*No thanks!* I don't desire to become a follower *the workers of Satan,* Your Gospel, produced of Satan, will *not* make a way for my journey to Heaven. Unless, you Biblically could produce a *_"Thus Saith The Lord!"_* with it as the Scriptures says about the Gospel which comes _"not in __-Word only,-__ but also in POWER, and in the Holy Ghost,"_ Take into consideration, the day that you will *give an account* before God for the deeds that you have done while in you're in your earth temple. Such as what you are doing here.
@@restoredtotruth Explain the Gospel than to us. And give the video theme. Who/What is 'serpent seed' and what role does it play with regards to the gospel.
@@metapolitikgedanken612 The Lord God Almighty, Who has *The Power* to, not only to create, but also annihilate that which was created, *permitted* the act to take place in the garden, so that He could show to His children, that He could NOT BE DEFEATED by what Satan did to DESTROY His offspring, (Adam, a son of God) but that He could get the praise and glory FROM his children for becoming their deliverer from a sure pronouncement from a Just God upon those that would SIN against Him. The Gospel is That Jesus Christ (The Very God, who took on the form of flesh, for sin) is the One that can *change* a sinner to a saint. The media waves are full of information that pertains to _"The Serpent Seed!*_ Take your pick, and allow God to instruct you to the Truth, if you are will for His Guidance.
The reason why is because he loves you my friend, I will pray for you and you pray for me, it's not nonsense, he must really love you, don't you know that he cries out of you,
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 He IS beyond just loving me. He already knew me from before the _foundation of the world_ and had my name written in _The Lamb's Book Of Life._ Thus He kept me from becoming a member of any *denominational* system AFTER saving me, because I was intend on -joining- one that I could *find* Him in. But since that time He came to sup with me and I with Him. Your first reaction seemed to be on a *defensive,* why the change? Sorry, I got your response, when you responded to @sirgalah4d20. As for @sirgalah4d20, I would caution him of calling a move of God of that of being *nonsense.*
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 Don't think so. With the cults is mostly that people are too embarrassed, when someone points out the problems with what they are proclaiming. Always good to see if members can actually explain the gospel in good terms. If they can't or come with something retarded or skewed they don't have the spirit.
This information is gold! I can see where my preacher grandpa got some of his ideas. As a child, I heard the Roman Catholics were going to take over the world. 🙂 My childish mind would get all kinds of scared. So thankful for the Truth of God's Word!
@@uneasyrider6533 There is plenty of conspirationist literature on this. Yes, the RCC got influence, but they for sure not the dominant power they used to be. And while they got a pope, it isn't clear who is calling the shots there anyway... they just are a bit weird and syncretic. As for the serpent's seed... I wonder when that became popular among Christians, because I don't think it's original with Christians. It sounds like something from Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, etc. So is that perhaps a reaction towards the universalism... the 'we are one race' type of dogma... that became dominant with the WCC and well was widespread among RCC as well. One just has to wonder? I think the perpetual befitting to worldly ideas and not being honest with the actual text is one issue that amplifies error.
You should be *scared* even now, RCC *IS* the fourth GENTILE Kingdom of Daniel 7. which is that of Rev 13:3. These are come _of God's Word._ What does the other -God's Word- say about The Catholic church NOT taking over the world???
@@metapolitikgedanken612 The Word of God, is NOT an -idea- It is a Godly Fact. If God was your INSTUCTOR you would have already been informed (warned) of It. Don't you have a pastor to inform you of The Truth?
I’ve been loving this history dive on this topic! I hope you can later give the connection to this cult, and the modern heretical churches, and which ones came from this basis.
There are *no* modern -churches,- only the prostitutes of Rev 17:11. Are you a member of the *prostitutes* of this day? or what? The *Bride of Christ* is the only -church- That Christ is coming to _catch away._ The rest are candidates for the Great Tribulation.
Cult or not. Isn't "serpent seed" in the bible? Who or what is serpent seed? And well, is that relevant to the gospel? The serpent seed explanation of Eve having sex with the devil is a Judaist teaching. And any Christian should know what they are (It's in the bible, too. Albeit at the other hand)
Branham changed his "visions" according to the audience he was rambling to. What Branham did not understand at the time was simply this.....much of what he said in public was recorded (audio/video) and most of what he preached was also printed either by himself or by others. This is why comparing what he said in our age of computer-assisted data collection that it becomes instantly possible to collate and compare what he said at one point with what he said on the same subject at all time points in the record. And when you start comparing Branham's words on the same subject matter and at differing times, his words differ to an absurd degree. In other words, IT IS NOW EVIDENT THAT BRANHAM WAS MAKING IT UP AS HE WENT. Evidently, it never crossed his mind that at some point in the future, what he "taught" would be analyzed as to the consistency of idea presentation. This point explains why all of the "Message" churches today are totally not related to any other such church.......the reason is that each one has "picked" out a particular "teaching" of Branham said at a particular "time" which may not harmonize with what any other "Message" church has chosen to follow. All cult teachers find themselves in the same difficulty when computer analysis is done on their teachings which have been recorded or written. A good example of this is seen in computer analysis of the written teachings of Ellen White, founder of the SDA church. It was proven scientifically that Ms. White LITERALLY plagiarized much of what she passed off as her OWN teaching which resulted in the formation of the SDA sect. The same type of computer analysis of the Jehovah's Witness sect teachings reveals ridiculous and absurd inconsistencies in their convoluted teachings over the history of their movement. The rule of thumb should be......IF YOU ARE MAKING UP YOUR OWN STUPID THEOLOGY FOR YOUR RUBE AUDIENCE, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR WORDS TO EVER BE RECORDED IN ANY MEDIA LEAST THEY BE SUBJECT TO COMPUTER ANALYSIS, AND YOUR TREACHERY BE REVEALED TO THE WORLD.
