Thank you so much Cash for doing one of my countries most famous people. ❤🙏 Interesting that Ned Kelly gets more notoriety than Howard Florey, an Australian scientist, who played a crucial role in the development of penicillin🤷♂ Sadly hanging was continued in Australia right up until 1967 (within my lifetime)
I think there is a huge difference between doing something destructive from ignorance and doing something destructive with full knowledge of your actions. I don't know who I feel most sorry for.
WOW, more curious still! It’s just so AMAZING how things work AFTER this ride of life is over. I have wondered about Lizzie Borden and Marie Antoinette before, how their crossings panned out. Ned Kelly, SO YOUNG…..and Vasily was a bit of a shock, all those souls in bags….there to remind him. Hauntingly appropriate…. Thank you for sharing these.
Or even MORE interesting….Bonnie and Clyde! The two were in love and died the same time, is every crossing singular or did they go together? Back in the 70’s, the Bonnie and Clyde car was in a small room with a display of history and items at Pops Oasis, this place was located on the CA/NV border. On the way to Vegas, we stopped there and the grownups gambled a little bit. It was after hours, and a kind worker let me into the Bonnie and Clyde room by MYSELF. (These were the days of civility, and you could trust a young girl would go into a room and not touch anything) I stood 2 feet from the car, behind a velvet rope, a child examining the blood, dried and black and all the bullet holes. I had seen the movie not too long before this. I stared at the car for at least a half of an hour and then perused the articles and the relics. They have fascinated me since and I just realized that this was a new and interesting question! Do souls who die together, who are attached here, ascend together or still alone? Do they call out for each other in the tunnel or just accept the tunnel and keep it moving. Thank you Cash!
Wow, thank you for doing Ned Kelly, that was very interesting. There are quite a few movies about him, with Mick Jagger and also Heath Ledger. His armour is in the State Library of Victoria. Fascinating comparison of the 2 men, Cash, I’m sure they were not exactly pleasant to to do the pictures for. Interesting, at the end when you were saying that nobody has permission to yank somebody’s soul out, the video froze, & not in the usual way it does! It was like Ned was saying, ‘Exactly!’ & he’s still pissed off about it! I think if you read The Jerilderie Letter, which Kelly wrote, or rather dictated, he explains his actions & the corruption of police, & called for justice for poor rural families. The contents of the letter probably explains why he is considered a folk hero here in Oz. Thanks once again, dear Cash. Take care! 😊❤
Intriguing differences. Bit by bit, we gain more insight. I have read that the Soul will voluntarily leave the body ahead of an oncoming disaster or accident. I wonder how that fits in with this reading.... or perhaps that doesn't always happen, depending on the Soul's path... Thanks, Cash, as always!
Very interesting Cash. Feels like these two examples of inhumane peoples actions is a reconciliation for them. Not pleasant at all. Would it not be similar for any type of execution? Murder even? Being taking another life is technically ripping someone's Soul/Spirit out of the body. Now they know how it felt for their victums. So fascinating. Thank you. Plus, I'm happy to see Soul crossings and taking a break from political stuff. ❤
We absolutely do not have the right to take any life! That those who do this will suffer spiritually makes perfect sense to me. As always, Cash, your pictures are fascinating and informing! Thank you 🙏
Mick Jagger also played Ned Kelly back in the early 1970’s. Class warfare was rife between the English and Irish in Victoria during the 19th century which he describes in the famous Jerilderie Letter. In the letter, Kelly claimed he shot the police in self-defence. He also cites cases of alleged police corruption, expresses pro-Irish and anti-English sentiments, and demands justice for his family and other poor Irish settlers. It is still in print today. Ned’s final words before being hung were ‘such is life’. His skull was stolen while it was on exhibition and is still missing.
Fascinating! I had a past life regression where in the 15th century I worked as a royal executioner. I don't even like to kill a spider so it was shocking how unemotional I was regarding people last words. But it does make sense why I always look at people last words and judge them. We all play rolls.
What an interesting perspective. Truly the laws of the Universe and man are verrryyy different. What the Universe upholds is very different to what man thinks is Sacred. Thank you Cash.🌼
Go easy on Ned, he was a national hero to many. The Police were always pushing him and his siter was not safe from them. He was forced into a life of crime. Many bushrangers were Robin Hoods AND had good relationships with the poorer locals
Intent. That is always the basis of what happens to us. So clear. ❤ I have always been opposed to capital punishment. We rarely even hear it discussed. So sad.
The taking of life by a gun must be very similar to being hanged. Do you think victims of gun fire have a different experience of transitioning than these two men? Their souls are yanked from their bodies. How sad. When you really think of what happens to the victims of mass shootings and these powerful rifles that destroy human tissue. Pray for us. ❤
As an Australian I have to say that we don't all laud Ned Kelly. I find hanging [ or any sort of death penalty action ] abhorrent and barbaric, yet he was no hero. Having said that, I found both of these fascinating - especially Blohkin. Thanks so much Cash ! 😊🌈
So interesting! Now I'm wondering about the transitions of people who have been beheaded. Looking now to see if you've ever done any -- I'm thinking Tudor times, French revolution, etc. Also wondering about the transitions of the Romanov family and of Rasputin, if you can stomach it. This is so fascinating!!
As someone who has lost their head and been hung in various past lives...I think beheading is a little worse? But the worst part was being judged guilty and executed (even though I was totally innocent). It is the ultimate rejection by society. Yes, the physical part is terrible, but the feeling of being hated so much by your fellow humans that they end your life in a public spectacle, is the worst feeling I can imagine. The times I lost my head was in war, and therefore expected. It wasn't personal. It just made me feel like a failure, but at least I wasn't hated. I have neck issues to this day, and throat chakra issues. And I have trouble trusting people. Trauma like that takes a LOT of healing.
You are amazing! I don’t have any spiritual gifts but you definitely do,,, I am not American but you are an inspiration and you give me hope for America’s future 😊
Hi Cash! :-p This one was certainly Riveting & Enlightening, not only in regard to the transitions you discussed (Ned Kelly & the other men), but also in what you observed happens when a soul is suddenly, brutally yanked out of its mortal form. 😳 Gosh, that definitely was eye-opening & thought-provoking! Well-done, as always...& certainly very broadening. (But why is it we humans feel the need at times to make some of our criminals out to be romanticized heroes?? We have done that here in America with a few of our 'Wild West' bad boys, like Billy The Kid, Jesse James, etc. Altho even I have to admit I did enjoy the "Young Guns" films & Emilio Estevez's portrayal of Billy The Kid, ha!).
