God bless you all Brothers and Sisters in Christ. So sorry to see people not being able to worship the One true God there. The Apostle Paul spread the Gospel there 2000 years ago. I know there's people that want to destroy all the truth and replace it. Praying we all have peace till God's kingdom is permanently established. Stand firm.
@@yeshewaskebede2784 my hometown is antioch important place for Christianity many houses and churches were destroyed because of earthquake but history s first cave church st pierre wasnt damaged now i live in izmir, when i back to my hometown to see my family i have the chance to see the greek groups that who wants to see the church in the city
Is there Many undercover Christian Turkish people in Turkey? At the moment I heard that Turkeys younger population are Turning Ateist like between 50-55% of them
It is said to see our fellow Turks are converting to other religions. I would not do it at least due to respect to my ancestors. They are the ones who handed over these lands to us and I would feel like betraying them if I had to convert to any other religion.
@@lonelywolf1480 Bu tam anlamıyla dini siyasete alet edenlerin kafa yapısıdır. Neden dinlere milliyet gözüyle bakıyorsun? İsa gerçekten Tanrı ise senin ataların için din değiştirmemen bir bahane olmayacak. Ben hem Katolik hem Türk kimliğimi, bazı noktalarda çelişseler bile korumak isteyen biriyim. Çünkü Katolik olmak bir kültür veya mirastan ziyade gerçek benim için. İslam veya Tengrizm senin için gerçek değilse ve tek bu dinlerde kalma sebebin ataların ise o halde o dinler doğru ise bile bu dinlerdeki yaratıcıların senden hoşnut kalacağını sanmıyorum. Özellikle islam sürekli sırf atalarından dolayı dine bağlı olan Arap paganları sürekli eleştirirken.
if you ever feel let down.. or not heard.. remember.. the media cares mire about mslims... and the vatican seems only to hear the stuff drom the news media
Believing in man ICANT who did he pray to,himself? hahaha still believing in a man even tho ur book changed two times this is not word of god anymore it’s word of man the so called Paul was NOT an eye witness Isa(A/S) never stated that he was god himself😅
@@tracksfrl4096 "Before Abraham was I am" "The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath" "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" Yep, sounds like something a mere prophet would say. Oh and btw, I'd rather trust reports from 20 years after Jesus lived than from 600 years later but maybe it's just me. And no, the Bible has not been corrupted. Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulder and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 53:5 "But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement that brought us peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed" Isaiah 7:14 "The virgin shall bring forth a child and he shall be called Emmanuel, which means "God with us" This was found on the dead sea scrolls and carbon dated back to the 2nd century BC. So your enemy Paul couldn't have corrupted it. Now come and attack me with out of context Bible verses
Turkish Christian here, converted a year ago. I live in the United States. My parents and extended family (except my cousins) have stopped talking to me. Some of them even say im not welcomed at their funeral. I am praying for all of them, and hope to share the gospel with them some day....
When I lost my girlfriend in Turkey 3 years ago, I was thinking of committing suicide. That night I dreamed of a golden cross in the sky. Later, I read the Bible in more detail and encountered people like me. Then I believed in Jesus Christ. May God protect all our Christian brothers and sisters. Amen.
Write this story in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Matthew began with dreams. Joseph saw in a dream the Magi. The Lord revealed to them the dream. Pilate’s wife saw in a dream.
I am a catholic christian in Turkey. I converted 2 years ago. but due to the current sittuations in turkey I am yet to be baptized. We as Christians in İzmir do have more freedom then Istanbul.
@@timfinn8402 I wish, I did ask Father Roberto the priest in house of mary in İzmir Ephesus, he told me that he cannot until I am 18 or my parents approval, they do aprove but they fear that the goverment might think that I am forced to be converted. But I thank you for your help anyway (:
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@yigitisk9248 Kur'an, Bakara 177'de ''ve yolun çocuklarına'' (وَابْنَ السَّب۪يلِ) derken neyi kastetmiştir? Kur'an'a göre yol, birilerinden hamile kalıp insan mı doğurmuştur? Yoksa orada ibnüssebili derken yolda olan, yol ile bütünleşmişler mi anlatılmaktadır? Allah'ın oğlu derken Allah bir kadını gebe bıraktı anlamı mı çıkmaktadır? Yoksa insan bedeninde Allah tecelli etti mi demektir? Hangi hristiyan Meryem Ana'yı Allah'ın karısı olarak görmektedir? Ayrıca İncil'de Mesih İsa ''Onları meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız. İyi ağaç kötü meyve vermez, kötü ağaç da iyi meyve vermez.'' derken gelecekteki HANGİ sahte peygamberden bahsetmiş olabilir?
The Lord of Noah, or the Lord of Mary, or the Lord to whom Christ prayed and prostrated 2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount
Islam is conquer divide then rule … Just remember, Lebanon used to be a majority Christian country Iran used to be a Buddhist country etc … Where the Muslim goes the desert follows
@GagaRinsky-lg5fw En la era otomana se cometieron genocidios en contra de los cristianos, como en cualquier otro país musulmán en el mundo, por qué crees que los cristianos son tan pocos en esos países putrefactos llenos de odio?
@@bananatank9048 ASHADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA LLAHU WA ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASULU LLAH!!!!! *Qur'an 9:29* "Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day." *Qur'an 8:12* "I shall cast t____r into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike them upon the necks" *Qur'an 9:111* “Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and k__ or be k____.” *Qur'an 9:123* “Believers! Fight against the disbelievers who are near to you; and let them find harshness in you. Know that Allah is with the God-fearing. O ye who believe!” *Qur'an 47:4* “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slau _______ upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens. That is the command. And those who are k______ in the cause of Allah . . . never will He waste their deeds.”
@@esranur9117 İsa Tanrı'dır. Kutsal üçleme de ki İsa Ve Baba birdir. Kutsal Ruh ise Baba tarafından çıkan ve İsaya verilen İsa tarafından ise biz insanlara bahşedilmiştir.
Hello, I am a catholic monk. When i read all the interesting comments from people in Turkey, i will pray for you all. Everyone tells the importancy of prayers. Whell, when it is not allowed to evanglisize always you can pray. God shall walk His way to the harts of all people who needs Him. God bless to you all.
@@バユ-バユ Enemy of the cross The antichrist The people who don't believe John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the ""Word was God""
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
@@herneyse11 if Allah is the merciful and compassionate then why does he lead people astray and then bbq them for eternity for what HE did? Allah is more evil than the devil he created.
I'm not a catholic christian but I'm so grateful to see the gospel going forth even in the difficult places. I do believe the Lord is moving in Muslim countries. Since there is such a risk of persecution and alienation from friends and family, much of the converts are underground. There are many stories online about Muslims having dreams and visions of the Lord and come to Christ. Let's keep these souls in prayer, more to know him and divine protection to surround the faithful.
There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger ☝🏼🇯🇴🇬🇧 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book(Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Quran 9;29
@@Islam-Unraveledwell u mean no God but Satan,, God in Jesus who we rebuke evil by Jesus mighty name, will overturn, In Christianity we don't fight to overcome but only praying, and God creator will do the rest, God has more love steal and we know those who suffer are saints
Jesus said, “I have come to the lost sheep of the children of Israel.” And he said, “Let them know that you are the true God, and Jesus is the one whom you sent.” He said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and worship Him alone.” The true God is the one who created Adam from clay, created humans from a drop of water, created Mary from a drop of water, and created her son without sexual intercourse, a miracle for the children of Israel.
@@Islam-Unraveled Keep saying stuff like submission and how Christians and Jews are unclean and you won't have any converts. Better way of going about things mate
@@naiadacreations A muslim can live peacefully in a christian place but a christian cannot live peacefully in a muslim place thats fact based on my experiences and my country that I live in. Without lies Islam dies.
@@naiadacreationsSo you are saying the oldtestament even Jews hold to today that say The MESSIAH is GOD HIMSELF is ...as well. we believe in a GOD tht took Human form...as told by the prophets thousands of years ago, and the apostles as well sacrificed themselves for this TRUTH. JESUS was crucified because HE SAID HE WAS GOD, not because of claiming to a prophet. Then what is a testimony of a p@g@n p3d0ph1le momo to us if all the prophets, JESUS GOD HIMSELF all diagree with you.
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
@@bir_cumle Classic Turk. And you wonder why u had fight with every possible minority in Turkey historically. If you have that mindset accept what we told you or leave, if you do not try to make them feel comfortable and to respect them as well then ofc they will rebel. That is why Kurds rebelled as well
I’m Eritrean Coptic orthodox Christian on my last day of fasting Easter Eve. However I feel really sorry for my fellow Christian’s are facing in Turkey, Egypt and in the Middle East especially for those who, their country is majority Moslum I feel bad and hoping one day all the Christian believers be come united. God bless you all.
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
Isn't Eritrea at the verge of to became a muslim majority? 49% according to CIA report. I fear Sharia Law can be installed after few decades. Eritrean christians were at mercy of Mohammedian in 17-19 centuries. Read the thick book called Lords of the Red sea. Christian used to pay Jizra tax to Muslim lords. First It's the Italian saved you then your Southern. nieghber. For 200 years the Eritrean muslims had the upper hand due to the Ottoman presence at the coast.
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on these Christians in Turkey. Please protect them and bring more Christians there to keep the faith and the light in that darkness. Amen
Turkish were Christians. the Sophia Hagia was a Cathedral. Year 325 , Emperor Constantine embraced Christian faith. May we learn to respect each person's belief.
@@TuRK... i'm not lying, I think it was centuries ago and so, now turks can keep anatolia. To say turks dont deserve anatolia is like saying england doesn't deserve britanny because they came from germany... I think Hagia Sophia and Constantinople should be given back, maybe izmir too (smyrn), but I think the turks can keep the rest
@@rathalos4783 Well there were and are Christian Turks. Today Gagauzes from Moldova and Chuvashes from Russia are Christians. Back then there were also Karamanlı Turks who were Turkish Christians.