This is the Age of *deception!* or did you *not know* about it. Technology could take your voice, and your image and make you say something which you (yourself) never said. Such as what the news have reported of a woman being blackmailed by someone of a kidnapped child, and using that image and voice to try to gain a million dollars for her release, when in fact the kidnapping never took place. What a *tool* for Satan to use as an *Influential* means of bring together some past history for the sake of slandering a servant of God, making the ignorant become vulnerable candidates for deception. Such as fake news, fake pictures etc., to appear authentic. They did NOT have such technology to *fake* the Pillar of Fire Halo in Branham's time. So your _'argument is--is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." Now, that's how thin it is.'_
When The HOLY SPIRIT is the one _Guiding The Believer into ALL Truth_ then there is no need for another -teacher- WHEN ALL TRUTH is being TAUGHT *BY* Him! Separation of thousands of -Christian- churches is proof, that they have a separate teacher than that of The Spirit OF Truth! They are following the on that comes AS (imitating) an Angel of Light.
All i know , was i was born anemic i was anemic i would start bleeding from the nose for no reason , my mother took me to one his tent meetings he prayed for me, and i was healed no more problems He was a prophet i met a manwho had the bible memorized who was his right hand man that told. me other miracles , saw them in person .
These are the things that don’t align with the narrative that because we have bad churches with bad theology today, that must mean William Brahnam was a complete heretic. Seems possible to me that there are many layers to this history that aren’t all pointing to godlessness and abominations.
All this talk of egg cars and cults and secret societies and I keep picturing the guy in the egg suit from the Simpsons who we later discover is one of the Stonecutters haha. "You better run, Egg!"
Some of you all on here who is listening to John Collins NEED to go and check out this man's nasty lifestyle. Before he point fingers at the prophet he needs to clean his own life. Because he cannot step one toe in the prophets shoe.
Jeremiah 31.27 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will sow the house of Israel and the house Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of the beast. The dragon. The beast are many things the ox the lion and so on. For it is written don't stand in the way of the ox who treadeth out the corn.
Every person hearing such fools in hobnail shoes should first listen to the many beautiful sermons and teachings of William Branham before casting any stones along with those who have no understanding about God, what He has done or what He is doing. After 50+ years of listening to the preaching of The Godpel by William Branham... The Holy Spirit has shown that it is nothing less than the perfect continuity of Gods Word! \o/
"Angels came to get these prophecies about someone going through a tough time today, but they left behind the Dead Sea scrolls. The world wasn't ready"
Restored to truth, the problem is with your religious writings is that you are trying to condemn anyone who does not believe the message of WMB aka William Marvin Branham. Its how you use the Bible, you attempt to cut, kill and destroy people instead of loving people to the kingdom of God. You act as your spiritual leader did (WMB) in preaching fear, lies and deceit. You avoid the hard questions, skip over them as if they do not matter. So, Restored to truth you need to examine you motives and life in light of the gospel and not in light of the sermons of WMB. His sermons are not equal to the Bible an only cause confusion and discord. Why else would you have at least 4 or more sects of the message cult?
God has to *use* someone to bring about the *restoration* of the Gospel, it cannot be you since you would succumb unto the conformity that the worldly would pressure you with, therefore God would NOT be able to place trust upon you to use you for His Glory, since you would rather rob Him of His Glory to yourself. Thank The Lord for Brother Branham, whom He could use for His Glory! I cannot love people to the kingdom of God according to your demonic understanding of _love,_ since Love is *corrective.* Correction _through_ Love provides the listener a means of escape from the fires of Hell, or the loss of ones own soul. Confusion, and discord is caused because the *fake* wheat (tares) cannot HEAR from God, they only *assume* that they KNOW God, when they know only *about* Him; second-handedly. To KNOW God, is to have Him come *into* you, and become your *Divine Teacher* then you would have *no need* to turn to the arm of flesh for your instructions. To know ABOUT Him is to learn by a second-hand assumption of what He is like, then you turn around and try to persuade others to have knowledge about Him for your own satisfaction. Evil persecutes Good, and makes it APPEAR as being Evil. I could answer you about the WHY concerning sects, but you could see it easily IF you could understand the sect of denominationalism.
Hello all. This question is a little off topic. But I was wondering if yall have some resources for how we get the Bible, like why the 66 books ect. Please and thank you.
Michael Hoggard for talks on how the Bible is layed out to perfection, the numerical patterns that make up the Bible, and how our bodies have a matching system, eg 33 bones in our spine equals the 33 books of the OT, which is the backbone of the NT...
Look up 'history of the Biblical canon'. There are various collections in different groups. Eg Catholics have some of the apocrypha in their canon, Ethiopian church has biggest collection. It took centuries to decide what to include or not
“Women with long hair and wearing dresses” that’s biblical but ok? Aren’t you guys Christians wouldn’t you know that’s a bible teaching not the “prophets” teaching ?
Satan has *enough* understanding of God's Plan, as to *pervert* His usage of objects (as the rainbow) to his own advantage, and bring confusion to the hearer.
How does he preach? Carnally, or Spiritually? He has not influenced you enough to have you turn your heart to the Truth is what I gather from your opposition to his preaching.
@@restoredtotruthi keep seeing your comments here trying to defend the faith. But man you’ve got it all wrong and I thank God for the his Grace that has enabled me to see that william branham was a false prophet. look at your profile picture, don’t you know that that picture was a product of his church members breaking camera lenses to have that effect and not actually “ pillars of fire” that was captured 😂. bunch of nonsense
Seems like the show guest was hurt by his church that took the message wayyy out of context and into a cult.. there’s no doubt the message has been turned into a cult in many churches. But true followers of Jesus Christ know that Brahman was a man and a dead man now but can still respect his teachings and take from them. He preached what Paul preached.
Restored to Truth here is another issue with your so called prophet and those of the message, on Aug 6, 1961 WMB aka Marvin was preaching on the 70th week. He stated that from 1954 if you add 33 years it would be 1977 for the lords return, however if you add 33 years to 1954 it would be 1987. The time for the Lord to deal with us, apparently either he could not add simple math or his followers did not have the boldness to show him his mistake or VOG.
