#95 How To Attract ANY Woman (Or Women) You Want || Chai With My Bhai

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • To learn how to set-up your own successful and profitable umrah company click the link: www.thebrother...


  • @RighteousnRich
    @RighteousnRich  8 місяців тому +8

    To learn how to set-up your own successful and profitable umrah company click the link: www.thebrothersclub.com/free-umrah

    • @YaaquubJama
      @YaaquubJama 7 місяців тому

      اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته akhi Im stuck and I wont to make some money but I dont know if dropshipping is Halal I hear diffrent opinions?

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith 7 місяців тому

      *_It is FARD/obligatory upon The True Muslim to affirm the Asma/Names & Sifat/Attributes of Allah, without committing:1️⃣Tahreef:To attach figurative & metaphorical meanings to the attributes of Allah, while denying the apparent meaning of the attribute2️⃣Ta'teel:Leaving & vacating🔥Negation/Denial of His Attributes & denial of His Self & Being. Denial of the real meaning proved by the Quran & Sunnah🔥Tahreef includes Tateel but Ta'teel does not include Tahreef🔥There are 2 types of Tateel:❌️1)Absolute Tateel: Which the Jahamiyyah committed:Denying all attributes of Allah❌️2)Partial Tateel:Which the Ash’ariyya & maturidiyya commit:Denying all attributes of Allah by Tahreef & affirming only 7 (Ashariyah) & 8 (Maturidiyah) attributes of Allah3️⃣Takyeef:To have faith that the Attributes of Allah are such & such or to put questions as to the state of His Attributes. The term "beghair Takyeef' means that the AhlusSunnah deny having knowledge of Allah's condition as Allah alone knows the state of His Self & His Attributes4️⃣Tamtheel: To have faith that the Attributes of Allah are like the Attributes of His creatures5️⃣Tafweed: To have faith that it’s not the apparent meaning which is meant but only Allah alone knows the meanings of the attributes6️⃣Tajseem:To have faith that Allah has a body. (We as AhlusSunnah neither affirm nor negate the attribute of body, since nothing has come in Quran & Sunnah concerning it & Aqeeda is a matter purely based on Revelation/Wahi as mentioned by Shaykh IbnUthaymeen RAHIMAHULLAH & Shaykhul Islam IbnTaymiyyah RAHIMAHULLAH✅So we do NOT affirm that He has a body while affirming his attributes). The Salaf understood the meanings of the passages of the Quran & the Sunnah & proved these meanings in the favour of Allah. However they would submit the knowledge of the reality (how of the attribute) To Allah. Imam Malik RAHIMAHULLAH was asked about the state of Istawa (Rising Above) of Allah on the Throne, he said Istawa is known but ‘how’ He ascended is unknown. The code of conduct of the AhlusSunnah wal Jamah is as the clear Quran’s verse:“There is nothing like Him.”-Quran (112:4)✔️The correct Aqeeda therefore, is NOT that the Attributes are completely denied as is the way of the Mutazila🔥(A Deviant sect), NOR is it to try to prove them completely as is the way of the Mumathila🔥(Another deviant sect✏Rather the true Aqeeda is to make an affirmation of the Attributes without similitudes/likeness✅SALAFIYYAH✅️_*
      *Breaking down DEVIANT AQEEDAH OF SUFI/deobandis/asharis/matureedis🛐❌1️⃣They claim to follow imam AbuHanifa infact they follow him only in fiqhi issues, so they can fight with us that fold hands below navel or dont do Raful-Yadayen2️⃣The aqeedah of sufi/ashari/maturidi/deobandi is of sufi🔥WAllahu Alam from where they got this Shirk belief🔥Their aqeedah is of Mohammad bin Mohammad matrudi🔥If you know that matrudi is the fiqh who are wrong in the tawheed asma-wa-siffat of Allah.. They don't believe in every names of Allah, holding on only 7-8🔥They were wrong before & they're still wrong❌3️⃣Whilst in performing deeds they follow Sufi's 4 sub categories qadiri→chishti→naqshabandi→suharwardi👎🏻They're undercover Sufi🛐❌4️⃣SUFI/ASHARI/MATUREEDI/Deobandi claim that they follow 4 imams, but they follow imam matrudi in aqeedah & in fiqh they follow imam AbuHanifa, they leave 3 Imams as if they never existed!*_
      *_WHERE IS ALLAH⁉️ImamAbuHanifah☝🏻AbuMutiAlBalkhi reported:I asked Imam AbuHanifah about a person who says:I do NOT know whether my Rab (Allah) is above the heavens or on earth⁉️AbuHanifah said:A person who makes such a statement becomes an apostate because Allah, the Exalted says:The Merciful has ascended above THE ARSH & THE ARSH OF ALLAH IS ABOVE HIS HEAVENS🔥I ALSO ASKED ABUHANIFAH🔥What if such a person admits, Allah is above His Arsh BUT EXCLAIMS:I do not know whether His Arsh is above the heavens or on earth‼️AbuHanifah responded🗣If he denies that the Arsh is above the heavens, he is an apostate‼️If the person apostatizes by saying that he did not know where is the ARSH of Allah, then by right a person who denies the Loftiness of Allah altogether is definitely worse than an apostate🔥ImamMalik🔥Abdullah binNafi reported:MalikBinAnas said:ALLAH IS ABOVE THE HEAVENS BUT HIS KNOWLEDGE encompasses everything. NOTHING ESCAPES HIS KNOWLEDGE🔥ImamShafi said:THE CREED which I hold is the same creed the MUSLIMS BEFORE me were holding, namely, the Testimony of Faith:There is no god worthy of being worshipped except Allah, that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah & that Allah is ABOVE HIS ARSH, above the heavens. He descends to the lowest heaven whenever He wishes📚ImamBinKhuzaimah a SHAFI himself said:Whoever DOES NOT BELIEVE that Allah is above His ARSH☝🏻Above His 7 HEAVENS & THAT HE IS SEPARATE from His creatures, is a KAFIR🔥Such person must be ordered to repent & disavow his belief or else he must be beheaded and thrown on a garbage dump so that neither Ahlul-Qiblah nor Ahludth-dthimmah be annoyed by the foul odour of his carcass🔥AbuBakr MuhammadatTamimi, a Shafi'ite imam of Naisabur said:"I do not pray behind a person who denies the attributes of Allah & does not recognise that Allah is above His Arsh🔥ImamAhmad🔥He was asked: Is Allah above His Arsh, above the 7th heaven, separate from His creatures, & is His knowledge & power encompassing everything everywhere⁉️He replied:'Certainly, He is above His Arsh & NOTHING escapes His knowledge. All of the above show that the entire Muslim ummah, in the past & present, is in unison regarding the belief in the Loftiness & SUPREMACY OF ALLAH THE EXALTED_*