WOAH!!! That one was deep!!! Esp. Russian executioner being grabbed up and taken away.😱 Very much reminiscent of that scene in the movie Ghost where the bad guy was killed,but didn't know it until the shadow people came out of the sewers and dragged him to the proverbial hell! This one was chilling Cash!🤯
As a man with Irish heritage, there was a lot of persecution by the English constabulary in those times. I am not excusing his actions but just pointing out that things are not back and white.
Cash :-p I popped back in to edit/add to my initial comment (hoping it would encourage others to watch the video), & saw what you said to someone about your dad's transition & why some souls seem to fragment. Very insightful. Thank U; I know that may not have been easy to share. 💖
Does this, I imagine it dies, also hold true of serial killers who take others lives often in a horrendous way. Have you done the cross over for one like Jeffery Dalmer and seen something similar?
Thank you,Cash. Fascinating as always. And so different from other pictures where getting rid of the ego is a person’s challenge. It was completely unsatisfactory to not get one “I’m sorry” from the Russian executor. Of course, it is not my business to bring my human, perhaps ego driven, ex-Catholic set of standards to the afterlife, but if I may say this, it seems as those who ‘just’ had to get rid of their ego before entering the dome, had a more difficult journey. Perhaps there are several levels once inside the dome? I have read that there are special ‘healing areas’ for those souls who have done a lot of damage to other humans. Again, this is so interesting to explore, so thank you, again, for being the brave soul to see these images and then convey them to us. It all adds to our understanding. 💐
This was so fascinating! The executioner's pictures were really amazing and disturbing. I don't think there have been any, that I have seen, that were as disturbing and scary, frankly, as that one.
Usually in the pictures, water correlates to tears shed. I didn't feel that here. Drowning in emotional residue, was more like it. At least that's what I thought the time.
Cash, in the past you remarked that this channel seemed less popular. But i was WAITING for this Ned K one, as you had .mentioed it. Never got notice. Had to search it out. Anyway, thanks so much for doing it. PS Re the Oz attitude to NK, there is a strongly revisionist band of NK devotees (possibly b/c there is still a strong Irish convict presence in the Oz "up yours" character) - to the point that there was an entire school textbook using him as the central focus for philosophical discussion. Part of the revisionist history tries to paint the judge as personally distraught by the judgment. But in his diary, the judge wrote something like, " Sentenced the scoundrel Kelly. Lunch at the Club." 🤔
Your timing, impeccable Cash. This channel is a down-filled Dinghy in a sea of political brambles. Much more profitable to pierce mysterious themes of human transition than continuous partisan jabs to the Right or Left. Doubt anyone else could contribute in quite this way, though. Each day of sharing your path seems more insightful and impactful than the previous. The thoughts, mental connections, and emotional reactions you inspire are singularly unique. Thank you. With Ned Kelly's hanging, thought of Robin Williams's suicide transition, also a hanging, apparently after a Lewy-body diagnosis, a uniquely awful form of dementia with an amplified awareness. The process of asphyxia is complicated in the particular anxiety inherent in respiratory irregularity or suppression. There's little compensation available with immediate critical brain demand, and if unable to successfully intervene in some way, is very difficult to witness. Interesting finding Ned Kelly submerged in water and Robin given the grace (?) of a bridge over the moat nearing the Dome. Are these meant to be snapshots? And since the black bin bags in Blokhin's experience translate as garbage, almost humorous the victims maintained a similar opinion of him in their rush to rid themselves of him at the Dome! (Don't recall actual humor in other transitions, really--or did I miss it?) Also wondering if "fragmentation" is a product or result of unfinished life assignments being reassigned, or the reverse; completion in specific Incarnate tasks?
Well, it didn't feel humorous while I was going through it, but I do see your point. These images are given to me so that I can understand the emotion of the moment, I guess, so someone else might see a different set of images to explain the same thing. But thank you for your wonderful comments. I greatly appreciate your encouragement.
I had a good friend who died by suicide. I knew she wanted to do it. I told her many times trying to convey the love that I had for her that I wanted her to stay with us. Like some others that have passed around me, she came to me afterwards and said, “I am with the spirits.” We actually had conversations and she helped me tremendously. Then she faded. So we don’t anything about what happens after we pass. We can be forgiven, we can stay in our own little hell, we can learn even more.
Interesting video. Perhaps the "roughing up" or somewhat violent force of the souls journey after death matches in part the violence perpetrated in the human life. Have you looked at other violent criminals? I will look at the Hitler pictures. Thank you.
Amazing. Maybe what you saw also explains my lifelong revulsion towards hanging. I always felt it was really cruel. The executioner was even more interesting. I understand what you say about transition and grace, but admit there is a part of me that thinks cruelty should be punished, not rewarded as seems to happen periodically. Thank you Cash for showing in your actions how the light is.
Really famous outlaws always get a following,just like Billy the Kid,Butch and The Sundance Kid,The Earps and Doc Holliday etc.,they all have millions of fans.
Would you do pictures for someone killed by guillotine? Marie Antoinette maybe? When visiting Paris for the first time I couldn't help thinking I should understand the French language even though I had not studied it. I also got very depressed and emotional around dusk each evening. I have a birthmark at the back of my neck and sometimes think it was from a past life there during those times. I have also noticed the same birthmark on others. One person (a card reader and psychic) told me she completely freaked out on her first trip to Paris feeling VERY not safe. She told me she thought she was a person in that royal Marie orbit in a past life and was killed, as I think I may have been as well. Thanks always Cash.
I wonder if Ned Kelly's resistance in the tunnel was because he thought he was going to go to hell. He was from a poor Irish family and raised Catholic. Having been raised Catholic myself, I can vouch for the fact that the concepts of heaven and hell are taught from an early age. Ned knew he'd killed people and that each murder was a mortal sin. If he was able to go to confession before being hanged, confessed those sins and asked for forgiveness, then in his eyes that would 'save' him. However, if he had not been able to do so, he would believe those sins were still on his soul and he would have been afraid that the devil would drag him to hell.
Does the same thing happen to people who die suddenly in an accident or a bombing like the Oklahoma City bombing? This supports my opposition to the death penalty. Very interesting, as usual. Thanks, Cash.