Does God work is such a way as to have Satan *know* His Plans so that He could *try* to prevent His Plans from coming to pass? He used The disciple of Jesus, to *prevent* him from carrying out the *work* of being _The Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world_ Jesus *knew* what Satan was doing and rebuked him, and told him to get behind him. SOoo .. If God wants to confuse Satan So Be It! If He wants to *trim* the tree, by pruning, He has to have a way of pruning it. He has you pruned out didn't He?
This is true there is so much division in the message churches they dont get along at all even those in the same city. The one i went to Drums where of the devil fast forward a few years they play drums now
Here’s a playlist of this series in chronological order: ua-cam.com/play/PLu0WumHGdaxDB4fx1oT1JT2dL5R4WnRCX.html Until Apologia/Cultish make one here in the playlists 😉
In today’s climate WMB would be cancelled with multiple lawsuits. His followers will be crying “persecution--the squeeze-of the last days before rapture” 😏
The true is, the world dare NOT to "persecute" Branham with lawsuits during his life time! They knew better that it is not Branham the man but the God that he served is Mighty. They are not so stupid and foolish like that of many today of trying to slander and made false accusation to the Message. they thought Branham is gone so they can say anything they like but forgotten their words and actions some day is going to come back to them. (Matt 12: 36-37) One unkind word against the acts of the Holy Ghost is an unpardoned sin said the WORD.
Some yrs. Ago, before I learned OSAS, and truly understood Christ's finished work on the cross. I listened to William Branam, and believed this nonsense! 😳 praise God for his grace and patience! 🧡
Nonsense SO POWERFUL that it could raise the dead, etc. in the same way that Jesus OUR Elder Brother could do when he walk upon the shores of Galilee. God, making a yielded vessel so powerful, to be able to _create_ because he is a *son* of God. What a powerful nonsense this has turned out to be, don't you think?.
Is there a brother Andrew Millman out there once was real good friends with him once upon a time he used to pick me up for church in Everson Washington
Don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking or scoffing about this man William Branham. What’s your point? If you don’t like it or believe what he says just don’t listen to it. You will answer for every idle word you speak. Thank you!
because he’s teaching the wrong gospel and fooling people. imaging you have a neighbour and there is constant theft that happens when your neighbour is away from his house and that you know is occurring. Will you keep quiet or will you tell your neighbour what’s actually going on. It’s common sense really
@@restoredtotruth what you mean sir? I love to talk about it if it the will of the Lord and I believe it he's will because he woke me up, so let's go my friend
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 When I first got -saved,- I fell in love with The Word, but was just like a baby seeking nourishment for growth. So I started feeding on Theological studies, and became confused by their teachings, since they took Scripture and took opposite views upon the *same* subject. I called upon the One That Saved me for direction. He send me tract is a magazine form and told me to read that. In it, it talked about the very teaching I got confused about, and directed me into the Right Path. I also found out that I had need of getting baptized according to Acts 2:38. From then The Message was used to *study* the Word of God with. Rev. 17:11 refers to the divided sects of Christianity which have Rome as their mother. Does it make Godly Sense so far?
My dad was the assistant pastor of the church and I used to ask him about the egg shaped cars or why Branhams prophecies went past 1977 I have the answers he gave me if anybody wants to hear
@@Sean_78 we went to the Jesus way church in Sanford Florida, he said the prophecy of the egg shaped cars did come to pass with the invention of the punch buggy, he also said 2012 something would happen because Branham came to him in a dream and told him, when 2012 came and went I said nuthing happened, he claimed the hurricane that hit New Jersey in 2012 was the thing that happened that year. I was like that’s pretty vague dad, he said it’s good enough for me!
@@dude9318 yes he was heavily involved with the KKK and most of his messages had racist overtones. I remember one sermon where he claimed he healed a colored boy who had syphilis, the story was more than likely a lie to scare the young white girls in the church away from sleeping with black men.
When we read the Bible, does that mean we worship the prophet who wrote the Scriptures? do you put your faith in the prophet who wrote the Bible or in the God which is the real Author of the Book? don't justify one spiritual blindness by saying we are worshipping over the man, it's the God that this man worship and seemly many knew very little of; One time Paul said Follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corint 11: 1-2), was he drawing disciples to himself? if one think likewise only goes to show they have a wrong spirit; Paul was telling men to follow the God that he knew and NOT to himself; W. Branham pointed to the same God that Paul served. It amazing, when God send this mighty prophet in our age, the people's reprobate minds thought it all about who's the man. This Powerful Message that God send in these last day before He curses the earth is NOT about who is W. Branham but rather the God that he serves, and the Message is Jesus Christ is the SAME Yesterday, today and forever! He is NOT dead like the world think, neither He was a historical God that performed miracles in those day past. HE IS ALWAYS THE SAME RISEN CHRIST. This is the real "Message" that God use this Prophet to declare to the world and the prophet happened to be W. Branham. Knowing who is W. Branham do not give me Eternal Life but rather the God that He served is The Risen Christ Jesus that gave me Eternal Life. Amen. It is true that when God send His messenger, God will VINDICATES the prophet of Whom He has send, just like He has given Moses two signs to prove that he was send by God so that people will to listen to him (Exodus 4: 1-5), God was NOT asking man to worship Moses; so were with Branham's ministry; how could religious people then and now were so blind of not to realize their visitation? they were spiritual clueless. Any man can make claims, that's the reason God has given The Prophet Mighty signs to vindicates their calling that NO carnal man can replicates. When Branham demonstrates in his ministry of the knowing of the secrets of man's heart, that is more than just one of those gifts of word of wisdom and knowledge in 1 Corint 12: 4-11, this actually is the HOLY SPIRIT, The WORD of God which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4: 12), that was more than a man could handle, this is fulfilling of Heb 1: 1-2. Indeed a sign that God is IN this prophet; The "SON OF GOD" IN THE PROPHET in these last day, to demonstrates to the world again that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever ! and to restore the true Faith of the Son of God; The WORD of God. Amen. Jesus once said to those religious fathers, if they can't believe Who He said He was, then believe the works that He do, for they are that which prove Who Hs is! (The Signs of Messiah) No man dare to accused Jesus' works of raising the dead, open blind eyes etc.etc., they know better than that because only the power of God can do this, for they said no good works were we condemned you but rather you being a man make thyself God! see? it the teaching of Jesus they were offended with! the same spirit today, they know better the works of Branham's ministry than to evil spoken with, but they begin to brand him a cult or a false Prophet because of what he teach! and so suddenly Branham became a cult and a false prophet! they couldn't point a finger on the miracles so they said he was a false teacher just because of his teaching on the serpent seeds, immoral women, dress code and calling religious clergy man hypocrite! etc. and so on. God will never bless a person until that person get back to the TRUE Word of God or face spiritual death, this is the reason Satan so hated the teaching of the WORD by the Holy Spirit through His Prophet. Now even worst, they actually have the audacity also to claim the works and prophesy never happened and all are about fake! See? same spirit same devils.