@@Malik_Sylvus because of atheism and liberalism in the West. In Africa and Asia, Christianity growing faster. Thats why, the Bible say, Messiah will come back and He will come from the East, not the West.
May God guide u and all Christians around the world to the light of Islam..May All Christian countries become Islamic countries..❤☪️ May all Turkish Christians become Muslim once again☪️❤ May God protect Turkey from idolatry ✝️
@@abdulkarimahmed6161 I'm not religious,i don't usually give a crap about religion in general,but your religion is by far the worst one,sorry mate,from outside,that's the view,maybe you would sit alone for 2 minutes and think about why that is.
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@oumunfeiholeto6885change for what? Turkey is a modern secular country u can do what u want be what ever religion u want currently 50-55% of Turkeys younger population is ATEİST this is True facts and growing
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 BTW Allah: He has two hand (nasai:5379) He wears hijab ? (42:51) He is male (6:101) He wipes out sinless people from existence (sahih muslim:2749) He confuses maryam and miriam (66:12,19:28) He doesn't know what jews claim (9:30) He wants help from his own G*d ? (33:56) He doesn't know what Christians claim (5:72-75) He doesn't know who stole the red velvet so he couldn't save his prophet from accusations :( (3:161) He is the best of the decievers (3:54) He can make (sexually) himself (21:17)
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 The Quran : Quran 22:47 Allah's days are 1000 years Quran 70:4 Allah's days are 50000 Quran 81:15-29 Allah was invisible to Muhammad Quran 51:1-18 Allah was visible to Muhammad Quran 2:221 marriage with idolatrous women is forbidden Quran 5:5 marrying with idolatrous women is allowed Quran 9:17,9:69 Unbelievers won't be rewarded Quran 99:7 Unbelievers can be rewarded too along with believers Quran 17:23-24 Muslims should show kindness to their parents even if they are Christians Quran 9:23, 58:22 Only show kindness to Muslim parents Quran 58:2 Muslims have only one mother Quran 4:23 Muslims have 2 mothers Quran 33:6 Muslims have at least ten mothers Quran 11:61: Allah doesn't pray, but other must pray to him Quran 33:56 Allah prays for prophet means "يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى) "Pray on/for" or in other meaning "prayer". In Arabic comes from word "صلاة" ) Quran 4:26: Allah makes everything clear and he is all-knowing But Quran 20:44: Allah says "perhaps" and he had DOUBTS regarding Fir'aun's fate Quran 49:11: Allah is god of maybe Quran 19:28: Allah doesn't know Mary is NOT sister of Arron and there is 1250 years gap between Aaron and Mary the mother of Jesus Quran 5:72-75: Allah didn't know the persons of Trinity Allah failed to even remember heaven was created first or the earth? First earth and then heaven [Quran2:29], first heaven and after that earth [Quran79:27-30]. Quran 2:256 "There is no compulsion in religion" Quran 9:29 "There is compulsion in religion" Quran 17:111 Allah is not a man And yet Quran 20:36-39 Allah has eye Quran 55:26-27 Allah has a face Quran 68:42 Allah has a "shin" Sahih al-Bukhari 9:503 Allah has a "face" Hadith No. 206, Vol. 6) (Sahih al-Bukhari 9:508) Allah had "a hand and fingers" Quran 7:28: Who was the first Muslim? Muhammad [Quran 6:14, 163] Moses [Quran 7:143], some Egyptians [Quran 26:51] Abraham [Quran 2:127-133, 3:67] Adam, the first man who also received inspiration from Allah [Quran 2:37]
One of my life goals is to convert to Christianity - religion that I was unfortunately not born into and have always yearned to be a part of. It feels safe, it feels like home.
@@YazziesWeirdVids I stayed in jail 3 times. The prosecutor's accusation is that you are a missionary agency. But they have no evidence. I wonder who is lying? Missionary work, that is, preaching and sharing a belief to others, is not a crime in civilized countries.
@@zitka123 Turkiye, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia are all the same. They all speak the same language: “ALLAHU AKBAR ASHHADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASOOL ALLAH HAYYA ALA S SALAH HAYYA ALA L FALAH HAYYA ALA-L-FALAH ALLAHU AKBAR LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH!!!!!!” *Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said, “Become disgraced APES!’” *Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS,
The church was attacked by refugees from Tajikistan. Turks don't attack churches. The Turkish government applied visa to Tajikistan after the attack. Yes, Erdogan may be a Muslim right-wing party. But Turkey is governed by a secular constitution. Strict Islamic rules do not apply in Turkey.
What yo mean by 'before' Before christianity italy was roman Before christianity nordic countries were following norse religion So your statement is invalid 😑
@@nazeemashrof_offl. How is it invalid ,what i said is right . There were pagan God's Arabians followed, before Islam began. All things had a beginning , so if you start pointing fingers three fingers 👉 point back to you. sometimes it is good to be wise also. People are not dumb anymore...
@@thelonenoob2489 Now you just proved your point is invalid Thanks Like you said people are not dumb always remember that before commenting bulls*hit 👍
This isn't an excuse when the owners of the land themselves change their religion or belief. Even before Christianity and Judaism, there were many types of paganism.
@@sabeelAlrachadIran is leaving Islam turkey is leaving Islam, you don’t have a valid argument at all. Better than believing in some deceiver named momo
I pray for the persecuted Christians every day during my rosary. I’m an Armenian Orthodox and I attend Catholic Mass. I was kind of disappointed that you did not mention the Armenian Christians living in Istanbul who have a more ancient history and presence in Turkey. They were even massacred for their Christian faith, one and a half million of them. I pray for the unity of the churches. May Christ’s church be ONE. ✝️
lol they were massacred for their faith but they live in Istanbul, which was the center of the Ottoman empire? Somehow those pashas forgot the churches 30 min away from their home but massacred people for their faith hundreds of kilometers away
I am a Turkish Jew and I have never felt more comfortable than in Turkey. In other European countries I have seen a lot of prejudice and exclusion. The Turks saved the lives of us Jews in the Ottoman Empire and in Ataturk's time. Thank you for everything.
i am from Turkey and i have just accepted Jesus Christ. As Christians in Turkey, our population is increasing more and more. May Jesus help us. I hope such evil will not happen again. May God be with us. Amin☦
@@bir_cumle Toplumun genelinde (ve özellikle dilde) baskın görülen ayrımcılık, aşağılama, politik olarak Siyasal İslam'ın iktidarından kaynaklanan düşmanlaştırma, kimliğini açık bir biçimde yaşamak istediğinde başına binbir türlü sorun açılması, mesleki olarak engellenme vs.. Türkiye Devleti'nin ve Türk halkının Müslüman olmayanlara bakış açısı çok net. Sanki bilmiyormuş gibi sormanıza gerek yok.
@@bir_cumle He had a problem because Turks have that kind of mindset to Turkish Christians like they are lost, you tell them may Allah guide you back to Islam. You do not threat them with respect. You threat them like they are sick, and need some help when they don't. They are perfectly fine, they do not need anyone to fix them, they are not broken. And you should respect that.
i just converted christianity but the circumstances are really bad. Government doesnt support us and we dont have enough churches. It is so hard to be christian here. Doesnt matter if you are catholic nor orthodox :(
@@egyptianpharaoh3721 Even on Istanbul there are very few churches compared to mosques. There are plenty of mosques even in one neighborhood. But In order to go closest church I need to use vehicle and it tooks at least 1 hour. Turkey has one of the most beatiful churches but they are not used. Many Armanian and French Churches are just locked up and not in use, they left those amazing monuments to rot. And the remaining "few" churches are only open on Sunday for tourists etc.. Few churches actively serve to people.
@@ayo2740 aha I see , I thought all the churches there are functioning .. God will never forget the effort you do to reach the church.. I hope things get better in the future..may be you will be able to move and live closer to a church.. I’ve been around Istanbul and visited couple of churches .. god bless you
@@kizgintosbaga They are so confused themselves, If you start asking questions , they never give you straight answers, because they don't know themselves, they are just forced to believe, that's it.
@@kizgintosbaganasıl kuranda meryemi hamile bırakıldığı söylenir eşi olmadan tanrı üflüyor karni şişiyor ne olmuş oluyor tanrı dan bir parça olmuş oluyor yoksa kurani mi reddiyorsunu....z
@@istanbullubenim5543bence siz önce kendi dininizi araştırın qt ile dünya dışına çıkıp yaratici ile konuşan bir peygamber sahipsiniz keza neden dünya üzerinde önceden 20 şimdi 7 farklı kuran var keza yine neden 2 defa kuran tamamen toplatilip imha edilip tekrar neden yazıldı bence önce İslam, dinler ve insanlık tarihini okuyun sonra yorum yapın 😊😊😊
I’m catholic christian and my wife is a muslim. I practice actively and attend mass every Sunday. I have never met any hostility or even impoliteness from anyone. Every Sunday there are many police outside and inside church protecting us. My muslim relatives and friends congratulate Easter and Christmas and come for Easter dinner to celebrate. At workplace, everyone respects my religion. I’m not a propagandist but an ordinary christian worshipping openly.
@@jecvn1497 At first in Islam is not possible to change your religion or to leave Islam. You still Muslim and you stay Muslim all you life my Muslim brother. Salam from DACIA 🌳 (Valahia, Romania, Moldova)
@OG-ge8nu they massacred over 1.5 million Christians in the early 1900's thereby forcefully reducing their numbers in Turkey. Consider that the population of the world was alot smaller then and you will see that they removed a large part of their Christian population.
