Simple Plasma Ignition - Resistor vs. Non-Resistor spark plug
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- This video shows that plasma ignition won't work with standard high resistance spark plug.
My fullname as on my id card: Joko Ari Moelyo Okki
/ okkimoeljadi
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Instagram: / okkimoeljadi
Excellent video, just what I thought!
nice foot action
makasih om Okki semua video plasma ignition sangat informatif dan menginspirasi. Hanya saja saya belum menemukan busi non resistor utk sepeda motor, semua busi pasti sdh dg resistor 3 - 4 k ohm. Sedih juga tapi yah harus tabah menjalaninya. terima kasih.
Ada beberapa model busi yang resistornya bisa dicabut. Silakan cari informasinya di Google. Semoga sukses!
Don't you think that everything would be easier with a tripod and not with just one hand and one foot.
the capacitor. how does it work? can it moded for strong spark?
Interesting but you need a resistor sparkplug with lower spark for plasma. Consistent spark is smaller but better. To achieve plasma you need a modified ignition coil with greater voltage numbers then 40,000 volts. I would put 40k volt car ignition on a bike that does 10k volts with resistance and capacitors. Right direction, wrong methods.
Superb, om....
I wonder if this can be applied to 2018 Motorcycle like mine (Yamaha Lexi 2019)..
they said that if you put a ground strap for your coil, it can affect the ECU and it'll blow up...
I dunno which is correct, and now I am hesistant to try this, as the SGCU price is exorbitant....
I wonder if any people from Thai or Philliphine had applied thus set up fro their NVX, Nmax, or Lexi and the newest one.....
anyway, thanks for sharing this knowledge om.....
Jazakallahu Khoiron Katsiron
Wa iyyaka. I never tried this on a motorcycle. This works fine in my car. Never had any problem with the ECU nor car radio.
Please make a video regarding how to remove the "resistor" from the spark plug, I mean how to make the "resistor spark plug" to "resistor-less" spark plug . please
I tried to do that. It failed, I could not open BOSCH and NGK spark plug without destroying it.
NIce video. Have you tried Aaron Murakami's method? He uses a MSD box as the capacitor source. Than he uses a high voltage diode installed in reverse between the + terminals of the primary and secondary coil windings. The plasma spark seems even more intense.
Daryl W, thanks. No, I haven't tried that. I don't have any MSD ignition.
After talking to Aaron he noticed in your videos that the high intense plasma discharge that he gets appears to be great than just using only diodes. Check out his videos and experiment and see what happens. You may come up with an even great spark. Keep up the good work. Your videos are great learning tools.
Thanks Daryl for your support. Which system do you mean from Aaron? The one with HV Diode or Water Plasma Ignition? I have tried water plasma ignition on my car but that system melted all my spark plug electrodes. So I removed that system from my car and replaced it with the simple capacitor one. Here is an article from me regarding Water Plasma Ignition:
And here is the video of it:
In my opinion, bigger spark is not always better. I use this system on my daily driven car, so I need the system that last long.
Thanks Daryl. I think I have seen those videos some time ago. Like I said earlier, I don't have any MSD Box or HEI, so I had to find my own way to improve my ignition. After some experimentation, I found that my simple plasma ignition is the best setup for me.
Sounds great. I have not seen all of your videos yet. Any videos on how you actually set your car up?
so we should use not high tension wire but zero ohm copper wire instead?
You can buy copper core ignition wire.
wahh video baru pak,, kalo ad resistornya malah ilang ya apinya d kasih kapasitor,, ilmu dari pak okki skrng udh di terapkan d motor sya,, sya pakai kapasitor 1 buah 150pf 12kv mantep punya,, apinya jadi putih yg sblumnya merah nyebar2.. prtma nyoba pake 2 kpasitor 100pf 1 buah apinya krang besar,, apalagi 2 d seri lbih kcil,, akhirnya nyoba yg 150pf ajibb apinya,, buat keceptan 120kpj alhamdulillah ngg brebet ..
Ya pak Yota nur kholis, ini video baru. Alhamdulillah bapak sudah sukses dengan pengapian plasma ini. Saya ikut senang pak. Silakan pengetahuan bapak disebarluaskan. Mudah-mudahan membawa manfaat bagi orang banyak... Amin...
iyaa makasih pak,, sudah sya share ke grup motor
dipasang di motor apa pak ? klo saya coba pasang di motor injeksi ada masalah g ?
Hi and thank you for responding to my question ok. Sorry about the profile but it is just because of Google's incessant snooping on us ok.
If you use a non resistive plugs for long it may cause the ECU get damage.... maybe it´s better use a pulsestar plug....
A: NGK "R" or resistor spark plugs use a 5k ohm ceramic resistor in the spark plug to suppress ignition noise generated during sparking.