The believers believe government will soon start to prosecute them. If government starts to do something they might go much wilder. And for sure their believe will just increase
@@restoredtotruth false prophets often hype false prophets and teachers. Are you aware of the things William Branham taught, practiced, and supported? The KKK, Jim Jones, and pathological lying.
Hey why don't you have William Branham on here to defend himself. 😀 I'll take that back he wouldn't stoop so low. He frowned on debating the gospel of Jesus.
I don't know William Branham I went to a church when I was younger. The preacher of the church was a Branham follower after Branham died or was killed in a car wreck or that is what I was told how he died. The church the man started after Branham died he claimed to be the prophet after Branham. He died about twenty five thirty years ago. Have never been to another church. I studied on my own. The church is not a natural building it's spiritual. The only prophecy of God written by God is the word of God.
God makes no mistakes i find it interesting how you ignore the thousands of true prophecies and instead only focus on the few 'appointed by you' "false prophecies" have you ever even played one full sermon by him! You can't tell me the apples sour when i bit it and it was sweet, ever since i accepted this message this Gospel has become a real reality and has saved me over and over and has brought me closer to the Lord and deeper in sincerity and appreciation of his blessed Bible! You attacking Real men of God who have done more for the Kingdom than you ever could in a hundred lifetimes is very sad if you dont understand, hold your peace. No offence but i would be really ashamed if all i had as my compass and direction was people on youtube preaching their own conscience, missunderstandings and unbelief.
Deuteronomy 18:21,22 "And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’- when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."
The actual Prophecy William gave his son was they were both coming out of a May company in downtown Los Angeles,, and he told his son there will be fish standing here when you are a old man... I know people that went to Williams ministry back in the 40s,, his congregation actually put his body on Ice for three and a half days think William was going to Resurrect after being killed by the drunk driver,, they claim William Branham prayed over a boy in England that was claimed clinically he died and Resurrected,, these are things I was told by the old man,, and old lady that I knew,, they are both passed and would be 110 years old today if they werd alive...
William Branham was ordained by God supernaturally by an angel who appeared to him. Yes he made some mistakes. Tell me who hasn't, we are human. But many got miraculously healed who would of died. Have you people been that close to God??? He was a real Prophet and bible says if you oppose them you oppose God? Not good for you. And those guys talking, shave off those stupid beards, or are you Muslims?? Grow up!!!Psalms 105:15.
@RestoredToTruth BAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! Is that the best abuse of the scriptures you can throw at me? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dying right now that you actually think this is the context for that scripture!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭
@RestoredToTruth It doesn’t work that way. You don’t insult me, and tell me that I’m not allowed to speak, or teach anyone God’s truth, but then turn around and ask me to teach you. When you run around throwing ignorant stones, you ruin potential for yourself. Proverbs says that only a fool speaks before he has heard.
@RestoredToTruth You are not in any authority over @Jaqui Rox. You are trying to bully and control someone. You are delusional and given over to a reprobate mind. Repent, and pray for forgiveness. May God reveal to you His truth in his Word.
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*No thanks!* I don't desire to become a follower *the workers of Satan,*
Your Gospel, produced of Satan, will *not* make a way for my journey to Heaven.
Unless, you Biblically could produce a *_"Thus Saith The Lord!"_* with it as the Scriptures says about the Gospel which comes _"not in __-Word only,-__ but also in POWER, and in the Holy Ghost,"_
Take into consideration, the day that you will *give an account* before God for the deeds that you have done while in you're in your earth temple. Such as what you are doing here.
@@restoredtotruth Explain the Gospel than to us. And give the video theme. Who/What is 'serpent seed' and what role does it play with regards to the gospel.
@@metapolitikgedanken612 The Lord God Almighty, Who has *The Power* to, not only to create, but also annihilate that which was created, *permitted* the act to take place in the garden, so that He could show to His children, that He could NOT BE DEFEATED by what Satan did to DESTROY His offspring, (Adam, a son of God) but that He could get the praise and glory FROM his children for becoming their deliverer from a sure pronouncement from a Just God upon those that would SIN against Him.
The Gospel is That Jesus Christ (The Very God, who took on the form of flesh, for sin) is the One that can *change* a sinner to a saint.
The media waves are full of information that pertains to _"The Serpent Seed!*_
Take your pick, and allow God to instruct you to the Truth, if you are will for His Guidance.
This is so good! PLEASE have him tell the story of how he got out of the cult.
Brother Branham is the prophet for the last days he that hath an ear will hear
I actually have a family member who married into this nonsense. He won’t talk about it with me anymore, pray for him and his family.
This *nonsense,* has More Power than your daddy Satan can ever have.
The reason why is because he loves you my friend, I will pray for you and you pray for me, it's not nonsense, he must really love you, don't you know that he cries out of you,
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 He IS beyond just loving me. He already knew me from before the _foundation of the world_ and had my name written in _The Lamb's Book Of Life._ Thus He kept me from becoming a member of any *denominational* system AFTER saving me, because I was intend on -joining- one that I could *find* Him in.
But since that time He came to sup with me and I with Him.
Your first reaction seemed to be on a *defensive,* why the change?
Sorry, I got your response, when you responded to @sirgalah4d20.
As for @sirgalah4d20, I would caution him of calling a move of God of that of being *nonsense.*
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 Don't think so. With the cults is mostly that people are too embarrassed, when someone points out the problems with what they are proclaiming. Always good to see if members can actually explain the gospel in good terms. If they can't or come with something retarded or skewed they don't have the spirit.
