Are Root Canals Killing Us? Let’s Talk About Root Cause The Movie

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @louisehondel2761
    @louisehondel2761 5 місяців тому +12

    For the past 4 years I have felt extremely ill. I was very fatigued, developed tachycardia and skin conditions, felt inflamed in brain and eyes and my sleep worsened. I was miserable. I suspected a root canal infection in one or more of my RC teeth but a regular x ray didn't find one till 2 months ago. Because it was not found by the dentist he didn't have any guidance on whether I should remove 1 or more and my husband was very against me looking into it more so I suffered longer than I had to. Since the dentist recently found a infection my husband then agreed to letting me decide without getting mad if he didn't agree. I had the tooth out 10 days ago and I already feel like I used to. I feel that regular dentists are crap and that there isn't enough warning against RC teeth. My life was needlessly a living hell for 4 years.

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  5 місяців тому +1

      Yes, an infection will potentially do this but it does not mean necessarily that all root canal teeth cause an issue but we do need to be open to this as a profession, listen to our patients and be willing to not be rigid with a black-and-white it is this or that approach. If a root filling has failed, and the tooth is infected then yes it should be re-treated or removed as infection will impact health, just like an infected unroot-filled tooth will.

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  5 місяців тому +1

      and glad you are feeling better.

    • @louisehondel2761
      @louisehondel2761 5 місяців тому +2

      @@EvolveDentalHealing I didn't say all RC teeth need to be removed since I am unsure and still have one in my mouth because unsure what is best for me. My point is that it is not well known by most people that RC teeth can cause illness and that affects people like me. I told 2 dentists how ill I was and neither thought it could be my mouth despite all the other tests I had done with my primary. I even had a reoccurring sore on the roof of my mouth next to one of my RC teeth appear at the time of a check up and it didn't dawn on her that it could possibly because of a RC tooth infection. Maybe that documentary is wrong in many ways but at least it is alerting people that RC teeth can cause problems. When I watched a year ago, I recognized some of the same symptoms in myself but my husband wouldn't even consider trusting anyone but a regular dentist. It isn't just a problem with RC teeth but also vaccines and pharma and the allopathic system in general that are contributing to chronic illness. Anyway I am sure you are a great dentist and do the best for you clients but most people don't have access or the money for good dentistry. The doc was helpful to me in deciding what I should do though I didn't just 100 percent believe it all but that goes for everything I hear. People should be given the opportunity to hear different sides and dig deeper.

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  5 місяців тому +2

      Hi Louise - I agree with you, but want to make sure for anyone reading the comments that this doesn't apply to all root filled teeth but ones that are infected.
      And yes dentists need more training in the oral-systemic link and that dental issues can cause symptoms elsewhere. And we certainly need to raise awareness of this across the profession and for the public without making people fearful of root canal which unfortunately for some has happened due to the movie and other information on the internet.
      I appreciated this discussion as I feel it will support so many people.
      I see daily though patients who are terrified to get a root canal because the believe it will make them ill and I have to spend a lot of my time putting forth all sides of the situation to support them to decide what they feel is best for them with as much balanced information as I can.

    • @dannylaza1326
      @dannylaza1326 4 місяці тому +2

      @@EvolveDentalHealing "Not all root filled teeth". It's only a matter of time till the infection spreads. So yes, it is all root canaled teeth. You can't fully clean it out so it's only a matter of time. People who don't have symptoms are because their body is fighting it off for now. I'm young and finally need one, but I choose now to get an implant instead. I know a lot of people with root canals and always have to get re-done or pulled anyway. Even the pro-root canal dentists are now saying that they don't agree with root canals on the uppers since its close to the sinuses. what you're saying would "MAYBE" be true to some extent if you could clearly see an infection with a 2D scan but you really can't unless perhaps it's really really bad. Nobody wants to get a CBCT every couple of months to check. I told my last 2 dentists my concerns when they said "you want to save your teeth, you're young" and they both agreed what I'm saying is correct (I went into more detail with them). Both hygienists heard this convo and gasped that if they knew that they might have not gotten them. People need to do more research. I also need to get my silver fillings removed. There is no level of mercury that is safe in the body. "But its in solid form blahblahblah", it gets released when you chew which has been proven on CT. Common sense told me not to get them but I listened to my dentist. I don't believe my dentist was trying to harm me, but you guys are in a cult and only know what you're taught. The funny part is everyone claims to be open minded but really what they mean is they are only open minded to what they want to believe. No dentist wants to go against what they were taught in dental school or the ADA. Cough cough covid vaccine. Btw those silver fillings are being phased out, wonder why?? I thought they were safe. Anyhow I'm done ranting

  • @HRBuddy376
    @HRBuddy376 5 місяців тому +1

    this is such a balanced piece and takes out the emotive fear-mongering that surrounds this topic