Usually, I have something to say after your pictures. Some pretty horrible people have been met with grace at the end. Haven't they? I'll have to go back and watch some similar ones. As you know, we had lynchings here of perfectly innocent black folks not that long in our past. I cannot think that they deserved anything but a gentle welcome on the other side. Well, I did have something to say about this after all. 😢
Maybe it was the suddeness of the death and the shock to the soul that caused the trauma. Would this apply only to hanging or would death by electrocution or firing squad create the same scenario? How interesting to discover that there is some kind of justice for remorseless killers, even those who feel morally justified. Do you think that these kind of souls go right back into a physical body instead of doing the whole life review? If you turn away from Grace and refuse to accept it, will you receive it anyway? You bring up some interesting questions to ponder, Cash!❤❤❤
Dearest Cash, don’t pay attention to all the dark energy idiots. The Pandora’s box has been opened and are attacking whoever they can. You are very much appreciated. You have to do what you need to do for your sanity. ❤
Poor Ned. He didn’t kills lot of people, only a few police who were surcharges for him in the bush. His biggest crime was cattle stealing and it was felt that the family were harassed by the police. The last thing he said before his execution was, “ Such is life.” If you can get hold of the Jerildari letter you might be able to discern his true nature through his writing. His father was not around much and he lived with his mother, sisters and brothers. The police gave them a bad time. Trouble was, he kept making the wrong decisions, and kept breaking the Law.
Cash, there have been some transition pictures you have done, such in the case of Amy Winehouse and Roy Cohn were the soul seems to breaks up, fragments, or dissapates. What do you interpret this to mean? Does it mean their soul no longer exists?
Don't really know. After my father died, I waited about four months to see what might have happened to him at the spiritual level - something I've not done with anyone else, but he was my father, so I felt okay with it - and as far as I could tell his 'being' had splintered into several parts, each one flying off to a separate place, as though the various components that went into making up that specific being are disassembled like robot parts and then reassembled as someone else, or several someone elses, later on. Maybe some people are so disturbed that, for whatever reason, their consciousness begins fragmenting just prior to ascension.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub thank you for responding Cash, I have often pondered this myself. I have read Dr. Michael Newton's books and somewhere it references some souls being "reprogrammed" or "rebuilt"
Cash, we have a gaol in Belfast where a famous British executioner regularly 'conducted' hangings. I visited it one autumn evening & they took us into the execution room. There was a false floor. The convict stood at a ertain place the hood & rope was placed over him & then the floor 'gave way' & the hanging would begin. I think it is a process, I don't think it's instantaneous.. Usually the gaoll had an upper window that would display the process to the populace in the town. It was intended as a terrifying deterrent- like the original 'hanging tree' that would be situated at the crossroads of a town in earlier years. This was fascinating to me I'd always heard of Ned Kelly but knew nothing about him. 25 years old though. May God have mercy on his soul & on the souls of his victims. Thankyou Cash ❤
Interesting. One question that occurs to me is then this must also apply to soldiers killing each other in war? Or to ANYONE who takes someone else's life? At least if it's not part of their soul's purpose? I'll have to think about this some more.
Haven’t you done someone murdered? You must have, maybe unintentional but one of these soul crossings do your remember any like this one? I don’t!. Hitler wasn’t this abrupt. What a trip Cash, kinda scary. Wonder why Grace didn’t show. I have a guess, once arrived it becomes evident pretty quick , the issue is self forgiveness. You know what you’ve done. They couldn’t forgive themselves or they expected the burning hell place.🤣. That was different and fun as - - A🛢️ O 🙈🙉🐵🐒 Thanks Cashman!📿
Dear Cash, Quick questions: * Does the same apply for every type of execution? * What about human sacrifices? * What about someone wrongly executed for a crime they did not commit? 🖖🙏
I just quickly looked at Marie Antoinette, and her consciousness had an overwrought kinetic energy to it, like a boomerang flying around a huge space, swirling and twirling. So I imagine that it must be disorienting to the spirit.
Dear Cash, I always find your cross-over videos absolutely fascinating and as someone who can feel compassion (NOT to be confused with sympathy 😄) with "evil" people, it is always so comforting to know that Grace (nearly) always is the "receptionist". I wanted to share this very short (1 minute) video clip by one of my very favourite stand-up "comedians" who covers the question of executioners in a very concise way. Hope you have time to watch and enjoy it: Josh Johnson on executioners:
Cash. It’s not metaphorical. Some parts yes but a lot is not. I help souls ascend because my little kids are clairvoyant… begrudgingly. Your pictures are almost a 1-for-1.
I agree. One night I asked my angels what was going to happen to my sister. The next thing I knew I was in the Light. Then I moved through it into a rock tunnel and there was my sister floating up it. I followed for a while and then had to go to sleep so broke the connection. She died exactly 3 months later.
As another commenter said, it is not all black and white with Ned. Some of the police were corrupt, one paying unwanted attention to his sister. I also know a descendant of the boy he saved from drowning. There are many people on either side of the discussions about him today, including those with ancestors who knew or came across him who had completely opposing views on his life and actions.