This information is gold! I can see where my preacher grandpa got some of his ideas. As a child, I heard the Roman Catholics were going to take over the world. 🙂 My childish mind would get all kinds of scared. So thankful for the Truth of God's Word!
My Grandfather, preached the same thing. Watching this and other interviews, I’m now understanding where it came from.
@@uneasyrider6533 There is plenty of conspirationist literature on this. Yes, the RCC got influence, but they for sure not the dominant power they used to be. And while they got a pope, it isn't clear who is calling the shots there anyway... they just are a bit weird and syncretic. As for the serpent's seed... I wonder when that became popular among Christians, because I don't think it's original with Christians. It sounds like something from Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, etc. So is that perhaps a reaction towards the universalism... the 'we are one race' type of dogma... that became dominant with the WCC and well was widespread among RCC as well. One just has to wonder? I think the perpetual befitting to worldly ideas and not being honest with the actual text is one issue that amplifies error.
You should be *scared* even now, RCC *IS* the fourth GENTILE Kingdom of Daniel 7. which is that of Rev 13:3.
These are come _of God's Word._ What does the other -God's Word- say about The Catholic church NOT taking over the world???
@@restoredtotruth //RCC IS the fourth GENTILE Kingdom of Daniel 7//
What gives you that idea?
@@metapolitikgedanken612 The Word of God, is NOT an -idea- It is a Godly Fact.
If God was your INSTUCTOR you would have already been informed (warned) of It.
Don't you have a pastor to inform you of The Truth?
Haha the opening clip was amazing
I’ve been loving this history dive on this topic! I hope you can later give the connection to this cult, and the modern heretical churches, and which ones came from this basis.
There are *no* modern -churches,- only the prostitutes of Rev 17:11.
Are you a member of the *prostitutes* of this day? or what?
The *Bride of Christ* is the only -church- That Christ is coming to _catch away._
The rest are candidates for the Great Tribulation.
Cult or not. Isn't "serpent seed" in the bible? Who or what is serpent seed? And well, is that relevant to the gospel?
The serpent seed explanation of Eve having sex with the devil is a Judaist teaching. And any Christian should know what they are (It's in the bible, too. Albeit at the other hand)
Branham changed his "visions" according to the audience he was rambling to. What Branham did not understand at the time was simply this.....much of what he said in public was recorded (audio/video) and most of what he preached was also printed either by himself or by others. This is why comparing what he said in our age of computer-assisted data collection that it becomes instantly possible to collate and compare what he said at one point with what he said on the same subject at all time points in the record. And when you start comparing Branham's words on the same subject matter and at differing times, his words differ to an absurd degree. In other words, IT IS NOW EVIDENT THAT BRANHAM WAS MAKING IT UP AS HE WENT. Evidently, it never crossed his mind that at some point in the future, what he "taught" would be analyzed as to the consistency of idea presentation. This point explains why all of the "Message" churches today are totally not related to any other such church.......the reason is that each one has "picked" out a particular "teaching" of Branham said at a particular "time" which may not harmonize with what any other "Message" church has chosen to follow. All cult teachers find themselves in the same difficulty when computer analysis is done on their teachings which have been recorded or written. A good example of this is seen in computer analysis of the written teachings of Ellen White, founder of the SDA church. It was proven scientifically that Ms. White LITERALLY plagiarized much of what she passed off as her OWN teaching which resulted in the formation of the SDA sect. The same type of computer analysis of the Jehovah's Witness sect teachings reveals ridiculous and absurd inconsistencies in their convoluted teachings over the history of their movement. The rule of thumb should be......IF YOU ARE MAKING UP YOUR OWN STUPID THEOLOGY FOR YOUR RUBE AUDIENCE, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR WORDS TO EVER BE RECORDED IN ANY MEDIA LEAST THEY BE SUBJECT TO COMPUTER ANALYSIS, AND YOUR TREACHERY BE REVEALED TO THE WORLD.
This is the Age of *deception!* or did you *not know* about it.
Technology could take your voice, and your image and make you say something which you (yourself) never said.
Such as what the news have reported of a woman being blackmailed by someone of a kidnapped child, and using that image and voice to try to gain a million dollars for her release, when in fact the kidnapping never took place.
What a *tool* for Satan to use as an *Influential* means of bring together some past history for the sake of slandering a servant of God, making the ignorant become vulnerable candidates for deception.
Such as fake news, fake pictures etc., to appear authentic.
They did NOT have such technology to *fake* the Pillar of Fire Halo in Branham's time. So your _'argument is--is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." Now, that's how thin it is.'_
When The HOLY SPIRIT is the one _Guiding The Believer into ALL Truth_ then there is no need for another -teacher- WHEN ALL TRUTH is being TAUGHT *BY* Him!
Separation of thousands of -Christian- churches is proof, that they have a separate teacher than that of The Spirit OF Truth!
They are following the on that comes AS (imitating) an Angel of Light.
All i know , was i was born anemic i was anemic i would start bleeding from the nose for no reason , my mother took me to one his tent meetings he prayed for me, and i was healed no more problems He was a prophet i met a manwho had the bible memorized who was his right hand man that told. me other miracles , saw them in person .
These are the things that don’t align with the narrative that because we have bad churches with bad theology today, that must mean William Brahnam was a complete heretic. Seems possible to me that there are many layers to this history that aren’t all pointing to godlessness and abominations.
God IS Good! Praise His Name, The Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!
He has fallen away from the truth
Just because a person did miracles doesn't mean they are always saved
God healed you. God honors faith. The person praying for you does not do the healing. God is the healer.
@@flippinattics7236 Praise The Lord, ANYHOW!!!
All this talk of egg cars and cults and secret societies and I keep picturing the guy in the egg suit from the Simpsons who we later discover is one of the Stonecutters haha. "You better run, Egg!"
Some of you all on here who is listening to John Collins NEED to go and check out this man's nasty lifestyle. Before he point fingers at the prophet he needs to clean his own life.