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  5 місяців тому

      epic thanks

    • @maribelcortez4420
      @maribelcortez4420 29 днів тому

      @@HRBuddy376 people are in the hospital for this reason. It crippled me of a healthy live . They are hidden life threatening risks. The health conditions of every human being be considered. I spent thousands of dollars to be well after getting 3 root canals and failed shortly after my dentist that he didn't know what happened to my immune system. He didn't bother to ask questions either. He referred me to a specialist and decided to find a dentist were they do all. They recommend to redo the root canals ignoring my health condition CHOSTOCHONDRITIS I dealt with inflammation. I couldn't have been stable for some time but soon my health began to decline more than ever like a roller coaster after covid-19 survivor more. Eight months later a thyroid toxicity crisis storm losing 30 lbs like flu symptoms. A lymph nodule on my right side area of three root canals.
      I went to Integrative Natural Health to get back on shape. There for a year or more I gotten IV treatments, improved my diet, food sensitivity tests, starting supplements. At times I was well and then low energy, sleepy, pains, the ear ringing, sensitive mild pain in the ear. Pains coming down the right side, vision loss, allergies, flu like symptoms. To make it short the root canals were leaking for some time recently 3 dentist and the hollistic that stopped doing root canals that root canals ate like trees rotten root. There's bacteria left behind, dead tissue. With me bacteria became resistant, this dentist that studied in India with 30 yrs experience life saving. He recommended extract all four root canals. The three that showed infection, mild sinus infection, bone loss, and the one that did show infection on 3 d rays. Why wait ? The one that didn't have infection was the worst one. All with infections, mold, rusty. Body on working fighting this bacterias can be for long time. My high blood pressure had increased. My primary care physician wanted to start meds for it. It has improved to normal levels from:140 , 150 s -160 . It should be offered based on health conditions and transparency of risks. I didn't anything about risks but if they fail we can redo and can still be effective to saving your tooths. They can leak and not show on 3 d xrays, they can overfill, miss canal, bacteria can become resistant learn to live without oxygen, antibiotics can't treat inside the root, they can travel to the body cause damage, tumors, cancer per many proffetionals reports. Everything comes up to light. What is good for some not for others. Their ignoring the symptoms, health decline because if the xrays don't show infection, leaking, all normal in a lot of trouble for me about 7 years. Something got to change. I to a hollistic dentist no root canals because they see what root canals are causing and they will rott and fail. .

  • @janamoran189
    @janamoran189 Рік тому +13

    Root Canals aren't something I ever want again.

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  6 місяців тому +1

      Agree that’s why I’m so big on true preventative dental care

  • @terrydow2215
    @terrydow2215 Рік тому +2

    Thanks. My double posted cap covering the root canal fell out. It has not hurt ever and once the stench was cleaned out at the hygienist, the micro-biom recovered nicely. No more issues. X ray was okay considering.

  • @bearants
    @bearants Рік тому +21

    Dead teeth. Dying body.

  • @manamana6117
    @manamana6117 6 місяців тому +3

    this lady has changed my mind in a big way.i have to root canals with mercury and was thinking of getting then pulled.i am now thinking i will just get the mecury out

  • @theflyingdog9648
    @theflyingdog9648 3 місяці тому +3

    Weston Price apparently removed a root canalled tooth from a patient who developed heart problems after having the root canal done. The patient's heart problems went away. Weston Price stitched the root canalled tooth into a rabbit, it had a heart attack within a week, as did the next rabbit he tried putting it into......

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  3 місяці тому +1

      interestingly nobody has since been able to replicate his results which raises questions about the validity of his experiments and the methods applied

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  3 місяці тому +1

      Price’s studies were found to be flawed in the sense that they lacked proper control groups, used excessive doses of bacteria, and had bacterial contamination during teeth extraction, leading to experimental biases.

    • @theflyingdog9648
      @theflyingdog9648 3 місяці тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealing That sounds like the same flawed arguments against Paul Marik's findings on sepsis & vitamin c, purposely using different methods to his to make the experiments fail.

    • @capitcha
      @capitcha Місяць тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealingI agree with what you’re saying. Price’s studies are very intriguing considering his conclusions, but without proper evidence besides anecdotes its hard to take it 100% serious. Which is a bummer because I would love to know if what he’s saying is correct, as I have similar concerns as Price’s patients.

    • @toothrestorer6588
      @toothrestorer6588 6 днів тому

      The techniques used in endodontics 100 years ago, we not up to the standards of today. That would be like comparing brain surgery 100 years ago to what is done today. As for putting untreated tissue from another species and the recipient having health issues, that is expected. Did he use controls and put healthy teeth from humans into rabbits? Was he actually trained well enough to determine the cause of death of the rabbits?