Turkey finances Azerbaijan's attack on Armenia but cries a river when Isreal retaliated against Hamas. If Armenia had retaliated against Azerbaijan, turkey would have made it a big issue
It is funny to see ignorance and silliness to such a degree on UA-cam. First of all, Azerbaijan did not attack Armenia. Azerbaijan liberated the occupied land of Karabag by Armenia after the collapse of Soviets, taking advantage of the weak status of Azerbaijan ta the time. Armenians committed despicable atrocities during their occupation, such as the messacre of Hodjali. As expected, nobody said anything about it as the victims were muslim Azeris. Karabag stayed under occupation for more than 30 years, despite numerous discussions and negotiations. Eventually, the 2nd Karabag conflict started and this time Azerbaijan was able to liberate most of Karabag is just 44 days, as they were not the weak state anymore as in the late 80'ies. Azerbaijan never targeted any civilians nor any areas outside of Karabag, despite Armenians launching Russian supplied ballistic missiles inside Azeri territories, killing many civilians in the process. This does not compare to Hamas attack on Israel, as they also attacked civilians. Also Israel's response was not proportional and they used it as an excuse to wipe out all population of Gaza.
@@lonelywolf1480 that's the dumbest thing I've heard. Azerbaijan killed many and occupied it. You are probably Turkish or Muslim so you'll try to rationalize the injustice done in Armenia by the Turks and Azerbaijanis. Read my comment again. Israel is innocent, Hamas/Gaza started the conflict. Had Gaza just minded their business, none of this mess would have happened.
@@IchabodvanTassel98 Hey, don't worry about my profile picture.. If you have something worthwhile to say, say it. Otherwise, don't send any nonsense comments here.
theoretical talk.2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 Jesus appeared to all His apostles after His resureection, showed them His wounds (Luke24:39). Trust the Apostles of Jesus and His Holy Mother who were eyewitnesses to these events not Muhammad who lived 600 years later
@@mahmoudsbeih8614Jesus is the messiah not a prophet my friend, read the bible first then you can comment. Compare Jesus and muhamad and you will know who to follow. If I say I am a prophet you have to see how I live my life, my teachings etc....
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
At that time, the women and children of the Turkish soldiers who fought to defend their homeland were burned by the Armenians. We took the necessary measures to defend our own.
@AYLiL8 so killing the whole family of my great grandfather was an ok move to "defend your own"? Shame on you and your sick views. And also this was their homeland as well for a thousand years, from which they were expelled by those Turkish soldiers.
I just finished reading a very nice novel 'From Islam to Christ - One woman's path through the riddles of God'. A story of a young lady's journey from Islam to Christianity in Turkey. We need to pray for Catholics and Christians in all these countries. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Matthew 21:1-11 wrote that Christ sent two disciples to the village to bring a donkey and a colt, and he mounted on them. 🔷️As for the other three Evangelists, they said to bring the colt, so they brought it and rode on it. Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19 It is learned from Matthew 27:1-10 that Judas Iscariot, the traitor, hanged himself by committing suicide. As for the Book of Acts 1:18-19, it is learned that he died from his entrails spilling out of his stomach on his land, which he bought with the money of betrayal. It is learned from Matthew that the chief priests bought the field for thirty pieces of silver, which Judas returned after he regretted. While the Acts of the Apostles mentions Judas buying the field for thirty silver.
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people 39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him. 41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed 42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done. 43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief. (Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 Unlike for muslims, the Bible does not hold the same place in Christianity that the Quran does in Islam, it is not the literal Word of God nor is it the revelation of God, it is about the revelation of God but the revelation itself is the teaching of the Church, it was the Church that compiled the Bible and the Church predates it by 3 centuries. Neither do Christians base their faith off of verses in a book, that is something muslims do. The Christian faith is founded on the Revelation given to the Apostles and handed down in an unbroken chain to the Patriarchs and Bishops of the Church.
I lived in turkey for over 5 years (im Christian) my husband who is a Turk is muslim. The majority of Turks respect Christianity but the refugees dont. I never had any issue regarding my religion..never felt unsafe. Yes a few tried to convert me but majority respects it. Turkish crime rose drastically after refugees where taken in.
Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan according to the United Nations decision. Armenia stole it 30 years ago and massacred people. Today, Azerbaijan took back its own land without harming civilians. Everyone who is a good religious person should be fair. You should look at this issue fairly. You should not be biased because Armenia is Christian.
Why did the Bible not mention anything about the life of Christ and his mother from 12 to 30, meaning 18 years? Their lives are ambiguous. How old was Mary when she died and where was she buried?
Ex Muslim and a baptized catholic Christain for 34 years and statless since, coming from a country whom is it is Mullahs are the worse enemy of Israel ,I stand with and for childern of Jacob's and I am parying daily to a loving God whom walk among us as a sinless human for the peace of Jerusalem . Am Yisrael Chai🙏.❤️💪🇮🇱🙏🕊️
My friend In Islam is not possible to leave Islam. Your are still Muslim and stay as Muslim for ever and all your live. Salam from Dacia 🌳 (Valahia, Romania, Moldova) Am Muslimim chai❤
@@The.Dacian_from.Dacia_1 You are leaving in 7th century Arabia my friend. Wake up this is 2024, and check the Tsunami of Ex Muslim. 50% Iranians have left Islam, and Ex Muslim numbers are growing in Arabia, Europe, US, Indonesia, India, in almost every major Muslim country.
Unfortunately what most people aren't aware of is that, according to the UN, Turkey committed the most genocides in the 20th century, exterminating 3 million Christians from Anatolia and Eastern Thrace just during the Greco-Armenian genocide in the decade between 1913-1922.
Although Muslims were humane in their strongest times, they gave Christians a place in the government during a time when even Christians treated Christians badly, but they had to defend themselves because they were exposed to great massacres by Christians.
Due to current Turkish government not protecting its borders - everyone should protect themselves. We have so many undocumented individuals migrated from middle east 1:48
Been quite a while now since I holidayed in Turkey --- attended a shrine named "Our Lady's Shrine" --- no difficulty whatsoever --- lovely people--- beautiful cuisine--- had a great holiday. Oh just getting too old to travel nowadays.
Those attackers were foreigners. That maybe an intellgience failure but doesn't have to do anything with us Turkish people. We know our heritage and we respect Christians. Worse things happened because it was chaos during WW1 era but we are way past that.
First of all, there is nothing for them to fear in Turkiye, secondly Jesus cannot protect anyone as he couldn't do anything to protect himself from being killed on a cross , according to your belief.
@@istanbullubenim5543my auntie who lives in istanbul literally has friends who are christian who have to hide their christians names and crosses from public, yeah so free. Im not religious so im not being bias here.
The messiah 3. And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4. I glorified you on earth. The work you gave me to do I have finished. (John, 17) Who is the true God? What is the meaning of “I sent him”? The word “send me” was repeated 35 times.
maybe in start in of the 20th century, before that ottoman empire was multinational and multireligious empire...nobody was persecuted in scale you talk about...so what about reqonquista in Spain?! everbody flee or forcebly converted to christianity
@@ameerz80 If i remember correctly during Mehmet II ,Turkey was quite ,,secular,, from this point of view ,not many gave a damn about who's christian,muslim etc
@@ameerz80so the Armenian genocide didn’t happen huh? Besides Reconquista was literally justified because the Spaniards just took their land back. And no Muslim Arabs weren’t forcefully converted, they were ales to leave Spain into their desert but the ones who refused were converted. And Jews were converted because they helped the Muslims conquer Spain back then, the Jews were responsible for the quick Somalia expansion, they opened the doors for the Muslims into Spanish cities and the censured after that they oppressed the Christian Spaniards.
God almighty says *Jesus, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.* Qur’an 5:75 God doesn't required to eat to drink to sleep. God is Independent of All. Allah is our God. And Jesus Christ instructed to believe in Allah and worship him alone. Also he told us to believe in Last and Final Messanger Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Jesus declared, *“I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.* (Quran)
Happy Easter to all Orthodox Christians! One day the Hagia Sophia will be a church again. Without any conflicts, people will understand the lie that Islam represents.
yes. we will understand and immediately start to follow another abrahamic religion heavily inspired by western european paganism that has no relation to us whatsoever.
May the Lord be our guiding Force. It's not about converting people to Christ. It's about being Christ to non believers. That's the mission we are called for. So proud of you brother/sisters in Turkey
It is a fair question....there isn't outright persecution of Christians in Israel but I do know that Messianic Jews (Jewish believers in Jesus) do face a fair bit of hostility from the Ultra religious Jewish community...
Well done, thanks. My brief stays in Istanbul and in Antalya were exhilarating. Just to walk the streets in my monastic habit and be Christ's light. I really had to hunt to find Christians. I found the last street of Orthodox families living downtown. A compound of eight little houses, if I remember right. We sat together and ate coated peanuts. And I think there were three of us plus the priests for the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchate. -Fr. Anthony of the Transfiguration, CB
In Turkey, Christians, Muslims, Jews or those of any other religion do not mix with each other, everyone has their own religion.Also, Türkiye is a secular country. Greetings to everyone from Turkey 💕
@@jpespinosa4539 As a Turk I would like Hagia Sophia to be a museum. But now it's a mosque because of the President. But remember that Even though Hagia Sophia is a mosque, Christians can enter it. Christians are not prohibited from entering Hagia Sophia Western media portrays Turkey very wrongly. Presents it as if we do not respect the faith of Christians And foreign people are surprised when they come to Turkey.
You can’t judge a country just by an act of a terrorist. Christians have always and still are safe in Turkey, plus the Turkey is not a religious country and you can hardly tell who is who.
It is true many Turkish citizens are not very religious....the Father of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, himself was very secular and his influence is still very strong in the Turkish nation
2:20 "the history of Christianity is deeply rooted"... of course... Istanbul (Constantinople) was a major center of Orthodox Christianity. The Crusades, especially the Sack of Constantinople in 1204, weakened the city, eventually leaving it vulnerable to the attacks of the Ottomans... ☦
An idiotic comment. Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453, two and a half centuries after the sacking that you spoke of. It's absurd to claim that was a key factor. The Byzantine Empire had been in sharp decline for several centuries, and they were bound to be occupied by emerging powers.
