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The fool is the person who pays $10,000 for a “real” bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor bag, purchased in *suluxs* . I was carrying it into Neman Marcus. Several employees in the handbag area could not believe my bag was a fake. They were comparing my bag with “real” ones and they couldn’t see any difference. Mine cost me $200, real was $7500.
Looks pretty good. Lately I have noticed more and more real chanel 19 bags w really bad side stitching as well, the diamonds don’t allign at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The Hardware and the leather type is.
@@Faux.Real. My friend have an authentic 19 and there is like 2cm gap on one side and 1.5 on the other connecting the diamonds😌 I remember her going to the store Few years ago being happy About her chanel, now many who know what’s the difference between real and fake will think she has a fake one. She even told me that it is ridiculous when she sees all these comparisons on the internet because she is like… damn mine looks like a fake one even though it’s freakin real from a chanel store🤌🏻🤣
*suluxs* shows that fake and real ones are no difference in terms of material and quality so basically it’s just a waste of money paying so much on a purse…
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Awesome video 🌟
Thanks dear 🙏
Wow, I was wrong! The Fake looks better!! 😅
Yeah my old bag has so much wrinkles
@@Faux.Real.But it still is beautiful!! 😍😍😍
HEY *suluxs* !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
Would love the info where you got the fake, it’s pretty great!
Please DM me here for questions
I am selling for 6 years now. it becoming better, the leather is real
The fool is the person who pays $10,000 for a “real” bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor bag, purchased in *suluxs* . I was carrying it into Neman Marcus. Several employees in the handbag area could not believe my bag was a fake. They were comparing my bag with “real” ones and they couldn’t see any difference. Mine cost me $200, real was $7500.
I got it right. Genuine. Chanel 19 is kinda slouchy and has a shiny lambskin. it's meant to be a classy everyday bag
Looks pretty good. Lately I have noticed more and more real chanel 19 bags w really bad side stitching as well, the diamonds don’t allign at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The Hardware and the leather type is.
Yeah true maybe that’s why the replica shows this too since they may have modeled from the real one that has issues.
@@Faux.Real. My friend have an authentic 19 and there is like 2cm gap on one side and 1.5 on the other connecting the diamonds😌 I remember her going to the store Few years ago being happy About her chanel, now many who know what’s the difference between real and fake will think she has a fake one. She even told me that it is ridiculous when she sees all these comparisons on the internet because she is like… damn mine looks like a fake one even though it’s freakin real from a chanel store🤌🏻🤣
*suluxs* shows that fake and real ones are no difference in terms of material and quality so basically it’s just a waste of money paying so much on a purse…
Enjoy it
Thank you
Could you share the link for the fake one? 😂
Please DM me here for questions
Are you able to take a look at mine?
Very hard without looking at it in person. I suggest dear to have it authenticated with first authentication or if has the plate to Chanel store
Dude where do you get my fake bags that good? lol
You may DM me at IG dear
Hi Lydia 😊
Fake looks better!!!