I can’t believe I missed this upload! Everything happens for a reason 😄 I really needed to hear this today. Thank you Uncle Wally. Stay warm. Stay healthy ❤
I’ve learned the hard way that many people look “good” on the outside but aren’t at all. It’s tempting to pay attention to it all but it’s just another challenge on the beauty way path
Thank you so much for taking the time to make all of these video messages. Thank you for patiently teaching us. You have made such a difference in my life, sir. Thank you so much for doing this work to share this wisdom. You will never see our faces, never see us receiving the wisdom you share and you do it anyways. So grateful to have found this channel. Thanks to everyone who helps our Teacher with this work.
So True, if one strays from the "Path of Beauty", it may be impossible to find it again! I have never strayed, I have been tempted, coerced, and cajoled. But my mind would not let me veer into the Wrong Lane or Segment of Life! Keep on the Positive Side of Life! Always! Thank you Wally Brown and the Navajo Team!
Thank you so much for these lessons. I am half native. Raised by natives. But look white. Nobody ever thought me anything like this. I am very soul sick.
This was like sitting and listening to my Grandpa... Pa-Toad was what I heard when I was really little, but it was Pa-Tobe. I didn't know it was that way until I was about 17 because they changed how they said his name to Toad. Expert hunter, horse/dog trainer, and Iwo Jima sole survivor of two units. He was a wealth of knowledge on living.
I lost my path in early adulthood strayed far......was so lost. It is a hard one we are tested. Even when we are lost our main goal stays the same. Its determination that takes us back to the path, not impossible. Thank you once again for sharing. 🖤💜💚
You will be rigorously tested when you consciously decide to walk in grace, I wish you both well in getting back on track this path isn't easy but it's worth all the struggle when you feel the peace of knowing you're walking the right one within you 🤍
I am a lost De’Ne through birth in the UK my Mothers Father is Navajo, I have never understood the secrets my family keeps, that luckily I have come to know through my grandmother, I listen to you every day, and I cry , longing to come home; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, from I and all others that have been scattered by Waban to other lands. Grandfather of the Elders I value your Teachings with immense love and gratitude. Ah Ke He ! From the Black Hills, my name: Old Owl🦉( Owl medicine) Alaya UK.
Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings and wisdom. I am a Christian but I also follow the teaching of Bruno Groening and he taught of the Divine Path to God. Your Navajo music is so beautiful to me. God's blessings to you.
Hojiyaago : Mindful, thoughtful, considerate, clever, sensible. The Diné concept of Hozhó : Living in Harmony ~ A complex philosophical, religious, and aesthetic roughly translated to beauty, harmony and balance. Hozhó also means seeking and incorporating aesthetic qualities into life, it means inner life and harmony, and it means making the most of all that surrounds us. It refers to a positive, beautiful, harmonious, happy environment that must be constantly created by thought and deed. Hozhó encourages us to go in beauty and to enjoy the gifts of life and nature and health. When you are born, you are at the beginning of the Corn Pollen Path of Life. You want to get to 102 - which is the culmination of a long, happy, and fruitful life, in good condition and still remain in balance with everything. ⚖ There are certain things you want to have and achieve in life. Family, home, livelihood, kinship, community, the Navajo Nation, the world outside - wherever you go, you are to live by this teaching and find good things out there and bring them home. Baa ahééh nisin, díidí.