Beautiful video, thank you...🙏 I've been to Turkiye many times. When I was staying in Selcuk, a town near what many Christians believe is Mother Mary's House, a young man told me how difficult it was to be a Christian in Turkiye. He said that when a family member was sick and needed hospital treatment, they were turned away because they were wearing crosses. Many Christians have trouble getting utilities connected and repairs done because they are Christian. This young man now lives in Europe but comes back as a tourist.
It is a sad fact that in most Muslim-majority countries, people of other religions are forced to live with discrimination and hatred. As a Bangladeshi Hindu I have experienced this. May mutual knowledge and sympathy be awakened among people.
I am a Turkish orthodox, since we are a minority we are a very close-knit society, we have always been in peace and we continue to be in peace
a Catholic archbishop was BEHEADED coming out of his home.....
shame of erdogan who change hagia sophia become masque
God bless you all Brothers and Sisters in Christ. So sorry to see people not being able to worship the One true God there. The Apostle Paul spread the Gospel there 2000 years ago. I know there's people that want to destroy all the truth and replace it. Praying we all have peace till God's kingdom is permanently established. Stand firm.
I want visit you. Where is your neighborhood in Turkey
@@yeshewaskebede2784 my hometown is antioch important place for Christianity many houses and churches were destroyed because of earthquake but history s first cave church st pierre wasnt damaged now i live in izmir, when i back to my hometown to see my family i have the chance to see the greek groups that who wants to see the church in the city
Im a Turkish Catholic in Ankara. Im praying for all of my brothers and sisters in Turkey and beyond.
Is there Many undercover Christian Turkish people in Turkey? At the moment I heard that Turkeys younger population are Turning Ateist like between 50-55% of them
Those of Gökturk barbarians can come to their ancestor with Tengerism's cult.
We pray for you as well! May the Most high keep you safe and healty amen! 🇳🇱
It is said to see our fellow Turks are converting to other religions.
I would not do it at least due to respect to my ancestors.
They are the ones who handed over these lands to us and I would feel like betraying them if I had to convert to any other religion.
@@lonelywolf1480 Bu tam anlamıyla dini siyasete alet edenlerin kafa yapısıdır. Neden dinlere milliyet gözüyle bakıyorsun? İsa gerçekten Tanrı ise senin ataların için din değiştirmemen bir bahane olmayacak. Ben hem Katolik hem Türk kimliğimi, bazı noktalarda çelişseler bile korumak isteyen biriyim. Çünkü Katolik olmak bir kültür veya mirastan ziyade gerçek benim için. İslam veya Tengrizm senin için gerçek değilse ve tek bu dinlerde kalma sebebin ataların ise o halde o dinler doğru ise bile bu dinlerdeki yaratıcıların senden hoşnut kalacağını sanmıyorum. Özellikle islam sürekli sırf atalarından dolayı dine bağlı olan Arap paganları sürekli eleştirirken.
I m pakistani Christian please remember pakistani Christiani in your prayers in christ ✝️ may God protect us Christians in Turkey 🇹🇷 God bless you 🙏
Sure bro /sis love from neighboring country india 👍
Go home
wow that's a new one for me. i didn't know there were christians in Pakistan. peace be upon you forever
if you ever feel let down.. or not heard.. remember.. the media cares mire about mslims... and the vatican seems only to hear the stuff drom the news media
May Turkish Christians stay safe and be a light to Muslims!
Believing in man ICANT who did he pray to,himself? hahaha still believing in a man even tho ur book changed two times this is not word of god anymore it’s word of man the so called Paul was NOT an eye witness Isa(A/S) never stated that he was god himself😅
and im talking every one of u who liked this man’s comment shame on u
@@tracksfrl4096 "Before Abraham was I am"
"The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath"
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me"
Yep, sounds like something a mere prophet would say.
Oh and btw, I'd rather trust reports from 20 years after Jesus lived than from 600 years later but maybe it's just me. And no, the Bible has not been corrupted.
Isaiah 9:6
"For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulder and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 53:5
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement that brought us peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed"
Isaiah 7:14
"The virgin shall bring forth a child and he shall be called Emmanuel, which means "God with us"
This was found on the dead sea scrolls and carbon dated back to the 2nd century BC. So your enemy Paul couldn't have corrupted it. Now come and attack me with out of context Bible verses
@@mgvilaca imagine lying,so ur saying ur book the Bible is not corrupted?😅
Do you know your book as 15 differnet versions until they decided which quran will be used? @@tracksfrl4096
Turkish Christian here, converted a year ago. I live in the United States. My parents and extended family (except my cousins) have stopped talking to me. Some of them even say im not welcomed at their funeral. I am praying for all of them, and hope to share the gospel with them some day....
Currently in Turkey the younger population 50-55% are Ateist and more and more are also converting
Keep praying for them, one day they will come under the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ 🇬🇧
so it depend on the family how they react…. but not talk to your son or daughter its a shame …
its their live, saying as an muslim 👍🏻
Blessed are you my brother. I thank Christ for saving you. I pray He softens their hearts.
When I lost my girlfriend in Turkey 3 years ago, I was thinking of committing suicide. That night I dreamed of a golden cross in the sky. Later, I read the Bible in more detail and encountered people like me. Then I believed in Jesus Christ. May God protect all our Christian brothers and sisters. Amen.
Write this story in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Matthew began with dreams. Joseph saw in a dream the Magi. The Lord revealed to them the dream. Pilate’s wife saw in a dream.
May God bless you, brother
God bless you.
@@lilygracedsilva6436 God bless all of us
@@georgerafa5041 🙏
I am a catholic christian in Turkey. I converted 2 years ago. but due to the current sittuations in turkey I am yet to be baptized. We as Christians in İzmir do have more freedom then Istanbul.
Welcome, brother! Don’t hesitate with baptism but be fully part of our community in Christ and get the blessings of sacraments!
@@lila_loom they will baptize! Just ask the priest. Big churches like Hagia Triada in Taksim will definitely baptize and they should speak Turkish
@@timfinn8402 I wish, I did ask Father Roberto the priest in house of mary in İzmir Ephesus, he told me that he cannot until I am 18 or my parents approval, they do aprove but they fear that the goverment might think that I am forced to be converted. But I thank you for your help anyway (:
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@yigitisk9248 Kur'an, Bakara 177'de ''ve yolun çocuklarına'' (وَابْنَ السَّب۪يلِ) derken neyi kastetmiştir? Kur'an'a göre yol, birilerinden hamile kalıp insan mı doğurmuştur? Yoksa orada ibnüssebili derken yolda olan, yol ile bütünleşmişler mi anlatılmaktadır? Allah'ın oğlu derken Allah bir kadını gebe bıraktı anlamı mı çıkmaktadır? Yoksa insan bedeninde Allah tecelli etti mi demektir? Hangi hristiyan Meryem Ana'yı Allah'ın karısı olarak görmektedir? Ayrıca İncil'de Mesih İsa ''Onları meyvelerinden tanıyacaksınız. İyi ağaç kötü meyve vermez, kötü ağaç da iyi meyve vermez.'' derken gelecekteki HANGİ sahte peygamberden bahsetmiş olabilir?
May God’s abiding presence be with Christians in Turkey.
The Lord of Noah, or the Lord of Mary, or the Lord to whom Christ prayed and prostrated 2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount
@@Islam-Unraveled Don't know why there is British flag in there
@@Islam-Unraveled Name in the Bible were we worship 3 gods. Christians only worship one God
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 "I and the father are one" John 10-30-38
@@flabby2142 because UK is a Muslim country ☪️🇬🇧🇵🇸
This should be shown to Muslims in Europe to show them how much freedom they enjoy in Christian societies.
Islam is conquer divide then rule … Just remember, Lebanon used to be a majority Christian country Iran used to be a Buddhist country etc … Where the Muslim goes the desert follows
@@GagaRinsky-lg5fw The Ottomans were bullshits and they were not tolerant as you say
@GagaRinsky-lg5fw En la era otomana se cometieron genocidios en contra de los cristianos, como en cualquier otro país musulmán en el mundo, por qué crees que los cristianos son tan pocos en esos países putrefactos llenos de odio?
European countries aren't Christian.
They say that islam is a religion of peace yet you can see that their actions speak the opposite and how they treat people of other faiths
Exactly, the true religion of peace is Christianity.
'Actions different than words.'
this concept is called Al-Taqqiya in Islam.
It is everything but peaceful
When people were being burned at the stake in Europe, there was religiius freedom in Turkey. Don't try to teach us moral lessons.
@@bananatank9048 ASHADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA LLAHU WA ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASULU LLAH!!!!! *Qur'an 9:29* "Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day."
*Qur'an 8:12* "I shall cast t____r into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike them upon the necks"
*Qur'an 9:111* “Allah has indeed purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah and k__ or be k____.”
*Qur'an 9:123* “Believers! Fight against the disbelievers who are near to you; and let them find harshness in you. Know that Allah is with the God-fearing. O ye who believe!”
*Qur'an 47:4* “So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slau _______ upon them, then secure their bonds, and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens. That is the command. And those who are k______ in the cause of Allah . . . never will He waste their deeds.”
If Turkey turns in a Christian country I will be so extremely happy it will overjoy me, my brothers and sisters everywhere follow Jesus ☦☦✝✝
@@naiadacreationsturkey is lost to evil
@@naiadacreationsturkey is steep into ☪️ancer
Before Turkey become Islam it was first Jew and Christian land
@@johnvista2858 too bad it ain't anymore but hey donse't mean it will stay like this forever tho
I am a Turkish Orthodox. God is with us and always will be with us!
Isa'yi Tanrı olarak mı görüyorsunuz yoksa bizim gibi mi Tanrı inancı sadece üçlememi var
@@esranur9117 İsa Tanrı'dır. Kutsal üçleme de ki İsa Ve Baba birdir. Kutsal Ruh ise Baba tarafından çıkan ve İsaya verilen İsa tarafından ise biz insanlara bahşedilmiştir.