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith 7 місяців тому

      *حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو كُرَيْبٍ، مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْعَلاَءِ حَدَّثَنَا زَيْدُ بْنُ الْحُبَابِ، ح وَحَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ بَشَّارٍ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَامِرٍ الْعَقَدِيُّ، ح وَحَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنِيعٍ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أَحْمَدَ الزُّبَيْرِيُّ، قَالُوا حَدَّثَنَا كَثِيرُ بْنُ زَيْدٍ، عَنْ رُبَيْحِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ قَالَ*
      ‏ *لاَ وُضُوءَ لِمَنْ لَمْ يَذْكُرِ اسْمَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ*
      ‏ ‏‏
      *It was narrated from AbuSaeed that:The Messenger of Allah said: "There is no ablution for one who does not mention the Name of Allah (before doing it)✅Hasan✅Darussalam💧Vol. 1 Hadith 397 Book 1 Hadith 429 Ibn Majah*
      *1 Wash hands starting from the fingers to the wrist 3 times* *2 Rinse & gargle ur mouth thoroughly & spit out 3 times* *3 Hold water with right hand close to nose & inhale & sniff some water slowly inside & clean the nostrils & blow out the water from the nose itself 3 times* *4 Wash entire face 3 times with both hands cupped with water & it must reach ear to ear door as well as from forehead hair line to neck* *5 Wash right hand starting again from the fingertips to elbows 3 times* *6 Wash left hand likewise* *7 Take little water with both your wet hands & wipe your entire head from forehead to the back of your neck & WIPE BACK TO THE FOREHEAD IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION ONLY ONCE!* *8 Use wet index fingers to clean the inside of ears & thumbs to clean the outside ONCE* *9 Finally wash right foot upto the ankle thrice* *10 Wash left ankle likewise*
      ⛔☝🏻💡 *CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES IN WUDU💧ESPECIALLY ISTINSHAAQ=CLEANING THE NOSTRILS☝🏻I ESPECIALLY ALERTED ABOUT ISTINSHAAQ BCUZ MOST people just sprinkle water into their noses without even INHALING & sniffing it inside AND EXHALING & BOWING IT OUT BY THE NOSE ITSELF!👃💧THIS IS THE ONLY VALID METHOD❗✔IF YOUR WUDU ABLUTION IS INVALID, ALL YOUR PRAYERS ARE ALSO INVALID🔥FEAR ALLAH SHARE THE KHAIR WITH EVERYONE JazakAllahukhairaa🗣Tag any1 who is unaware of the dangers of NOT following the proper procedure like the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ﷺ* 🌴

    • @The_Chairperson
      @The_Chairperson 7 місяців тому


    • @The_Chairperson
      @The_Chairperson 7 місяців тому

      You quoting her Quran lil Dawah boy, while she probably doesn't have her basics of Islam covered.

  • @shogofa6134
    @shogofa6134 8 місяців тому +61

    Not even lying this channel has brought my iman so low, yes there are beneficial knowledge being spread but the way people in this particular podcast [not naming names] address these issues is very incorrect. I have instead started to listen to real ulama and scholars of the deen who go over certain exceptions related to some issues and dont just say ' haram,haram,haram'. Yes there are things in islam which has been stated 'haram' and they are haram periodt, but there are also some stuff which are of issues of dispute and unfortunately there are 'tiktok scholars/dawah people' who lack knowledge in that field and say maybe the right things but in the wrong way or in a way that shames a certain group of people. I think any student of knowledge who has the intention for the sake of Allah to spread the knowledge they have acquired doesnt just need to know about the deen but also needs to have emotional intelligence and know when and how to address something. Genuinely to these brothers and other podcasters please think about the role you guys are playing and how you guys are playing it in the ummah, taking into consideration that there are young people who literally think you guys are sheikhs and take every word of yours word for word, and also there is a fitna that can come from people who think they have certain knowledge and spreads it but causes a divide between the ummah instead. I do not think Allah has destined every muslim to be a daee or sheikh or even someone who 'helps' the ummah in the way of spreading knowledge because like I said its not just about the knowledge you are spreading but also the manner and tone of voice you guys are spreading it in. I recommend any muslim especially young muslims who are just becoming practicing to listen to scholars and sheikhs and most importantly getting their information from factual places instead of podcasts. Yes there is a benefit in these podcasts but in the muslim gen z community these podcasts have just paraphrased answers which came from books of ulama from the past who have debated and discussed specific issues for years.

    • @mufid.asshiddiq
      @mufid.asshiddiq 8 місяців тому +1

      Nah bro

    • @Imad-gk1gw
      @Imad-gk1gw 8 місяців тому +1

      It’s okay to take a step back and not watch it if it’s doing that for you. Remember “the religion is as clear as night is as clear as day” it’s not complicated. If you want to get a wife just make dua and Allah has already written someone for you.

    • @ridwanmiahsalafibengali5628
      @ridwanmiahsalafibengali5628 8 місяців тому +1

      In Islam a evidence is Quran and Sunnah with the understanding of the salaf,ijma a Nd qiyaas.
      In Aqeedah anything that goes against Quran and Sunnah and ijma is rejected, secondly none of the salaf differed regarding the Names and Attributes of Allah the books of the salaf are present الحمد لله.
      Who are these real ulma? Are they the like of shiekh Saleh Al fawzan? Or inovators who rely and translate things they want to the layman
      Secondly if your talking about them speaking about businesses then there is no problem there's hadith of buying and selling and also the scholars discuss in the books of fiqh,The Sahabha رضي الله عنهم from the 10 promised Jannah 7 out of ,10 were rich businesses men,Mohammed bin sireen رحمه الله from the salaf the student of Abu hurayrah رضي الله عنه was a big merchant of honey also imam Malik رضي الله عنه was rich
      وَالسَّابِقُونَ الْأَوَّلُونَ مِنَ الْمُهَاجِرِينَ وَالْأَنصَارِ وَالَّذِينَ
      اتَّبَعُوهُم بِإِحْسَانٍ رَّضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوا عَنْهُ
      From the muhajiroon and ansaar and those who follow them in perfection they are pleased with Allah and Allah is pleased with them.
      تركتُ فيكم أَمْرَيْنِ لن تَضِلُّوا ما تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بهما : كتابَ اللهِ وسُنَّةَ نبيِّهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليهِ وسلَّمَ
      الراوي : مالك بن أنس | المحدث : ابن عبدالبر | المصدر : التمهيد | الصفحة أو الرقم : 24/331 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : محفوظ معروف مشهور عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عند أهل العلم شهرة يكاد يستغني بها عن الإسناد | التخريج : أخرجه مالك في ((الموطأ
      I left behind for you two things that you will never go astray as long as you adhere to them: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may Allah bless him
      Narrator: Malik bin Anas | Updated: Ibn Abdul-Barr | Source: Introduction | Page or number: 24/331 | Summary of the hadith’s ruling: He is well-known and well-known on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, among the scholars, so famous that he almost dispenses with the need for a chain of transmission | Graduation: Narrated by Malik in ((Al-Muwatta)

    • @Ibraheem776
      @Ibraheem776 7 місяців тому +5

      Akhi no one is going to read your massive paragraph stop wasting peoples time and summarise your comment …

    • @Islam.is.the.truth..
      @Islam.is.the.truth.. 7 місяців тому +1

      A sign of knowledge is wisdom and understanding of this deen. Something most western students lack.