It doesn't seem fair that a person predisposed to a family, a society, etc that fostered hateful acts should be held responsible. That goes for the whole human race. To me, it's like a universal dictator force is operating through the human form. At any time, we can escape the control by aligning with our true Identity and be a vehicle for the Christ within. It's like condemning a diabetic for the malady. It's not his fault. It"s seeing Spiritually, rather than materially.This has helped me to find compassion and forgiveness for the unforgivable 🙏🫠
Why is that a yes, but? This argument is a balance between murder being on someone’s soul’s path and mutually agreed pre-birth, and intervening with someone’s life force and soul’s path.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub for reasons unknown it won't let me post my response. It may be too long, I don't know. I could try breaking it up into smaller segments.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub - At the end of the video, you said, "It seems as though, Ned Kelly's executioner who was the murderer. Because, you don't have permission at the spiritual level to yank somebody's soul from their body and dispatch it. The Universe doesn't allow that. And, if you do it, then you pay a price at a soul level. All that happens to the person you are executing, is that, you throw them into a state of confusion as they are sent down the tunnel. That's what happened to Ned Kelly." Stay with me in my train of thought. It took only seconds of thought at the end of your video. And, hours to put into writing. All of this is on their pre-birth life path! Question: Did they learn their life lesson? Ned knew he was going to die, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I agree, any person who is suddenly murdered is definitely yanked out of their body and sent into a state of confusion. The murderer pays the consequences for their action/s at the soul level and probably another lifetime. Until these souls stop playing 'tit for tat'. And, forgive. We are all on our pre-birth life path. We may stray off it. Get back on it. Improve it and create a new and better life path than originally planned. AKA - take off and run with it. (I know someone who did that, what he has done in this life is amazing.) Or, never get back on their life path and have to come back and relive that life path scenario, until 'the lesson' is learned. This 'is' Ned's choosen Life Path. Ned Kelly killed people when he executed his crimes, he was their executioner. Back in the day, this was the common consequences of living the way he did. And, he knew this could be a consequence. Although, I think, he believed he was going to live forever, never die ... maybe. Narcissism. He was extremely dangerous and he didn't care about human life - anyone's life, including his own. Otherwise, he would not have lived this lifestyle. He was probably an adrenaline junky, living life on the edge, and loving the thrill of it all. We all know people who live like that. He wore armor to protect himself from injury and death. This is how he was raised and taught to believe, as you explained. His Life Path, includes the way he dies. He agreed to it, pre-birth. In his human form, he didn't learn, 'that he could have lived a different, better, style of life,' he chose to keep doing this. He became so attached to the human body, human survival life style, the adrenaline, the earth, he forgot about the other side, that when he died, it was a shock to him. His human consciousness was still holding on. He was not living a spiritual lifestyle. Yet, watching his transition, seemed less traumatic, to me than other people, in your videos, who were nicer people, who were really invested in their beliefs, usually religious beliefs. Maybe, he was living a life that was correcting a karma from past lives, creating a new healthy balance in his soul group. I learned this from you. That karma doesn't necessarily mean negative. When you posed your question, at the end of the video, four people came to my mind. I will try to post separately. Winston Churchill said, “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount.” Ned Kelly was not a Dictator of a country, but his family lessons, narcissism, and lifestyle made him a Dictator to people be met. Ned chose to continue this life path instead of 'learning' from it, and going a better way. It was his choice. And so, Ned's death by hanging completed his pre-birth Life Path Plan. Whereas, if he made wise decisions instead, his death would have been much better. For him to be shocked by his death like this, really shows how human bound, humanly invested, connected to his human body, and earthbound he was, that he believed he was immortal, believed he would never die, he had his long life planned out. He didn't think about, 'What if I die.' 'When I die.' 'What happens when I die?' Even though Ned was not a horrible leader of a country, torturing, and executing people. He was going around the country, killing people, torturing people, and hurting people, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Yes, he had a most 'unusual ' exit from his human body, going back into the spiritual life. I think you felt feelings, that you probably were not able to fully express to us/me, that we/I, didn't feel and fully understand what you were saying. I rewatched this video and few times. After watching all of your videos on people exiting their human bodies, they all exit differently. People who die quickly seemed to be jolted out of their body, or hanging around waiting for 'something' then going into the cave. Each person in a different way. Surprised, by a sudden death will be shocking, unless they feel it / know it is coming - a few do. Even a few of your videos show people who have been sick, short or long time, will appear to be jolted out of their body, because they are surprised they died. Did not expect it. Thank you so much! I send Unconditional Love to You and Hym. I think my cat sends Unconditional Love to both of you, also! 😻
@EnlightenedBeingsClub When you posed your question, at the end of the video, four people came to my mind. 1. Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya (10-11-2011) only had "Yes men" around him. No person was allowed to tell him any negative outside news, all news had to be turned into positive news. No one could say negative comments, they could not say 'No', only 'Yes', to him, if they said the 'No' word, or gave him negative outside news, they were immediately executed, on the spot, including family members. No one could tell him about the Libyan Citizens hating him and wishing him dead. Because they feared for their lives. One day, he was out on his balcony, with hundreds of his loving and adoring Citizens cheering him on, so he thought. He decided to go down there and be with his loving Citizens and grace them with his presence. He walked outside into the crowd, men started hitting him. Immediately, he yelled, "What is happening?" He was beaten to death and shot, making sure he was dead. He was so surprised his "loving people" were beating him, killing him. He was so narcissistic he believed everybody loved him. If he had allowed his cabinet and family to tell him the truth, it would not have gotten to this point. Maummar, also chose to "not learn" in his lifetime, unless, this was his Life Path Lesson. He lived out his pre-birth death agreement. He was executioner during his life, and his 'loving citizens' executed him, at first chance. "He was surprised!!!" He probably had a similar body exit experience, as Ned.
You’re a treasure and so very appreciated 🙏🕊️
Thank you so much Cash for doing one of my countries most famous people. ❤🙏
Interesting that Ned Kelly gets more notoriety than Howard Florey, an Australian scientist, who played a crucial role in the development of penicillin🤷♂
Sadly hanging was continued in Australia right up until 1967 (within my lifetime)
I think there is a huge difference between doing something destructive from ignorance and doing something destructive with full knowledge of your actions. I don't know who I feel most sorry for.
WOW, more curious still! It’s just so AMAZING how things work AFTER this ride of life is over. I have wondered about Lizzie Borden and Marie Antoinette before, how their crossings panned out. Ned Kelly, SO YOUNG…..and Vasily was a bit of a shock, all those souls in bags….there to remind him. Hauntingly appropriate…. Thank you for sharing these.
Or even MORE interesting….Bonnie and Clyde! The two were in love and died the same time, is every crossing singular or did they go together? Back in the 70’s, the Bonnie and Clyde car was in a small room with a display of history and items at Pops Oasis, this place was located on the CA/NV border. On the way to Vegas, we stopped there and the grownups gambled a little bit. It was after hours, and a kind worker let me into the Bonnie and Clyde room by MYSELF. (These were the days of civility, and you could trust a young girl would go into a room and not touch anything) I stood 2 feet from the car, behind a velvet rope, a child examining the blood, dried and black and all the bullet holes. I had seen the movie not too long before this. I stared at the car for at least a half of an hour and then perused the articles and the relics. They have fascinated me since and I just realized that this was a new and interesting question! Do souls who die together, who are attached here, ascend together or still alone? Do they call out for each other in the tunnel or just accept the tunnel and keep it moving. Thank you Cash!
