I refuse to wear a replica. If I can’t get the real one, then I’ll just get a non designer bag. To me, wearing a replica makes it seem like you’re a wannabe.
Calling someone a wannabe because THEY want to purchase a replica is pathetic. What ppl choose to with their money is their business. Just like someone who wants to spend 4k on a bag is THEIR business. No one is better than the other.
I refuse to wear a replica. If I can’t get the real one, then I’ll just get a non designer bag. To me, wearing a replica makes it seem like you’re a wannabe.
So true. There are so many great dupes out there. Zara has some of the best bags at affordable prices.
1:1 replica you can buy , same as orginal one
Calling someone a wannabe because THEY want to purchase a replica is pathetic. What ppl choose to with their money is their business. Just like someone who wants to spend 4k on a bag is THEIR business. No one is better than the other.
@@Misskwu I guess you’re the pathetic one for taking this so personal. I must have struck a nerve.