  • @bashir2795
    @bashir2795 8 місяців тому +1

    Where can I find the mukhtasar for sayd al khatir

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 8 місяців тому +1

      Noorbook website akhi.

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 8 місяців тому +1

      By the way, ulemah like sheikh saleh al fawzaan advice to be careful in reading that book, because it has good and evil in it. Jazakallaahu khairan akhi

    • @bashir2795
      @bashir2795 8 місяців тому +1

      @@taimurahmad interesting I have the full book but the mukhtasar might have more benefits as well
      can you send me where sheikh saleh fawzan said that?

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 6 місяців тому

      He said that in explanation of aqeeda hamawiyyah i forgot which lesson maybe 30??? Its arabic and avialble om his channel

  • @Saliah-Begum
    @Saliah-Begum 7 місяців тому +1


  • @hodanosmaan8942
    @hodanosmaan8942 8 місяців тому +59

    20:41 are you serious, which women told you that?
    We women doesn’t like a man who is not clear about his feelings, a man that we are not sure about if he is gonna stay or leave.
    Like what are you talking about, that is totally an attractive.

    • @ZEinmishal
      @ZEinmishal 7 місяців тому +5

      They are talking about traumatized women, which are most nowadays, so kinda true kinda not

    • @intendedexpression6609
      @intendedexpression6609 7 місяців тому +7

      They are not talking about men who can't communicate their feelings, they are speaking on men expressing their emotions to a women consistently. Women, even if they say thats what they want; are not attracted to feminine like behavior. A man should be able to communicate how he feels in a rational and tamed manner but ranting and venting to a women has the opposite affect.

    • @faizahamid6739
      @faizahamid6739 6 місяців тому

      Honestly if don’t feel and know he only wants me I can’t take him seriously because I would just feel like there’s no point in my investing in someone and showing love to someone who isn’t gonna appreciate it. So I need to know he’s fully in for me before I can commit 😭. Like I’m a loyal babe so I need reassurance that you’re gonna be loyal back or it’s just not gonna work

    • @ulama7828
      @ulama7828 5 місяців тому

      Disagree, in my experience he was right. Woman are unattracted to a man whose feelings they understand and love they know if guaranteed.

    • @Zzucia
      @Zzucia 29 днів тому

      @@intendedexpression6609 Yes, this.

  • @maryam_harbawi
    @maryam_harbawi 8 місяців тому +39

    I made myself a list when I was looking for my Husband. The first and most important thing on the list that I wanted in a Husband was this one thing. #1 - He must fear Allah. Seriously the most attractive thing about a man.

    • @n.n9035
      @n.n9035 7 місяців тому +3

      Sorry sis I was the same.. he fears Allah but when it comes to me.. its different..don't fall for a man just because he's religious..deen and ikhlaq is the main thing. Please pay attention to manners, how he deals with women in his family especially... sadly I'm not the only one... yes we need someone with religion, but unfortunately we fall for men that wear an abaya and a beard and think he will never oppress me... may Allah guide us all.. husband and wives .. 😢😢

    • @audify3833
      @audify3833 7 місяців тому +5

      @@n.n9035 He doesn't truly fear Allah if he thinks he can abuse/have bad manners all while Allah is watching him.

    • @EverySoulTastesDeath
      @EverySoulTastesDeath 7 місяців тому

      salam again..apologies actions their intentions..as to under pinned?..if trolls dont c none..in casev tho....jeremiah 8.8 yes changed scripture....so 9 on wards..ppl of book our jews who left islam..have we as an ummah? 72ers upon their ways who left actuall tawheed?...if u read and wonder ask y...ignorance removed that way aslso surat hujjurraat of even fasiqs needs to b verified....so basically as jeremiad their women ours anfaal booty or not...so b4 that jeremiah 7..in own ascripture,,their demolishmeent for leavuing the testAMONY CONVANT....
      albeit....tyo trolls carry on..the ending is for the tuba strangers so glad tidings..ALLAH AKbar
      p.s plz need my 1 of 4..b4 the new 12 tribe if shariah mosaic maqasid of progeny honour wealth ..and life goes on//////in whose hands souls forelocks....?subhanho

    • @MH-bf4uu
      @MH-bf4uu 6 місяців тому

      @@audify3833you can’t read someone’s heart. You don’t know if someone truly fears allah except Allah himself

  • @elafzal5866
    @elafzal5866 8 місяців тому +171

    The theme of recent podcasts coming out continuesly seems be relationships, women, marriage and money ( how to be rich) and so on. Would be nice to see a different theme.

    • @ichoosedeen
      @ichoosedeen 8 місяців тому +10

      Right! Like this is all they talk about

    • @AdamKhan-d3c
      @AdamKhan-d3c 8 місяців тому +12

      They have to monetise off what's trending otherwise what's the point.

    • @user997j77user
      @user997j77user 8 місяців тому +13

      They don't make money off these videos or monetise them. They make money off their companies like Sunnah Match, The Umrah Set-up etc اللهم بارك

    • @AdamKhan-d3c
      @AdamKhan-d3c 8 місяців тому

      @@user997j77user How do you know?

    • @samiraak8258
      @samiraak8258 8 місяців тому +2

      thats interesting though

  • @samiraak8258
    @samiraak8258 8 місяців тому +26

    In the first part, You're talking about women like you're talking about kids. Fore sure, 1000% the lady you are talking about in this way, will never love you for who you are, only for who you are trying to project on her.
    The best of men, among them Omar, said that a man should be like a lion outside, and like a kid inside his home. When you r'all trying to play the lion before your wives.
    The prophet sws, was very close to his wives not calculating and infantilizing/minimizing his wives. HE would be GENUINE, drinking from the same glass, at the EXACT place where Aicha would drink.
    If you need to calculate, to "represent" yourself instead of being yourself, then you haven't found the good one, and you are tiring yourself. Be genuine, Be a REAL man.

    • @mahadmohamed2666
      @mahadmohamed2666 8 місяців тому +4

      You just proved them right

    • @samiraak8258
      @samiraak8258 8 місяців тому


    • @vost2916
      @vost2916 8 місяців тому +5

      Women are kids in adult bodies...

    • @samiraak8258
      @samiraak8258 8 місяців тому +6

      Usually we say this about men, but the truth is whether it is for men or women, if they are clever, mature enough, it's not gonna be like this. Just pick the good one, and before you pick, Be the good one.

    • @Aafiyaah
      @Aafiyaah 8 місяців тому +11

      @@vost2916 it’s well known that women mature way quicker than men. So I don’t know what your talking about

  • @hud100h
    @hud100h 8 місяців тому +29

    The episodes with these four in particular consistently mention Quraan, Sunnah and what the scholars have said in relation to the topic Allahuma Baarik.

