What is Interpretation of Tongues

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • In this beginning-to-end exposition of 1 Corinthians 14, John Lynn sets forth great truth regarding the manifestations of speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. The manifestation of interpretation of tongues is just what it says it is: the meaning of what was spoken in tongues in a gathering of believers. Because verse 2 states that tongues is "NOT TO MEN, but TO GOD," so also must the interpretation be not a message from God, but praise to God. The precision of God's matchless Word in this chapter, and in particular verses 12-17, will make your heart burn within you. And it will enable you to better "seek to excel to the edifying of the church."
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  • @elizabethbrown8833
    @elizabethbrown8833 2 роки тому +1

    Deep unto deep praising God for this Message

  • @johne.stinson9759
    @johne.stinson9759 2 роки тому

    The wonderful words from God's Word made very clear. Many thanks, sir...!! See you @ the bema, my brother.

  • @darrylgoben7108
    @darrylgoben7108 8 років тому +1

    if u dont believe we shoul speek in tounges you r at a very child level..its absolutly perfect prayer

  • @muqadusazam
    @muqadusazam 11 років тому

    God bless you brother this is revelation from God for us through you

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому

    abbyful, thank you for your post.
    I understand your point, and it's a good one. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. I had a few thoughts that might help, though.
    2 Tim. 2:15 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God - literally, this means 'God-breathed' - and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, which is instruction in righteousness."

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому

    God bless you too, brother.

  • @joerod5621
    @joerod5621 Рік тому

    Is Paul keeping score ?he thanks God that he can speak more languages than others !

  • @MoGoulet
    @MoGoulet Рік тому

    The minute someone says you can't, should raise a red flag. You can't interpret or prophecy unless you have 3. Think about that for a moment. As they research (study using your human mind) they are limiting God. No matter how much you think you know, it's still knowledge accumulated by human study. The living word is in you with the new birth as God created the new mind of Christ. I'm not going to go on but think. Just think. Men today are ever learning and not able to experience the living Christ.

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому

    "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13. When we come to the scriptures with faith and expectation, the spirit will guide us in the truth. I find too that the more I read the scripture, the more any poorly translated verses tend to stick out due to their incongruity with the rest of the Word.
    Hope that helps.

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому +1

    So the original scripture, the scripture that was written when "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21), is God-breathed, What we are reading today are translations, and some are better than others. We don't have any of the originals any longer. This has without a doubt caused a certain amount of contention in the understanding of scripture over the years. However, 98% of scripture is accurate in most translations.

  • @FRANCK1711
    @FRANCK1711 11 років тому +1

    when i interpret the tongue i speak from God i deliver a message TO God not a message TO men

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому

    And God has not leave us without help. We are aided by the holy spirit, and can compare spiritual things with spiritual. Jesus spoke truth when he said on the mount - "Blessed are they that HUNGER and THIRST after righteousness, for they SHALL be filled." It's the heart God looks after.

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  11 років тому

    You can do it, phoenx8! I'll be praying!

  • @markjohnston7367
    @markjohnston7367 8 років тому

    Love it SIT much

  • @FRANCK1711
    @FRANCK1711 12 років тому

    I knew about speaking in tongues and that interpretation of tongues is among believers but for me the message concerning interpretation of tongues i freely deliver (a praise to God) is different from what i learnt.

  • @TheLivingTruthFellowship
    @TheLivingTruthFellowship  10 років тому +1

    Thanks for sharing ***** :)

    • @evalynesimpson3041
      @evalynesimpson3041 10 років тому

      So funny, "adopt a Mexican child in Acapulco", etc ..LOL

  • @IOLER
    @IOLER 11 років тому

    Praise be our Lord Jesus! I want to speak in tounges! God please help me!:)

  • @Zoroaster4
    @Zoroaster4 11 років тому

    have you done any videos on the 9 Manifestations of Holy Spirit if not u should

  • @houseforsale8249
    @houseforsale8249 5 років тому

    Acts 19:2 He said unto them, HAVE YE RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST SINCE YE BELIEVED? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

  • @cmg617
    @cmg617 12 років тому

    Great explanation! @ 45:00-47:00 clarifying the person receiving a Personal prophecy that exposes the secret things of his heart 1 Cor 14:24,25. I have always thought this to mean the Corporate Manifestation of Prophecy. Only Question is the context seems to indicate it is in the Church that all are prophesying (v. 24)? Please clarify. Thanks!!!

  • @alvinlee10ya
    @alvinlee10ya 10 років тому

    I am still open to tongues and interpretation . Yet , I do wonder at times whether people are faking . A preacher told me once that a professor of Greek spoke the Lord's Prayer in Greek and someone attempted to interpret and did not even come close .

