • @kvelez
    @kvelez 2 роки тому

    How should a Christian handle Ancient Near Eastern Context interpretation?

  • @mugglescakesniffer3943
    @mugglescakesniffer3943 Рік тому +1

    Gap theory is not origin theory. it's about what happened between the start and now.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Рік тому

      is this not the same thing.....

    • @mugglescakesniffer3943
      @mugglescakesniffer3943 Рік тому

      no, origin theory is how the universe starts. Not what happens after it starts.@@philipbuckley759

  • @RandallJackwak
    @RandallJackwak 2 роки тому

    It's pretty obvious why you have the error mentioned at the 15 minute mark: you include God creating the heavens and earth on day one, but really day one is God conceiving light out of the void. That's it. But that separation of light from the darkness of the void is also time.

    • @RandallJackwak
      @RandallJackwak 2 роки тому

      "the heavens and earth" in Genesis 1.1 speaks of the entirety of his creation. We then move to a recapitulation of what is prior to creation, i.e. "without form and void" to the completion of his project "the heavens and the earth"---conceiving light is day one, and time itself.

    • @IndyFied
      @IndyFied 7 місяців тому

      In the beginning GOD created the Heavens and the earth: then GOD explains that the earth was void and without form thus since darkness was on the face of the deep, He said let there be light. He separated the light from the darkness calling the light day and the darkness night. therefore that was 1 day. Day 1... personally I do not think any of us will ever understand Genesis 1 neither Hebrews or Revelation. Grace alone by faith. The same reason Jesus said whoever believes in Me shall inherit the Kingdom . That is Faith. Genesis is Faith. Hebrews is Faith, Revelation is Faith that Christ Jesus died on the Cross for our sins and was resurrected on the 3rd day and sits at the right hand of GOD the Father. And will come back to judge the living and the dead. That my friends is Scriptural Faith. Knowing and accepting the Living GOD. Receiving His Grace through our Faith in His eternal love and Divine order.

  • @wrestle4life234
    @wrestle4life234 4 роки тому

    The peeps at AnswersInGenesis might have something to say about taking Genesis 1 by faith. I know they got lots of good stuff on Genesis 6-11

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Рік тому

    please, repeat the question, for the video....

  • @DanasWanderlustCrochet
    @DanasWanderlustCrochet Рік тому

    Overview, chapter 1 7:30

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Рік тому

    a belief system, based on statistics.....it is not only not probable, but not possible that life could have arisen, by chance....regardless of the time, involved, etc....

  • @greglogan7706
    @greglogan7706 5 років тому +1

    Doctor Bill,
    Thank you for being very honest about how you your epistomology related to The Bible.
    Thank you for openly/honestly acknowledging that you simply "accept it by faith"
    My question - what does that even mean?
    I not getting that it means anything more than a lively imagination - essentially a child-like, made up fairy tale...

    • @williamnathanael412
      @williamnathanael412 3 роки тому +1

      Allow me to attempt to answer your question. I parallelize 'by faith' with trusting other people's testimonies. We tend to (and ought to) trust the testimonies of others (in the absence of counterarguments/counterevidence), despite no purely rational arguments can be made on why we should trust statements made by other human beings. Thus, if it is okay to trust other people, why are we so hesitant about trusting our Creator?

    • @karenstork4717
      @karenstork4717 3 роки тому +1

      A little child is humble, trusting, quick to rejoice, quick to forgive, and simple. He knows his place, has little ambition or greed, and loves with his whole being. He does not let his intellect hide his heart or soul. A little child is humble, trusting, quick to rejoice, quick to forgive, and simple. Jesus Yeshua said “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3), and “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). An Overactive Imagination ?? A Fairytale ?? That's Wonderful Dr. Barrick has that characteristic (like a child) and Will be going HOME to his Maker When It's his time.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Рік тому

    I dont understand this ones explanation of the grammatical tense used in Genesis....as I was taught future tense, vs past tense....the world became, or the world was....

  • @greglogan7706
    @greglogan7706 5 років тому

    Dr. Bill,
    Unless I am really missing something big, you still have not addressed the foundational issue of manuscript evidence and the fact that the Hebrew manuscripts date from the 10th and 11th century.
    I understand that there are manuscripts in the dead sea scrolls - therefore, that would be a key element to work through so that we actually have a basis for all the words that were so minutely dissecting.