@@egehancengiz185 Tanrı kavramı çok saçma geldi. Cevap verdiğin için de teşekkürler
@@egehancengiz185hocam isminiz tam Türk ismi arapça olmaması dikkatimi çekti etnik kökeniniz Türk mü ?
@@METEHAN-wy6ib Tanrıya şükürler olsun ki arap değilim. Evet tamamen Türk'üm
Hello, I am a catholic monk. When i read all the interesting comments from people in Turkey, i will pray for you all. Everyone tells the importancy of prayers. Whell, when it is not allowed to evanglisize always you can pray. God shall walk His way to the harts of all people who needs Him. God bless to you all.
Thanks. Greetings from Turkey as a Catholic. Prayer is our only weapon on this cruel and evil world
@@Dan-sn9qz connecties in prayers🙏🙏🫂
The enemy of the Cross will regret it on the last day. Jesus is the only way, truth and life.
enemy of the cross?
Jews or Romans?
Enemy of the cross
The antichrist
The people who don't believe John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
""Word was God""
@@co_co_m so many of them.
we have 8 billions people in this world now.
so 6 billions are anti christ?
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
Im Azerbaijani Catholic and i always pray for all my brothers and sisters in all countries, Christ bless you all❤
Islamda tapabilmeyib Xristianliqda tapdigin ne oldu? Semimi cavab gozleyirem. Inancina da, fikirlerine de hormet edirem.
Beşiktaş 💙 Traktör
Praying for our Catholic brothers and sisters in Turkey. May God's protection be upon you all!
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
@@herneyse11 if Allah is the merciful and compassionate then why does he lead people astray and then bbq them for eternity for what HE did? Allah is more evil than the devil he created.
@@herneyse11 allaha yallah dedim çarpılmayı 10 senedir bekliyorum
@@0Er0 Pek de umrumdaydı.
@@herneyse11 belli arap emziği
God be with you my turkiyan orthodox brothers & sisters l,m from Ethiopia
I'm not a catholic christian but I'm so grateful to see the gospel going forth even in the difficult places. I do believe the Lord is moving in Muslim countries. Since there is such a risk of persecution and alienation from friends and family, much of the converts are underground. There are many stories online about Muslims having dreams and visions of the Lord and come to Christ. Let's keep these souls in prayer, more to know him and divine protection to surround the faithful.
There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger ☝🏼🇯🇴🇬🇧
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book(Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Quran 9;29
@@Islam-Unraveledwell u mean no God but Satan,, God in Jesus who we rebuke evil by Jesus mighty name, will overturn,
In Christianity we don't fight to overcome but only praying, and God creator will do the rest,
God has more love steal and we know those who suffer are saints
Jesus said, “I have come to the lost sheep of the children of Israel.” And he said, “Let them know that you are the true God, and Jesus is the one whom you sent.” He said, “You shall worship the Lord your God and worship Him alone.” The true God is the one who created Adam from clay, created humans from a drop of water, created Mary from a drop of water, and created her son without sexual intercourse, a miracle for the children of Israel.
@@Islam-Unraveled ahh yes. Police be upon him…..🙏🏾🚔
@@Islam-Unraveled Keep saying stuff like submission and how Christians and Jews are unclean and you won't have any converts. Better way of going about things mate
We feel united with our Christians in Turkey. Muslims should become more tolerant just like Christians are to them
True a muslin can live peacefully in the christian place and yet a christian cannot live peacefully in a muslim place
@@naiadacreations A muslim can live peacefully in a christian place but a christian cannot live peacefully in a muslim place thats fact based on my experiences and my country that I live in. Without lies Islam dies.
@@naiadacreationsSo you are saying the oldtestament even Jews hold to today that say The MESSIAH is GOD HIMSELF is ...as well.
we believe in a GOD tht took Human form...as told by the prophets thousands of years ago, and the apostles as well sacrificed themselves for this TRUTH. JESUS was crucified because HE SAID HE WAS GOD, not because of claiming to a prophet.
Then what is a testimony of a p@g@n p3d0ph1le momo to us if all the prophets, JESUS GOD HIMSELF all diagree with you.
@@juliusrendon5936 BIG FAT LIES !
May God bless and guide all our Turkish brothers and sisters. Especially the priests who continue to lead and guide the parishioners🙏🙏❤
Les gens qui ne se sont pas retournés après la détonation c’est juste invraisemblable. Zéro bon sens, instinct de survie inexistant. 🤦🏻♂️
We don't need guide but thanks. Allah guide you :)
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
God give strength to the Christian of turkey and save them.
Those who don't like it can leave. No one is persecuted because of their religion, where did you get it from?
@@bir_cumle Classic Turk. And you wonder why u had fight with every possible minority in Turkey historically. If you have that mindset accept what we told you or leave, if you do not try to make them feel comfortable and to respect them as well then ofc they will rebel. That is why Kurds rebelled as well
Praying for all Christians under the yoke of Islam.
@@yahudi_KESMECEOh so scary. 😂
@@yahudi_KESMECE Istanbul and all Turkey will be Christian again soon.
The reason behind anti-Christian attacks is using profile pic like yours
@@John_Six Sana göre hayatın kendisi peri masalı gibi.
@@antelopelol2865 Then y do yall keep attacking Christians ?
I’m Eritrean Coptic orthodox Christian on my last day of fasting Easter Eve. However I feel really sorry for my fellow Christian’s are facing in Turkey, Egypt and in the Middle East especially for those who, their country is majority Moslum I feel bad and hoping one day all the Christian believers be come united. God bless you all.
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
Christians in Egypt don't suffer any persecution and are treated like Egyptian citizens , Sometimes, they are even exempted from some duties.
@@thesunnyleopard.193tell that to the egyptian christians 😂
Isn't Eritrea at the verge of to became a muslim majority? 49% according to CIA report. I fear Sharia Law can be installed after few decades. Eritrean christians were at mercy of Mohammedian in 17-19 centuries. Read the thick book called Lords of the Red sea. Christian used to pay Jizra tax to Muslim lords. First It's the Italian saved you then your Southern. nieghber. For 200 years the Eritrean muslims had the upper hand due to the Ottoman presence at the coast.
Eritrewi Rika do bejaka ngereley netom ahwatka tewahdo crstna zbhal yelen ngdefo wela nhna belom ezom abzi zelewu nakum nay habesha crstna tezfeltukum emo muqosolo banbulatat elom qudus yewhans zbhal alo Beal belom melisu kea Ms temena nxomo xom adiu tquxero beleom kshhqu nskum ab Eritrea bzuhat eyu zmeslekum weyo yelekumn kkkkkkk
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on these Christians in Turkey. Please protect them and bring more Christians there to keep the faith and the light in that darkness. Amen
I am Christian from India 🇮🇳 i am in church now we will pray for our Turkish brother that god stay with you in every situation
Bruh tum log hum hindus ko pasand karte ho i mean aj tak tum log itna khulke nhi aye ho 😂
India more dangerous for Christian than türkey we here a lot of things happen to Christian and other minorities religion groups
May God bless them all and protect them all.
Turkish were Christians. the Sophia Hagia was a Cathedral.
Year 325 , Emperor Constantine embraced Christian faith.
May we learn to respect each person's belief.
Turkish were not christians, it was greeks who lived in anatolia, who build hagia sophia, then the muslim turks invaded it
😂😂 lieeeer
@@TuRK... i'm not lying, I think it was centuries ago and so, now turks can keep anatolia. To say turks dont deserve anatolia is like saying england doesn't deserve britanny because they came from germany... I think Hagia Sophia and Constantinople should be given back, maybe izmir too (smyrn), but I think the turks can keep the rest
Turkey is a new contrey made of bits of other countries parts Greece, Syria, Armenia
@@rathalos4783 Well there were and are Christian Turks. Today Gagauzes from Moldova and Chuvashes from Russia are Christians. Back then there were also Karamanlı Turks who were Turkish Christians.
It’s so very sad to see the decline of Christianity in Turkey
Christianity is declining everywhere, primerly in your own country.
@@Malik_Sylvusexcept for all of Asia and most of Africa, yeah, "it is declining"
@@Malik_SylvusChristianity is growing. Only the weak belivers leave
@@Malik_Sylvus because of atheism and liberalism in the West. In Africa and Asia, Christianity growing faster. Thats why, the Bible say, Messiah will come back and He will come from the East, not the West.
@@mgvilacayeah mostly from third world countries.
Christianity doing scam there.
keep your faith strong my Turkish Christian brothers and sisters..✝️❤️🙏
May God guide u and all Christians around the world to the light of Islam..May All Christian countries become Islamic countries..❤☪️
May all Turkish Christians become Muslim once again☪️❤
May God protect Turkey from idolatry ✝️
@@abdulkarimahmed6161 in your dream..❤️✝️
@@stevejoe5600 Cry harder many Christians are reverting to Islam and will revert more😇❤☪️❤...May God guide u to Islam tooo❤☪️
@@abdulkarimahmed6161 I'm not religious,i don't usually give a crap about religion in general,but your religion is by far the worst one,sorry mate,from outside,that's the view,maybe you would sit alone for 2 minutes and think about why that is.