@@lisasmith3657 You're certainly welcome Lisa. Namaste 🙏🏻 "The world is evolving from imperfection to perfection. It needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness are required from each one of us." Hazrat Inayat Khan
@@eotheewakan879 Yáʼátʼééh “As Terence McKenna observed, “Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.” Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical. Cosmologists have come to the conclusion that known kinds of matter and energy constitute only about 4% of the universe. The rest consists of dark matter and dark energy. The nature of 96% of physical reality is literally obscure. In no other field of scientific endeavor do otherwise intelligent people feel free to make public claims based on prejudice and ignorance. Yet in relation to psychic phenomena, committed materialists feel free to disregard the evidence and behave irrationally and unscientifically, while claiming to speak in the name of science and reason. They abuse the authority of science and bring rationalism into disrepute. The assumption that the laws of nature are eternal is a vestige of the Christian belief system that informed the early postulates of modern science in the seventeenth century. Perhaps the laws of nature have actually evolved along with nature itself, and perhaps they are still evolving. Or perhaps they are not laws at all, but more like habits. Why are rituals so conservative? And why do people all over the world believe that through ritual activities they are participating in a process that takes them out of ordinary secular time and somehow brings the past into the present? The idea of morphic resonance provides a natural answer to these questions. Through morphic resonance, ritual really can bring the past into the present. The present performers of the ritual indeed connect with those in the past. The greater the similarity between the way the ritual is performed now and the way it was performed before, the stronger the resonant connection between the past and present participants. The morphic fields include all kinds of organizing fields...: The organizing fields of animal and human behavior, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory. If behavior is indeed governed by morphic fields, when some members of a species acquire a new pattern of behavior and hence a new behavioral field, for example, by learning a new trick, then others should tend to learn the same thing more quickly, even in the absence of any known means of connection or communication. The more members of the species that learn it, the greater should this effect become all over the world. Thus, for example, if laboratory rats learn a new trick in America, rats in laboratories elsewhere should show a tendency to learn it faster. There is experimental evidence that this effect actually occurs. If memory within nature sounds mysterious, we should bear in mind that mathematical laws transcending nature are more rather than less so; they are metaphysical rather than physical. The way mathematical laws can exist independently of the evolving universe and at the same time act upon it remains a profound mystery. Morphic resonance points to new ways forward: If the regularities of nature are evolving habits rather than eternal laws, there is no need to assume that all these regularities were fixed at the moment of the Big Bang. Hence there is no need to suppose that all laws of nature were intelligently designed at the moment of creation, or else that there are an infinite number of unobserved universes. These hypotheses are unnecessary if nature is radically evolutionary, as the hypothesis of formative causation proposes. We must become aware of the astonishing fact that as a species we are the victims of an instance of traumatic abuse in childhood. As human beings, we once had a symbiotic relationship with the world-girdling intelligence of the planet that was mediated through shamanic plant use. This relationship was disrupted and eventually lost by the progressive climatic drying of the Eurasian and African land masses. Our human dependence on the living processes of the earth was largely forgotten with the growth of industrial civilization. Now we are being forced to remember that Gaia is greater than we are and that the human economy is embedded within the ecology of the biosphere. So, in what sense is Gaia alive? And what difference does it make if we think of her as a living organism, as opposed to an inanimate physical system? For those who accept God, this mystery is an aspect of God's relation to the realm of nature; for those who deny God, the mystery is even more obscure: A quasi-mental realm of mathematical laws somehow exists independently of nature, yet not in God, and governs the evolving physical world without itself being physical. The downside is that by recognizing our total dependence on powers beyond ourselves, we can be filled with an overwhelming sense of religious obligation and guilt at not fulfilling it. One way out of this sense of inadequacy is to become an atheist. If everything happens automatically and unconsciously, if there is no purpose or providence in the world, then there is nothing to feel grateful for. But this liberation comes at a high price. Being ungrateful is often accompanied by unhappiness. We need to respond to our present ecological crisis practically, by making appropriate social, political, economic, and technological changes. We need to look at the attitudes that have led to such devastation of the earth and to find a more harmonious way of living. And those of us who believe in the power of prayer need to pray for forgiveness and guidance. If a wiser and juster human order comes about, if a new harmony develops between humanity and the living world, this would indeed seem like an answer to prayer. What you do, what you say and what you think can influence other people by morphic resonance. There is no immoral filter in morphic resonance, which means that we have to be more careful about what we are thinking if we are concerned about the affect we have on others." Rupert Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
All praise and great glory to our father in heaven. Thank you for sharing your stories. Most don't like sharing but how can a culture continue if people don't know. Peace love and light
Thank you for this teaching! We are all learning!!! except for the proud ones who pretend they already know... LOL! Let us walk in beauty, all of us! Amen
It is the beauty way. The tribes and moose of the north teach of the beauty way. Also Brother Bear and the Northern Lights. Blessing Abound Mr Brown and Family. Blessings Abound. 🙌
Ty he's got that right it is narrow and even if you give grace every bag of dirt that can be thrown at you will be and you just have to be strong and keep giving grace that is given by our creator God bless ❤🙏⚘️
I've decided to walk my path of beauty trusting the process following the rainbow 🌈 ✨️ 💕all is well. Thank you Mr. Brown from my heart 💕✨️🫂 for these sacred teachings may we all embrace our inner beauty go through the clearing process to find the path ✨️ 🙏🏻 💕✌🏻🙌🏻
If only we had leaders in government with the introspective wisdom that this man has. At the same time, I feel blessed to be able to interact with this wise man from thousands of miles away. This man is a treasure.