NGK strongly recommends using resistor spark plugs in any vehicle that uses on-board computer systems to monitor or control engine performance. This is because resistor spark plugs reduce electromagnetic interference with on-board electronics.
They are also recommended on any vehicle that has other on-board electronic systems such as engine-management computers, two-way radios, GPS systems, depth finders or whenever recommended by the manufacturer.
In fact, using a non-resistor plug in certain applications can actually cause the engine to suffer undesirable side effects such as an erratic idle, high-rpm misfire, engine run-on, power drop off at certain rpm levels and abnormal combustion.
Thank you for the useful show
You're welcome.
What do you do about all the parasitic signal that this set-up introduces in the system ?
Ciprian Alexandru, this system does not introduce any negative effect at least on my car. My ECU and radio work normal. Only the engine runs smoother.
@@OkkiMoeljadi Very interesting. How many capacitors did you land up using on your car?
Would this mean less power ?
What do you mean with less power? Resistor in a spark plug will consume some electrical power.
very helpful thanks
Mas Oky hello..
Mau tanya apakah dengan tidak menggunakan semua resistor baik busi maupun kabel busi dapat mengganggu sistem sensor kelistrikan (CDI, Koil, ECU, Throttle posistion sensor) dalam mobil atau motor? Waktu demo dengan busi mobil di video lainnya mas oky pakai type control pengapain model apa dimobil nya? Beberapa diskusi forum dan artikel meyebutkan setidaknya kita wajib menggunakan satu resistor dalam ignition system (pilih busi atau pada wire ignition) untuk mencegah interfensi dari gelombang electromagnetic yg ditimbulkan dari sistem ignition dimana menurut banyak sumber ini akan berakibat fatal pada sistem sensor dan onboard electronics dalam jangka waktu tertentu
Saya terus terang sangat ingin mengaplikasikan hal ini tapi sekedar ingin yakin apakah resistor sangat diperlukan atau hanya sekedar mencegah gelombang EM merusak siaran radio dan lainnya tapi tidak berefek pada modul sensor TPS, CDI atau ECU mobil/motor?
Terimakasih sebelumnya.. Sukses terus and tetap berkarya!
Mas Fernando,
terima kasih atas komentarnya. Saya pakai sistem ini di mobil saya sudah setahun ini tanpa masalah. Mobil saya pakai sistem injeksi bahan bakar (TBI) tapi pengapiannya masih menggunakan distributor. Kabel busi dari distributor ke busi saya ganti pakai yang non-resistor. Yang dari koil pengapian ke distributor tetap yang asli pakai resistor. Menurut saya setiap mobil berbeda. Maksud saya, tidak semua mobil bisa dipakaikan sistem ini, karena untuk mendapatkan efek plasma harus menggunakan busi non-resistor dan kabel busi non-resistor. Saya tidak tahu efeknya di mobil lain. Yang saya tahu ECU dan radio mobil saya tidak pernah ada masalah. Kalau memang mau pakai sistem ini, lebih baik dicoba dulu. Bawa selalu kabel busi dan busi standar mobil. Jadi jika sewaktu-waktu ada masalah bisa langsung diganti lagi dengan aslinya. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses!
Hi Okki, is there any way we can improve the spark of resistor spark plugs??
Any resistance within ignition line will kill the plasma.
Okki Moeljadi if so I guess the only way we can improve resistor spark plug is to add a capacitor in series just to ensure full current supply during ignition phase??
@@limyiphun6142 you can try that of course. But I don't think it will work.
Okki Moeljadi alright thanks for ur opinion. I’m planning to connect 16V super capacitors to my battery to improve overall current draw to all systems... hopefully should benefit the entire electronics
you are the best buddy..........
Thanks Buddy, you too...
does it work in motorcycle with four stroke engine? is their a possibility of damage in other parts specially cdi? thanks.
This should work on any gasoline engine.
How do I know if the spark plug has a resistor or not? Is there any markings or a number?
i want to ask the same question
There is always have an "R" in the name of the resistor type spark plugs
If its NGK there is a r written before the letter
use a multimeter and measure the resistance
i`m very interest try to make plasma ignition for my car, unfortunately new cars with ECU most likely use resistor spark plug. is there any solution if i still want to make one and apply it to my car. btw it`s ford fiesta. i try to ask my friend which he is a mechanic in ford company, he said that if i try to put a non resistor spark plug, the engine wont start or if it could start than few km later it jiggle like dead spark plug. thx for your attention.
I suggest you to test your engine first with non-resistor spark plugs and see if your car can run normally with this type of spark plugs or not. If it works, you can continue by installing the capacitors.
ok thx i will getnback to you about with the result
@@gedogrimaldo4695 r u succses with your capacitor..