  • @djaeabdalla2363
    @djaeabdalla2363 8 місяців тому +25

    I like the vibe of the brothers Adam and Muhammad and whole combination Allahuma bareek

  • @Thearabasian
    @Thearabasian 7 місяців тому +7

    “Women like chasing”, “the younger the better”, “marry the most beautiful woman to protect you from the fitnah around you”. Where is your OWN mental and physical control over your nafs? You love to preach about masculinity and DISCIPLINE but fail to apply it when it comes down to it. There will always be a younger woman and a more beautiful woman out there. If you don’t have self control and can’t protect yourself from fitnah that weakness it’s on YOU. Watching this video and the way you speak about women made me nauseous.

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 7 місяців тому +1

      Men care about beauty and marrying a beautiful enough woman is important to help him lower his gaze. The sunnah as well says that marriage *helps* with lowering the gaze. As a woman, it’d be hard for you to understand male nature. Besides, beauty is subjective, so everyone sees beauty differently.

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 7 місяців тому +3

      This is the recommendation of Imam Ahmad....

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому +1

      What's wrong with all of that? I don't see any controversy with what they said. These are just recommendations to avoid temptations as Allah created human nature in humans. Also this is recommendation from an Imam who's way more qualified than you are. But I guess it's typical women being emotional and making up reasons to complain when they're nonsensical in the first place. This is why men can't speak about anything related to women otherwise the feminists start chasing us with pitchforks

  • @handygasman
    @handygasman 7 місяців тому +8

    These kinds of podcasts are so cringe.

    • @slimjym130
      @slimjym130 7 місяців тому

      Stop watching it then. Genuinely and no disrespect, if it's cringe stop watching their vids completely.

    • @handygasman
      @handygasman 7 місяців тому +2

      @@slimjym130 I didn't watch it. It popped up on my feed, I saw a few seconds and it made me cringe.

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому +1

      @@handygasman Yet you had time to give a comment instead of just skipping it. Rent free lmao

    • @handygasman
      @handygasman 5 місяців тому

      @@j86485 another triggered fanboy 😂

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      @@handygasman Imagine calling people fanboys when they just want to watch the video lmao. I rather be a "fanboy" than a hater who has time to comment without even watching it and doesn't like their videos. Go touch some grass dude 😂

  • @Wisdomseeker1028
    @Wisdomseeker1028 7 місяців тому +9

    Great talk. You gentlemen touched on the important things that make men attractive. One thing to add is Kindness. You can be praying 5 times, wealthy status from a noble family and a great driven businessman, but if you are not kind to your woman, say nice words, compliment and gift, then you wont make her happy.

    • @piqueny8872
      @piqueny8872 7 місяців тому +1

      If his future spouse hears he wants 15 babies deen or beauty she’s gonna run
      The pains of child birth labour pains post natal depression
      Would drive her mad

  • @tatooinenative860
    @tatooinenative860 8 місяців тому +40

    Plz add timestamps. JazakAllah

    • @bbqquid3152
      @bbqquid3152 8 місяців тому +5

      Better to watch the whole thing Brother they drop gems throughout. Wallahi these podcasts are amazing

    • @mahadabdulkadir8807
      @mahadabdulkadir8807 8 місяців тому

      go to 30:00

    • @tatooinenative860
      @tatooinenative860 8 місяців тому

      @@mahadabdulkadir8807 what about it?

    • @D-A-N-
      @D-A-N- 8 місяців тому +3

      Go to 57:22

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      @@D-A-N- I clicked on that timestamp and it directed me to a sugar daddy website

  • @mariar3933
    @mariar3933 7 місяців тому +5

    No one likes games ! I hate this and leave, no psychology needed ! Allah puts love in hearts and it’s clear in Quran !

  • @christiba9594
    @christiba9594 7 місяців тому +5

    Sometimes I feel like we need to stop blaming the west all time about their culture, instead blame ourselves for coping them. Good video btw

  • @henjay9000
    @henjay9000 7 місяців тому +5

    “women like to chase” do u wana ask ur mum if she chased ur dad? mufti saab

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 7 місяців тому +2

      “Shall I not tell you about your men in Paradise?” We said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “The Prophet will be in Paradise, the Siddeeq will be in Paradise, the man who visits his brother who lives far away and visits him only for the sake of Allah will be in Paradise. Shall I not tell you about your women in Paradise?” We said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: “The loving and fertile one who, if she gets angry or is mistreated or her husband gets angry says, ‘Here is my hand in your hand, I shall not sleep until you are pleased.’”
      Narrated by al-Tabarani in al-Mu’jam al-Awsat (2/206). It was also narrated from a number of other Sahabah, hence it was classed as hasan by al-Albani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah (3380) and in Saheeh al-Targheeb (1942).

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      Lmao so women don't get angry at 'men like to chase' but as soon as it's the other way around they get so emotional. I guess double standards are only good if it works for women. This is just typical women being emotional and making up reasons to complain when they're nonsensical in the first place. This is why men can't speak about anything related to women otherwise you feminists start chasing us with pitchforks

  • @usermuhahaha
    @usermuhahaha 7 місяців тому +5

    Assalamualikum, ikhwan jazakallah khair for such a beneficial discussion and being open about talking on this. Just one sincere suggestion, if one of the brothers is speaking please don't cut them off and let them finish their train of thought. I was lowkey getting frustrated when this was going on and I genuinely wanted to hear what was being said.

  • @AK-go7sh
    @AK-go7sh 8 місяців тому +29

    Watched only parts of this. But a genuine question: Do you men actually think that most women want you to be stoic and not show feelings? Because honestly I would choose a man who can show feelings and be romantic any day.

    • @AK-go7sh
      @AK-go7sh 8 місяців тому +4

      @@torias-k3z According to Cambridge dictionary, Stoic (adjective) means: "not showing or not feeling any emotion, esp. in a situation in which the expression of emotion is expected:"

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 8 місяців тому +14

      Personally, couldn’t care any less what women want. As a man, it’s in my nature to not overshow/overshare negative feelings (sadness, despair, etc). Sure, I may share them from time to time, but too much is a sign of weakness. I generally only complain to Allah and I genuinely feel better that way. Would not change that for a woman.

    • @AK-go7sh
      @AK-go7sh 8 місяців тому +4

      @@torias-k3z I was just giving you evidence since you said :"being stoic doesn't mean ignoring your feelings". I agree, you don't need to be overly emotional. However I would like for my future spouse in sha Allah to be able to communicate his feelings and show plenty of affection.

    • @Lancer5ive
      @Lancer5ive 7 місяців тому +4

      Majority of women's response to men being emotional shows otherwise, also why do most women flock to emotionally unavailable men if they really wanted someone emotional?? Its either you simply don't know what you want, or are flat out lying as a screening mechanism.

    • @sunshinestar2244
      @sunshinestar2244 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Jirenblack82I agree, I'm the same and I'm a woman.No body can solve our problem but God.