Wow, thank you for doing Ned Kelly, that was very interesting. There are quite a few movies about him, with Mick Jagger and also Heath Ledger. His armour is in the State Library of Victoria. Fascinating comparison of the 2 men, Cash, I’m sure they were not exactly pleasant to to do the pictures for.
Interesting, at the end when you were saying that nobody has permission to yank somebody’s soul out, the video froze, & not in the usual way it does! It was like Ned was saying, ‘Exactly!’ & he’s still pissed off about it!
I think if you read The Jerilderie Letter, which Kelly wrote, or rather dictated, he explains his actions & the corruption of police, & called for justice for poor rural families. The contents of the letter probably explains why he is considered a folk hero here in Oz.
Thanks once again, dear Cash. Take care! 😊❤
Cash, your pictures are becoming more fascinating and thought prevocing as I watch them for a second time. Thank You 🐈
Intriguing differences. Bit by bit, we gain more insight. I have read that the Soul will voluntarily leave the body ahead of an oncoming disaster or accident. I wonder how that fits in with this reading.... or perhaps that doesn't always happen, depending on the Soul's path... Thanks, Cash, as always!
Very interesting Cash. Feels like these two examples of inhumane peoples actions is a reconciliation for them. Not pleasant at all. Would it not be similar for any type of execution? Murder even? Being taking another life is technically ripping someone's Soul/Spirit out of the body. Now they know how it felt for their victums. So fascinating.
Thank you. Plus, I'm happy to see Soul crossings and taking a break from political stuff. ❤
Ned was far from inhumane, never say that in Australia.
Thank you, Cash. This is just fascinating!
Fascinating, Thank you so much for sharing your gift, Cash.
We absolutely do not have the right to take any life! That those who do this will suffer spiritually makes perfect sense to me. As always, Cash, your pictures are fascinating and informing! Thank you 🙏
Is self defense ok? Will we suffer spiritually?
Thank you, Cash!
Not thrown off a balcony the trap door underneath his feet was opened. 🇦🇺
Mick Jagger also played Ned Kelly back in the early 1970’s. Class warfare was rife between the English and Irish in Victoria during the 19th century which he describes in the famous Jerilderie Letter. In the letter, Kelly claimed he shot the police in self-defence. He also cites cases of alleged police corruption, expresses pro-Irish and anti-English sentiments, and demands justice for his family and other poor Irish settlers. It is still in print today. Ned’s final words before being hung were ‘such is life’. His skull was stolen while it was on exhibition and is still missing.
Such is life...still used to this very day, and commonly.
Fascinating! I had a past life regression where in the 15th century I worked as a royal executioner. I don't even like to kill a spider so it was shocking how unemotional I was regarding people last words. But it does make sense why I always look at people last words and judge them. We all play rolls.
What an interesting perspective. Truly the laws of the Universe and man are verrryyy different. What the Universe upholds is very different to what man thinks is Sacred. Thank you Cash.🌼
Go easy on Ned, he was a national hero to many. The Police were always pushing him and his siter was not safe from them. He was forced into a life of crime. Many bushrangers were Robin Hoods AND had good relationships with the poorer locals
Thank you Cash, 🙏💕🇨🇦
Intent. That is always the basis of what happens to us. So clear. ❤ I have always been opposed to capital punishment. We rarely even hear it discussed. So sad.
The taking of life by a gun must be very similar to being hanged. Do you think victims of gun fire have a different experience of transitioning than these two men? Their souls are yanked from their bodies. How sad. When you really think of what happens to the victims of mass shootings and these powerful rifles that destroy human tissue. Pray for us. ❤
As an Australian I have to say that we don't all laud Ned Kelly. I find hanging [ or any sort of death penalty action ] abhorrent and barbaric, yet he was no hero. Having said that, I found both of these fascinating - especially Blohkin. Thanks so much Cash ! 😊🌈
he was far better than the police and the British overlords who treated Irish worse than slaves and animals.
So interesting! Now I'm wondering about the transitions of people who have been beheaded. Looking now to see if you've ever done any -- I'm thinking Tudor times, French revolution, etc.
Also wondering about the transitions of the Romanov family and of Rasputin, if you can stomach it. This is so fascinating!!
As someone who has lost their head and been hung in various past lives...I think beheading is a little worse? But the worst part was being judged guilty and executed (even though I was totally innocent). It is the ultimate rejection by society. Yes, the physical part is terrible, but the feeling of being hated so much by your fellow humans that they end your life in a public spectacle, is the worst feeling I can imagine. The times I lost my head was in war, and therefore expected. It wasn't personal. It just made me feel like a failure, but at least I wasn't hated.
I have neck issues to this day, and throat chakra issues. And I have trouble trusting people. Trauma like that takes a LOT of healing.
You are amazing! I don’t have any spiritual gifts but you definitely do,,, I am not American but you are an inspiration and you give me hope for America’s future 😊
Wow, that was interesting! Thank you 😊
In my home town, Nürnberg, , the executioner had to live outside the castle walls with his familie, as they were considered unclean.
Hi Cash! :-p This one was certainly Riveting & Enlightening, not only in regard to the transitions you discussed (Ned Kelly & the other men), but also in what you observed happens when a soul is suddenly, brutally yanked out of its mortal form. 😳 Gosh, that definitely was eye-opening & thought-provoking! Well-done, as always...& certainly very broadening. (But why is it we humans feel the need at times to make some of our criminals out to be romanticized heroes?? We have done that here in America with a few of our 'Wild West' bad boys, like Billy The Kid, Jesse James, etc. Altho even I have to admit I did enjoy the "Young Guns" films & Emilio Estevez's portrayal of Billy The Kid, ha!).
Irish/English problem in Kelly's case. There are a couple of comments re that here.
Got my coffee lets go
WOAH!!! That one was deep!!! Esp. Russian executioner being grabbed up and taken away.😱 Very much reminiscent of that scene in the movie Ghost where the bad guy was killed,but didn't know it until the shadow people came out of the sewers and dragged him to the proverbial hell! This one was chilling Cash!🤯
Very interesting. Thank you, Cash!
As a man with Irish heritage, there was a lot of persecution by the English constabulary in those times. I am not excusing his actions but just pointing out that things are not back and white.