@@robb5828 Islam is best and it's only way to salvation...❤😇
God willing, Christianity will grow in Turkey. God knows their struggle and hears their prayers, we ought to support them 🙏
I pray that Turkeye will turn back to Christianity again. Christians please pray for this change in Turkeye and Lebanon. 🙏
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@oumunfeiholeto6885change for what? Turkey is a modern secular country u can do what u want be what ever religion u want currently 50-55% of Turkeys younger population is ATEİST this is True facts and growing
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 BTW Allah:
He has two hand (nasai:5379)
He wears hijab ? (42:51)
He is male (6:101)
He wipes out sinless people from existence (sahih muslim:2749)
He confuses maryam and miriam (66:12,19:28)
He doesn't know what jews claim (9:30)
He wants help from his own G*d ? (33:56)
He doesn't know what Christians claim (5:72-75)
He doesn't know who stole the red velvet so he couldn't save his prophet from accusations :( (3:161)
He is the best of the decievers (3:54)
He can make (sexually) himself (21:17)
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 The Quran :
Quran 22:47 Allah's days are 1000 years
Quran 70:4 Allah's days are 50000
Quran 81:15-29 Allah was invisible to Muhammad
Quran 51:1-18 Allah was visible to Muhammad
Quran 2:221 marriage with idolatrous women is forbidden
Quran 5:5 marrying with idolatrous women is allowed
Quran 9:17,9:69 Unbelievers won't be rewarded
Quran 99:7 Unbelievers can be rewarded too along with believers
Quran 17:23-24 Muslims should show kindness to their parents even if they are Christians
Quran 9:23, 58:22 Only show kindness to Muslim parents
Quran 58:2 Muslims have only one mother
Quran 4:23 Muslims have 2 mothers
Quran 33:6 Muslims have at least ten mothers
Quran 11:61: Allah doesn't pray, but other must pray to him
Quran 33:56 Allah prays for prophet means "يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى)
"Pray on/for" or in other meaning "prayer". In Arabic comes from word "صلاة" )
Quran 4:26: Allah makes everything clear and he is all-knowing
But Quran 20:44: Allah says "perhaps" and he had DOUBTS regarding Fir'aun's fate
Quran 49:11: Allah is god of maybe
Quran 19:28: Allah doesn't know Mary is NOT sister of Arron and there is 1250 years gap between Aaron and Mary the mother of Jesus
Quran 5:72-75: Allah didn't know the persons of Trinity
Allah failed to even remember heaven was created first or the earth? First earth and then heaven [Quran2:29], first heaven and after that earth [Quran79:27-30].
Quran 2:256 "There is no compulsion in religion"
Quran 9:29 "There is compulsion in religion"
Quran 17:111 Allah is not a man
And yet Quran 20:36-39 Allah has eye
Quran 55:26-27 Allah has a face
Quran 68:42 Allah has a "shin"
Sahih al-Bukhari 9:503 Allah has a "face"
Hadith No. 206, Vol. 6) (Sahih al-Bukhari 9:508) Allah had "a hand and fingers"
Quran 7:28: Who was the first Muslim?
Muhammad [Quran 6:14, 163]
Moses [Quran 7:143],
some Egyptians [Quran 26:51]
Abraham [Quran 2:127-133, 3:67]
Adam, the first man who also received inspiration from Allah [Quran 2:37]
One of my life goals is to convert to Christianity - religion that I was unfortunately not born into and have always yearned to be a part of. It feels safe, it feels like home.
✝️❤🙏Keeping all our persecuted Christians esp. In Turkey in our prayers. Stay strong dear Christians 🙏
They're NOT persecuted in Turkey! Stop lying
Why are you lying? Is lying permiteed in Christianity?
Who is persecuted tell me?!
@@YazziesWeirdVids then why were the churches converted to mosques when there are Christians in Turkey?
@@YazziesWeirdVids I stayed in jail 3 times. The prosecutor's accusation is that you are a missionary agency. But they have no evidence. I wonder who is lying? Missionary work, that is, preaching and sharing a belief to others, is not a crime in civilized countries.
People of Timor Leste 🇹🇱 Love The Lord Jesus Christ.
I invite you to come to my country Timor Leste…Please Welcome. 🙏❤❤❤
Poorest country in South East Asia
Goroka town
I heard you guys eat humans. That is true or not??
@@zitka123 Turkiye, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia are all the same. They all speak the same language: “ALLAHU AKBAR ASHHADU AN LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN RASOOL ALLAH HAYYA ALA S SALAH HAYYA ALA L FALAH HAYYA ALA-L-FALAH ALLAHU AKBAR LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH!!!!!!” *Qur'an 7:166* “When they persisted in violation, We said, “Become disgraced APES!’”
*Qur'an 5:60* "Those whom Allah has cursed He made them APES, PIGS,
i am an Indonesian in West Java...i can feel what they feel in certain degree...Stay Strong...Jesus Bless
The church was attacked by refugees from Tajikistan.
Turks don't attack churches. The Turkish government applied visa to Tajikistan after the attack.
Yes, Erdogan may be a Muslim right-wing party. But Turkey is governed by a secular constitution.
Strict Islamic rules do not apply in Turkey.
Before Palestine had muslim ,it was Jewish , before Turkey was Muslim it was Christian Byzantine . Sometimes we should not loose out history ...
I don't hate any religion, but showing empathy is cardinal to humanity
What yo mean by 'before'
Before christianity italy was roman
Before christianity nordic countries were following norse religion
So your statement is invalid 😑
@@nazeemashrof_offl. How is it invalid ,what i said is right . There were pagan God's Arabians followed, before Islam began. All things had a beginning , so if you start pointing fingers three fingers 👉 point back to you. sometimes it is good to be wise also. People are not dumb anymore...
@@thelonenoob2489 Now you just proved your point is invalid
Like you said people are not dumb always remember that before commenting bulls*hit 👍
This isn't an excuse when the owners of the land themselves change their religion or belief. Even before Christianity and Judaism, there were many types of paganism.
May G-d protect you, even if I'm not a Christian, I hope Christianity flourishes again in Turkey and joins the West.
Yeah, because you 👃 that's why you put G-D.
😂😂😂😂😂😂The West is converting to Islam
Do you live on another planet?😂😂😂
@@sabeelAlrachadIran is leaving Islam turkey is leaving Islam, you don’t have a valid argument at all. Better than believing in some deceiver named momo
God bless you all. From Ireland ☘️
I pray for the persecuted Christians every day during my rosary.
I’m an Armenian Orthodox and I attend Catholic Mass. I was kind of disappointed that you did not mention the Armenian Christians living in Istanbul who have a more ancient history and presence in Turkey. They were even massacred for their Christian faith, one and a half million of them. I pray for the unity of the churches. May Christ’s church be ONE. ✝️
No, not one and a half million, but 150 million Armenians disappeared, we even killed the dinosaurs.
lol they were massacred for their faith but they live in Istanbul, which was the center of the Ottoman empire? Somehow those pashas forgot the churches 30 min away from their home but massacred people for their faith hundreds of kilometers away
I am a Turkish Jew and I have never felt more comfortable than in Turkey. In other European countries I have seen a lot of prejudice and exclusion. The Turks saved the lives of us Jews in the Ottoman Empire and in Ataturk's time. Thank you for everything.
You are Sephardic probally
What does this have to do with the persecution of Christians, in places like negoro karbakh christians are literally being genocided
@@ChairmanTrip Hojali?
@@ChairmanTripthats an ethnic war between two countries, religion has nothing to with it.
Aslanim benim, umarim Turkiye'de kalirsiniz.
Jesus of Nazareth Bless Your Church in Turkey ✝️
i am from Turkey and i have just accepted Jesus Christ. As Christians in Turkey, our population is increasing more and more. May Jesus help us. I hope such evil will not happen again. May God be with us. Amin☦
They are so afraid of Christian's peace and love. We continued to love and prayer for them.
Peace and love? What a joke! Who caused WWI and II? who attacked many countries and occupied? who killed 6 million people? your peaceful region?
@@JFA-9019 sorry we are from small islands in the Pacific. Apologies!
yes. we know your democracy and freedom. naturally afraid of your peace and god forbid your love. please dont love.
@DawnDingayan-sc2sf Typical Christian, starts insulting when he has no answers.
@@JFA-9019 Well that was pure politics not religion.
Warmest regards and God bless all catholic brothers and sisters in Turkey ❤❤❤ from Sabah, North Borneo.
As a Turkish Catholic, I watched this with an ache in my heart. May God bless all Christians in the world 🙏🏻
Christian were living peaceful with turks 1000 years and ottoman period 600 years
@@Smiler2724doesn't make it peaceful now 😂
Hristiyan bir Türk olarak nasıl bir sorun yaşadığını açıklar mısınız?
@@bir_cumle Toplumun genelinde (ve özellikle dilde) baskın görülen ayrımcılık, aşağılama, politik olarak Siyasal İslam'ın iktidarından kaynaklanan düşmanlaştırma, kimliğini açık bir biçimde yaşamak istediğinde başına binbir türlü sorun açılması, mesleki olarak engellenme vs.. Türkiye Devleti'nin ve Türk halkının Müslüman olmayanlara bakış açısı çok net. Sanki bilmiyormuş gibi sormanıza gerek yok.
@@bir_cumle He had a problem because Turks have that kind of mindset to Turkish Christians like they are lost, you tell them may Allah guide you back to Islam. You do not threat them with respect. You threat them like they are sick, and need some help when they don't. They are perfectly fine, they do not need anyone to fix them, they are not broken. And you should respect that.
i just converted christianity but the circumstances are really bad. Government doesnt support us and we dont have enough churches. It is so hard to be christian here. Doesnt matter if you are catholic nor orthodox :(
Do not give up!
There is plenty of churches in Turkey the main churches are in Turkey
May god bless you dear .. I’ve seen churches in Istanbul and Izmir.. are you living in a city without churches ?
@@egyptianpharaoh3721 Even on Istanbul there are very few churches compared to mosques. There are plenty of mosques even in one neighborhood. But In order to go closest church I need to use vehicle and it tooks at least 1 hour. Turkey has one of the most beatiful churches but they are not used. Many Armanian and French Churches are just locked up and not in use, they left those amazing monuments to rot.
And the remaining "few" churches are only open on Sunday for tourists etc.. Few churches actively serve to people.
@@ayo2740 aha I see , I thought all the churches there are functioning .. God will never forget the effort you do to reach the church.. I hope things get better in the future..may be you will be able to move and live closer to a church.. I’ve been around Istanbul and visited couple of churches .. god bless you
Jesus touch our Turkish brothers and sisters that they may accept you as their Saviour and Lord. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
yeah, we dont worship people. sorry. and the idea that god might pop out children is just funny.
@@kizgintosbaga They are so confused themselves, If you start asking questions , they never give you straight answers, because they don't know themselves, they are just forced to believe, that's it.
