EP 10 - Religious Trauma

  • Опубліковано 27 чер 2023
  • This episode, we talk about our experiences with religious trauma coming from very religious backgrounds
    Tik Tok


  • @pinotnoir966
    @pinotnoir966 2 місяці тому

    Hey! Thanks for allowing yourself to be vulnerable so all of us can have a safe space like this! I'm not a Christian, actually I'm Buddhism. My whole life, I never experience any religion trauma until I come to the US for educational purpose. The town that I currently live is conservative (and racist). It's full of many white people with strong belief on Christianity and my two roommates are so religious. One day, we had a conversation about my sexuality (I'm lesbian by the way) and being gay is wrong according from Bible). At that time, I felt so alone and sad by not being accept by people. This is the first time of my life that I felt so traumatized by religion and it's not even what I believe in (what the freak lol). Right now, I overcome it and am proud of myself again. Strongly agree with everything you've said. I believe in CRITICAL THINKING than other things. I respect individuals' spiritual but it shouldn't oppress other genders (men vs women or straight vs gay) or conflict with basic human right.

  • @hollycastle2740
    @hollycastle2740 Рік тому +9

    I was raised Catholic, never a believer but I remember being like 15 and thinking well I guess I’m gonna have to unalive myself when I’m 18 because I’m gay and I can’t fake being straight. Religion really fucks people up that’s for sure 🖤🖤🖤

    • @TheOatmilkLesbians
      @TheOatmilkLesbians  Рік тому +3

      we’re sorry you had to grow up feeling that way… hope you’re in a better place now 🫂❤️

  • @sociciology
    @sociciology Рік тому +13

    thanks for talking about this so openly. Unlearning the toxic teachings and healing religious trauma is a CHORE damn.

  • @zenith.xathias
    @zenith.xathias Рік тому +5

    Very interesting topic and conversation. Thank you for sharing

  • @user-nl8nl7kc2l
    @user-nl8nl7kc2l Рік тому +7

    me every second of this video- I DO NOT HAVE ONE SINGLE ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE WTFFF
    my father is literally EXACTLY like fayes 😭😭💀

  • @emmahudson4931
    @emmahudson4931 11 місяців тому +1

    Buddhist/Taoist here and I do really like my 'religion' because it is very up to you. You can just do whatever in this life but you'll have to pay for it in the afterlife or like in the next life. I do think that people should just do more good deeds and everything would've been better :)

  • @user-jo6ho6mz8z
    @user-jo6ho6mz8z 3 місяці тому

    Intresting! thanks

  • @nyakwada
    @nyakwada Рік тому

    I agree with everything shared here. Especially the lack of a backbone and almost no sense of individuality for some. I recall countless times I've had the misfortune of explaining why I don't agree with certain concepts used from the bible to define how the society is expected to live, and at some point I end up having a heated, almost illogical, argument with a devout Christian before they become almost violent. Then I end up just staying quiet because how we reason are at a different level. I've decided to reduce it to 'who's more ignorant than the other' because we are all working with limited knowledge.
    There's so much we don't know yet we still keep developing some detrimental policies that limit the extent of natural evolution.
    I hope this makes sense to someone else.

  • @juetli4989
    @juetli4989 Рік тому +3

    Feel like usually why people who convert are more extreme is because They Themselves Chose to be in the religion. If you were born to it its like kinda??? Passive? in a way
    Also personally don't care any religions because they are so human (because they are created by humans) . Every single religion, historically, has some sort of violence or sexism behind it. Even Buddhism sadly. But I understand if ppl use it as their own hope i guess.

  • @jessicagarcia9832
    @jessicagarcia9832 Рік тому

    I get the feeling that I can have a long and deep conversation with both of you.

  • @amajuoritseiluwa1873
    @amajuoritseiluwa1873 10 місяців тому

    I followed from TikTok 😅

  • @raphillorente9137
    @raphillorente9137 Рік тому +1

    I thought that conversation was going to take a turn towards time travel 😅

  • @wm604
    @wm604 Рік тому +6

    7:30 the idea sounds nice until your aunt tells you the reason you're gay is because you've committed terrible sexual sins in your past lives 💀 buddhism is chill but it's also not immune to words getting twisted lmaoo

    • @TheOatmilkLesbians
      @TheOatmilkLesbians  Рік тому +6

      NOOOOOO ……. guess at the end of the day if people truly wanna be homophobic they will 😭