Because he cannot step one toe in the prophets shoe.
Nasty lifestyle ?😂 tell me about it
do you know him personally?
Prophet for the last days he that hath an ear let him hear
I know he was a humble servant of God who called black black and white white according to scriptures
Satan *hates* it when white is called white and black black Scripturally.
Chicago WORLD'S Fair!
Jeremiah 31.27 Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will sow the house of Israel and the house Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of the beast. The dragon. The beast are many things the ox the lion and so on. For it is written don't stand in the way of the ox who treadeth out the corn.
Every person hearing such fools in hobnail shoes should first listen to the many beautiful sermons and teachings of William Branham before casting any stones along with those who have no understanding about God, what He has done or what He is doing. After 50+ years of listening to the preaching of The Godpel by William Branham... The Holy Spirit has shown that it is nothing less than the perfect continuity of Gods Word! \o/
"Angels came to get these prophecies about someone going through a tough time today, but they left behind the Dead Sea scrolls. The world wasn't ready"
Seen you make this remark somewhere else. Could you elaberate?
Restored to truth, the problem is with your religious writings is that you are trying to condemn anyone who does not believe the message of WMB aka William Marvin Branham. Its how you use the Bible, you attempt to cut, kill and destroy people instead of loving people to the kingdom of God. You act as your spiritual leader did (WMB) in preaching fear, lies and deceit. You avoid the hard questions, skip over them as if they do not matter. So, Restored to truth you need to examine you motives and life in light of the gospel and not in light of the sermons of WMB. His sermons are not equal to the Bible an only cause confusion and discord. Why else would you have at least 4 or more sects of the message cult?
God has to *use* someone to bring about the *restoration* of the Gospel, it cannot be you since you would succumb unto the conformity that the worldly would pressure you with, therefore God would NOT be able to place trust upon you to use you for His Glory, since you would rather rob Him of His Glory to yourself. Thank The Lord for Brother Branham, whom He could use for His Glory!
I cannot love people to the kingdom of God according to your demonic understanding of _love,_ since Love is *corrective.*
Correction _through_ Love provides the listener a means of escape from the fires of Hell, or the loss of ones own soul.
Confusion, and discord is caused because the *fake* wheat (tares) cannot HEAR from God, they only *assume* that they KNOW God, when they know only *about* Him; second-handedly.
To KNOW God, is to have Him come *into* you, and become your *Divine Teacher* then you would have *no need* to turn to the arm of flesh for your instructions.
To know ABOUT Him is to learn by a second-hand assumption of what He is like, then you turn around and try to persuade others to have knowledge about Him for your own satisfaction.
Evil persecutes Good, and makes it APPEAR as being Evil.
I could answer you about the WHY concerning sects, but you could see it easily IF you could understand the sect of denominationalism.
Hello all. This question is a little off topic. But I was wondering if yall have some resources for how we get the Bible, like why the 66 books ect. Please and thank you.
Michael Hoggard for talks on how the Bible is layed out to perfection, the numerical patterns that make up the Bible, and how our bodies have a matching system, eg 33 bones in our spine equals the 33 books of the OT, which is the backbone of the NT...
Look up 'history of the Biblical canon'. There are various collections in different groups. Eg Catholics have some of the apocrypha in their canon, Ethiopian church has biggest collection. It took centuries to decide what to include or not
It would be best to turn to God for the answer, rather than to someone made in the image of God.
“Women with long hair and wearing dresses” that’s biblical but ok? Aren’t you guys Christians wouldn’t you know that’s a bible teaching not the “prophets” teaching ?
Childish acting _old men_ are *inspired* of Satan to *kill* the innocent.
Can't see anything wrong with this. Women wearing modest dresses and having long hair is beautiful and healthy.
Pyramid of Giza as '2nd Bible' is in Jehovah's Witness history with Russell saying it was Bible in stone.
Now that's interesting. It's mentioned in the Book of Enoch and Josephus's records. I kinda believe it.
Satan has *enough* understanding of God's Plan, as to *pervert* His usage of objects (as the rainbow) to his own advantage, and bring confusion to the hearer.
The more I find out about William Branham, the more I understand why my dad preaches the way he does.
I'm sorry to hear that :( that's not a great environment to be around
How does he preach? Carnally, or Spiritually?
He has not influenced you enough to have you turn your heart to the Truth is what I gather from your opposition to his preaching.
@@restoredtotruthi keep seeing your comments here trying to defend the faith. But man you’ve got it all wrong and I thank God for the his Grace that has enabled me to see that william branham was a false prophet. look at your profile picture, don’t you know that that picture was a product of his church members breaking camera lenses to have that effect and not actually “ pillars of fire” that was captured 😂. bunch of nonsense
Seems like the show guest was hurt by his church that took the message wayyy out of context and into a cult.. there’s no doubt the message has been turned into a cult in many churches. But true followers of Jesus Christ know that Brahman was a man and a dead man now but can still respect his teachings and take from them. He preached what Paul preached.
Of a Truth!
Satan uses these as tools against God.
Look more deeper
Im not sure if he is a real Christian
But he has many problematic beliefs
@@dude9318 Compared to you, how much worse is he from you?
Restored to Truth here is another issue with your so called prophet and those of the message, on Aug 6, 1961 WMB aka Marvin was preaching on the 70th week. He stated that from 1954 if you add 33 years it would be 1977 for the lords return, however if you add 33 years to 1954 it would be 1987. The time for the Lord to deal with us, apparently either he could not add simple math or his followers did not have the boldness to show him his mistake or VOG.
Does God work is such a way as to have Satan *know* His Plans so that He could *try* to prevent His Plans from coming to pass?
He used The disciple of Jesus, to *prevent* him from carrying out the *work* of being _The Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world_
Jesus *knew* what Satan was doing and rebuked him, and told him to get behind him.
SOoo .. If God wants to confuse Satan So Be It!
If He wants to *trim* the tree, by pruning, He has to have a way of pruning it.
He has you pruned out didn't He?