thank you for this i am a 24 year old woman, daughter of immigrants who has always felt different in this society, and have always felt sad that our life has been very sad and poor, but i recently had 2 kids and i have had a recent spiritual awakening that has led me to respect the earth in a way i never knew possible, it was always within me. and everything we needed was right outside, i'm currently trying to cleanse my body from all the things the holy people have brought, to alter our DNA, connecting more with natural resources, but anyways, i want to thank you for all this knowledge and i'll honor by passing the knowledge to my children. these next generations will not let these stories fade away.
I am amazed at the succinctness of the statement "walking in Beauty", "always walk in Beauty". Very clear instructions. Don't need to study rocket science to decipher what it means. Indeed, I am amazed! Thank Yous Wally and Shane. More and more traffic on the Beauty Trail, so inspiring.
I am glad that this Chanel exists and that such wise men still walk the earth. For so many peoples our toes from the earth have been insidiously severed. It is knowledge like this that we’ll help not only your own people but inspire others to find their roots or plant new ones
Once you are found then you can't be lost again as he is there watching you and you will know this. Thank you brother. Cometh the day Cometh the warrior ⛯⚚
A'ho I enjoy and love the information you share with us all. Now is the time to embrace these true with our whole heart. I the beginning of my training, my Elder use to always say at the end of each lesson she would say, keep walking in Beauty. ❤❤❤ Thank you again✨🤍🤍🤍🙏
We live in a world where everything is replaceable and that's not true. There are things that are important and irreplaceable. In your teachings we can learn to really appreciate that life, though difficult, is always worth living, if you choose to stay on the right path. When I am feeling lost and unsure the Great Spirit always points to your videos, where I find love and guidance through your words. Thank you and Many blessings for you Grandfather and those around you.
This gentleman is truly full of wisdom and graciously shares it with all. But hearing is one thing. Owning the wisdom is entirely different. It means you have to practice it daily. Walk in beauty.
My brain reacts to the drums in a fantastic way.❤ back there in the back where i don't go much.😊 ill look into that. Thank you elder of someone, i love listening to you.
Hi brother 👋 some day I will have a turquoise like you ,you are a saint blessing to all of us. Thank you 👍 thank you 😊.the folks in UTAH dancing for new Park 🏞️🌄🏞️🌄🏞️🌄 yrs I agree with the family 🙏
Thank you for answering my prayers, it is more difficult then others would understand. I thank the holy ones for the opportunity to walk this path and thank you for providing insight.
I practice this and although hard are the lessons I take the positive and so is my growth. It is an idea of positive direction but is done through action not conversations. Talk is cheap. Actions and good deads will always better a person on their journey. Blessed we are and blessing to you for the reminder.
I'll say it again, today. I would like to speak with Wally. I would like to get into politics, and it would be good to touch base with him and those he knows. God bless you all 🙏❤
Could you please put the nebazade (i hope this is correct) words on the screen when you translate/describe them to us? This whole time my subtitles have said “yeti” instead of “yeii ” so I have just been imagining this abominable snowman this whole time until I saw the thumbnail about it ….lol… Otherwise I love these videos thank you for this wisdom❤
Very wise-words it is an honor to hear. The section regarding those in your life who may lead you astray from the beauty way path including those in whom you deem friends I find very insightful. For even the people closes to you can lead you off a path of righteousness and tempt you to take a route less honorable solely for the sake of their own insecurity of the path they have chosen. Thank you for sharing!