Interesting Thank you.
You are welcome.
Increasing metal erosion/volt doesnt matter...when you get consistent spark with gone/no electrode tip! XD LOL
So the consistent spark is the key?
beda pemakaiannya apa ya om?
Hi, Okki, are you okay ?!
I reproduced the experiment with 3 capacitors of 330pF 20KV in series and I could notice that, in fact, the spark produced is much more powerful.
However, when I installed the component on each of the spark plugs, the engine of the vehicle was
A few seconds later it would go out. It is as if every spin of the engine the coil lost power.
The coil I'm using is similar to the one you use in your video.
I tested with resistive cables (approximately 2Kohm) and without resistance. Resistant sparkplug wires do not present greater spark. The sparkplug are the same ones you use without any resistance. The distributor I am using is platinum (mechanical) and the coil is switched through the negative pole.
Do you have any idea what might be happening?
Thank you!
Hi, you have to use copper core (non-resistor) ignition wires. Other wires won't work with this simple plasma ignition.
OK friend. I will do more tests and return with the results. thank you!
@@tiguassa ??
@@DarkLinkAD im still testing. In fact the spark is more powerfull.
@@tiguassa Nice :)
how can i use this method for resistor spark plug
Just remove the resistor.
terus berkarya pak okki :) *thumbs up
Makasih dukungannya mas Fayruz. :)
سلام عليكم
Best video
Itu capacitor beli dmn om? Online ada kah.
Kapasitor ini saya beli online.
@@OkkiMoeljadi kl bolh mints link online nya om
Masa anda mencari sendiri di Google tidak mampu?
@@OkkiMoeljadi kan byk komponen yg abal2 omru
You may avail only one capacitor of 40kv / 10000pk
Bagaimana cara membedakan busi yg pake resistor dan non resistor pak?
Biasanya bisa dilihat dari nomornya atau diukur pakai ohmmeter.
Kemarin saya coba Googling mengenai alternatif/ substitute busi buat mobil Grand Vitara, ternyata ada banyak merek dan type. Dari masing2 merk yg biasa ada di pasaran, sambil cari di online/ tokopedia. Saya coba Googling lagi masing2 spec nya. Ketemu di tokopedia Bosch F7DC yg Non-Resistor (yg standar pake resistor Bosch FR7DC).
Jadi kalo menurut hasil Googling itu, busi yang pake resistor ada huruf R di kodenya. Saya sudah pesan 4 pcs, nanti mau dipraktekkan dengan Coil Booster capacitor High Voltage. Terima kasih pak, jadi ngerti kalo percuma saja pake Coil Booster kalo pake Busi Resistor.
Pernah baca kalo busi Non-Resistor bisa menimbulkan gangguan pada perlengkapan mobil. Selain Audio, itu juga bisa mengganggu kerja kompuer mobil (ECU/ sensor mesin dsb) betulkah itu pak. Apa ya pengaruhnya ke kelistrikan dan sensor/ komputer mobil? Kalo mengganggu, bgmana solusinya? Pake selongsong Ferrite seperti TDK atau Nine9 bisa?
Obi Ubrat, katanya begitu. Tapi saya nggak punya masalah dengan ECU dan Radio dimobil saya. Mungkin setiap mobil berbeda.
Pak Okki, kalau kabel busi ada resistansinya (sekitar 2-4kohm), itu businya sebaiknya pake resistor atau tidak?
Mantab mas Okki ,...
perfect. !
om mau tanya untuk mobil 2000cc pakai kapasitor ukuran brp&berapa biji ya?
Sama saja dengan di video simple plasma ignition saya yang lain, kira-kira 73 pF per busi.
@@OkkiMoeljadi maaf om tanya lagi kalau per busi di kasih 2/3 buah jadinya gmn ya
Semakin besar nilai kapasitansinya, apinya akan semakin besar. Tetapi kalau kapasitansinya terlalu besar, anda akan punya masalah di RPM tinggi. Untuk mobil saya, ukuran ini sudah yang paling optimal.
@@OkkiMoeljadi berarti 73pF cukup ya om
terima kasih ilmunya om okki sangat bermanfaat 🙏
Ad aj yg jual y bang yg resistorless
Your car now runs smoother? Any improvement to power or economy ?
Yes, my engine runs smoother and I noticed small improvement in fuel economy.
@@OkkiMoeljadi i had a case, car with msd booster, spark was better, yes, but after 1 month of pressing car, we got a hole on a piston. So, better follow car maker NGK parts.
copper core (non-resistor) ignition wires beli dimana?
Saya beli disini:
You could not find someone to be filming? The video clip was daunting and boring