This is true there is so much division in the message churches they dont get along at all even those in the same city. The one i went to Drums where of the devil fast forward a few years they play drums now
Here’s a playlist of this series in chronological order: ua-cam.com/play/PLu0WumHGdaxDB4fx1oT1JT2dL5R4WnRCX.html
Until Apologia/Cultish make one here in the playlists 😉
Go get demonized in chronological order.
In today’s climate WMB would be cancelled with multiple lawsuits. His followers will be crying “persecution--the squeeze-of the last days before rapture” 😏
So true
God *protects* His Own Mr Worker for the Catholic Whore.
The true is, the world dare NOT to "persecute" Branham with lawsuits during his life time! They knew better that it is not Branham the man but the God that he served is Mighty. They are not so stupid and foolish like that of many today of trying to slander and made false accusation to the Message. they thought Branham is gone so they can say anything they like but forgotten their words and actions some day is going to come back to them. (Matt 12: 36-37) One unkind word against the acts of the Holy Ghost is an unpardoned sin said the WORD.
Prophecy 6th November 5 th COMES TRUE 😊
Fill sorry for this guy's is amazing how unbelief can spread so fast,but anyway the prophet has spoken about them
So true.
Where is part 3 of William Branham?
Your diet is hungering for the wrong thing.
I also read it in the news paper and the eggs shape automobiles was back in 1931 and non driver one was since 1925 to 26...check it up.
Mark Taylor's prophecies are similar to 2 of Branham's, they did not happen either.
600 yrs for Isa 9:6 to happen, or DID it happen?
God bless you bro for exposing the cult of WMB
Some yrs. Ago, before I learned OSAS, and truly understood Christ's finished work on the cross. I listened to William Branam, and believed this nonsense! 😳 praise God for his grace and patience! 🧡
Nonsense SO POWERFUL that it could raise the dead, etc. in the same way that Jesus OUR Elder Brother could do when he walk upon the shores of Galilee.
God, making a yielded vessel so powerful, to be able to _create_ because he is a *son* of God.
What a powerful nonsense this has turned out to be, don't you think?.
Explain the light over his head
Explain what Paul saw as a Light, or what Moses called as being a Pillar of Fire, and many Supernatural presentation of God to mankind.
Is there a brother Andrew Millman out there once was real good friends with him once upon a time he used to pick me up for church in Everson Washington
Don’t appreciate the way you’re speaking or scoffing about this man William Branham. What’s your point? If you don’t like it or believe what he says just don’t listen to it. You will answer for every idle word you speak. Thank you!
because he’s teaching the wrong gospel and fooling people. imaging you have a neighbour and there is constant theft that happens when your neighbour is away from his house and that you know is occurring. Will you keep quiet or will you tell your neighbour what’s actually going on. It’s common sense really
In a swift moment you will reap what you sow, you laugh at who God sent to me it's written that y'all will come with these things scripture For filled
God sent him to me also when I was seeking for God among the prostitutes.
@@restoredtotruth what you mean sir? I love to talk about it if it the will of the Lord and I believe it he's will because he woke me up, so let's go my friend
@@jonathanmcclinton8730 When I first got -saved,- I fell in love with The Word, but was just like a baby seeking nourishment for growth.
So I started feeding on Theological studies, and became confused by their teachings, since they took Scripture and took opposite views upon the *same* subject.
I called upon the One That Saved me for direction. He send me tract is a magazine form and told me to read that.
In it, it talked about the very teaching I got confused about, and directed me into the Right Path.
I also found out that I had need of getting baptized according to Acts 2:38.
From then The Message was used to *study* the Word of God with.
Rev. 17:11 refers to the divided sects of Christianity which have Rome as their mother.
Does it make Godly Sense so far?
@@restoredtotruth what was the name of the magazine? And yes it makes perfect sense to me,
My dad was the assistant pastor of the church and I used to ask him about the egg shaped cars or why Branhams prophecies went past 1977 I have the answers he gave me if anybody wants to hear
What church was he attending? I like to know the answers he gave you.
@@Sean_78 we went to the Jesus way church in Sanford Florida, he said the prophecy of the egg shaped cars did come to pass with the invention of the punch buggy, he also said 2012 something would happen because Branham came to him in a dream and told him, when 2012 came and went I said nuthing happened, he claimed the hurricane that hit New Jersey in 2012 was the thing that happened that year. I was like that’s pretty vague dad, he said it’s good enough for me!
@@jamegumb6625Braham prophecies doesn't seem real to me
Also did braham had any racist teachings in his church
Have you been saved yet?
@@dude9318 yes he was heavily involved with the KKK and most of his messages had racist overtones. I remember one sermon where he claimed he healed a colored boy who had syphilis, the story was more than likely a lie to scare the young white girls in the church away from sleeping with black men.
When we read the Bible, does that mean we worship the prophet who wrote the Scriptures? do you put your faith in the prophet who wrote the Bible or in the God which is the real Author of the Book? don't justify one spiritual blindness by saying we are worshipping over the man, it's the God that this man worship and seemly many knew very little of; One time Paul said Follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corint 11: 1-2), was he drawing disciples to himself? if one think likewise only goes to show they have a wrong spirit; Paul was telling men to follow the God that he knew and NOT to himself; W. Branham pointed to the same God that Paul served.
It amazing, when God send this mighty prophet in our age, the people's reprobate minds thought it all about who's the man. This Powerful Message that God send in these last day before He curses the earth is NOT about who is W. Branham but rather the God that he serves, and the Message is Jesus Christ is the SAME Yesterday, today and forever! He is NOT dead like the world think, neither He was a historical God that performed miracles in those day past. HE IS ALWAYS THE SAME RISEN CHRIST. This is the real "Message" that God use this Prophet to declare to the world and the prophet happened to be W. Branham. Knowing who is W. Branham do not give me Eternal Life but rather the God that He served is The Risen Christ Jesus that gave me Eternal Life. Amen.
It is true that when God send His messenger, God will VINDICATES the prophet of Whom He has send, just like He has given Moses two signs to prove that he was send by God so that people will to listen to him (Exodus 4: 1-5), God was NOT asking man to worship Moses; so were with Branham's ministry; how could religious people then and now were so blind of not to realize their visitation? they were spiritual clueless.