This is so wonderful to find the same path expressed in so many different words by different traditions. This is almost exactly what is talked about in kabbalah practice when a person has become clear in mind, body and emotion (and the cycles of these) then the door in the heart opens to tipareth which means beauty in Hebrew this is the place from which we meet the masters/holy people who offer guidance. It's where we come into the service of higher orders and we take on greater challenges and sacrifices must be made to walk that path. I'm fairly certain it's the same in Buddhist practice, but they're frustratingly secretive about anything beyond the 3 vehicles (mind, body, emotion) which seems pointless these days since so many people are adept enough in those to step beyond. Their texts are all available to read for free although good luck deciphering those tomes! So much knowledge, but it's bloody hard work getting your head around the repetitive lines of verse and archaic descriptions without someone to guide you through it, bit easier for anyone on the path with first hand experience though 😉
Person: Why do you insist on always taking the hard road, the road less traveled? Me: Why do you assume that I see any other roads besides just the one road? That is story of my life and the road I have been on every day, since the second I took my very first breath on this Earth, for 57 years now. The High Road aka The Road Less traveled with all of its difficult terrain, is the only road I have ever know. My parents, grandparents, extended family, elders, teachers and life itself made sure of it. I wouldn't even know where to begin searching for The Low Road aka The Path of Least Resistance. That's more than a little surprising considering how many people are on the latter, not the former. One would think it would be clearly visible for 1,000 miles on an overcast, foggy day. In my not so humble opinion. Perspective is everything. Thank you Grandfather Wally for giving another lesson on what it is, what it means, to Walk In Beauty. ❤ ~APRIL LIPKE
I agree 💙 Wally has more value than Wall Street 💙🤗💛
Grandpa Walley is wise.
We all learn from him. ❤
Me, too!
We are all honored!
Thank you❤
I can’t believe I missed this upload! Everything happens for a reason 😄 I really needed to hear this today. Thank you Uncle Wally. Stay warm. Stay healthy ❤
Miigwech Mishomis Wally - I am grateful to hear and listen to you
I choose the beauty path, everyday into the next world 🌍🙏🏾 with our divine creator 💖
It has been hard, but worth it
Thank you, sir! Mom and her parents were Apache. I was raised with these ethics. Much love and respect to you. 😃💛
Hello Uncle Wally.🐜
I’ve learned the hard way that many people look “good” on the outside but aren’t at all. It’s tempting to pay attention to it all but it’s just another challenge on the beauty way path
Thank you so much for taking the time to make all of these video messages. Thank you for patiently teaching us. You have made such a difference in my life, sir. Thank you so much for doing this work to share this wisdom. You will never see our faces, never see us receiving the wisdom you share and you do it anyways. So grateful to have found this channel. Thanks to everyone who helps our Teacher with this work.
I want to walk in the beauty way path🌄
So True, if one strays from the "Path of Beauty", it may be impossible to find it again! I have never strayed, I have been tempted, coerced, and cajoled. But my mind would not let me veer into the Wrong Lane or Segment of Life! Keep on the Positive Side of Life! Always! Thank you Wally Brown and the Navajo Team!
Thank you so much for these lessons. I am half native. Raised by natives. But look white. Nobody ever thought me anything like this. I am very soul sick.
Sweet Dear Brother, I love honor respect and follow the walking prophets of endless time. Thank you Dear 1
Thank you Mr. Brown AND Shane...
Yes corn mother keep my beauty path illuminated.🌽
Awesome 👍😎 video
I walk in Beauty 🌈🌈🌈🌈
I walk in Peace ❣️
Ya' ho thank you for the spiritual blessing 🙏
May Beauty be your walk! 🤍🕊
This was like sitting and listening to my Grandpa... Pa-Toad was what I heard when I was really little, but it was Pa-Tobe. I didn't know it was that way until I was about 17 because they changed how they said his name to Toad. Expert hunter, horse/dog trainer, and Iwo Jima sole survivor of two units. He was a wealth of knowledge on living.
Thanks for the words to help me stay true to a good life
I lost my path in early adulthood strayed far......was so lost. It is a hard one we are tested. Even when we are lost our main goal stays the same. Its determination that takes us back to the path, not impossible. Thank you once again for sharing. 🖤💜💚
You will be rigorously tested when you consciously decide to walk in grace, I wish you both well in getting back on track this path isn't easy but it's worth all the struggle when you feel the peace of knowing you're walking the right one within you 🤍
This really hit home. Wise advice, to take care when walking the Beauty Way...avoid those slippery slopes!