Cash :-p I popped back in to edit/add to my initial comment (hoping it would encourage others to watch the video), & saw what you said to someone about your dad's transition & why some souls seem to fragment. Very insightful. Thank U; I know that may not have been easy to share. 💖
Wow! Fascinating. Thank you, Cash.
These transitions are so fascinating ... have you considered Karen Carpenter (the singer/drummer)?
Thank you. I think I did hers, didn't I? Been watching your stuff lately - always a lot to process. Well done.
I'll have to get my "looking" glasses on ... 😁 ... yep, so much to process!
Great to see you here too, Libby! 😊🦘
Does this, I imagine it dies, also hold true of serial killers who take others lives often in a horrendous way. Have you done the cross over for one like Jeffery Dalmer and seen something similar?
Thank you,Cash. Fascinating as always. And so different from other pictures where getting rid of the ego is a person’s challenge. It was completely unsatisfactory to not get one “I’m sorry” from the Russian executor. Of course, it is not my business to bring my human, perhaps ego driven, ex-Catholic set of standards to the afterlife, but if I may say this, it seems as those who ‘just’ had to get rid of their ego before entering the dome, had a more difficult journey. Perhaps there are several levels once inside the dome? I have read that there are special ‘healing areas’ for those souls who have done a lot of damage to other humans. Again, this is so interesting to explore, so thank you, again, for being the brave soul to see these images and then convey them to us. It all adds to our understanding. 💐
This was so fascinating! The executioner's pictures were really amazing and disturbing. I don't think there have been any, that I have seen, that were as disturbing and scary, frankly, as that one.
Thanks Cash, I am going to need some time to decide what I think about this set of pictures.
So fascinating- Thank you Cash! 💕
Could all the water - flooding - indicate emotions?
Usually in the pictures, water correlates to tears shed. I didn't feel that here. Drowning in emotional residue, was more like it. At least that's what I thought the time.
Cash, in the past you remarked that this channel seemed less popular. But i was WAITING for this Ned K one, as you had .mentioed it. Never got notice. Had to search it out.
Anyway, thanks so much for doing it.
PS Re the Oz attitude to NK, there is a strongly revisionist band of NK devotees (possibly b/c there is still a strong Irish convict presence in the Oz "up yours" character) - to the point that there was an entire school textbook using him as the central focus for philosophical discussion.
Part of the revisionist history tries to paint the judge as personally distraught by the judgment. But in his diary, the judge wrote something like, " Sentenced the scoundrel Kelly. Lunch at the Club." 🤔
Thank you, Cash. I always appreciate it when you do a crossover. It really helps me.
Your timing, impeccable Cash. This channel is a down-filled Dinghy in a sea of political brambles. Much more profitable to pierce mysterious themes of human transition than continuous partisan jabs to the Right or Left.
Doubt anyone else could contribute in quite this way, though. Each day of sharing your path seems more insightful and impactful than the previous. The thoughts, mental connections, and emotional reactions you inspire are singularly unique. Thank you.
With Ned Kelly's hanging, thought of Robin Williams's suicide transition, also a hanging, apparently after a Lewy-body diagnosis, a uniquely awful form of dementia with an amplified awareness. The process of asphyxia is complicated in the particular anxiety inherent in respiratory irregularity or suppression. There's little compensation available with immediate critical brain demand, and if unable to successfully intervene in some way, is very difficult to witness. Interesting finding Ned Kelly submerged in water and Robin given the grace (?) of a bridge over the moat nearing the Dome. Are these meant to be snapshots? And since the black bin bags in Blokhin's experience translate as garbage, almost humorous the victims maintained a similar opinion of him in their rush to rid themselves of him at the Dome! (Don't recall actual humor in other transitions, really--or did I miss it?)
Also wondering if "fragmentation" is a product or result of unfinished life assignments being reassigned, or the reverse; completion in specific Incarnate tasks?
Well, it didn't feel humorous while I was going through it, but I do see your point. These images are given to me so that I can understand the emotion of the moment, I guess, so someone else might see a different set of images to explain the same thing. But thank you for your wonderful comments. I greatly appreciate your encouragement.
I would imagine the death penalty goes against the laws of the universe🤔 and yet 27 states have capital punishment.
I had a good friend who died by suicide. I knew she wanted to do it. I told her many times trying to convey the love that I had for her that I wanted her to stay with us. Like some others that have passed around me, she came to me afterwards and said, “I am with the spirits.” We actually had conversations and she helped me tremendously. Then she faded. So we don’t anything about what happens after we pass. We can be forgiven, we can stay in our own little hell, we can learn even more.
Interesting video. Perhaps the "roughing up" or somewhat violent force of the souls journey after death matches in part the violence perpetrated in the human life. Have you looked at other violent criminals? I will look at the Hitler pictures. Thank you.
Thank you, Cash. Very, very interesting 💋💋
Amazing. Maybe what you saw also explains my lifelong revulsion towards hanging. I always felt it was really cruel. The executioner was even more interesting. I understand what you say about transition and grace, but admit there is a part of me that thinks cruelty should be punished, not rewarded as seems to happen periodically. Thank you Cash for showing in your actions how the light is.
Really famous outlaws always get a following,just like Billy the Kid,Butch and The Sundance Kid,The Earps and Doc Holliday etc.,they all have millions of fans.
Wow 😮
Would you do pictures for someone killed by guillotine? Marie Antoinette maybe? When visiting Paris for the first time I couldn't help thinking I should understand the French language even though I had not studied it. I also got very depressed and emotional around dusk each evening. I have a birthmark at the back of my neck and sometimes think it was from a past life there during those times. I have also noticed the same birthmark on others. One person (a card reader and psychic) told me she completely freaked out on her first trip to Paris feeling VERY not safe. She told me she thought she was a person in that royal Marie orbit in a past life and was killed, as I think I may have been as well. Thanks always Cash.
question does what happened to NedKelly happen to all murder victims - executes, soldier, car wrecks et al?
That was an interesting, thoughtful comparison.
I wonder if Ned Kelly's resistance in the tunnel was because he thought he was going to go to hell. He was from a poor Irish family and raised Catholic. Having been raised Catholic myself, I can vouch for the fact that the concepts of heaven and hell are taught from an early age. Ned knew he'd killed people and that each murder was a mortal sin. If he was able to go to confession before being hanged, confessed those sins and asked for forgiveness, then in his eyes that would 'save' him. However, if he had not been able to do so, he would believe those sins were still on his soul and he would have been afraid that the devil would drag him to hell.