  • @arinasalvatore8095
    @arinasalvatore8095 Рік тому

    7:50 its like leave woman for man

  • @SisiphoAmelieLeeZinja
    @SisiphoAmelieLeeZinja Рік тому +4

    Ngl, most Christian women are pickmes 😀😅

  • @creationsfldotcom
    @creationsfldotcom Рік тому

    Hello Faye and Zoey I think that is what I heard your names were., You are both very beautiful. I have found truths in the Bible, that would answer some questions I hear all the time. “Being Gay Is evil” This is not true. There are Laws for men, Lev 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman . If there were any laws restricting women from touching each other it would be written in the next sentence. This is not a gray area. 99% of Heaven are girls, and yes they will be friends, in love, and touch each other. The Creator gave that to you, and girls are designed that they do not spill their seed on the ground, as with a man. That is why Men are higher/closer to the Creator. They Must over come the flesh, and women it is optional. Sex with animals is wrong for both sexes.
    Why do you think there are so few men in Heaven? That Lust desire, Power, Greed, Anger, Stubbornness, and so on,and most women do not have the same drive. When a man does not make it to the Messiah (First Resurrection) the scriptures say they are cut/No privates, and will be in the 2nd resurrection, no suffering at all. The only ones to suffer is the devils, murderers, false prophets, these gay men will be in the 2nd resurrection. If they are male or female or Eunuch will depend on their works here on Earth. This is my understanding of these texts, and could be wrong in some small way, but the texts are pretty clear on most these issues, and why they did not include them in your bible.
    It sounds like being a lesbian relationship, is just like any relationship, but Lesbians can fight over who gets to be big spoon. That is why I like being the man! Ha HA HA! Yes I like being a man, but I like to play the low spoon all the time. I am always aware of my partner. I have a deep personality, and it has a history. I do want children, and I talk about feeling, but you are right girls are much more emotional. I am a Man, and it is not a choice, I must be with a woman only. It is my job to get my girls to Heaven. So I must study the Bible, and show my wives and children the truth and teach them. Being a man does come with benefits, I get to teach my girls about making babies, what better job is there. I get to touch, kiss and feel them, and look into their eyes. Watch my family grow for 1 million years, then I give it all up, and come back down here to this world to do exactly what I am doing right now. Gathering my Family back together. I study every form of religion, and all the oldest Texts, and Zoey is right, most have the Stories that are in the bible, and there is a reason for that. Along the way parts of the True Faith broke off, and were left behind, like the horoscope, and Enoch. The churches today do not study their own Bible, so that is the blind following the blind. If you want to know the truth, you must study, and prove everything I say. I will tell you the questions you must answer. I do not go to church to learn religion. I go to church to help the people learn the god they are worshiping is false, and Jesus is nothing but a Greek god.
    This is so funny, I never thought that girls are fighting over who is calling the shots. I try to motivate my girls to take control, start a business, get educated, be confident, believe in yourself. You both like girls, but you did not say why... I wanted to know why. I know why I like girls, toooo many reasons, I want to kiss every inch of their body, experience life for the next 1 million years, and have children, and..., BUT... Why do you like girls. I do not need to ask why you do not like boys, they are controlling carnal minded bigots. I am not one of those by the way. Plus men have something girls do not have. Girls are perfect creations, that is why there was so little cut from Adam.
    I am a man, and every girl needs a man, but a Righteous man only. The reason girls have such a hard time in male relationships, is they do not know what a Righteous man looks like.
    I want to teach you the Laws and explain why this is important to me, to you, and to our children. Everyone one is worthy, and I am most concerned for your Salvation first, then comes marriage. It took me many many years to understand what I needed to teach my children, and that starts with teaching their Mother. I do not care how old you are, If you will study with me, I will be your Headship, and you will be with me in Heaven. Even if we never meet. What I am teaching you, is what you must teach your children. Our Children. You being under my headship, your children are protected in the same way. This Headship I talk about is the old Jewish tradition that came from the Bible. Believe it or not girls are not made equal to boys. Boy are stronger, and you came from us, so that is the way it is. I did not do it. What I can do is educate you on the Facts I have found, and see what you think. If you agree with what I posted on my blog, and after doing your own research, then when I show you the Song, you will be convinced, I am the Man for you. That is why I am so secretive about that Song. It is a Peril of Great Price! I am special because I can teach you that Song. As you will soon find out no one you know will know that Song, and when I show it to you in your own Bible you will still not find anyone who can Sing it, as I am the only one that can teach you that Song. That is why I am here. To Teach you this New Song. I am not going to just give you the Song's location in your KJV Bible I will make you look for it for a few weeks, as I want to see you find it. I will give you hints, every now and then. I promise you will find it if you will study with me.
    That is all I am asking you to do for now.
    Study the Bible with me.
    I am looking for a wife, but you must study with me first.
    Can you explain what you mean by low standards, and this “pool” getting smaller. what pool?
    I've been single for the last 5 years, enjoying being alone. My girls have all been heterosexual so no experiences with Lesbians. Why do you break up with one girl to be with another? Is their a code you can only have one girl at a time? I do not like that rule. I do not know how that works in Heaven. Will I walk into a room in Heaven, and find 20 of my wives kissing each other? I doubt it. I want 4 girls in my bed, I am a man, and I can have such a thing in Heaven. And I Will. really 2 is enough. Another reason I am alone right now, because nether of the 2 girls I have right now are into that. They said go find that if that is what you want. So I just started looking. I thought here would be a good pace to start. By the way I am keeping the 2 girls I have, they are not into girls though. I see them regularly. I think they are both being stubborn, because both have told me they find girls attractive. The fear of transition is holding them. Liking Lesbians is a lot easier for me than them. To be under my headship, and studying with me is not having sex or paying me money. I have more than 100 girls under my headship, most I have never met. Seek the Kingdom of YHWH first, and all things will be added onto you. “My people die from lake of Knowledge” you cannot go wrong by studying.
    I have a lot to add to being Buddhists. The concepts closely match the truths in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Apocryphal writings. I will make another post about that. This will explain the cycle of life for you. This cycle of life is also very much the same in the Hindu, Janisum, and Mesepotonian cultures.