Wise words Elder, your path is surely one of Wisdom and Truth. Much appreciated.
More people need to hear this
Please keep sharing this knowledge. It is so important. Thank you.
exactly !!!
I am a lost De’Ne through birth in the UK my Mothers Father is Navajo, I have never understood the secrets my family keeps, that luckily I have come to know through my grandmother, I listen to you every day, and I cry , longing to come home; Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, from I and all others that have been scattered by Waban to other lands. Grandfather of the Elders I value your Teachings with immense love and gratitude. Ah Ke He ! From the Black Hills, my name: Old Owl🦉( Owl medicine) Alaya UK.
Do you know your maternal information?
Come home to Turtle Island.
True honor to listen to you, Sir! May your path be enlighted !aho!
This Man has Discernment thru Wisdom
Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings and wisdom. I am a Christian but I also follow the teaching of Bruno Groening and he taught of the Divine Path to God.
Your Navajo music is so beautiful to me.
God's blessings to you.
Y'all have a beautiful culture. I often listen to this man talk to see what I can take from it . Thank you
Thank you Wally for your wisdom you share...
I'm quite fascinated by how like the Bible these teachings are. Quite astounding coincidence
It comes through the same Spirit.AMEN
Hojiyaago : Mindful, thoughtful, considerate, clever, sensible.
The Diné concept of Hozhó : Living in Harmony ~ A complex philosophical, religious, and aesthetic roughly translated to beauty, harmony and balance. Hozhó also means seeking and incorporating aesthetic qualities into life, it means inner life and harmony, and it means making the most of all that surrounds us. It refers to a positive, beautiful, harmonious, happy environment that must be constantly created by thought and deed. Hozhó encourages us to go in beauty and to enjoy the gifts of life and nature and health.
When you are born, you are at the beginning of the Corn Pollen Path of Life. You want to get to 102 - which is the culmination of a long, happy, and fruitful life, in good condition and still remain in balance with everything. ⚖
There are certain things you want to have and achieve in life. Family, home, livelihood, kinship, community, the Navajo Nation, the world outside - wherever you go, you are to live by this teaching and find good things out there and bring them home.
Baa ahééh nisin, díidí.
Thank you for sharing this teaching. 🙏🏼
@@belindadunne4312 Baa ahééh nisin. You're most certainly welcome. Ahéhee🙏🏻
@@lisasmith3657 You're certainly welcome Lisa. Namaste 🙏🏻
"The world is evolving from imperfection to perfection. It needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness are required from each one of us."
Hazrat Inayat Khan
@@eotheewakan879 Yáʼátʼééh
“As Terence McKenna observed, “Modern science is based on the principle: ‘Give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.’ The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing.”
Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical.
Cosmologists have come to the conclusion that known kinds of matter and energy constitute only about 4% of the universe. The rest consists of dark matter and dark energy. The nature of 96% of physical reality is literally obscure.
In no other field of scientific endeavor do otherwise intelligent people feel free to make public claims based on prejudice and ignorance. Yet in relation to psychic phenomena, committed materialists feel free to disregard the evidence and behave irrationally and unscientifically, while claiming to speak in the name of science and reason. They abuse the authority of science and bring rationalism into disrepute.
The assumption that the laws of nature are eternal is a vestige of the Christian belief system that informed the early postulates of modern science in the seventeenth century. Perhaps the laws of nature have actually evolved along with nature itself, and perhaps they are still evolving. Or perhaps they are not laws at all, but more like habits.
Why are rituals so conservative? And why do people all over the world believe that through ritual activities they are participating in a process that takes them out of ordinary secular time and somehow brings the past into the present? The idea of morphic resonance provides a natural answer to these questions.
Through morphic resonance, ritual really can bring the past into the present. The present performers of the ritual indeed connect with those in the past. The greater the similarity between the way the ritual is performed now and the way it was performed before, the stronger the resonant connection between the past and present participants.