Does the same thing happen to people who die suddenly in an accident or a bombing like the Oklahoma City bombing? This supports my opposition to the death penalty. Very interesting, as usual. Thanks, Cash.
Usually, I have something to say after your pictures. Some pretty horrible people have been met with grace at the end. Haven't they? I'll have to go back and watch some similar ones.
As you know, we had lynchings here of perfectly innocent black folks not that long in our past. I cannot think that they deserved anything but a gentle welcome on the other side. Well, I did have something to say about this after all. 😢
Supposedly, the last black hanging in the U.S. was 1963. We all know that is not factual. 😱
Well that was sad 😥 Still, absolutely fascinating. 😊 👏 👏 👏
Maybe it was the suddeness of the death and the shock to the soul that caused the trauma. Would this apply only to hanging or would death by electrocution or firing squad create the same scenario? How interesting to discover that there is some kind of justice for remorseless killers, even those who feel morally justified. Do you think that these kind of souls go right back into a physical body instead of doing the whole life review? If you turn away from Grace and refuse to accept it, will you receive it anyway? You bring up some interesting questions to ponder, Cash!❤❤❤
Dearest Cash, don’t pay attention to all the dark energy idiots. The Pandora’s box has been opened and are attacking whoever they can. You are very much appreciated. You have to do what you need to do for your sanity. ❤
Poor Ned. He didn’t kills lot of people, only a few police who were surcharges for him in the bush. His biggest crime was cattle stealing and it was felt that the family were harassed by the police. The last thing he said before his execution was, “ Such is life.” If you can get hold of the Jerildari letter you might be able to discern his true nature through his writing. His father was not around much and he lived with his mother, sisters and brothers. The police gave them a bad time. Trouble was, he kept making the wrong decisions, and kept breaking the Law.
Cash, there have been some transition pictures you have done, such in the case of Amy Winehouse and Roy Cohn were the soul seems to breaks up, fragments, or dissapates. What do you interpret this to mean? Does it mean their soul no longer exists?
Don't really know. After my father died, I waited about four months to see what might have happened to him at the spiritual level - something I've not done with anyone else, but he was my father, so I felt okay with it - and as far as I could tell his 'being' had splintered into several parts, each one flying off to a separate place, as though the various components that went into making up that specific being are disassembled like robot parts and then reassembled as someone else, or several someone elses, later on. Maybe some people are so disturbed that, for whatever reason, their consciousness begins fragmenting just prior to ascension.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub thank you for responding Cash, I have often pondered this myself. I have read Dr. Michael Newton's books and somewhere it references some souls being "reprogrammed" or "rebuilt"
I bet he was glad that life was over also…
Very interesting, Cash. I wonder if you might consider doing Judas. I think he got a bad rap. Thanks.😻❤
Cash, we have a gaol in Belfast where a famous British executioner regularly 'conducted' hangings. I visited it one autumn evening & they took us into the execution room. There was a false floor. The convict stood at a ertain place the hood & rope was placed over him & then the floor 'gave way' & the hanging would begin. I think it is a process, I don't think it's instantaneous.. Usually the gaoll had an upper window that would display the process to the populace in the town. It was intended as a terrifying deterrent- like the original 'hanging tree' that would be situated at the crossroads of a town in earlier years. This was fascinating to me I'd always heard of Ned Kelly but knew nothing about him. 25 years old though. May God have mercy on his soul & on the souls of his victims. Thankyou Cash ❤
Did you do the executioners picture?
Interesting. One question that occurs to me is then this must also apply to soldiers killing each other in war? Or to ANYONE who takes someone else's life? At least if it's not part of their soul's purpose? I'll have to think about this some more.
Is that the same for the guillotine or beheading (for the soul) and the executioner?
I wondered the same thing.
What about people who commit suicide? I'm not asking about an accidental drug overdose, but one that is intentional.
I believe I’ve done that, haven’t I?
@@EnlightenedBeingsClub don't know. I will take a look.
Cash did Robin Williams and it was illuminating.
Interesting. Hanging is so abrupt. Would it be the same outcome for the people who were, unfortunately, sent to the guillotine?
Haven’t you done someone murdered? You must have, maybe unintentional but one of these soul crossings do your remember any like this one? I don’t!. Hitler wasn’t this abrupt. What a trip Cash, kinda scary. Wonder why Grace didn’t show. I have a guess, once arrived it becomes evident pretty quick , the issue is self forgiveness. You know what you’ve done. They couldn’t forgive themselves or they expected the burning hell place.🤣. That was different and fun as - - A🛢️ O 🙈🙉🐵🐒
Thanks Cashman!📿
Ned Kelly saved a boy from drowning when he was young. Could he have been thinking of this when he died?
Dear Cash,
Quick questions:
* Does the same apply for every type of execution?
* What about human sacrifices?
* What about someone wrongly executed for a crime they did not commit?
I just quickly looked at Marie Antoinette, and her consciousness had an overwrought kinetic energy to it, like a boomerang flying around a huge space, swirling and twirling. So I imagine that it must be disorienting to the spirit.
Dear Cash, I always find your cross-over videos absolutely fascinating and as someone who can feel compassion (NOT to be confused with sympathy 😄) with "evil" people, it is always so comforting to know that Grace (nearly) always is the "receptionist". I wanted to share this very short (1 minute) video clip by one of my very favourite stand-up "comedians" who covers the question of executioners in a very concise way. Hope you have time to watch and enjoy it: Josh Johnson on executioners:
Cash, have you ever gone into someone like Ned Kelly's energy to find out what made them do what they did?
Not Kelly alive, no. I thought history showed us what he did.
Cash. It’s not metaphorical. Some parts yes but a lot is not. I help souls ascend because my little kids are clairvoyant… begrudgingly. Your pictures are almost a 1-for-1.
I agree. One night I asked my angels what was going to happen to my sister. The next thing I knew I was in the Light. Then I moved through it into a rock tunnel and there was my sister floating up it. I followed for a while and then had to go to sleep so broke the connection. She died exactly 3 months later.
And Kelly is a hero to whom? Sounds like a narrative to sell books just like Jesse James.
As another commenter said, it is not all black and white with Ned. Some of the police were corrupt, one paying unwanted attention to his sister. I also know a descendant of the boy he saved from drowning. There are many people on either side of the discussions about him today, including those with ancestors who knew or came across him who had completely opposing views on his life and actions.
