@tamiyarcbuggyscarsandtruck7621 great friend! Have you already checked that the kyosho axxe 2.0 was re-released? It is the brother of the sandmaster and is at the same price! just with some improvements :), you should check it out I will be waiting for the speed test... cheers 
Thanks for sharing this amazing car
Happy new year!
Kyosho Axxe 2.0 is back (😮😮😮)
Track Test coming soon
Happy New Year
@tamiyarcbuggyscarsandtruck7621 great friend! Have you already checked that the kyosho axxe 2.0 was re-released? It is the brother of the sandmaster and is at the same price! just with some improvements :), you should check it out I will be waiting for the speed test... cheers

@zoridor16 ok that would be good I know speed of the sandmaster 2.0 is 18mph but I will do a test