The morphic fields include all kinds of organizing fields...: The organizing fields of animal and human behavior, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.
If behavior is indeed governed by morphic fields, when some members of a species acquire a new pattern of behavior and hence a new behavioral field, for example, by learning a new trick, then others should tend to learn the same thing more quickly, even in the absence of any known means of connection or communication. The more members of the species that learn it, the greater should this effect become all over the world. Thus, for example, if laboratory rats learn a new trick in America, rats in laboratories elsewhere should show a tendency to learn it faster. There is experimental evidence that this effect actually occurs.
If memory within nature sounds mysterious, we should bear in mind that mathematical laws transcending nature are more rather than less so; they are metaphysical rather than physical. The way mathematical laws can exist independently of the evolving universe and at the same time act upon it remains a profound mystery.
Morphic resonance points to new ways forward: If the regularities of nature are evolving habits rather than eternal laws, there is no need to assume that all these regularities were fixed at the moment of the Big Bang. Hence there is no need to suppose that all laws of nature were intelligently designed at the moment of creation, or else that there are an infinite number of unobserved universes. These hypotheses are unnecessary if nature is radically evolutionary, as the hypothesis of formative causation proposes.
We must become aware of the astonishing fact that as a species we are the victims of an instance of traumatic abuse in childhood. As human beings, we once had a symbiotic relationship with the world-girdling intelligence of the planet that was mediated through shamanic plant use. This relationship was disrupted and eventually lost by the progressive climatic drying of the Eurasian and African land masses.
Our human dependence on the living processes of the earth was largely forgotten with the growth of industrial civilization. Now we are being forced to remember that Gaia is greater than we are and that the human economy is embedded within the ecology of the biosphere. So, in what sense is Gaia alive? And what difference does it make if we think of her as a living organism, as opposed to an inanimate physical system?
For those who accept God, this mystery is an aspect of God's relation to the realm of nature; for those who deny God, the mystery is even more obscure: A quasi-mental realm of mathematical laws somehow exists independently of nature, yet not in God, and governs the evolving physical world without itself being physical.
The downside is that by recognizing our total dependence on powers beyond ourselves, we can be filled with an overwhelming sense of religious obligation and guilt at not fulfilling it. One way out of this sense of inadequacy is to become an atheist. If everything happens automatically and unconsciously, if there is no purpose or providence in the world, then there is nothing to feel grateful for. But this liberation comes at a high price. Being ungrateful is often accompanied by unhappiness.
We need to respond to our present ecological crisis practically, by making appropriate social, political, economic, and technological changes. We need to look at the attitudes that have led to such devastation of the earth and to find a more harmonious way of living. And those of us who believe in the power of prayer need to pray for forgiveness and guidance. If a wiser and juster human order comes about, if a new harmony develops between humanity and the living world, this would indeed seem like an answer to prayer.
What you do, what you say and what you think can influence other people by morphic resonance. There is no immoral filter in morphic resonance, which means that we have to be more careful about what we are thinking if we are concerned about the affect we have on others."
Rupert Sheldrake, The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God
All praise and great glory to our father in heaven. Thank you for sharing your stories. Most don't like sharing but how can a culture continue if people don't know. Peace love and light
I love the Navajo Traditions and teachings that he talks about and shares with the World. Much gratitude to you and the Navajo Tribe! 🫶🌻
This man is very wise. I am on the beauty way path and have been for awhile now. It's not easy to be on the Beauty way path in such a Ugly World.
Many thanks Grandfather & crew for sharing this wisdom with us. ❤much love to you all.
Grandfather in this vid I just felt the need to give you a great big hug.
I'm reading the book Blood and Thunder. So many fascinating parts about Navajo people.
Thank you for this teaching! We are all learning!!! except for the proud ones who pretend they already know... LOL! Let us walk in beauty, all of us! Amen
Thank you 💞
It is the beauty way. The tribes and moose of the north teach of the beauty way. Also Brother Bear and the Northern Lights. Blessing Abound Mr Brown and Family. Blessings Abound. 🙌
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin! So much gratitude: Moral endurance, the involvement of our Deity and the Holy people, keeping promises.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!