Any man can make claims, that's the reason God has given The Prophet Mighty signs to vindicates their calling that NO carnal man can replicates. When Branham demonstrates in his ministry of the knowing of the secrets of man's heart, that is more than just one of those gifts of word of wisdom and knowledge in 1 Corint 12: 4-11, this actually is the HOLY SPIRIT, The WORD of God which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4: 12), that was more than a man could handle, this is fulfilling of Heb 1: 1-2. Indeed a sign that God is IN this prophet; The "SON OF GOD" IN THE PROPHET in these last day, to demonstrates to the world again that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever ! and to restore the true Faith of the Son of God; The WORD of God. Amen. Jesus once said to those religious fathers, if they can't believe Who He said He was, then believe the works that He do, for they are that which prove Who Hs is! (The Signs of Messiah)
No man dare to accused Jesus' works of raising the dead, open blind eyes etc.etc., they know better than that because only the power of God can do this, for they said no good works were we condemned you but rather you being a man make thyself God! see? it the teaching of Jesus they were offended with! the same spirit today, they know better the works of Branham's ministry than to evil spoken with, but they begin to brand him a cult or a false Prophet because of what he teach! and so suddenly Branham became a cult and a false prophet! they couldn't point a finger on the miracles so they said he was a false teacher just because of his teaching on the serpent seeds, immoral women, dress code and calling religious clergy man hypocrite! etc. and so on. God will never bless a person until that person get back to the TRUE Word of God or face spiritual death, this is the reason Satan so hated the teaching of the WORD by the Holy Spirit through His Prophet. Now even worst, they actually have the audacity also to claim the works and prophesy never happened and all are about fake! See? same spirit same devils.
What can this guys tell us about God? If you can please put your sermon on UA-cam
Got to be *Known* of God, before one can say something about God.
I wouldn’t be in your shoes for your socks even if they were lined with gold God have mercy on your soul
Why isn't the government trying to something about these false religions your reporting on?
The believers believe government will soon start to prosecute them. If government starts to do something they might go much wilder. And for sure their believe will just increase
God is the GOVERNER of His Own Word.
Satan govern the nations.
They may *attempt* to control them, but God will _catch them away._
lol, he had prophecies that did come to past. Maybe he seen the war clouds coming, and used that as prophecies also. Who knows.
Smart cars look like eggs
I believe these are the cars he saw too.
There are so many false prophets out there. Their hype of William Branham let's me know for sure that they are in some cases.
Inaccurate assumption; you deceive yourself with it.
@@restoredtotruth false prophets often hype false prophets and teachers. Are you aware of the things William Branham taught, practiced, and supported? The KKK, Jim Jones, and pathological lying.
Hey why don't you have William Branham on here to defend himself. 😀 I'll take that back he wouldn't stoop so low. He frowned on debating the gospel of Jesus.
You're standing is secure.
I don't know William Branham I went to a church when I was younger. The preacher of the church was a Branham follower after Branham died or was killed in a car wreck or that is what I was told how he died. The church the man started after Branham died he claimed to be the prophet after Branham. He died about twenty five thirty years ago. Have never been to another church. I studied on my own. The church is not a natural building it's spiritual. The only prophecy of God written by God is the word of God.
Um arr I think I have it somewhere arr umm waffle waffle waffle I don't know I wasn't there but um ahh
How about the vision of a woman dressed in purple becoming either the president or vice president? That was Kamala Harris for sure
that quote at the beginning, yikes 😱
God makes no mistakes i find it interesting how you ignore the thousands of true prophecies and instead only focus on the few 'appointed by you' "false prophecies" have you ever even played one full sermon by him! You can't tell me the apples sour when i bit it and it was sweet, ever since i accepted this message this Gospel has become a real reality and has saved me over and over and has brought me closer to the Lord and deeper in sincerity and appreciation of his blessed Bible! You attacking Real men of God who have done more for the Kingdom than you ever could in a hundred lifetimes is very sad if you dont understand, hold your peace. No offence but i would be really ashamed if all i had as my compass and direction was people on youtube preaching their own conscience, missunderstandings and unbelief.
Deuteronomy 18:21,22 "And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’- when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."
@@audyharrison They got it wrong.
Fully in agreement!
Y'all don't understand
Are you guys into a beard cult? LOL
Tattoo cult?
This is so not true
The actual Prophecy William gave his son was they were both coming out of a May company in downtown Los Angeles,, and he told his son there will be fish standing here when you are a old man... I know people that went to Williams ministry back in the 40s,, his congregation actually put his body on Ice for three and a half days think William was going to Resurrect after being killed by the drunk driver,, they claim William Branham prayed over a boy in England that was claimed clinically he died and Resurrected,, these are things I was told by the old man,, and old lady that I knew,, they are both passed and would be 110 years old today if they werd alive...
Someone (Satan) has captured you for themselves.
William Branham was ordained by God supernaturally by an angel who appeared to him. Yes he made some mistakes. Tell me who hasn't, we are human. But many got miraculously healed who would of died. Have you people been that close to God??? He was a real Prophet and bible says if you oppose them you oppose God? Not good for you. And those guys talking, shave off those stupid beards, or are you Muslims?? Grow up!!!Psalms 105:15.
You sound just like Mormons, and Jahova Witnesses, and Muslims. They have that exact same claim. Isn’t that interesting…?
There’s a difference between making mistakes and lying 🤥
@RestoredToTruth BAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! Is that the best abuse of the scriptures you can throw at me? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dying right now that you actually think this is the context for that scripture!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭
@RestoredToTruth It doesn’t work that way. You don’t insult me, and tell me that I’m not allowed to speak, or teach anyone God’s truth, but then turn around and ask me to teach you. When you run around throwing ignorant stones, you ruin potential for yourself. Proverbs says that only a fool speaks before he has heard.
@RestoredToTruth You are not in any authority over @Jaqui Rox. You are trying to bully and control someone. You are delusional and given over to a reprobate mind.
Repent, and pray for forgiveness. May God reveal to you His truth in his Word.