  • @Brother_mar
    @Brother_mar 8 місяців тому +9

    Allahummabarik, this Andalusi collab is nice. I hope he makes more appearances on this podcast.

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      Andalusi? That's a extinct dialect of Arabic

  • @Edit-vn5vn
    @Edit-vn5vn 7 місяців тому +5

    Please bring Adam more often. He’s the perfect balance that makes these videos perfect. And Mohamed

  • @Shuks673
    @Shuks673 7 місяців тому +3

    You would never catch me talking about relationships with my friends
    Me and my friend talk about how to better ourselves and other things not relationships so what you so called sheikhs need to understand is not every women is the same we have different perspectives and personalities so stop generalising women get a life guys

    • @slimjym130
      @slimjym130 7 місяців тому

      If it's weird to talk about relationships with your friends than thats cool but not everyone is as closed off as you. Woman are different but there are traits,character and mannerisms of a man that majority of woman like. Just like anything else, there is always a common denominator, a common thing.

  • @Mrsaz111
    @Mrsaz111 4 місяці тому +1

    I don’t agree with imrans point about a woman doesn’t find attractiveness in a man who she’s won over or caught.

  • @FaizaAhmed-ue3fc
    @FaizaAhmed-ue3fc 8 місяців тому +20

    You should invite Adam more ....i love how he handles himself and his talks are wise...plz do a podcast on how he started his journey of knowledge

    • @HumbleConfidenceES
      @HumbleConfidenceES 8 місяців тому

      Are the others the opposite of that?

    • @user-hc1fm9vh8t
      @user-hc1fm9vh8t 5 місяців тому

      @@HumbleConfidenceESwhere was that implied? No need to look for problems where there aren’t any.

    • @HumbleConfidenceES
      @HumbleConfidenceES 5 місяців тому

      @@user-hc1fm9vh8t do you know the intention behind my question? Or what my follow up question would be? Take your own advice. Don’t look for problems where there is none.

    • @HumbleConfidenceES
      @HumbleConfidenceES 5 місяців тому

      @@user-hc1fm9vh8t and for your information liking one person more than another for certain reasons isn’t haram or wrong, I was just curious as to how that person saw it, anyway have a good day. Ws.

    • @HumbleConfidenceES
      @HumbleConfidenceES 5 місяців тому

      @@user-hc1fm9vh8t take your own advice, don’t find problems where there is none. I asked a question and you don’t know my intent. Someone liking one person more than others isn’t haram or “wrong”, I was curious about the reasoning, nowhere did I state that it’s wrong.

  • @blueberrysunn3556
    @blueberrysunn3556 8 місяців тому +11

    When he spoke about how a man should be invested in his work instead of purely on his wife he came with the HAQQ. I’m a woman and if I had a husband that considered me his one and only priority I will be put off and lose my respect for him.

    • @Mrwick97
      @Mrwick97 7 місяців тому +3

      I dont understand u all, sometimes u want your man to give u attention and when he gives u all lose respect, honestly now i understand why there are pious wives mentioned for men in heaven because those wives love men unconditionally! Alhumdulilah for that! A man won't get love in this world even from his wife! Atleast he can get some from a hoor in hereafter

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 6 місяців тому

      ​@@Mrwick97read book wives of people of paradise on darpdfs absolutely gem of a book

  • @ozzieone16
    @ozzieone16 8 місяців тому +5

    I agree completely naturally men are inclined to younger women even at 40s, 50s etc. still inclined to younger women age range might change when you were in 30s or lower younger women was under 25 but when you reach 40 and over maybe change to under 30 but neither the less men are inclined to younger women biggest thing is deen through honestly women with deen is directly more attractive than a beautiful woman with no deen
    Deen first age second beauty third simple as that

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      Yeah the age thing is primarily to do with kids but if the man doesn't want kids or any more kids then beauty would overtake age as the second most important thing in a woman

  • @DrAdnan
    @DrAdnan 8 місяців тому +15

    Perfect episode for us single brothers alhamdulillah

  • @s.adnansami5106
    @s.adnansami5106 7 місяців тому +2

    I've only watched like 10 minutes of the podcast and it looks like by the comment section that this is a very controversial episode. Again, i barely watched the podcast but something that is so true and I can attest to is that turning to Allah and being self-accountable seems like it is attractive to sisters. Not just sisters, anyone really. It's the same reason why sometimes people look better as they become older because they are more confident and comfortable with themselves. They know their framework and their values and it shows ever so slightly in their face, particularly the eye region. It's called intuition. I remember sisters I was talking to, where I was desperate (just like any other teenager) and I would put them off, even more so if I tried to act "cool" and "natural". Then I turned to Allah for help. I'm not saying I'm doing something great or that I am doing what I should be doing but I realized if I mess up while talking to a sister, it's (more likely than not) my fault. If I don't get a sister I am interested in, cool, Allah decided for it not to happen.

  • @nlovesjj
    @nlovesjj 8 місяців тому +8

    What brother imran and the guy sitting opposite him sometimes saying is, is true to a certain extent about the subject but he needs to think about how he says things. It can come across as rude and condescending to women. The way our opinon don't matter. The way you deliver a message is the most important thing. The whole talk about the dream team was disgusting.

    • @Lancer5ive
      @Lancer5ive 7 місяців тому

      Is marriage not a team effort? You’re being too emotional

    • @scampbell3207
      @scampbell3207 5 місяців тому

      I also found it distasteful as a woman.

  • @kaix6023
    @kaix6023 7 місяців тому +2

    The women’s opinion doesn’t matter. But the whole point of this video is you’re teaching men how to attract women. I’m guessing most of us know what we’re attracted to and why.

  • @ma-sal5831
    @ma-sal5831 8 місяців тому +3

    Asalam wa alykuim I just wanted to know what is the ruling for women to become taleib Al ealim. Jazakallah khair.

    • @user-h3q7d9m2z5
      @user-h3q7d9m2z5 8 місяців тому +4

      Permissible within the bounds of the shariah

  • @Mkhasimks
    @Mkhasimks 7 місяців тому +10

    Allahumma Barik.. The way Brother Mohammed corrected Brother Inran at the start was amazing.. Mushrikeena ---> Mushrikuna.. He didnt make Br. Imran or the Viewers feel there was a mistake.. It was the reaction of Br Imran that showed Br. mohanmed corrected him.. Akhlak of both of them...

  • @MahdiTidjani
    @MahdiTidjani 8 місяців тому +12

    This was beneficial. JazaakAllahukhair

    • @malikid1000
      @malikid1000 8 місяців тому +6

      I thought you already knew what you was doing mahdi, you are an expert right ?