    • @jonasanf
      @jonasanf 4 роки тому +1

      Hi, do you know about hebraic? I need to help for interpret Genesis 1, i'm writing a ebook about Genesis 1 and the relation with Flat Earth, but of a critical perspective.

    • @greglogan7706
      @greglogan7706 Рік тому

      No - but there are critical Hebrew scholars - I would reference two or three -
      Try Dr. Kipp Davis, Dr James Tabor - James actually re-translated the Hebrew text in the more literal fashion....very interesting.

    • @jonasanf
      @jonasanf Рік тому

      oh, thanks bro, but i resigned of the subject a long time ago hahah@@greglogan7706

  • @nativeflight7079
    @nativeflight7079 8 місяців тому

    I want to get a bible so I can start reading it. Which is the mos accurately translated?

    • @nikkoval8490
      @nikkoval8490 4 місяці тому

      King James Bible, esv, rsv

    • @SlaveofChrist1
      @SlaveofChrist1 16 днів тому

      The NASB and now the LSB are factually the most accurate translations, the most literal the RSV was a liberal translation that should be avoided and the ESV is derived from it so it’s worrisome. The KJV is not from the Greek or Hebrew but from the Latin, and it’s textus receptus, so it is like a translation of a translation of a translation. But the NASB and especially the LSB are literally pulled from the text and stay accurate and literal

  • @MichaelGaribaldi
    @MichaelGaribaldi 5 років тому

    Good comment about God calling his creation good. It's a good contrast to the Sumna Alu (Sumerian myth of creation!)

  • @jerryfortenberry1956
    @jerryfortenberry1956 5 років тому

    I don't know Hebrew. I wish I had this chart but with the Hebrew translated into English.

  • @dunoze
    @dunoze 5 років тому

    The Jews counting the day as starting in the evening began in the intertestamental period as before that time the day had began from dawn .

  • @mugglescakesniffer3943
    @mugglescakesniffer3943 Рік тому

    there is proof positive the Earth is more than 6000 years old that is not in dispute. Gap theory or no Gap theory. Usage of the verb was for what they knew and believed at the time without the benefit of science. Do you think the author that used that specific verb would have written it that way if they knew all we know about science right now?

  • @greglogan7706
    @greglogan7706 5 років тому

    I don't think that Dr Bill translated Hebrews 11.1 correctly ....and, as such, I'm uncertain he has an accurate understanding of the what faith actually is...🤔

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Рік тому +1

      could you please elaborate...

    • @greglogan7706
      @greglogan7706 Рік тому

      Thanks for your question!
      I would have to go back to the class to provide an accurate assessment - and if I have a chance , I will do so...

  • @aquillafleetwood8180
    @aquillafleetwood8180 6 років тому +1

    Google, the Northern Cross, by Aquilla Fleetwood, youtube!
    Google, Night Signs, by Aquilla Fleetwood, youtube!
    Genesis 1: 14, the stars shall be for signs!
    Psalms 75: 6, says exaltation comes from God out of the north!

  • @mugglescakesniffer3943
    @mugglescakesniffer3943 Рік тому

    If God's creation is good then why did it become corrupt if he knows all? In a sense he was caught by surprise because he never just simply looked a head and created a creation to be perfect from beginning to end. Why the oopsie? That is not perfection.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 Рік тому

      when was Jesus crucified....according to the Bible...who was the one....slain, from the foundation, of the earth....in Rev 13.8

    • @mugglescakesniffer3943
      @mugglescakesniffer3943 Рік тому

      Nice apolyptic language you're now taking as literal.@@philipbuckley759

  • @RandallJackwak
    @RandallJackwak 2 роки тому

    25:41 "There is no plan B." **WRONG** God changes his mind all the time. Look at Genesis 6.6. He comes to be sorry that he made man. But then he changes his plan again when he sees Noah.

  • @prico3358
    @prico3358 3 роки тому

    Why are they all dressed formally?
    I didnt know this was a thing.. i didnt noticed this.. so .. for some reason i imagine class to be casual dress code.
    I mean.. you are learning... The most brilliant scientist minds do not dress up. Also if this is a biblical class.. you should not worry about the clothes you wear.. so why dress up code?