@@kizgintosbaganasıl kuranda meryemi hamile bırakıldığı söylenir eşi olmadan tanrı üflüyor karni şişiyor ne olmuş oluyor tanrı dan bir parça olmuş oluyor yoksa kurani mi reddiyorsunu....z
@@istanbullubenim5543bence siz önce kendi dininizi araştırın qt ile dünya dışına çıkıp yaratici ile konuşan bir peygamber sahipsiniz keza neden dünya üzerinde önceden 20 şimdi 7 farklı kuran var keza yine neden 2 defa kuran tamamen toplatilip imha edilip tekrar neden yazıldı bence önce İslam, dinler ve insanlık tarihini okuyun sonra yorum yapın 😊😊😊
@@istanbullubenim5543din sorgusuz sualsiz inanmak demek zaten
I’m catholic christian and my wife is a muslim. I practice actively and attend mass every Sunday. I have never met any hostility or even impoliteness from anyone. Every Sunday there are many police outside and inside church protecting us. My muslim relatives and friends congratulate Easter and Christmas and come for Easter dinner to celebrate. At workplace, everyone respects my religion. I’m not a propagandist but an ordinary christian worshipping openly.
Muslim women can't marry non muslims ?!??
I'm glad someone told the truth.
I invite you to Islam
@@The.Dacian_from.Dacia_1 no thanks. I was muslim. Sice mu 17th i am a Christian.
At first in Islam is not possible to change your religion or to leave Islam.
You still Muslim and you stay Muslim all you life my Muslim brother.
Salam from DACIA 🌳 (Valahia, Romania, Moldova)
I can't believe how naive the word is about turkey. May God protect the Christians around the world. ✝️♥️✝️
Why naive how come? What happened.
@OG-ge8nu they massacred over 1.5 million Christians in the early 1900's thereby forcefully reducing their numbers in Turkey. Consider that the population of the world was alot smaller then and you will see that they removed a large part of their Christian population.
@@OG-ge8nuask ANY Armenian…. Look it up Genocide of 1915
Turkey finances Azerbaijan's attack on Armenia but cries a river when Isreal retaliated against Hamas. If Armenia had retaliated against Azerbaijan, turkey would have made it a big issue
Because its has nothing to do with religion and more with political gains
It is funny to see ignorance and silliness to such a degree on UA-cam.
First of all, Azerbaijan did not attack Armenia.
Azerbaijan liberated the occupied land of Karabag by Armenia after the collapse of Soviets, taking advantage of the weak status of Azerbaijan ta the time.
Armenians committed despicable atrocities during their occupation, such as the messacre of Hodjali.
As expected, nobody said anything about it as the victims were muslim Azeris.
Karabag stayed under occupation for more than 30 years, despite numerous discussions and negotiations.
Eventually, the 2nd Karabag conflict started and this time Azerbaijan was able to liberate most of Karabag is just 44 days,
as they were not the weak state anymore as in the late 80'ies.
Azerbaijan never targeted any civilians nor any areas outside of Karabag, despite Armenians launching Russian supplied
ballistic missiles inside Azeri territories, killing many civilians in the process.
This does not compare to Hamas attack on Israel, as they also attacked civilians.
Also Israel's response was not proportional and they used it as an excuse to wipe out all population of Gaza.
@@lonelywolf1480 that's the dumbest thing I've heard. Azerbaijan killed many and occupied it. You are probably Turkish or Muslim so you'll try to rationalize the injustice done in Armenia by the Turks and Azerbaijanis. Read my comment again. Israel is innocent, Hamas/Gaza started the conflict. Had Gaza just minded their business, none of this mess would have happened.
@@lonelywolf1480 lol by your name and profile picture i could guess that you are a turkish nationalist
@@IchabodvanTassel98 Hey, don't worry about my profile picture..
If you have something worthwhile to say, say it.
Otherwise, don't send any nonsense comments here.
Christ is risen!✝️☦️✝️ Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God in 3 divine Persons!
theoretical talk.2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 Jesus appeared to all His apostles after His resureection, showed them His wounds (Luke24:39). Trust the Apostles of Jesus and His Holy Mother who were eyewitnesses to these events not Muhammad who lived 600 years later
@@mahmoudsbeih8614Jesus is the messiah not a prophet my friend, read the bible first then you can comment. Compare Jesus and muhamad and you will know who to follow. If I say I am a prophet you have to see how I live my life, my teachings etc....
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
There is no god but God, He is One, He has no partner; His is the dominion, and His is the praise; He alone grants life, and deals death, and He is living and dies not; all good is in His hand, He is powerful over all things, and with Him all things have their end.
@@herneyse11 Christians believe in one God!
My great grandfather's whole family was massacred in Turkey, in their house, he was the only child survivor saved and brought to Eastern Armenia.
At that time, the women and children of the Turkish soldiers who fought to defend their homeland were burned by the Armenians. We took the necessary measures to defend our own.
@AYLiL8 so killing the whole family of my great grandfather was an ok move to "defend your own"? Shame on you and your sick views. And also this was their homeland as well for a thousand years, from which they were expelled by those Turkish soldiers.
Which city was he from?
I just finished reading a very nice novel 'From Islam to Christ - One woman's path through the riddles of God'. A story of a young lady's journey from Islam to Christianity in Turkey. We need to pray for Catholics and Christians in all these countries. 🙏 🙏 🙏
The author of that book is a friend of mine and she and her husband are the kindest people. Very faithful Catholics 🙏🏻
Matthew 21:1-11 wrote that Christ sent two disciples to the village to bring a donkey and a colt, and he mounted on them.
🔷️As for the other three Evangelists, they said to bring the colt, so they brought it and rode on it. Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19
It is learned from Matthew 27:1-10 that Judas Iscariot, the traitor, hanged himself by committing suicide.
As for the Book of Acts 1:18-19, it is learned that he died from his entrails spilling out of his stomach on his land, which he bought with the money of betrayal.
It is learned from Matthew that the chief priests bought the field for thirty pieces of silver, which Judas returned after he regretted.
While the Acts of the Apostles mentions Judas buying the field for thirty silver.
Read the story of Lot and his daughters and the stories of incest in the Old Testament. Fun stories
2. And the chief priests and scribes were seeking how to kill him. Because they feared the people
39. And he went out and went as usual to the Mount of Olives. His disciples also followed him.
41. He separated from them about a stone's throw, knelt down and prayed
42. Saying, O my Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. But not my will, but yours, be done.
43. An angel appeared to him from heaven, strengthening him.
44. And while he was in agony, he prayed most earnestly, and his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45. Then he rose from prayer and came to his disciples and found them asleep for grief.
(Luke, 22) You convince yourselves with illogical words: Jesus is a prophet to the children of Israel, and you say that he is the Lord. You have forgotten who created you from a sperm into the wombs of your mothers into the world and will bring you out to the grave, and you say that the son of Mary is the Lord.
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 Unlike for muslims, the Bible does not hold the same place in Christianity that the Quran does in Islam, it is not the literal Word of God nor is it the revelation of God, it is about the revelation of God but the revelation itself is the teaching of the Church, it was the Church that compiled the Bible and the Church predates it by 3 centuries. Neither do Christians base their faith off of verses in a book, that is something muslims do. The Christian faith is founded on the Revelation given to the Apostles and handed down in an unbroken chain to the Patriarchs and Bishops of the Church.
God protect these fellow Christians. Mama Mary pray for us.
Thank you so much for this video and God bless you.🙏🙏🙏
I lived in turkey for over 5 years (im Christian) my husband who is a Turk is muslim. The majority of Turks respect Christianity but the refugees dont. I never had any issue regarding my religion..never felt unsafe. Yes a few tried to convert me but majority respects it. Turkish crime rose drastically after refugees where taken in.
Which refugees are you referring to? The Syrians? Thanks.
That was very interesting and very well presented - thank you
May Almighty God bless people in Turkey llive in peace. Amen 🙏.
Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan according to the United Nations decision. Armenia stole it 30 years ago and massacred people. Today, Azerbaijan took back its own land without harming civilians. Everyone who is a good religious person should be fair. You should look at this issue fairly. You should not be biased because Armenia is Christian.
I'm a Turkish and i prefer Turkey would be a christian country rather than muslim.
Allah akıl versin.
It's not even a muslim country anymore
@@herneyse11 allah arap masalı
@@mohammedyassine9263the person is talking about majority of the populace to be christian rather than muslim. Which i feel the same way as a turk.
Turkey was mentioned in the Bible. It will be a Christian country again …. We pray for Turkey. God bless.
Why did the Bible not mention anything about the life of Christ and his mother from 12 to 30, meaning 18 years? Their lives are ambiguous. How old was Mary when she died and where was she buried?
@@mahmoudsbeih8614 how old was Aisha when she married and how old was she when she became a widow and forbidden from marrying again?
I am glad I saw this I didn’t know the history of Catholics in Turkey. It’s interesting and I pray 🙏🏽 for them.
☦️ may Jesus Christ help us
Lord Jesus Christ please protect our fellow Christians in Turkey ❤❤❤
Ex Muslim and a baptized catholic Christain for 34 years and statless since, coming from a country whom is it is Mullahs are the worse enemy of Israel ,I stand with and for childern of Jacob's and I am parying daily to a loving God whom walk among us as a sinless human for the peace of Jerusalem . Am Yisrael Chai🙏.❤️💪🇮🇱🙏🕊️
My friend
In Islam is not possible to leave Islam.
Your are still Muslim and stay as Muslim for ever and all your live.
Salam from Dacia 🌳 (Valahia, Romania, Moldova)
Am Muslimim chai❤
@@The.Dacian_from.Dacia_1 yes is possible to leave islam. Many Turks being atheists
In Islam is this not possible!
To change the religion or to leave Islam.
@@The.Dacian_from.Dacia_1 You are leaving in 7th century Arabia my friend. Wake up this is 2024, and check the Tsunami of Ex Muslim. 50% Iranians have left Islam, and Ex Muslim numbers are growing in Arabia, Europe, US, Indonesia, India, in almost every major Muslim country.