  • @zaralearningkorean
    @zaralearningkorean 8 місяців тому +6

    Intro is crazy 😂 bismiillah

  • @andromeda8325
    @andromeda8325 2 місяці тому

    To men and women watching this - now feeling doubts about Islam, or having an all time Iman low - just remember these are not sheikhs. They're using fancy words and big terms for most people- but you'd do a lot better to listen to actual sheiks (and actual women when women tell you what she finds attractive - instead of four random men who don't interact with women, telling you what women find attractive).
    Just a word of advice. Be so careful on the internet. Not saying these boys are not Muslim. Yes they're Muslim. But you can't just take Islam from any rando online . These boys have their opinions, but opinions are not evidence, and they're not factual by any means. So be careful

  • @HassanThelander
    @HassanThelander 8 місяців тому +2

    Assalaamualaikum - I think the Deen is beautiful in that, in proper application, you naturally put things in their proper place. So your point about a man not revolving his entire being and success about his wife and rather continuing multiple pursuits in khayr after and alongside marriage being important for attraction ; this should naturally be the case if we are striving for deen.
    For E.g.
    -not doting over your wife all night or being sexually consumed because you want to spend a portion of the night in prayer
    - not droning around the house all day trying to please your wife because you need to go pray 5x a day or at least some salah in masjid if far, or attend something else of benefit
    - spending time with friends and wider family as صلة الرحم rather then just being a stowaway because you are married etc
    But that is Jihaad un Nafs :D - me personally will probably struggle not to be completely gushing over an answered prayer in my future wife(s)

  • @ubiquitousinfluence
    @ubiquitousinfluence 7 місяців тому +7

    They might want a woman's contribution to add to this because not all of what they are saying/ assuming about a woman's psychology is totally correct

    • @Lancer5ive
      @Lancer5ive 7 місяців тому

      Women know little to nothing about their own psychology so it’s pointless

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому +1

      Boohoo, it's a channel made by a group of men who follow the deen and do not want to intermix with women. So go watch another channel of women who can give advice from their own perspective

    • @ubiquitousinfluence
      @ubiquitousinfluence 5 місяців тому

      @@j86485 jeez, salty much?

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому +1

      @@ubiquitousinfluence Says the person who's complaining about how there's no women in the video. Intermixing with women is haram so they don't do that and they don't show any women in their videos

  • @serjborwi9624
    @serjborwi9624 7 місяців тому +1

    The prophet saw was never poor? What about the narration of Aisha RA saying months would go by where they would only eat dates and water?I
    It’s not desirable to be poor and there’s nothing wrong selling programs and courses, but don’t twist facts to try to sell Tate type courses

    • @AM-bm9rs
      @AM-bm9rs 6 місяців тому

      He had the ability to be rich but chose to live poor

  • @Lisac11226
    @Lisac11226 8 місяців тому +4

    Ladies, make sure you delete all your pictures in your camera roll

    • @HumbleConfidenceES
      @HumbleConfidenceES 8 місяців тому


    • @justshushmate
      @justshushmate 7 місяців тому +2

      snm 😭😭😭😭😭

    • @Vexzun
      @Vexzun 7 місяців тому

      did you watch the video?

    • @Dont-worry1618
      @Dont-worry1618 7 місяців тому +1

      U should start with wearing the hijab.

    • @Lisac11226
      @Lisac11226 7 місяців тому

      @@Dont-worry1618 you should start with minding your business about a random stranger online and worry about the women in your life. Or LACK THEREOF 💀

  • @ichoosedeen
    @ichoosedeen 8 місяців тому +12

    Youll never hear them talk about how to train yourself to fight. Youll never hear them talking about that.

    • @PizzamanMC
      @PizzamanMC 8 місяців тому +1

      1. You dont know that. They may make a video on it Allahu a'lam.
      2. There are more important topics to be addressed, which they did in this video.

    • @ichoosedeen
      @ichoosedeen 8 місяців тому +2

      @PizzamanMC if something upsets you about a community, make dua and focus on your act of worship and impact the women in your lives, but to go on the internet and always talk about women, subxanallah. This will upset women to the point where toxic energy can be targeted towards these men.
      If you have something good to say, say it. If you don't, then take it with allah.
      The quran, never mentions Hawa eating the apple, but there is a verse then says they both engaged, but through out the quran Hawas name was never mentioned, just Adam. The respect and conduct of how we should treat sisters is seen with how the quran was reveled by concealing Hawas sin, and never mentioning her name. It's apparent that they both took part, but the quran gives us the proper etiquette in how to protect the image of a woman.
      Anyways, this is knowledge provided to the one who has read the quran. FRONT AND BACK, I SAY THIS TO SAY
      THESE BROTHERS NEED A BETTER TOPIC, GIVE IT UP, imagine their daughters growing up seeing this. They would want to know why their fathers are obsessed with women.

    • @PizzamanMC
      @PizzamanMC 8 місяців тому

      @@ichoosedeen Are you a brother or sister?

    • @ichoosedeen
      @ichoosedeen 8 місяців тому +2

      @@PizzamanMC i am a concerned muslim.

    • @MegaDreamOo
      @MegaDreamOo 8 місяців тому +4

      Go join your local boxing gym. End of the story.

  • @youman6334
    @youman6334 7 місяців тому +1

    please, only let muhammad andalus talk

  • @MariamaBojang-g3w
    @MariamaBojang-g3w 8 місяців тому +2

    العلم also makes a man so very attractive

  • @malayxo
    @malayxo 7 місяців тому +2


  • @Aafiyaah
    @Aafiyaah 8 місяців тому +12

    It’s funny how a group of men are telling other men what a women wants.😂 This episode made it very clear that men can’t read women and don’t really know what they like or want. But May Allah preserve them, it was still a good episode ma sha Allah

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 8 місяців тому

      It is women who don’t know what they want. Particularly modern women. They’ll say they like a beta man who doesn’t control her, only to cheat with a controlling man who puts her in place (just an example among many). Women nowadays are unreliable in marriage advice, as feminism has completely modified their fitrah. I’d rather take advice from men who already got women and have dealt with them.

    • @vost2916
      @vost2916 8 місяців тому

      Wom3n don't even know what they want. Your preferences and emotions change with every monthly cycle.
      You absolute jester.

    • @Yusufakachino
      @Yusufakachino 8 місяців тому

      I'm a man and trust me iknow exactly what you want and I shall give you it

    • @Lancer5ive
      @Lancer5ive 7 місяців тому

      so why are there scientific proof that women don't know what they're attracted to, so yes men do know what women want even better than women

    • @blue_568
      @blue_568 7 місяців тому

      All these replies shows the mentality of Muslim men regarding women. And they say they are treated like Queens. 😂😂😂

  • @bbqquid3152
    @bbqquid3152 8 місяців тому +3

    55:55 do the course

  • @hubbabubbacola
    @hubbabubbacola 8 місяців тому +1

    Does chai with my bhai still sell merch? Like the bottles and cups?