  • @julieatlife1924
    @julieatlife1924 6 місяців тому +2

    My 8 yr old son had decay and his upper first and second molar was damaged. So dr suggested to do a root canal. So now he has a cap over there. I’m concerned. What can I do to help my kid not get sick? Or to prevent any infection?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  6 місяців тому +1

      at this age it is most likely that these will be his baby teeth and the treatment is slightly different to an adult tooth as these teeth will be lost and replaced by the adult ones around 11-12 yrs of age. They normally place an antimicrobial paste in the tooth which is a different material to what we place in adult teeth
      The other option is to try The Hall technique (no relative or self plugging) where they cover the tooth with a stainless steel crown to stop the decay which it sounds like they place after treatment.
      Otherwise extractions and a space maintainer to stop the adult 6 yr old molar from drifting into the gap can be explored but that isn't ideal.
      To support his immune health - antioxidants and zinc would be an good approach

    • @julieatlife1924
      @julieatlife1924 6 місяців тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealing thanks for the information

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  6 місяців тому

      You're welcome

  • @IKH457
    @IKH457 7 місяців тому +2

    Hi Rachel, do all root canal teeth eventually go dark? Is there any danger in getting them whitened/internally bleached, if not would the procedure work?
    Thank you for your awesome videos.:)

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  7 місяців тому

      No not all of them go dark, although they will often tend to look a shade or two darker than your other teeth. And yes you can get internal whitening which works really well and is super simple to do so long as the root filling is well sealed in the tooth to prevent any whitening agent from getting outside of the tooth structures.

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  7 місяців тому

      @IKH457 and thank you for your kind words, support and great question

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  7 місяців тому

      You might like this video also

  • @manamana6117
    @manamana6117 6 місяців тому +2

    Makes sense how you say teeth are dead. otherwise all root canal would be black gangreen

  • @wedonotconsent2764
    @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому +1

    Should a person with a severely infected root canal (with metal crown) get it removed if they’re not experiencing any illness or symptoms?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому

      that is the generally held advice to either get the tooth removed or re-treated

    • @wedonotconsent2764
      @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealing Can an infected tooth area heal and remineralize after the root canal and metal crown is removed?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому

      yes the bone grows back in to heal the socket where the tooth once so long as the area is cleaned (debrided) during the extraction process

    • @wedonotconsent2764
      @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealing Thank you! Does that require removing or keeping the PDL? Can ligaments grow back if removed? Why is debriding advised once all the foreign objects (metal crown and post) are removed? What happens if you remove the foreign objects and leave all the human tissue alone?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому

      remove the PDL so the socket heals properly - the ligament is not needed if there is no tooth. If not debrided the socket may not heal correctly that's why we ensure thorough clean out

  • @wedonotconsent2764
    @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому +1

    Could the bacteria in an infected root canal be beneficial?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому

      there are some studies that suggest after treatment a non-infected tooth can have a healthy microbiome. However, an infected tooth will have a microbiome that is not conducive to good health.

    • @wedonotconsent2764
      @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому

      @@EvolveDentalHealing Thanks so much for your reply! How is it determined what constitutes a healthy vs unhealthy microbiome?

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому +1

      by the type of bacteria present is the most accurate way. However, the presence of pus and inflammation indicates very clearly an unhealthy biome. Generally, there is no testing of the bacteria in situ (i.e. in live mouths) although I have seen a swab test that can be done. I don't have the name of that test to hand right now

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому +1

      I believe its called Orotox test

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому +1

  • @wedonotconsent2764
    @wedonotconsent2764 8 місяців тому +1

    Can a metal crown and post on a root canal tooth be removed while leaving the tooth in the mouth?
    Thank you!

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  8 місяців тому

      yes but then you would have just the root with the root filling in and it would not be functional as there is no crown portion left. Also if the root filling has failed this would not address any infection

  • @sophiemariebalsimelli4368
    @sophiemariebalsimelli4368 4 місяці тому +1

    You sound like a person that uses holistic to be in a category and charge more money
    Of course there is no evidence no one will do it.
    You sound like a mainstream doctor

    • @EvolveDentalHealing
      @EvolveDentalHealing  4 місяці тому

      That means you have not seen or taken the time to listen to my other content

    • @maribelcortez4420
      @maribelcortez4420 29 днів тому

      @@sophiemariebalsimelli4368 I found a hollistic dentist that stopped doing root canals because of the findings. It's the best investment of my life. After health declining over the years like thyroid toxicity crisis storm, lymph nodule, titinus right ear, and much much more. There i extracted all four root canals that two other dentist recently recommended to redo root canals for a third time. All four were rotten, moldy, rusty even the invisible one that showed no signs of leaking or infection was the worst one. They had been leaking, resistant bacteria, infections, my symptoms were ignored by traditional dentist. What works for some not for all should considered, risks explained based on every person health history and risks.