Ty he's got that right it is narrow and even if you give grace every bag of dirt that can be thrown at you will be and you just have to be strong and keep giving grace that is given by our creator God bless ❤🙏⚘️
Love to you from a Mi'kmaq / Algonquin family in Quebec! Thank you!
Feet on the graound🌈
Head to heaven🌞
I may not be Navajo or American, but I resonate with the same spirit.
I always felt patience was most important on the beauty path.
Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful! Very good. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for your kindness , wisdom & integrity.
Thanks man !
I've decided to walk my path of beauty trusting the process following the rainbow 🌈 ✨️ 💕all is well. Thank you Mr. Brown from my heart 💕✨️🫂 for these sacred teachings may we all embrace our inner beauty go through the clearing process to find the path ✨️ 🙏🏻 💕✌🏻🙌🏻
If only we had leaders in government with the introspective wisdom that this man has. At the same time, I feel blessed to be able to interact with this wise man from thousands of miles away. This man is a treasure.
Thank you 🙏 very much your teachings have helped me stay on the beautiful path!!!!
Blessings 🙏❤
Absolutely beautiful! I am so grateful for your teaching! Thank you and many Blessings to you and your family.🫂🙏
thank you for this i am a 24 year old woman, daughter of immigrants who has always felt different in this society, and have always felt sad that our life has been very sad and poor, but i recently had 2 kids and i have had a recent spiritual awakening that has led me to respect the earth in a way i never knew possible, it was always within me. and everything we needed was right outside, i'm currently trying to cleanse my body from all the things the holy people have brought, to alter our DNA, connecting more with natural resources, but anyways, i want to thank you for all this knowledge and i'll honor by passing the knowledge to my children. these next generations will not let these stories fade away.
I am amazed at the succinctness of the statement "walking in Beauty", "always walk in Beauty". Very clear instructions. Don't need to study rocket science to decipher what it means. Indeed, I am amazed! Thank Yous Wally and Shane. More and more traffic on the Beauty Trail, so inspiring.
I seek all goodness, for all people. No matter what they have done to us. I forgive all things brother. Happiness
Thank for sharing your wisdom! Respect and blessings to you and your family
Thank you both so much for sharing this great, deep wisdom so freely. ❤🙏❤
Always beautiful things to contemplate and practice ! Thank you.
I am glad that this Chanel exists and that such wise men still walk the earth. For so many peoples our toes from the earth have been insidiously severed. It is knowledge like this that we’ll help not only your own people but inspire others to find their roots or plant new ones
Peace, positive energy and gratitude for you. Good beautiful life to you and your family 💪🏻
Thank you brother for your shared wisdom.
Thank you for sharing your teachings.
I am honored, and appreciate your wisdom.
Once you are found then you can't be lost again as he is there watching you and you will know this.
Thank you brother.
Cometh the day
Cometh the warrior ⛯⚚
A'ho I enjoy and love the information you share with us all. Now is the time to embrace these true with our whole heart.
I the beginning of my training, my Elder use to always say at the end of each lesson she would say, keep walking in Beauty. ❤❤❤
Thank you again✨🤍🤍🤍🙏
A’ho. What does this mean?
i was taught it means similar to “hear! it is said, it is spoken, so may it be, and, so it is.”
@@matilijapoppy1140 - thanks.
Thank you uncle.
Your words made my spirit strong today.
We live in a world where everything is replaceable and that's not true. There are things that are important and irreplaceable. In your teachings we can learn to really appreciate that life, though difficult, is always worth living, if you choose to stay on the right path. When I am feeling lost and unsure the Great Spirit always points to your videos, where I find love and guidance through your words. Thank you and Many blessings for you Grandfather and those around you.
This gentleman is truly full of wisdom and graciously shares it with all. But hearing is one thing. Owning the wisdom is entirely different. It means you have to practice it daily. Walk in beauty.
My brain reacts to the drums in a fantastic way.❤ back there in the back where i don't go much.😊 ill look into that. Thank you elder of someone, i love listening to you.
Soooo True 💚
Thank you, Wise Oneness 💚
Your knowledge is respected and appreciated. Thank you for your selfless and goodness.