  • @JH-qz1be
    @JH-qz1be 8 місяців тому +5

    May Allah bless all the brothers for their effort in the deen of Allah , but akhi Adam need to do more videos
    , he’s an eloquent speaker soo much sincerity and Khair in his speech ..
    it’s unfortunate we find little video of him online ‏إن شاء الله Allah will increase him in knowledge to share it with rest . Ameen

  • @YourUkhtiR
    @YourUkhtiR 5 місяців тому

    Just started to listen to this podcast series today and Allahumma barik great work!
    Super random point. Can the host brother pronounce the word ‘Bhai’ correctly pls ? The ‘h’ needs to be pronounced. The way he says it is ‘Bai’ which in Hindi also means ‘maid’
    Not a huge deal but I have been listening to your podcast and it bothers me each time.
    Jazakallahukhairan to all of you for your efforts
    May Allah accept it from you

  • @tanveersheikh9860
    @tanveersheikh9860 8 місяців тому +1

    be grateful to Allah for the first one. Be modest and chaste. Pray to Allah. In sha Allah He will grant you more. la in shakartum la azidannakum

  • @williewright2166
    @williewright2166 6 місяців тому

    I live in the USA 🇺🇸 rent 2600 a month not including utilities my wife says a work like a donkey 🫏 but I gotta be an available dead beat so my family can eat

  • @Gaza_256.
    @Gaza_256. 7 місяців тому +1

    😂😂absolutely beneficial knowledge

  • @naadirah___
    @naadirah___ 8 місяців тому +1

    Great episode allahumma baarik it’s good to see brother who have such awareness of their selfs , woman , family etc and importance of the likes , we need more men like these four brothers Allahumma Baarik,

  • @nabeel8194
    @nabeel8194 8 місяців тому +10

    Alhumdulilah this was better than any fresh and fit episode

  • @Sarah-wf6ww
    @Sarah-wf6ww 7 місяців тому

    this is how LGBTQ+ started in the west . good luck with what you all will find in your scale on the day of judgment

  • @bobbanks6217
    @bobbanks6217 6 місяців тому

    38:20 Remember how the entire ummah turned on u guys aftet Badr Club?😅

  • @EagertoLearnAcademy
    @EagertoLearnAcademy 6 місяців тому

    The way these men be dreaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

  • @amatullah3491
    @amatullah3491 6 місяців тому

    May Allah bless this guys I love them for the Sake of Allah

  • @MahmoudManneh-m8n
    @MahmoudManneh-m8n 8 місяців тому +1

    Mash'Allah thank you so much guys ❤

  • @zoe-mv6ji
    @zoe-mv6ji 8 місяців тому +1

    The Hadith said around 16mins in “someone who is deficient in their intellect and deen” (I’m not quoting it properly, forgive me), can someone please explain this, this hadith always sort of bothered me but obvs there’s logic in everything in Islam but just because we are women we are lower than men in intellect? I understand the deen part refers to periods and therefore not being able to pray/ fast etc as much as men, but anyone have a explanation for the intellect part? Jazak’Allah

    • @Abz637
      @Abz637 8 місяців тому

      I think cause women generally was meant to be at home so wouldn’t have much life skills to make good decisions

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 8 місяців тому

      I won’t beat around the bush. Men were created with greater intellect, hence why Allah charged them with roles and responsibilities like carriers of Islam, world building, leadership, etc. Men’s brains are even of greater volume than women’s. Men simply require more intellect to carry out their biological functions.

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 8 місяців тому

      Men are more intelligent jn mattets and less emotional. This is even scientifically proven. Look at the top scientists and physicits and the scholars. The top ones are men. Oberse all the mathematical laws invented, weapons etc... newton,einstein.
      As for islamic ilm then we know men are more capable in memorizing and understanding the religion and the greatest scholars of islaam were men with the largest portion of ilm. Wallaahi a3lam.

    • @alhomsiyyah
      @alhomsiyyah 7 місяців тому

      Witness testimony - it is mentioned in the same hadith. You can look for the explanation from scholars

    • @bobbanks6217
      @bobbanks6217 6 місяців тому

      I think it's talking about a hypothetical woman not all women

  • @Ha55an55
    @Ha55an55 8 місяців тому +1

    I love these videos

  • @hassanshahzad7380
    @hassanshahzad7380 5 місяців тому

    Nice conversations benefiting

  • @zahra-t8t9r
    @zahra-t8t9r 8 місяців тому +3

    please do the same video but catered towards women

  • @abeesky
    @abeesky 6 місяців тому

    who is the black brother ?

  • @captain_nero
    @captain_nero 7 місяців тому

    Salam, can you link the books that you reference please.

  • @briffasebastien7135
    @briffasebastien7135 8 місяців тому

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Just to remind you brothers that to train in boxing is hallowed but to punch the face is harram forbidden even if you have protection to the face

  • @dbrv2074
    @dbrv2074 7 місяців тому

    Generosity makes the believing man even more attractive

  • @adnansayeed1464
    @adnansayeed1464 7 місяців тому

    Just awesome!! Masha Allah keep it going please

  • @hdA7573
    @hdA7573 7 місяців тому

    Women you are in this world to please Allah💯ain’t no man either husband or father or friend run for you in the sirad almustaqeem. This world is test so be respectful to everyone and learn deen. Do everything Allah wants you to do for you to go jannah❤💯everything that’s not that it’s not your job.

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 7 місяців тому +1

      Your run on the sirat al mustaqeem will be based on your actions and from the expected actions of a woman is obedience and dutifulness to her husband, the lack of which means hellfire.

    • @hdA7573
      @hdA7573 7 місяців тому

      @@Jirenblack82the real question is can women go to jannah for just respecting their husbands? The answer is be; no that may take to her on high chance of jannah if she adds her salah, sawm, sakat and all that so don’t say that or give proof Allah just wants us to respect our husband so we don’t need to pray or sawm💯 see how that looks mad that’s what you saying so elaborate and give Hadith or ayah for proof

    • @Jirenblack82
      @Jirenblack82 7 місяців тому +1

      @@hdA7573 I didn’t say a woman should “only” obey her husband. Of course she should pray and fast, but if she’s undutiful to her husband, that’s a reason for entering hell. In fact, the Prophet said most women will go hell due to ungratefulness to husbands.