    • @jeffburrows2081
      @jeffburrows2081 8 років тому

      Here's the Problem....? There is no Tongues but God......however there are evil spirits that Hi-Jack the Gift.....Jezebel Hi-Jacks the Gift of Tongues and interpretation all the time.....It's called false interpretation. This is Divination in the Churches.

  • @kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474
    @kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 7 років тому +2

    PART 2 -
    Biblical “tongues” (in Greek - ‘glossa’, but also ‘dialektos’) as referenced particularly in Acts and Corinthians is to always be translated and understood as real language(s), not ecstatic utterances. Further, the word “interpretation” should always be understood as “translation”.
    In the Pentecost narrative of Acts - tongues and “other tongues” are simply nothing more than Aramaic and Greek - the two mother tongues of not only all the “local Jews” in attendance for Shavuot, but also the Jews of the Diaspora who were in Jerusalem for the feast. The disciples spoke both languages; however, religious teaching (as well as worship and praying) in the Jewish world had to be done in a specifically prescribed language - Hebrew. This concept is known as ‘ecclesiastical diglossia’ - very simply put; the use of a specific language over all others with respect to liturgical use as well as religious teaching/preaching, etc. People were “amazed, astounded and bewildered” to hear the disciples speaking to them in their mother tongues of Greek and/or Aramaic rather than the expected (and, in this instance, culturally/socially correct) Hebrew - no language or hearing miracle, no xenoglossy, and no ecstatic utterances were necessary. The ‘list’, in Acts (2:9-11) by the way is not a list of languages as many assume; it is a list of lands/countries and ethnic groups the Jews of the Diaspora were from - not one place in the entire Pentecostal narrative is ANY language mentioned by name….not one. In fact, nowhere in the entire narrative does it even suggest there was any type of a communication problem to begin with!
    Corinthians also describes real languages - in this passage, Paul frequently uses the literary device of hyperbole which by many has been misinterpreted and taken literally; something it was never intended to do. To paraphrase a bit from an article written about the ‘tongues’ described in Paul’s letter:
    “Paul is not a proponent of speech that is not understandable (1 Cor. 14:9) and in 1 Cor.14:10 states that no language is without meaning. Glossolalia does not fit his definition of language. He insists that whenever foreign languages are spoken in prayer, they should be translated. Throughout the whole, he is talking about real languages with real meaning. Paul’s overriding message throughout this whole chapter is that everything done in the public worship service is supposed to be edifying to the hearers. That is his key point. He is calling for intelligibility. He is appealing for clarity. When we say something in public worship, the people in the congregation need to understand the message.”
    Many will use Cor. 14:2 as “proof” of tongues being spiritual language(s) - it simply describes real language, though a foreign one to the “hearer”.
    As one writer put it, “Think of it this way; if I showed up at a Bible study and began to speak in German, but no one else in the room could speak German, I might impress a few people, but no one would understand me. So if I speak in a language that no one else in the room can speak, I am in fact not speaking to men, but to God (who alone can understand all languages). Anything I say would be a mystery to those in the room. That is what Paul was trying to convey” by people speaking a foreign language at a public worship.
    Another way of looking at it is that, for example, I could teach you a poem or perhaps even a short song (or both) in say, Welsh, and you could learn them and recite/sing them perfectly well, even to near native fluency with enough practice, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you understand Welsh or even exactly one word of what you’re actually saying/singing. As Paul states in 1 Cor. 14:14, “your spirit is praying/singing, but your understanding is unfruitful”. So, yes, “tongues” certainly can, and did, refer to real languages.
    A few further thoughts on the “tongues” in Corinth paraphrased from a paper by Robert Zerhusen: “In 1 Corinthians 12:10 Paul says some have ability in "kinds [Gk. ‘gene’] of tongues." If non-cognitive non-language-utterances (“NC-NLU”, i.e. ‘tongues’) are not languages of any kind and have no cognitive structure, how can they be differentiated into "kinds" or "classes" (read ‘language families’ here)? Differentiation into individual, particular tongues types/classes seems to imply various real languages.
    Sometimes tongue is singular, and sometimes plural: tongues. Can there be singular or plural NC-NLU's? Did Paul engage in multiple NC-NLU's (1 Cor. 14:18)? References to singular ("tongue") and plural ("tongues") fit the hypothesis of language (singular) versus languages (plural) much better.
    NC-NLU's cannot, by their very nature, be interpreted or translated. As W. F. Orr and J. A. Walther observed regarding the interpretation of tongues: "If the reference is to 'languages,' this (the word “interpretation”) should be rendered 'translation'". If the reference is to genuine NC-NLU's, then interpretation or translation cannot take place.”
    And finally, he states: “Careful examination of the text of 1 Corinthians 14 reveals that Paul never explicitly states whether or not the language-speaker knew or understood the language that he was using. In fact, Paul's emphasis throughout the chapter is, as Antoinette C. Wire observes, on the hearer of the problem languages, not the speakers: "He takes the hearer rather than the speaker as his touchstone, rejecting tongues (i.e. foreign languages) because the hearers do not understand them".
    Some practitioners will argue that there are “thousands of languages spoken in the world today, how can anyone know that ‘tongues’ are not one of them?” Yes, there are indeed thousands of languages spoken in the world today - unfortunately not one of them is remotely close to what people are producing in their glossolalia/tongues.
    As Linguist Dr. William Welmers puts it: “Among us (Linguists), we have heard many hundreds of languages. Furthermore, we have heard representative languages in virtually every group of related languages in the world. At worst we may have missed a few small groups in the interior of South America or in New Guinea. I would estimate that the chances are at least even that if a glossolalic utterance were in a known language, one of us would either recognize the language or recognize that it is similar to some language we are acquainted with."
    Dr. Welmers further makes this challenge: "Get two recordings, one of a glossolalic utterance and the other in a real language remote from anything I have ever heard. I'm confident that in just a few moments I could tell which is which and why I am sure of it."
    As a Linguist, I completely concur with his challenge - real language is unmistakable, as is glossolalia.