Just because you left Islam, that doesn't mean you also should leave your basic morality and humanity too!
Unfortunately what most people aren't aware of is that, according to the UN, Turkey committed the most genocides in the 20th century, exterminating 3 million Christians from Anatolia and Eastern Thrace just during the Greco-Armenian genocide in the decade between 1913-1922.
Although Muslims were humane in their strongest times, they gave Christians a place in the government during a time when even Christians treated Christians badly, but they had to defend themselves because they were exposed to great massacres by Christians.
Due to current Turkish government not protecting its borders - everyone should protect themselves. We have so many undocumented individuals migrated from middle east 1:48
Been quite a while now since I holidayed in Turkey --- attended a shrine named "Our Lady's Shrine" --- no difficulty whatsoever --- lovely people--- beautiful cuisine--- had a great holiday.
Oh just getting too old to travel nowadays.
God Bless Christians. God Bless Turkey.
We are small but yet growing community ✝️🇹🇷 Jesus may bless all the christians in Turkey and keep them safe🙏🏼
To God be the glory in all things,and may the gospel continue to be preached through the world in these last days.
Those attackers were foreigners. That maybe an intellgience failure but doesn't have to do anything with us Turkish people.
We know our heritage and we respect Christians. Worse things happened because it was chaos during WW1 era but we are way past that.
God bless the Christian family in Anatolia. 🙏🏼
Lord I pray for the Christians in Turkey.
Jesus protect them.
First of all, there is nothing for them to fear in Turkiye, secondly Jesus cannot protect anyone as he couldn't do anything to protect himself from being killed on a cross , according to your belief.
@@istanbullubenim5543my auntie who lives in istanbul literally has friends who are christian who have to hide their christians names and crosses from public, yeah so free. Im not religious so im not being bias here.
@@istanbullubenim5543 because he didnt Wanted.
@@alpcaglayan1643 Where does it say in the Bible?
Thank you for the interesting program🙏❤️
God is love ! We´ll pray for our christian brothers and sisters in Turquey...God Bless you All!
May God Bless you and keep you! In the name of Yeshua
The messiah 3. And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
4. I glorified you on earth. The work you gave me to do I have finished.
(John, 17) Who is the true God? What is the meaning of “I sent him”? The word “send me” was repeated 35 times.
May the Divine Mercy be with you
Wow that was a great Story about the Situation now in Turkey. It is wonderful to see how the light 🕯️ in Turkey is shining
50-55% of Turkeys younger population is currently Ateist this is true facts and growing Turkey is a modern Secular country Ataturk founded Turkey
Thank you for this exposition
I'm deist Turkish and it's not a problem in Turkiye.
You got something REALLY wrong. Christianity didn't naturally decline in turkey, they were persecuted heavily by the ottomans.
maybe in start in of the 20th century, before that ottoman empire was multinational and multireligious empire...nobody was persecuted in scale you talk about...so what about reqonquista in Spain?! everbody flee or forcebly converted to christianity
@@ameerz80 If i remember correctly during Mehmet II ,Turkey was quite ,,secular,, from this point of view ,not many gave a damn about who's christian,muslim etc
@@ameerz80 Because their number is declining all over the world, they opt for lying.
@@istanbullubenim5543Christianity is the biggest religion and one of the fastest growing communities on earth. What are you talking about 😂
@@ameerz80so the Armenian genocide didn’t happen huh? Besides Reconquista was literally justified because the Spaniards just took their land back. And no Muslim Arabs weren’t forcefully converted, they were ales to leave Spain into their desert but the ones who refused were converted. And Jews were converted because they helped the Muslims conquer Spain back then, the Jews were responsible for the quick Somalia expansion, they opened the doors for the Muslims into Spanish cities and the censured after that they oppressed the Christian Spaniards.
Let us pray for our Christian brothers and sisters ❤️! May the Lord turn Turkey into a Christian nation. Amen!
God almighty says
*Jesus, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.*
Qur’an 5:75
God doesn't required to eat to drink to sleep. God is Independent of All.
Allah is our God. And Jesus Christ instructed to believe in Allah and worship him alone. Also he told us to believe in Last and Final Messanger Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
Jesus declared,
*“I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.*
Happy Easter to all Orthodox Christians! One day the Hagia Sophia will be a church again. Without any conflicts, people will understand the lie that Islam represents.
yes. we will understand and immediately start to follow another abrahamic religion heavily inspired by western european paganism that has no relation to us whatsoever.
Muezzin's call to prayer gives me the shivers
May the Lord be our guiding Force. It's not about converting people to Christ. It's about being Christ to non believers. That's the mission we are called for. So proud of you brother/sisters in Turkey
Make Turkey Orthodox again. May Constantinople be restored.
Make America an Islamic country.
Those of Gökturk barbarians can come back to their ancestor with Tengerism's cult.
Keep dreaming.
@@JFA-9019 you didn't know Islam colonized Christian lands?
Make Spain Islam again...
Is it safe to be Christian in Israel? please make a video about this topic.
They dont dare to show the truth😂
Yes it is very safe because it is a modern democracy.
@@michelleburke5674 If it is a modern democracy i can't think the otherwise. Nope i'll pass.
It is a fair question....there isn't outright persecution of Christians in Israel but I do know that Messianic Jews (Jewish believers in Jesus) do face a fair bit of hostility from the Ultra religious Jewish community...
We talk.about turkey little hypocrite
Well done, thanks. My brief stays in Istanbul and in Antalya were exhilarating. Just to walk the streets in my monastic habit and be Christ's light. I really had to hunt to find Christians. I found the last street of Orthodox families living downtown. A compound of eight little houses, if I remember right. We sat together and ate coated peanuts. And I think there were three of us plus the priests for the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchate. -Fr. Anthony of the Transfiguration, CB
türkler bütün dinlere saygılıdır atalarından gelir bu saygı
In Turkey, Christians, Muslims, Jews or those of any other religion do not mix with each other, everyone has their own religion.Also, Türkiye is a secular country. Greetings to everyone from Turkey 💕
Is that really? Why has the government turned the Hagia Sophia into a mosque again?
@@jpespinosa4539 Because it was election time and Erdogan wanted to gain votes.
@@antelopelol2865 turn it back to a church
@@antelopelol2865 So we ask of you to please turn it back to a church as a sign of peace Constantinople just this request
@@jpespinosa4539 As a Turk I would like Hagia Sophia to be a museum. But now it's a mosque because of the President. But remember that Even though Hagia Sophia is a mosque, Christians can enter it. Christians are not prohibited from entering Hagia Sophia Western media portrays Turkey very wrongly. Presents it as if we do not respect the faith of Christians And foreign people are surprised when they come to Turkey.
Düşmanlık yapmıyorsa Türkiye'de dini, milleti farketmez herkese saygı duyulur. Yabancılara yardımseverlik, misafirperverlik vardır.
Yabancı ne demek? Türk Hristiyan olunca birden yabancı mı oluyor?
Boş yapma gördüğün üzere kimse düşmanlık yapmıyor ibadet eden birinin ibadethanesine girip ateş açılıyor.
Why are you saying "foreigners " for Christians? It is the muslims who are the foreigners. Learn your history
This is done by Pakistani/Syrian immigrants. The majority of Turkish people are secular and peaceful, believe me.
You can’t judge a country just by an act of a terrorist. Christians have always and still are safe in Turkey, plus the Turkey is not a religious country and you can hardly tell who is who.
We can blame the country. Turkish government should impose police security on churches
It is true many Turkish citizens are not very religious....the Father of modern Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, himself was very secular and his influence is still very strong in the Turkish nation
Then give the christians seat in goverment. Let us be represented.
My parents are moslems but I am a believer of the simulation theory.
@@tiyes94 What is the simulation theory?
May the Peace of God be with believers!
Jesus is the truth, the way, the life...Prayers for conversion to the turth.
Amen, Lord Jesus is the only way. Pray for us - Turkish Christians - so we may share the Gospel with our non-believer people.
Hz İsa sadece bir peygamberdir.
2:20 "the history of Christianity is deeply rooted"... of course... Istanbul (Constantinople) was a major center of Orthodox Christianity. The Crusades, especially the Sack of Constantinople in 1204, weakened the city, eventually leaving it vulnerable to the attacks of the Ottomans... ☦
İn your dreams
An idiotic comment.
Constantinople fell to the Ottomans in 1453, two and a half centuries after the sacking that you spoke of.
It's absurd to claim that was a key factor. The Byzantine Empire had been in sharp decline for several centuries, and they were bound to be occupied by emerging powers.
@@incumbentvinyl9291 God bless you habiby!
@@MarmotCanales Please, grow up and get an education, thank you.
@@incumbentvinyl9291 Thank you! What kind of education?! Theological, historical, linguistic?!
I'm a Turkish atheist and well, I'm definitely not alone, but still I need to be careful to who I talk sometimes when it comes to such topics.
Aww poor guy.
@@batuhanArkan2002 Thanks for understanding
@@asilylmaz2833 Respect for having a clear and intelligent mind not tarnished by fairy tales.
I hope you follow Christ one day!
Beautiful video, thank you...🙏 I've been to Turkiye many times. When I was staying in Selcuk, a town near what many Christians believe is Mother Mary's House, a young man told me how difficult it was to be a Christian in Turkiye. He said that when a family member was sick and needed hospital treatment, they were turned away because they were wearing crosses. Many Christians have trouble getting utilities connected and repairs done because they are Christian. This young man now lives in Europe but comes back as a tourist.
Müslüman olmakta hristiyan ülkeler de çok zor gidin Ermenistan da Yunanistan da tek taraflı bakmayın lütfen
It is a sad fact that in most Muslim-majority countries, people of other religions are forced to live with discrimination and hatred. As a Bangladeshi Hindu I have experienced this. May mutual knowledge and sympathy be awakened among people.
W our mighty Lord Jesus! Shalom Yeshu'a.