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      @@hdA7573 You need to do both

  • @ramtilaakchintu8863
    @ramtilaakchintu8863 8 місяців тому +1


  • @yusrxn
    @yusrxn 8 місяців тому

    I couldn’t catch what the brother said at 37:16

  • @STEPMOMMY-tw6fz
    @STEPMOMMY-tw6fz 8 місяців тому

    Salam Alaikum from USA. I like this channel thanks

  • @youceflatrem8357
    @youceflatrem8357 8 місяців тому

    Good thing you guys changed the title of the video

  • @rujhaankhan3143
    @rujhaankhan3143 7 місяців тому

    32:20 she can be: 😂

  • @MaRTIoNIoNMOoNeR397
    @MaRTIoNIoNMOoNeR397 8 місяців тому

    50:00 gotta say end a threat lol

  • @Alphaknu
    @Alphaknu 8 місяців тому

    Jazakumallah khair

  • @youngmuslim577
    @youngmuslim577 8 місяців тому

    Brother Andalusi you’re wrong about quoting Ibn aljawzi on 40:00 he never said even if your time on seeking knowledge is wasted
    فعليك -يا طالب العلم- بالاجتهاد في جمع المال للغنى عن الناس؛ فإنه يجمع لك دينك! فما رأينا في الأغلب منافقا في التدين والتزهد والتخشع، ولا آفة طرأت على عالم، إلا بحب الدنيا، وغالب ذلك الفقر
    Ibn Hawaï said that we should make our effort on seeking rizq just to not ask people for money and for عفاف و الكفاف and not sacrificing knowledge for money cause no one of salaf has preferred his money than knowledge of Allah

    • @MuhammadAlAndalusi
      @MuhammadAlAndalusi 8 місяців тому +3

      ١٤٩- فصل: العالم الذي يتكسب يصون عرضه ودينه
      ٦٨١- حضرنا بعض أغدية أرباب الأموال، فرأيت العلماء أذل الناس عندهم، العلماء يتواضعون لهم، ويذلون لموضع طمعهم فيهم، وهم لا يحفلون بهم، لما يعلمونه من احيتاجهم إليهم. فرأيت هذا عيبًا في الفريقين: أما في أهل الدنيا، فوجه العيب أنهم كان١ ينبغي لهم تعظيم العلم، ولكن لجهلهم بقدره، فاتهم، وآثروا عليه كسب الأموال؛ فلا ينبغي أن يطلب منهم تعظيم ما لا يعرفون، ولا يعلمون قدره.
      وإنما أعود باللوم على العلماء، وأقول: ينبغي لكم أن تصونوا أنفسكم التي شرفت بالعلم عن الذل للأنذال. وإن كنتم في غنى عنهم، كان الذل لهم، والطلب منهم حرامًا عليكم. وإن كنتم في كفاف، فلم لم تؤثروا التنزه عن الذل بالعفة عن الحطام الفاني الحاصل بالذلة.
      ٦٨٢- إلا أنه يتخيل لي من هذا الأمر أني علمت قلة صبر النفس على الكفاف، والعزوف عن الفضول، فإن وجد ذلك منها في وقت، لم يوجد على الدوام. فالأولى للعالم أن يجتهد في طلب الغنى، ويبالغ في الكسب، وإن ضاع بذلك عليه كثير من زمان طلب العلم؛ فإنه يصون بعرضه عرضه. وقد كان سعيد بن المسيب يتجر في الزيت، وخلف مالًا. وخلف سفيان الثوري مالًا، وقال: لولاك لتمندلوا بي٢.
      ٦٨٣- وقد سبق في كتابي هذا في بعض الفصول شرف المال٣، ومن كان من الصحابة والعلماء يقتنيه، والسر في فعلهم ذلك، وحتى طالبي العلم على ذلك، ما بينته من أن النفس لا تثبت على التعفف، ولا تصبر على دوام التزهد.
      ٦٨٤- وكم قد رأينا من شخص قويت عزيمته على طلب الآخرة، فأخرج ما في يده، ثم ضعفت، فعاد يكتسب من أقبح وجه! فالأولى ادخار المال، والاستغناء
      ١ في الأصل: كانوا.
      ٢ جعلوني كالمنديل يمسحون بي قذاراتهم وذلك لهواني عليهم.
      ٣ الفصل «١٠١».
      صيد الخاطر ١/‏٢٢٢ - ابن الجوزي (ت ٥٩٧)
      صيد الخاطر←العالم الذي يتكسب يصون عرضه ودينه

  • @yassirmarzoug3698
    @yassirmarzoug3698 7 місяців тому

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @ariana9845
    @ariana9845 8 місяців тому


  • @fuadahmed7322
    @fuadahmed7322 8 місяців тому +2

    May Allah bless the brothers. Info on point Alhamdulilah

  • @najaxmohamed97
    @najaxmohamed97 8 місяців тому

    Masha Allah

  • @AbuDujj
    @AbuDujj 8 місяців тому


  • @najaxmohamed97
    @najaxmohamed97 8 місяців тому


  • @Umar-s4t
    @Umar-s4t 7 місяців тому

    Ikhwaani fillaah stay away from muay thai (origianal muay thai) as its full of shirkiyaat

    • @Lancer5ive
      @Lancer5ive 7 місяців тому

      How so?

    • @Umar-s4t
      @Umar-s4t 7 місяців тому

      @Lancer5ive have u heard of or seen the pre ritual wich is like some sort of dance and also many traditional gums have biddah idols and they also bow at the start and finish of lessons and matches ect

    • @Umar-s4t
      @Umar-s4t 7 місяців тому

      How could you even defend should a disgusting sport

  • @craftanimal123
    @craftanimal123 8 місяців тому +2

    brilliant episode

  • @TYGA38.
    @TYGA38. 8 місяців тому +1

    Ma sha Allah these topics are very essential in our society keep these contents coming akhis

  • @mufid.asshiddiq
    @mufid.asshiddiq 8 місяців тому

    Great podcast allaahumma baarikfiikum. Haters here hatin cause their methods havent addressed problems correctly, especially the youth who need this talks

  • @bobbanks6217
    @bobbanks6217 6 місяців тому

    Does Dawah man thinks hes really attractive?😅

    • @j86485
      @j86485 5 місяців тому

      Mashallah very handsome and very cute and very cheeky

    • @bobbanks6217
      @bobbanks6217 5 місяців тому

      @@j86485 are u a girl?😅

  • @humanaccount2754
    @humanaccount2754 8 місяців тому

    اللهم بارك المقدمة شيء آآآخر 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣. وأعنيه لما أقول كفو على المُعدّل. زادكم الله من فضله

  • @AdamKhan-d3c
    @AdamKhan-d3c 8 місяців тому +2

    If only the black brother talked faster itsvery annoying just sitting around waiting for him to say his next word.

    • @user997j77user
      @user997j77user 8 місяців тому +20

      That's backbiting so delete the comment. This man is fluent in 4 other languages. Also, just speed up the vid by 1.5x or 2x when he speaks

    • @AdamKhan-d3c
      @AdamKhan-d3c 8 місяців тому

      @user997j77user Not backbiting at all it's called constructive criticism.

    • @Aafiyaah
      @Aafiyaah 8 місяців тому +7

      English is not his first language. So he’s speaking well for such a person.

    • @AdamKhan-d3c
      @AdamKhan-d3c 8 місяців тому

      @@Aafiyaah He's just speaking very annoyingly slowly.

    • @Aafiyaah
      @Aafiyaah 8 місяців тому +10

      @@AdamKhan-d3c Well some people are just like that. You have to think before you say something. No need to talk bad about him. The prophet ﷺ said: speak good or remain silent

  • @AbuAnkabut
    @AbuAnkabut 8 місяців тому +1

    Please keep up this content. It helps the ummah Alhamdulilah

  • @FCcommando
    @FCcommando 8 місяців тому