  • @AEHR1961
    @AEHR1961 8 років тому

    please ,brother translating tips more important for the believer spanish. its very import

  • @jeffburrows2081
    @jeffburrows2081 8 років тому

    The Hot line you should be addressing is Malachi 4:5 brother ......Elijah......John and Paula Sandford have made it very clear (Goats) in their Preface....."We shut down up and coming Prophets" ....so the Church is VOID of all you are talking about.

  • @jeffengstrom5363
    @jeffengstrom5363 7 років тому

    What's interesting is that this guy comes up with an idea that makes all his previous tongues interpretations null and void without ever even acknowledging it. Anything goes in the Topsy turvy world of Corinthian" tongues".

  • @TonguesSongs
    @TonguesSongs 11 років тому

    what is different?

  • @jeffengstrom5363
    @jeffengstrom5363 7 років тому

    An interpretation will only be as good as the doctrine of the interpretor. No matter how good or foul that doctrine is. Such is the case with these modern interpretations only showing the falacy of this whole mess.

  • @joerod5621
    @joerod5621 Рік тому

    As much misunderstanding about tongues this guy takes the cake he’s a real basket case. Confucius makes better sense! Wish people would read 1Corinthians12-13-14 over and over till it makes sense. 1 corinthians 14:9 unless you speak intelligible words no one understands you and you are speaking into the air/birds. It’s not to edify yourself (look what I can do. I’m more spiritual than you!) It’s always about building the body/church of Jesus Christ. This guy said you need to be taught no one should have to teach you the Spirit gives you utterance.
    There is no such thing as private prayer language! Like some mental accession!
    When you pray, don’t repeat, like pagans !
    Luke 12:12 the Holy Spirit, will give me the words when you need them.
    Always remember, the devil doesn’t come in a red suit with horns. He masquerades as an angel of light.

  • @jeffengstrom5363
    @jeffengstrom5363 7 років тому

    The "tongues" at Corinth were no proof at all of the speakers salvation. It is much easier MUCH easier to prove Corinths speakers were not part of the body of Christ. There the speakers would receive some kind of a personal edification but not edify the church.THAT CAN ONLY BE POSSIBLE IF THE SPEAKER WAS NOT PART OF THE CHURCH! There is a reason that Paul gives the clearest gospel presentation right after this section 1corinthians 15.

    • @alvinlee55
      @alvinlee55 5 років тому

      Hi. I believe one point you are missing is Paul wrote a second letter to the Corinthians. He was encouraged by the positive reception his first letter received.Evan - NZ

  • @priscillaayd4245
    @priscillaayd4245 8 років тому

    I'm sorry but you are teaching it all wrong, in the king James bible. it
    says desire spiritual gifts. it is a gift. so teach what it says not
    what you believe.

    • @oklahomasupercell
      @oklahomasupercell 3 роки тому

      Wrong. 1 Corinthians 12:7. Says they are manifestations. Not gifts. Then Paul lists the 9 of them available to all who will to believe. What you mention is in 1 Corinthians 14:1 and the word gifts here is not in the critical texts. The word spiritual here is the Greek word pneumatikos. Meaning spiritual matters. And if you read the entire 1 Corinthians 14 and not take one verse and incorrectly translate it, you’ll see Paul discusses the rules of the manifestations for the Church as they were doing it out of order. God bless.

  • @jeffengstrom5363
    @jeffengstrom5363 7 років тому

    I love this guy but he's a bit of a nut.