Not sure how Ned Kelly killed his victims but DIDN’T HE DO THE SAME? Shot, bludgeoned someone quickly who wasn’t expecting it? Don’t most murderers?
Do you do private readings?
No, I don’t.
It doesn't seem fair that a person predisposed to a family, a society, etc that fostered hateful acts should be held responsible. That goes for the whole human race. To me, it's like a universal dictator force is operating through the human form. At any time, we can escape the control by aligning with our true Identity and be a vehicle for the Christ within. It's like condemning a diabetic for the malady. It's not his fault. It"s seeing Spiritually, rather than materially.This has helped me to find compassion and forgiveness for the unforgivable 🙏🫠
Yes, but! Ned Kelly did the exact same thing with each person he killed! Yanked them out of their bodies, without permission.
Why is that a yes, but? This argument is a balance between murder being on someone’s soul’s path and mutually agreed pre-birth, and intervening with someone’s life force and soul’s path.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub for reasons unknown it won't let me post my response. It may be too long, I don't know. I could try breaking it up into smaller segments.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub it keeps saying "Invadlid Request to Argument". All I an doing is answering your question.
@EnlightenedBeingsClub - At the end of the video, you said, "It seems as though, Ned Kelly's executioner who was the murderer. Because, you don't have permission at the spiritual level to yank somebody's soul from their body and dispatch it. The Universe doesn't allow that. And, if you do it, then you pay a price at a soul level. All that happens to the person you are executing, is that, you throw them into a state of confusion as they are sent down the tunnel. That's what happened to Ned Kelly."
Stay with me in my train of thought. It took only seconds of thought at the end of your video. And, hours to put into writing.
All of this is on their pre-birth life path! Question: Did they learn their life lesson? Ned knew he was going to die, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I agree, any person who is suddenly murdered is definitely yanked out of their body and sent into a state of confusion. The murderer pays the consequences for their action/s at the soul level and probably another lifetime. Until these souls stop playing 'tit for tat'. And, forgive.
We are all on our pre-birth life path. We may stray off it. Get back on it. Improve it and create a new and better life path than originally planned. AKA - take off and run with it. (I know someone who did that, what he has done in this life is amazing.) Or, never get back on their life path and have to come back and relive that life path scenario, until 'the lesson' is learned.
This 'is' Ned's choosen Life Path. Ned Kelly killed people when he executed his crimes, he was their executioner. Back in the day, this was the common consequences of living the way he did. And, he knew this could be a consequence. Although, I think, he believed he was going to live forever, never die ... maybe. Narcissism. He was extremely dangerous and he didn't care about human life - anyone's life, including his own. Otherwise, he would not have lived this lifestyle. He was probably an adrenaline junky, living life on the edge, and loving the thrill of it all. We all know people who live like that. He wore armor to protect himself from injury and death. This is how he was raised and taught to believe, as you explained. His Life Path, includes the way he dies. He agreed to it, pre-birth. In his human form, he didn't learn, 'that he could have lived a different, better, style of life,' he chose to keep doing this. He became so attached to the human body, human survival life style, the adrenaline, the earth, he forgot about the other side, that when he died, it was a shock to him. His human consciousness was still holding on. He was not living a spiritual lifestyle. Yet, watching his transition, seemed less traumatic, to me than other people, in your videos, who were nicer people, who were really invested in their beliefs, usually religious beliefs. Maybe, he was living a life that was correcting a karma from past lives, creating a new healthy balance in his soul group. I learned this from you. That karma doesn't necessarily mean negative.
When you posed your question, at the end of the video, four people came to my mind. I will try to post separately.
Winston Churchill said, “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount.”
Ned Kelly was not a Dictator of a country, but his family lessons, narcissism, and lifestyle made him a Dictator to people be met. Ned chose to continue this life path instead of 'learning' from it, and going a better way. It was his choice. And so, Ned's death by hanging completed his pre-birth Life Path Plan. Whereas, if he made wise decisions instead, his death would have been much better. For him to be shocked by his death like this, really shows how human bound, humanly invested, connected to his human body, and earthbound he was, that he believed he was immortal, believed he would never die, he had his long life planned out. He didn't think about, 'What if I die.' 'When I die.' 'What happens when I die?'
Even though Ned was not a horrible leader of a country, torturing, and executing people. He was going around the country, killing people, torturing people, and hurting people, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Yes, he had a most 'unusual ' exit from his human body, going back into the spiritual life. I think you felt feelings, that you probably were not able to fully express to us/me, that we/I, didn't feel and fully understand what you were saying. I rewatched this video and few times. After watching all of your videos on people exiting their human bodies, they all exit differently. People who die quickly seemed to be jolted out of their body, or hanging around waiting for 'something' then going into the cave. Each person in a different way. Surprised, by a sudden death will be shocking, unless they feel it / know it is coming - a few do. Even a few of your videos show people who have been sick, short or long time, will appear to be jolted out of their body, because they are surprised they died. Did not expect it.
Thank you so much!
I send Unconditional Love to You and Hym. I think my cat sends Unconditional Love to both of you, also! 😻
@EnlightenedBeingsClub When you posed your question, at the end of the video, four people came to my mind.
Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya (10-11-2011) only had "Yes men" around him. No person was allowed to tell him any negative outside news, all news had to be turned into positive news. No one could say negative comments, they could not say 'No', only 'Yes', to him, if they said the 'No' word, or gave him negative outside news, they were immediately executed, on the spot, including family members. No one could tell him about the Libyan Citizens hating him and wishing him dead. Because they feared for their lives. One day, he was out on his balcony, with hundreds of his loving and adoring Citizens cheering him on, so he thought. He decided to go down there and be with his loving Citizens and grace them with his presence. He walked outside into the crowd, men started hitting him. Immediately, he yelled, "What is happening?" He was beaten to death and shot, making sure he was dead. He was so surprised his "loving people" were beating him, killing him. He was so narcissistic he believed everybody loved him. If he had allowed his cabinet and family to tell him the truth, it would not have gotten to this point. Maummar, also chose to "not learn" in his lifetime, unless, this was his Life Path Lesson. He lived out his pre-birth death agreement. He was executioner during his life, and his 'loving citizens' executed him, at first chance. "He was surprised!!!" He probably had a similar body exit experience, as Ned.