Hi brother 👋 some day I will have a turquoise like you ,you are a saint blessing to all of us. Thank you 👍 thank you 😊.the folks in UTAH dancing for new Park 🏞️🌄🏞️🌄🏞️🌄 yrs I agree with the family 🙏
Thank you! I give this prayer to my students in medical school. I work with them about decolonizing the medical system through creativity
I would liken this concept to, Walking in the Righteous Path for the Judeo-Christians.
Teaching like this are so needed today. My only wish is that I could have started earlier in my life. Semper Fi brother.
may your beauty way of life be as deep and meaningful as if you had heard this teaching in your younger years.
Thank you for answering my prayers, it is more difficult then others would understand. I thank the holy ones for the opportunity to walk this path and thank you for providing insight.
Most Grateful 🙏🏻 Thank You for Sharing Your Wisdom 👣💗🦋
Thank you for admonishing us whitefolk with your knowledge.....
I practice this and although hard are the lessons I take the positive and so is my growth. It is an idea of positive direction but is done through action not conversations. Talk is cheap. Actions and good deads will always better a person on their journey. Blessed we are and blessing to you for the reminder.
Thank you with all of my heart 💓💙💗💚💜❤️❤️💛
These Teachings are supporting the Rock on which i Stand. Thanking Ye💝🎓🔄
Always enjoy you teachings. TY.
Prayer, dedication, and commitment to the Beauty Way Path is the ONLY WAY to STAY on the path.
I'll say it again, today. I would like to speak with Wally. I would like to get into politics, and it would be good to touch base with him and those he knows. God bless you all 🙏❤
Could you please put the nebazade (i hope this is correct) words on the screen when you translate/describe them to us? This whole time my subtitles have said “yeti” instead of “yeii ” so I have just been imagining this abominable snowman this whole time until I saw the thumbnail about it ….lol…
Otherwise I love these videos thank you for this wisdom❤
Thank you for making these videos for everyone ❤🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽✨
Very wise-words it is an honor to hear. The section regarding those in your life who may lead you astray from the beauty way path including those in whom you deem friends I find very insightful. For even the people closes to you can lead you off a path of righteousness and tempt you to take a route less honorable solely for the sake of their own insecurity of the path they have chosen. Thank you for sharing!
I tried to visit last summer, I want to thank k ya'll for the encouragement and insight! Shiloh!
This is so deep, I'll have to think about this for a while
Thank you
Amazing wisdom.... so thankful to hear it.
Powerful and deep.
Thank you sir.
Much Gratitude for sharing.
Gratitude infinie cher PROFESSEUR 💜
This is so wonderful to find the same path expressed in so many different words by different traditions. This is almost exactly what is talked about in kabbalah practice when a person has become clear in mind, body and emotion (and the cycles of these) then the door in the heart opens to tipareth which means beauty in Hebrew this is the place from which we meet the masters/holy people who offer guidance. It's where we come into the service of higher orders and we take on greater challenges and sacrifices must be made to walk that path. I'm fairly certain it's the same in Buddhist practice, but they're frustratingly secretive about anything beyond the 3 vehicles (mind, body, emotion) which seems pointless these days since so many people are adept enough in those to step beyond. Their texts are all available to read for free although good luck deciphering those tomes! So much knowledge, but it's bloody hard work getting your head around the repetitive lines of verse and archaic descriptions without someone to guide you through it, bit easier for anyone on the path with first hand experience though 😉
Love Navajo culture. ❤️
Thanks sr!
Person: Why do you insist on always taking the hard road, the road less traveled?
Me: Why do you assume that I see any other roads besides just the one road?
That is story of my life and the road I have been on every day, since the second I took my very first breath on this Earth, for 57 years now. The High Road aka The Road Less traveled with all of its difficult terrain, is the only road I have ever know. My parents, grandparents, extended family, elders, teachers and life itself made sure of it.
I wouldn't even know where to begin searching for The Low Road aka The Path of Least Resistance. That's more than a little surprising considering how many people are on the latter, not the former. One would think it would be clearly visible for 1,000 miles on an overcast, foggy day.
In my not so humble opinion.
Perspective is everything.
Thank you Grandfather Wally for giving another lesson on what it is, what it means, to Walk In Beauty. ❤